T l H ’ R s n A Y. OCTORKR 1. I M I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. B. MAXEY. Editor Entered as second clans m atter, F eb ru a ry 2*. 1*03. at the poatofflce, Springfield, Oregon. M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Year In A d v a n c e _______»1.75 T hree Months Six Months ------- -----------------------»100 Single Copy ........ _____ 75c ............. 5c T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 1. IS31 H A R D T IM E S AN D M ATR IM O N Y Prom all over the co u n try we get reports that there are more people g e ttin g m arried than there have been fo r a long tim e. N a tu ra lly, there are exactly as m any women as there are men going in a t this tim e fo r this ju s tly fam ous experi­ ment . Some o f the people who have noticed the increased in m arriage licenses wonder how these young people have the courage to take the jum p when jobs are scare and none too secure. B u t we th in k the answer is to be found in the old saying th a t tw o cau live as cheaply as one. T hat is n 't lite r ­ a lly true, but it ce rtainly is tru e th a t if both w ill do th e ir share tw o people can live together more econom ically than the tw o o f them can live separately. We have been told several cases where the young man lost his job and the g irl kept hers. They had been engaged fo r some tim e but were w a itin g to get more of a stake to ­ gether before h itc h in g up. Perhaps they m ight have kept on w aiting fo r years had not fate, in the shape of hard tim es, intervened. And in a great m any cases, we are sure, m a r­ riage has been hastened because the young wom an is out of w ork and no longer feels the sense o f independence w hich she had when her pay envelope came along every Saturday. On th whole, we th in k th is g etting m arried when tim es are hard is a good thing. We were beginning to fear th a t m atrim ony was going out o f fashion. It is a long tim e since we had heard a man under fo rty boast th a t he had nothing hut a tiite e n dollar a week job and enough cash fo r the parson's fee and the firs t in sta llm e n t on the fu rn itu re when he and the g irl teamed up fo r life. But w e know m any men of the older generation w ho give all the credit fo r th e ir success iu life to the fact th a t they m arried young and poor, and had to hold th e ir noses rig h t down tig h t on the g rin d ­ stone w hile they were s till young enough to acquire the habit o f hard w ork. For a w hile it seemed as if w ork, too, were going o u t of fashion. There are not so m any youngsters com plaining because they have to do som ething fo r th e ir pay as there were a couple of years ago. W ork is not som ething to be ashamed o f any more. And we don't know o f a n yth in g so well calculated' to make a useful w o rk in g citizen o u t o f a young man— o r a young wom an, e ith e r— than to get m a r­ ried at a tim e when w o rk is scarce and those w ho w a n t to hold th e ir jobs have to do a lo t o f it. ------------- e------------- AN IN S U LT TO T H E LEGION ' The Am erican soldiers w ent overseas the cleanest arm y e\ • r assembled on any field. . . . but now the Am erican Legion is a staggering bunch o f d ru n ks,” says Dr. Clarence T rue W’ilson, M ethodist dry leader. In th a t statem ent he did the pro h ib itio n cause more harm than he w ill be able to do good the rest o f his life. Even if his statem ent were not a lie, (w hich o f course it is ), but the tru th , it w ould not speak well fo r p ro h ib itio n in th a t it has made m illions o f ex- soldiers drunkards. These paid dry leaders resent any a t­ tem pt to make the pro h ib itio n law m ore workable. T his last tirade is an in su lt to the ex-soldier who once pledged his life to the defense o f this country. Governm ent tra cto rs operated fro m a central station now plow thousands o f acres o f Russian peasant farm s. T his beats the crooked stick, w ife and oxen m ethod used in m any foreign countries. It must be granted soviet Russia has made some great strides and from now on it w ill be the chief com petitor of Am erica in most foreign m arkets. The ‘‘road fro m P ortland to the sea" argum ent has to rn the highw ay com m ision asunder. T his fig h t rem inds us of the old rem ark th a t if certain members o f the adm inis­ tra tio n “ could suck as hard as they can blow .” the sea m ig h t be draw n up to P ortland and no road w ould be necessary. ----------------- « ----------------- Over 200 m iners have gone back to w o rk in Colorado because they were able to trade th e ir coal fo r Kansas fa rm ­ ers' wheat. If we could trade our lum ber fo r coffee, sugar or cotton goods perhaps we could put the Oregon saw m ills back in operation. Since money is so hard to get perhaps this m ight be a w orkable idea. *BRUG T H E SUN UPON YOUR W R A T H There is a certain ta m ily in th is c o u n try , consisting of seven brothers whose combined resources to ta l m any m il­ lions. They meet every day at luncheon and discuss w hatever 1 robiem s the day's w ork has developed. Often the debate is spirited, but when it is over they m ake th e ir decision un­ anim ous and alw ays act as a u n it. A ll th e ir fin a n c ia l operations are pooled. If one brother has a fo rtu n a te investm ent all share the benefit. If another takes a loss, it is charged to the com m on account. W hat has preserved th e ir rem arkable partnership? One great rule. T hey never allow a disagreem ent to ca rry over in to a new day. If tw o o f them have had a fa llin g out they m ust meet and settle it before the sun goes down. I have an acquaintance who recently celebrated his tw e n ty -fifth w edding anniversary. He said when he and his w ife were m arried they faced fra n k ly the fact th a t some disagreem ents w ould inevitably arise. Therefore, they tried to remove in advance tw o o f the most common causes of m isunderstanding. F irs t of all, money. N othing causes more m a rita l g rie f than the constant argum ent about expense. The husband who does not m ake his wife a regular allowance, w ho com ­ pels her con sta n tly to ask fo r money, explain its needs and account fo r its expenditure, is sure of plenty o f debate. T hey decided w h a t p a rt o f his income she ought to have. He then arranged th a t his salary check should be divided Into tw o parts; her part was deposited not only In a separate account b u t in a d iffe re n t bank. Second, Jealousy. He said to her: “ I love you and tru s t you. I know th a t you love and tru s t me. When m y feeling changes I ’ll te ll you, and I ’ll count on you to be equally hon­ est. U n til th a t tim e I am not going to ask you any ques­ tio n s o r fre t m yself, no m a tte r w hat you do or w hom you meet. “ As fo r the troubles w hich we could n o t foresee,” he con­ cluded, “ we agreed th a t we should never take them to bed. We w ould m ake up and forgive before n ig h tfa ll, and go to sleep In peace." M any years ago St. Paul, w ritin g to his friends the Ephesians, said: “ L e t not the sun go down upon your w ra th ." W hat w ould happen In business and in m arriage, if we «11 should tr y th a t good rule fo r a year? CUT RATE LICENSES S E T T L E M E N T OF CASE GUARDIAN LOSES CASE; FOR CARS IN EFFECT MADE OUT OF COURT ACTION IS DISMISSED i — UOWtWA £lD *f fl« Ç.UMB tty stipulation between the par , C u e of W illia m lle u ry Roach I through hla guardian C. A Pryor, ties the rase of llttrtha Dunbar Ver­ ina (he Woodmen of the W orld has ¡ugatnal F. M Banned was dismiss I oil by order of Judge U. F. Skip bean settled. T he stipulation waa tiled In circuit court Wednesday. worth In circuit court laat week. T he p la in tiff brought suit to col The p lain tiffs In the action sought le d on an Insurance policy ot to have au accounting of the ail n ilalatratlon of the defendant whllu which she was beneficiary. he had been guardian for Roach Coats of the action were charged to the p lain tiffs. 00ev«l«MT H » I - - h i », ’ »pa te no-good I can’t hang on to a hus­ cars The car leaped forward down band for two months!— No. if it I the steep slope into the arroyo. But comes to that. I ’ll give you grounds.” the hungry water, as if jealous of R . c k i u f M otors hire Rowena to accooa- this boldness, roared down upon panv P rter co • u t i o a w’J f lo o t w tM»r “You’ll what?" them The car swung powerless rv*u»ter as an Advertising stunt A t «he “Give you grounds for a divorce?" 1 beneath his hand, slid away from U>t r m ute L ittle Bobby b •«« "W hat grounds?" * \ few mdee out Bobby become« «««rful "The same grounds you so mag­ the road and the river tossed it ¡lightly down-stream and drove it se­ at twin« parted from her sweet heart «ad nanimously offered me.“ R u m a m »»t« oa t a i m f her pUce ta the curely into a crevice among th# “Rowena, are you cragy? A wom­ rum ble »u that abe can rtde enth Peter and k a te hint to U lh to «bout l u t e i Ro an can’t do a thing like that. Why, I rocks. Rowena, suddenly aroused from • m P e t« to con w o t to I n « the f i ; * n u it—it would ruin you. You're crazy I" l o n e r « e h week M aooo • • >« tier exhausted sleep, had started up and aatoniahea Peter b j e t t . M too econ “Oh am I? Well, let me tell you in terror at sight and sound of the •"rk e ^ C k re e tounata reach Denver. l l t t i one thing. M r. Peter Blandel I ’d torrential river bearing down upon rather have mv friends think 1 them i»- ng through Buffalo. Chicagv *od -s Prompted by an annate im­ out, Peter and Rowena h a w m an . V « . stepped out on you two months after an the » « while Carter keepa w iring Bobbj our marriage than that I couldn't pulse she struggled quickly up to the seat of the rumble, intending to to return to New Y o rk The m ornlna after t h r ' reach Denver. Peter *ad R n w n a di* » keep you from stepping out on me c a v e r B o b h » h a t ieWTled them and return d It's much more tiattenng, I assure jump, but the car was flung violently in New York by train They are laced with y o u T fro m beneath her and cheated of her the impoaaihle condition of oontmuing then SIXTH INSTALMENT i First sale of cut rate slate auto- I mobile licenses was started al the office of S h eriff H arry L Bow« F rid a » . T here licenses are (or the I last throe-quarters of the year "•'d are Issued at the three q uarter rate The h alf year rate w ill be lu a f ! feet January 1. Thousands Of Items BLUE R IVER M INES ARE F ILE D FOR RECORD Notices of locution of seven claims In the Blue ¡liv e r iiitnc field were filed for record a' the office of the county clerk Saturday. E. <’ . T a y lo r (tied notice of loca tloii of Ihree claims and John E M elsen Hied on (our claims r arc lit ilk® tin ts »tor»» till tin* tim e fo r your benefit. W hen others ttre elosed the drug »tore goes on mid on in co m m unity service rettdy to meet titty emergency. Drugs of Known P u rity nnd Registered Pharmnclete «re at Your Command Here. Ketel’s Drug Store In New Store Main. Near F ifth grin without a chaperon -w en* auggr.ts to Peter that they make a -o.npanionatr” m arriage They are mar- rtrd and go to Cheyenne, .h e r e their aettona. w»ett they a tk lor room» on w palate »»Ota. arouse« the suayicitrns o< the hotel clerk. Thev 6nally succeed in fe ttin « room«, but act without escitm c the laughter c l the hotel lounger«. N O W GO O N W IT H T H E S T O 1 Y a a • Although Peter WB» furiously angry. highly humiliated. »rid blam­ ing Rowena for everything, he was kind at heart and could not resist the plaintive pathos in her voice, usually go crisp and cool. “Good night. Rowena." he said more pleasantly than she had any right to expect "Don't worry Everything’ll be all right.’’ A fte r a sleepless night Peter was down in the lobby at an unbelievably early hour But early as it was, he did not precede the interested smiles and stares of the day staff which had replaced the night workers—clerks, telephone operators and elevator TRAPPER BRINGS IN PURE W H IT E COYOTE A pure w hite coyote, a rare sped men of thia predatory breed, waa kited yeateday near Lowell. Carl lla m llliin of the Low ell dis- trlct waa here at the office of the county clerk to claim the bounty on the pelt. T he coyote hud been killed only a few hours before the akin was brought In. W h ite coyotes have been trapped here before but they are very Infrequent. , HUSBAND ANSW ERS TO W IF E ’S DIVORCE SU IT Rowena opened the door of the car and sprang out) f'ven at that unreasonable hour there were loungers in the lobby. And each and every one of them, and even the head waitress smiling bi the door of the dining-room, knew all about the young New Yorkers married the day before in Denver who demanded rooms on separate lo o rs Confusion stung his face with burning red. H e went up-stairs, walked up. to Rowena's room and knocked sharply. “Yes— who?" called Rowena in a bright voice that had obviously been achcxiled to register good naturg in “You would. Rowena. I honestly insecure foothold she fell headlong, believe you would. You’re juat that face downward, in the icy water. Peter ’ tunned by the unexpected dumb,” »aid Peter. “However, let’s onslaught of water, was startled to not fight over getting the divorce to­ action at sight of Rowena whipped day. The thing to agree on now is helpless agairst the rocks by the ir­ that we’ve got to put up with rooms resistible flood adjoining or ensuite and »ay no more “You little fool—what did you about separate floors.” jump for?” he shouted, but even as “ I f you’re too proud to ask for he spoke he was out of the car and separate floors. I ’ll do it,” said Ro­ in less than a moment had her firmly wena. ‘T d rather be embarrassed in his arm. Slowly he drew her tnck before a strange hotel clerk than he ! until they had the support of 'he the laughing stock of my own car behind them against the cold 'pressure of the water. friend»." the face e l a d w a ty . " I —didn’t!" she shouted as sooa “Yes that would do me a lot of “M e," he answered surlily. “Chuck i she recovered her breath. “Fell I" your things into your bag and let s good, wouldn't it?" demanded Peter. ‘Sorry I” roared Peter regretfully. "That would certainly save my facet get out of here ” To have my w ife sail up to the desk M y fault I Shouldn’t have tried it I “ How about breakfast?” and register for me and ask for - N o good racing a river I" “The hell with breakfast." “Cheerio I" comforted R o w e n a “O. K. by me." called Rowena, in rooms on separate floors. Oh, yes, the maddening voice of one who has that would make.everything fine and loudly. “You nearly piade it I" Other cars pulled up beside th» stoutly enjoined one’s inner soul to dandy.” “ I ’m not your wife,” wormed Ro­ new-born river, and the occupant» smiles and sweetness. And indeed lent their willing assistance in get­ even in her sleep Rowena had been wena. ting Peter and Rowena safely up on “No, thank God.” reminding herself that she must be “I ’m— I just happen to he married shore. And Peter, against the aavica very patient with Peter for a few days, as he was apt to be just the to you— by accident. A —a sort of de­ of the tourists and the frightened or­ ders of Rowena, went immediately least bit in the world cross about the tour ” back to the car for their bags. “Worse lock,” gTowled Peter state of affairs. "A ll the clothes we’ve got. he ex­ Rowena opened the door and W ithin an hour they were hurling plained cheerfully. “They’re impor­ the dust of Cheyenne from the sprang o u t “W hat are you going to do ? W alk t a n t ” wheels of the roadster and as soon Fortunately the bags were not yet as the last outpost of the city lay to Yellowstone?" " I am going,” said Rowena cold­ soaked through and except for a t r * buried in the past Peter pulled off to articles on top the contents were dry. the side of the road and drew up t# ly, “to retire m peace to my rumble Rowena and Peter, soaking wet. . . . a grinding stop. Then he turned to teat." "Rowena, I ask you, dont be any hurriedly got out ary clothes and Rowena and his was not the look of then paused abruptly, regarding both more ridiculous than usual a newly married man. the crowd and each other with timor­ “W ell, you see what fools we made pleaded. “H o w ’s It going t o ------ o f ourselves," he began. “I hope only two o f us in a roadster and you ous hesitancy. T U have my tent up in a jiffy," riding in the rumble teat in this you’re satisfied.” said a big red-faced Kansas firm e r “I'm terribly sorry,” said Rowena boiling hot tun?” "River’ll he 'I ’m above worrying about how with loud kindliness. humbly. “I feel just wretchedly " I ’d down by morning, but we’ll all have about everything. But I couldn t things look," mid Rowena. to pitch camp here to-night. Give • possibly foresee such awful complica­ rather be bounced and bruited and blistered in the rumble seat than In­ hand there, youngster " tions, now could I, Peter? And before he had finished an­ experience hive I had with husbands sulted in— in the lap o f luxury.” She raised the umbrella with a vi­ nouncing his kind intentions he had and hotel registers and such mon­ cious little click of the snap, adjusted raised a diminutive tent and extended strosities?" its hospitality to the dripping pair. "W e’ll just have to make the best the cushions about her slender body, "Key to the city, lady and gent," of a suite or adjoining room» here­ and rode the rumble in solemn after.” said Peter more kindly. " It ’s grandeur, leaving Peter to fume fu- he said with a great laugh. Peter made a nasty motion to Ro. this demanding separate floors that tilcly alone in fro n t I t was about the hour o f sunset wena who slipped quickly Inside and makes them give us the razzberry. “But we can’t have connecting when a sudden shadow blackened the dropped the nap. "Y our wife, I take it." said the rooms, Peter,” protested Rowena un­ west » sudden cool breeze touched red-faced Kansan with a puzzled air. happily "W e just can’t. W e have their faces. “Yes," said Peter. “But—the tenl "They must he having showers in to be terribly careful about things isn’t so very big— and we’re both so a li Peter. Pet like that or we can’t get it annulled. the mountain»," s aid _ pai in fu l terribly wet— and besides— I want to ___ Rowena, deco m a But Don’t you see, Peter, if we stay in m, did not have another look at the ear. I don’t adjoining rooms clear across the sleep o f complete exha ausdon want it carried off down the canyon. country, nobody in the world is going answer. it was w«3 more mv.o than t— — z "Don't you worry about that car, It showers they to believe we— we really did— stay in were having In the mountains—it was'brother. That there car is p u t for adjoining rooms" cloudbursts, one after the other in I keeps A t least till the river goes ‘T h e n w ell have to get a divorce instead of an annulment 1 am not torrential downpour, and in less time down. than It took for the cooling breeze Other cars pulled up and their going to make a fool of myself like to sweep down the plain with re­ occupants joined the enforced camp that again.” on the river bank. They put up tent» "But we can’t get a divorce In New freshment fo r their tired faces, every and staked out claims here and there. York," protested Rowena. T wrote dry creek bed and parched arroyo Children were set to gathering stones a story about that once— I know how that led from the hot mountains to and sticks for a fireplace. the laws a r t One of us would have the burning plains was flooded with AU together they ate impromptu to go to Reno or Pari» to get it and rushing w ater from the heights. supper on the plains, sitting in a it would take every cent of money H e guided the little roadster along cluster of friendly groups about the we can save on the whole trip to the yellow mesa road toward another fire and afterward as the darkness pay for the divorce. And what good of the narrow rocky gorges through fell and the stars lit the black sky would that be U anybody?" which thev had been passing at in­ over the black prairie, they gathered 'T i l give you grounds to get it tervals all day long. The roar In closer and talked Some sang, and right In New York," Mid Peter bis ears grew louder, closer. Sud­ the men smoked. And presently by grimly. “I * " desperate." denly It sounded ominous and threat­ ‘T h a t’s like you, Peter," said Ro­ ening. Peter looked to the west and twos or by families they crept away to their separate camps tor the n ig ht wena impatiently. “Thinldne only of was amazed to tee a solid wall of "Here’s an old mattress you can yourself as usual.— W ell, don’t you water nearly as high as the car use,” said the Kansas farmer, tossing think for a minute that I ’m going ta sweeping down the little canyon. It across to Peter “W e ’ve got an­ get a divorce in New York. I ’m not Instinctively hla foot pressed th» other one. It ’s not very big but The roaring wall of going to be made a fool o f there accelerator. you're not a very big family " water was dose hut the arroyo Itself before all ray friends.” "W hat do you meaa—made a fool was closer— e scant few feet aw iy— of?" P e lT demanded. and In a few mlnhtes the onruthmg ‘Why, having t w yho dy think Pm river would reader ft Impassable for Continued Next Week M ANY FROM HERE AT P E T IT IO N FOR CHANGE LANE COUNTY DISPLAY IN BOUNDARY FILED M any visitors from here are visi­ ting the Lane county booth and dis­ play at the Oregon state fair which opened Saturday, according to local people who have visited the fa ir during the past few days. M rs. Mabel H . Chadwick, secre­ ta ry of the Lane county fa ir board, is tn charge of the county exhibit at the state fa ir. Another petition for transfer of te rrito ry from one school district to another has been filed w ith the county boundary board. A petition asks th a t some te r ri­ tory of the Hebron school district be transferred to the Londan dis­ trict. The petition w ill be taken up at a m eeting of the boundary board October 13 . Eat Candy....... to pick you up when you’ re all fagged out Eat Candy........ fo r d o w n rig h t pleasure Answer to the divorce suit of M arlon D. Arm strong against her husband John C. Arm strong was filed In circuit court last week by the defendant. The defendant alleges that hts wife left Septem ber 10 taking w ith her the child of the couple and he nsks that her divorce complain! be dismissed. C H IL D B IR T H LE FT HER T H IN , WORN. NERVOUS " A fte r the b irth of my baby, I was thin, nervous and run-down. From the firs t bottle of Vlnol. 1 Improved. It gave me new strength and I gained weight.”— Mrs. M. Gunntone. Vlnol supplies Just the elements of Iron, lim e and cod liv e r peptone needed by thin, weak, nervous wo men and men. Even the F IR H T bot­ tle builds up strength, makes new red blood. Peps up appetite and brings sound sleep. Get a bottle of Vlnol today! Ketels Drug Store. C o m in g to Women’s Fur-Trimmed Winter Coats $95f Every New Style Fabric and Trim m ing Detail The Golden Rule Rulers o f Low Price« 10th A W illam ette— EUGENE— New Schaefer« Bldg. Irish-Murphy Co. S pringfield 5th Mini M itin Sts. HARD W H E A T BLEND Eugene Or. Mellenthin Flour SPEC IALIST 49 LBS. Italian Prunes 6 79C In Intern al M edicine for the past eighteen years E g g N o o d le s DO ES N O T O P E R A T E LBS. B u lk S h o r tn in g ED COILED W ill be at O SBUR N Hotel S A T U R D A Y , O CTO B ER 3 2 LBS. Office Hours ,0 a. m. to 4 p m. No Charge for Consultation 23c 3 LBS 15c 27C GOOD BULK Coffee 15c » lbs 69c Fresh Spinach LOCAL GROWN ROWN Dr. M ellen th in (loca not operate tor chronic appendicitis, gall »tone», ulcers of »tornarti, tonsils or ade­ noids. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheum atism , sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal a il­ ments. e Rem em ber above date, that con Hiiltatlon on this trip w ill be free and that this treatm ent Is different. M arried women must be accom­ panied by th e ir husbands. Address: 4221 West T h ird Street, Ix » Angeles, C alifornia. ’RADE-IN your old Heater on a MONTAG In illlllllllllll• pi Circulator 2 LBS. 8 a c o n B ack 11 ,s - LARGE ROLLS NICE AND LEAN 19c lb M odern 5 FOR 23c IVI««< ji « w o r k s Bn t h e k i t c h e n c Let your old heater help you to own real heating comfort next winter. Pre­ pare now to bring con­ venience and volume» of warmth into your home for next winter, for we are offering you rock-bottom p r rice» on th e fam ous 5*^ M [ontag Circulator heat- and e r_ _ w ith a generous allowance for your old heating stove. If you burn wood or coal or both, there is a Montag Circulator Heater just the right type and size for your home at a price that makes it possible for you to put the Montag in, at once. See the Montag display in our windows. Let us help you to convenience and volumes of warmth, next winter . . . and many other winters to come. Toilet Paper A W A Y with ih< «rm-tvm| work at b»stin| H jt , whipping erszm, irtzthmg potatovi! rhtt Isti« «ItcliK kiiihen mi«*r do ti the work tt • touch of th< linger, nrelotily, Io • perfection (he human hand cannot potubly achieve. s ! .! A N D for the morning glari of orange price, what can lake the place of the elect/ic fruit |utce entractor? The oM-lathioned '(queerer" it out of dele—modern houtehold economy demandi modern labor laving equipment m the modern kitchen prtmUlv* l*f® »•«leeir®« f o ® / . « I g I I i I m « Usmli«, . MOOIRM LIFE D IH A lh tS C O M P LE TE E L E C T R IC S E R V IC E W e’ve m any kinds o f candy — T hey're all delicious! TERNS If Desired F G G I M A N N ’Q "W here the Service Is D ifferent" iM o u n lr iin S ta te s P o w e r C o m p a n y Wright & Sons HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINTS j