The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 17, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday at
Springfield. I .an» County, Oregon, by
H . E. M A N N Y ,
Entered as second clast m a tter, Feb ru ary 24, 1*03, at the poalotflce,
Springfield. Oregon.
One Year In Advance ..........— $1.76 T h ree Months
Six M onths J
--------- $100
Single Copy
T H U R S D A Y . S E P T E M B E R 17. 1931
** RUMBl
it ï ia a ü M »
fell— how you got— out of
le »«at?"
Ka.'krw ff M oto r« hire Row cn* to « r a s a
"1 climbed out." said Rowena
I'r w r on • na'ion w nlr rout in thru
"It's the only way you
|t« .l> tr r m nn «dw rO ain» «runt
A t th< cheerfully.
k > t rninut« U t t k Bobby u r t i r * , r 4 to act row get out o f a rumble scat**
to rh a p v o a .
"But when------ "
A law wile« out Bobby baoi'mca tra itu l
"Rut how------ ••
boin« parted frv ir her r a r a th r a tt and
o v rn a inaiara on ta k u if bat rU c e >n the "W e didn't see you!"
amble ao that »ha can irda with Patar and
“When Peter and the broken-down
are bun to talk to about Carter
Rowana gent were dusting off Missouri in the
get» P a t« to oonaant to divide th r raponaa
of the road L noticed the wild
(■»tie r each weak as toon aa it am aaa,
and «atcrlahea P e tri by rating toe eeon [berries up on the hank among the
I must have jo t myself out
T h e three touriata roach St. l.'u ia , a ftn
paaaing through B uflalo and Chicago Pater [of sight of the car without knowing
and Rowena nave m any ttlTa. whila Bobbv jit, for the first thing I knew. I heard
B anrapturtd
enraptured at tha way C a r t « ia fuming |the usual racing o f the engine with
A t from S a w Y o rk
O<5 ) O N W I T H T H E S T O R Y which dear Peter gets under way, so
II ran down and there you were
There «rare bound to be ever ao tearing off among tjte ruts in a cloud
many pleasant, cool, thadowy short-
S t Louis and Kansas
It won't be long now before vacation is over and school t
will begin again. Then the young ones will get hack into r
their own world, for in the life of the child the real world is
that in which he mixes on equal terms with others of his
own age We older folk are too absorbed with the affairs of
grown-ups to understand w hat the young ones are thinking •*Uo^F
We are prone to think, as we grow older, that w hat we
had in school is good enough for our children. That would
be true if the world stood still, but it doesn't. In a changing
the wgy between St Ix iu i, and
world, the best education is that which makes the child alive
Q ty .
Peter asked about
to the changes, which brings him most closely in touch •kort-cut» at do end of filling stations
with the new things that we didn't know anything about god garages a* they went west, hut
ooe seemed very well informed
when we were young. Everything is different today from do
about hy-roada, and for the most
yesterday; tomorrow everything of today will be out of part every one advised against at­
date. The boy or girl who gains from his school work the tempting any such thing
I t wgs well on toward noon when
sense of change, of constant forward movement steadily go­ Peter
found a man in a garage who
ing on, has got the best foundation for success in life.
«sought there really was a short-cut
as Peter wanted. H e wasn't al­
W’e don’t think it is nearly as important to teach children Just
together sure it was a direct route to
how to do tilings as it is to teach them how to understand Kansas Q ty, hut at least it did not
things. One way is to get more young people as teachers lead hack toward St Louis.
They had driven about twenty
and on school boards. School systems must grow and miles
along this rambling lane, which
change, just as the world grows and changes, and old folks at
times seemed to turn uncertainly
are too apt to resist change. There must be old heads in toward Kansas Citv and then made a
school affairs, of course, but some who are still young dead run for the Nebraska line, when
saw a stalled car in the road
enough to remember their own school days ought to have they
some say about school affairs.
stretched out on the hank with his
hat over his face.
Peter slowed up.
Rowena leaned forward and rapped
Roseburg got the soldiers' home hut is seems now that aharply on the glas- "Never ask ad­ of metaphorical glory. Ba I picked
of a broker-down driver." she some more berries, and tha brokan-
she has lost half of it. Reports are that a million dollars vice
warned him dark'..,
" If he knew
out of the (wo million are to be spent to make homes out ol what he was doing, he wouldn't he down gent and I shot crap» until tha
man from the garage came and
some of the Washington hospitals. Oregon cities should broken down."
But Peter for once had struck the towed him in. He invited me to go
give the Douglas county town a hand to prevent more of right
The man knew ever- with them, but I knew you would he
this money slipping away. Without a very substantial in­ road in party
ick for me when you got around to
the state.
vestment is made at Roseburg the city will not be justified
Peter thanked him for his c .
in its $125,000 bond issue or the state in giving away the directions and : ■ trued to the c .r.l “There was a bridge out on the
H e was too much of
gcn’ lervin to short-cut," explained Peter quickly.
present soldiers’ home.
lee- triumphantly
.ick at Pi f t
“ I know
The broken-down gert
e —•vemhered it about ten
The request of the federal government for free sites for order the n • . „• dv. d
« it
had • -,■» But ot course
national institutions we feel is all wrong—it is the driving of rumble
I »,.,1 <i ,ri ' i
la te tb - n "
a sharp bargain. With more than one-third of the state ib- H «-lire
game about It.
u're very
very game
R. Itow
Row- -
e had driven fully twenty miles
area in the untaxed national forests we think it is a colossal Over the worst possible sort of coun­
Very sporting.
I wouldn't
bunch of nerve to ask Oregon to furnish more land to the try road when he found that a bridge blame you if you didn't speak to me
was out, that there was no detour, again from here to the coast."
federal government.
nonsense !"
and the only possible way to go on in
-t an M ó ­
The only reason we acquiesced in it as regards Eugene the direction of Kansas City »as to pleasantly. "This
ke me mad.
back to the main road and start dent. Accidents r
is that the city must meet the conditions laid down or not be go
uinngly, “just
over Very meekly he turned around It s just,” she addt
in the running. We think Oregon people should tell their to pay homage to her better )udg- — certain— people."
congressmen that appropriations hereafter with strings tied ment, but stopped short, staring In Kansas City, Bobby found
Bobby, who always thirty-one telegrams from Carter,
to them will be frowned upon.
each increasingly immoderate in its
bought her a cunning little K am a
mvenir, a flask carved out nt t
, >m-coh—and she seemed sliglul)
i orc resigned.
She was vary quiet as they crossed
Kansas, and when they complained
of tha notoriously hot winds, -hi
oniled patiently and said she didn't
mind. She ate very little, and had
'fteen cents of her allowance left at
the end of the week
When they reached Denver they
'lurried at once, at they always did
to get their mail, and there was noth­
ing at all for Bobby, not a letter, not
a telegram, not to much as a aouvenit
She said nothing hut
turned pale and a little sad smile
frost the dimples In the soft face.
With but six miles of grade to be surfaced on the Willam­
ette road to Oakridge it seems that every effort should be
made to complete the job this fall so that it may be used this
winter. The federal bureau of roads will do half of the
job and it seems that the state and county should not fail on
the remainder. For years Oakridge has been like a city in
another county because of the condition of the old road.
-------------- »---------------
Those Arkansas folks take their religion like the Kentuck­
ians take their moonshine—serious. It required a battalion
of national guardsmen to keep order in the church. The
Baptist church should rid itself of this sort of thing.
We wonder if pajamas will be the conventional campus
attire this year.
What the nation needs is more big fish in the streams.
took any form ot etvrclso In hla
life Charles Dlckrn» died compara
liv e ly young Inteauae of hl» notion
tltut he could keep hla brain In rou
d It lou by vigorous dally physical
cscrtlou Persona of average ability
can combine physical development
with enough m ental development to
"get by'' In their Job« Bui the per­
B a
Ws> h a w learned a few thing»
j bout t uba and the Cuban paoplu
I .nee we went to w ar w ith Spato.
' ,3 year« ago. to »et Cuba free. The
Cuban people are about a« badly
■ft under eelf government, eo-call-
■ d. as they were under W eyler.
When sugar and tobacco »ell nt
high price» they are happy; when
j these eoniniodttlea are clump, a»
they have heeu for some year»,
here la revolution. W e gave them
political fretnloin but we did nol
give them the more Im portant eco­
nomic freedom.
Nobody today want» to annex
t uba to the United States, least
of all the Am erican »peculator»
who have built race-truck», hotel»
and gumbltng house» there to nt j
•r»ct Am ericans v. ho want to ca j
rouse and waste th eir money. Un j
dcr Am erican rule Cubu would have j
to he o ffic ia lly "d ry," and lh a l
would start another revolution.
al hand, I suppose you have
Now lh a l the rainy season
acusón Is
I» e
cl lf
to u r r«M>( fixed ih ie <dd cow »IB*1 "L -batten ed
t ig ,»
HO W A B O U T T H O S fi S H O fifif
Il would he just As well lo look cm over and not w all u ntil muddy
w eather before you have (hem repaired.
Prices are Right at the
Main Mt.
I1 A I.I,
Viol. t Huy mill General Ethyl gitHolim* tiro the twin
motor fiH'lh we »ell at thia station. Both are leaders
hi their elsas mitl-kiiot'k mid high poweretl
They m<* (he lieai that money van buy.
Thia station can take erne of uny ear trouble you
may have with our garage In connection
“An Street Service Station
• • •
Ureeulaud the latest scientific ex
plorer» tell us. Is a great bowl of
Ice several thousand fo»‘t deep, »ur
rounded by high mountains. This
j Ice has been gradually melting for j
: the last Ice Age. some 30.000 year»
ug». A» It melts, (he land below It
I w ill rise and the tropical Vegeta
1 lion which once nourished near the
North Bole w ill grow (here again
By that tim e all of the w hile
, races of man w ill have moved much
farth e r North thun they live now
Then w ill come another Ice Age
and population w ill be driven buck
toward the Equator. T h a t Is whal |
to din­
ts g o - »aid
Sh. was vary tired, said she wanted a
hot bath and a good sleep, said s <
would just read a aiagasine she had
pickad out at the news-stand.
They seen» up to the room itnme
dlately after dinner with all good m
trntioua, and Rowena knocked
thera eras no answer she open» ' t' •
door and they went in
has happened at least three times
had a deserted appearance. B •
b in.Kome article» of t. i 1 wr •
In the earth's recent history, and
- ''I the ’ teasing-tahl-
H r
there is no reason to doubt It w ill
root of the bed, her satin mules frost happen aguln. Explorers from the
beneath it. H er imported traveling universities of Nova Zeuibla aud
bag no longer stood beside Rowena's 'S pitsbergen w ill find (races of bu
shabby suitcase on the baggage rack.
m a il handicraft In the tropical Jun­
Peter and Rowena looked at each
gle growing where Chicago now
other in wide-eyed consternation
There was a note, written on hotel stands, and w ill wonder what gods
paper in Bobby'a round childish hand. .hese prim itive people worshipped
It was pinned to Rowena's pitlow.
s e e
"D ar/nw r. I'm going homo, I've
got to. I f I don't I'll never gel
looked where others did, turned too
back I'U tend Peter the money
and her amarement surpassed his ' commands for her to give over this
'outrageous conduct and return home 1 borrowed at toon at I get my
allowance I'm going on the teven
The rumble seat was empty Row­ 'at once.
Rowena had the usual fat one ad­ o'clock irate and I have already
ena was not there.
I cter slowly returned over the dressed in the boyish scrawl, and wired him Io meet me You're both
roads to where the self-styled expert surely
iy she had read no further than jn tt tweet and I love yon Bnl I
the first paragraph when she began do w ith yon didn't quarrel eo Fee
had given him his directions.
ting out her money. Peter had qlad Carter and 1 get along bailor '
Twenty m iles!
Bobby closed her eyes.
Peter a comforting telegram from M r
"And that." said Rowena flatly, "to
hoped she was praying. He would Rack, with a friendly postscript by
Ruff, advising that the red-
have prayed himself except that the M r
" I f . all at that," added Peter
hard driving over the bad road re- haired siege was lifted and that they
i -ed his complete attention.
But had been honored with a sort of an *
Nothing, declared Rowena drear-
lid keep breathing over and over apology but ararning them to be
¡b . “could be more Irretrievably fatal
in his heart the one word, “God I careful of their future conduct.
M r. Rack also said they were ex- than this."
G !! G od !” and trusted the Infinite
tremely pleased with the character of
“It was great sport while It lasted,"
would understand it for appeal.
turned out, said Peter
"You have beat pretty
Instinctively his foot lifted from the work that had been
next week’s game all the way through, Rowena*
the accelerator and at a noiseless and enclosed check for
“I t was corking good business,
crawl the car rolled up to the shad­ expenses. Peter was extremely grate-
taking K
owy bank under the willow tree
her week's all in around
ell, you with,
are î*e ta r^ If bad to
where the stranger with the stalled spent the last oent of
motor had mapped out the futile allowance by Wednesday, after which breese arouad with.
“W ell, it’s all
time he and Rowena had been obliged
'O h '" whispered Bobby weakly. to carry her between them.
“You d ost
“Chaperons come high, don't they r '
“Look—look ! Rowena !"
Rowena indeed, lying motionless grumbled Roarena, as she counted out one up here, do yoi
beside the road where the afternoon nickels and dimes to make up her The m y we got
sun slanted behind the trees to throw portion of Bobby’s last manicure.
narasnip to them
Bat they both knew it was pretty
It was a genuine hardship
protecting shadows over her slender
Peter was out of the car to be obliged to contribute eo exten- hopeless
They said good nigi
long before it had come to a stop sively to the maintenance of luxury-1
On the other hand, ' thing vaguely suggestive of a ffte tio o
and was up the bank and kneehng loving Bobby
beside her. H e lifted one limp slim her presence was so essential to the ate regard, for this kflllng, kindred
all-important tour that they were in ditappoli
ointment gave them a oori
hand. It was stained red.
Ike first
no position to quarrel very seriously meeting-ground for
"Rowena 1" he whispered.
“Oh, even with her extravagances
Rowena opened her eyes,
"For my part, I*d rather pay her
tat alone at her 1
hello,” she said cheerfully.
for she bod
you were a long time coming back." bills than read Carter’s telegrams," little
"Are— are you— hurt?” stammered said Peter moodily
Imm e dia tely after tbe da
" I wouldn't,
disagreed Rowena
"H u rt? W hy, not W hat do you promptly, “ ve learned to read with of
mean, hurt?" She licked a bit o f red one eye and listen srith one ear, and
raspberry juice from her finger as that m y I get throuoh arhk only
she spoke.
half the mental strain.
“Yes. but you’ve got a rumble to
r final
when s riS
“D-did vou fall o ut darling?"
asked Bobby in fatuously affection­ retire to."
“So I have But I have to steep a mind made un. A a idea had cossm
ate tones.
<0 her. terrifying and tremendous,
"Fall out ? ’ repeated Rowena. “Cer­ srith her."
tainly not.” She stood up, lifted her
One thing was certain
H er pres­ hours before. Ska had toyed with II,
arms, stretching her slender figure ence was essential, and Carter and his weighed it In the bahmee anA finding
comfortably to its utmost height telegrams, the and her extravagancta, It sraating, psuhad it rmohrtaq aw ayj
but had perralttod it to worh its way
“ Had a grand nap,” she said. “And were alike to be endured.
A t twelve
wrote out just what I think of M is­
A t Topeka she was startled to And back, insidiously rara.
Poor dears, you must be but one telegram asvaitiag l w a ten- o'clock sito called Petor an the teln-
phone and that waa an and o f her
dreadfully hot and tired. Come and word, »ti
straight day
sit down— a nature’s feast to feed
ou. Berries and oold spring water,
"Liston, Peter. Yon meat me dowm
stairs In the lobby, . right sway,
knew you would be famished so I
away, wfll
obby's .Tn
fright was to genuine, bar you? I hues an idea.
picked heaps."
■^nt Fra In bed I"
"You darling," said Bobby, and disappointment to real, that Rowena
greedily fell to "But will you plea»« and Peter tried to console her
tell us,” she mumbled, with a full
Peter took thera out to a movie,
CMtinned Next Weeka^
mouth, for she was very hungry, and Rowena— srith her own
Nothing is more interesting than to hear successful men
reminisce about their careers. Recently, after a golf game,
I had such an opportunity.
My companions were well-known lawyers.
One of them said: “I wasn't much of a student in college.
I played on both the football and baseball teams, and I man­
aged to graduate and go on through law school.
‘‘My first job was in the office of a country lawyer in a
small town in Pennsylvania. There I really did work, prepar­
ing cases and trying them, and doing my best to master the
“I could look forward to earning enough to marry on,
but could see no chance of ever escaping from that small
“One Christmas I visited my folks in Boston, and while I
was there a friend told me that a certain lawyer would like
to meet me. I called at his office the next morning. We chat­
ted for about an hour and then, out of a clear sky, he offer­
ed me a partnership. I was flabbergasted, but I managed
to stutter at acceptance. I started in with him a month later. COUNTY CHAMBER TO
In that firm I spent ten very happy and profitable years.
“One day 1 summoned up courage to ask him how he ever
happened to make me such an offer on so short on acquaint­ T h e Lane county cham ber of com­
merce w ill meet In Junction C ity on
“His answer was surprising. lie said that for years he F riday night of this week, accord­
had been able to secure more business than he could proper­ ing to E. A. McCornack, president.
ly hundle. As a business getter he was a star; as an organ­ Arrangem ents are being made for a
izer of an efficient force he was a failure. He had hired bril­ d inner at 6:30 p. m. and a program
liant young chaps out of law school, but somehow they to follow.
never developed as he hoped. Being brilliant, they expected Reports w ill be made on a num ­
to get results easily, and if they were whipped a couple of ber of highway m atters in which
the county cham ber Is Interested.
times in court it broke their spirits.
"One night he went home and sat dow n before the fire
to analyze his situation. He decided to look for an entirely CREDITOR ASKS TO
different type of man; lie listed the qualifications:
"I. The man must not he too smart. He must have the
Habit of working hard for his results.
A petition In which D r. H . H .
“2. He must have been in college athletics, trained to Foskett seeks to have a claim
fight for victory, and to keep up his chin in defeat.
against the Pacific Christian hospl
“Having made this list, the lawyer asked his friends to tai, now In the hands of a receiver,
recommend men who met the qualifications. One of them declared a preferred claim was
named me, and the lawyer remembered that he had once filed in circuit court last week.
seen a football game in which I was badly smashed up but T h e petition states th a t D r. Fos-
was still able to carry the ball across the line for a touch­ kett for services at the hospital
laboratory has a salary of $290 due
"So you see,’’ my friend concluded, “it was that one little him. T h e peltion fu rth er states that
thing, to which I never, attached the slightest importance, the receiver can pay this but th a t
that made my whole career.”
If the claim Is not listed as pre­
When you hear stories like this, and I have heard many ferred It w ill be the same as the
of them. It makes you think that there are no little things. i lainis of other creditors and there
No operation is so insignificant that a man can refuse to w ill be a long delay in receiving
give it less than his best.
paym ent.
son who would excel In eith er field
must concentrate solely on the one
ur the other.
Perhaps the beat
method 1» Mrs Rinehart's owu. She
drop» all m enial work fur long va
cation» on her weatern ranch, liv­
ing and rid ing In the open until
her bodily vigor la restored, then
re lu m in g to her w riting.
1 got a bill the other day from
the Comm onwealth of Massachu
setts, where I vote, for $1, w ith 7he
inform ation that this was my an-
uual “Old Age Assistance" tax. It
seems to me like a good way ot
creating a fund for the care ot aged
persons. T he d irect tax which every
individual has to pay has the effect
of bringing governm ent and Its ac
tlvltles mure closely to the alien
tion of everybody who pays It.
Massachusetts voters are going to
watch the Old Age Assistance pro­
gram mure closely than they would
have if It were m erely a m atter of
paying for this ort of relief out of
(lie general funds.
e s s
df.'A IN S
Reading Mrs. M ary Roberta Rlne
hart's fascinating autobiography.
"M y Story," 1 was struck by one
phrase she. uses, "the physical le th ­
argy »1 (he brain w orker." I have
never known a great athlete who
was at the same tim e a great think
er, nor a person with a creative
mind who excelled In any form ot
sport. The two a ttrib u tes do not
go together.
Charles P. Steinm etz, perhaps the
greatest scientific mind we have
ever known In Am erica, was a tu
bercular hunchback. Einstein gets
bis exercise by playing the violin!
Edison, m entally keen at 94, never
Y ou C an N e v e r
M a k e a M is ta k e
G iv in g C A N D Y
Itirlhduyn, annivoraarle», spt't'lal occasions or on
miy event cundy it. always appropriate. Eggltnann'»
candy I h dellclouu mid wholesome mid I h bucked by our
many yearn in the con feet lottery bunlness,
Huy your candy nt a candy store.
C G G I M A N N ’Q
Where ih» Service le D ifferent'
N ew
$ y .8 5
Fashions for Every Occasion
n ■
The Golden Rule
Rulers of Low Prices
10th <& Willaniotte-^-EUGFNE—New Schaefers Bldg
Special Sale of
Coach ticket, good in day
coache« or reclining chair car«
— al«o in Tourist Sleeper, on
ayment of berth chargefahout
'2 the Standard Pullman cent.)
One-way (oath ticket that
aave» you many dollar,. This
ia train comfort at the lowe,(
po««ihle tost.
spoiled by
unnecessarily high hotel bills.
Com nfort
fort w ith
economy at the P R E S ID E N T .
R A T E S ............................ | l A N D $2 P E R D A Y
J. A . Cushman, M anager
Gas Radiantfire
and Gas Heatrolas
HEATROLA — $97.50
Special Price $70,50
(50 pò unti i of hangage may he
checked free on lítete ticket!.)
C A R L O LS O N , Agent
Phone 66
Phone 28
931 Oak S t