THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1931 T H E SPRINGFIELD N W S PAGE TOUR CROSS-COMPLAINT FILED BY HUSBAND LANE HAS MUCH Rev. R. K. Clark is planning »pe­ dal meeting for the churches he is I «»tor of at l.eaburg on Sunday evening. September 27tli. The . hui.ho rep, - , tiled will be Fair- Restricted Entry to Continue mont Presbyterian. Walterville and Effective Until Fire Hazard is Eliminated Leaburg. Special music will be given at that time. Portland. Ore.. i»ept. 15- “None Mrs Karl Thirties gave a birth- if Hie national forest closed areas .1«' parti tor her twin sons, Karl , , on luesdai afternoon .1 and , vari at in Oregon and Washington will be ,he heme of then grandmother l,‘ *“*d ,h* dan«*r °» for**‘ occasion ______ was to cele , f,l* a '» . ’’.m , oved by general and Number of Actions Filed And Thienes. The ___________ their 6th birthday The little **•»>' Keltaani Forester V Others Pending. One Case folks enjoyed a balloon hunt on the J Buck announced here Unlay. to Be Held in Benton "The recent raips have been fair .awn »h ire the kiddies had a great ly geueral but of the north­ Lane county's road construction time blowing them up. western Washington, they are not program seems to be Mtl M ss Evangeline Christensen of enough to wet down the forests.* gation after another. Land owners flte Dalles arrived last Sunday in Mr. Buck said whose property is desired for right- 1> rhora where she is teacher of The regional forester brought •he primary room at school. *»>* •»«» co“n.t> cour' out that there are two kiuda ot far apart In their estimates as to v ti Ftday Miss Ellen Johnson of nat|owj torest closures, against the value ot the holdings needed. in .an d arived m Leaburg where smoxing and against entry. In Ore- Another action went onto the re­ she will reside while teaching there. cords Thursday when C. C. Beck Rev and Mrs. Johnson accompan gon there are 920.403 acres closed to smoking and 915.985 aeres closed and Irma E. Beck filed suit seeking .id M - - Johnson here and stayed entry. In Washington. 297,190 to collect 52500 for damages to ver night in Leaburg. . acres against smoking and 737,740 ____ on th lower Sius their property l.ucilo Millican. Donald McArthur acres against entry. "It is not our law. „ iv l iitit siite s that wheu •” ll v rgc Marx receive! Junior, plan nor Intention to keep all of ’ “ ' ' ' saving certificates when the the 1.703.725 acres closed to entry the new biuaiaw nignwBj M ««»..5 «n«« tl».. , 1i roc 1 . . I .11 .» la I.. • 5» I.. «a.« graded past his property that an " * ’s * er‘‘ *tven under the UBtU “» ot “ '• thoroughly wet. underground crossing under the 1 -n of Miss Margery Laadrt. at the but as individual national forest. Southern Pacific tracks which gave ’ —- of the swimming lessons ■ become safe from fire, they will be access to the docks of plaintiff on which they had taken at Walter- opened to the public," Mr Buck vllle— Cleo Carter received a senior said. the Sluslaw river was closed . 1 fe saving certificate, Wilfred Fra- "Some ot the worst forest fires This easement was held for 1 ee and Bruee received Junior eer- of the Northwest occurred during years, the complaint states, and uf,ca|ea a, Leaburg the game ,,me the month of September, and with with its closing the Beck property oth(frg d(d the accumulated effect of several ’ a»“e dropped from 53000 to 52500 Mrs. A. T. Easton was hostess years' drought we cannot afford to The new highway grade, nine. feet for the Walterville aid society on take chances. Our protective or­ high the complaint states, shuts off the Beck property from the river Thursday afternoon at the home ganizations will he kept on. as well of her mother-in-law. Mrs. Jesse as a large number of emergency now. Easton. The annual election of of patrolmen, until the forests are One case of right-of-way lltlga- fieers for »he year took place. All safe," the regional forester said. tion on the Oregon Coast highway o{{icers were re.e)ected. Mrs. W. C. Mr. Buck brought out that there will be heard in Benton county Thlenes wag elected president; were 11.571.415 acres in the na­ circuit court. The county has an Mrg Arthur Easton vice-president; tional forests of Oregon, and 8,509,- other case pending on the Siuslaw Mfg Vern Caldwen gecreUry and $45 acres in Washington national highway and several agreements on y rg j Fountain, teasurer. T he' forests, which are not closed to the upper McKenzie have not yet gocjety detlded to make articles for either smoking or entry. been completed and no progress Is a bazaar that will be given in Wal Several areas in Eastern Lane being made. i county ou the West side ot the terville before Christmas. New scholars attending Deerhorn Cascades are Included in the closed reside on the Hartwell place, across area» and will not be opened to MRS. ALDRICH PASSES the McKenzie river in Deerhorn dis­ hunting unless heavy rains practi­ AT CRESWELL SUNDAY trict. cally eliminate fire hazards. An answer and cro«»-coinpl«lnt waa filed la circuit court Friday by John O. Condo« defendant in a di­ vorce suit recently filed by hl» wife Florence Condo». Another Suit Over Property Tbe couple married May 5. 1923. For Right-of-way Filed and have two children, the defend­ in Circuit Court ant state». Custody of the children la »ought by the defendant who al­ rail llD F lege« that his wife deserted him AGREEMENT IS r g A IL U K t August 11, 1930, and that prior to! __ that «he neglected her home. Portland People Visit—Rev. and Mrs. Frank Culver of Portland stop­ ped In Springfield for a short visit Tuesday with Ilr. and Mrs R Mortensen The Portland people were on their way home after hav­ ing spent a month's vacation in California. Mrs. Culver Is a cousin of Dr. Mortensen. | Upper Willamette | «------- ------------------- « FOREST AREAS Ï0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ R E M A I N CLOSED Ì McKenzie Valley 4 Ladles' Missionary socl.ty of the Presbyterian church on Thursday ! afternoon, the society had Invited as guests several of the younger girls of the Sunday school and a Trent Reeldent Hare I. »>. M u' very Interesting and entertaining program was eufoyed. Also fine re Trent was a business visitor freshments. In Springfield o il Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schneider Returns from Klamath Falls — ot Sacramento. California, »tailed with friends at Creawell Thursday William Craft returned Tuesday on their return trip from northern troni a short viali at Klamath Fall­ points. They were former resident < al the home of his son. Lee. of Creswell having owned the Clock Filling Silo- - J S. Vaughn of ranch. Donna district was filling his alio« Mary Sllkwood returned Mondai, September 7. from Orland. Califor the first of the week with green nla, attar a summer's visit with h< r vortl' aunt. Mrs. Theo. Kirkpatrick. Breske Right Arm — Mrs Root, ¡mother of Mrs. Paul Robley. broke ¡her right arm Monday when she fall on It at the home of her daugh- ter. TOWN AND VICINITY Tax Cut Claims Given To Board Transact Bualnsaa-M. and Mr. Joe l.cnioii of Portland are In the city this week transacting business In connection with property owned here Returns from Grants Psse— Dr. and Mis W. C. Rehltun returned Saturday evening from tiimit» Pass where the doctor started on his l.oat trip down toe Ip*'»*'' «<»■«• river. Return from Beachse — Mrs. N, W Emery. Miss Clara Ma»»ee ami Mrs C K Wheaton returned Wat urduy evening from the heaehea nt Newport where they apent Ute week. M l-s Return Sunday—Mre. Sum Rich week 'end at Cottage Grove visiting with Adjustment of Aueaeements liter uncle ami aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Under Way; County Offici­ i Karl Hill, and with other friends monit and duughter, Helene, return V is its a t C o ttag e G rove — M a x in e S m u lsruss spent the ed home Sutu.ay from Portland where they have been vlstttog wttlij Mr» Richmond's daughter. CHARIVARI 18 HELD FOR THURSTON NEWLYWEDS Friends and neighbors ot Mr, and Mrs Frank Iteunte of Thure ton held it charivari for the newly married couple at their hottie Wed uesday evening of Iasi week, and wheu many ot (hem could not be present they repeated the affair on Monday of (ills week with a much laraer group present. Mr. and Mra Rennie were mar­ ried III the Springfield Methodist church Saturday evening. Septem­ ber It, by Rev Dean C, Polndezter. She was formerly Mias opal Talli «farro, and la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs James Tulllefarro. Mr. Rennie la the aim of Mr and Mrs, Wllllani Rennie. Mr Rennie I» post master at I Illusion and also operates a retail store. Full-Size Miss Emma Olson has employ­ ate to Paaa on Values Returns For School — Jimmie Not Home—It I, Drury 1» still ment In Eugene for the winter. West hus returned from Roosevelt i patient at a hospital In Wan k ran _ „ , , s. Ernest Conley formerly ot First meeting ot the county Mrs. ... . __ , . Beach to attend school in this elti . o where he Is getting along very Pleasant Hill is recuperating at the diiy. ’’ he" board U oompoaed of “ * haa • p*"‘ ,h* au“""*r home of her niece. Miss Alta Man- has been reportad. . . . .1 . «a. _1 — Z In — O — wsPl1 k wls.v s recently *ax/wa3 w .« V1 v ning Springfield. She Judge C. P. Barnard ot the county coast. court. Walter B. Dillard, county underwent an operation at the Pa­ clerk, and Ben F. Keeney, county cific Christian hospital. Pleasant Hill high school took up assessor. Several claims have already been work for the winter Monday. Sept­ ember 14 with an enrollment of tiled by property owners seeking an adjustment of assessments. The 81. Several others are expected to enroll during the week. There are board will receive claims for a per­ four teachers this year. Superin­ iod ot 15 days and then tor an­ tendent E. E. Kilpatrick. Mrs. F. F other period ot 15 days will con Cooper. Mr Price and Miss Reba aider claims and hold hearings. Brogdon. Both Mr. Price and Miss Brogdon arç graduates from the LETTERS ASKED FOR University of Oregon and new CIRCUIT COURT CASE teachers at Pleasant Hill. Lowell Union high school took In preparaUon for the trial la clr up studies for the coming school cult court next Friday of William year Monday. September 14. The Henry Roach through his guardian same staff of teachers that taught C. A. Pryor against F. M. Bennett, last year are teaching again this former guardian of Mr. Roach, the year. Superintendent Powers, Miss plaintiff filed a motion la circuit Rydell and Miss Elliott court Saturday asking that oertain -................. 5 - --------------- K ! ............................................ Miss Laura Hult of Lowell a letters sent by L. L. Ray, plaintiff's former graduate of Pleasant Hill attorney, to the defendant be pro­ high school has gone to San Fran- duced. qjseo where she has employment. The caee Is one in which the , The ladles of Pleasant Hill com­ plaintiff seeks an accounting of the munity club met at the Pleasant administration of the defendant Mrs. Sarah Guthrie Aldrich died The Parent-Teacher association Hill church „Wednesday of last while handling the affairs of Mr. suddenly at her home Sunday morn- will have its first meeting on Wed- week Roach. Raymond Hills who graduated “*«• September 13th. at the age of nesday evening at Deerhorn school, from Pleasant iHll high school Iasi 3» years, leaving surviving, her hus Mre E E potter. president will pre- WIFE SEEKS MONEY yiear leaves this week for Corvallis band. Frank Aldrich, and a daugh- gide Mrg Cora Wearin is chair- Mf and Mrg Q w Jordan ORDERED BY COURT where he will attend Oregon State ter. Maryland Gay Aldrich, aged nian of entertainment and Mrs. Medford where they following an unusually dry ance for empty buildings consider­ HOW ONE WOMAN LOST WELLS i- W’ELLS. Attorneys. (S—17-24. 0 —1-8-151 20 POUNDS OF FAT will be opened in the commercial sumn)er guch as this has been. It ed a fire hazard was discussed and State bank building next to the is not at all uncommon for con- further investigation will be made. NOTICE OF SALE postoffice Saturday, September 19, slderable quantities of alfalfa to be The bud«et for ‘he en Lost Her Prominent Hips — OF REAL PROPERTY H suing year was appointed as fol­ Double Chin— Sluggishness Notice is hereby given that by b-v E ossie Mathes. A complete line winter-killed, he says, particularly lows: O. C. Smith, Wm. Holllston, virtue of an order of the County of New York millinery will also be ¡n gectiong that are normally Irrl- prim itive life Gained Physical Vigor— Court of Lane County. Oregon, duly handled. The new businesswoman gated but have had no late water A. R. Land, J. P. Lane, C. L. Weber, and W. W. Wyatt. A Shapely Figure made September 16th. 1931. in the bag been conducting a similar est- KllnDiv r e q u i r e s f e o J , c lo tls lra p Usatter matter of the guardianship of Ad ablishment . .. ,____ . . in Cottage Grove for lp - The men of the Christian church The safest way, probably, would did a good Job during the week of rian Cornutt, Vivian Cornutt. Lee end shelter . . M O DERN LIFE If you’re fat — first remove the 1 Jernigan and Norris Jernigan, several years. be to plan on the normal amount building a new sidewalk around the cause! minors, the undersigned, A. W. Cor -------------------------- of fall forage crops, Professor Hy­ church property. It was an Instance DEM ANDS COM PLETE Take one half tpaspoonful ot riptt, the duly appointed, qualified slop believes. Among those planted ot many hands make light work KRU8CHEN SALTS in a glass of and acting guardian in Lane Coun- J ^ O LEAFLETS ABOUT hot water every morning—In 3 E L E C T R IC S E R V IC E in the fall for hay and silage pur­ ty, Oregon, of the persons and HOME WORK RECEIVED poses in western Oregon, he calls with the Evangelist Teddy Leavitt weeks get on the scales and note estates of said minors and each of to do the sawing. how many pounds of fat have van said minors, will on and after the Elizabeth Tryon entertained Two leaflets of interest to women attention to the vetches. For sweet . -------------- fshed. Ufh day of October. 1931, offer and Notice also that you have gained sell at private sale for cash or for are being distributed at the office and ''ea’’°'’al’ly well drained soils Tuegday afternoon, September 8th, cash and credit to the highest bid­ of the county home demonstration be recommends common vetch; for w(th a muglcal recital given by her in energy—your skin Is clearer— j you feel younger In body—KRU8 der at Eugene, Lane County. State ' soil that is heavier, slightly wet­ of Oregon, all of the right, title and agent at the Producers' Public mar­ ter or slightly sour, Hungarian pupils at her home. Over twenty- CHEN will give any fat person a one numbers were given by as Joyous surprise. Interest of said minors and each ket building. Get an 85c bottle of KRU8CHEN One leaflet is on renovation of ’ etch has proved the most^ adaP^' many students, most of whom are of them in and to thp real property SALTS from Ketels Drug Store or | , ... . .. .. _able, and for very heavy and some- described herein or any part there­ clothing among the very young children. and the other on making / , any leading druggist anywhere In of, the interest of each of said what acid conditions, hairy vetch Guests were mothers and rela­ America (lasts 4 weeks). If this minors, Adrian Cornutt and Vivian pickles and relishes. is most succesful. With any of tives of the performers. Ice cream first bottle doesn't convince you Cornutt being an undivided one These leaflets are issued through this Is the easiest, safest and sur-1 thirty sixth Interest and the inter- Oregon State college extension de- these vetches, Hyslop says. It is and wafers were seved. est way to lose fat—your money well to sow a companion crop, and est of each of said minors, Lee Jer- rar, mpn. Mrs. Ed Anderson entertained the gladly returned. nigan and Norris Jernigan being an p for this purpose common gray win­ undivided one twelfth interest in I ter oats is probably the best with and to the following described pre either of the vetches. If it is to be WIFE ASKS DECREE nilses. to-wit: T O a mere man, that sounds Mce the rankest extravagance. The used for hay. For silage, winter Lot one (1), Block One (1), of AND CUSTODY OF CHILD Peterson’s Plat all In Lane Coun­ barley usually makes the best com- lady of the house knows, however, that it is only the beginning ty. Oregon, subject to a note se­ , n « . panion crop, and for real early Marlon D. Armstrong filed suit cured by a mortgage held by of a recipe for something her whole family will enjoy. Western Loan & Building Com- i for divorce in circuit court Satur green feed rye and vetch is the pany of Salt Lake City, Utah. I day against her husband John A. best combination. The Lot numbered three In, . . _ .. Austrian winter field peas Is an- Block numbered five of Christ-' Armstrong. The couple married at Wash.. November 5, other crop coming Into wide use W hatever it is, if it's done with an electric range, she know« It ian’s Second Addition to Eugene Vancouver in Oregon, and although primarily City, Lane County, Oregon, be-¡1926 and have one child, will come out exactly as planned, because the electric range gives ing now in and a part of the City Lack „„a „ » i ,.«, and size for every fam ily under and by virtue of Bancroft Knight against her husband George Law in such cases made and pro- H. Knight. MEAT Hhoiild be part of every healthy school Tided. The couple married in Lane coun DEMURRER FILED IN That the said sale will take place i . L ,,, child’s diet. No other food is so essential to growing, at the home of Preston Lake at 491 December 31. It24, and have no RIGHT-OF-WAY CASE active children as good wholesome meat. East Broadway, Eugene, Lane Coun­ children. The plaintiff seeks the ty, Oregon. return of her former name of Julia In the case of Lone county against We serve you here with only the best quality This notice Is published In the Viola Hendrickson. J. P. Christie in which the county Springfield News, a weekly news­ meats, carefully handled. seeks to condemn land of the de­ paper of general circulation pub­ lished at Springfield In Lane Coun Attends Funeral — Mrs. Wanda fendant for right-of-way for the ty, Oregon, the date of first publica­ Barnes returned Monday evening Siuslaw highway a demurrer was tion being September 17th, 1931. filed Wednesday In circuit court A. W. CORNUTT, Guardian of from Corvallis where she attended the persons and estates of Ad the funeral of her nephew. O. C. by the defendant. 4th and Main St«. Phone 63 The court offers some 51000 for rian Cornutt, Vivian Cornutt. Thomas, who was fatally Injured Lee Jernigan and Norris Jernl In an accident at Waldport Satur- the rlgbt-of-way and the defendant E. C. STUART PRATT HOLVBRSON gan. Minors. day evening. i holds his property with 56000. G old en V a lu e s CONSOLE Announcing the Opening Dressmaking and Milhnery Shop Commercial Bank Next to Postoffice COM PLETE wilh tube» A twater K ent Creswell RADIO Prices are the same at all three stores P a n c a k e Flour 25c M a p le S y ru p 35c Soap 28c 10c Wright & Sons T a k e t h e w h ile s o f e le v e n e g g « .« .. School Days Are Here INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. (S — 17-34. O - 1 - H 5 I M o u n ta in S t a le » P o w e r C o m p a n y