THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HI’IUNOFIKLI), LANK COUNTY. QKBOÖN. TH I’IIHDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1931 TW KNTY-KHJHTII Y KA II COUNCIL HOLDS D P l J ^ ' 0" to B‘ P.1.1. COMMITTEES W COHTHM,?' H M f ° ’ Tead,e" FOB YEAR NAMED New Warning Signs Ordered Placed at Intersections on Fifth Strset DIRLE EDUCATION BOV SCOUT TROOP STARTS MONDAY 10 ORGANIZE HERE No. SM SPRINGFIELD AND /s Ke// Attended EU6EIETO PUT Potato Law Has Increased County Chamber Committss ^acuity Members and In- >sted Townspeople In- Delegates Also Chosen to At­ to Mast Wednesday st Eu­ Mrs. R. P, Mortensen And P. J. Bartholomew Heads Demand for Oregon Product Football Cams Colled for Declares College Worker gene C. of C. Rooms Hayward Field at 7:46, w, < to Community Hall Troop Committss Named tend State Convention to Roland Moshisr to Have May Gives First Lineup at Wednesday Meeting Be Held in Eugene Soon Charge of Year’s Work Thirty-five Lane county potato To hear people interested In the Alt eceptlon for teachers In Ihn i field public schools -Bored by th e Parent- M IL K O R D IN A N C E P A S S E D which I Teacher .ssoclatloii will lie held nt Ihe Community hall Wednesday Progress Made on Plans for ■ veiling, October 7, at M o'clock, Refunding $50,000 City There are quite a number of new Bond Issues Soon members on the faculty at the vari­ ous schools ibis year and this will Five bid« lor new sidewalk con lie Ihe firs opportunity the school St ruction on Eon I Malo street were patrons and these teachers will received by ibo city council nudliiov» Io become acquainted. Til« opened al the »pedal meellng held i committee In charge urge« all Tuesday evening, but no contract teacher and all townapeople Inter­ was awarded at that time. The ested In »chool affair* Io be pres­ five bids Weiw very close, und ent. there seemed to be some question! A progrum Including several of (Ills which would utter Ihn | musical numbers will be provided atuounis uf the bids so the council ,,|ld refreshments will lie served took the mutter under udvlsement later In the evening. and will probably act on them soon. The sldewulk construction con-, sista of 1000 feet of new cement I walks, most uf which Is to he built I un the north aide of Ihe street | (inly one tol lies on Ihe south side The coats are to he paid by Un- sale of a Bancroft Improvement - bond sold by the m y and io b. charter Members to Be Hon- paid lor by properly owner. In the J Qred a< A n n u a , E v en t; Mr. urea Io be Improved. And Mrs. Ketels Act The milk ordinance prohibiting j the safe of pasteurised milk wllllln , Tuesday, October 6, the next re­ Ihe city limita which has not beenj gular meeting night (or the Cas­ pasteurised within ihe city was cade chapter O. E. M. will also be passeri al ihe meeting. This or Ihe annual homecoming event at danluce does not restrict Ihe sale which time all charier members of raw milk by any producers or of the group will lye honored ac­ distributors within (be city, nor cording io Mrs. Gertrude Wilson, does II In any way Interfere with worthy matron. Special Invitations Ihe sale of milk by people having .1 , family rows. The ordinance cor mM|lber, o,her merober, rlea the emergency clause and 1» | urg-a |o b<> pregen, effective Immediately. There will he a filling program New regulations signs with the starting at 8 o'clock at which lime wording, "Hanger, Mow," were or­ there will he several musical num- dered purchased uod Installed on here. Mr and Mrs. John F. Ketels the streets leading Into Fifth be­ will tnke charge of Ihe meeting as tween II nitd (J Inclusive There worthy matron and worthy patron; has been one accident recently be­ respectively. cause a motorist unfamiliar with Ifefreshment* will follow the Ihe street markings of (he city evenings program. saw a stop sign at A street and thinking that each of the streets L O C A L B R ID E H O N O R E D leading Into Fifth was a stop street A T S H O W E R O N F R ID A Y look Ihe rlghl-jf-way away from another automobile. The Inetullu lion of Illese signs will warn mo Mr*- Dale Cheshire Receives Many Useful G ifts at Surprise dangers, but does not In any sense OF STAR WEDNESDAY future of the ljuie county fair the Standing committees for the committee of the latne county Springfield I'arenl-Tearher aseocla ' Chamber of Commerce will meet lion for ihe present school year Weduesday evening at 7:30 at Ku- were named at ihe first meeting of | gem- Chamber of Commerce. Al the organlxatton held at (he l.ln (he first meeting anyone who wonts coin school Friday afternoon. The to he heard may give his opinions ■ liMlrmeu are: Finance. Mrs. Alvin either In favor of continuance or Muy; membership, Mrs. L. E. I'ql lo discontinue Ihe fair. m in, hoepltallzullon, Mrs. It. P The committee la anxious to bear Mortensen; program, Mrs. L. K. I aa much testimony as possible that Page, publicity, Mrs. II. E Maxey; j It may consider all sides of .'be publications, Mrs. G. B Ernest; , 1 Issue The county has now Invested health, Mrs. Rachel Thatcher. in (he fair grounds more than Delegates lo represent the local 126.000. and has spent a total of group al the stale coneventlon (<> i more than »90,000 In tax money on be held In Eugene on October 20. i ■ he Institution (be last nine years. 21. 22 and 23 were also named. Whether this Is for the best Inter­ They are Mrs. Agnes Prochnow,! est of the taxpayers the committee Mrs. It. P. Mortensen, Mrs. Pratt j wishes to find out. The committee llolverson, and Mrs. D. Ogilvie < onslsta of Ham l^hman. Junction Alternates are Mrs I.. E Fenton ¡City; Herman Lafky. Cottage and Mrs. Paul Hrallaln. Orove, and H. E Maxey, Hprlsg- Short talks were given al the field. meeting by O. B, Woods, principal of Ihe Hrallaln school, and by Roy COPSEL SERVICES ARE Qulney, principal at the Lincoln - GIVEN FOR TH IS WEEK building Roth men stressed the fact that the cooperation of Ih e! patrons In donating old school; Holy Comm union to Be Celebrated at Church on M ain Street liooks lo the district had made II Sunday A fternoon possible to furnish nearly all nec | essury texts for the students Ibis , Special evangelistic services are year by using the »1.50 per student provided by the new law. There ■ being held at the Full Gospel As­ are new students entering each day. j sembly, 231 Main street Springfield however, and It Is possible that . every evening al 7:45 by Rev. Tay­ there will not be enough books for i lor. returned missionary from At all uf these unless Ihe people of I rice. There is also special singing the district will look over their | and musical numbers by the Pat­ books and see If there are a few more family of Los Angeles. Spe­ more which they can donate or cial children's aervlres are being held every Saturday afternoon at loan. 2: 30 and open air services are be­ ing held every Saturday evening at C E N T - A - M IL E R A T E S T O the corner of Main and Fifth BE E F F E C T IV E S U N D A Y streets ■ growers attended the potato grad- «-toml held In Eugene Tuesday SCHOOLS SPLIT RECEIPT8 _______ by County Agent O. » Fletcher ----------- with the assistance of E. R. Jack- Eugene Shows Ragged Line Parents Asked to Indicate Second Meeting of Sponsors man, extension farm crops special But Wins Cams With Cot­ Whether They Want Chil- to Be Monday; Scout Exe- 1st of the Oregon Agricultural col- tage Grove Last Friday CUtivs Aids Formation |lege. The school was held to ac- drsn to Study Bible {quaint growers with the benefits Perfection of Boy Scout organi-- to be derived from grading potatoes . Will Religious education work In the , . Springfield high gridsters isor a troop In 8prlng Bnd t0 train |niere,ted growers to ‘ ®<“at Eugene high tomorrow Hpringfleld grade schools for the zation to sponsor night at Hayward field? Everyone present academic year will be or­ Held was started here last night I 'out5- dist churches of the Salem dis­ what the change in playing hours »35,000 due In February Funds ) Mrs. C. N. Lusby. Mrs Robert Plr llcular favor with persons planning be directed by Buford Roach, well- George Sweeney and Justia Swee- The stewards, trustees, and trict which includes Springfield will have on the contest. with which to meet the first Issue | rI® Bf - Mrs. L. L. < heshlre. Mrs. ( short trips, Mr Smith declared. K „ o"w'n ¿¿gene music ' teacher o f ' ney have returned to their home ■ P™Ia» C. Poindexter. Pastor. meeting , # fo„ow ,g opep eTery. Elliott. Attention was railed to the fact .. . j ; )n tb(g gect,on Of t be state. After Ihe bank closed Ihe council ttell and daughter. Edna June, Bar­ The Parsons Realty Company of agreed to a ileal whereby the sink- bara Chandler. Mrs. Dave Fisher, that football fans will be able to CHRISTIAN COOK CLUB [-)r Bert E. Smith, executive sec- Eugene #lth offices at 62 West Ing fund would I h < retained In the and daughter, Dorothy. Mrs. Frank make good use of tickets to attend PLANS WORK FOR YEAR retary of the Methodist Men's Broadway has announced the affi­ bank and used to tuke up outatand- Fisher, and daughter Faye, Mrs games In various parts of Ihe west, Brotherhood will be the speaker liation with the organlxation of Ing warrants. In this manner the Donald Meuklne. Lela Gates, Mrs. and also that the excursion dates Carl A. Wyman of this city. Mr. The first social meeting of the at the dinner meeting. city recenlved 100 cents on the dol­ Hay Bailey. Villa McKay, Evelyn Include Columbus day, October 12. A mass meeting with prominent Wyman has been associated with ! Cooking club of the Christian lar for the money In the sinking and Irene Monley, Mrs. J. R. Fish ! In announcing plans for the i church since spring was held at spekers will be held in the church the McLean Insurance agency tn fund and It very likely would not and duughter. Alma. Mrs. E 0., fourthromlng roundtrip excursions. — — = the home of Mrs. W. A. Taylor on auditorium at 8 o'clock. Bishop Eugene for the past four years and have done this had It remained Stuart, and daughter, Nellie. Mre Mr. Smith stated that the tickets 646.026. 43 per cent; lumber and Thursday evening last week. Plans Titus Lowe, of the Portland dio­ will continue his general Insurance there and gone through process of Fred Louk and daughter. Mary Ann win i>e accepted on all trains. Sales Found to Be 40 Per Cent building material group. »12,761. for the work of the club for the cese will be the main speaker at business with the Parsons com­ coach or Pullman. pany. The change Is effective to­ of State's Retail Business in 231. 43 per cent; apparel group. »6,- next year and for the dinner to be this event. liquidation. Passing another bond Issue to re­ BIRTHDAY OCCASION A large number of Springfield day. October 1. 184.866. 19 per cent; restaurants: served at the Lions meeting to- Towns Less Than 10,000 place Ihe one due soon will In no and lunch rooms, »5.958.030, 28 night were discussed. The club people arep lanntng to attend these FOR THEATRE PARTY EPWORTH LEAGUE PARTY manner Increase tuxes In the city, Fifty-four per cent of 7882 of the per cent; furniture group. »5.538.- j prepares all of the noon luncheons meetings. MANY ATTEND EASTERN WELL ATTENDED FRIDAY uccordlng to councilman. They are Observing her eleventh birthday | 14,642 retailers ln the state of Ore­ 382. 30 per cent; general merchan- for this group. STAR BENEFIT PARTY hoping to he able lo sell the new Friday Miss Jeanntne Withers was j Eighty young people attended gon are located In towns and cities dlse group. »37,110.554. 42 per cent; 1 -------------------------- NEEDLECRAFT CLUB bunds at fi per cent Interest where­ hostess for a parly of her school | Ihe reception for students and the of less than 10.000 population. This drug stores. »6.147.639. 40 per cent; SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Almost 100 people, Including NAMES NEW OFFICERS as the present bonds are drawing males at u theatre party In Eu­ first social event of the year span statement was made by Charles D. Jewelry stores, »1.082,308. 26 per many visitors from the Evangeline seven. This might even lower Ihe gene. Later In Ihe evening they sored by Ihe Epworth League at Bohan nan. In charge of the section cent. SHOWERS ITS TEACHER Mrs. W. C. Wright was named and Blue River lodges at Eugene, actual tuxes necessary In the fu­ gathered ut the home of her aunt, the Methodist church Inst Friday of agricultural and rural distribu­ president of the Needlecraft club attended the benefit card party Al'hough rural retailers as a .. . . .. „ .. „ . , , „ Members of the Bethany Sunday ture. Mrs. D. C. England and enjoyed evening. A large (.«legation of stu­ tion, In connection with the release group account for only 40 per cent . , . . .. „ . . . .___ _ for the ensuing year at a business given by the Cascade chapter at .5 , ... . V school class of the Baptist church Residents of the city are morally several hours of games and refresh dents from Waltervllle who are at­ by Ihe Bureau of the Census of the of . the meeting held at the home of Mrs. the Masonic temple last Thursday total retail sales for the held a handkerchief shower Mon­ obligated to pass the new bond ments. tending high school In this city bulletin on retail trade In the state state, It is quite Interesting to note Walter Gossler on last Thursday evening. W. K. Barnell and Mrs. A. day evening at the home of Mrs. Issue. To full to do so would mean Guests were Lillian England, wns also present. of Oregon. afternoon. Mrs. C. O. Olsen will R. Sneed were the winners of tha in many of the smaller towns D. C. Ogilvie. In her honor as teach­ to default Ihe Issues now coming June Berg, Jenn Lloyd Louisa The evening was spent w..h be the new vice president, and Mrs. prixea. Mr. Bohannan further points out and cities the average per capita due and this would put the city Cowden, Marvin Gorrle, David, Don, freshments. Myrna Bartholomew that over 60 per eent of the popula­ sales are considerably higher than er of the class. There were 16 pres­ Larson Wright is the new secre­ ent. and the evening was spent In a position where It would bo and Dan England. wns general chairman for the tion of Oregon lives In the area the average per capita sales for tary-treasurer. VANDALS WARNED OF highly Improbable that future Is­ event. Chairman of the commit­ served by these "rural retailers." the state. For all the towns and wifh a social hour and a discussion Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew and Mrs. of future plans for the work of the sues could ever he sold. The mar­ LION DIST. GOVERNOR PAINTING EPISODE tees assisting her were Faye Par­ In fact thirty of the thirty-six coun­ cities between 1000 and 10,000 C. F. Barber were announced as ket for bonds of the city the size sons and Doris Myers, games; ties In the state of Oregon contain population the average per capita group. new members of the club. Many streaks of colored of Springfield Is not very good at MAKES INSPECTION TRIP Velda Bartholomew, decorations; The first social meeting of the no town or city with a populalon sales are »804 as compared with paint were put on the clean the present time and such action WEEK-END GUESTS OF club for the fall will be held at Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Walker hnve Dorothy Mae Potter. Invitations. as great as 10.000. In the state there the state per capita sales of »483; wall of the garage owned by would certainly nol Improve It. Miss Myrna Bartholomew had the home of Mrs. O. H. Jarrett this MR. AND MRS. KAFOURY are. however. 52 towns and cities and per capita sales of »703 for returned to Springfield after spend­ Mrs. Eliza Wlnzenreld at contend the city officials. afternoon. Mrs. R. L. Drury will with a population of 1000 to 10,000 cities and towns of over 10.000 ing Ihe pant two weeks visiting charge of the refreshments. Fourth and A streets some­ A large number of Springfield This Is the first of a series of be the assistant hostess. divided among various slxe groups population. While In the cities be­ Lions clubs In Eastern Oregon and time Tuesday afternoon or DANCING CLASSES ARE people motored to Salem to spend at Walla Walla, Washington. Mr. slntllnr entertainments being plan­ as follows: 9 cities and towns be­ tween the 5000 and 10,000 popul evening. Mrs. Wlnzenreld ned by the young people of the per capita sa les! the week-end as guests of Mr. and EUGENE MUSIC TEACHER tween 5000 and 10,000; 14 between tion limits the STARTED WEDNESDAY Walker 1s district governor of the only recently had an old : Mrs. Allan Kafoury, former Spring- Lions nnd made official business church Rtr the present school year. 2500 and 6000; and 29 between 1000 amounts to »917. VISITS HERE WEDNESDAY building adjoining the garage field residents. Those In the party Miss Clarice Fenton Is prelsdent Two dancing classes for girls visits. At Walla Walla they were and 2500. That the per capita sales of the torn down and this left the Included Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence were started in Springfield Wed guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Korf, of the group. Herachel D. Davis, music teacher The 7822 retailers serving this smaller towns and cities should be south side of the garage dean Moffitt. Mr. and Mrs. Larson uesdny afternoon by Mildred Le- former Springfield residents. They ru’’al area Include. 1926 food stores; higher than the per capita sales In Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bar­ of Eugene was In Springfield Wed­ and unpalnted until someone Compte Moore of Eugene. They also attended a charier night meet­ MRS. W RIGHT HOSTESS nesday enrolling students In his 21S1 retailers In tne automotive the larger cities may at first seem smeared color on It. She says ber. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fandrem. popular system of piano playing. are living held once each week ing at St. Helens before returning FOR AENEAS MEMBERS group; 429 lumber and building ma­ a hit startling, especially In vtew Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Gossler. Mr that she suspects certain per­ ut Ihe Kindergarten school nt 44N to Springfield. terial stores; 309 clothing and other of the impression that seems to and Mrs. Clifford Wilson and Mr. Mr. Davis has been teaching piano sons of the deed and will seek D stree*. There are two classes, students tn Eugene for several Members of the Aeneas club apparel stores; 619 restaurants and have been recently current in to hare them punished If any and Mrs. Elton LaSalle of Portland. one for girls between the ages of years and Is now accepting stu­ U. of O. Research Man H«r« were guests of Mrs. 8. C. Wright lunch rooms; 216 furniture stores; some quarters that practically all further depredations are < nnd 9. and the other for those dents from this city. He may be Prof W. C. Gregory and family at a luncheon at her home Friday 941 general merchandise stores; retail trade of the rural areas Is made. from 10 to 14. are moving to Springfield, Ore., aftertKMin. Those present were Mrs. 276 drug stores; 118 Jewelry stores. going tp the larger metropolitan FIRE DEPARTMENT CALL reached by telephone at 2287-M. This act ts one of vandal­ front Carlton where they hare been Frank SldwelJ, nnd Mrs. C. E. The total sales for these rural' centers. Gn the other hand, care­ SENT FOR RUBBISH FIRE ism and la punishable If the T ra v e le rs Stop — Mr. and Mrs. living. Mr. Gregory will be associa­ Whonton, guests; and the following retailers amount to »182.368.07# or ful students of the situation have IUKA CIRCLE PLANS FOR culprit Is discovered. Residents on Willamette heights Merle Cummings were visitors here ARMORY MEET TONIGHT ted with the department of research members, Mrs. C. E. Swarts, Miss 40 per cent of the total retail sales known for years that the smaller It is also only one of sev­ of the University of Oregon. Mrs. Edna Swnrts, Mrs. Margaret Ken­ for the state. The amount of sales Bixe cities in the rural counties in the south part of the city sent last week-end at the home of Mr. eral complaints made here re­ and Mrs. Paul Schlewe. Mr. Cum­ A regular meeting of the mem-1 Gregory will attend the University yon, Mrs. N. W. Emery. Mrs. Julius made by each of the groups to- very largely dominate the retail tn a call for the (Ire department cently. Another favorite trick hers of Iuka Circle number 37 will of Oregon and their children will at- Fulop, Mrs. Jnmes T. Moore, Mrs. gethnr with the per cent which such trade of the counties, even though Friday evening when they saw a mings is a brother of Mrs. Schlewe of some persons Is to throw and he and his family we.*e on their. bn held at the armory over Kggl tend the schools at Springfield. For Ella Iximhard, Mrs. M. J. McKlln, sales formed of the total sales of there be metropolitan centers not large fire which they supposed was rocks through wlndoeni of tnnnn's store this evening nt N several years Mr. Gregory was on and Mrs. Lawrence May. The next similar stores for the stste are as far distant. This is especially the some dwelling on (Ire. It proved to way to their new home at Heppner. empty housee and frequently They have been living at Riverside, o’clock. Routine huelnees will be the faculty of Linfield college.- meeting will be held the last Tues­ follows: Food group, »43,946.21», case If the smaller town or city is be a rubbish fire which was well into thoee tenanted. California. transacted. Newa-Reporter. under control. day In October. 1 48 per cent; automotive group. »44.- the county seat. ............ ............... Smaller Cities HaVe 54 Per Cent Stores