PAOK FOUR WATER SUPPLIES FACTOR ON FARM ■ — ■ Any Fundamental Improve- ment in Agriculture Here Based on Irrigation PLANTS ARE 1 TH U R SD A Y. SK I’T B M B E R 10. IRSI T H E SPR IN G FIE LD NEWS — —■■■■■..............- VISITED ■" B A P T IS T S C A L L N E W PASTOR ON SUNDAY Rev. W illia m O. T ay lo r was call | ed to the pastorate of the First Baptist church Springftel|i. Sunday morning at a business meeting of the congregation following the »«>r »Ices. H e arrived here Wednesday and w ill begin his duties here Im ­ m ediately, startin g w ith the prayer meeting to be held this evening at the church. He w ill also preach both sermons at the church on Farmer», Business Men and State Development Leaders on Trip to Lane County FEWEH BOVS NOW I I STATE SCHOOL ROWtNA AlBH RUMBLt ao n e u M f r e» ' TS I SV 7 W C « Parole Officer Says System is Working Out Well; Number of Inmate* Reduced mxsasiiaa! THIRD INSTALMENT R»ck»uff M otor« litre Rowena to acconi pan? Peter on a nation wide tour m then road at ct a* an adeertiam c stunt. A t the laat m inute L ittle Bob be is engaged to act as v haperon. A few miles out Robby become« tearful at being parted from her sw e e th e art and Rowena insists on taking her place in the n u n b ie so th a t she can t»de w ith Fetm hare him to talk to about C arter Rowena id ........................................“ nothing Already Peter foun ' ltd was agreed by fgrmers, business : land, who resigned Septem ber 1. to It amazing when Rowena had noth- to aa' men and stale development leaders accept a call to the First Baptist Certain,ly the had plenty to say at who Joined in the second annual ,,hurch Koseburg ra balls Falls when Peter pi prepared Niagara went*rn Oregon irrigation tour to do his picture of the Rackruff sponsored by the Oregon State col­ roadster, with her at the wheel, both M A N Y PEO PLE CO TO showing faintly under a line mist of lege extension service. F L O R E N C E FO R O U T IN G ,allint « « » . W h t n it came to do- At farm a fter farm , starting from ________ ing pictures, Peter was unbearable. the A. J. Evers place In W ashing . , Carter himself could not have been A large num ber of b prlngfleld morf hatefully dictatorial. He told ton county, on south to Eugene and back to the Sam Brown farm at people motored to Florence during her what to wear, how to sit, how to Gerraia, mem ber* of the party <•>«■ week-end to spend the Labor lip a . H i , ?ld hcr how w iv to turn heard sim ilar atoriea from owner» ! • ' holiday» on the beach and at * . ic her head, just where to fluff her hair who told how irrigation 1« making many lakes in that region. and where to draw it back “Oh. Peter," protested Rowena ibe difference between profit and Among those there were M r. and faintly “ Please don't do my profile. lo an' on many of tb elr farm opera- Mrs. N. L. Pollard. M r. and Mrs. I ’m terrible that wap. M y face is W. C. W rig h t. M r. and Mrs. Sidney too thin for a side view." tiona. . away I — I— ni— the 't. from .1 . . _ ........I .. Í .. , ..... traveled thorough- the plea-ant prospect of posing Through o' »ration of the parole fares. "Peter is terribly tired and cross yatem. the i regon State training Bobby, as became a professional •.» day. p-» nii'tid. M Mint M m. Ì . I I . Parke Neva Jenticy, Harold Park«, Mi und fondly i mno In Ihe aflernnun baby f l t l w ia bnrn n M r. and E tila ti mul m inllv, 1 .it wrnl o e W lieeler uf T re n t and M l» Jucoliv Ml Mild .M in . <• E J' Il u C d .1 <. Het inlior Bill. al III» Pa .Mtnily. F’m in i'll J uii ** 1, Mi i bri»»»li il linei Hel M t». Riley I 'l i l y . M r and M i» 1.00 und Mr». W li Confidence— Well Placed We ai t> |>l«'aMt »l ihal our drug store has I lie confi­ dent »• of the eoniinnnltj We strive alwnyn to give u high »lass service with the best <|iuility na­ tionally known ilnigs We Nover Substitute Ketel’s Drug Store Main, Near Fifth In N ow S to re It Will Happen to the Best Make of Automobile - If yon don't keep It well oiled and use a good gasoline, lb«' best automobile will soon be In Ibe repair shop. . Violet liay, Anil-Knock gasoline, nml »mr superior quality oils h ive kepi many a good car on the road “A ” S t r e e t S e r v ic e S t a t io n Upper Willamette Confirm ing th e .e report», the Ward M r and M rs beTi X e e t- 1>r “Oh, I'll fill it in for you,” said “I t shows up visitor» themselves Inspected dairy and M " S R Dipplp and M r and Peter comfortably better in the car." started ' !rs H •Ja rre tt aad th e ir fam i­ pastures from newly “Oh, the car. the car," muttered lies. Rowena crossly. “ It ’s all vou think strands, to old fields of irrigated o f” iandino clover. They examined all “ It ’s all Pro paid to advertise." said types of w ater supply systems from M R S . P R IV A T E N T E R T A IN S Peter cheerfully Miss Cora John an alum na of the I'leasanl H ill high aehool w ill teach nl Srottaburg this w inter. M r and Mrs. Kay John leave soon for northern Oregon where Mr. John Is principal of the public school. M rs John taught last yeai at Goshen but plana not to teach thia year. Mlsa Crystal Baughman who graduated from norm al last year w ill tech at Coast Fork this w in­ ter. Miss M arie M altsau who taught ut Coast Fork last year w ill leach at Goshen. Miss Arah N e ll Arnold and Miss Mabel Anderson w ill leach al T rent this w inter. Gerald K a lile r and Donald Kab- ler who are spending a few days w ith th e ir fath er at Pleasant H ill ’eave Thursday. Gerald K ahler goes to Yoncalla Io teach Donuld K ahler w ill leach at- Ten M ile, about ten miles west of Itoseliurg Douglas K ahler w ill attend school al Monmouth M r. K ahler who taught at Ixindon last year w ill be at his ranch at Pleasant H ilt this w inter and C atherine w ill attend high s< hool Mrs. K abler Is leach­ ing in southern Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phelps return cd Monday afternoon from an uuto- mobile trip. They went Io Bend, C rate r Lake, K lam ath Fulls. O re­ gon Caves. Crescent C ity nml Hose burg T he two children. Robert and Evelyn accompanied them T he members of the Cloverdale club and th eir fam ilies held a pic­ nic din ner al Sw im m ers' Delight last Sunday. Those present at the dinner were M r and Mrs. John ! Sellors. M r. and Mrs. K. C. K u ll. i SCHOOL SUPPLIES Many articles children need fqtind al our store. 1 dirge Tablet» Composition Hook» Pencils Crayola» KruHcrs io start to school will be Hosiery When he had finished the picture lire»»«*» Rower.a wrote a brief adjectivorous Peter was unbearable when drzw i ig pelures. story to go with it. and both were Caps dispatched to Rackruff headquarters spot, Rowena a, fling sat low be- nowena had naa spent the me morn-1 morn- ' : in; ling an t V delighted, (leligh Rubbers fo r immediate release In addition to ing in the rumble seat inditing sw ift I fi nd the » heel Peter, looking just ook Ktc. Costa were found to vary from members of the W estover club of the motor story she wrote a short notes on mid-western motoring and a bit grim, moved restlessly from one V , skit every day for use in the news­ was anxious to transcribe them to the foot to the other before his canvaa those on a farm in Washington Eugene. T his group is composed papers of different cities as they typewriter before her memoranda R ovena's eyes showed cloudy (fame county where a cash outlay of but of resident of the west side of Eu- passed through froze on her. So she asked Peter, in blue when she went by. A t Rackruff headquarters in Chi­ very politely, if he would please do $30 plus the farm er's work brought gene in the neighborhood where "And he forgot we were in a canoe I. O. O. P. Building w ater enough for 12 acres right to M r. and Mrs. P rivat made th e ir cago they received their first mail ii the picture of the roadster and the way out in the middle of a deep from home. There was one fat let -I wooded dell first, while she was put­ river He dropped the paddle over- his field, to elaborate overhead home before moving to Springfield ter for Rowena, addressed in a b ig ’ ting her notes into permanent form, hoard and hounded down on the sprinkler systems in Eugene dis- About 20 guests are expected. boyish scrawling hand And there; and then paint her in behind the cushions beside me. ‘D arling.’ he was one for Peter from the company; wheel later on in the afternoon when said, ‘you do love me. don't you?* iric t where permanent installations ------------------------------- with instructions for the tour and a the rest o f the picture was none, And splash' Over we went, canoe, costing around $100 per acre are D IS T R IC T O R G A N IZ E R check for the following week's ex Peter was perfectly willing even cushions, luncheon and all I But a giving excellent returns through V IS IT S N. O. W . L O D G E | pen»«», i eager, to lay over for an extra day. little thing like being unset in a cold production of Intensive truck crops Bobby w w thrilled with a huge thru tltua to allow allow time for lo r her ner work as at,river river didn’t bother t Carter arter He wen» The extent to which irrigation Is Mrs. Viola Woods. Salem district f <-ir»g» of telegrams, twenty in all, well aa his. but he said a picture right on kissing me and said over and It . never turned out as well when a over, 'Darling, you do love me—you already established as a necessary organizer for the Neighbors of and every one from Carter. seemed that every one of Carter’s , lady, or a house, or even a dog, was do love me, and it wasn't until I practice was brought oat at Eu- W oodcraft, made an o ffic ia l visit Said promised to marry him that he swam finer feelings was was highly highly outraged, outraged, added to a fin ished product j e t e where J. O. Holt, manager of to Pine C ircle num ber 45 at its fo r each of the twenty telegrams it always stuck out like a sore thumb off after the canoe an< rig h t the Eugene F ru it Growers co-op meeting here last night. Follow ing ended with a stern command for her and never looked just ri "The poor fishes lived happy for Rowena put up a good argument— ever after," said Rowena softly. erative cannery, told how that can the m eeting d u rin r which in itia . to _ come home at . . once. . ... S T O R E N O . t — M in e r B u ild in g . E ugene nery now w ill not accept any un- tion and transfer of membership I ^ t e le g r a m s '’h e S d ’^ e w Rowena always put up a good argu­ There were five telegrams for ment — Rowena loet her temper — S T O R E N O . 3 — 950 C h a rn e lto n S tr e e t, E ugene irrigated beans for canning, as the was transacted, a social period » a conceived of a horror equal to that eually k lost her temper—and the Bobby in St. Louis and. curiously S T O R E N O . 4— 500 M a in S tre e t, S p rin g fie ld oui log cabin waffles and honey enough, five for Peter also Rowena, quality of the watered beans is so enjoyed. o f see i n g h e r much-loved features oc deildous he noticed, had another fat letter ad­ ruined. superior. By using Irrigation the ------------------------------- public posters and monstrous bill- dressed in the heyish scrawl, and When, very sulkily, but prepared to growers there are producing from CONSOLIDATION OF b "X “ poee, aha flounced down where Peter watching with some curiosity as she read it, ne saw that while her brows q4>ven to nine tons of high quality S C H O O L S IS O n P O S E D mad»ter. had parked the car beside a shadowy frowned over it ever sc slightly, her lieans per acre which return the _____ I Bobby's first intention »ra» to ig­ pool and was setting up hu easel, he eyes smiled to their softest hazel. said ha thought better of it and nore each and every one of these members Immediately she finished reading, she , _ . around $100.000 per year. ' Consolidation of the county school would not u m her in that p ic tu re - bounty agents and extension spe- districts of V en eta and Job was telegraphic outbursts, but by mid said Bobby was willing to substitute counted the hills in her purse and afternoon she had relented to fa r aa asked the way to the telegraph office. claiists throughout the valley re voted down at a special election to send him a five-cent post-card pic­ and the change would be a good “Oh, listen to this I" chortled thing all round. Peter was quite ture of Lake Michigan. A t supper- port Increased interest in establish- held in the districts last week. “Darlings, he’s time the sent a telegram saying they pleasant about it, really thought he Bofcby ecstatically. ------------------------------- Ing irrigation systems. wild I He'll never forgive me, never. had arrived safely and were 'caving was doing her a favor but Rowena, GREEN GLASS SUGARS AND CREAM ERS — ONE C A L L FO R W A R R A N T S early the next m orning; and then from being merely sulky, was sud­ He threatens to send the police after Notice is h erein given t h a t ! I“ P< Rowena awake until three o’clock denly furious She said she had been me unless I come right straight home FREE W IT H EACH CAN OF SC H ILLIN G S COFFEE. Portland People Here— M rs. Bert School D is tr i.t N o . 19. in S p rin g - I 1“ mOrn?a« wlth * * •cr* ,c h .° * hired for no other purpose than to He calls me a little devil in plain her pen aa she wrote him a detailed serve as a dumb model for his art English by Western Union." Brendel of Portland and her sister. ■ field. Lane County. Oregon, w ill account of everything that had hap­ and that the would jeopardize her "Oh, Bobby," begged Rowena, Miss Betty Anderson of Nehalem , contract by accepting this substitute. “please spare us until we get a little pay at the office of clerk of said pened so far. are spending a few days here viait- o f the well-known fine, black, sandy But Peter insisted that Messrs. Rack A fte r Rowena had read her single d istrict, a ll w arrants to and includ­ f r g friends. fat letter and smiled over it, and and Rnff had left everything about loam of the M iddle West out of our ing 1757, dated July 10, 1931. In frowned over it, the went to her the pictures to his own exclusive ears " 1 Pountl Can terest ceases a fte r Septem ber 12. pocketbook and counted her money, judgment, and this was Ms judgment. When they stepped into the ele­ Howard K u ll. Miss Parish. M r. and "Bobby is putting on her little red 1931. dewn even to nickela and dimes. vator, Bobby stumbling blindly as sha 2 Pound Can Mrs. A. C, Forney. Ben Forney. Children's haircutting. 25 cents, Then she called Peter's room on the sports s u it" he said, “and the cos­ continued to devour the passionate C. F. B A R B E R Miss M argaret Forney of Portland nt C lover’s Barber Sbop. S17 telephone and asked if he would tume win show up nicely in this phrases with her avidly shining eyes, 4 Pound Can M r and Mrs. Harold Bower and please give her her share o f next green dell.” Peter motioned Rowena back. 1 know Bobby's clothes are much T O M A TO ES— 75c bushel at P rath ­ week's expense money ner r right _ away. son. M r. and Mrs. D. II. M itchell “I want to speak to yon just a l»e sW aev e aaiewA ” said 1 zfl Rowena — — a . 423 . _ flsi than mine,* stiffly. "O f course,” replied Peter. “I f better er's Gardens. 3% miles east of minute— about business— if you'll ex­ N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE you need more I can let you have i t “ I know my things are very shabby cuse us, Bobby " Real Property Springfield, Jasper road. Bring — Don’t ever run short of money, and threadbare, but it seems scarcely Rowena turned back at once and boxes. N O T IC E Is hereby given that by Rc»ena, we can always squeeze out necessary to throw It up to me.” virtue of an exeention and order ___________________ “That is very unfair o f you, Row­ he handed her the five telegrams a little extra some way.” without a word. They were all from of sale issued out of the Circuit . n _ _ “You are "Thanks a lot, Peter,” said Row- ena," said Peter gravely Messrs Rack and Ruff, saying Rack­ Court of the State of Oregon for L U o I ^ " IM L t J o i i . i ^ c U t r a r A I u u c c v c w a Kvatefully lly. T think I o n man- very beautiful In everything you put Lane County this 9th day of Sept., I couldn’t ruff Motors, Inc , was ir. a state of IN J U S T 4 W E E K S i p after this. But you’re sweet to on, and you know it. speak unfavorably of your appear­ persistent persecution at the hands o f 1931, upon and pursuant to a de­ make the offer.” a red-haired chemical engineer who fers « duly given and made by said _________ M rs M ae W est of St. Louis. M o..! Even Rowena was amazed at the ance if I wanted to." Rowena, without another word, had threatened to sue the company, Court the 8th day of Sept., 1931. » rite s : "I'm only 28 yrs old and number of things about which Peter to burn down the factory, and to (n - .« 1 * L J S _ 2 _ ______ U _______ - 1 1 V - J T L - in a suit pending therein in which weighed 170 lbs. until taking one had his own ideas, all bad ones. The plumped herself down behind the beat up every member of the firm. wheel with a set chin, a stem glint roads provided an unfailing source .S ta te M utual Building and Loan box of vour Kruschen Salts Just 4 “W h a t the deuce do you suppose Association, a corporation was weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. 1 o f dissension. T heir route was clear in green eyes, and a death grip of From Chicago they her slim hands on the wheel. Peter it’s all about?” wondered Peter. p la in tiff and Charles O. Foster, also have more energy and further- and definite. “Oh, it must lie Carter," said Row ­ W g llle Price and Nona Price, his more I've never had a hungrv mo- were to go south to St. Louis, from walked slowly up to her and looked ena brightly. “H e’s mad at Bobby.” St. Louis to Kansas City, from Kan­ her steadily in the face. wlfe, and R. A. W ilcox were de- ment." So they went up to have it out with “Then if you w ill have the truth, fendants which execution and or- Fat {oiks should take one h alt sas City to Denver. Nothing could Between these cities Rowena,” he said gentfy, ‘‘I would her at once. They told her she must der of sale was to me directed and teaspoonful of Krusehen Salts In a be plainer. see you hanged before I would try quit tormenting him, and write him commanded me to sell the real pro- glass of hot w ater every morning stretched a broad highway, heavily I all the details of their trip, how she perty hereinafter described to before b reakfast— an 85 cent bottle traveled, expensively paved. The car to paint you in this lovely spot came to be a member of the party am so disgusted with the way you act was supplied with the best o f motor satisfy certain liens and charges in lasts 4 weeks— you can get Krua- in the first place, and to send him a sometimes that I would probably maps, and the roads were clearly said decree specified. I w ill on rhen at Ketels Drug Store, or anv copy of their complete itinerary. Es­ paint you with horns and a tail, marked at every turning Rowena Saturday the 10th day of October. d ru g ,to re in Am erica. If not Joy- pecially she must call him peremp­ 1921. at the hour of one o'clock, fu iiy satisfied a fte r the firs t bottle — sitting in the snug shade o f the which, between you and me, I often torily off Messrs. Rack and Ruff, stout umbrella she had bought, was suspect you have concealed about you. P. M. a t the southwest door of the — money back. comfortably satisfied to travel sw ift­ I f I painted you the way you look who were likely to become annoyed County Court House in Eugene. ------------------------------- ly, steadily along the main highways to me right now they’d never sell an­ at such persecution and cancel the Lane County, Oregon, o ffe r for sale trip N O T iC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E from one objective point to another. other Rackruff short o f Gehenna ’’ and sell at public auction fo r cash, Bobby finally agreed not to tantal­ R eal P ro p e rty Rowena’s lovely red lips parted, But Peter was all for short-cuts subject to redemption as provided ‘I n ' Z r i h o ' X t o ” H tu ’ N O T IC E I s hereby given that by across country, and fo r all his decep­ then closed with a sudden click. H er ize him further and promised to eyes (frew so wide, and turned so write him a complete’ account of the i n t e r «» n t t h e d f e n d a n t s In a id v lr ,u e an execution interest o! the defendants in said ... o f , ___, , # and order tive air o f extreme amiability, was . ..i. « „a , . - i i __- i - 1 - . i - - sale Issued out of the Circuit strongly entrenched in his personal deep a hazel that Peter marveled he J adventure. preferences At every town—al­ had ever thought them green. j e i «• nr I through or under them or any of " “ L trn, ,h oth d She got out of the car and wentj C o n t in u e d N fiX t W e e k them, In or to the following des- 'a,n.c ' " u n ,y „’ hlB 9th da,y ,o f Sep,t " though not, as Rowena disagreeably 1931, upon and pursuant to a de­ claimed, at every telegraph pole— he up to the log cabin where she met crlbed real property, to-wit cree duly given and made by said made hopeful inquiries for short-cuts Bobby coming out of the ladies’ Beginning at a point One Hun f e e t c' o u ^ • t h e day of Sept., 1931, dred T w en ty-three (123) 1 in a suit pending therein in which V isiting Parents— Ray Casteel of Hoboken— Did you yell for help N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E North of a p rin t 863.5 feet _ . __... „ . . . . ee degrees w .» irom . a ,, ‘ hp Real Property South 89 52 ii-» V. est „ Pacific ,,, Saving . . , & Loan Associa Portland is spending a few days when you were held up? tion a W ashington corporation point Eighteen hundred pighty- N O T IC E 1» hereby given th a t by in the city visiting w ith his par- was p la in tiff and C. G. M cK y and Sham okin— I started to but the | Ihree (1883) feet North of a point Jennie M cK y. his wife. Pearl Head virtue of an execution and order 27’ East from the Southwest cor- , , _ ents, M r. and M rs. V irg il Casteel. ! bandits told me if 1 didn’t shut up ner of Block Seven (7) of Pack . and. standard <»” Company of o f sale issued out of the C ircuit ard's Addition to Eugene. O re -' Í a " fQ °nr,I lla ' a .'¡prpora,'71 n’ re 'le ­ Court of the State of Oregon for th e y ’d call the police gón. run thence South 89 degrees i enrda,nts'. w h,'h execution and or- Lane County this 9th day of Sept., N o lle— How did you get out of 52' Wept One Hundred E lx ty . '’ «r of sale was to me dlrecte. and 1931, upon and pursuant to a de B o ntw ister— Dr. Jarem up's sue- j seven (167) feet, thence North «ommanded me to sel the real pro- cree duly given and made by said ad m ittin g th a t your fath er was elec­ LEAFLETS .................. 27' East 54 feet, thence East to a p ’[.ty hpre ina ter described o Court the 8th day of Sept., 1931, trocuted ? cess sems to be firm ly estab lish ed., point N orth 27' East of the heg.n- sa * y ? ll’‘" * | a" d p a r s e s In in a suit pending therein In which L E T T E R H E A D S ____ N e c k b re a k e r- Yes, he’s had "Out [ Prosse— 1 said he occupied the nlng and thence South 27' W est aa,d 'lecrfe* 8p?5, f ied’ ' ' ° n T he Pacific Saving & Loan Associa­ tion. a W ashington corporation, chair of applied electrlticy a t one to Lunch” painted perm anently on 54 feet to the place of beginning. ?,“,t1Urda.y ,thhe h10th day of Any commercial printing that you require, B R O A D S ID E S ............ his door now. being part of the original dona- ,M 1 ' at thP hour of onP o clo c k ' »as p la in tiff and F. G. Johnson, o f our public institutions. Horace L. Edw ards and Ruth Ed P. M. at the southwest door of ihe from a calling card to a large, illustrated cata­ BOOKLETS ................. tion land claim of Eugene F . ! wards were defendants, which exe­ Skinner and wife No. 64 in Town County '"‘"7, ' Court l House In Eugene, cution and o rder of sale was to me ship 17 South of Range 3 W est L an" £ ? un, ty ' O ^ g o n , o ffer for sale logue, can be made right in this shop. You CATALOGUES ........... of the W illa m e tte M eridian, in a »d "«” at Public auction for cash directed and commanded n.e to »ell subject to redemption as provided the real property h ere in a fte r des will find our printing high in quality— our ser­ P O S T E H S .................... Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. crlbed to satisfy certain liens and Dated this 9tli dav of Sept., 1931 by law. all of the right, title and interest of the defendants in said charges In said decree specified, I vice prompt and satisfactory— and our prices BUSINESS CARDS . . H . L. BO W N . Sheriff. suit and of all parties claim ing by, w ill on Saturday the 10th day of By A. E. H V L E G A A R D , Deputy. ( through or under them or any of October, 1931, at the hour of one reasonable. Call on us when you want result A N N O U N C EM EN TS . (8-1 0 -1 7 -2 4 . 0 — 1-8.) them, in or to the following des­ o'clock, P. M. a t the southwest door of the County Court House In Eu­ cribed’ real property, to-w it: producting printing. Beginning at a point In the gene, Lane County, Oregon, o ffer North line of Eleventh Avenue for sale and sell at public auction There I h no trick in convincing folks that Eggi- MUSICAL W est 156 feet West of a point for cash, subject to redemption as 303.5 feet South of the Southeast provided by law, all of the right, ANNOUNCEM ENT rnann’s candies and ice cream are superior. corner of L o j Nine (9) In Hud title and Interest of the defendants Herschel DeMoss Davis dlesion’s Addition to Eugene, in said suit and of al) parties claim ­ Once they have been tasted everybody votes thence W est aiong the North ing by, through o r under them or Instru cto r in Popular Piano line of said Eleventh Avenue tny of them, in or to the follow ing Playing for Egginiann’s. West 40 feel, thence North 96 described real property, to-w lt: Approved Modernistic Methods I»ot E ig ht (8) In Block Six (6) feet, thence East 40 feet, thence In the Amended P la t of Fair- South 96 feet to the place of be­ Used “ Business Printers” m ount, now a part of the C ity of ginning. al, In Lane County. State F a ll Season Now Open Eugene, In L an e,C ou nty, Oregon. of Oregon. Offices: 119 E. Broadway, Eugene, Dated this 9th day of Sept., 1931. Dated this 9th day of Sept., 1931. and 4th St. Springfield For P articulars 'Phone the "W h e re the Service Is Different H . L. B O W N , S h eriff. H . L. B O W N , Sheriff. Studio, 2287-M, Eugene By A. E. H U L E G A A R D , Deputy. By A. E. H U L E G A A R D , Deputy. (8 -1 0 -1 7 -2 4 . O— 1-$.) (8 -1 0 -1 7 -2 4 . 0 - 1 - 8 . ) private gravity ditches to simple W E S T O V E R C LUB TO D A Y pumping plants, deep wells and -------------- community diatribution systems Mrs. Ed P rivat is entertainin g at such as now used at West Stayton, her home here this afternoon for H O F F M A N ’S R [ [ Sugars and ¡E Creamers _ _ S c h illin g s C o f f e e 38c 74c S I.46 Match Your Fine Product with B___ _____ Finely Printed Advertising No Job Too Small . . — and None Too Big ! ! "“" With An Eye to Goodness ..The.. WILLAMETTE PRESS FGGIMANN’Q