TIIU H H O A Y. SICITKM HER 24, 11)31 T H E H P R IN O H E L D NEWS PAO M T u a m Account of Catata Filad - Final Dou.ity la Collected— T he county T H IS W O M AN LOST Mina Location Noti«« F ilo » — A N O T IC E OF F IN A L A C C O U N T N O T IC I T O C R E D IT O R I notice of location of a mine In the Notine In liereby glvoii flin t Ih» IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T U B in-count of Un- probi.Ie of t.’.e ea'ute Oounly on one bo lx at waa paid at 64 POUNDS OF FAT Blue R iver field waa filed for re­ »1 tt <1 r* r •• I m •» ••f III«* VNtNtr <»f Clark Grin Flock of Oakridge George P la tt who baa blood poi­ cord al (he office of the coualy day. Mrs. H. Price of Woodside. L. 1., THE M ATTER OF THE El«h»*r, I >• •«’•»il r o«l. h ih I bnn (luly IN writes: "A year ago I weighed 190 son caused by a silver In hla hand, clerk Wednesday by W illia m O. E S T A T E O F C A T H E R IN E E « I i l * I l uh Mudi All pnrHOtiH bnv Account of Estât« Filad— F in al lbs I atarted to tak e Kruachen and was able to return home laat W ed­ Cox. N O T IC E •ng < InlniH iign lntl ntihl entate* are A PA M H . Pcxeaand. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T account of the probate of the now I weigh 128 and never felt bet­ nesday a fter spending several days ber» hy rw|»ilr<*<| lo prepent theeo , ter In my life and what'a more, I Noth*« I n hereby given that H im Notice 1« hereby given that Cilf- «(at' of < liarles E. Kuaaell waa look more like 20 yrs. old than the at the hospital In Eugene. Uuly veritieri wlth propwr voucher* N o tarial Commission Filed— The iindarHlgued ban fib*«! In lb»» above ford O. W llaon, adm lnlatrator of a tte « b e ri. In ili«« ui>-ni of auld eatate, Saturday. O ct­ t ‘
  • In Hie County Court for Lane Conn 1,Ila It. W atta. a d m in is tra trix of the I M PETERSON, Attorney L. E Z ln lk e r, A d m ln latrator of filed hla final account In the above the week-end w ith th e ir husbands, In probate court Friday, ty, Oregon, and that Saturday, the for «aid A dm ln latrator iu h I i 640 t'hurnultou, Eugene Eatate of Samuel E. P h illip , entitled estate and that said Court who are employed there. 24th day of October. 1931, at the eatate of George II . C u rrie r, d«- <8 24 O 1 9-1622) Mf.2 J or 784 W . by Its order fixed tne 24th day of Court Room of aald Court. In the K-uaed, tin« filed In the County ( deceased, Creswell, Oregon. Mrs. M orris Brown received the Eatate to Be Probated— George County Court Houae Iti Eugene at Court of the Htgte of Oregon. In and Eatate of Daniel B. Farnham . Uec'd. C. H Sedgwick, A ttorney, Cresw ell. October. 1931 a t Iff o'clock A. M In F o il S A L K Hprlngdeld Iola for ten o'clock In the forenoon, hue for Lane County, her final report the County Court .oom of the Lane news of the d«mtb of her brother Fisher haa been appointed adm in­ Oregon. N O T IC E County Court House In Eugene, □ear Ix a b o rn e a few days ago. is tra to r of tne estate of Clark «ale or w ill trad« for McKenxle been by aald Court f ile d aa the aa auch u d m ln la tra trlx ; and the HI IS 3-10-17 24— 0 . 1) O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T o'clock In the forenoon of S a tu rd a y ,1 Oregon, aa the tim e and place for also that her fath er waa In a hos­ riv e r boon* alto or Eugene pro ! tim e and plaee for hearing objec the 26lh day of Septem ber, 1931, at Notice Is hereby given that Clar- Fisher. T he eatate amount.« to 7750 N O T IC E T O C O N T R A C T O R S hearing objections. any, to the party. I,. G. H u llo . I’ . 0 . Bog 654, thing thereto, and for final aettle- the courtroom thereof In Eugene, I laaa A Fartiham , E xecutrix of the pital and had a toe am putated fol­ In real eatate and 3250 In personal ANO C A L L FOR B ID S aettlem ent and allow ance of aald ment of «aid eatate. liiat w ill and testament of Daniel B lowing gangrene. Eugene. Phone 1311 M If property. C. J Fulton. .A d m ln la tra to r of Oregon, have been by the court Farnham , deceased, haa filed In Sealed bids w ill be received by final account. E U G E N E L O A N A N D S A V IN G S the Eatate of Annie ». Fulton, fixed aa the tim e and place for ■ the County Qourt of the State of the C ity Recorder of Springfield, T h e men of the neighborhood hearing objection« to aald report TOMATORH 76 c btiMhel nt I'ra th B A N K , a corporation. Adm inis­ have been flliin g alios the laat week dereaaed. Default Ordered Filed— A default and for the final aettlem nnt of the ’ Oregon, In and for Lane County, her Oregon, up to 12 O 'clock Noon on er'a Gardena. 8>k roll«« »«at of I I,. 1,. Hay, Attorney for Eatate. trator. the 29th day of September. 1931, fin a l rep ort aa auch execu trix; and u ntil the rain F riday stopped them. order In the case of A. L. Buck eatate of auld dereaaed. Fred E. Sm ith. A tto rn ey for Ad­ Springfield, Jasper road Bring 1 04 24 t) I 8 16 221 Am elia It. W atta. Adm lnlatra- that ten o'clock In the forenoon fo r the construction of cement m in istrato r. M r. and Mrs. Ray Baugh and versus E ffie M. Huck was filed in trlx of the KHlute of George H . , of Saturday, the 26th day of Sept­ (C O N C R E T E , sidewalks on East , 8 24— O 1-9-16-22, fam ily visited Mrs. Baugh's par circuit court Friday. T h e evidence M ain street as outlined In O rdin­ N O T IC E OF F IN A L H E A R IN G ember, 1981, a t the courtroom there­ C u rrlo r, Becaaaeu. eats, M r. and M rs James Calvert w ill be heard by R. N. Appling, of In Eugene. Orogon, have been by ance Numb« r 549 on file In the City N o tlre In hereby given that the A. E W heeler, Attorney. N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Estate of Z. T . M oun’ Joy, the court appointed and fixed a« Recorder's office, c ity H a ll. Spring near Junction C ity last Sunday. court reporter. uuderalgned ha» filed hla final a« (A 27 8 3 10-17 241 Deceased the tim e and place for hearing ob- field, Oregon. Said hid shall apec- N o tlre la hereby elven that, W il­ count aa executor of the w ill and Jedlona to said report and for t h e llf y the price per square foot of liam C urtla. wan on the 20th dny of eatate of M ary 8 . Whc« ler. De- Notici Is hereby given that Jane « N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE ONE DOSE GERMAN final settlem ent of the eatate of I "aid walk, the price per aquare M ountjoy has filed In the County Auguat, 1 U I , by the County Court coaxed, and that the court ban act Real Property yard fur exeavatlng and the price Court of the State of Oregon, In f auld de•»9» heIped _I eat any- them duly verified ua by la v re­ am ination and allowance. All per- Lane County thia 9th day o f Sept., A. E. W heeler, Attorney. the Council S e p t-m b -r 29th. 1931. now and sleep good. H tn r y quired to «aid adm lnlatrator. at the «on« Interested therein i.iay appear 1931, upon and puraunnt to a de t A 27— 8 3-10-17-24, day of October. 1931. a t the court the school houae. T he follow ing . Dodd. . 1 M P E T E R S O N , Recorder room thereof. In Eugene, Oiegon, law office of Alta King In the Court at »aid hearing and be heard llior»- cree duly given and made by aald program was given: Piano solo. You can't get rid of Indigestion R 17-24 Court the ktli day of Sept., 1931, ' E atate of W aldo H a rvey Farnham llouae. Eugene, 1-ane Connty. Ore­ ! In. have been by said court appointed Miss T helm a Cross Invocation, or aa„ by j uat doctoring the atom Deceased. in a ault pending (herein in which gon. w ithin ala month« of the flrat t .u r n a II. W heeler. Executor. and fixed aa the tim e and place ach. For gas stays In the U P P E R Rev. Shrode; opening address, Mrs N O T IC E The I'a rlflc Saving A 1-oan Asaocla- publication of thia notice. Hate of (8 — 24: 0 — 1-8-16, for hearing objections to said re­ N O T IC E bowel. A d lerlka reaches B O T H up­ O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T lion, a W aahlngton corporation, tlrat publication lielng Auguat 17th. H arring to n . P.-T. A. president; port and for the final settlem ent of OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T per and lower bowel, washing out waa p la in tiff and C. G M cK y and 1931 Notice is hereby given that Clar solo. Mrs. G ardner; w histling solo, N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N ., the estate of said ’eceased. N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G poisons which cause gas. nervous­ W illia m Curtla. A dm lnlatrator Jennie M cK y. hla w ife, Pearl Head- Issa A Farnham , a d m in is tra trix of T h a t Amanda Colcord executrix of June M ountjoy. E xecutrix of O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Richard Malpass; piano solo, Mias ness and bad sleep. Ge, A d lerlka Alta King, Attorney for eatate. ley, and Standard O il Company of the estate of W aldo H arvey Earn the estate of Charles E Colcord the Last W ill and Testam ent N O T IC E IH H E R E B Y G IV E N T helm a "Cross; vocal solo, Mrs. today; by tom orrow you feel the _______ I A 27- 8 3 10 17 24)_______ C alifornia, a corporation, were de­ of Z. T . M ountjoy. Deceased. T h a i the underatgned adm lnlatra fendant«. which execution and o r­ ham. deceased, haa filed In the ,ia „ rendered and filed in the Conn- ' G ardner; play. “ H irin g a fcwhool- wonderful effect of this Germ an A. E. W heeler, A ttorney. County Court of the State of Ore ty Court of the State of Oregon for tor of the eatate of Ardell F. Rice, der of aale wna __ to _ _____ Doctor’s rem edy. Flanery's Drug me directed and gun. In and for Lane Couuty. her Lane County, her firs t and fin a l ma'am ," by M rs. Longcoy, Mrs. (8 24—0 1-8-1622,. Store. dec.-aaed, haa filed hla account for commended me to sell the real pro fin a l report aa auch a d m in is tra trix ; aeount and petition for fin a l hear- ; H arrington, M rs. W roth, Mrs the final settlem ent of aald eatat« p«rty h ere in a fte r dencribed to ami that ten o'clock In the forenoon |n g and the settlem ent thereof and N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Stoneberg. M rs. G raville, and Mrs. In the County Court for 1-ane «l as the L a tte County, Oregon, o ffer for aale final settlem ent of the eatate of ty Court house In the C ity of Eu- I-ane County. AU persons having Refreshm ents were served by a Ilm e and place for hearing obj«-c utiil s«dl at public auction for cash, Springfield. Oregon .«ald deceased. gene. Oregon, as the day. tim e and claims against estate are required com m ittee consisting of Mrs. M ar­ Ilona therein , and for final «eitle aiihject to redemption as provided Clarissa A. Farnhaui. Adm lnla place for the hearing of objection« to present them, w ith the proper jo rie Van Duyn. M rs. Kate Sidwell, ment of aald estate. by law. all o f the rig h t, title and tra trlx of the Estate of W aldo , o aa,d final account and the aet- vouchers, w ithin six months fiom M rs. A lice Roach and M rs. J o h n ; I,. L. R A Y , A d m in istrator of |„ ,,,r(.g, of tf,,* defendants In auld H arvey Farnham . Deceased. , (lenient thereof. T h a t all objections the 24 day of September. 1931. to Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN the eatate of A rdell F. Rice ault and of all parties claim ing by. E. W heeler, Attorney. the said executor at the law office Gustafson. Speeches were made by must be in w ritin g and filed with N aturopathie Physlclan deceased. thtaiugh or under them or any of (A 27— 8 3 10-17-24, SPEC IA LIST the Clerk of this Court on or be­ of L. L. Ray in the M in e r Build­ the principal and the high school (A 2 7 - 8 3 10 17 241 Phone 91-J them, In or to the follow ing des­ ing. Eugene, Oregon. fore said day and time. and grade teachers. cribed real property. Io -w it: Dated this 10th day of Septem- O. L. C O L D R E N , Executor of N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE flfftce llo u ra : 1 lu 5 P. M iw Internal M edicine for the N O T IC E T he program com mittee was com­ Beginning at a point In the the Last W ill and Testam ent l>er, 1931. Real Property O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T posed of M rs. A. B. Johns. Mrs. past eighteen years 406 Fburth Street North line of Eleventh Avenue of L. A. Coldren, deceased. A M A N D A CO LC O R D . Execu Notice la hereby given (h a l the N O T IC E Is hereby given that by West 156 feet W est o f a point Nelson W h ita k e r, and Mrs. John L. L. R A Y . Attorney for Estate. trix . uuderalgned. Clara 8. Vernon. Ad virtu e of an execution and order _ . . _ ,, ... . .. 303 5 feet South o( the Southeast of (S 24— O 1-8-1622, sale Issued out of the Circuit DePue' A » ° r0 *Y * ” • the A dair. m ln la tra trlx of the Estate of George corner of lx>t Nine (9) In Hud eatate. W . Sebring. de<-eased. haa filed her T h e Parent-Teacher Association DO ES N O T O P E R A T E dleaton’a Addition to Eugene, Court of the State of Oregon for ( 8 - 1 6 1 7 -2 4 ; 0 - 1 - 8 , N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S F in al Report and Account aa such w ill meet in the auditorium of the thence W est aumg the N orth t.une C ounty this 9th day of Sept . Notice Is hereby given th a t the A d m in istratrix w ith the C lerk of line of auld Eleventh Avenue 1931, upon and pursuant to a de N O T IC E undersigned has been appointed ad­ school house for a business m eet­ the County Court of laine County. W est 46 feet, thence N orth 96 ere«' duly given and made by «aid O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T m in is tra trix of the Estate of Fred J. ing Tuesday tfternoon September Oregon, and that Saturday, the 3rd W ill be at O S B U R N Hotel feet, thence East 40 feet, thence Court the 8th day of Sept., 1931 ____ Notice is hereby given that the Thatcher, deceased, by the County 23. A ll of the parents and those day of Oct 1931. at 10:00 A M In pending ______ therein _ In which South 96 feet to the place o f be­ In a suit _______ SA TU R D A Y , OCTOBER 3 Court of Lane County. Oregon All State M utual Building and Loan undersigned A d m in istrator w ith the the County Court Room of said interested in the school are invited ginning. all In Iaine County. State Association, a corporation was W ill Annexed of the Estate of persons having claim s agains said County at Eugene. Oregon, has been Office Hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. of Oregon. to attend. M t by t i n Hot! C I* Barnard. Dut«'d thia 9th day o( Sept., 1931. p lu in tIff and Charles O. Foster, George Z. 1« kes, deceased, has filed estate are required to present them Miss Ada Zinser left F riday for WaJlle Price and Nona Price, his his F in al Report and Account as w ith the proper vouchers to the Judge of said Court, ns the tim e H L I1O W N, SherUf. undersigned at the law office Albany, where she w ill teach in und place of hearing objections to By A E. H U L E G A A R D , Deputy. wife, and It A W ilcox were de such w ith the C lerk of the County | the same, and for the final settle No Charge fo r Consultation fendanta. which execution and or- Court of Lane County. Oregon, and of P otter and Bailey, a t No. 531 the firs t grade of the public school. (8 -10 17 24 0 — 1-8., der of aale was to me directed and that Saturday, the 17th day of Oct M in e r Building. Eugene. Oregon, men! of said ‘eatate. Among those who w ill attend the ________ commanded me to sell the real pro oher. 1931, at ten o'clock in the w ith in six months from the date C L A R A 8 V E R N O N . Admlnls N O T IC E TO A P P E A R U. of O. this year from Coburg are of this notice. perty h ereinafter described to forenoon, in the County Court tra trlx . IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E satisfy certain lien« and charge» In Room In the Court House of said Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this Miss Norm a Zinser, E lm e r Gus- Dr. M ellen th in does not operate W E L L S A W E L L S , Attorney». S T A T E OR O R E G O N FO R said decr«w specified. I w ill on County at Eugene, has been set by j 24th day of Septem ber, 1931. IS 3 10 1 7 -2 4 - 0 . I> tafson, Clifford Harrison, and Miss tor chronic appendicitis, gall stones, LANK CO UNTY R U B Y W 1N G E R D . A d m in istra­ S aturday the 10th day of October, the Hon C. P. Barnard. Judge o f, T helm a Cross. Miss M ollie Coch- ulcers of stomach, tonsils or ade- C IT A T IO N trix o f the E state of Fred J. T he State of Oregon, P la in tiff, 1931. at the hour of one o'clock. "»Id Court, as the tim e nnd place! ran Is going to register at O. S. C. noids. T hatch er. Deceased. • verau i P. M at the southwest door o f the to hear objections to the same, and IN T H E C O U N T Y C O U R T O F T H E U n iv e r s a l M o r t g a g e C o r p . again this year. One certain 1930 model M arqu ­ County Court H oubc In Eugene, for the final aettlem ent of said P otter tc Bailey. A ttcrneys for STATE OF OREGON FOR Miss Fullerton arrived last H e has to his c rtd it Estate. ette Sedan, bearing m otor num ­ I.une County. Oregon, o ffe r for sale estate. COUNTY OF LANE tS 24— 0 1-8-1622, Thursday to take over her duties results *“ «»iaemma of the stomach. T . A S T IV E R S . A d m in istrator ber 10263. 1931 C alifo rn ia license and sell at public auction for cash. IN P R O B A T E NO. 6571 * ’ID> the W ill Annexed, num ber 2D7940; Boy M utnniey, subject to redemption as provided IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E E S ­ blood. as teacher of the 5th and 6th llT e r- bowels, blood, skin, nerves. and American- Hecurlles Corpora- by law , all of the rig ht, title and W E L L S A W E L L S . Attorneys. T A T E O F E L IJ A H C. 8 T U M A N . heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, W . P. Tyeon, Agent NO TIC E TO CR EDITO RS grade room. Miss T helm a Cross (S — 17 24 0 -1 - 8 -1 5 ) Ion of K lam ah Falla, Oregon, D e­ interest of the defendants In said Deceased. 126 E S t. Phone 58W catarrh , weak lungs, rheum atism , Springfield, Oregon. June 24. 1931 has been substituting in her room To Addle E. Rlchert and T o e fll fendants. suit and of all parttea claim ing by. N otice Is hereby given th a t the sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal a il­ R icher!, her husband: Thomas W T O : Ray M um m ey. Am erican 8e- through or under them or any of N O T IC E O F 8 A L E undersigned as Superintendent of during her absence. ment». Rtuman and Anna Stumnn. his curltlaa ( 'orporatliin of K lam ath then,. In or to the follow ing des­ OF REA L PRO PERTY M rs. Foster of Sioux Falls. South Banks fo r the State of Oregon Is Geiiural Law Practice w ife; Rvsdon Vance Slum an and Falls. Oregon, and T O W H O M IT cribed real property, to-w lt: Notice la hereby given th a t by in charge of the assets and affairs Rem em ber above date, that con Stella Slum an, his w ife ; Fred Stu M A Y C O N C E R N , the above named virtue of an order of the C o u n ty , of the Com m ercial State Bank of Dakota, is visiting at the home of Beginning at a point One H u n ­ I. M. PETERSON man and H ester Rtuman. his w ife; defendants: Court of Lane County. Oregon, duly , S pringfield. Oregon, fo r the pur- her son-in-law and daughter, M r sultation on thia trip w ill be free dred T w en ty-three (123) feet John T a y lo r Stum an. and Lucetta Attoroey-pl-I«-xln4 KTzvvt lx •>**• W'naf r»F 4 *1 rx Hge*lTV S(*ll At PTlVAtC SftlP lOT CASH O r lOT occupied by M r. and Mrs. Tom Lee ent of Banks. p o in t n ^ n io 01 t il e V V « IH 1 C A S , l l «111(1 . C T P a Ki«rhnal <«i«xrt’ l l 1 l t . A t O ♦>»» t il* u ig llP H t 1 D » 1 id * Lnne County. Oresgon; . a point on Seventh street about Building Oregon (»■24) ning and tnence South z< w e t . . a»Of« Or. w ithin tw enty (20) dava from ! «Ixty feet east o f the Intersection n L ,.. •».„ „1«™ der at Eugene, Lane County, State 5» feet to the place of heginning. .. . .. i«»i»4 ana the date of the service of this clln of Greenwood street nnd Seventh Account of Estate Filed— F in al Kasin. and helng part «r of tkn the nni«>«n.i original ,in«o dona of Oregon, . a all of the rig ht, title nnnK NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE tlon upon you If served upon you street. In Junction C ity. Oregon; tlon land claim of Eugene F ,oi ™ ld, T?” 0” account of the probate of the estate ON E XEC U TIO N AND In any other county tn the state ¡th a t the above described personal V. HANDHOTHE. 8. M. Skin ner and w ife No. (4 In Tow n " f ,h ^ "' h naP, .u .p Z of Ed Johnson was filed Saturday. FORECLOSURE of Oregon than Lane County: property was on said date delivered ship 17 South of Range 3 West d?!,c'dbed. hte re l" or, an* .5a r‘ , ,h.*r,H EUGENE N O T IC E Is hereby given that by Or, w ith in tw enty-eight (28) days into the custody of H . L. Bown. of the W illa m e tte M eridian. In of; ,he anrt Vl^b.n S W E D I8 H M A S S E U R - virtu e of an execution and order from the date of the firs t public» S h e riff of said county nnd atate Estate to Be Probated — L. A. i?.e.An Oregon. nlng. being one acre of land. to the order duly made nnd entered title and Interest of the defendants m in istrato r of the estate of Colin C . ( should not lie granted. j by the above entitled Court on the In said suit and of all pnrtles claim t ,,, s notice is published In the sell for cash at public auction sub­ <50 pomuii of baggage may be ject to redemption as provided h / D lx. The estate in Lane county W IT N E S S the Honorable C. I ’, eighth ilay of •Septem ber, A. D., Ing by, through o r under them or Springfield News, a w eekly news- checked free od there llcketl.) law. a ll of the rig h t, title , and In- amounts to $1400. any of them , In or to the following paper of general circulation pub- Itnrnnrd. Judge of the County Court 19:11. __________________ llsheri at Springfield In Lane Coun- terest of aald defendants. W illia m of the State of Oregon for the Coutl- j W itness mv han 1 nnd the Heal of described real property, to-w lt: " aad "A t 20 you left the farm and came L ot E ig ht (8) In Block Six (61 ty, Oregon, the date of firs t publlca- A Ogden and ty of Lane and the Seal of the snld snld court affixed a t Eugene. Ore all persons claim ing by through or • ................... I11 the Amended P la t of F air ,jon being Septem ber 17th, 1931, Court hereto affixed, this 1st day gon. this eighth dny of Septem ber, under them , or eith e r of them . In I ” 'h e city. And for 30 years have mount, now a part of the City ot a . W . C O R N U T T , Guardian of of September, 1931. ; A. I).. 1931 been w orking Ilk« the dickens. the persons and estates of Ad- and to said premises. W . B. D IL L A R D . County « le rk Eugt'ne, In I.ane County, Oregon. ATTEST. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of I-ane w h at for?” Dnted this 9th day of Sept., 1931.1 rlan Cornutt, V iv ia n Cornutt of Latte County, State of Ore 1 (S E A L ) W . B. D IL L A R D , C lerk. DR. ELLA MEADE i ' ouJJty. . ° i re8O,(L t “ ,n order to get money enough to I«ee Jernlgan and N orria J e rn l­ H . L. B O W N , S h eriff. gon, and ex-offlclo C lerk of By EV A L. D U C K W O R T H , Optometrist CARL OLSON, Agant A. E. Hulegaard, Deputy. „ , _ By A. E. HULEG AARD, Deputy. gan. Minors. J Deputy. 1 said C irc u it Court. (8 2 4 - 0 1 -6 1 6 M ) I1 1 ’ « ln “ »• country.” (8 — 10-17-24. O— 1-A) (8 -1 7 -1 4 . O— 1-616) (8 .— 10-17-24) (8 a-10-17-24—O. 1) 1 41 Waat Sth Eugene M Thurston Cobnrg Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Coming to Dr. Mellenthin BO N D S BY T R A IN $ 1 Funeral Directors T° SAN FRANCISCO F U Ii-V U E «24 LOS ANGELES A BK AUTIFUIs FRAKIE q u ite d itT e v e u t iiio n ALE O T H E R S S otttbem P acific