THVKSnAY. OCTOHBR 1, 1981 NOTICE OK SALE On October l»t. 1*31, at Hie hour of one o'clock P. M at 837 Pearl ■ treet, Eugene, Oregon. I will offer for »ale and »all to the Itlgheal bid- der for cash, one Hulck Koad»t«r. Motoi No 656.403. license number :tf.22Mr> Cal, to satisfy a lien of *36 00 and costa nt Oil» »ale JOHN I. MAHMII. Constable. T H E 8PRINOPIELD NEWS : N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G O F F IN A L A C C O U N T NO TICK IH H E R E B Y G IV E N : That the underalgned administrator ' of tha eatate of Annie H Fulton, de­ ceased, ha» filed hl» account for the final »attlement of »aid «»tale In the County Court tor Lane Coun­ ty. Oregon, and that Haturday, the 24th day of October, 1*31, at the (M 2 4 - 0 1) Court Kootn of »aid Court, In the County Court llou»« In Eugene at NOTICE FOR KENT Kmull furnished hoituu ten o'clock In the forenoon, ha» OK F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Utit «nti Muin slreels. ('«11 Eu- been by »aid Court fixed a» the Notice 1» hereby given that Cllf-1 time and place for hearing objec­ gelie 96», ford O. Wilson. uilnilnlatrator of j tion« thereto, and (or final »«(lie- the e»tute of t'lia». O Wilson, de­ ment of »aid ««tale W A N T E D Girl »uni» to ilu plain ceased, I iur filed hl» filial account ’ C. J. Kulton, Administrator of ■•*wlii«. Viol« I ’enaller, Mu. 2nd Ml. >>f hl» niliiilnlatratlon of »aid ««late 1 the Eatate of Annie 8. Kulton, O 1 with On- Clerk of the County Court | deceased. | of l,aiie County, Htate of Oregon. L. L. Hay, Attorney for Estate I.OMT Him. rolled and wrapped m 1 und that »«Id court ha« »ut a» the IS 24 O 1 8 1622) burlap, »ollie where between MalU lliue and pluce for tha final hoar j lug upon »aid account and aettle N O T IC E Htruei Mprln«(lelil und Eugene. maul of »aid estate. Saturday, Oct­ OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Kinder notify New» Office. O I ober the 24th, 1931, at Ten O’clock i Notice 1« hereby given that the in the furonoun of »aid d iy ut the : underalgned Admlnlatrutor with the office of the Count • Judge nt the W ill Annexed of the Eatate of N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R # C ounty Court I I o iim of Latte George Z. like», deceased, bau filed Notice I» hereby liven that the County, Eugene, (iregor. All per | hl» Klnal Report und Account a» undersigned him been appointed «oua having objection» to »aid final | »uch with the Clerk of the County Admlnlatrator of the estate of Clark .iccount must present them on or Court of Lmie County, Oregon, and Fisher, D«ce«»ed, und bau duly liefore »aid date of final »«Ole thut Haturday, the 17th day of Oct ,pi.ill,I. .1 .1 I I . I l Ml I'l I mil lull j inent, ober, 1*31, at ten o'clock In the C LIFFO R D O W ILSO N . Ad III* I lillui« ii*«lh»t »«Id estate ure forenoon, lu the County Court iiilnlatrutor of the Kutate of hereby required to present them Room In the Court Houae of aald Cha« . (> Wilson, deleaved duly verified with proper voucher» County ut Eugene, ha» been »et by attached, to the underalguvd ut the I M PETERSON, Attorney the lion. C. P. Barnard, Judge ot law office of I M Peleraou at 234 | for »aid AilinlnlHtrutor »aid Court, a» the time and place (M 24 t> l-g 1622) Multi atreet In MprlltKfleld. Oregon, Io hear objection» Io the »ante, and within »1« mouth» of the date of for the final »ettlenient uf »aid NOTICE till» notice, the »aine hein* dated eatate. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T «tul published the first time thin T. A HT1VKRH. Admlnlatrator NOTICE IH HEREBY G IVEN, 24lh day of September. 1931. with the W ill Annexed. Thai Aniaudu Colcord executrix of GEORGE FIW IIER, Admlnlatra the eatate of Charle» E. Colcord W ELLS « W ELLS. Attorney« lor of the K»tate of Clark ha» rendered and filed In the Coun <8-—17-24 O— 1-8-15) Klaher, Deceased ty Court of the Htule of Oregon for I M I ’KTKRHON. Attorney for Lane County, her llrat and flnAI IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E Adttilnlalrntor. S T A T E OF OREOON FOR acnuiit mid petition for final hoar |M 24 O I 8-15-12) Ing mid the »ettleinent thereof and L A N E CO UN TY that «aid Court by an order duly In the M atter of tto Estate of Charles E. Russell. Deceased. made and entered therein ha» fix­ Notice Is hereby given that the ed and appointed Malurday the 10th administrator baa day of October, 1831. at the hour undersigned of 10 o'clock A M.. of »aid day. at filed his final uccount In the above the County Court room In the Coun- entitled estate and that said Court ourt house In the City of Eu­ by It» order fixed tne 24th day of gene. Oregon, a» the d a/, time and October, 1931 at 10 o'clock A. M. In JEWELER place for the hearing of objection» the County Court .oom of the Lane to »aid final account and the set­ County Court House In Eugene, Repairing a Specialty tlement thereof. That all objection» Oregon, a» the time and place for niuat he In writing and filed with hearlug objection», ’ any, to the Sprlugfluld, Oregon the clerk of thia Court on or be­ »ettleinent and allowance of aald fore »aid day and time. final account. hated till« 10th day of Beptem- EUG ENE LOAN AND SA VlN dS Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN ber. 1*31. BANK, a corporation, Admlnla­ Naturopathic Physician AMANDA COLCORD, Execu trator. trtx. Fred E. Smith, Attorney for Ad­ Phone Ul-J Krntik A. Del'ue, Attorney for the ministrator. office Hours: I to 6 I*. M. eatate. (S 24—0 1-8-1522) ( 8 — 10-17-24: 0 - 1 - 8 ) 406 Fourth Street Eatate of Z. T. Moun'Joy, Business Directory Edw. G. Privat N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G FOR SALE Qood 1»-lneh Bloek wood, aleo 16-lnoh and 4 foot old growth dabw ood, FRANK TUHY Phone Sp. 1B2J DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON Osteopathic Physician Telephone 32#« Eugene, Ore. 2U4 I. tt. O. K. Temple U n iv e rs a l M o rtg a g e C orp. BONDS w . P. Ty»on, Agent 128 E St Phon» 58W General la w Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney at-laiw City Hall Building Mprlnrfle-d. Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE a t t o r n e y a t law n o ta r y p u b lic Sutton Springfield Building Oregon V. SANDBOTHB. S. M. eugene S W E D IS H M A S S E U R - STOCKHOLM GRADUATE Phone 41SM House Call» Only Hprlngfleld Call» Made by Appoint ment. Funeral Directors Walker - Poole Co. p. J. BA RTHO LO M EW . Mgr. Phone 62-J und 82 M Springfield, Oregon Eugene Chapel at lith e and Charnelton — Phone 723 MUSICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Herschel DeMoss Davis Initructor In Popular Piano Playing Approved Modernistic Method» Used Kail Season Now Open For Particular» 'Phone the Studio, 2287-M. Eugene F I J I b V IIE A B E A U T IF U L FRAM E q u i t e d itT e r e u t FROM ALL O TH ERS DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 West 8th Eugen» Notice 1» hereby given that the undersigned hua filed hl» final ac- i count as executor of the will and { estate of Mary 8. Wheeler, De­ ceased. and that the court baa eet the hour of 10 00 a in. Oct. 24. 1931, j ua the time when the court Ft the chamber of the county court In the Court llouae, Eugene, Oregon, w ill take up »aid uccount f< r ex­ amination and allowance^ A ll per­ sons Interested therein may appear ul »»Id bearing and be heard there­ in. Luca« II. Wheeler. Executor. (8 -2 4 0 -1 -8 -1 6 ) Deceased Notice la hereby given that Jane Mountjoy haa filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for lame County, her final re­ port aa executrix of the last will und testament of Z. T. Mountjoy, deceaaed; and (hat ten o'clock In the forenoon of 8i.:urday. the 24th day of October. 1931, nt tbe court­ room thereof, In Eugene. Otegon. have been by aald court appointed and fixed as the time and place for hearing objections to said re­ port and for the final settlement of the estate of said 'eceaaed. Jane Mountjoy, Executrix of N O T IC E the Last W ill and Testament O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ot Z T Mountjoy, Deceased. Notice 1» hereby given that the A. K. Wheeler. Attorney. uiideritgned. Clara 8. Vernon. Ad (S 24—0 1 8-1522) mlnlatratrlx of the Eatate of George W. Sebring, deceaaed. haa filed her N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Klnal Report nod Account a» such Administratrix with the Clerk of NO TIC E IH HER EBY G IV E N ; the County Court of lume County. That (). L. Culdren has been ap­ Oregon, and that Saturday, the 3rd pointed executor of the Iju it W ill din ot I li t 1931. nt 10:00 A. M. in and Testament of L. A. Coldren, the County Court Room of »aid deceased,, by the County Court of County ut Eiigeue. Oregon, hua been Latte County. All persona having aet by the Hon C. P. Barnard, claims against estate arc required Judge of »aid Court, aa the time lo preaent them, with the proper and place of bearing objection* to vouchers, within six months (torn the same, and for the final aettle- the 24 day of September. 1931, to ment of «aid eatate. the »aid executor at the law office CLARA 8. VERNON. Adtnlnl» of L. L. >Kay In the Miner Build­ tratrlx. ing. Eugene. Oregon. W ELLS & W E LL 8, Attorney», O. L. COLDREN. Executor of the laiat W ill and Testament C IT A T IO N of L. A. Coldren, deceaaed. IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OK T H E L. L. RAY, Attorney for Estate. STATE OK ORKOON FOR (S 24—0 1 8 15 22) CO UN TY OK LANE. IN PROBATE NO. 5671 IN T H E M A TTER O F T H E E8 TATE OK ELIJAH C. BTUMAN. Deceaaed. To Addle E. Rlchert and Toefll Rlchert, her husband; Thotnaa W. Kill, nnn and Anna Stuman, hla wife; Ryadon Vance Stuman und Stella Sluman, hl« wife; Fred Slu mun and lle»ter Stuman. hl» wife; John Taylor Stuman, mid I.ucetta Evelyn Baughman; Samuel Max Buughman; Maxine Baughman: GREETINGS: IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF OREGON. Yon are hereby cited und required to appear In the Coun­ ty Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of l,ane, within ten (10) day« from the date of the service of thin citation upon you If nerved upon you personally In Lane County, Oresgon; Or, within twenty (20) daya from (lie date of the service of thin cita­ tion upon you If nerved upon you In any other county In the ntate o f Oregon than Lane County; Or, within twenty-eight (28) days ¡front the date of the first publica­ tion of thia citation In the Spring- field News, which 1« published the first time on September 3, 1931, to show cause if any you have, why the petition on file herein of H. E. Slattery aa tho administrator of the above entitled eatate, praying an order authorizing him na such udmlnlalrator to sell at private sale to derive proceeds to be upsed to pay the expenses of administration anil eliilma ngiilnat the said oHtatc. the following described real estate, to-wit; Beginning at a point 30 links weal of the west line of the W il­ liam H Fisher D. L. C. No. 38 In Township 19 South In Range One (1) weal of the W illam ette M eri­ dian, Lane County, Oregon, lo­ cated 30 links west of and thence south I degree and four minute» west 7.23 chains from the north­ west corner of the said D. L. C. No. 38; and thence run west 1.40 chains; thence run south 1 de­ gree and four mlnuteu west 7.00 chains to the center of the coun­ ty road known as the M ilitary Road; thence run southeasterly along (he center of the said road to a point 30 links west of the wps I line of aald D. L, C. No. 38; and thence run north from the center of said road a distance of 7.29 chains to the place of begin­ ning. being one acre of land, abciild not bo grunted W ITN ESS the Honorable C. P. Barnard, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Coun j ty of Lane and the Seal of the said Court hereto affixed, this l i t day I of September, 1931, A TTEST I (SEA L) W. B. D ILLA R D . Clerk, By EVA L. D U CKW O RTH, I Deputy. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Notice la hereby given that the undersigned haa been appointed ad­ ministratrix of the ERtate of Fred J Thntcher, deceased, by the County Court of Lane County. Oregon. All peraona having claims again» said eatate are required to present them with the proper vouchers to the utideralgred at the law office of Potter and Bailey, at No. 531 Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon, within six months from the date of thia notice. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, thia 24th