THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPUINGFIELO, I «ANE COUNTY. OREGON, T H l’KHDAV, HEFT EM HER 17. 1931 TWENTY-BUGHTII YEAH Neck Broken In Motor Accident MILK R E S l O t i , ' : Springfield to Have Aot Pre" venting Sale of Pasteurized Milk Not Made in City of feed ELAMES DESTROY PROPERTY DEALS ROAD COMPLETION Shortage Brings In Sheep DONNA SAWMILL COMPLETED HEHE EARLY IS CERTAIN No. se On football Team SCHOOLS KILL S H HEW HIGH RECORD Flock of 1700 Pass Through M. Peery Sustain» In- Coach Starts Training Sche­ ry Friday Evening; Works Engineer Asks Base Rocking City on Way From Lake- Total Damage to Mill, Lum­ Eggimann's, Springfield Gar­ dule Immediately After Enrolment in Linooln And View to Harrisburg Farm z in Office Monday ber, And Dwelling Estima­ age, And News Office Block for Willamette, McKenzie High Schools Greatly Ex­ Conference Last Friday %. ----------- ted to Be Near $13,000 Included in Transaction Sure of First Surfacing ceeds That of Last Year Hhortage of pasture and feeds for ■>, i l i n k was sustained last Twenty-five candidates for places sheep and rattle In Eastern Gregon ' ng by Dr. M. M. I’aery on the Hprlngfleld high school foot­ SLIDES MAY BLOCK ROAD ha. become a serious problem ac- NO INSURANCE CARRIED TRADE CALIFORNIA APTS, ne ot tba moat pscu- BOOKS SOUGHT ball team turned out last Friday MORE cording to Cal Eaton of Eugene. : ■ 1 ----------- I irted In tbla couu- llar accldt- . ., _ i a f t e r n o o n to m e e t N o , val May. ath Contracts for Final Work on •Mr. Eaton Wednesday unloaded Cause of Blaze Uncertain; New Owner Here to Inspect letic director and to begin training' McKenzie District Sends 31 to Plans for Re-Issuing Bond ty. Dr. Pee. ".as turning Into tba »<• . as e l / . a / l .f ls ls> b —o l v sat o o carloads , of tils u sheep at t tbe Pacific highway north of Eugene Unfinished Parts of McKen­ five Firs Starts in House And Buildings and Start Neces- f°r the season which will open at High School, Five Students Obligations Falling Due in that evening when his automobile zie May Be Let This Winter Hprlngfleld depot, a shipment of sary Repair Work ! Grants Pass a week from Saturday. Spreads to Lumber Piles Come From Thurston February Started waa struck from the read by an 1700 head, which bad been sent - . More candidates are known to have approaching vehicle. The Impact That new construction work on here from Ixtkevlew. Tbe shortage Real estate transaY*. 6* 'evolving b®en awaiting tbe opening of the Fire discovered at noclh and School bells of the city rang thia A loug controversy over milk dis­ waa sufficient to cause a sudden both the Ml'KenxIe and Willamette of pastures and feeds has created which burned away unabated until three Important Sprf» tribution In the city o( Hprlngfleld Jolt which broke the neck bone. ’M) bust »«bool year before turning out and morning to call children from their highways will be given a base coat a «tarve-out or shlp-out proposition . . . . . . „ . , , , . ■ after 6 o clock almost completely ness properties were completed 11 »•most certain that some play- was brought to a head at tba r«gu summer vacations and to get them Dr. Peery waa unaware ot his In- of gravel making them dependable across the mountains for sheep and , __ . . . . ,,, _ , , . .. destroyed the Donna sawmill Sun- this week when Al. Perkins of Port-I *r" wUI lar monthly meeting ot tba City Jury until he had dressed an Injury winter travel routes during the wet cattle gathered from the ranks men, and most of them are day while a large crowd stood by completed a deal with T. C. Greet jof the »indents coming from Walter- started off on another year of Couucll Munday erasing wban of one of the passengers In tbe other weather of this fall and winter, and trying to ship, says Eaton. study. Early tabulations of enroll and looked on helplessly. A call of the same city whereby the latter vllle “n"»««« • * « Mrs. Eliza Nelson Re-Eelected year as 31 students came In from ances. Brotherhood." 1 gue river from that city to the Pa- ridge. This and the old dungerouk blade, and one electric motor i '®arinK down the old building at T reasurer of Lane County the McKenzie district at Walter- Members of the organization hold It was decided at that time that I c|flc ocean at Gold Reach In two road leading to Ixiwell Is the only . . . . .............. ..„ ‘»e corner of Fourth and Main _ .................... 7 ville, ____________ . in , from ___ ______ and five came Thurs­ were taken front ..... tbe mill u before monthly meetings during the'year Organization Here | any attempt to regulate the aale1 row boats. streets. This property has been road open to travel in that moun­ ton. flames reached It. and distribution of milk would be The start of the trip waa made tain city during the winter months. with the exception of the summer vacant for many years, having The plant has been in operation Mrs. N. E. Compton of Cottage The enrollment In the senior Impracticable. A warning was Is-¡on Labor day and ended four days A forest road runs east from the | months when a vacation period it formerly been occupied by a hard­ lor many years and was electrical Grove was re-elected president of class at the high school had reach­ taken. This Is the first meeting sued at that time, however, to par later when Mrs. Irish and, Mrs. city and Is passable during the sum J ware store with residential apart­ ly operated. Logs were trucked to the Lane County W. C. T. U. at ed 63 at noon. Thia is eight more Ilea having family cows In the city Kebhan met the party on the coast mer months, but Is not surfaced : since the picnic held early in the ments upstairs. the mill and the finished lumber, the afternoon session of tbe an­ than graudated In the class of last summer. that only the atrlcteat sanitary con , The first night was rather bad nnd cannot be used during wet wea Joe Lemon of Portland, son-in- nual convention held at the Metho­ year. The Junior class had an en­ largely ties, was loaded onto rail­ dllons would be tolerated. [ going, according to members of the ther. road cars on a siding adjoining the law of Mrs. Winzenreid is helping dist church here Tuesday. Other rollment of 43, and the two lower Possibility that construction o f 1 FENTONS WILL RETAIN An ordinance providing for the party' • » * hon’ had ch,,M,n ,o mill. Four carloads of these were raze the property. officers for tbe new year will be grades had not been checked but the extension of the W illamette1 construction of sidewalk, on pro- [ rou«h " and “ ,ar aa piled on the dock Bunday awaiting Mrs. Grace Browning. Eugene, vlce- It was known that there were more RESIDENCE IN T H IS CITY on what the country had to offer.) highway across the Cascades along perty on East Main street waa the arrival of cars Monday. ; president; Mrs. W. E. Knott, Eu- than 80 freshmen. This makes U»e passed and a call for bids for this It rained and was windy, but the Salt rreek was also seen here this Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Fenton are Heat from the fire caused con­ I gene, secretary ; and Mrs. Eliza enrollment in these three classes week when C. D. Farmer, engineer not going to move to Yarnell where siderable damage to main line and work was authorise.) at t h e II r*" ,,f """ ’roya«‘’ * “ 1 Nelson, Springfield, re-elected treas- more than 17<, while the total en­ meeting Bid. for this work will Mo"',n « « * • « • * ” «* of the federal bureau of roads de­ Mr. Fenton has been called as pas­ the side track of the railroad pro­ 1 urer. rollment for the opening day last clared that surveys for both this be received at the Hprlngfleld City ,a,"’n al,’n,t a“d many , **t o{ ,l,m tor of the South Methodist church, perty. In one place the rails on the Mrs. F. O. Taylor, Eugene, was year was only 10 more or 1M. This h.H up until the time of the special1* ” * ’”‘poa*d These are now In route and the Main river route had but will drive hack and forth to strips were buckled and stood five chosen delegate to the state con number will be swallowed np sev­ meeting set for September 2». at f’° « ' a’>d being developed If they been completed and that federal that place each Bunday where ser­ feet in the air. I vention to be held at Albany on eral times ever by tbe enrollment which lime the contract for the ««"> •»««■iactorlly the public funds for the work were available vices will be conducted at 11 It has not been decided whether October 20-23. Mrs. Browning was in the sophomore class and by naw construction will be awarded Cost. b® «,ran opportunities to view and could bo borrowed by the state o’clock. Gossler Has Nomination as ' selected as the alternate. to rebuild the mill. additions to the other classes. for this purpose If desired. of the sidewalks are to be provided them later They do. however, plan to move Post Commander; Peterson The West Side union in Eugene N ew Teachers a t Schools An abundance of wild game was Contracts for surfacing ot the by a Bancroft bond Issue to be to a new location in this city. The LIONS CLUB FAVORS was selected as the place for ’the Candidate for Adjutant Five new faculty members were seen by the four men who caught portions of the McKenxIe highway paid by the property owners. annual convention next year.” ' Z , ioge°,herMwi«h m X , N EW CASCADE HIGHWAY greeted this morning at the three all the fish they cared to eat. It now under construction will pro­ X Election of new officers of th Large delegations were present1 schools They are Miss Elinot Members of the Council were un-1 wa„ po si|ble |n several Instances bably be let this winter and the Members of the Springfield Lions ! 3pringlieId A®ericnn Legion pa from Cottage Grove, the two Eu­ Smith, sixth grade at Brattain; onlmous In the opinion that a bond