F * " îfr * C o ll K E N T H iuii II furnished house lllli and Main streets. Cull E l i ­ gí ne 968. A C C T IO N HA LE IU H E A D O F IIO l.H T E IN D A IIIY CO W H. M IL K IN G M A C H IN E and other F A R M IM P L E M E N T « T i l l « IH A C L O H IN G Ot T H A L E uf the A. W W EAVE» D A IR Y HERD. L O C A T IO N 6 mile» east of H|.rlug field, lire ., uml % m ile >u»l of the Thurston »tore on (lie old McKee, ale highway. W E IIN E H IIA Y . OCT I». 1931. Beginning ui I I* M Thl» herd eenalats of HI a»«d dairy rows, ranging In age from 2 lo In year» Individual de»< riptlou ol each cow w ill tie elven al 'lin e of »ale. .7 henil of work hornaa, weighting about 1200 Iba. each. I ael double farm harm »» ilt m ilking ma Em pire doubl« h Inc 1 farm v . MFOIIM. U .11.(11 1 lo w E ll MB ( \H I I . ' • W K A V K It. Ownvr U. j r i K L I I CO M M K H C 1A L I H A N K , t lrrh of Huh O H K K It. A u rtlfiiirv r Account of Estate F lltd — Flnwl ui io iiiit of tho iwtuto of 11 «‘H riel I a t'a n ra d wa* fll«*d in probat« court Friday. Daughter Born —- »Mi »nd .Mi 1'iu««’ ( ‘h rla ilc are tha p arent* «»I a baby dHua'4t'«r horn to them at her home on Monday morning, Grtobei 6. 1»31. Business Directory Edw. G. Privai JEW ELER R cpu IrliiK a S p e c ia lty S p rin g fie ld , O regon D r. J O S E P H IN E C. B R A U N N aturopathic Physician Phone 91 -J O ffice Hours: 1 to 6 I*. M 406 Fuurth Street FOR SALE Good 16-inch Block wood, also 16 inch and 4 foot old arow lh alabwood. FRANK TU H Y Phons Sp 182J Universal Mortgage Corp BONDS W. P. Tyson. A g s n t 126 E St. Phone 56W lichera) Law Practice I. M. P E T E R S O N A ttorney at-Lav. « ty H a ll Building 8prlnyfl<-:d. Oregon F R A N K A. D E P U E A T T O R N E Y A T LAW N O T A R Y P U B L IC Springfield S u tto n Oregon Building Funeral Directors W alker - Poole Co. 1’ . J. B A R T H O L O M E W , Mgr. Phon« 62-J mid 82-M Springfield, Oregon Knx<‘iie Chapel nt lit h e and Chnrneltoii — Phone 723 Name of Farm F ilad — T he as- Mrs. Hogan Hanson and Mias MU au med farm name of Farm Ridge dred M cNown are moving to Utah O rchard of Junction C ity district home. was filed fo r record a t the office W a lte r Platt had one of bis Tha M cKsnaie high school bus of the county d a r k by K a rl K ru k . spring Iambs killed by dogs a tew days ago. M r. M orris tha dog con­ mode a trip to Springfield Friday Account of Eatate Filed— F in al trol agent waa out to check up on evening, taking pupils to tha foot­ ball game. T he parents of tha account of the estate of Emma Rich­ the case. ardson was filed In probata court The Ladles' Aid society w ill meet young people apprectate tha carry­ Friday. w ith M rs. James H ill Thursday ing of the young folks t and from afternoon. Thia w ill be the first the evening entertainm ent. Rev. Mr. Ralph Clark preachad N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S meeting of tbe fall since adjourning Notice la hereby glvao th a t the for the summer. at W altevllle Sunday availing. undersigned has been duly appoint­ The newly organised Christian M r. and Mrs. Ralph T ay lo r from ed a d m in is tra trix of the estate of D. B. Sm ith, deceased, and any and Indian Creek spent Wednesday church plans for the preaent a all persona having claims against night w ith th eir brother Charles meeting on alternate Sunday even­ the said estate are hereby required T ay lo r and fam ily here. ing» and services In tha morn log. to present said claims, duly v e ri­ Several truck loads of road equip­ T h e re was a number of friends fied as by law required, at 445-6 ment left for eastern Oregon and and neighbors gathered at tbe home M iner Bldg.. Eugene. Oregon, in Lane County. Oregon, w ithin six of H a rvey Conley last Wednesday M ontana contracts Saturday and months from tbe date of this notice. evening and surprised him by help­ Sunday. Dated and firs t published Sept­ Mrs. P rank Page w ill entertain ing celebrate his birthday. em ber 2». 1031. C lark and A lbert Parrot and the W B ltervllle I-ad le i Aid at her Date of last publication October James Edm iston returned last Sun­ home Thursday afternoon, Octobet 22. 1931. L. A. S M IT H . A d m in istratrix day from Belfountaln where they Kth. of the estate of D. B Sm ith, de­ went deer hunting. They reported ceased. ‘A ddress L. A. Sm ith. Eugene. good luck. M r. and Mrs. Crls Hendshut from Oregon. F R E D E. S M IT H , Attorney Tha I-adles' Aid of the M etho Yachats spent the week-end with for A dm in istratrix. M r. and Mrs. Bert W eaver. dlst Episcopal church met Wednes IS 24— 0 1-8-15-22) T he Thurston Bible school w ill day afternoon In the annex of the hold th e ir school ra lly on tbe first church. Tbe afternoon was spent N O T IC E O F SALE Sunday In November. Rev. E. V . In quilting for Mrs. Shum ate of OF REAL ESTATE IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F stivers is holding preaching ser- Eugene. T H E S T A T E O F O R E G O N FOR T H E COUNTY OF LANE IN vices every Sunday morning follow Ladles Aid of the Christian IN P R O B A T E NO . 6571. ln* Blble church met Thursday afternoon In IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E E8- Mias Hazel Edmiston spent the the church. T im e was spent In fin ­ T A T E of E L IJ A H C. S T U M A N , week-end in Portland ishing the q uilt for M r». Erneat Deceased. Hubert G ray who works at To- Notlce Is hereby given th a t In . . . . . . . u . Skinner of Kelso. W ashington. pursuance o f an order duly given *ed° the week-end at hla A bam on the farm rented by and made by the above entitled home here. M ike Banck. a m ile north of Co­ Court on O ctober 5. 1931, In the Miss M arjory G ran t la attending burg, burned last Ftrday morning. m atter of the estate of E lija h C. tke p . ot q ¡n uge ne this winter. T he firs t was discovered about 3 Stuman, deceased. I, the under- «• signed adm inistrator of the said Sh- ha" beeD te»ch,n« ,o r M” eral o'clock. One truck, 26 tons of hay, estate w ill sell at p rivate sale to i years In M arshfield and Coquille two and a h alf tons of grain, and a tbe highest bidder for cash at my i previously. manure spreader were destroyed. office, Suite 10, 717 W illa m e tte Ted T u re l from Reedsport and A m ilk house located near the barn Street. Eugene. Lane County. Ore­ four west ot the W illa m e tte Mtsr M a ry Allen from Cottage was also burned, causing the loss N O T IC E gon. and subject to the confirm a­ m eridian; thence running south O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T tion of said Court, beginning on F ri­ Grove visited friends in Thurston of a ste rilizer and cooler. 24 20 chains on the west line of Notice Is hereby given that the day, Novem ber 6. 1931, at the hour last Thursday. bald D. L. C. claim to tbe north Herm an W ilk in s left Wednesday west corner of Survey No. 9K. undersigned A d m in istrator w ith the of 10 o'clock A. M„ a ll the right, morning for his home in Cheyenne, thence east 30 chains more or W ill Annexed of the Estate of title , Interest and estate of the said Wyoming. A fte r spending a month an. deceased, at a t the i BA |Z Stuman, • If 11 less to tbe east line of said c la im ; George Z. Ickes, deceased, has filed E lija h C. Stum visiting w ith his mother. M rs. C lara I V lC A C D Z ie V &116V thence north 5.00 chains Ao tbe his F in al Report and Account as tim e of his death, being an entire ________ __ ________________ southerly northeast corner of such w ith the C lerk o f the County- interest. In and to the real estate Wassora. and sister, Mrs. H e rb e rt said c la im ; thence north 25 de- Court of Lane County, Oregon, and h ereinafter described, and all the M rs. Fred W illia m entertained Stoneberg. grees W est 17 chains; thence that Saturday, the 17th day of Oct right, title and Interest that the member» of the Leaburg Ladies' T h e Parent-Teacher association west 23.32 chains lo the place of ober, 1931. at ten o'clock In the said estate has acquired by opera­ beginning, containing 60 a c re s ; forenoon. In the County Court tion of law or otherwise, in and Aid society at her home near the w ill meet. Tuesday afternoon O ct­ more or leas. In Lane County, Room in the Court House of said to all of that c r.ta ln tract of real . I^ a b u rg power plant Thursday, ober 6. at 3:30 In the auditorium County at Eugene, has been set by estate In Lane County, Oregon, ! plans were made at this meeting of the school house. Miss Bessie Oregon. Dated this firs t day of October tbe Hon. C. P. B arnard, Judge ot bounded and described as follows. for a silver tea to be held at the W illiam s, county health nurse, w ill | _ said Court, as tbe tim e and place to-w lt: Beginning at a point 30 links ; home of Mrs. L. S. Brown, Decern- present. O ther Interesting num to hear objections to the same, and H . L. B O W N . S h eriff. west of the west line of the W il­ ber 3. Most of the w ork begun at bers w ill also be presented on the By W W . E D M IS T O N . Deputy for the final settlem ent of said liam H. Fisher D. L. C. No. 38. in last meeting has been completed. program. (O 1K 15-22-29I estate. Tow nship 19 South in Range One Mrs. W illia m s served cake, sand­ T . A. S T IV E R S . A d m in istrator Mrs. T . V . Green and tw o daugh­ (1) west of the W illa m e tte M eri­ w ith the W ill Annexed. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E dian. Lane County. Oregon, loca­ wiches and punch a t the close of ters, Luclle and Beatrice have re­ W E L L S A- W E L L S . Attorneys. Real Property ted 30 links west of and thence . a pleasant afternoon ( 8 — 17 24. 0 -1 - 8 -1 5 ) turned home from W enatchee, N O T IC E la hereby given th a t by South 1 degree and four minutes Wash., where they have been for west 7.23 chains from the n o rth -, T he Leaburg women are plan- virtue of an execution and order N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE the past two weeks. of sale Issued out of the C ircu it west corner o f said D. L. C. N o .; nlng a basketball team. Real Property Mrs. E lvln T a y lo r haa returned Court of the State of Oregon for 38; and thence run west 1.40 j j r . and Mra. John Elston have . . . . . . . j this .»■„ »... / - of . — N O T H E 1» hereby given that by l.uno . County 9th — day Sept.. chains; thence run south I de- returned from a visit w ith the fam- borne from Portland where she has 1931. upon and pursuant to a de- virtue of M exeyut,on !h ea!nsantdo ih e r c” ntn"r‘ of 7he ‘c o ™ "X •” da>'«h t" ' Mrs ° ' » ' beC“ her 8‘8ter ’ h° **” b€e" cree duly given and made by said of sale issued out of the Circuit ty roaJI known a ! ¿ e M ilita ry Bones at T aft. Oregon »ery HI but Is much Improved now. Court the 8th day of Sept.. 1931. Court o f the State of^Oregon for NOTICI A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S B A L I N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Nuraa Files C s rtlfls a ta — T b * OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N olle» 1» hereby given that In N O T IC E IH H E R E B Y O IV K N : nurse certM Icste of Aim » Lout»« v irtu * nl mi ur.ler of llcsns* Issuad Thul O. I.. Coldren baa h«vn up- 0 rOebong wan filed for record at In the County C o art for the W a le nut of tin» county court of Lath pointed » «ci ut<»r of tho Laid . . W ill ■ Hi of i the on Oregon for Lane (o . u . n . ty . t i ea - i offlea x n i'u ■■■ lia ' i county ii u iu i l clerk m i ■ w ee — a county, Oregon« the nnileralgned ¡end Taatam ant of 1«. A. ('ou tran,I In the M atte r of the Eetate of ua ndnilnlairntor of the Estate of deceased,, by the County Court o f 1 Thursday. M ary J Bowen. deceased W illia m II. H erb ert. Deceased. w ill j Lane ('ou nty. A ll peraona h a v in g ’ . .... - ................— Notice 1» hereby given that the 01 a m i a f t e r III no \ M o f H ut n r < laliua uguliiMt eatate are required Medical C e rtific a te ______ Filed — The undersigned, adm inistrator of the _______ ______ ____ day. Nov III. lu ll , at the office of 1« present them, w ith the proper j ' . J ||ren«e of Hr M arian Grace Estate of M ary J. Bowen, deceased. H II Allen, K77 W illa m e tte Ht.. vouchers, w ithin a ll mouth» flora I ’ , . has filed hie final account In the Eugene, O r . o ffe r for aule. uml Hi« 24 duy of Heptemher. t i l l . to lla y ea waa filed for record at IB ! ('ounty Court, for Ijin e County, »ell at private »ule to the highest the anld executor at the law office if f l r of the county clerk Friday. State of Oregon, and that the Court bidder, lot 1 In block 3, In Che- of L. L. Kay In the M in er llulld haa fixed the 10th day of Nov­ ember. 1931 at eleven o'clock In the »hire » Second Addition to Eugene, i ing. Eugene, Oregon N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E G. L. C O L IM E N . Executor Of forenoon as the tim e and the office Ili Lune county, Oregon. Term » of I the Laut W ill uml Testam ent j N O T IC E la hereby given that by of the County Judge of said lj»ne »ale. ut leuat one h alf eu»h. liai ¡ of L. A. Coldren deceaaed virtue of an execution and order County, Oregon. In aald County In a m e secured by mortgage on lot. of sale Issued out of the C ircuit Eugene as the place for bearing J, F BER G E R . A d m in is tra to r' L. L. K A Y . Attorney for Katate. (H 2» O 1 -K 1622) i Court of the State of Oregon fur and settling a a ld final account and (O K 15 22 29) Lane County, Septem ber 2K. 1021 for hearing objections there to. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S upon ami jeurauant to a decree duly All peraona having objections to N O T IC E OF N o tile In hereby given that the given uml made by aald court Sept (be allow ance of aald fin a l account F IN A L H E A R IN G undersigned haa been appointed ud nihur 22, l» 1031, a auil suit pwaawi»B pending < are hereby U'c notified and required . .. , . « »,* a | HIIJVI « li in •» 11 W II* Notice la hereby given that C. W. m .iilatcutrlx of _ the Eatate f (|j wh,(.h n „ n ry Yunker. as Execu to preaent and nd file the same on or Hhuniuker haa filed In court Ilia n m fcb er. ....... . hv th e m m l y | w ()f o f J ( ) h ll Y u n k e r d e ! ie - f o r e t h e Ilm a for said hearing. line f i l i a l account ua executor of the f ourt of Lana < ounty, »maon. . ________ j |. Jonea. i»t day of October. 1031. having i-lalm» claim » agaln» again» »am .mil Hint aald final account w ill estate «re required to present them B A L C H SEARS. Adm inistra come before the court for exam ina­ with the proper voucher» to the und his wife. G ertrude Jones, Mah- tor of the Eatate of M ary J. Ion II l l l l i and his wife. C lara H tion and allowance nt 10:00 A. M undersigned at tho law office H ill were defendants, which execu­ Bowen, deceased of Friday, Oct. 30, 1931. al the coun­ of Hotter und Halley, at No. 631 rder of sale was to m>- r Il S E IM JW IC K , Creswell, ty court rooms In the eourt-houae. M iner Building, Eugeni- O icgoii, . tion and o and commanded me to Oregon, Attorney for Estate In Eugene, Oregon, at which tim e w ithin six months from the date | _ ,, , k_ __ , r . (n«n ,.r ) () g .i6.22.2g- n s , sell the real property h. h ereinafter also uml order w ill he made as­ of thia notice. described to satisfy the sum of signing the residue of aald estate Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia 1-1000 with Interest therein at •% E-date of Z. T . .Moun’ Joy, All peraona Interested therein may 24th day of Septem ber, 1031. per annum from December 20, 1030 Deceased appear und he heard In reference to K I'B Y W IN G E R D . A d m inistra­ u ntil paid, and «400 attorneys tee aald matters. trix of the Eatate of Fred J. I and costs and disbursements and Notice Is hereby given tha' Jane C W S H U M A K E R . Executor. T hatch er. Deceaaed. coats of sale, I w ill on F riday the Mountjoy has filed In tlie County K D Allen. Attorney for Katute. Cotter & Bailey. Attorneys for ¡30th day of October. 1931, a t the : Court of the State of Oregon. In (O IK 16 22 I Eatate. , ; hour of 10 o’clock a. m. at Ihe south and for Lane County, h er final re- IS 24—0 IK 16 22» ------------------------------------------- — ----------- j west door uf the County Court port as executrix of the last w ill N O T IC E OF SA LE OF R E A L House In Eugene, ¡Jine County, Ore- and testam ent of Z. T . Mountjoy. N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G PROPERTY ¡gon, o ffer fo r sale and sell at pub- ilei-eancd; and that ten o'clock In OF F IN A L A C C O U N T 4 of the W t4 of Ihe N. (8 24—0 1 8-16 22» E. u . except a 40 foot strip Iu N O T IC E O F SA LE Lane County, all It) Section 33 OF REAL PROPERTY Tow nship IK. Houth Range 3 West __ ____________ Notice Is hereby given that by o f the W illa m e tte ________ M eridian con talnlng 40 acres of land. In Lane I virtue of an order of the County County, State of Oregon ¡C o u rt of Lane County. Oregon, duly Also the E ‘4 of N W ’i of NK*« made Septem ber 16th. 1031, In tbe of N E '» . B. ctlon 33, Tow nship 1» m atter of the guardianship of Ad South Range 3 West of the W ll rian Cornutt, V iv ia n C o rnutt, Lee Jernlgan, M eridian, ------------------ containing 20 Jernlgan and N orris lamette -------------- ------------------- b < r»’H of latxl. In Lane County, minora, the underalgned, A. W . < or s ta le of Oregon n u ll, the duly appointed, qualified T h a i »aid siile w ill tuke place al and acting guardian In Lane Coun- t h e o f f h . - of A J M. Ky al Ihe cor ty, Oregon, of Ih e persons and ner of W llla m r lle slre.-l and Eighth estates of »aid minors und each of Avenue East In Eugene. Ionie Coun said minors, w ill on and a fte r the ty. Oregon. 17th day of October, 1931. o ffer and ________ In _____ This notice Is published the ____ sell __ at ____________ private sale for rash or for S p r i n g f i e l d N e w » ,’ » weekly new» cash und credit to the highest bid paper of general circulation, pule d. r at Eugene, Lane County. State llslied at Springfield. Lane County, of Oregon, all of the right, title and Hint, or Oregon Oregon Lane of or firs u r s t i pub pun Interest m ie re ai of oi a said a iu minors m i n o r » and a ..« . each S l a t e of Date llcadon being the l i t of October, of them In and to the real property ig « i described herein or any part there- ntC A TIU C B W A 8 8 O M . Adm in of. the interest of each of said Irttralrix of the estate of M ary minors. Adrian Cornutt and Vlviun in a suit pending therein In which U jn e (o u n ty this 9th day of Sept.. Road; thence run southeasterly i W’ . H. C raft of Leaburg was a M r. and M rs. N. M. Shrode who I K H u rlb u rt. deceased Cornutt being an undivided one T he Pacific Saving A I*oan Assocla 1931. upon and pursuant to a de- along the center of the said road t,ugine8S visitor in Eugene a few h iv e been living In the M artha <<> 1 8 16 22 29) th irty a iith Interest and the Inter- tlon. a W ashington corporation, cree duly given and ^ a d e by said wes’t Itee o f ^ W D . u T . No.’ s l da>8 last S; - h,,us*-' ,o rn “ r,y kno* " a" ,he .......... ............— — eill Of Of Ha|(j minors. Lee Jer- was p la in tiff and C. O. M cK y and ( ’ourt the 8th day of Sept.. 1931. N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G n if an iiud Norris Jernlgan being an Jennie M cK y, his w ife. Pearl Head In a »ult pending therein in which and thence run north from the M r. and Mrs. A rth u r Coffey Tom Vanduyn property, ate mov Notice In hereby given that the u0(j|vtd«d one tw elfth Interest in ley. and Standard O il Company of State M u tu al Building and Loan center of said road a dtstance of moved Sucday from the McNown i. g to the C ity Rest-Cottage, of undersigned has filed his fin a l ac #nd to |ho follow ing described pre C alifo rn ia, a corporation, were de- Association, a corporation was 7.29 chains to the place of begin- farm a , Deerhorn which they have Eugene ’ o take charge of the work count u s e ie c u to r of the w ill and mlsea. to-w lt: fondants, which execution and or- p la in tiff and ( harles O. Foster, " ‘ i t e ' s L a ' t TERY. Adm”nistra- the P *8t lw o yearg M r and " w in te r_______________________ Lot one < 1). Block One (1 ). of der of sale was to me directed and WaJlie Price and Nona Price, his estate of M ary 8. W b e tle r. D e­ Peterson'a 1’lat all In I-ane Coun- roinm anded me to sell the real pro- w ife, and R. A. W ilco x were de- tor. ~ ceaaed. ar.d that the court hua set h ere in a fte r described to fendants. which execution and or- Hu- hour of 10:00 a. m. Oct. 24. 1931. ty. or.-gon. subject to a note ae- perty <0 8-15-22-29— N 6) cured by a mortgage held by »atlafy certain Hens and charges In der of sale was to me directed and ua the tim e when the court Ft the W estern Isian A Building Com »aid decree specified. I w ill on commanded me to sell the real pro- i haniher of the county court tn N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E i-uny of Salt Im ke C ity, Utah Saturday the 10th day of October, perty h ereinafter described to the Court House. Eugene. Oregon, Real Property T he Ix>t numbered three In 1931. at the hour of one o'clock, satisfy certain liens and charges in w ill take up said account for ex N O T IC E Is hereby given th a t by Block numbered five of Christ- p. M. at the southwest door of ihe said decree specified. 1 w ill on am ination and allowance. AH per- Inn’s Second Addition to Eugene Cqunty Court House in Eugene, S aturday the 10th day of October, Tlrtue of an execution and order sons Inlereated therein may appear C ity, Lane County. Oregon, be Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale 1931. at the hour of one o clock, of sale issued out of the C ircu it at said hearing und be heard there- Court of the State of Oregon for ing iiow In and a part of the City and sell at public auction for cash. P. M. at the southwest door of the : tn. of Eugene, Lane County. Oregon subject to redem ption as provided County Court House In Eugene, Lane County this 9th day of Sept.. 1 Lucas H. W heeler. Executor. Ix.t five 6 | In Block one (1 ), by law. all of the right, title and Lane County, Oregon, o ffe r for sale 1931. upon and pursuant to a de­ IS 24: 0 — 1-8-16) Scott's Addition to the town of interest of the defendants in said and sell at public auction for eash. cree duly given and made by said : Eugene C ity, Lane County. Ore- »ult and of all parties claim ing by, subject to redemption as provided Court the 8th day of Sept., 1931, ; N O T IC E goo. (Registered t it le ) : said pre through or under them or any of by law. all of the right, title and in a suit pending therein in which O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T nilses being subject to a Hen them, la or to . the follow ing des- Interest of the defendants In said ' The Pacific Saving & Loan Associa­ N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N created by and In favor of the crtbeil real property, t e w lt: suit and of all parties claim ing by. tion. a W ashington corporation, That Amanda Colcord executrix of C ity of Eugene. Lane C o un ty., Beginning at a point In the through or under them or any of was p la in tiff and F. G. Johnson, the estate of Charles E Colcord Oregon, for the Im provem ent of North line of Eleventh Avenue them, Jn or to the following des- Horace L. Edw ards and R uth Ed­ haa rendered and filed In Ihe Coun wards were defendants, which exe- . W est 156 feet W est of a point ertbed real property, to-w lt: tv Court of the State of Oregon for Fourteenth Avenue East abutting Beginning at a point One H u n ­ cution and o rder of sale was to me , Ijin e County, her first and final 303.6 feet South of the Southeast said described premises, the same dred T w en ty-three (123) feet directed and commanded n.e to sell arount and petition for fin a l hear corner of Lot Nine (91 In H u d ­ being payable In annual payment» N o rth of a point 863.5 feet the real property h ere in a fte r des lug and tils settlem ent thereof and dleston's Addltton to Eugene, under and by virtu e of Bancroft South 89 degrees 52' l . ’ est .rom a cribed to satisfy certain Hens and that aald Court by an order duly thence W est a.ong the N orth Law In such cases made and pro­ point Eighteen hundred eighty- charges in said decree specified. 1 made and entered therein has fix ­ line of said Eleventh Avenue vided. three (1883) feet N orth of a point w ill on Saturday the 10th day of ed and appointed Snturday the 10th West 40 feet, thence N orth 96 T h a t the said sale w ill take place 27' East from the Southwest cor­ October, 1931. at the hour of one day of October, 1931, at the hour n) Jhj> kolne o( Preston Lake at 491 feet, thence East 40 feet, thence ner of Block Seven (7) of Pack­ o'clock, P. M. a t the southwest door of 10 o’clock A. M.. of said day, at j?.,., Broadway. Eugene. Lane Coun South 96 feet to the place of be­ ard's Addition to Eugene, O re­ of tha County C ourt House In Eu­ the County Court room In the Coun­ ginning. all In Lane County. State ty. Oregon. gon. run thence South 89 degrees gene. Lane County, Oregon, offer t y Court house tn the City of Eu- of Oregon. T his notice Is published In the 52' W ept One Hundred Slxty- for sale and sell at public auction gene. Oregon, as the day. tim e and g ,,r |n gf(e| j News, a weekly nsws- Dated this 9th day of Sept.. 1931. seven (167) feet, thence N orth for cash, subject to redem ption as plaee for the hearing of objections | n per ,,f generul circulation pub- H. I.. B O W N , S h erLf. 27' East 54 feet, thence East to a provided by la w , a ll of the right, to said flnul account and the set- Springfield In Lane Coun By A. E. H U L B G A A R D , Deputy. point N orth 27’ East of the begin­ title and In te re s t of the defendants tlenient thereof. That a ll objections Oregon, the date of firs t publlca- ( 8 — 10-17-24. 0 - 1 - 8 . ) X» stmoephara that is hom e-like and icatfuL T w » " l ning and thence South 27' W e t in said suit and of all parties claim ­ niust he In w ritin g and filed w ith b(ljnK Septem ber 17th. 1931. enjoy stopping at the P R E S I D E N T in Pus H a nA 54 feet to the place of beginning, ing by. through or UDder them or the C lerk of this Court on or be­ A. W . C O R N U T T . G uardian of SUM M ON8 being part of the original dona­ any of them , in or to the follow ing fore said day and tim e. the persons and pstates of A d­ EC O N O M IC A L------ >1 AND »2 PER DAT tion land claim of Eugene F. described real property, to -w lt: Dated this 10th day of Septem rian Cornutt. V lvln n Cornutt. IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E J. A. Cashman, Manager L ot Eight (8) In Block Six (6) Skinner and w ife No. t 4 In Tow n S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E her. 1931. Ix>e Jernlgan and N orris J e rn i­ In the Amended Plat of Fair- FOURTH AND ALDER ship 17 South of Range 3 W est A M A N D A C O L C O R D . Execu CO UNTY OF LANE gam Minors. mount. now a p art of the C ity of of the W illa m e tte M eridian, In trlx . ( 8 -1 7 -2 4 . 0 — 1-8-16) Eugene, In Lane County. Oregon. Hoy G. Cairns. P la in tiff. VS. Tex Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. F rank A. D el'ue. Attorney for the Dated this 9th day of Sept., 1S31. Mend and Sarah A. Mead, his Dated this 9th day of Sept.. 1931. estate. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E H . I.. B O W N , S h eriff. w ife. Defendants. H. L. B O W N . S h eriff. (» -1 0 -1 7 -2 4 : Q -1 8 )_______ , ON E X E C U T IO N A N D By A. E. H U L E G A A R D . Deputy. T O T E X M E A D A N I) SA R A H Bv A. E. H U L B G A A R D . Deputy. F O R E C L O S U R E IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E n", t hel” l6 th f day " o f' SepV qulred“ to ’ appear and answer’ the tTiurles E. Russell. Deceased. HOTEL RES COM FORTABLE............. PORTLAND ^ M U S IC A L PAO1 T H E H P R IN Í1 P IK I.D N E W H T I I I ’ K H O A Y . Ç M 'T O ttE H H, liia t • « a , i ^ t X ahoh: : ’ Z n T - entitled estat....... id t in t said Court hv Its order fixed Hie 24th day uf O c to b e r. 1931 a t 10 o qlock A. M. In the ( ’ounty Court .oom of the Lane County Court House In Eugene. Oregon, ns the tim e and place for hearing objections, ’ nay, to the settlem ent mid nllov .nee of said ' f|nn| account E U G E N E L O A N A N D S A V IN G S B A N K , it corporation, Admlnts trato r. Fred E. Sm ith. A tto rn ey fo r Ad n ilnlstrator. (S 24— 0 1-8-16 22) 1931, and docketed Septem ber 16th 1931. whereby M a m ie » . I etty plain- tiff, recovered Judgment against W illia m A. Ogden, defendant, for Ihe sum of »898.54 principal. »125.00 attorney fees, anil »20.20 nccrued costs of this suit w ith 7% Interest pere annum on the Judgment and which execution, decree, und ordei ¡ of snle communds me to sell all the Interest of said defendant In the follow ing described land and premises to satisfy said sums due. and to-w lt: T he west h a lf (WWO of the Southeast (S E U > q uarter and the N O T IC E Southwest < 8 W % ) q uarter of the O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Northeast (N E 1 4 I q uarter and the Northeast (N E % ) q uarter of Notice Is hereby given th a t C lif­ the Southwest (S W 1 4 ) quarter of ford O. W ilson, a d m in is tra to r of section 34 in township 19 South the estate of Chas. O. W ilson, do- Range 2 West of the W illa m e tte , ( eased, lias filed his fin a l account M eridian In Lane County, Oregon : of Ills adm inistration of said estate Now therefore. In the name of with tin- Clerk or the County Court of Lane County. S la te of Oregon, the state of Oregon and In com pli­ and that said court has set ns tho ance w ith said execution and order j tim e anil place for the final hear­ of sale, I w ill on tho 23th day of ing upon said account end settle­ October, 1931, at the hour of One ment of said estate, Saturday, O ct­ o'clock In the afternoon of sBld day ober the 24th, 1931, at T en O 'clock nt the Southtyest front door of the in the forenoon of salil d ty e the Court house In Lane County, Eu­ office of the Count Judge nt the gene, Oregon, o ffer for sale and County Court House ef Lane .»ell for cash at public auction sub­ C o u n ty , Eugene, G regor. A ll per- ject to redem ption ns provided by ! sons having objections to (.aid final law. all of the rig ht, title , and In- aiieoiint must present them on or tcrest of »aid defendant», W illia m 1 before said date of flna'. settle- A. Ogden and L illia n J. Ogden und nil persons claim ing by through or i nient. C L IF F O R D O. W IL S O N , Ad under them , or c ith e r of them , tn m ln ls tra to r of the Estate of and to said premises. H. L. B O W N , S h e riff of Lane Chas. o. W ilson, deceased. County, Oregon. ¡1. M. P E T E R S O N , Attorney A. E. Ilu le g aa rd , Deputy. for said A d m in istrator. (8 24—0 1-8-1622) (8 24— 0 1-8-16 22) ^ ^ < Z V ^ u . e on or before the 29th day of October, 1931, said date beitjg more than four weeks from the date of the firs t publication of this summons and herein entered of record and If you fall so to appear anil answer for want thereof the p la in tiff w ill apply to tho Court for the relief In his com plaint against you de- msnded, to-w lt: For a Judgment and decree ngatnst T ex Mead and Sarah A. Mead, his w ife, for the sum of 234.00 w ith Interest thereon and ‘the costs and disbursements of this suit and accruing costs and for F ifty D ollars as attorney s fees For a decree that the mortgage or the p la ln tlff be foreclosed and the real property covered thereby sold by the S h e riff of Lane County. Ore gon. and the proceeds of said sale he applied In payment of snld Judg­ ment. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Springfield News, pursuant to an order of the Honorable C. P. B ar­ nard, Judge of the County Court oi the State of Oregon for the County of Lane, duly made and entered of record on the 25th day of Septem ber, 1931. ordering that this sum minis he published once each week for six consecutive anil successive weeks In the Springfield News and that the date of the firs t publication w ill be w ith the Issue of October la t. 1931, anil the date of the last publication w ill he w ith the Issue of October 29th. 1931. F R A N K A. D eP U E . A tto rn e y : (or P la in tiff. Residence, Spring , field, Oregon. (O 18-15262») , FOR C H IL L Y u s e - c l e a n - qui c k - h e a t ^ Z o N S ID E R the heaWiful convenience of being able lo warm quickly that chilly corner The discomfort of a cool bedroom or both can be quickly dispelled with the use of a portable electric heoter which can be easily moved from room to room O r the electric heoter can be per­ manently installed in the waH Your dealer ha« either type and a wide voriety of styles emd sites to choose horn Why not inspect them today? BLECTRICITY N CM cfoon and healthful Mountain States Power Company a t sunshine th e c l e a n - q u i c k - p o r t a b l e E L E C T R IC HEATER