THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS COUNCIL TABLES Teachers Guests At P.T.A. Party BANKS TO BE CLOSED FOR COLUMBUS DAY, MONDAY Large Attendance Reported; Stile of Sntnll Bond to Finance Program and Refreshments Feature of Evening Improvement Work Diffi­ cult at Present Time Eighty parents, teacher*, end member* of the school board at­ OWNERS MAY DO No. 39 H P K IN O FTK LI). L A N K C O U N T Y , OK K O O N . T H L ’RHUAV, O C T O B E R 8, 1931 TW KNT Y - KK ¡ » ITI I Y KA H. JOB tended the annual reception which All bank« of Lane county In­ cluding the i"lr»t National bank of Ibi« dly will be closed Mon day, 1'olumbun duy, according to an announcement made here thl* morning. All merchant* uud other* who usually do hanking on Monday are reminded of the cloa- mg now so that necessary ar­ rangements cun be made. nn,e,r: PolJ ar(} I FOOTBALL TEAM SUPP0RIER5 WANT Acddentbatai to p j | COUNCIL TO D° Wedding Sunday Woman on Road COUNTV FAIR HELD SEEK MEMBERS R E S T S « WEEK Young Couple Married By Funeral Services for Missl Clara Masses Held Saturday ! Naw Plans for Year's Work Rev. Childers in Eugene; Players to Scout University “Bost Fair Ever" Gets Low Get License in Portland at Portland Crematorium Outlined at Dinner Meeting High-Cottage Grove Game Gate Receipts Testimony in Eugene Last Week on Friday Afternoon Brought Out; | William Pollard. Springfield, and Mias Clara Massee of Bprlngfleld was Instantly killed last Thursday HORSE RACES A revised plan for the aunua, Mi»» Au^ey Danner, Eugene, were UPHELD I when she was run over by a Red membership and attendance drive quietly married Sunday afternoon MEET ROSEBURG OCT. 16 —- ...--- * . Ball freight truck on (he Pacific of tbe Parent-Teacher association at the First Christian church in Com m ittee W ill Meet Further Highway near Judktos point no she wgg worked out a, the monthly Kugene Rev s Karl chiider*. paa Eugene Takes Opening Night lo F o m .u l.t t R .p o rt to ■" J T " '“ ” T ‘ ... »« F»'« .fri.rn the university where she had , ounc„ held u „ weeg at the home Mr. Pollard I* the son of Dr. and Last Friday County Body at Grove he.n attending school. The truck y rg y y W/d ,n fcugene Mr*. w H. VoTtord of Springfield. wa* driven by Charles Hahn of If the new plan 1. adopted, and and Po,1" d '• daughter of ( Sprlngfu,d g(.hiX„.g People who attended the first Roseburg who wa* exonorated of It In believed that it will be. a prize r an r* nn L >U ' team will not play this week end | hearing of the Lane County Cham all responsibility for the accident. will be offered to the local P,T. A. «e,,e Sbe 1,ved Springfield for but will rest and will witness the her of Commerce committee In Eu­ father ue.o held , — y « / year* « » while - her » — 0ror^ Unlvgrglty H|g„ „„„ According to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. unit showing the largest percentage several gene Wednesday evening express Riffle of Seattle, eye wltneeees to „( attendance based on member ’ Ford au,omobl*e agency here Fr(chg. i siring the continuance of the coun- ,g nowemploy«>dat ,heJ'nlted UuJed wUh team„ aIld ought Sunday School Superintend­ ! ly.falr More than 50 persons were tempting to cro»» tbe highway and , prise will probably be a silver tea Btates National bank In Eugene. I observed two automobile* ap- pot, emblematic of the silver tea* to gather valuable pointer* on the I In attendance from all parts of the ent, Deacon, Trustee, to Be which tbe organisation* sponsor Mr. Pollard ha* gone to Portland lactic* of each by attending thl* county and listened to the talks o* ____________ Elected at Session ter of the pavement and the first frequently. Tbe prise would be- to enter tbe U. of O. medical '. contest. the fair board and other supporters car pasted her and then she step­ come the permanent property of < school. The fourth quarterly and unnual of the fair. So carefully did they keep their, The »«Howlng week-end. October ped Into the path of the' truck, the first unit to win It three times business meeting uf the Baptist Supporters of tbe fair on the one , plans to themselves that even their the wl11 *° t0 Boseburg to which was traveling 25 mile* per consecutively. church will be held In the church hand testified that the 1931 event | ___ . . parents did not know of the forth- tangle with the high school of that ■ hour, as the Riffle car approached. Each unit will hold It* own mem- auditorium this evening acordlng was the best the county has ever j coming event until Sunday morn «*»* b«fore takln« on <-<>«•«• Orove , . gate . ~~ rshlp ,|rlv* a" ' mg when their children told them, i here on October 23. The I nlverslty to an announcement made this put on but receipts shows ,k„. that She apparently did not see the 1 rtuck. pointed as leader. Instead High game 1. .cheduled tor Thanks- week. Work of (he various de- It was one of the poorest supported Relatives declare that she was pending on children of the school parimente of the church will be re-, Considerable criticism waa leveled talned in Portland on Saturday. «lTln« at «•»<»• « “ “X viewed and plana for activities dur- *t Eugene merchants for not clos probably walking to the bus stop a to enroll their parents. be a night game, this has been sug . " ... . dl»'| , Ing An effort will be made to est­ ** * I short distance from tbe acene of the ' gested, but no final action has been accident and was crossing to the ablish a regular P.-T. A. column in fair taken at present neighborhood of »750 It waa also1 Mril ueorge Prochnow. president (,ar Among the of- hoard the bus when It came. could be assembled. touchdowns In their game at Hay- bond In a sum lee* than »100(1 was a(a(ed by several committees whom *° bt' ,,,lw* “l ,bl" m**1*B* fairs success even if they did show Miss Masaee came to Springfield The Executive committee will from <1000 to <2000 loss In rev ' ward field last Friday night. They ulitlost Impossible. I she Wished to thank. These were: ure one deacon, one trustee, and a about four weeks ago to spend the sponsor a silver tea each month i were unable to convert the extra Contractors bidding on the pro­ decorations, Mrs. A R. Hneed. Mrs. «uP«rlnlend.-nt of the Bunday i enues each year. Likewise It was winter with her sister and brother- In Eugene to which each local unit , held that the amusement feature« ----------- point however, and the game end- ject were asked prior to the meet­ Win. <• Hughes and Clayton Kirk ¡ "‘ bool. in law. Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery, I* expected to send representatives held I were necessary to get people to (Quarterly meetings ing whether they were In a position laud who donated floral decora waa • «nappy exhibition while she studied marble carving to report on the work being don« Rehearing on Calization of ed 12 0 of high school football in which to carry the bond themselves In lions; refreshments. Mrs I. N En every quarter by the church, and come as they believed that a at the university. She wa« born in River to Be Sought By in their Individual groups. Springfield's team provided most the event they received the cun dlcott. Mr. A It Male. Mr. W N Ibis Is the fourth and final quarter | -tratght agricultural and »veatock Menominee, Wisconsin, and grew Senator McNary fair would not be attended. Some Mrs. Lomax of Eugene, state of the spectacular work and did the tract aud none ul them were sure D ow . and Mrs. L. K. Page who had I of >e outset of the game. They show two sisters. F irs t of S e n e , of M ee tin g , to Be <>» '•>- <»«'• T h * <«•<•»»•“ >» brought be possible (o sell the necessary She Is survived by five brother* nouncement made this week. The ed iome "editable defensive work out, however, that I-ane county 4-H Held at W e ite r e m , ie Wed bonds through bond firms who ura and three sister*. They are F. C. meeting will begin with a dinner when the Eugene boys had worked club members had won more prlxe nesday Afternoon not willing to bother with small Massee. East Grand Fork*. Minne­ to be served at the hotel at 4:30. the bal1 down 0,1 tbe Springfield at the State Fair this year than sums. sota; R. H. Massee. Appleton Min­ Action on the part of the United | ld >ard llne ““‘J to loae “ wlttoout A special poultry meeting will be at eounty fair. The action of the city council nesota; Dr. W. W. Massee. Paris.' State Board of Army Engineers re- raa,tln3 downs. Highly Inflammable Rubber held at the Woodmen ball at Walt- Th< ' committee conal.tlng of Her does not prevent property owners France; Judge Edward K. Masaee. latfve to the approval of the canali- Most of the game was playedTn ervllle next Wednesday afternoon. man I-tifky. Cottage drove, Bam Honolulu; Clarence Massee, Meno- Cement Ingites; Entire who had requested the sidewalks xatlon of the Willamette river from Springfield territory. Only once did O ctober 14. at 1 30. The meeting l^ m a n . Junction City, and H. E from having their own built them­ Building Soon Swept mfnee, Wisconsin; Mrs. Emery. p jrst" Planned for Thur- Springfield to Oregon City is ex Springfield players work the ball will be the first of a aeries of six Springfield, will hold fur Springfield, and Misses Abbie and selves One resident In that vicin­ pected shortly. Senator McNary, In down near the Eugene goal line, ston Hall This Week-end; A drop of rubber cement which similar meetings to be held under ther meetings to formulate a report ity has already put In his own Emma Massee. Portland. leaving this week for the capitol at Outstanding performers on the splattered Into the stovepipe as he the auspices of the office of the ,o ,he County Chamber of Cout- Good Music Assured cement sidewalk. The Springfield Walker-Poole I Washington stated he had sufflci- Springfield team were Vernon Liles merce when It meets at Cottage Wordlng on the street sign* to i was inlxlnx formulas fur shoe oil* ljme County Agricultural agent In chapel took the body to Portland First of a series of dances to be for a rehearing on the pro- and Lloyd Frese. Qrove. he placed at the juuctton* of the j and greases caused a fire which al- different parts of the county and conducted final services at - sponsored by the American Legion ' and » ° uld P™” ftc‘lon f°r “ -------------------------- The financial report of the 1U1 d ly streets with tbe Mohawk high-! most totally ruined the building O. B. Fletcher, county agent, will county fair as submitted at the th«- Crematorium Saturday morning post number 4« at the Thurston Clifford Wilson is the Springfield TEACHER INSTITUTE way which folluws Fifth street and much of the stock of the Dry- demonstrate poultry branding and at 10:00. Tbe ashes will be ship­ ball have been announced by '•« * ' W‘ terWay’ ’ STARTS N£XT WEEK meeting Is as follows: north through Hprlngfleld was or Pod chemical company, and which discus* the value of this as a pre- ped back to Wisconsin for burial i Larson, finance officer, for Satur- a»»°c*ation- F inancial Report of 1931 Fair d e r .d to read Hl Way BLttW, with eudang< red tin life of Dr B. ». H. ... veuUlU¥)f of th ,,„ in the family plot In accordance Receipts day. October 10. Music will be pro ! Students to Get Vacation for Two the word slow Just below the word Jaynes, as he was working a^one i « 0 6 with an expressed wish of the de- by orchegtr, - A COFFIN IN EGYPT" extension ________ poultry Cash on hand 11. E . Cosby, _______________ Days. Professor Buell Goes to hl way The change was ordered In the building Fifth and B State of Oregon 2.649.63 eeasfd of the state college, will lutne county — ....... which made such a hit with the 5.660 93 Salem Gathering IS METHODIST SERMON after stale (raffle officers had, streets about six o’clock Monday discus* fall snd winter flock man-; Rents 320.00 crowds last year. been questioned on the signs. They morning. 2.796 94 agement problems. He will alto dis- Gate receipts . These dances are conducted dur- “A Coffin In Egypt” will be the There will be no school In the declared that the wording, danger. The building« owned by E. E Kep- 1.352.57 cuss the general poultry outlook Grandstand receipts ing the fall, winter and early spring text of the morning message at the Springfield schools or In any of slow, which hud been decided upon ner. was almost totally destroyed, 1.037. i Concession receipts H _ , * a* w | months as a benefit for the Legion n o'clock worship service at the the schools of Lane county next 133.00 would Interfere with sign* which j und a large part of the slock and! The other five inetlngg sche- Race Entries 78.00 are used along highway» uud other equipment of the chemical company , d«led In thia series and at which Po»Hry _»n«l Rabbits Last year they were held Methodlst church. The evening Thursday or Friday. These dates 42.86, ! every other week, and were usually : message at 7:30 will be: "Some have been set aside for the annual places where construction Is going was ruined by the fir« and water, the program will be similar, will be Miscellaneous 145.00 held at the following plucc at the Pen* 8 u ,U in the nature of special dances 'Would-Be' Kingdom Builders.” Rev. teacher Institute to be held at the on and where dynamite Is being The slock and equipment of the <14.277 55 Few Intimate Friends Attend I arranged In accordance with the Dean C. Poindexter will preach Roosevelt Junior high school in Eu- used chemical mpany was valued at times Indicated. Creswell Grange : Disbursements Quiet Ceremony at Hamlin season of the year. It has not been both sermons. We hope to develop gene. A complete program of lec- uenrly <6500. partially covered by hall. Wednesday » p. m.; Elmira Premiums .................... < 5.207.32 Home; Leave for Trip 'decided Just what schedule will be a student attitude on the part of tures and demonstrations has been MISSION SOCIETY ELECTS Insurance No Insurance wa» car- Grunge hall, Thursday. 1:30; Ku Drayage and express 16.35 ----------- I followed for the dances this year. | every teacher and pupil In the arranged for the event. gene Chamber of Commerce, Thurs- tied nil (he building 972.80 day. 8 p. nt.; Blactily Grange halt * g^^||pa Frank B. Hamlin. Springfield according to Mr. Larson. church school. Come with your The annual high school principals OFFICERS WEDNESDAY pim,* of Ute chemical company 648.61 150.00: postmaster, and Mrs. Josephine -------------------------- s questions and suggestions. The meeting will be held at Salem on rail for Immediate resumption of Friday 1:30; Danish hall at June- 4-H Expenses Mrs. A. B Van Valxah was re c- Braun were marr,ed • dUlet PAPER STAFF IS NAMED hour Is 9:46 a. m. Friday and Saturday. W. E. Buell, business. They have a large busl- lion City, Friday evening at 8 Amusements I Buildings elected president of the Women's ] ceremony at the Hamlin home on FOR H S PUBLICATION question for discussion at principal of the Springfield high | ness In shoe oils, greases, and other o'clock. 1.3M.61 Miscellaneous Foreign Missionary society of thi 472.55 i Monday evening at 8 o'clock by _______ the 6:30 Epworth League hour will school will attend both of these similar products, and have many Advertising Methodist church at a regular meet orders which need to be filled each 1.771.00 j Rev. D. C. Poindexter, pastor of Races .............. Staff for the Junior class paper be: “Has Christianity Lost Its days meeting he says. lug held Wednesday aftermum at i OFFICERS INSTALLED I Cash on Hand 120.37 ,he Methodist church. Only a few to be issued at the high school1 Power " The leader of the meeting week. the home of Mrs. Wtn. O. Hughes. friends of the couple were present was named this week. They are will be Theo Bartholomew. AH MRS. CLIFFORD WILSON BY KENSINGTON CLUB Mr. Kepner will not rebuild his »14.277.55 for the ceremony. hoKleas. Other officers of the or-' William Gregory, editor; Beth Jen- >'ounK people are welcome, property he de« lured after the fire. CARD PARTY HOSTESS ganlxntlim ch««sen Wednesday art' Mrs. W. C. Rebhan waa installed. NOTE—In addition to the <8,-1 Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin left Tues- nings. associate editor; Lucille Mil- Thp sprmt>D 8ub> et U» < » Mi s. W. H. Pollard, vice president; j as president of the Kensington club j 310.59 turned over to the Fair board j day morning for Drew. Oregon, to llcan. business manager; Max Oaks. '’«"-P ' burrb Sunday morning will Mrs. Clifford Wilson wa» hottest Mrs. Wm. (I. Hughes, recording sec i CHURCH WILL RESUME at the luncheon meeting held at the ,b*8 year- *'le roubty 12.244.92 ^^„,1 , wo weeks with relatives of assistant business manager; Blan- l,e rbe Power of Faith. at her home Monday evening f ir rotary; Mrs. I*. J. Ilnrlhnlomew MONTHLY SOCIAL NIGHT home of Mrs. B C. Wright Friday founds1’" » 7 the fair beforo?urn“n< Mr. Hamlin They will make their ehe Bates. Eva Louk, advertising three tables of bridge at which Mrs. eorespondlng secetary; and Mrs. L. afternoon Mrs. Lawrence May was |t over to the Fair board, making j home In Springfield. managers; Melba Harris, assistant FAK !LV REUNION HELD Neil Pollard won high score and Regular monthly church night so­ assistant hostess. K Page, treasurer. | a total cost to the county this year! -------------------------- advertising manager; Donald AT VAN VALZAH HOME Mrs Lawrence Moffitt the low Mrs Dean C. Poindexter told cial meetings will be resumed by for support of fair, <10.555.84. as . . „ T L J [- n D C C in c W T Brown sports section; humor sec­ Other officers Installed are Mrs aga|n«t <10.432.95. In 1930. and <10,- M U I r l t K U r K C .9 tu c .r o I prize. Guests included Mrs. Larson members of the society of her ex­ the Christian church on Friday tion. Arlan Schantol; general news W. K. llarnell. vice-president, and 203.83 In 1929. Also the secretary's Q|£g AT COTTAGE GROVE A family reunion with all mem­ Wright. Mrs. Walter Gossler, Mrs evening, October 30. It was decided periences while a mission worker | ----------- section. Bernadine McFarland; bers present was held Sunday at Donald Toomb, Mrs. Clayton . Bar­ here Monday evening al a meeting Mrs. W. E Buell, treasurer. Mr*, ««tore of »500 Is still unpaid. in Booth America. club and class editor. Bertha Keen- the Some of Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah. ber. Mrs. Moffitt, Mrs. W. H. Mrs. Emily May Gowlng. a resi­ E. G Prlvat, Mrs. P. J. Bartholo- ' of the church hoard of the congre­ The next meeting will be held al dent of Cottage Grove for the past an. All three of her sons and their Adrian. Mrs. C. G. Van Valxah, the home of Mrs. Van Valxah on gation. These meetings were held mew, Mr». M. V. Walker, and Mrs. DR. VAN VALZAH WILL W II. Hobbs were taken In ns new -------------------------- wives were here for dinner that Miss Margaret Gorrie. and Mrs. LOCATE IN ROSEBURG »>» year». pa»»ed away at her home monthly Iasi year and were very the first Tuesday of November. ----------- there last Thursday evening. Octo- YOUTHS LEAVE ON TRIP day. They were Dr and Mrs. Henry Fandrem. Mrs. It. 0. McElbaney will be the successful. Different groups were nu'inhers of the club. Dr. C. G. Van Valxah will open: her 1, after an Illness. She was -|- q EASTERN STATES Robert C. Van Valxah and children made responsible for the evenings Other members of the organisa­ assistant hostess. ----------- Ann and Marjorie, of Medford; DR. WALKER TAKES OVER entertainment which consisted of tion who attended the Friday meet­ dental offices at Roseburg In the the mother of Mrs. Jessie Moon of Immediate future according to an ] Springfield. Three Springfield youths. John Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Van Valxah. and „ e v _ soclate. Dr. Kester has been par- make final preparations before Barton. Eugene; and Mrs. Moon. for the past year with his^aunt and week for their home |n Aq pared by Mrs. Jane Kefels accord­ churches of the city In the relief Mrs. IL W. Whitney. Funeral services were held from moving to that city. Dr. Van Valxah uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Eggimann at Denver. organisation being formed to han­ geles and Chicago for the last four ing to an nnnouimement made this The next meeting of the club will has been located at Portland since the Mills chapel In Cottage Grove They planned to travel the north- _ __ _________ _____ _ months and now plans to continue week. Many of the civic organisa­ dle this work In Bprlngfleld this he held In (wo weeks at the home completing his work at the dental on Saturday and the body was shlp- ern route on their way east. Their FRESHMEN INITIATION gtudjr ,n European cHnteg. On hla tions of the city will hnve parts In winter. of Mrs. J. T. Moore. Mrs. John school In that city. I ped to Joseph for Interment. planse were very Indefinite when PLANNED FOR FRIDAY return Dr. Ke»ter will probably the program which Is being spon­ Henderer will be aaalstant hostess. they left this city. I ----------- reg,de )n u>g Ange,eg SURPRISE PARTY HELD sored for the purpose of paying -------------------------- Public Initiation of members of _________________ GIRL SCOUTS TAKE FIRST FARM HOME LEVELED FOR MRS. IRA NICE for stage equipment. i the LEGION POST MEETING fie’ hnian class at the high C R £ S W E L L HUNTERS GET BY FIRE ON FRIDAY SERMON TOPICS GIVEN HIKE OF SEASON FRIDAY school will be held at the high Bevernl women of the Baptist TO BE HELD OCTOBER 15 DEATH TAKES RELATIVE FOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH school gymnasium Friday evening. SIX LARGE MULE DEER Led by Mrs. A. R Sneed, scout j The John Bryan home two and church gathered nt the home of OF LOCAL RESIDENT Mrs. Ira Nice Wednesday afternoon The Initiation exercises and pro­ The next regular meeting of the 'The Holy Spirit and the Church' leader, and Mrs. Willis Bertsch. one-half miles east of Springfield Springfield American Legion post gram will be conducted under th e! A party of six Creswell hunters Mrs. Mnbel Vnn Valxnh, widow of lo surprise her and to have a quilt­ will be the sermon topic at the lieutenant, members of the Spring- was completely destroyed by fire will be held at the Community hall direction of the senior class. There | returned Friday from Eastern Ore Dr. J. W. Vnn Vnlr.nh of Tnconin. ing party. Mrs. Ada McPherson Chrtotlan church Bunday morning. field Girl Scout troop took their about 7 o'clock Friday evening on Thursday evening of next week, j are nearly 100 freshmen In the high ion w,th B,x larkfi mule deer- ,'-a<’h and Mrs. Leona Stacey were the The evening sermon topic at 7:30 first hike last Friday afternoon, while Mr. Bryan was working In brother-ln law of Mrs. C. O. Van have school this year to be Initiated. An member of the party succeeded In This was the first of a series of the bat i. The other members of the The meeting which should V a I zii I i of this city | iiish « m 1 nway hostesses. Those present were Mrs. will be "Garden of the Past.” These been held last Thursday was called admission charge of 10 cents will •'»gglng one of the large animals, Nice. Mrs. Jennie Barnard, Mrs. such hikes planned for the present family were away. Only a few ar- will be special music at both ser­ Friday at a hospital In Tacoma achool year. tides of furniture were saved. The off because of the Lions club dinner be made, the proceeds going to- i Those In the party were Ennis Der- according to Information received H1acey. Mrs. McPherson. Mrs. Nora vices. Rev. Veltle Pruitt will be In At a business meeting held last fire Is thought to have started from und program held at the hall that wards the general fund of the sham, Hubert Deraham, R. E. Der- Cutsforth, Mts. Everett «rlfflth, the pulpit at both services. The re­ here I his week. The deceased wo­ school. All adults as well as stu-> »ham, J. E. Woodson, Henry Tay- Mrs. Ellen Frost, and Mrs. U. C. Thursday afternoon the trmtp an overheated stovepipe. The city evening. gular Bunday school and Christian man wan serlimsly Injured some ! lor. Jr., and Lloyd Brown. dents are Invited to attend. named Fay Holveraon, president, fire truck responded to a call, but Endeavor meetings will be held. time ago. Her husband died last Ogilvie. th<> flames had gained such head­ EMMA TRINKA ELECTED and Barbara Harnell. secretary. spring. SCOUT MEETING TONIGHT way that very little could be done. TO GIRLS LEAGUE POST HIGH SCHOOL SHOWS ODD FELLOWS POSTPONE Un Hprlngfleld P.-T. A, unit give* for the school le»«-h«>rs and school Wording on Fifth Street Signs board member* at the community to Read Hi-Way, Slow, hull each year. Councilman Decide Th« program presented during the evening »»» comprised of The d ly council of Hprlngfleld greeting» on behalf of the mother* will not Issue u Huncroft Improve­ by Mr*. Marlon Adam*; response* ment bond for the construction ol by W E Buell, Illicit »chool prln »idewulk* aloni «a»t Malu »treei „ )t Wood. Brattala It wa* decided at a »pedal lueeUug ,„Ml| principal. I Mr. Quluey wa* of the city council called Weilte IM|I»I.- Io attend the recaption ul day evening to conalder the av jul#r u,e evening I Mr*. Louie lug of the contract for the work .*5» yioltai eolo. accom panied o il of the five bidder* on the pr W. F. Moxley; u solo by fed A mot Ion waa made to table K Burnell. Hhe wa* ar­ the bid* and aldewalk project il by Mr*. Waldorf and Mr in ber» of the city council fail­ M. •Ice Neher Findley, plan / ed to awurd the construction con tot ndley played a »»In and tract at the »pedal meeting culled ; Mr* lave a reading for that purpose the latter part t wan followed by a The of September Method« of financing andai t »‘.«id refreshments dur the work were Investigated and Iti )ng whtl.|, ip« teacher* and parents w«t found work • !»•< would the total of, ^ ilul< ualntwI «» get better sn unuunMii««» opportunlly » to ................ be coat la the BAPTIST TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING WATERWAY GROUP GOESTOGORVALLIS CHEMICAL PLANT Legion Dances to Start on Saturday [Local Postmaster lflonaay EPWORTH LEAGUERS TO ATTEND COBURG AFFAIR A large delegation from the Ep­ worth League' of the Methodist church of Hprlngfleld Is planning to go to Coburg Friday evening to at­ tend n social affair being planned In their honor by the young people of Coburg. The event will be held at the Coburg Methodist church. ENROLLMENT GAINS TO DISCUSS TROOP WORK MRS. MAXEY INITIATED HOMECOMING W HITE CROSS BOX IS Emma Trlnka was elected vice- SENT TO PORTO RICO AT PORTLAND TUESDAY PRISC,LLA CLUB STARTS A total of 251 students were en-, Members of the Boy Scout board I The annual homecoming program FALL WORK ON FRIDAY president of the girls league at the rolled In the Springfield high school will hold a short meeting at the Springfield high school last week A ntiaslon box containing several of llie Hprlngfleld I. O. O. F. lodge Mrs. H. E. Maxey was Initiated ANNUAL will be postponed until some time in the latter part of November It was decided at the regular meeting of the lodge held here Wednesday night. The tentative date for the nllnlr had previously been set as October 21. dolls and other articles useful In Into the grand lodge of the Pythian the mission work In Porto Rico was ' Sisters at Portland Tuesday morn parked and sent last week by the Ing at a Joint convention of Wash­ members of the World Wide Guild ington and Oregon representatives. girls organisation of the Baptist A large class was Initiated. Mrs. church. The meeting was held at Maxey Is a member of Helmetta the home of Mrs. Keuneth Tobias temple at Eugene. First meeting of the fall season for the Prlacllla club has been called Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Larson will be hostess for the group at her home. All members of the group are urged to attend this first meeting. to succeed Eunice McFarland who became president when Junta May did not return to school. The league is planning a recep­ tion for all freshmen girls and other girls of the school who are enrolled for the first time this year. this week according to W. E. Buell. Methodist church tonight to discuss principal. This Is a gain of nine several of the necessary step* to ba new students during the past two taken before troops can be formed weeks. Several of the students have In this city. A few of the boys who moved Into the city, and others were members of the forme» are starting school now that op- will be asked to attend and to portunities fdr work are past. I suggestions.