TIII'RHDAT j BKPTEMBBR 17. 1981 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ________ Couple Married By Judge— H a r­ Divorce Decree Granted— A di­ Aecnt of Batata File«*— Rsport Estate to Be Probated— Nannie Bettis last Monday nnd Tweed**. J Minturn bas bean appointed ad on the final account of the probate vey Nlghswandar. motor route 3, vorce decree was granted In cir­ M r and Mr». H A. Foley and enn. ■nlnlstrator of the astata of Maiuual of the estate of Augusta Kodes was and Qulntalla Clark of Eugsns, cuit court Friday for Ope Dovlng Virgil, visited at the home of Mr. I W. Minturn. filed Thursday were married by Judge C. P. Bar­ against her husband Frank Dove- Hugh Doolittle and hla brother, Mr. and Mra. Arnspiker have re­ and Mra. Rettla also on Monday. nard at the courthouse Saturday. leg Mr and Mr*. Robert Henngla Al Dtwllttle, who ha* spent several turned from Medford where they NOTICE OF HEA RING Bounty Is Collected— The county visited at the home of Mrs. Hana OF F IN A L ACCOUNT months In Colorado have returned. have been spending the summer bounty ou one cougar was collected NO TICE TO CREOITORB A D M IN ISTR A TO R 'S SALE Hugh be* gone to Cottage Orove .Mr. Arnspiker has been in charge gin's parent*. Mr. and Mra. Btavana, NO TIC E IS II K II EM Y OIVKN Notice Is hereby given that by Notice la hereby given that ihe ! That the undersigned administra at ths office of the county clerk by to work while bi* brother Is stay­ of the pheasants there during the near Venela leal week undersigned has been duly appoint virtue of an order of license Issued i tor of the estate of Ardali F Hice, Donald W alker of Oakridge. Mr*. W. T. Battle and Mias ing with his aunt. Mra. Ellen Need summer month*. out of the county court of Lane eg Administrator of the estate of ' deceased, ha» filed hl» account for Thelma Cross were visitor* at the County, Oregon, the undersigned, as ham. and having one of his eyes Robert McClennen, who has been ¡Clayton U. Sullivan, deceased, and W A N T E D — Young Jarsay cow. W, the final sattlsmcnt of said ostat« NOTICB TO CREDITO RS home of Mr. and Mra. H. A. Foley uny and all parson» having claim» administrator of the estate of W it treated for Infection. 1 1 1 with malaria la much Improved. ('. Gregory, 642 K Ht., Hprlngflnld In the County Court for l.ane Sprlngfluld, Oregon. June 34, 1*31 ugalnat the »aid estate are hereby llam H. Herbert, will, on and after Mra. Ed 8chwering of Walter- last Friday near Brownsville. Clnr Notice Is hereby given that ttle 8-26 County, Oregon, and that Saturday, Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry Price moved en< e Foley of Mile» City. Montana, Hie 20th day of September. I N I , at undersigned a» Superintendent of n-qulred to present said claims, 10 A. M„ of Saturday, »ept. 13. duly verified as by law required, at 1931, the office of 8 D. Allen. 377 to Pleasant H ill Inst Saturday. He vllle la vlaltlng at the home of ,.er the Court Hoorn of said Court, In k lX C K IT IO N A L BUY- Mtar IMS the County Court House, In Eugene Banks for Ibe State of Oregon Is law office of my attorney. 11. E. W illamette 8t„ Eugene, Oregon, of­ will teach In Pleasant H ill high souln-law and daughter, Mr. and returned home with them to C«>- In ■harg« of the assets and »(fairs burg to spend the week-end. Touring, good condition, 3 good at ten o'clock In the forenoon, has of II»- ('ommen-lal State Bank of Slaltsry, 717 W illamette St.. Eu fer for sale and sell at prtvaU school the coming year. Mra. Joe Slavens. sale to Ihe highest blddet, lot 1 In Mrs. T. Q. Green and two daugh­ aparea mounted, «'hain». I wind ’ Iraan by said Court file d as tbs Springfield. Oregon, for the pur­ gene, Oregon. In I .an* County, Ore­ Mr. nnd Mr». Randolph Allum are Imwrence Baxter who went to gon, within six months from the blfx-k 3. In Cheshire Second Addi­ •hlvld awlpaa, atu., Hacrlflca |36 time and place for bearing ohjac pose of liquidation. All persons who ■late of this notice. the parent» of a baby girl who wa* ters. Lucille end Beatrice, have tion to Eugene, In I.ane County, Spokane In an airplane some time lions thereto, and for final Battle­ I may have i-lalms against said bank i aih G4U Charnaltou, Kug»u«*. , ment of said eatate. listed and first published August Oregon. Terms of »ale, at least ago to fight fire returned home born at their home In Eugene. Wed­ gone to Wenatchee, Washington, to are hereby notlflael to make legal pick applet. on half cash, balance secured by S62 J or 7 I4 W . L. L. RAY, Administrator of proof (hereof by filing a duly veri­ 20. 1931 several days ago. He had a crew nesday, September 2. The baby Date of last publication Septem- mortgage on lot. tbs «Míate of Ardali F. Hice, fied claim, as by law provided, with has been named. Marlbelle In honor J. F. BEROER, Administrator, of go men fighting with him. daoaaaed. POM HALE- Hprlugfleld Iola lo r , the Deputy Superintendent of ber 17. 1*31. of her two grandmother*. (A 20-27—B 3-10-17) Charles Taylor, Administrator (A 27--B 3 10-17-14) George Platt who ban blood pot- Bauks In charge at the office of ■ala or will trade fur Mt'Kaiiilc Friends of Rev. C. C. Dig regret COUNTY FILES ACTION of the estate of Clayton U. Sul- the Commercial State Hank of son In hla hand is »till confined river home alia ar Eugene pro i Il van, deeeaaed. his death which took place at the Estate of George H. Currier, Dec'd. FOR DAMAGE TO CAR Springfield. Oregon, on or before NOTICE TO CREDITO RS in the hospital at Eugene. Hla ton. II. E. Slattery, Attorney for party. L 0 . Mulla, P, O. Bos 664.1 In the County Court of the State of September 24. 1*31 NOTICE home of Rev. and Mra. N. M. Administrator. Melvin, who got hla band cat In a OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Eugvnu l'buea 1311M tf A A SCHRAM M . Superintend dragon for Lane county. In tba Shrode In Coburg, last Wednesday Lane county is plaintiff in a salt (A 30 27— 8 3-10-17) Notice I* hereby given that Am­ wood aaw. haa Infection In hla evening. Rev. Dlx was pastor of the (or 3250 filed In circuit court Mon­ ent of Banks. matter of the eatate of Samuel TO M A TO ES 76«- buahal at I ’ralb elia ft Watta. administratrix of the hand The men of the neighborhood (»-24) K Phillips, deceased. NOTICE TO CREOITORB eatate of George H. Currier, de- gathered at hla home Sunday morn Methodist Episcopal church the day against Mrs. C. L. Kerr nnd Notice Is hereby given that L. E. •r'a Garden». 3% tallra atuit of Estate of Daniel B Farnham, Dec'd. Notice Is hereby elven that, W ll- cea»ed. has filed In the County Ing and sawed hla wixxl for him year Just previous to the last con­ Cal Burns for damage to a county Hprlngllald, Jaapar road Bring Zlnlker of Creswell, dragon has NO TIC E ference. owned automobile. been appointed administrator of : llam Curtis, waa on the 20th day of Court nl the State of Oregon. In and bogea. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T tba estate of Samuel E. Phillip de i August. 1*31, by the County Court for luine County, her final report Mrs. Blanche Wise and grand Mr. and Mra. Harve Veatch who The car operated by the Red a* such administratrix; and the 10 Notice la hereby given that Clur- ceased by order of the above en­ Account of Katata Filed— Final titled Court and has duly qualified ; Issa A. Farnham. Executrix of the of loinc County. Oregon, appointed o'clock In Ihe forenoon of Saturday,' daughter. Margaret Wise, from Eu have been visiting relatives In Cross chapter, but owned and main­ administrator of the estate of account of Iba aatata of Camilla | as such. last will and testament of Daniel B | Nancy ( ’, Conrad, deceased. All per the 26t)i day of September. 1131, St gene spent Ihe week-end at Thura Washington, have returned to their tained by the county, waa struck home In Coburg. latach waa filed In probata court , All parson» having claim» against Farnham, de<-eased, has filed In i »»ns having claims against said es- the courtroom thereof In Eugene. ton. Ihe evening of Auguat 21 at Eighth ■aid estate are hereby notified to | the County Court of the State of ! fate are hereby notified to present Oregon, have been by the court i Mr. and Mr*. Ralph Bonney, who Saturday. avenue and Pearl street by the Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee and son, fixed a* the time and place for | present the same, duly verified at Oregon, In and for I.ane County, her ! them duly verified os by law re- have been up the South Fork in j Frank Lee, left Wednesday for Kerr car driven by Burna, the com­ the office of C. II. Sedgwick attor­ final report as such executrix; and qulred to said administrator, at the bearing objections to «aid report forest reserve work for several PATENTS their new home in Lewiston, Idaho. plaint state*. ney for said estate at Creswell, that ten o'clock In the forenoon law office of Alta King In the Court and for the final setUement of the I month* spent the week-end with The Lees recently traded their Hall your Invention ur patent Oregon, or the undersigned within of Saturday, the 2flth day of Sept­ House, Eugene. I-ane County. Or«>- eatate of said deceased. Negligence and caraleasnesa are Amelia R. Watta, Adm lnlstra-; Mra. Bonney's parents, Mr. and home In Coburg for property In by eghlblttng your model or draw ■ Il months from this 3rd day of ember. 1*31, at the courtroom there­ gon. within six months of the first alleged in the complaint against trix of the Estate of George H. ; of In Eugene, Oregon, have been by publication of this notice. Date of September. 1*31. Mra. John Edmiston. Ing at the Second IN TER N A Lewiston. Currier, Deceased. the defendants. L. E Zlnlker, Administrator of the court appointed and fixed as , first publication being August 27th, Several of the teacher* from T IO N A L P A T E N T EXPO SITIO N. I A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Mountain and Estate of Samuel E. Phillip, Ihe time anil place for hearing ob­ i 1*31. (A 27— S 3-10-17-24) Thurston are beginning their work son, Robert, and Mrs. F. A. Moun­ jections to said report and for the Sept 14 to 17. CHICAGO. T h o u »' W illiam Curtis, Administrator. deceased, ('reswell. Oregon. for the coming year Monday. Perry tain of Aumsville, were visitors in and» of manufacturer» and pal C. II. Sedgwick, Attorney, Creawell, final aettlement of the eatate of Alta King, Attorney for eatate. ■aid deceased. (A 27— 8 8 1017-24) NOTICE OF S H ER IFF'S SALE ITIce will teach at Pleasant H1U; , Coburg last Friday. Mra. J. A. ent buyara will Inapect naw de Oregon. Clarlaaa A Farnham, Execa-i (8 8-IO-17-14--O. I ) Real Property Jay Grant at Dorena; Miss Haxel Mountain plana to stay in Coburg vlcea and patent» (or marketing tris of the lo u t W ill and Testa­ NO TIC E Is hereby given that by NOTICE ment of Daniel 11. Farnham Hate« *1 per day (or 14 day», en­ NOTICE virtue of an execution and order Edmiston at Mt. Vernon; Mra. Hu for a time at the T. C. Mountain OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Deceased. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T titlin g you to 14 (eat. If you bave of sale isaued out of the Circuit bert Gray at Thurston aa grade home. A. E Wheeler. Attorney. N O T IC E f» H ER EB Y O1VEN. Court of the State of Oregon for school principal; Mis* Dorothy no ukm I»I, drawing or daacrlptlon Notice la hereby given that the Mrs. Raynor Eller and son, (A 37—8 8 14-17 24) That Amanda Colcord executrix of Lane County this 9th day of Sept., i Travis Thurston primary teacher; ' will do Send (or (roe pamphlet undersigned, adm lnlstratrli of the George, of Klamath Falls, are the estate of Charles E. Colcord : 1931, upon and pursuant to a de­ Estate of Jud N. Ward, deceased, Estate of Waldo Harvey Farnhanf 114 wttb deecrlptton and drawing» h u rendered and filed In the Coun cree duly given and made by said Mlaa Veda Oray at Cedar F lat; guests at the home of Mr. and M r*. Deceased if you have time, it not. »end ’ has filed her final account. In the ty Court of the State of Oregon for ' Court the 8th day of Sept., 1931.! Mis* Mildred Price began teaching W alter Drury. Mrs. E ller and County Court for Lane County. In NOTICE and we will look after your pat­ the State of Oregon and that said Lane County, her first and final in a suit pending therein in which ’ last Monday at The Dalles; MIsa George have been visiting relative* OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T acount and petition for final hear­ The Pacific Saving & Loan Associa­ Eva Phetteplace begin* her work ent latereata. H Hamilton Edtaon. Court has fixed the 12nd day of in New York City. Notice Is hereby given that Clar­ Managing Director. International September, 1*31. at two o'clock In issa A. Farnham, administratrix o f ’ ing and the settlement thereof and tion. a Washington corporation, In Springfield Thursday; Miss R. C. Foley and son, Clarence, of that said Court by an order duly was plaintiff and C. G McKy and Patent Ezpoeltlon, Merchandise the afternoon as the time and the the estate of Waldo Harvey Farn , made and entered therein has fix­ Jennie McKy. b it wife. Pearl Head- Verna Phetteplace w ill teach at Miles City, Montana, were visitors office of the County Judge of said ham, deceased, has filed In the j Mart, Chicago. 7-3-19-17 I.ane County. Oregon, In the Coun­ ed and appointed Saturday the 10th ley. and Standard Oil Company of Creswell again. s County Court of Ihe State of Ore­ ty Court House of Said l.ane Coun­ gon. In and for l.ane County, her day of October, 1*31. at the hour California, a corporation, were de­ j ........— i ty, Oregon, In Eugene. In said final report as such administratrix; of 10 o'clock A. M of said day, at | fendants. which execution and or­ Children's halrcnttlng, 25 cents, County, as the place for hearing and that ten o'clock In the forenoon : Ihe County Court room In the Coun- j der of »ale was to me directed and at Clover'» Barber Shop. 817 and settling said Final Account and of Saturday, the 26th day of Sept­ ty Court house In the City of E u -, commanded me to sell the real pro­ gene, Oregon, as the day. time and perty hereinafter described to : for hearing objections thereto. ember. 1931, at the courtroom there-! All persons having objections to of In Eugene. Oregon, bave been by place for the hearing of objections satisfy certain lien« and charge* Ini MAN T H IN AS R A IL - the allowance of »aid Final Account the court appointed and fixed as to said final account and the set­ said decree specified. I w ill on Better get a supply of remedies for winter colds are hereby notified and required to ibe lime and place for hearing ob­ tlement thereof. That all objections Saturday the 10th day of October.! IRON ADDS 10 POUNDS and coughs. Serious illness has often been prevented present and file the same on oi jections to said report and for the must be In writing and filed with 1931, at the hour of one o'clock. the Clerk of this Court on or be-I P. M. at the southwest door of the ’ b> a well stocked medicine cabinet: Aspirin, cough before of the date of hearing. “I was tired, run-down and thin final se'tlement of the estate of fore said day and time. County Court House In Eugene. as a rail. Since taking Vinol, 1 Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this »aid deceaa«ong the North i NO TIC E TO CONTRACTORS undersigned has filed In the above ' Administratrix with the Clerk of i 1931. upon and pursuant to a de­ ANO CALL FOR BIDS line of said Eleventh Aventxe entitled probate proceedings his! the County Court of lotne County. cree duly given and made by said Wes' 10 feet, thence North 96 final account; that an order of the Sealed bids will be'received by Oregon, and that Baturday. the 3rd , Court the 8th day of Sept., 1931. f«>et. thence East 40 feet, thence the City Recorder of Springfield, day of Oct. 1*31. at 10:00 A. M In above entitled court has been duly In a suit pending therein in which South 96 feet to the place of be­ Oregon, up to 12 O'CIock Noon on the County Court Room of said ' given and made setting the time tot State Mutual Building and Loan ginning. all In Lane County. State the 29th day of September. 1931, County at Eugene. Oregon, has been the bearing of the said final ac­ Association, a corporation 5th and Main Sts. Springfield was of Oregon. for the construction of cement aet by the Hon. C P Barnard.: count to be at 10 o'clock A. M. plaintiff and Charles O. Foster. Dated this 9th day of Sept., 1931. ’ (CO NC RETE) sidewalks on East September 26. 1*31, and directing Judge of said Court, an the time WaJlle Price and Nona Price, his H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Main street as outlined In Ordin­ and place of hearing objections to all persona having any objection*, wife, and R. A. Wilcox were de­ By A E. HU LEG AARD. Deputy. ance Number 548 on file In the City to the said final account to file - the same, and for the final settle­ fendants, which execution and or­ (S— 10-17-24. 0 - 1 - 8 .) the same In w riting on or before der of aale waa to me directed and Recorder’s office. City Hall, Spring- ment of »aid estate. field, Oregon. Said bid shall spec­ CLARA 8 VERNON. Admlnls the time set for hearing. commanded me to sell the real pro NOTICE TO APPEAR ify the price per square foot of H. E. S L A T T E R Y , Administra­ perty tratrlx. hereinafter described to tor. W ELLS « W E LL S . Attorneys. satisfy certain liens and charges In IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E ’ said walk, the price per square S TA TE OR OREGON FOR yard for excavating and the price First published August >7. 1931. (8 8-10-17-14—0 . 1) »aid decree specified, 1 will on I.sgat published September 24. 1*31.1 Saturday the 10th day of October. LA N E CO UNTY per square yard for filling, as spe­ C IT A T IO N (A 27—8 8-10-17-24) Bioken Slices 1*31, at the hour of one o'clock. The State of Oregon. Plaintiff, cified by the City Engineer. The Council reserves the right to re­ io Lbs............ IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF T H E versus P. M at the southwest door of the 2 >/2 Size. 2 for ject any and all bids. Bids w ill be STA TE OF OREGON FOR One certain 1930 model Marqu­ County Court House in Eugene. SUM MONS opened at the Special meeting of CO UNTY OF L A N E ette Sedan, bearing motor num­ I-nne County, Oregon, offer for sale IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E . and sell at public auction tor cash, IN PROBATE NO. 6671 ber 10263. 1931 California license the Council September 29th. 1931. 1 M. PETERSON. Recorder STA TE OF OREOON FOR IN T H E M A T T E R OF T H E ES­ □ umber 2D7940; Ray Mummey. subject to redemption as provided S 17-24. T H E C O U N TY OF L A N E T A T E OF ELIJA H C. STUM AN . j by law. all of the right, title and I and American Securlles Corpora- VICCA K U N D R K T. Plaintiff, -v».- Interest of the defendants In said Deceased. lon of Klamah Falls, Oregon, De­ M IN N IE LUCIAN O and OUIT1- suit and of all parties claiming by. | fendants. To Addle E. Rlchert and Toefll O RDINANCE NUM BER 548 ANO LUCIAN O whose name 1» through or under them or any of i TO: Ray Mummey. American Se­ An Ordinance providing for the «?on Rlchert. her husband; Thomas W. sometime» »pelted O U T IA N O L U ­ Stuman and Anna Stuman. his struction of a cement sidewalk them, in or to the following des­ curities Corporation of Klamath CIANO, EDW ARD KING, BER cribed real property, to-wlt: wife; Rysdon Vance Stuman and Falla, Oregon, and TO W HO M IT abutting the property described T R IC E KING . L. W. STEVENS. Stella Stuman, his wife; Fred Stu In Section 1 of this Ordinance, M AY CONCERN, the above named Beginning at a point One Hun B I.IZ A B E TH H. STEVENS. W. man and Hester Stuman. his wife; said property being la the Tcwn defendants: 4 Cans for .. (I red Twenty-three (123) feet John Taylor Stuman. and I.ucetta ! A BELL. Wm. D. Q UEEN, and You and each of you are hereby of »prlngfield, Oregon, and de­ North of a point 863.6 feet j notified and w ill take notice t h a t , claring an emergency. JA NE DOE Q U EEN , wife of Wm Evelyn Baughman; Samuel Max South 8* degrees 62' West irom a the following described personal T H E T O W N O F SP R IN G F IE L D 2 Lbs.............. D. QUEEN. Defendants. Baughman: Maxine Baughman; point Eighteen hundred eighty- property, to-wlt: One certain 1980 DOES O R D A IN AS FOLLOW S: To Minnie Luciano. Gultlano Lu G R E E T IN G » IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE clano, whose name Is sometimes i three (1883) feet North of a point model Marquette Sedan, bearing' Section 1. The Common Council 27' East from the Southwest cor motor number 10253. 1931 Califor­ of the Town of Springfield hereby O F OREGON. You are hereby cited spelled Gutlano Luciano, L. W ner of Block Seven (7) of Pack-¡ and required to appear In the Coun­ Stevens. Ellabeth H. Stevens, Wm. nia license number 2D7940, has declares Its Intention and does FRANK A. DE PUE ard’a addition to Eugene, Ore­ ty Court of the State of Oregon In D Queen, Jane Doe Queen, wife of been seised by J. E. Carlisle, de­ hereby declare It to be expedient gon. run thence South 89 degrees • A T T O R N E Y A T LAW and for the County of Ioine. within Wm. D. Queen. Defendants: puty sheriff of Lane County. Ore­ that cement sidewalks, to replace 62' Went One Hundred Sixty- IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S TA TE ten (10) days from the date of the gon, on the eighteenth day of July, | all wooden, loose gravel or earthen NO TARY PUBLIC seven (167) feet, thence N o rth ! service of this citation upon you OF OREOON: You are hereby re­ 1931, In the County of Lane. State sidewalks, be constructed along 27' East 64 feet, thence East to a Sutton Springfield If served upon you personally In quired to appear and answer the of Oregon, at and in the vicinity of the streets nnd abutting the pro­ point North 27’ East of the begin- i complaint tiled against you in the ta n a County, Oresgon; Building Oregon Vegetable a point on Seventh street about perty hereinafter described as fol­ nlng and thence South 27' We t, Or, within twenty (20) days from above entitled suit within four (4) 20 Lbs............ sixty feet east of the Intersection lows : 3 Lbs.................... the date of the service of this cita­ weeks from the date of the first ! 64 feet to the place of beginning. i of Greenwood street and Seventh Along East Main street abutt'ng being part of the original dona­ tion upon you If served upon you publication of this summons and If street. In Junction City, Oregon: Lots 43. 44. 46. 47 and 48 of H. L. tion land claim of Eugene F. In any other county In the state you fall so to answer on or before that the above described personal and T. B. Stewart’s Addition to the Skinner and wife No, €4 In Town the last day of the above prescribed of Oregon than Lane County; property was on said date delivered Town of Springfield and Lot 2 of ship 17 South of Range 3 West I Or, within twenty-eight (281 days slated time for want thereof the Into the custody of H. L. Bown, Washburne's Addition to the Town of the W illamette Meridian. In from the date of the first publics plaintiff will take Judgment and de­ Sheriff of said county and state of Springfield. Eugene. 1-ane County, Oregon. tlon of thia citation In the Spring- cree against you. and each of you Section 2. The Council hereby by the said J. E. Carlisle, and aald Dated this 9th day of Sept., 1931. field News, which Is published the as In her complaint demand««d, to- personal property has ever since declares that It is the Intention that H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. first time on September 3, 1981, to wlt: For Judgment against the de­ been and now Is In the possession such improvement shall he. and show cause If any you have, why fendants Minnie Luciano and Gul- ' By A. E. HU LEG AARD. Deputy. and custody of said Sheriff of said the same Is hereby ordored at the (S— 10-17-24. 0 - 1 - 8 .) the petition on file herein of H. E tlano, whose name Is sometimes county and state; that the aald J. expense and to be paid by the own­ Slattery as the administrator of spelled Gutlano Luciano, for the E. Carlisle as said deputy sheriff ers of said property on said East the above entitled estate, praying sum of Nina Hundred (3*00.00) Dol­ of said county and state has made Main street In proportion to the NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S BALE an order authorising him aa such lars. together with Interest thereon a R E T U R N OF S E IZU R E of said benefits derived by the pioperty Real Property administrator to sell at private sale from the 16th day of March, 1*31, personal property to the above en­ from such Improvements. N O TIC E la hereby given that by titled Court, and that the same has to derive proceeds to be upeed to at the rate of 8% per annum, and Section 3. Said Improvements pay the expenses of administration for the further sum of One Hun­ virtue of an execution and order been seixed as aforesaid, and Is be­ shall be In accordance with the de­ and clnlms against the said estate, dred (*100.00) Dollars as attorney's of sale Issued out of the Circuit ing proceeded against In the above tailed plans qnd specifications of the following described real estate, fees, and for her costa and dis­ Court of the State of Oregon for entitled court and cause for the the City Engineer who is hereby bursements herein, and for the fur­ Lane County thia 9th day of Sept., forfeiture of the same pursuant to ordered to prepare and file the to-wlt: • Beginning at a point 30 links ther decree of thia Court foreclos­ 1931, upon and pursuant to a de the provisions of Chapter 29. Gen­ same with the Recorder and shall west of the west line of the W il­ ing all of the right, title and Inter­ cree duly given and made by said eral Laws of Oregon for 1923 (Ore­ conform to the requirements of the liam H. Fisher D, L. C. No. 38 In est of the defendants Minnie Lu­ Court the 8th day of Sept., 1931, gon Code 1930. Sections 16-401 to ordinances of the Town of Spring- Township 1# South In Range One ciano, Gultlano Luciano, 'whose in a suit pending therein in which 16-413 Inclusive); and. field for the construction of cement (1) west of the W illam ette M eri­ name la sometimes spelled Gutlano The Pacific Saving A Loan Associa­ You and each of you. and all sidewalks. dian, luine County. Oregon, lo­ Luciano, L. W . 8tevens, Elisabeth tion. a Washington corporation, persons having or claiming to have Section 4. The Recorder Is here­ cated 30 links west of and thence H. Steven*. Wm. D. Queen and was plaintiff and F. G. Johnson, any Interest In said automobile by directed to forthwith publish In south 1 degree and four minutes Jane Doe Queen, wife of Wm. D. Horace L. Edwards and Ruth Ed­ above described are hereby re­ the Springfield News for a period west 7.28 chains from the north­ Queen, In and to the following des­ wards were defendants, which exe­ quired to appear before the above of ten days, or two publications, a west corner of the said D. L. C. cribed real property situated In cution and order of aale was to me entitled court at the Court House Notice to Contractors and call for No. 38; anjl thence run west 1.40 Lane County, State of Oregon, to- directed and commanded n-e to sell of Lane County. Oregon, at Eugene, bids for the building of said side­ the real property hereinafter des by the second day of October, 1931, walks. and the Council hereby ap­ chnins; thence run south 1 de­ wlt: Lot One (1 ), and the Northeast cribed to satisfy certain liens and aald day being the ANSW ER DAY points the 29th day of September. gree and four minutes west 7.00 quarter ( N E H ) of the Southeast charges In said decree specified, I In this cause, which has heretofore 1931. at 7:30 p. m. as the time for chains to the center of 'the coun­ quarter (S E % ) of Section thirty- will on Saturday the 10th day of been duly set by the above entitled J receiving and opening such bids. ty road known as the M ilitary five (36), Townahrlp Eighteen October, 1931, at the hour of one Court to defend against these pro­ Road; thence run southeasterly Section 5. Inasmuch as all of (18), South, Range Six (3). West o’clock, P. M. at the southwest door ceedings. and upon your failure so said sidewalks are In need of re­ along the renter of the said road of the W illam ette Meridian, In of the County Court House in Eu­ to do. a Judgment of the forfeiture pair and It Is for the best Interests to a point 30 links west of the HOW FAR does a woman walk every day, conduct­ Lane County, Oregon, except ten gene, Lane County, Oregon, offer of aald automobile will be applied of Ihe Inhabitants of the Town of west line of said D. L. C. No. 38; (10) acres deeded to C. B. Blodg- for sale and sell at public auction for. and thence run north from the Springfield that the construction ing the affairs of her home? Anywhere from ette; for cash, subject to redemption as center of said road a distance of This notice is Issued and directed thereof be expldlted as much aR to 15 miles a day, according to investigation* re­ 7.29 chains to the place of begin­ and for such other and further re­ provided by law, all of the right, to you and each of you pursuant possible, and being for the best In cently reported from Ohio State Univuraity. lief aa to the Court may seem Just title and Interest of the defendants to the order duly made and entered terests and safety of said town, ning, being one acre of land. and equitable. In said suit and of all parties claim­ by the above entitled Court on the therefore, an emergency Is de­ should not be granted. Important as a means of cutting down unnacaa- This summons Is published by ing by, through or under them or eighth day of September, A. D., clared to exlsi and this ordinance W ITN ESS the Honorable C. P. aary steps and reducing “mileage” in th* horn«, is shall become effictlve upon its pas Barnard. Judge of the County Court virtue of an order of the Honorable any of them, In or to the following 1931. the Extension Telephone. of the State of Oregon for the Coun C. P. Barnard, County Judge of described real property, to-wlt: Witness my han I and the seal of sage by the Council and approval ty of Lane and the Seal of the said Ioine County, Oregon, dated the Lot Eight (8) In Block Six (6) said court affixed at Eugene, Ore­ by the Mayor. You can have a wall-type Extension in your Court hereto affixed, this 1st day 19th day of Auguat, 1431. In the Amended Plat of Fair- gon, this eighth day of September, Passed the Common Council this kitchen or elsewhere for only a few cants a day. The date of the first publication I mount, now a part of the City of A. D.. 1931. 14th day of September, 1931. of September, 1*81. of thia lum m om I t Auguat 20, 1181. Eugene, In Lane County, Oregon. Approved by the Mayor this 14th ATTEST. W. B. D IL LA R D . County Clerk DR. ELLA MEADE JAMES K. KINO . Attorney for (S E A L ) W. B. D ILLA R D , Clerk, Dated this 9th day of Sept., 1931. of Imne County, State of Ore­ day of September, 1931. plaintiff, Residence and post- By EVA L. D U C K W O R TH . H. L. BOW N. Sheriff. gon. and ex-offlclo Clerk of Attest: 1. M. PETERSON, Optomstrlst T he P acific T elephone A n d T elegraph C ompany office address, Eugene, Oregon. Recorder. Deputy. By A. E. H U LEG AA RD, Deputy. aald Circuit Court. 41 W est 4th Eugene I (A 34-37—8-3-14-17) (8 3-14-17-34—O. X) (8 — 14-17-34. 0 - 1 - 3 . ) 8-17 W . P. TYSON, Mayor. (8.-14-17-24) Thurston t A PAQU T H M B Coburg ---- - " Business Directory B Remedies For Winter KeteFs Drug Store Irish- Murphy Co. A SUGAR 49c Tomato Soup SPUDS 25C > ► Pineapple Peanut Butter . ....25c Shortening ..... d&a/C 1 FU Id-V U E mües Qi áleps/ W 2% A BEAUTIFUL, FR A M E q u ite attTkreut FROM Alai» O T H E R S Y