m i USI»\V. OCTOBER N IDS) TUE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAPE TW O A __ T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S i uMIsfcvd Every Thursday ai Spi ingl e.d. Lane County. Oregon. b THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E MAXEY. Ed-tor il’Wl a* »•* ue Year In Advance ............. 11.75 Three Month» — ___ ______76c ..... *_..........6 c 41 00 Single Copy Months THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1931 RECKLESS TRUCKS The Oregon Automotive council writes that they hope the press and people of the state will aid them in a campaign to educate truck drivers. They say th a t they have control over one third of the 26,676 trucks in the state but th a t the rest belong to individual owners, of which the farm ers have »741. It is this sort of truck that com m its the greater part or traffic violations the organization claims. But to you and 1 a truck is a truck and usually a road hog. However, the bad accidents th a t have resulted in fatilities lately and have come to our notice have been those of the trucking firms. Truck accidents have increased 14 per cent the last three years while m otor cars have contributed a 37 per cent increase. We’re still breaking records. YOUNGSTERS LOSE FAITH We’ve always held out that a bank was the best place to put your money, if you have any. Bank failure, however, we tear will have a lasting effect ou the coming generation. Our own small son informs us he is going to put no more money in banks to be lost but th at he intends to spend it as fast as earned and he would be sure of having the benefits of his labors. We advised a newsboy to save his money the other day and he replied, "O yes, I suppose you’ll be telling me soon to put it in a bank. We insure our property against loss by fire and theft but not bank failure: One week the bank exam iner gets out an imposing set of figures to show a bank is solvent and the next week he uses ihe same s tt of figures to show it is insolvent. No wonder the youngsters can 't see logic in the ways of the elders. SELF DENTAL AND FOREIGN LOANS The French loaned $200,000,000 to G reat Britain with ease. Next to the United States, which is larger, France is the greatest foreign investment nation in the world. The money lor French investm ents comes from the thrifty French peasants. They built the Chinese E astern railroad over which the Japs are waging war on China and have other large investm ents in all parts of the world. The war washed out millions of French francs invested in foreign set unties and four-fifths of their sav ings w hen the franc was vabilized by the governm ent a lte r the war at one-iiftii of its pre-v-ar value. But all this has not dis-heart- ened the French peasant, who goes on saving no m atter what he m akes and he does this because he is willing to make sell denial la r beyond the American. We may be proud of our high standards in America but we m ust also admire the Frenchm an for this self denial. DISTRIBUTION AND DEPRESSION The farm board sale of w heat to China has been com ­ pleted and half of the wheat will be milled in this country. We do not begrudge the millers the business but it seems that with China’s millions out of work they might grind their own wheat. But at th at the Chinam an is not so dif­ ferent from us— we m ight eat our own dried prunes, canned goods, butter and m eat instead of paying the freight from some where else on a large part of th a t we do eat. The world's distribution m ethods have m any faults and th at is one of the chief reasons for depression. A steam ship arrived in Seattle from China the other day with $2,600,000 in raw gold . A nother contribution to our bulging mints. This county has now nearly half of the world’s gold supply and France has a q uarter of the other half. But what is the nation doing with it. The gold coin has nearly disappeared from ciri ulation so far as you and 1 are concerned. The governor called out the militia in Oklahoma to pad­ lock the oil wells in order th at the oil price might be forced up. The governor in Iowa called the militia to help the T. B. cow tester perform his work. Both acts we would say are a blow at popular governm ent. For appearances it seems th at the chief diiference be­ tween Charlie ChapHn and Gandhi, when they met in Lon­ don several days ago, was pants. Charlie usually has too much pants anil Gandhi none a t all. But that is old Ameri­ can and Indian custom s. A Seattle judge granted a husband alimony the other day when he was sued for divorce by his wife. It’s the Woman who pays” in tru th as we1! as fiction now. the fams it „ J doctor J . . ohn oseph gaines m d GENUINE HEART DISEASE If ever a fellow needs skilled medical advice, it is when tile heart becomes really diseased. My object in this talk is to try to m ake the layman understand his heart better, so he may seek com petent counsel a t once, if he suspects trouble with this vital organ. Remember, it is not the blood in the big caverns of the heart th a t sustains the heart-m uscle itself. The heart- m us­ cle has Its separate arteries and veins, just the same as your leg has. The coronary arteries of the heart-m uscle supply it with blood, and these are, probably, the m ost responsible vessels within the hum an being. , If a coronary artery becomes plugged up, the heart-w all beyond the obstruction begins to weaken, because it is de­ prived of food. It may lie ‘ plugged’’ by bacterial processes the infected heart. This may occur in a rheum taic sub­ ject, or in cases of influenza, or a chronic infected th ro a t— hence the rush to remove tonsils, teeth, etc. Probably obstruction In the coronary arteries is next to valular disease In frequency; but diseased valves make loud heart m urm urs- easily diagnosed. I have had many patients who knew they had a ‘leaky h eart.” But there is not much, if any, noise about a plugged artery in the heart, and there is much more danger much more. The principal symptom, weakness and shortness of breath. One fails m arkedly In coronary disease, and, it takes a physician to diagnose and treat It. Don’t depend on home treatm en t until it becomes forever too late; and don’t depend on physical exercises or m anipulation-treatm ents. I'm advising you right. n k ».lilted Thl» would «malli» l« c C O U R T H O U S E C L O S E S loi I«« I » k e e p m u l l i l l a a h “ hd F O R C O L U M B U S UAY i i i . i k v III« ' lot «>( II'«' wolhlug «la»» i«sl Moiiduy. i riotiur i l , Col lodili »iiii'i Iitoinani'*. pollaioli» »H'1 ) „l.ioi mii iiil problema would all li«11 miiiiu» •!»>' la a uoujudl« lui ila« uno oaiolloil umilio ol Ih» vurloua lu . pollili' ofllcoa ni tho ionitlioon, j a .nit.li'.« .«. « o lili woulil aot UMlit»« pai court» will I h « i 'I omw I ami alai* „( lliolr aurplu» lo tabe vara ut II»«- j of Ole city. COFVQIÔHT lOSl tv T*4l At ’MQU «s auM&tfu* see ’ST M LZ WASHINGTON BY RAPFOftD MOBLIY , Otloil 11n a n <• laI burdeii. i i.i notai hu»ln«-»» talli operai«« a« gwupe I >"l ami ilio ilu.t i» alai) noi uh It ia pointed out hy .Mi it .l hy Ilio aohoola. ■tal «magi««»» will ha»» Io p«»» „one m * law» Io penult Ihe lom ia nm ot ilieoo «aitoi», and abrogale ANBWER IB FILED IN u |h (, particularly lha .Sher F O R E C L O S U R E A C T IO N man Aiitllriiat laws. Ile »een no i«u»<«ii why a aucceaalul »Kort At »wer hy the détend,ntl» lu Iho along III««»»« Ihle» will mH «uccuad. . , u«e « I Un» Arditali» Idle ln«uratti'>< K. Wilder, Such «urtala already aalat, al Ii»u|iau> VelMtl» Il VV >1(1« r, Inila II Wilder l««»a aa’ degree tllvlUgll 1« U IW ueh UVH «••• jaaw» • Ilian •• — j , i ba VV lliler wa» (lied Iti t ir la propuaed lor the new eolithtna and Mu it nm» rite iiiitving picture Induatry cull n n .ii VV ««utn ««luy. I tulliini» »•»'« Io (or. e I li a c m t a I» dominali d entirety liy one man .o tu i.'i t'ltalm a»lei l l i i n tai WHI II mortgage of approximately »12.neu d a y » , unii liuaebwll la under lln* thumb n( (urinar Federal Judge Ke M I L L T O M O V E T O u«»aw M Lallilla. The aong wtllera R O W R IV E R S E C T IO N recently lell Into line, while labor hu» II« own "trual." All ol llteae I lie Bohemia Lumber company are teiogiilaed hy law and permit of ot'llage Grove la making piali» l e d to operate and Mr. Swope »eea to move II» Hiili up Itow Itlver near no ieu»on why maniKaeturera ia li­ l Ulp u eek . The mill will out Hut no! he organised the Buttle way her recently purcha»««u from the Aniler»oii Middleton company. The N E W M O T O R F IR M J O Bohemia company la cut oui on W A thllNU ToN, 1» t Pupil» toll lull he i'i>llqU«‘l«'il 1«) a «'»111 wena" put "her li'iiid on his"arin in pmsn to bring lu.ui«! in . iinoun i» P .n y f r i e r ,«n a aaioin «««(» tour u> «»«■« tender appeal. the (act that prliea have uot been r o * d ,ir r as ax . . I w l « « » « alunl. A t the "Peter.'' «lie said grotly, "I do S() ( #|t lluw „ri, belore laai n m u ir L i n l t B o b b j la e n |a < r4 to act realne how very embarrassing it is j , , . . as «.hxpeton about the hotel«. It is for me too. »h» war. rl>“ *«»kody holding A tew miles out B«'bb* become« tearful at being parted from her sweet heart ami P eter u ncom fortably though I d.ire say you don't believe , m oney Ill th e bank la loaltitf ** Rowena insists on taking her place in the “You better take these rough road* it. How w uld it do for us to go 1 C|UIIU«,» | (> mnko i quick twenty five rum ble «o that she can rule w itn Peter and have him to talk to about Carter Rowena a bit easier, youngster You passed in »Pfrately and register each for | w i( , un „very gets Peter to content to die de the expense monev each week as a x « as it arrives, us yesterday like a streak o greased him self’ I could go in tirst and asa Bumps is the worst thing toe a single room and go right or spent by n o t Iniylug right no and astonishes Peter by eating too econ lightning om ically. for ’em. We lost one that way." up. and they wouldn't even know we ,|,#l »luio«' any «lav will conn« tin« The three toorH ts reach Denver, after starn .came together.' “ Uh—that so? Too had.' ___ ... turn (runt u buiir'a market» to a nasxtng through B u h f o , Ch rago and S Pcler turned it over reflectively. Louts. Peter and R« wena h*»e many tills mered Peter awkwardly on the way w hile C a rter keeps w irin g Bobby The Hood had subsided over night ("In the w It. !e it seemed the best way aelter'a market ut d that price» are to return to New Y o rk . The morning after and barely a foot of water now out. Certainly anything was better hound ( it »oar when that day at they reach Denver. Peter and Rowena dta So when rives, cover Bobbv has de.teited them and retut a.*d trickled over the rocks where the tor- th in their first experience. to New Yo rk by tram Th«y are faced with rential fiood had rushed. Camp < t « pulhtd up to the hotel Rowena Tha abitv«« 1» the eonclualon the impossible conditt n of continuing their tn p without a chaperon roarhed by VV alter 1'. Gifford, proal- Rowena suggests to Peter that they make a •’companionate" m arriage The* are mar dent of the Anterlenn Telegraph tied and go to Cheyenne, where their actions, when the* ask fot rooms on separate doors, and Telephone company, after a arouses the suspicions of the hotel clerk niontb'a »tudy a« head of the Preal T h e * hnallv succeed in getting rooms, hut not without exciting the laughter of the dettl's I'liemployment cotttml»alon. hotel loungers. They i esame the trip the next dae and lie «ay» the adverllaltig that ha» are overwhelm ed hy a doodhurst in an htH'ti done »0 (ar lit an effort to get arenyo and are throw n out of the car. A party of tounst campers gives them dry people to buy hi telling th em II Rothes and food N O W GO O N W IT H T H E S T O R Y wa« a patriotic duty and that It TAKE PACKARD WILLYS1 i'r' « "' io«uii.«ti n e t I tiwnet» o( the Bohemia Lumber helped keep money In circulation "Oh, that’ll fix us up just fine," M agladrv of ha« been,baaed upon a wrong pay Arili le» of Incorporation of the I mu patty »aid Peter gratefully. “Thanks very flle w a r t 1 chology. Ilia Idea 1» Io appsal Io j Ul g,(1 j Win, , Motor I oinpany 1 l-iuueue a much. Here you are. Rowena, a la cotiaumera through their »«•!( Inter Biltmore." , er« tied (or re« uni «K the office I W. A. Un “It will do for you both with n eat alone, I I Ute > ounly clerti Tuesday. The little squeezing," said the farmer's Gifford» »tatemeut about low new (Irm laki» over Ihe bnalneae C o ll Bounty wife pleasantly. “Jim and I camp price» 1» borne out by the late»t lieu' formerly operated hy liny ' bounty on on one the same sise.” “S-so it will,” said Rowena. “Lots lh Department of Commerce report I.'Donnell who I» now ut Han Fran J al the t f of room." which »how» that commodity price» , .„ci, i,-,‘,-l\ ng m cilhal Ireatmenl , h) VV V. 111 “Make your bed close to the fire," art« twenty-five percent lower right Ihe new firm la orgntUxed by —— ——“ « ~ said Farmer Jim "Turns cold up now than they have been »nice the I „rl .VI, Nutt, Abraham Hang» ami here nights." “I never knew people could be ao kind.” »aid Rowena. NOTICE TO CREDITORE “And don't get nervous if you hear »lump startl'd In 1829. The reduc­ Floyd Manville with a « apltal o f. Nolle« I» hereby given that ihe things wriggling around.” called uuderalgtied baa been appointed some one else "Sometimes the rat­ the mesa was quickly broken. Break-1 stepped quickly out with her bag and tion applle» to practically all ma­ f 16,000. Administrator of the ealale of Clark fast was hurriedly prepared and hur- hurried op to the desk She asked jor line* except fruit uml veget­ tlers go trawling around nights like ! Flatter. De« «»a»ed, and ha» duly riedly eaten Cars were loaded, chil-i for a single room, registered “Miss' this.” able». Theae are actually fourteen 1 qualified a» »uch. AH peranua hav dren and dogs collected, for all were Rowena Rostand. New York Qty." "Peter.” whispered Rowena, “per­ I lug claim» against said estate are per cent higher than they were lu P L A N S M A D E F O R S A L E anxious to take to the road at the and was taken up-stairs.. Peter, haps—perhaps after all—you had bet­ c ( - . , c hereby required to preaeni fheui earliest possible moment But the meanwhile put the car in the garafi' 1913. ter—sleep on the edge of the mat­ O F C H R IS T M A S S E A L S ,,U|y verified with proper vouchers tress—the farthest edge. After all, big farmer, although himself as eager and then sat on the veranda half an 1 1 attached, to the undersigned at Ihe I suppose we're as good as married. as the next to be off. put a peremp- ! out with a cigarette ami a pape«. Americana have learned to eat 1 r c lliiiln .ily p la in for the uuuual j law office of I. M I'eleraoti at 23» And—I shouldn't like to have you tory veto on the suggestion that it) When at last he ventured ot to the would he sufficient for them to sen.I lesk his request for a «ingle room more fruit and vegetable» In the »ulc of Chrls'maa Seals In t.ane Main street in Springfield. Dragon. bitten by a rattler " a trouble car hack for Peter and ir. I m. undue inirres». and I«» past few year» than they ever did a . ...» , wIlIBn alx mouths of the date of Peter laughed at her. county were dlacussed at a , hr bp,ng ,U , „ d When all the others had said good Rowena leaving them a supply of «»< h.mded a key aqd a telegism before. Duly a few year» ago beans I l l g b . re Wednesday. Sadie Drr ull|, puh||„t1Pd the flral lim e thia food for emergency The telegram was from Messrs. Rack night and gone away to their beds, ______ on the “We can't leave them kids up here .nJ I'utf written hy the forme.- hui and ■abbagc. along with potatoes. hear of the tuberculosis j»th day of September, 1931. he spread one of the blankets mattress and rolled up his’ coat to alone in the fix they're in.” said the < med by l ..th to nuke it more o t . covered Ihe average vegetable die association of Oregon, wa» here OKOHUK F'ISIIFilt. Admlnlatra a pillow for her i farmer firmly. “It's his wife,"—with ctal. He read it and then inquire I if the nation lailely the discovery The »ale In Lane county a* In lor of the K»tate of Clark - m just Tie here on the grass he- a broad w ink—"Wouldn't be fair no- if a Miss Rostand had registered at of |h(, hp„ .,h g, vlng prop, rtl a of the pa.t will he carried on by the | M t o r ide vou" he whispered, "and they'll ways." the hotel. Upon being told that she ............... side lever know the diiference." So the men tell to with right good hud and was in her room he called greena and fruit ha« 1« d Ihi tr lame county liib llc Health »»aorta I Administrator. ° e“Good thing it's dark!” ” will Half Half of of them them down down in in the the river river her her on on the the telephone telephone and and asked asked her her wide u»«- and prices «how that t h e l ., , will (8 14- D I » 15 221 lobby, “Are you comfortable Rowena?” Rowena?" pried and tugged and pulled at the to come down to the lobby. supply Is lagging brhtud the d«r- -------------------------------------------------- wonderful.— car while the others up on shore «, have a wire from the Company," maud, while the price» of tup le “Oh, it’s perfectly wonderful— You take your coat, Peter r You will worked with pulleys and ropes and |,e explained, "and I think yon tiad crops are »till falling. ith . just that chains, and at last a great cheer went better $ee it" be cold on the ground with one thin rug.” up as the Rackruff rose slowly,: Rowfna left off her unpacking and “Nonsense. Why. I m snug as a groaning, over the rocks and was hurried down Another sign (but the end of the bug Snugger, for that matter Isn’t drawn inch by inch up the side of the ..^ .j __ ____ n tr v .«— ' “Did you get a room OJC?" she «1«-preaalon 1» nearing 1» evidenced this great’ Isn't 13 g re a t r is n i it 11 just j u s t corking?" «.„«««.««s ■ Jarroyo. « u ;— — i I . . ,, . Cool wfiillipr is I b ti « and with If come« lull and "B-better than last night, isn’t it?" Both Peter and Rowena were pro- ..(P' „ « - u , , , ,u j.e b> ' he reP°rl ,,f Arch * "*' man. w inter colds which are so annoying and underm ine "Weil, rather.—Better than almost fuse in their gra’itude. ‘ X Vsslstttlit Postm aster General, that your health. Be preparn, \Alth aotn«« preventative ,y night 1 ever saw ” “You're just wonderful ” said R o- ” it ! .here has ........ a re. en. lucre« reuse of The persecution." c Slowly i. ^-lv the foil wena never knew ' nr red-headed rra yrrre, ei»™ . ■ it « full nurht night settled settled over over wena. “I I never knew that that people people rentedieg on hand The drug «tore cun fill your needa said, "lust came in Io announcf fifteen percent In the amount of I) the mesa and a crescent moon rode, could be so kind.” And there were Says the and we will he glud to advlae you uhout different mail being handled by the govern­ high. Little night sounds echoed tears in her lovely blue eyes, and that all is forgiven remedlea. loudly in the great silence. O w ls, something of a quiver stirred the chaperon left you at Denver and ment. Nearly all of till» gain was In hooted. A coyote whined. Now and pleasant voice, just because she was is ,>a her ussy bach to New York. first and third da»» mull, the latter What do you mean by continuing then a wolf barked in the distance. I so glad to learn that the people of alone f Entirely against our orders being »welled hy the enormous Little footed creatures scurried past earth were to very good, amount of cx'ra advertising mut­ them in the grass. Suddenly Peter! And they smiled at her and told and our wishes If facts are as stated, please consider contract can­ In New Store Main, Near Fifth felt a little shiver in the blanket roll I her to take good care of herself and ter. Indicating that manufacturer» on the mattress beside him. H e ' not get “run down.” and with many celed Send Miss Rostand to New arc certain that there will he an touched it gently with his hand. Ro-'such friendly farewells and admoni- York by first train and you bring n< reuse In con»unipflou thia tall wena was noiselessly sobbing in the'tions the caravan forded the dwin car back immediately." LrkncL He pm ¿ s s7m ov;; W dhng creek m d wound off over the' P f« « looked quite worried about . . ’ . and pulled himself up until his lips mesa behind the hills But before the '* X she ' Gerard Swope, the g n a t Indu, were close to her ear—so close that Kansas farmer and hts wife had gone i , • „!. “ • - t -C a little bronae perfumed curl touched far they turned back and puffed up ’” d, brightly It« nothing They trlall»t who . head of the (,, ncral his faca beside the dripping roadster. The don t know we re marned Come aa Flic trie Company, ha» offered a “Don't be afraid," he whispered woman^got out and went close to [plan to minimise unemployment In Tin« gasoline that cans.«« your c ar id HtHrf «•aaleBt anil •oftly. k I vpb yon f lic most mile« on the road In ih<* moRt eco­ "You mustn't catch cold child,” ' anfl wi,h a K™1 dfa' of laughter and future. The plun 1« being given “I'm not afraid.” she said in a confidential voice. manv foolish suggestions and much | , U(| y |,y u|| ,, dltlcul leader» nomical io line Violet Ray, anti-knock, uml General “ Please don’t cry." ,.ff ,ct. It 1« a plan opposing fur "I’m not crying. I jnst feel sorry.” "Your clothes are pretty short and scratching out of words they finally Ethyl, double-powcretl, go farth er than ordinary ga*t pretty thin. It gets awful cold even- worked out an announcement to thetr “Because I smashed the car?” tlicr goyerament om trol of bu»t and < autto yon less trouble in your m otor , . , ... ,,, "No. Because you are so nice, ings up here in this high altitude and satisfaction ties, llv want» each o f the major not dressed for it. Now you I vervthing s fake with us. We This Bt-rvice n a tio n ¡ h equipped to handle all your Peter, and it is so awful to hate a you’re .................... . . Who take this little wool . . blanket and soon were married in Denver. lines like hi» own, the lumber In­ nice person so very, very much.” cur needs, wants a chaperon on a honey- Peter laughed. “If that’s all, cheer as you feel the cold coming on. you terest», grain men. steam ship own­ Cody tomorrow night. ■p. It should comfort you to know bundle yourself all up snug in it. mnonP er» and ho on, to form a "cartel” on that at least there's no love lost be­ It’s old, but it’s all wool and warm Love and kisses from Peter and the European system which will ab­ tween ns.” He patted the blanket as toast Yoa mind now. Catching Rowena Blonde " This dispatched, and pretty well solutely g o v e r n earh Industry. cold is the very worst thing you can kindly pleased with themselves on the whole, “And I really do admire you, Peter, do.” Rowena thanked her and promised »hey got into the elevator and went tor ever so many things. Nobody He suggests government control else in the world could ever make to be very careful and not catch uP_t.° t’lcir r(X)™ be limited to the least po’ slM'« rar Their tour of the park was un- me half as mad as you do Really, cold whatever she did, and then stood high eventfuffy delightful, , auspiciously tlelputlon, only Interfering In rn»e» IKSI on «-a«» a A boulder Lrvuiiavi waving ve»»»««»^ the t»»w blanket w you’re just wonderful.” One slender hand wriggled out _fter the farmer's car until it r o u n d - - fr° m embarrassing complica- ot rank injustice. Such comblnu , from under the blanket and felt ed the hill and disappeared. Then tlons would eonirol production, » everyth in g ti.rn .n g out just about until it found hit. which she turned to Peter with a puziled holding down manufacturer» when -j,. gorgeously? demanded Rowena do«ed over it warmly. It was boors "Aren’t they all queer?" she asked But Peter and Rowena had not yet 1 h«- market showed »Ign« of l,e<-on. later when she fell asleep. when you winh In m ake a point of tthnwiiig that von of their emo- Although Peter awakened very wonderingly. "I don’t look sickly or come into the f to; care for th« in. People who have done thing* for you early the next morning, almo«t be­ anything, do I? Thev seem to have »>°naI experience Th-y left the park NOT A P PE N D IC IT IS - fore the dawn of pale gray light, he a complex on catching colds out here, by the northern ro u «e . TTiey went folk* who will he happy hecauae you rem em bered them G A S P A IN S F O O L H IM found the big farmer standing near And what difference does it make if ,o J5“»»’ an' Helena, and all was loved ones who feel you have forgotten. and looking down upon them with I do get tired? Everybody gets tired, well- They -Dried for Spokane A don’t they?” 1 succession of untroubled day« had a qnixzical, friendly grin ”1 had »uch pain In my right »hie Peter was working very hard on *>ven the-o new confidence and they I though 1 had appendiciti». But It Peter got up rather shamefacedly, dropping his blanket on R ow en a’s the car at that moment and mum- were sure their worries lay all in the I wa» only gas. After taking Adlerlkn Show Homeone you cure the sw eetest ami Rlinp- bled iomethtng quite indistingutsh- They p’i! d u p to the note, m mattress amd the two men strolled I've had no trouble."—W. L. Adam». able about not knowing what it was Spokane without inner qualm or down for a look at the river. lest way is a box of our delicious candy. I You can't get rid of gas doctoring morbid presentiment. "Don’t begin wrong, youngster," all about the ntoinach. For giiH stays In the “Well, of course, they meant well,"! Peter asked for t o singles and said the farmer kindly. “Don't UPPER bowel. Adlerkla reaches make life too easy for em right at declared Rowena. "And I’ll be care- «¡«med the r, yistcr. 1 he clerk looked i ROTH upper and lower bowel, first. Let ’em have their share of the ful to please them But 1 do hope a» the names and smiled broadly I’m not beginning to look anemic or ”Oh, how do yon do he ex- I wa»hlng out poison» which cause hard knocks. Does 'em good.” "Where the Bervlre is Different claimed cheerfully. Just a moment, , ga„, nervousness, had sleep. Get "Sh-she's not very well,” said anything.” ' Adlerlka today; by tomorrow you A day of ecstatic, heavenly calm please.” Peter, floundering desperately for a ! feel the wonderful effect of thl» , p J M s 117 L. ssntable excuse. “I— want her to be followed. Peter worked on the car. German doctor's remedy. Flanery's I Finally they got under way again V O ntlB ilC U IsffX t VvffCK «—careful” Drug Store.______________________ ) At last in the early evening when "Oh, is that the lay o f the land. c r t / C W T l l I N C T A I M U MJ Os-V L l l I II IIv o I rvL iY lL il 1 R a .k iu ll M . tor« h «» R.-wvns Io s e w T he man « « ' cord ially inter- vsted. “Golly, I hope that wrtUiig didn’t hurt tier. She's got spunk spunk. (h a t o n e You should ’atol.l mv hould a' , C U .M * '» * - ^ h e d a give f you a I hot-water bottle and a nip of whiskey I think she'll be all right.” said the- .«««j-i ii'he.l the town when' the, ha«t .i. reed I*« «pend the night. Ro- Fall And Winter Colds Ketel’s Drug Store Economy in Gasoline i4A ” S tr e e t S e r v ic e S ta tio n Candy Is The Best Bet F G G I M A N N ’Q CHARTER No. K941 STATE IS P L A IN A IF F IN T H R E E S U IT S H E R E COUNTY C O U R T G IV E N R A IL R O A D C R O S S IN G Three suit» were filed in circuit Application of the Lane county i court last week by the state Indus court for a road crossing over the trial accident commission against Southern Pacific tracks north of Lane county firms. Creswell has been granted by the state public service commission. ( ne suit is against Ralph P. Hop- A hearing was recently held here per, logger and shingle mill opera­ on the county's application. tor, seeking to recover 1155.39. An The county will bear the costs other suit is against the City Fuel of the crossing amounting to 1300. company of Cottage Grove for J90.50. John E. Warren, mill opera­ Wolf Bounty Collected — The tor, Is defendant in a suit for county bounty on one wolf was col­ 4155.11. lected at the office of the county clerk Saturday hy William Pohl ot Portland. W OMAN ASKS DAM AGES AFTER CAR A C C ID E N T HOW ONE W O M AN General damages of 42000 and L O S T 10 L B S . IN A W E E K «pedal damages of 4125 are sought Mrs. Betty Luedeke of Dayton, hy Nellie Follette In a suit filed in writes: “I am using Kruschen to re­ > Ircuit court against T. C. Thorn- duce weight—I lost 10 pounds In 1 ton. one week and cannot say too much to recommend It.” 'I he plaintiff alleges that she was To take off fat easily, safely and struck and injured by the car of quickly take one half teaspoonful I defendant while she was walking of Kruschen In a glass of hot water near the Intersection of Van Buren every morning before breakfast— an 85 cent hottie lasts 4 weeks— street, Railroad boulevard and Get it at Ketels Drug Store or any First avenue. drug store In America. If this first bottle fails to convince you this N egligence Is charged against is the easiest, safest and surest way ¡the defendant by the plaintiff. to lose fat—money back. RESERVE DISTRICT No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Women’s Fur-Trimmed F irst N a tio n a l B a n k of Springfield, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business on September 29th, 1931 RESOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States Government securities owned Other bonds, stock», and securities owned Furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than hanking house Reserve with Federal Reserve Rank Cash and due from banks Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer Total ..................................................................................... LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In ..................................... Surplus ................................................ .......................................... Undivided profits—net .......... Circulating notes outstanding Due to hanks. Including certified and cashier's cheeks outstanding Demand deposits Time deposits 1 65,441.03 5(1.22 36,395.35 87,616.39 5.520.15 4,760.00 10,762.91 C o a ts $9.95 to $14.50 312.50 4226.1 17.67 4 25,000.00 3.450.00 4,829.85 6,250.00 1,028.64' 130,267.67 55,301.71 4226 1 17.67 Total .................................................................................................................... State of Oregon, County of Lane, ss: I, Wm. G. Hughes, president, of the above named hank, do soleinly swear .that the above statem ent Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. O. HUGHES, President. Correct—A tte st: A. II. Kneed. Paul Hadley, L. K. Page, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of October, 1931. (SEAL) ERANK A. DePUE, Notary Public for Oregon My comml»»lon expires January 11, 1932., T h e Golden Rule Ruler« of Low Price« 10th <& Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefer« Bldg.