PAGE POUR T lIUR8DAV. OCTOBER 1. lt>31 THE 8PRINGFIELI) NEWS TURKEY ■ FLAN EXTENSION C Por “J '’' Dotes “ cen s e Pends * CAUSE OF PIMPLES TOLD BY PHYSICIANS O var A ctiva Olanda Responsible Not a Sign of Serious Phy- TOWN AND VICINITY J WILL BE TALKED Jury Will Hear Road Grant Suit GRANGES SEEK Î0 HAVE ROAD WORK Go to Blue Rivar— Mrs. K. Visits Parents — Mrs. Zauet Ar Wheaton and Mrs I. I). Larimer n»ld of Pendleton lias been a guesl Lane County Case Scheduled Lower Rate; Some Lane People will bear up philosophical- ( spent the week-end at Blue River cf her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. Ed Court Soon to Name Board to Other Counties to Be Added For Next Monday in Benton County Court Asked to Pro­ . Meakiua. the past week. People Get Tags Outside •-v under an lnca;acitating Illness to Territory Covered By Tnke Up Question of Ex­ Visit Fair — Eunice McFarland County Circuit Court vide for Rocking of Berry­ nr even where one threatens life. Fish Wednesday— Fred Pre*«. penditures for Year Lane, Douglas Group Whether the coat of dog licenses whereas the moment they suffer and Geraldine Wilkinson went to dale Cut-Off This Year Qucallon of the value of a strip Salem Monday to visit the annual Jimmie West and Ills father spent Extension of the territory to be in Lane ow,nt’ wll) r,‘du,ed »• *"»" « relatively trivial ailment state fair. I luiiil on Ihe coast ueeileil by Wednesday afternoon fishing o.t INTEREST IS SEEN HERE Endorsement of the aland of the covered by the Oregon Turkey ro»<«rm with adjacent counties is «fleeting their personal appearance. Lane county as rlghl-of way for the Sluslaw chamber of commerce the Mi Kensie river. Growers' association Is announced no‘ -vet A meeting of the they are distressed beyond ruea Visits Parents—Miss Grace Male Oregon Coast highway will be set from Douglas county headquarters coun‘>' do« control board will be sure. .Most people worry more of l*ortland spent (he week-end Has Major Operation— Margaret Reduction of Road Funds to tied by a Benton county Jury, the which seeks to have the couuty complete the Berrydale cut-off held Monday but It Is doubtful now about pimples on the face than here visiting with her parents, Mr. Carpenter submitted Io a major of the organization. Be Most Likely Topic of trial being scheduled Io be held be­ road this fall la made by Ibe Maple operation at the Pacific Chrisllan Turkey growers of Polk. Clacks , whether any decision will be they do about malignant disease and Mrs. M M Male fore Judge G F. Sklpworth at Cor- Creek Grange and the Ada Urange. Diescusion at Session The Lane County Medical society mas. Washington, Yamhill, Benton ' ,*^bf d. hospital Friday. Millia next Monday. Fish on South Fork— W . K. Bar R. J. Morris, enforcement officer. declares that most of (he pimples Kiuloraeinenls ol these Uraugea and Linn counties are to be con­ To view Ihe laud the Jury anti In anticipation of what will un­ nail. Frank Smitaon and H. K. , Tonsil O peration— B elly Cube were received by th couuty court tacted by the association It is an Is to visit counties adjacent to I-ane which people have cause little court will huvu Io make what will doubtedly ba one of the moat Ini to obtain Information as to the coat trouble to their health. Most of Maxey spent the week-end fishing underwent a tonsil and adenoid nounced. probably be an all-day trip south Friday. of licenses in these counties. The these disturbances are caused by on the 9outb Fork. operalion al the office of a Spring- portunt of l.aue county budget dis­ The association formerly of along the coa t from Waldport Into cussions the county court is select­ It Is doubtful that the county can Douglas county later included Lane state law provides that each county the excessive secretions of the Visit at Cheshire— Mr. and Mrs. field physician on Wednesday ing Its list of members of the buil Lane county. do any of Ihe rocking requested may set its own license fee. skin glands. county in the organisation. Donald Meakins and Mrs. R. 3. morning. get board of three. M. 11. Harlow The land la owned by Viola Lee this year, accurdlug to Judge 0. P, “Few serious diseases so com The enforcement officer says that Many growers of turkeys be­ Jones were guests of Mr. and Mrs Fair Visitors— Mr. and Mrs. John and F. N. McAlister have been Pratt who holds the property at Barnard of the county court. tween Eugene and Portland have numbers of dog owners In Lane pletely upset the mental equili­ Lynn Cheshire at Cheshire Bunday. Nice. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Nice, Mr. named by the court aud the selec Il3.3i6 26, this being ut the rate brium of the girls and the collagi- have obtained licenses In neighbor­ applied for membership. It Is an­ Attend Stats Fain— Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ed l*rlvat. and Mr. and lion of the third member of the of about 8600 an acre, according to ing counties where the rate Is less. ates as ordinary acne," declares the lielolse -Harold, you've no Idea nounced. board will be made soon. Ihe estimate of the county court. These licenses are valid In Lane bulletin issued today. "FY>r pure Niel Pollard and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mrs. W. H. Adrian were visitors at waht It meant to me when you klaa The county has offered approxl and for this reason an effort will pathos, one has but to recall the A. Swarts attended the state fait the state fair at Salem on Sunday The framing of a budget for the ed me laet utght! mutely 860 an acre for the land. SAWMILLS OPERATE AT be made to lower the rate here. school girl looking sadly at her at Salem Tuesday. coming year which will be taken up Harold—You've nothing on me. Rainbow People Here — Mrs. mottled complexion ln the mirror 35 PER CENT CAPACITY Morris said. I got a five spot out of II inyaelf— Shedd People Here — Mr. and George Wllllums and Coe Williams iu November la not to be, Judging Fair Visitor»—Mr. and Mrs W of the slot machine and then glanc­ Mrs. A. M. Snodgrass of Shedd were visitors in Sprtugfleld from by preseut Indications, any mere A. Taylor spent Sunday at the atale on a wager I Seattle Wash.,—A total of 343 ing enviously at the billboard pic­ were Sunday visitors here at the their fox farm al Rainbow on Fri­ matter of allotments of funds tor fair at Salem. mills reporting to the West Coast ture of the woman with 'that school various purposes. day. Riley Snodgrass home. "I hope you are not one of thoee girl complexion.*’ Lumbermen's Association for the The wide-spread movement fur Ilorublower—I heard that bandit men who go home end find fault Final Account of Estate Filed— week ending September 19. oper­ Return from Portland—Mrs. Al "The tragic thing about the pirn drastic tax reduction will Intrude relieved you of your pocketbook with the dinner,” said Kidder. ated 35.1 per cent of capacity, as Final account of the estate of pie is that it breaks out ruthlessly Malo and Mrs. J. M. Larson re­ TWO DEANS NAMED Into Ihe budget sessions and the last night. compared with 28.5 per cent of James A. Burnett was filed in pro­ on the most conspicuous part of turned Sunday from Portland "No." replied tlrowcher. "my AT OREGON STATE county chamber of commerce will Windjammer—No relief for mo, wife and I eat at a restaurant where capacity for the preceding week, in bate court Friday. where they had gone on Friday. the body and at an age when every­ which the Labor Day holiday oc­ Appointment of new deans of also have a committee of five mem­ lull he saved my wife the trouble. we both can find fault.” Bounty is Collected—The county one is extremely anxious to look Finger Amputated— George Platt agriculture and commerce at Ore­ bers to ai l as an advisory board Io curred. and 47.6 per cent for the bounty on one bobcat was collected his best. of Thurston had a finger amputated (he committee. same week last year. For the first It is important Io recognlxe the Monday. It was seriously Injured gon State college has Just been an­ at the office of the county clerk 37 weeks of 1931 these mills have nounced. The new men are to fill Although this chamber committee Friday by C. A. Baker of Eugene fact that the pimple itself is due to recently. operated at 40.4 per cent capacity vacancies left by the retirement of is unofficial and no law provides infection. For this reason, it is Were !»!»<•, While They I dint as compared to 57.8 per cent for the Final Account of Estate Filed— unsafe to use the same towels as Goes to Florence^-* Mrs. C. E. A. B. Cordley and J. A. Bexell who fur their participation In the bud Our 35c Silk I lotte are Beet Huy In town. same period in 1930. During the Final account of the estate of Ar- a person with acne. but. as a mat Wheaton left today for Florence to served for 23 years as deans of get deliberations (he members will See Our Uhlldrena' Hose at 10c u pair. week ended September 12. 188 of dell F. Rice was filed in probate agriculture and commerce respec­ have a considerable Influence In spend a few days visiting with the ter of fact, it is not easy to spread Corsets, up to $5.00, going af $1.00 these plants were reported as down court Saturday. tively. Dr. William A. Schoenfeld the shaping of the county expendi­ the Infection to the healthy skin Larimer family. We are at ill gelling I-udfea Shoea ut juat >/2 price. and 156 as operating. Those operat­ of Portland has been given the com­ tures for Ihe coming year. Final Account of Estate filed — by the towel. Apparently, the soil Get Your Hu libera for the wet season. ing reported production as 48.7 per Fishes at Tachenitch — Oswald bined position of dean of agricul­ Final account of the estate of Ella must be prepared for the infection, Olson spent Sunday fishing at Lake ture and director of the agricultural Members of the county court see cent of their group rapacity. Conte in and look over our new gooda and large that is. the skin must have over- Current new business reported Dennis was filed in probate court Tachenitch and brought home sev­ experiment station, while Dr. H. V. no way at present where any big aaaort inent. active sebaceous glands which re­ by 224 identical mills was 1.4 per Thursday. Hoyt of Provo, Utah, is the new cut In the budget can be made ex- sult In blackheads and this skin is eral nice bass, and sun-fish. cept In slushlug Into road construc­ cent over production and shipments Bounty is Paid—A bounty on one dean of commerce. prone to develop. If the sebaceoous On Hunting Trip— Carl Olson. tion funds. This out, it made, will for the week were 2.2 per cent over bobcat was paid at the office of For two years Dr. Schoenfeld has I. O. O I ’. Bldg. Springfield glands are not over-active, pimples Dan .Crites, and Chauncey Meehan reduce (he amount of emergency production. New export business re­ the county clerk Saturday to Ralph been representative of the federal are rare. left last Thursday for Eastern Ore­ farm board, first for the northwest employment for the coming winter i ceived during the week was about Derrick of Dexter "The person with pimples Is gon on a deer hunting trip. 2.500.000 feet less than the volume and then for the entire 11 w-estern which the county now plans as one J Notarial Commission Filed— The than to infect others. Being self reported for the previous week. states. Prior to that he was north of Its major relief plans. Tonsils Out—Miss Nellie Sankey New domestic cargo orders were notarial commission of Orval J conscious, he Is apt to have a habit west representative for the federal over the previous week by 12,000,- Millard was filed for record Satur- of fingering the eruptions and then underwent a tonsil operation at the bureau of agricultural economics. 000. new rail business gained about day at the office of the county touching the healthier areas of tue office of a local physician on Sat­ In these positions he has become skin. In this manner the eruptions urday. 4.800.000 feet, while the local trade clerk. intimately acquainted with agricul­ are spread from one place to an­ stayed approximately the same as tural problems, with farm organisa­ Bounty is Collected—The county other. It is important tor the person Visits Husband — Mrs. George the previous week's business. Dur­ bounty on one bobcat and one cou­ with pimples to avoid fingering his Prochnow spent the week-end at tions and with the college staff ing the 37 weeks of 1931 orders gar was collected at the office of face, because of the fact that his Corvallis visiting with ber hus­ members in ibis slate. for 224 mills have averaged 1.4 per the county clerk Saturday by James skin with its over-active sebaceous band who has recently been trans­ cent over produ'lon. Stevens of Reed. glands is especially prone to In­ ferred there by the Southern Pa­ JUNIOR COOPERATIVES Richard Shore Smith, Presi­ cific with which he is employed. Goes to Fair— William Morton Inventory of Estate Filed — In­ fection. dent, Takes Place of A. A. TO BE FORMED IN ORE, The underlying cause of the bad went to Salem Monria. :•> visi’ the ventory and appraisement of the We are now offering you an opportunity to obtain Former Resident Hers— Thayer Rogers, Resigned state fair. estate of Chris Fries was filed in complexion is the disturbance res­ McMurray, former resident of The truth of the old adage that Beautiful New Dinnerware at absolutely no co«t. probate court Friday. The estate ponsible for the over-activity of the Springfield spent the week-end 'experience is the best teacher" Richard Shore Smith is the new little sebaceous glands. The most here visiting with friends. He now will be tested out in a number of president of the First National Mrs. Rapper—Miss Oldgirl says amounts to 84959.08. w important cause for the broken-out lives at Grants Pass. she is 25. Do you believe that? »regon high schools this winter in bank of Eugene taking the pises of BEAUTIFUL NEW DINNERWARE Mrs. Crabbe—It must be true.! Army Discharge Filed— The dis­ complexion is undoubtedly youth. he leaching of agricultural market­ Arthur A. Rogers, resigned. She’s stuck to the same story all charge from the United States mar­ At the age of adolescence many of ing. Visit Parents—Mr. and Mrs. Paul ine corps of Dale M. Smith, was the glands of the body are disturb­ Nice, and little son. Dean, left to­ The change In administration of the years I've known her. The plan, as outlined by George , h„ bank wa, anDounced Thursday filed for record at the office of the ed in their equilibrium and likely to day for Waldport after visiting O. Gatlin, extension specialist in STATEMENT OF THE OWNER- I county c,erk Thursday. be over-active. The sebaceous Mr. Nice's parents, Mr. and Mrs. marketing at Oregon State college, Mr Rogers plans to enter private business and his contemplated re­ SHIP, MANAGEMENT. CIRCU- - . . _ .. _ . . glands are not exception to the John Nice. is to form Junior cooperatives under signation as head of the bank had i LAT1ON. ETC.. REQUIRED BY ° rder Sel1 Car '»sued An or- general rule. See These at Our Store the direction of Smith Hughes in­ been heard In business circles fur i THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF der to sel1 a car in the settlement Get Tow Bucks—D. W. Roof and The most consoling thing about AUGUST 24. 1912. of the estate of A. F. S. Steele, structors, by means of which the tbe past several months. of The Sprigfield News published : former chamber of commerce sec- pimples is that they seldom persist Riley Snodgrass returned Tuesday students will not only learn co­ from a hunting trip on the South »t Springfield, Oregon, for reU here wag iggued in probate after the age of about 30.” Mr. Rogers retires October 1. He ! operative principles and practices, October, 1931. Fork of the McKenzie. They ; court Friday. but gain actual experience ln ibe has been president since January ! State of Oregon. County of Lane. ss. JACKSON SPORTSMEN TO brought home two deer and many marketing of produce cooperative­ 1929, and has been connected with Before me. a notary public in and Marriage License Issued—A mar- fish. ly. Mr. Gatlin believes that this the bank since 1917. Mr. Rogers will j RELEASE 3000 BIRDS for the State and county aforesaid, riage license was issued at Portland plan should prove an effective remain a member of tbe board of personally appeared H. E. Maxey. s tember 21 for Artbur T Fox of Atterd Fair Mr. and Mrs. f art means of building an intelligent directors. who, having been duly sworn ac-1 , . „ „ Nearly 3000 Chinese pheasants 77 E. BROADWAY cording to law. deposes and says Florence and Nancy O. Kremers of EUGENE. OREGON Olson and Miss Elizabeth Whitney I cooperative spirit among the mem- M r. Smith one of the largest have been released this season by that he is the publisher of the Portland. motored to Salem Wednesday to bers as well as result In financial stockholders of the hunk is a mem the Jackson County Game Protec­ Springfield News and that the fol­ ber of the legal firm of Harris,' " lowing Is. to the best of his know- Inventory of Estate Filed—Inven tive association from its outdoor attend the state fair. Miss Whitney profit.. ledge and belief, a true statement tory and appraisement of estate of pheasant farm near Medford, ac­ went on to Hillsboro to visit A model set of by-laws and a con­ Smith and Bryson. of the ownership, management, etc Co„n c Dix wag nled ln probate cording to H. L. Noblit, secretary. friends for a few days. stitution have been prepared by of the aforesaid publication for the . „ . . Gatlin, whicn In most respects are HOMEMAKER RADIO A total of 4300 egges were re­ date shown in the above caption. court Saturday- The estate amounts required by the Act of August 24. to 81461.15. similar to those used by up-to-date ceived from the state game farms LIONS TO SEE FILMS OF CLUB TO BE FORMED 1912. embodied in section 411. Pos­ adult cooperatives, yet without be and a hatch of 2946 was secured tal Laws and Regulations, to-wit: ReP>y in Suit Filed—A reply ln ROGUE RIVER BOAT TRIP ing too technical. A capital stock under outdoor conditions with dom­ 1. That the names and addresses the suit of Kenneth L. Thompson Another Homemaker radio club of the publisher, editor, managing agajnst Nathalie M. Thompson was estic hens. Most ol these chicks Pictures to Be Shown a fte r Din­ plan of financing Is provided as series is announced from station giving more valuable lessons for editor, and business manager Is: ... . . .. were permitted to distribute na- KOAC. The first club meeting with ner C om plim enting New H. E. Maxev. Springfield Oregon. ,lled b> ,he pla,n,in ln clrcult aurally but 1100 of them were trans the future. The Smith-Hughes in­ its radio talk as a feature Is sche­ M embers of Club 2 That the owner is: H. E court Monday. structor will be made supervisor ported to various parts of JacksoD Maxey. Springfield, Oregon. duled for Tuesday, October 6. This in each case and Is given consider­ 3. That the known bondholders. Report of Estate Filed— Inven- county. The Ashland district in­ 1931-32 series, which includes 16 Motion pictures of the boat trip mortgagees. and other security tory and appraisement of the estate cluding Griffin creek and Eagle which Dr. W. C. Rebhan, M R able authority to guide and control broadcasts with detailed programs There is something about the ringing of belle holders owning or holding 1 per of D. B. Smith was filed In probate Point received 634. the operations. built around each, deals with tbe Irish. Veltie Pruitt, and Prince cent or more of total amount of that gladdens the heart. That ia the reason Holding pens for saving female Each association wtll determine family members and family living. Thursday. The estate bonds, mortgages, or other securi­ court ! Helfrish recently completed from pheasants until after the fall shoot­ amounts to 8400. ties are: None. Club program outlines cover the , Grants Pass to the ocean at Gold what products it will market and they are put on cash registers. However, any­ ing are planned for next year. All H. E. MAXEY, Publisher. | Beach, will be thrown on a screen whether to sell the products raised two hour period each Tuesday from Sworn to and subscribed before N o tarial Commission Filed— Re­ of this Jackson county propagation one can push the lever— but only a customer for the first public exhibition to­ by the boys on the local markets, 2 to 4 o'clock. The 20 minute radio be this 1st day of October 1931. newal of the notaria. commission work was done without expense to I (Seal) I. M PETERSON night at the dinner meeting which to ship them Independently or to lecture Is timed for 3 p. m. Uro­ can make it mean anything. Good printing tells (My commission expires June 1, of G. B. Arnest of Cottage Grove the game commission except the ' i the Lions club Is putting on for sell through some adult coopera grams are mailed in advance of the was filed at the office of the county furnishing of eggs, and sportsmen | 1932). your story better to the possible customers for I new members of the organization. tlve in the region. Such co-opera broadcasting dates so as to allow clerk Thursday. of that section are expecting excep­ tives, no doubt, would be more than time for program assignments to About 20 new members were add­ NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL your product. Good printing, consistent with tionally good shooting this season. ed to the club during a recent con­ willing to handle the products of a club members. PROPERTY F in al Decree of Estate Filed — Junior organization, Mr. Gatlin In the Matter of the Estate of Featured at each meeting of this test which ended in a tie leaving your good product, conveys the right impres­ Final decree In the probate of the says. Mary I. E. Hurlburt, Deceased. 4 DIVORCE DECREES family life series is a radio broad­ both sides to prepare the reception Notice is hereby given that in estate of J. N. Ward was filed sion about your company. Good printing The first of these Junior coopera­ cast by a specialist of the State col­ GRANTED BY COURT and program. A large committee pursuance of an order of the Coun­ Thursday. The estate amounts to tives is now being formed at Ban­ lege staff. These special speakers 1 headed by Larson Wright is mak- ty Court of Lane County, State of 8960. rings the bell on your cash register — with Oregon, made on the 30th day of Four divorce decrees were hand-' ln* the necessary arrangements for don high school and others will be include Mrs. Sara Watt Prentiss, September, 1931, In the matter of meaning. The oftener good printing makes organized In the near future. If profpssor of c hild development and Report of Estate Made— Inven ed down by Judge G. F. Skipwortb | ,lle event. the estate of Mary I. E. Hurlburt, the experiments are successful, the parent education; Clarlbel Nye, pro­ In circuit court last week. tory and appraisement of the estate deceased, the undersigned, duly ap­ your register ring, the less each sale has cost movement may assume consider­ fessor of home economics exten­ The following are the decrees: pointed. qualified and acting ad­ of Ellen Dlx was filed In probate EVENING SERVICES able proportions In Oregon, Gatlin sion. and J. Lloyd LeMaster, asso­ ministrator of said estate, will on court on Thursday. _______ you in advertising. The most effective adver- The estate Alice Roach from her husband J. zndrvaft,or!1,t h e „ 31* t , d a y OC? b ei ; i am o u n ts to 81671.94. ciate professor of political science E Roach. The plaintiff resumes ARE EARLIER NOW believes. tising is always the cheapest. Let us sell you A. D„ 1931. offer for Rale and sell her former name of Alice White. at private sale for cash or for cash _ _ _ . . . „ . Starting next Sunday services Beulah E. Farrington from her and credit, according to law, the Estate to Be Probated 0. L s a le s through good following described real property Coldren has been appointed execu husband J. W. Farrington, The at the First Christian church will printing We are ex­ belonging to said estate, and all tor of the will of L. A. Coldren plaintiff is awarued custody of one be held at 7:30 each evening In­ the right, title and Interest of the The estate amounts to 82000 in child. stead of 8 o'clock. The subject pert in the printing of deceased therein, to-wit: Eunace L. Evart from her hus­ of the evening sermon will be "A The W14 of the W% of the N. real property and 8400 in personal property. Great Battle." Rev. Pruitt and catalogs, booklets— leaf­ band J. F. Evart. E. U . except a 40 foot strip to Lane County, all in Section 33 Katherine Slang from her hus­ Dallas Murphy will sing a duet at lets, folders, handbills, Township 18, Sonth Range 3 West Mine Notices Filed— L. Harold band Conrad Stang. The plaintiff Is this service. of the Willamette Meridian con -|gmub fi|Pd for record two notices The morning services will start given custody of one child, and 826 posters and letterheads. talning 40 acres of land, in Lane . County. State of Oregon. of elalmi’ of mlnes ln the Bohemla a month. at 9:46 with the Bible school. The Again we w ill tell roundtrip No job Is too large — Also the EH of NWti of NE% mlne f,eld- Charles E. Hanby filed sermon will be given at 11 o’clock tickets to ail places on our Pacific of NE14, Section 33. Township 18.1 one location notice. The filings on the subject "Office and Work NO TICE OF Lines lot approximately It a no job is too small — for South Range 3 West of the Wll- were made Wednesday at the office of the Holy Spirit.” FIN A L HEARING mile (81 for each loo miles). lamette Meridian, containing 20 of the county clerk. Good on ALL T R A IN S , in The Christian Endeavor will us. Our estimator will acres of land, ln Lane County, Notice is hereby given that C. W. coaches or in Pullmans. State of Oregon. Shumaker has filed in court his have its meeting at 6:30. call promptly. That aald sale will take place at final account as executor of the LEAVE F R ID A Y the office of A. J. McKy at the cor BRIDGE ON NOTI ROAD Estate of Jane Rubens, Deceased, ner of Willamette street and Eighth ROUNDTRIP EXAMPLES. SATURDAY OR SUNDAY SOON TO BE REBUILT and that said final account will HUSBAND FILES SUIT; Avenue East In Eugene, Lane Coun­ come before the court for examina­ Klamath Falla, Ora., 54.86 ty. Oregon CRUELTY IS ALLEGED tion and allowance at 10:00 A. M. Portland, Ora.................. 82.80 Rebuilding of the bridge on the This notice Is published in the of Friday, Oct. 30, 1931, at the coun­ San Francisco, Cal. . .113.80 Be hack by midnight, October 19. Springfield News, a weekly news road east of Noti will be started ty court rooms in the court-house, ______ . This gives you as many as 11 days Jack Baumgartner filed suit for Loa Angalea, Cal. 821.90 for a trip. (Minim um "Dollar paper of general circulation, pub- w|lhln the next few days, according in Eugene, Oregon, at which time divorce In circuit court Monday United at Springfield, Lane County. . „ also and order will be made as­ Medford, Ora., .. 84-46 Day" roundtrip Lire, 81.) State of Oregon Date of first pub-1,o P M Mor"e' county en«lneer- signing the residue of said estate. against his wife Bessie Baumgart­ “Business Printers” llcatlon being the 1st of October. This will require about two All persons Interested therein may ner. The complaint charges cruel 1931. weeks and while the work is under appear and be heard in reference to and inhuman treatment. OFFICES: BEATRICE WAS8OM. Admin way traffic on this road will have said matters. The couple married at San Fran latratrlx of the estate of Mary to be detoured by way of Crow and 119 E. Broadway, Eugene, and 4th 8t. Springfield C. W. SHUMAKER, Executor. F R E D A. SMITH Phons SB cisco May 6, 1926, and have no chil­ I. E. Hurlburt, deceased. 8. D. Allen, Attorney for Estate. Phone 1046 Board Considering Plan to Ailment At the Courthouse G O O D HOUSE BROOMS 35c Hoffman’s Dry Goods Store FIRST NATIONAL HEAD IS^ NAMED Springfield Ladies ATTENTION! FREE Williams’ Self Service Store WE R IN G BELLS SL DAYS OCT. 9, IO, II Willamette Press Southern Pacific (O 1-8-15 2^29) 'Vaughn, the engineer says. (O 1-8-15-22 dren. Phone 2