THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HI'K i NGKIKLU. LANK COUNTY- OREGON, THl'ItSHAY SKITEMBER 24. 1931 twenty eighth t e a k . No 37 t«-r-c«rfor jENEfii 'coiiKUti «.s. SEEKS PIW BERT TOMSETH OFF P .T .A . Meeting Officers this Week Wedding Is Held to Be Held triday PLANNED AT H.S. FOR ROAD WORK FDR RELIEF WORK 10 i l l « UK FAIR FOOTBALL LINEUP Lloyd Frese to Be President Mis* Olive Gerber Becomes. - - Two Springfield Women Will of Graduating Class; Don­ Methodist Brotherhood Take* Rust Brothers Will Rock Sec­ Star End Break* Left Leg Head Committee* on Coun­ Committee Appointed Will Bride of Dale Cheshire at Mrs. Ketels to Direct Corn- ald Hawke Heads Juniors tion of Upper Willamette Surprise Wedding munity Affair to Be Pres­ Action; Ask* Backing of ty Council Body Tuesday Evening in One of Study Exposition and Make Highway ie Report Mina Olive Oerber, daughter of I ented During October Local Churches Firet Scrimmage Pday* Suggestion* at Meeting New officers of the three higher First iimutlng of III* Springfield I'urenl -Teacher a**o«'lallon for the Mr. and Mr*. II. E. Oerber of tfal* Whether the Lane county lair Ju.t|fle s Its con ! 1 I*®*®” ‘h® bride tiiman* e with programs similar to litre. ed the bride. The wedding was un TEAM NOT DISCOURAGED present school year will be held St I ( ob||( eM) r . ï - « = Â î 5 w* " grades at the high school were « eo cross w , u . * ss , st problems Incidental to school open- g<|,ool auditorium about the mid ,„e <>f OctobBr for , be purpose of bar-Run Gravel Will Be Used ing had been worked out. The Need for Immediate Preserva- Wsalth of Material Available noon, Septem ber 36, nt 3 o'clock And Route Made Passable freshmen will probably elect their Features of the meeting will be raising funds for new stage equip­ tion of Surplus Produce Indicntn* St* «**ful Sea­ to Oakridge. Westfir ¡eMd7 a " 7 “/ “f*“’' • c, ord j abort talks by the principals of ment are being completed this | Declared Important lug to W. E. Buell, principal. son for h Squad the H ire., schools; W K Buell. high week. Mrs. Jane Ketels will have • ---- '■>, Lloyd Frese, son of Mr. and Mrs. R ocking of the upper WIHatnette Lincoln and ,„r «, junction gem-ral charge of the affair and Immediate action Inoking to the Injuries, the ever <* >g threat .......... . »r(t |100(M) of the taypay «IslanU, to w E B u eii,, section of the three miles will be of the senior class of which Mr. , |on ior the purpiwe <)f proy(atog football squads. Invail *?. nrlng and Mrs. Agnes I’rochnow. P T A (.ri(. m()My wgB , pBnt o „ ,.oun They will make their home at high school principal by private contract and not by L ass Buell Is the advisor Other officers a cenfrB, collection and distribution field Tuesday evening z* Ing I president, will ealend greetings |y (a(r (n jppj Bllq (1¥Bf | booou bag Cheshire. It I. planned to have the programi «'““‘X- accorW"« to word received of this claa. are Clinton Hartman. afen<.y , n th,g cUy ,(> u k e of down Bert Tomseth. star ein «r A wedding dinner was held at divided into three parts, the nr„ | by the county court from E A. Col »Ice president; BUI Huord. se< re- re„ ef wof,k hpr(> th,g w|nter * A business meeting und round I been expended In the past ten of last M M * und one of tlx 'able discussion will follow the years. Members of the chamber ex- till- Imine of the bride's parents IO he musical, tbe second, vod-vil. • ““ « highway engineer, who tary. Gordon Wright, treasurer; by w p Ty##o lnByd In Eugene. They are Mrs. It I M.ixey, Hpringfleld Io Investigate jbe other churches of the city ask tint* before he will he able to be | a. Coburg bridge was also held 'he purpose of the benefit program CGlnm, „ , on. The sophomore class will have lng tbat similar groups be provided I* Mortensen, hospllallaatlon and Ihe fair situation und make a re out on rrutehea. later In tbe evening with the fol *’ <*>®Ple‘e ‘he ---------- -- .. A three Inch screen will be used I Bruce Squires for president this from each church and that this Mrs II. C Ogilvie, publicity. Those port at the next meeting which Is The accident la just one of those Maaaw«- Ksrhwru payments started and to purchase _ i lowing people P a« mu<.h nec. ssary additional equip “nd ° n* ’ Preadln* of th u ***’’: Lcho Tomseth will be the body bring about the formation of things which happen. KverytaxJy ih o s e ti to head th e o th e r commit In he held In Cottage Grove. i injndler, Faye Fisher, Alma Flab, will be made, according to the rice president; Margaret Carpen g permanent organization, liatea to see It, It happens In a tees tacado Mrs. II. It Emerson. - Another committee appointed Maxine Bnodgrass. Eunice Gerber, ment as the receipt« will permit. report as received by the county | ter. secretary and treasurer, and Hanta Clara, membership; Mrs W I Wednesday by the president for The mayor has taken up the mat- flash, and hardly ever does a spec Dei-I« Oerber, Velma Moscop, Nor court. Dorothy Hart, so«;ial promoter. I ter „j relief work with the pastors tator realise what has happened It. Parker, Elmira, service and purpose of sitting with the county val Fors, Joe Gerber. Verne Oerber, Tbe rocking with bar-run gravel Miss Millbollen is the faculty ad- of the city churches and thinks that until It Is over. Il Is a and blow, «hop; Mrs H. A Him*. Hauls Clara budget committee when II works \i Hui th. Lindsey DeVoe and Mr. la now under way on the section visor of this class, program; Mrs Roy Wimdruff. the work ran best be carried on by on tlx- budget for th«i next year con­ however, to this sophomore who land Mrs. Cheshire. of more than two miles which la Miss Ann Vogel is faculty ad- these organisations If they will had made a successful start to , River Hoad. Four H clubs, Mrs. sists of F K. Mendenhall. Cottage belng constructed by the federal visor for tbe freshman class., form a cooperative group for the wards a brilliant high arhool ath Della Fingerai«!, county health «jrove; Haus M Peterson. Florence, bureau of public roads. Both r«x:h- --------------------------- THREE INITIATED INTO Allen, Vids. purpose. letlc career II Is even more of a nurse, health; Mrs. J W Working. a(1(| Ing jobs wBI assure an all winter LIONS W ILL ENTERTAIN Rev. Poindexter, has expressed The following Hpringfleld men st- N. O. W. ON WEDNESDAY blow Io the 30 teammates of his Eugene, historian; and Mrs Karl road for the upper W illamette area. C U B S NEXT THURSDAY j him self as being personally very and to his coach who have to meet j Johnson. Vaughn, P. T A. publl-a lerded Ihe Friday meeting W. K. _______ favorable to this plan, and thinks Burnell, W. A Taylor, F. B Ham Robert B urnett, A. E. N o tt and M r*. Walter Cossler to Be New Next year tbe surfacing will Eugene high school In their first lion and exhibits. com pleted. Another meeting of Ihe chairmen 11|„ Jobn py |r „„q | | E Maxey M innie N ott Are New M em ­ Dinner Meeting and Program Plan-1‘hat Immediate action should be game of the Reason on Hayward Commander: Dr. W. N. Dow _________________ bers of Local Group ned for Many New Members started whereoy those people hav- field In Eugene next Friday night of the com m ittees and the execu i is Retiring Officer live committee of Me County Coun­ ing a surplus of either f(xxl or -W ithout question. Tomseth was of Springfield Den Thr«w new members. Robert Bui ‘ clothing would be Induced to pro- the best man on the squad al the cil will be held Thursday. October All candidates m-mlnated for of-: nett, A E. Nott. and Mrs. MlnSle New members of the Springfield tect aDd save these for dlstrlbu- time of hla Injury” stated Nerval I, al the home of the prc-ildent for fleers of Springfield American Le- i the purpose of working out plans Nott were initiated Into Pine Cir­ Lions den, taken in during a recent “ on among the needy thia winter, May, coarh yesterday for school year. cle. Neighbors of Wood«-raft at th • gion post number 40 were elected membership drive will be enter- “ *s a well-known fact that there Team Not Discouraged regular meeting held Wednesday at the regular meeting last Thurs­ tained at a evening dinner and p ro a large amount of food produrts llut the team la not disheartened [ day evening Walter N. Gossler, j evening — at the I. O. O. F. hall Ini . . . il w UUilkur I InuH D a t u m s ^ u n rla u gram to be presented at the Com- which go to w aste annually In this they have set their mlixla Io wlu RECENT BRIDE IS GUEST ------------ i nation followed regular order of P""“*"’ adl a _ (he pTent Thp regu,Br ------------------------- --------------- where started community kitchens utile for each ixialtlon on the team of M r*. George Cole Tixlay. September 24. Is the final night. All those who can are re ond 'r,ce commanders r spe y. ij successful the first part of this meeting of the club much of the perishable products Itlghl now there are 30 turning out Ira M Peterson will be adjutant sea8on 4a bagging thelr rio ted be digpeMeq wUh are being preserved until needed, each night on the field ba< k of Mrs. George Cole, nee Kathryn «hit« on which creditors of the Com- quested to come dressed In co« taking the place of Gossler. J. M. qeer. Almost every party which The wepklj. meetin(f tomorrow wln l„ other places large num ber, of merclal Stale bank may make proof . Mine. Two more members will be Brattain and Ihe coach la putting Jack, wns a guest of honor al a Larson was re-elected as finance W(. nt out froln Springfield the first i prunes are being picked and d-ted be held however. them through very strenuous con­ surpilse shower given by Mias of claims against this institution initiated at Mat time. day of the season returned with ► hl« It I* now In prix-e*« of llqulda- a large representation from th- °M cer- for later use. ditioning exercise« to develop their Ksthei McPherson at her home Frl- Frank Emmerick. W alterville. Dr one or more. Those hunting uu this Just what part the Red Cross will wind, limber up their bodies a n d ' d»v evening at 7 80 Games, en­ Iton under the direction of A. A | October 14. the next regular tne^i the new members of the executive white tails, and those crossing the committee. mountain have been bringing back '■ this organization would rather have Ing night for «he group. that Ihe coach Is conducting a class- «a cuplé«’ the evening for the many Í sistant. In « barge, Mrs. Eliza Nelson was reelected some local body undertake the The new officers will probably be large mule deer. ’ntlrty-three accounts of varlgnted athletics. One minute . ktlendlng installed al Me next regular meet- Wilbur Lloyd brought In the first C T V "thl'meeOng work and allow this organization he has the boys practicing running , Those*present were Mrs Cole , of mom v at the bank have not q , q REPRESENTATION t^ use what means it haH available ATTENDS ANNUAL MEET he held the first Thursday in deer of the season about 2:45 Sun- Wedne8day afternoon then he has them falling down and Jean Kcott, Barbara Adams, c h est, been claimed Ml« morning and at the to a 1 thoae directing the work. .. .. ... .. i....i ..»»i.i„eii " I I t m u o a p u v u h l r v i u t i October. __ . The _________ . «. weighed i»7 place , for the meeting i day afternoon. It 137 nela w eanesaay auernoon gelling up, later performing a group Hayden. Mrs liny Htearmer Mrs I these will be forfeited If affidavit home of Mrs. Ernest Bertscb. Other I pounds. Dr. W. N. Dow returned of callathentlca. and before the sea- William McCallister. Nellie Stuart, ¡claim s are not made before Ihts Eleven members of the Spring- : has not been decided. officers chosen are Mrs. Le;ha Monday evening from Eastern Ore- 4-H CLUB MEMBERS TO «Ion la over they are tackling, and ! Mrs. Don Meaklna, Mrs Italph evening. field Baptist church attended the | » ik I- x GUARD UNIT CHANGES ' gon with a large mule deer weigh R> _____ ____ Davis Mus,oe' 8*‘cre‘ary: Mrs E J -| HAVE FULL PROGRAM Jack. Mrs. E. A. Cole. Mrs. Edith first payments to I»- made the ()f , h(1 ,,apt|gt cbur<'.h ht.,q Much Material Available ANNOUNCED BY SWARTS a»rao« P°“nd8 Bertsch treasurer; Mrs. Georgia AT THE STATE FAIR ------------ i and party found their deer out in _ Cole. Mrs Eslella McPherson. Mrs creditors. After the ninety days al- The coach Is well pleased with at Marshfield last week and won Several changes made in Com- tbe Marcola country Sunday. Dallas •s,e“ le‘l n- flow ers. Mrs. m. the turnout this fall and the man Mubel Kiddle, and Miss Maxine lowed for filing of claims has elap- third place among all cities repre­ Starting with the monster 4-H ner In which the boys work to gain I Snodgrass. sed. all claims will have to be gone sented In attendance. Sessions were pany C. National Guard unit of Murphy brought back one from FM*hes. program, am . rs. . r a m rally Sunday. September 27 a full Springfield were announced t h is . Southeastern Oregon. Rice, correspon ing secretary. over and a ratio of payments work­ held Tuesday to Thursday Inclusive the experience which will mean i The next meeting of the unit will program of club activities of Judg­ week by C. A. Swarts. first lieuten- otb er hunters ln tbla ¥lclnity wbo h^ d Wednegday o( Qct. ed out In proportion to the size places on the regular learn. Eight RAILROAD TO OPERATE und included interesting discus­ ing contest, demonstration and of the various claims. took to the woods for the opening gt the home Qf Mrg Nett,eton lettermen of last year are now sions on Ihe work of both congre ant In charge. judging of exhibits a busy week Is SPECIAL FAIR TRAIN No information Is available as gutlons and of the young peoples ( harles F. Scott, sergeant, has of the season Include George Car- __________________ fighting to retain their old bertha. planned for all 4-H club members. to what percentage will be paid been transferred to the N ation al, son. Chet Olson. Carl Glllenwater. They «re Dean Anderson. William societies. A special train to the State fair Sunday, the club rally for which CAR FENDERS DAMAGED when the first payments are made. ( pe„p|e attending the meet 'Guard reserves at his request be- Morris Morten, Gilbert Wilcox, Max Huord. tackles; Lloyd Pre**. Ver nt Salem will be operated het ween Ay STREET CROSSING a 8P*c‘a‘ program Is planned, all non Liles, fullbacks; Bruce Squire*, — -----------------------(ng included Frank Chase. Gladys cause of Inability to attend regular and George Green. Jim Harpole. Eugeiie and Salem on Saturday. _______ 4-H members will be admitted free quarter; lialtfln Thurman, center; I Chase. Mrs. Elmo Chase. Mrs drill periods. Vernon P. Liles has O .D .Smith, Walter Gossler. W. E. September 2*. the opening date of O. E. S. TO SPONSOR A fender and running board on aD1.00; and adults leaders and club members to ship he says. He -declared that he sup- RALLY WORK FOR FALL Mills, Morris Stewart, Bob Stark. field city council for the purpose of TEACHER HONORED AT >3.10. These rates Include admis­ Include refreshment*. Bridge and I posed Fifth was a stop street livestock by train, truck and Harold Stevenson, ends; Carter 500 will bep layed. sion to the fair. acting on the bids for sidewalks DINNER LAST WEEK The church school is rallying Its through the town and did not look trailers. Hartman. Clinton Hartman. Wllford The next regular meeting of the students and faculty for a year ot construction along East Main : ------------ Lane county will be represented for the yellow warning signs. Scliwendal. Janies Weal, hnlf hacks, Eastern Star will be held at the lt-al study, training and experience. street will be held Tuesday even virgtl McPherson, assistant prin- in every department, according to SERVICES FOR CHRISTIAN nnd Richard Wright, quarter. I hall on Tuesday, October 0 at the Dallas junior high SCHOOLS SHOW FURTHER lnforlnatton received here We will feature adult education ing at 7:30. The authorised milk c| pB] Townspeople are urged to go over CHURCH ARE ANNOUNCED ordinance will probably be a c te d ! school, was guest of honor at a with a view to meeting the real life to the field after school anil watch GAINS IN ATTENDANCE FREDERICK JAMES DIES problems of our own and our chll- on and the preliminary steps In the | dinner at the home of his mother. Morning services nt the Christian TW INS BORN TO LOCAL Ihe boys In training. Mrs. Stella McPherson, last week PEOPLE ON SATURDAY dr®»- Th® message at the 11 o’clock re issuing of city bonds started. church will begin at 9:45 with the Springfield school attendance HERE WEDNESDAY NIGHT just before leaving to assume his ------------ worship service will be: "The He- continued to gain over last year's EPWORTH LEAGUE PLANS regulnr Bible school. The 11 o'clock duties for the present school year. CIVIC CLUB MEETING Twlns. a boy weighing seven nnd llglon of the Master« sermon topic will be "A Brother, Funeral services for Frederick enrollment this week when a total RECEPTION ON FRIDAY Guests present Included Mr. and The evening service will be given One to Christ." There will be a spe threo fourths pounds, nnd n girl W. Janies. 47, who passed away at TO BE OCTOBER 13 of 245 were enrolled In the high Mrs. Edmlnson and children. Mar­ weighing seven pounds were born to a consideration of the theme; school, 158 at the Brattain, and 271 his home here at Eighth and N. The new students, faculty mem­ rial vocal aolo. "The Kprth Is the Saturday morning to Mr. and Mrs ■ Will the church rally? Will there be First fall meeting of the Sprtng- tha Tate. Esther McPherson. La at the Lincoln school. This is a streets Wednesday evening after a bers and any young people who may Lord's," sung by Frank L. Cook. C. O. Anderson nt their home on C a time soon when the majority ol fleM clvt(. cjub wm be be|q at tbe Verne McPherson, Mabel Riddle, The Christian Endeavor m eets at be atrangers are being ««nlerlalned total enrollment for the first week short Illness will be held from the street. Mrs. Anderson and the new people will stop and the few pass Community hall on the second and W. A. McPherson. 7 o'clock for I heir usual study hour, of 674 as compared with 579 this Walker-Poole chapel Monday after­ nt a social function given by the i by the doors of the church? "The Tuesday In October, according to arrivals are getting along nicely. noon at 2 o'clock. Interment will young people of the Methodist and the evening aervtce starts- nt same period last year. Right to Question," will be the sub­ an announcement made this week I. O. O. F. MEMBERS PLAN 8 p. in. “Christ, the Sinner's Sub be in Laurel Hill cemetery. Gains have been shown in each church Friday evening at 7:30. Pre­ ject of the League discussion at by Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, president. Frederick James was horn at V ISIT TO GROVE GROUP of the three utiildlngs. The high parations are being made for a stltute." will he the subject of the SERVICE STATION GETS 6:30 Sunday evening. Miss Fay Par Plans for the year', work of the evening message. There will he spe Fairchild. Wisconsin, on October 6, school started with 230 last year, large number and a fine time. NEW COATING OF PAINT sons will lead the discussion. Every organization will be discussed at rial music. Several members of Springfield the Brattain schools. 151, and the 1884, and lived there until 1918 | one's opinion will be respected. A this time. ftev. Veltle Pruitt will preach at when he moved to Erie. Pennsyl­ lodge No. 70, I. O. O. F. are plan­ Lincoln school 186. Painters for the Richfield gaso­ G. P. HOFFMAN LEAVES cordial reception will be given to both services. ning to drive to Cottage Grove Sat­ line company were In Springfield There are 86 freshmen enrolled vania where he resided until 1928 FOR BUSINESS TRIP all attending nny of the services. urday evening to attend a meeting In the high school, 51 sophomores, when he came to Springfield and NEW COVERING PUT ON the first of the week completely has made his home here since that of the lodge there which will be 47 Juniors, and 60 seniors. THREE GO TO ROSEBURG repainting the J. M. Larson service P. Hoffman, mercantile Htore COBURG M. E. CHURCH G. REV. TAYLOR ATTENDS time. featured by a visit of Homer D. station In the blue and cream of operator In Springfield has gone to FOR BIG CELEBRATION He Is survived by his mother, the gasoline company. A new roof Is being put on the Angel, grandmaster for Oregon. PRINEVILLE MEETING FORMER PLEASANT HILL San Francisco on a business trip. ¡Mrs. Emma James; one brother, Methodist church at Coburg this Three Bprlngfladl men F. B. Mr. Hoffman purchased the stock RESIDENT IS MARRIED ¡Charles E. Hunter; and one sister, R e tu rn * to Albany— Miss H ild a Rev. and Mrs. William G. Taylor week and other minor Improve­ To Enroll at University of the Kennett store and Is con­ Ilamlln, M B. lluntly. nnd Bam Mrs. Mabel Hunter, all of Sprlnr- Pyle has returned to Albany after are spending Wednesday. Thurs­ Miss Hattie Mitchell. Ashland, ments are being made according to Richmond attended the state wide ducting a business In Ihe 1. O. O. F. Mrs. Alice English of Eugene. ()e |d having spent two weeks at the day. Hint Friday of this week at Rev. Dean C. Poindexter. Rev. Poin­ celebration staged at Roseburg last stator of Mrs. D B Murphy, will building. local office of the Mountain States former|y » rMldent ° f Plea“ ’", Hi Saturday In recognition of that city arrive here today to spend the fall Prineville during the annual meet­ dexter serves this church as well Power company during the annual marrled to Wl,"am B"-d" el’ R eturns A fte r V isit ing of the Deschutes Baptist asso­ with her sister. She will enroll at as the one In Springfield. Pastor Moves H ers— New ar­ having been designated ns the site of Lebanon Saturday, September 19 vacation of Miss McPherson. ciation. They nre expected to re­ Ihe University of Oregon for. the of the >2.000.000 Northwest Soldiers In Eugene. The couple will make j Mrs. T. H. Taylor of Portland rival* In Springfield Hre Rev. and fall term to complete her work to­ turn here In timo to conduct regu­ Mrs. F. 8. Clamo. Rev. Clemo Is a home. returned to her home Sunday after their home at Lebanon. Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Get License to Wed — William lar services Sunday. Rev. Taylor wards the Bachelors degree. retired Methodist pastor. They having spent three d ay, here visit­ was supply pastor at Prineville for Rasmussen of Cottage Grove are J. Baugneaa of Dexter and Dora To Attend O. 8. C.—Jack Jackson moved here from Albany and are ing with her sister «nd brother-in- DR. STIVERS TO PREACH the parents of a baby son born to Glaspey of Drain obtained a mar­ To Attend College— Mr. and Mrs. a while this summer beforh accept­ living at 931 E street. The neat and left Saturday for Corvallis where law, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bartholo­ them here Monday at the home of riage license at the office of the AT THURSTON SUNDAY mew. clean appearance of the residential lie planned to neroll In the Oregon Riley Snodgrass had as their guest« ing the pastorate of the Springfield Mr. Rasmussen's parents. county clerk Saturday. sections of this city greatly tm State college. He graduated from during the past week-end. Mr. and Baptist church. -------------------------- Dr. E. V. Stivers, former pastor; (bp Hpringfleld high school In June. Mrs. Willard Sloan nnd their daugh­ pressed the new residente. Return* to School Portland Resident Here — Mrs. of the First Christian church In Leave for Home— Mr. and Mrs. ter. Alda of Coquille. Miss Sloan Drive to Portland Mis- Ida Cox loft Wednesday for M. R. Irish and D. B. Murphy Ed Soule left Sunday morning for Jennie Cannon of Portland drove to I Eugene will conduct services at the Brother Killed— Mrs. J. F. Troops will attend classes at the Eugene Portlander Hsra — Mrs. Agnes Springfield Monday to look after Thurston church bundny according Monmouth where she «III attend Dorn of Portland was a visitor In of Natron received word Monday Bible College this winter. Hor par-¡went to Portland to transact busl- their new home at Burntwood, Ore­ work In connection with the 1. O .¡to an announcement made this the state normal school for th* Springfield the first part of the that her brother had been killed In ents left for their home on Tues ness. Mr. Murphy will return Fri­ gon, where they have recently pur­ , morning. O. F. home In Portland. . year. chased a small farm tracL day. I day. California on Sunday. the Lincoln school on Friday alter- NEW OFFICERS OF LEGION ELECTED TODAY FINAL DATE FOR BANK CLAIMS w eek. Early Hunters Report Success