THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S Published Every Thursday at Springfield. ban* County. Oregon, by H. E. MAXEY. Editor a* eaoond class matter. February J4, 1903. at the postoffice. Springfield. Oregon. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Year In Advance ............ >1.7* Three Month» ------------------- 75c Six Month* ............ .. z « « • Stogie C o p y -----------------------------»« THPRSOAY. 8EI TKMUER 24. 1*31 government aih Oil the one hand we have a countr.v-wide demand for the reduction of taxes ns a relief for depression. On the other hand there is wide agitation, such as manifested itself in the state fede ation of labor convention, for the starting of new public works and the creating of more work at the p ,j ns. "< ‘’irrlov people out of work. It is self evident that these two proposals do not go hand in hand but are in opposition to each other. Even If bonds are voted for public work instead of direct taxes it is but prolonging the pay day and building up interest charges, making it harder in the end to ever balance the public books. We fee) that both of these proposals should be taken in moderate doses. The old economic law of supply and de­ mand was never more in effect than it is today. The world is choked with a surplus of goods and labor that it cannot sell. Causes beyond government action or ability to change are effecting the world wide depression. Before we can ever hope to sell again the world surplus must be consumed and to stimulate that consumption all prices must come down. Much as w. di'-like to say it wages must come down too. because wages are. or should be, ’ ae b sis of the price of all goods. As long as wages are high, then the price of goods necessarily must be high, and consequently will not sell as readily. There may be some justice In the argument that wages should be kept up to enhance the purchasing jxiwer of the workers but it must be remembered that labor­ ers are but a part of the consuming public and their effec­ tiveness are greatly lessened when there is much unemploy­ ment. The federal farm board was a magnificent attempt to help one great class of the American public, the farmer. After spending millions of the taxpayers money the attempt is pretty much of a “washout.’’ because of one reason. The government had not the ability to fix the prices of world­ wide products—wheat and cotton. Any attempt to help labor through wholesale public employment will be but temporary and result in further depression. Where there are needed public works to be done, especi­ ally those requiring hand labor, there should be speeding up to get it under wav before winter but to deliberately create public work at the expense and doubtful benefit to the public I', a falacity. Here in Oregon we should go ahead with our road program as laid out and push forward as rapidly as possible projects requiring hand labor. Those who fear competition with the McKenzie highway by the Santiam highway soon need not be alarmed. An inspection of the Santiam highway by the writer a few days ago reveals that there is still 35 or 40 miles of this highway that even a snake would have hard work crawling up. The road is in excellent shape to Cascadia hut a few miles above it stops. Judging from the speed made in bringing the Mc­ Kenzie up to state standards the Santiam will be a road for our children to use. By a unanimous vote the State Federation of I^abor a resolution for bringing back beer. Evidently the worker; ¡igi.r- if i. ■»• , •! .’ . v 'i. >• they 'an’t eat during this depression they might get a chance to drink. ------------- ♦------------- The British sailors went on strike the other day protest­ ing a cut in pay. thus tieing up the biggest navy in the world. The next thing w e can expect to hear is a petition for short­ er fighting hours. Many a doughboy would have been ready to sign such a petition during the last war. After all w p can’t help but wonder if those so called “milk wars” exist only in the mind of some city editors rather than in fact. THE IAMIIV ^DO CTO R rJ0HN JOSEPH GAINES. M.D ODDS AND ENDS Since I last touched this subject, I have noticed in the big daily paj>ers that no fewer than twenty-five deaths have occurred front “heart disease" in one great metropolis in the middle-west. , Men-- all of them. And none of them over sixty years old. All of them big. two-fisted, bull-necked fellows.......... Some of them were personal acquaintances of mine. They were go-getters. If you please; the city and state sustained a distinct loss when each died. There’s a lesson here for all but the heedless. The skinny, lanky, dyspeptic, plunderbund artist of the big town ntay go crazy, but he doesn’t die of “heart disease.” Had you ever noticed that? The fellow that “spits up” once in awhile, and is afraid to eat much. It’s the fellow that weighs from 190 up. whose "heart’ gets him like a shot; the fellow that carves the canvas-back, and tops it off with a hot chaser; that doesn’t have time to dine till the day is done the big, forceful he-ntan of business. Lessons lessons to the observing. Over-fueling at wrong hours. The big feed just before the night of rest. Breakfast and noon lunch negligible in quantity and bolted —swallowed whole! The rush back to business—no time for eating or digesting properly, until that office closes at six. The road to “tubbiness,” blood-pressure, rotten arteries, “heart disease" at 50 or therabout. Better be a “skinny” with a bundle of nerves and a cow- horn stomach, in the mad chase for the dollar. Then, you can at b a. ; avert Hie heart disease benediction, the over­ stuffed wares of the morticaii, the tall marble shaft,—all these, till you reRlly want to die and have It over with. COUNTY OBJECTS TO COST OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ROWtMAftIDH THE WILLAMETTE PRESS Entered THURSDAY. S K ITR M IIK K 84. 1 931 THE BPRINGFIRLD NEWS PAGE TWO oorwKNT x a j ■K31 lí r? iw ç ft / r 1.1 i ' l l ) to ail answer of the de­ ft! In ih" case of Lane county v. t-sus V ila I . Pratt the county ho.ii- I'.i .1 ' 'It of the detent! ant t n the t-tiitsl needed for the Un'yen t v a -t highway I ’alil ot way b it. i «m ill Hie »alile - 112 liti 25 s e t lit the t»w n e t . strangely. The telephone girl this is »>. e of a numb« i of right- came around from her desk in the of way suits in which the county Is corner and lounged within good invol» ed hearing distance. A large man n slouchy clothes sauntered nve COURT ORDER TO SELL from the cigar stand. Two mei- sit BANK FIXTURES GIVEN ting near dropped thetr papers in thetr laps and one began to rub t rtler for the sal<> ot fixtures of up his glasses. the Commercial State bank o f , "Separate floors?" repeated the Sprlnif.elti was signed Monday by ! clerk Judge G. F. Sklpworth. The order “Y-yea, please," chimed Rowena w . • sought lit A. A Schramm, state helpfully. "So—so wo won't wake bank superintendent, who has had each other up mornings We sleep charge if the liquidation of the bank since June <>. late." The First National hank of “Um. 1 see." said the clerk Trav Springfield purchased the nest of ellng together?" "Yes." said Peter firmly. "My I safety deposit boxe» on a bid of wife aud I are taking a motor trip *119.76. 7 , SS J 1 a contested divorce ault In circuit partinent as Insolvent The petitioner alaie» that bin re court Monday a decree waa denied quoat for a preferred claim in the both liessle Z liemeuwn an I Nor liquidation of the hank has been Ilian A. Ileinenway The wife had rejected. The ainot. it Involved Is filed the ault anil the husband (lied ■ a counter-suit. 11246 70. In the contested divorce suit of kddle M Marshall agalnat Fred JUDGE DENIES BOTH PARTIES A DIVORCE Marshall Inurd Saturday In the A lieu lt court the wile was granted After hearing much evidence in tUe decree. gether. and that we re anything but llackruft Motors hire Kuwena lo n love. But it Isn't » real marriage an ompany Peter on a nation wide I have in mind. Just to cover the tour in their roadster as an adver­ proirletles and let ua finish up the tising stunt. At the last minute Lit­ tle Bobby is engaged to act aa trip.— And Just think ho« touch more money we can save, not al chaperon. A tew miles out Bobby becomes wavs haviug to bur manicures and tearful at being parted front her souvenirs for Bobby!—1 know a sweetheart and Rowena Insists on judge in New Yoik and he'll annul taking her place In the rumble so dtat she can ride with Peter and us as soon as we get back. No harm have him to talk to about Carter. done.” Rowena gels Peter to consent to di­ "Maybe he won't do It.“ vide the expense money each week "Oh. yes, he will. He wants to aa soon as it arrives, and astonishes Peter by eating too economically. marry me himself. He'll annul ua 1 he three tourists reach Denver, like a shot out of a gun." after passing through Buffalo. Chi­ "But. Rowena—“ he began cago. and 8t. Louts. Peter aud Ro­ wena have many tiffs on the way wretchedly. while Carter keeps wiring Bobby to I "And. Peter, dear Peter." said return to New York. The morning after they reach Denver, Peter aud Rowena moving prettily In the Rowena discover Bobby has desert­ transparent velvet scarf. "I'm really up to Yellowstone." ed them and returned to New York a terribly nice sort when I'm not The clerk swung the register to WIFE ASKS DIVORCE: by train. They are faced with the working hard and worried about CRUELTY IS CHARGE waid him and handed him the pen impossible condition o( continuing money. Ever aud ever so many their trip without a chaperon. "Will yon register?" Geneva L. Chapman filed suit NOW GO ON WITH THE STpRY quite nice people are terribly an­ "Peter Blande," wrote I'eler for divorce ill circuit court Satur , xious to be married to me. 1 dare day against her husband George; •'Well, you're not chained there, say as a married couple we shall firmly. "Your wife, tear, please.' said Paul Chapman are you? There's nothing to keep get along better than most. And . The couple married In Eugene. | you from getting out, is there? I'm we will be careful to get rooms on the clerk. in bed. too, but I'm not going to let separate floors of the hotel and Peter hesitated. "Mrs.—Peter—" March 28, 1925. and have two ehll ilren. The Complaint alleges that a mere being in bed interfere with make the clerks give us a receipt he wrote slowly. my professional future, am 1? PH; making a note of It, so we can Rowena leaned over. “I'd rather the defendant struck uml slapped meet you down stairs in ten min j use It for evidence that we have use niv own name. Peter," she said ilia wife and called her names. Custody of the children la asked , utes.” And she hung up the re­ never—uh—never been—anything 'For for professional reasons." by the mother who states lhal an but Just—well, married, you know." ceiver. Peter crossed out what he had Now on the whole, no one could "That's enough. If you ask me," written and wrote "Miss.“ Then he agreement about support has been1 made with the defendant. have been more practical about said Peter in a troubled voice. scratched that out and wrote "Row­ things connected solely with busi­ ena Rostand.” But it did not look "I’m terribly hungry," said Row­ ness than Rowena. Her clothes ena. "Let’s go down to that cunning Just right to him so he carefully DESERTION IS CHARGE: were smart, for all their Increasing; little place the clerk told us about Inserted "Mrs. over the scratched- HUSBAND ASKS DECREE shabbiness, but they were extreme­ and have a sandwich or something out "Miss." ly tailored and trim. Her very , And you think it over. 1 had to Alleging that his wife while The clerk studied the name, the manners were crisp and business­ think up some way out of it, Peter. telephone girl looking over his camping with him at Stayton re­ like. But something—she didn't We Just couldn't chuck It—not here shoulder as he did so. The large fused to return to Eugeue and left know just what—prompted her to —not right at the very front door man in the slouchy clothes studied for Wenatchee. Wash.. Joseph A. discard her chic sports costume of the Rocky Mountains. I couldn't Peter. An way filed suit for divorce In cir­ that night. She dived to the bottom bear IL" "New York, eh?" said the clerk. cuit court Monday against tils wife, of her bag and pulled out a soft Grace Marie Anway. "Yea." said Peter. So they took a taxicab and went and shimmery little dinner gown The couple married In Eugeue "Yes. Indeed.” chimed Rowena down to the nice tittle place and of enticing line and beguiling color. September 11. 1921. and have no "Motor out together?" Rowena didn t say a word about She put on her highest-healed silk- "Yea," said Peter and Rowena in children. business, or money, or profesalons. en slippers. She got out tinkling She talked softly of lovely, lovable well-timed chorus. little blue bracelets and earrings ORDER TO RESTRAIN things, and smiled, and the beads The clerk frowned over the room and chains. And she accentuated shone blue on her throat, and stars chart. "I'm afraid we’re full up," he DEFENDANTS GRANTED her shimmery sweetness with the shone in the blue of her eyes, until sold slowly. "Not a thing left.” flattering lines of a chiffon v elv et, A temporary restraining order Peter declared it was a very good Peter leaned over the desk und was signed by Judge U. F. Skip- scarf, deep and wide and ruffled. idea of hers and they would get It bis mild face looked quite grim and worth Saturday on motion of the When Peter,waiting rather sulk­ done first thing next morning. ugly. "You said you had two plaintiff in the case ot Mary E. ily in the lobby of the hotel, first After breakfast the next morn­ rooms. " he said in a low voice. saw her floating toward him he Hostick against George F. H. Hos- ing Peter insisted upon using a “We did then,” said the clerk ttek and a number of other defend­ could scarcely believe it was Ro­ sm all portion of their dwindling evenly. "But Just now”—he shook ants Including the Commercial wena of the rumble seat. Her expense money to buy a plain wed­ his head—"I'm afraid not." rouge-red lips smiled at his frank State bank of Springfield, now be­ ding ring. The telephone girl snickered a ing liquidated. amaxement and she took his hands In hers, powdery soft to the touch : They had no trouble procuring little and one of the men sitting The order Is to prevent the re­ the license, hurried directly to the near by rustled his paper. Rowena and faintly perfumed. moval of timber or wood from land, nearest Justice and by twelve flushed and canght a sharp breath, pending a mortgage (oreclosura “Peter, darling,” she said. ”1 have o'clock they were married. cowering slightly, but Peter sud­ suit for *3500. a gorgeous idea.” Back in the hotel they turned denly showed surly and efficient. Peter's sulkiness took instant i abruptly away from each other as “Oh, yes, you have,” he said. WALKER WEST COUNTY flight. 'Gosh. Rowena, you—you’r e 1 soon as they had their keys from "Two rooms, and we'll take them. exquisite! You’re Just ravishing! the desk and went up to tbelr ROAD NEARLY READY We've got a marriage certificate, tf You must let me paint you like rooms by separate elevators. And Final work on the Walker west that. You're simply unbelievable— at one o'clock they were drawing that's what's eating you!” "Yeah?” county road of about two and one- you're not real!" out of Denver, headed north, both "Rowena, get the certificate!” half miles from the Pacific high­ “Oh, but this is the real Rowena,"; a little bushed, a little excited and way Is being completed, says (). E. Rowena hurriedly took It out of she said with seducive sweetness. more than a little nervous. the side pocket of her bag. The Crowe, county commissioner. The "You never saw me before. You It was very late that night when know only a poor little working they reached Cheyenne. The last clerk read It slowly and handed it inud is In tine shape and has been girl trying to earn her dally bread.' ; twenty miles Peter drove slowly, to the large man In the slouchy in use for some time. The rocking of about four und "I—I've Just got to paint you like creeping along as one who dreaded clothes who looked it over and nod­ <>ne half miles of the Row river ded churlishly. that!” the ultimate arrival and when no "Denver, eh?” Inquired the clerk. road will be completed wltbtn a "You shall,” she promised, sm ll-; amount of slowing down could post few days. "To-day. eh?’’ pone the Inevitable he was plainly leg. "Yes." said Peter. “1 suppose It’s too late to do it : on edge. • "Some other people drove out ACTION TO START TO 1 now—” he began. “It's going to be awkward as the with us." Rowena hastened to ex­ OBTAIN BANK CLAIM "I'm afraid so." Rowena drew a devil,” he said moodily. plain. "And they were unexpectedly deep, deep breath. Something about "Not at all," said Rowena. "Just called back to New York—and so— Petition to file a suit against A. it—something about her—made go right in and rak for two rooms the rest of us—Peter and I—Just A. Schram, slate bank superintend Peter think vaguely of a swimmer ' on separate floors.” ent, was granted by Judge G. F. got married.” standing cold and bold and bare, "You'd better come with me. It "We’ve got a very nice suite on Sklpworth today to It. U. Martin. body poised motionless, for a dis­ j will look odd for me to go in alone the second floor,” suggested the The petitioner holds that he was tance plunge into icy water.— and then come back for you." tendered two cashier's checks for clerk. ’Peter—you—you are very sure you Rowena got out. "J-Just be off­ "All right,” said Peter grimly. a chei k owing to turn at the Com are not In love?" "No,” cried Rowena, faint but mental State hank of Springfield hand about It, Peter. Be casual." "I will be." he asured her gal­ at 11:3® a. lu. June 6 at a time "Yeh,” he growled. "They're go- firm. "Separate floors.” lantly, "If you look like this very I ing to think It’s very fishy.” The clerk grinned, not unsympa­ when the hank had already been often.” Obviously, they did think so. thetically. "All right, all right,” he taken over ny the state bank de "I'm serious, Peter.” Peter strolled up to the desk with a said. "Don't be nervous, lady. We'll "No, I m not In love." 1 conspicuous assumption of non- put him on the top floor—Congrat­ “Absolutely?” . chalance, Rowena tagging nervous- ulations. Mr. olande. She's certain­ “Absolutely.” 1 ly at his heels. ly a beauty. She'll get over that "Then Peter, how about this?” "Got a couple of rooms?" he ask- nervousness.” Another deep breath—another pre­ 1 ed the clerk. Peter muttered unspeakable monitory quiver of cold flesh antici­ “Yes, sir,” said the cleric briskly. things deep down in his throat, and pating an Icy plunge. "You know "On er separate floors, I sup- the boy came In and took their bngs marriage isn’t the sweetly sacred j pose.” said Peter hopefully. and led them off to separate rooms thing It used to be. It's only a sort “No—connecting." said the clerk. on separate floors. A loud gust of PORTLAND of adventure these days, a matter "Er— well ----- ” began Peter, laughter swept up the elevator of expediency, or convenience, or ! weakening. OREGON shaft In their wake. emotional experiment. And be But Rowena nudged him. In the doorway of the room as­ sides, business is far more import­ "We'd rather have them—er—on signed her Rowena turned and held ant. Don't you think so?” You’ll meet your different floors If you don't mind,” out an appealing hand. "I hadn't really thought of It in he stammered and his face grew friendi of the out- “G good night, Peter," she said Just that way,” said Peter vaguely. red. of-door) at the sadly. "Well, you think of It and you'll The clerk looked up at them (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) PRESIDENT see I'm right. Anu as long as we're not In love with anybody else or J. A. CUSHMAN I form«» Notional P io U anything, and nobody cares one P R «gv«seatolive of tho way or the other—well, why don't ' I bm A V o k o e LooywoW we—why can’t we—don’t you see Amorico, k sow mono^o® j a i H»k gogwlor ^or4® what I mean? Why not Just go n s s ’i koWquorto**. Ho ahead with the trip the way we are, lovüo® yov to drop in on4 *H o f!o ” when® vo» and do the work, and get the i or® ■- P o rtio n ^ money and everything—and Just get married? That's all.” Peter hadn't remotely suspected Don't let your t ar stand out In the weather and alto this YOUR what she had in mind until she grow old so fast. It is cheaper to store here than to PORTLAND brought the word out. struck him KOQUARTtRt build a garage. full in the face with It, as It were. We have one of the best modern fire-proof garage And ft pulled him up short.shock- buiklingH In the county, with lots of room for storage. ed and resentful, like a truck man. Our service in by the day or by the month and for either “Why. Rowena, i list's—that's live or dead storage. Very nice of you- I suppose. But I really had never thought about— EXPERT MECHANICS LOOK AFTER YOUR being married to you----- ” CARS HERE "Well," she Interrupted tartly, "If 4 T H . £ ALDER it comes to that T can't think of anything in the world I’d like less lhan being married to you, either.” “Authorized Ford Dealers” But she realized at once she was General Repairing General Lubrication off on the wrong track and quickly Blue Green Ganollne changed her method. “Of course, darling," she added kindly, "I know John Anderson SPRINGFIELD OREGON Ray Nott we don’t get along very well to­ Fifth Installment Mr. Deer Hunter — Don’t get off In tin* mountain«, 4<> mil«« from no­ where. ami aome iroHty morning find thnt your motor won’t start. Drive in her«* before yon go und let nn tun« tip your motor uml ln»p«et your battery. Tim right kind of ga*olin<* und oil liun much to <1» with the cur sturtiug tin cold tluys Violet Huy und Ethyl do the trick “A ” Street Service Station A Few Home Remedies Full duyn ure here und you uhuutd not let eoltla break down your reslntunee to tin* coming winter wea­ ther. A few simple Imine remedlen will often protect you from nev< re nleknesn. We have hud ninny.yeurn of (ruining und experience our advice in free. Let us tell you the value of different remetllen. Ketel’s Drug Store In New Store Main, Near Fifth you W om en....... walk eight miles a dny working around the house. When you begin to feel fugged out. eat u piece or two of ('ANDY It’s a grand source of quick energy. Try it next linte you’re tired. See how it pleka you up. We Have Many Kinds They're ull Delicious F G "Wti«re G I th* M A N N ’S 8t»rv ce I» L m JI I SPOKESMENS' HEADQUARTERS :STORAGE: $ 2 .5 0 Month HOTEL PRESIDENT ANDERSON MOTORS Inc. PORTLAND 1 • JL 'V ' Old-Fashioned BARGAIN D A YS T h u r s d a y .. ..F r id a y .. ..S a tu r d a y The Golden Rule Rulers of Low Prices 10th <& Willamette—EUGENE—New Schaefers Bldg. p r in s iliv o l i f e r e q u ir e s fo o d , < lo lltin < g sand s lie lle r . . M O D E R N LIFE DEMANDS COM PLETE E L E C T R IC S E R V IC E Thi ■s fflie e a s y w a y to ir o n I f you are interetled al all in applying modern methods lo housework, you will like the electric ironer. I lere is a machine literally built to save lime and effort. . , it Joes all the flat pieces, and much of the finer work, and it is so constructed that you can operate it silting down . . . What could be more comfortable than that? Your dealer has the electric ironer on display at his store . . . either the separate machine or one which derives its power from the motor on the electric washer. Al our low rates for electrfi service, a few cents an hour covers all the operat­ ing cost. r M O U N T A IN STATES POWER CO M PANY