’ ti T H U R S D A Y . B B P T W B B R 10. 1H81 T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N W S " K in u a nay love In a cbvmlt-al re­ NOTICK D E M U R R E R F IL E D IN ♦ CHARLES ASHER OIES OF FIN A L KK TTLK M K N T action." FO R EC LO SU R E A C T IO N G R O U N D S FOR D IV O R C E NO TIC E IH IIK H E B Y G IVEN . "W all, wa can all conduct our AT HOSPITAL. SEPT. S That Amanda Colcord executrix of Mrs. Silas Oay who was badly Non aupporl und cruel und In own laboratory experluients.” A demurrer In the case ut the the estate of Charles F Colcord The b u y Scouts met Monday Charles E. Asher died Wedaee- has rendered and filed In the Coon Artisan» Life association versus H. evening nod made plans for a four- Injured In an automobile accident liuinun t rt-a t rii«-rt t arc alleged In a day. September 3. at the Faci»!« ly Court of the Htate of Oregon for 'Dliea you grandpa waar a full K. Wilder and othara was filed In d a y o u t in g t h is w e e k c o w w e u c lu a some time ago and had her leg divorce complain l Nied In alreult Christian hospital where he and his Lane County, her first and final court by Inn Garret Mgelnet liar beard T" aeount and petition for final hear­ circuii court Saturday by the da Wednesday inorniug. They went to broken In two places has recovered son. Alley, had ben taken Munday "No, he's alwayn careful when ha huabntid Guy Garret. ing and the settlement thereof and fendants. * Sharps Creek up near the U o h e m in u enough to have the caet removed ■itog suffering from a severe at that said Court by an order duly Ernest Th« couple married al Klamath eats.’’ The plaintiff association seeks to unuut, Mev. S. D. Trefren, scout- fr°.m . . 11 , Mr». . ‘Oley, who jacg of ptomaine polaonlng. Mr made and entered therein has fix Falla nml have no vhlldran. a . Î “ Aabar bad b* n » “ '• ‘ »M * '• foreclose on «.mortgage of 312.00« master being with them for two Z S i ed und aptolnted Saturday the loth NOTICK OF FIN A L ACCOUNT M XCKPTIO NAL HPY- W ar 1923 sUH In the hospital bat expects to ran<.„ w„ ( o, (N T IIE CO U N TY CO URT O F T H E Mra. H alite Oro»hong and dnugh b* ,W * ,o b* “ » "Prlngfleld taken' HuB(lay NOTICK H TA TE O F OREGON KOI* LANK of 10 o'clock A M.. of said day, at II Sunday evening. npaian mounted, chaina, 2 wind the County Court room In the Coun NOTICK TO CREDITORS t . r. M yrtle, are home from an ex in a ,wW d ,y " CO UN TY. IN PROBATE OF FIN A L KK TTLKM KNT Mr. Asher was 66 years old al shield nwlpea, ate.. Sacrifica 135 Notice 1« h e r e b y -tven that, W ll THF M A TTER OF T H F ty Court house In the C ity of Eu Notice la hereby given that Ciar- IN Ham gene. Oregon, as the day. time and ■ aah filo t'liuriialton, Fugano. laaa A. Farnham. Executrix ut the E STA TE O F C A T H E R IN E K. st. 1831. by the County Court « b* rd l,,tk 'he Past few days. a r. „ dant ot Oregoa for IS yean, place for the hearing of objection Angus*. AIIAMH. Deceased. *53 J or 794 W. laat will and testament of Daniel B. me County, Oregon, appointed Mr». F. L». Lacey eulerlaloea f ' * >ra<'*“ r*a a bone In her waa lB Minnesota. Hl» Io said final account and the aet of fain Farnham, dacaanad, haa filad I n 1 Notice In hereby given that the tlement thereof That all objection admlnlHtrator of the estate of Monday alteruoon In honor of her f00** ,helr *n° ' M«1»1“ - caught hla w)re d|ed H# w>> Cult HALF Springfield lota for the County Court of the Htala of luidaralgnad han filed In the above "Hist he In writing and filed with Nancy Conrad, deceased. All per­ ,n a W'MX* aaw P»U*»S • » member of the C h rln tlu ehnrch. »ala or will truda for MrKuuxlo Oregon, In and for Lana County, her entitled probate pruceadlngn hla the Clerk of this Court on or be­ sons having claims against said es­ uuughter, Mrs. Gerald Holey ol rortiand. who la here house guest. "r'”,n<* ,h ,t • • » • « I stitches were and of tba Masonic lodge and • river home alta or Fugen» pro r!M * “ • “<* • » « • t r i g ; and final account; tliut an order of the fore »aid day and time tate are hereby notified to present ,, ,, .. .. . . . .th a t tan o'clock In the forenoon ubove entitled court has town duly i nose present were Mrs. F. B. reo.. tun _ ot the a___________ day was quilt- file Hprlngflald, Jasper road Bring .l ".,aald. r,|i <*rA a,,d .,".r ,h? to the said final account In Oakland. California, for th . pa.t (;hrUtlaa churcn maIlllwr first publication being August 27th,j.ng. (H 101721: 0 — 18) final «ettlemenl of the estate of I he same In writing on or before 1931. boxen. M r . y w in , ¿ Om e t a l B ,b ,a ach 001 — “ t«w. ^n Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. F. «aid deceased the time aet for bearing. William Curtis, Administrator. NOTICE Mr«. William H a lt has been con- He leayM gurTl¥ln< AU< Clarissa A. Farnham. Fxecu D. Lacey and daughter. Elizabeth H. K HLATTKKY, Admlnlstra Alta King. Attorney for estate. FOR SALE Bitrpbaa» Hugar Bllck OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T . „ Ur> of trlx of (he Imst W ill and Testa­ tor. (A 27—8 8 10-17-21» Lacey and Mrs. G. Holey and son Hned to her bed with n in e ., the and . Notice la hereby given that the unii lloney Ulani wuterinalona, ment nt Daniel II. Farnham First published August 27. 1831. mi ' h '"* / ,ene Tba ’’• “t* 1» were at the left lor Ureahem where they will undersigned. Clara 8. Vernon, Ad­ Deceased. lloney Itock cautaloupen. You Last published September 21. 1131 ministratrix of the Estate of George _____________ M1; , Edml* tnn ’ b° •>.. Ve.tch chapel from which the fa- NOTICE TO CREDITORS »isil Leslie Lacey a recnet benedict. wlll uow bave a chance to try A. K Wheeler, Attorney. (A 27— B 3 10-17-24) Notice la hereby given that the W Hebrlng, deceased, has filed her Helen F. Sedgwick and " '7 " ,b# «««» • « " • « « '» Portland neral waa held on »aturday attar- Miss (A 27—8 3 10-17-21) llurbunk'n famoun Golden Treaa Final Report and Account aa such undersigned has been duly appoint ' ¡returned to her bom. here U . « : noon with Interment In tha Jgammte Wilson drove up Administratrix with the Clerk of ed Administrator of the estate of M,aa ura eantaloupe, hla lateat crea NOTICK TO CRKDITORK Friday. cemetery where hla wife la tlon; alno toiuatoea, raanonable Estate of Waldo Harvey Farnham. Hprlngfleld, Oregon. June 31. 1B21 the County Court of tame County, Clayton U. Sullivan, deceased, and r o m i o r t la n d M o n d a y a n d » p e n t any and all persons having claims u.gnt at the home ot Mr. and W.b° ,a »«rvlcee at the chapel ware Oregon, and that Haturday. the 3rd me Notice Is hereby given that the Deceased. prlcea. Pralber Gardenn, 3 inllee against the aald estate are hereby M r i. a . C. H . ____ Sedgwick. Returning , ’, 7 7 * ** «» the next year conducted by Rev. Teddy Leavitt ____ _____ ___ underelgned aa Superintendent of day of Oct 1931. at 10:00 A. M. In NOTICE anni of Hprlngfleld, Janpar road M “ 'ln la * r" r ' hal Plac* and at the grave by the Creawell Banka for the Htate of Oregon la the Coanty Court Room of aald required to present aald claims iutaday they look Elisabeth Hedg- OF FIN A L S K TTLK M K N T verified as by law required, at H 810 In charge of the assets and affalra County at Kugene. Oregon, has been duly law office of my attorney. H. E .! **ck with them who starts on her , ‘ , **’ Fe<1 Buyera an<1 Maaonlc lodge of which the da- Notice la hereby given that Clar­ of the Commercial State Bank of set by the Hon. C. P. Barnard, .Wl.llame“ e St.. E u - ! .« , lo Lnterprlae where «be will “ “ [ ’L l ? " 7 ^ 1 7 " ’ ‘.he P“ ” < " » « l waa a member. The gall issa A Farnham, administratrix of Hprlngfleld, Oregon, for the pur­ Judge of said Court, as the time FOR H A LF— Htandard make l*tano the estate of Waldo llarvey Farn gene. Oregon, ki Lane County. Ore­ week-end at A. W Weaver s. pose of liquidation. All persona who and place ot hearing objections to lesen tue home economics depart­ _ . , . „ . , bearer» ware H. A. Howa, F. W. near Hprlngflald. W lll aai-rlflce ham. deceased, lias filed In the may have claims against said bank the same, and for the final settle­ gon. within six months from the ay Casteel from Portland w a. In o c „ w o ment In the high school the enau- date of this notice. a a s m « • net l*«e Q— w * ment of said estate. County Court of the Htate of Ore­ Thurston last Snnday. for unpaid balance. A snap Easy are hereby notified to make legal Hpencer. E. J. Hangelbrock aad Dated and first published August ■ng year, beginning Monday, Sept­ CLARA 8. VERNON. Admlnls lertna. W rite. Tallman I'lano gon. In and for Lan<- County, her proof thereof by filing a duly veri­ Miss Haxel Russell visited her R„ ey p , n j 20. 1931. tratrlx. ember 7. final report as such administratrix fied claim, aa by law provided, with Htore, Halem, Ore. H-10 and that ten o'clock In the forenoon sister, Mrs. Linn Endicott in Port- Date of laat publication Septem­ the Deputy Superintendent of W E I.I.H t W ELLS, Attorneys. Mr. and Mra. Casa McKay return- < ber 17, 1931. (8 3-10-1731—0 . 1) , land last Sunday. of Saturday, the 2«ih day of Hept Banks In charge at the office of Charles Taylor. Administrator i , ‘ ° 1“ Corning, California. Wed ANSWER TO DIVORCE ember, 1031. at the courtroom there­ the Commercial State Bank of PATENTS of Ibe estate of Clayton U. S ul-! neatlay where they have been with of In Eugene, Oregon, have been by Hprlngfleld. Oregon, on or before Estate of Martha Wallace, deceased COMPLAINT IS FILEO their son Everett McKay. CAR TO BE T A K E N AS llvan, deceased. NO TICE TO CREDITO RS Well your Inveutlou or patent the court appointed and fixed as Hepteiuber 21. 1931. H. E. Slattery, Attorney for the time and place tor hearing ob­ Notice la hereby given that W alt­ A. A. SCHRAM M . Superintend Dean MJore of Portland came up L IQ U O R T R A N S P O R T E R by exhibiting your uiodel or draw- Answer and croaa-complaint was jections to said report and for the er Price of Marcóla. Oregon, has Administrator. ent of Banks Tueaday and is visiting hla father ------------- log at the Second IN T E R N A ­ final settlement of the estate of (A 20-27— 8 2-10-17) been by the County Court of the (» M J filed In circuit court laat weak by and sister, C. F. Moore and Harriet Motion of the district attorney’s T IO N A L P A T E N T EXPO SITIO N , said deceased. State of Oregon. In and for Lane office on seixure of a car alleged to the defendant in the divorce suit Clarissa A. Farnham. Admlnls Ccunty. appointed administrator of Estate of George H. Currier, Dec’d. I Moore. Kept 11 to 17. CHICAGO Thoue- NOTICK OF HEA RING I ratrlx of the Estate of Waldo the estate of M artha Wallace, de- O F F l N A L ° 8 Ti T T L r u E N T M ™ ' M a r ,ia r e t M a r tln >®G for have been used in the transporta- of A. E. Gault ‘ against hts wife OF F IN A L ACCOUNT etida of manufacturer» and pat- I^avlna M. Gault. The defendant In reaved. Harvey Farnham, Deceased. Seattle, Washington, the last of the tlon of liquor was filed In circuit NO TIC E IH H ER EB Y O IV E N : ant buyera will Inapect new de­ E Wheeler, Attorney. All persona having claims against the crosa-complalnt seeks custody Notice Is hereby given that Am- _ u . l .- That the undersigned administra­ vice» and patent« for marketing. (A 27—8 8 10-17-31) said estate are hereby notified to ella R. Watts, administratrix or the week to visit her son, C. H. Cleaver, court Friday. of the four children end $126 a tor of the estate of Ardell F. Rice, ui.d family. The car was taken while In the present the same, duly stated and Itatea |1 per day for 11 day«, en­ deceased, has filed his account for verified, at the atora of aald ad­ estate of George H. Currier, de­ month for support. SUMMONS ceased. has filed In the County titling you to 11 feet If you have J. p. Lane and G. E. Everson re- possession of Ray Munimey. A tiear- the final settlement of said aetata ministrator In Marcóla. Oregon !ourt of the State of Oregon. In and no model, drawing or description IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E In the County Court for Lane luiueu Wednesday from a ten day >ng w111 h* be,d 10 taear claims The couple married In Nebraska within six months from this 13th for Lane County, her final report! , County, Oregon, and that Saturday, day of August. 1931 wlll do. Hand for free pamphlet June 24. 1912. H TA TE OF OREGON. FOR as such administratrix; and the 10 lrlP to eastern Oregon and Idaho >ar the 2«th day of September, 1B31, at LANK CO UNTY W A L TE R PRICE. Administra­ o'clock In the forenoon of Saturday. I stopping at Parma where Mr. Ever- $ 11 with deecrlptlon and drawing« tor, Estate of Martha Wallace the 2«th day of September, 1931, at ..on has relaUves. If you have lime If not. «end Katherine C. Wilson and Gerald the Court Room of aald Court, In the County Court House, In Eugene Wllaon. Plaintiffs, va. The un­ Deceased. the courtroom thereof in Eugene, and we wlll look after your pat­ known heirs of George D. Coffin, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, has A neighborhood family picnic E. Wheeler, attorney. Oregoo. have been by the court ent Internal«. Il Hamilton Edison. been by aald Court fixed as the deceased. H a llie Hpencer, Clar­ (A 13 20-27— 8 2-10) fixed as the time and place for »iu> enjoyed Sunday al the Haun time and place for hearing objec­ Managing Director. International ence Luckey, la>na Luckey, un­ hearing objections to said report dura' camp grounds, those present known heirs of Jeremiah Luckey, tions thereto, and for final settle­ Patent Exposition, Merchandise and tor the final setUement of the NOTICE ment of said estate. being the families .of V. E. Groue- deceased, the unknown heirs of estate of said deceased. Mart. Chicago. 7-110 17 OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T N E L L IE A. H U N 8A K E R L. L. RAY, Administrator of W infield Wisner, deceased. Lu­ beck, W. L. Wallace, Ralph Bears, Amelia R. Watts. Administra­ the estate of Ardell F. Rice, Notice la hereby given that the cinda Coffin. Sarah A. Wlaner. Piano — Harmony — Theory Accredited Teacher trix of the Estate of George H. and Mr. Sanders. deceased. and also all other person» or par­ undersigned, administratrix of the Currier, Deceased. (A 27— 8 3-10-17-24) Estate of Jud N. Ward, deceased, ties unknown claiming any right, High School Credits. Dunning System tor Beginners E. Wheeler. Attorney. has filed her final account. In the title estate, lien or Intereat In the (A 27— 8 3-10-17-24) County Court for I^ane County, In real estate describe] In (he com NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS M A XIN E MOORE - - FLU TE the State of Oregon and that aald complaint herein A D M IN IS TR A TO R ’S 8ALE To the unknown heirs of Oeorge In the County Court of the Htate of Court has fixed the 22nd day of School w ill start in Coburg on Oregon for Lane county. In the September. 1931, at two o’clock In Notice Is hereby given that by D. Coffin, deceased. Hattie Spencer, JEW ELER matter of the estate of Samuel the afternoon as the time and the virtue of an order of license Issued Monday, September 14. Ail students Stndio; $1 Per lesson Residence Clarence Luckey. I.ena Luckey, un E. Phillips, deceased. lit'pnlrliiK u Specialty known! heirs of Jeremiah Luckey, office of the County Judge of said out of the county court of Lane are asked to bring their old books Notice la hereby given that L. E. Lane County, Oregon. In the Coun­ Coanty, Oregon, the undersigned, as Slid W illamette over Beards Telephone 2337, Mornings deceased, tile unknown heirs of which they used last year as thi Springfield, Oregon W infield Wisner, deceased, Lucinda Zlniker of Creswell. Oregon haa ty Court House of Said Lane Coun­ administrator of the estate of Wll- Coffin. Sarah A. Wisner and alao been appointed administrator of ty, Oregon, in Eugene, in said liam H. Herbert, will, on and after st>te provide» free text books thia A* Studio 1 to 5 P. M. for Appointment. all other persons or parties on the estate of Hamuel E. Phillip de County, as the place for hearing 10 A. M., of Saturday, Sept. 18, year, books in good condition will known claiming nny right, title ceased by order of the above en and settling said Final Account and 1931. the office of 8. D. Allen. 877 he proveded those who possess D r. J O S E P H IN E C . B R A U N W illam ette 8t., Eugene, Oregon, of-! k_v. . __«... e»tate. Hen or Interest In the real titled Court and has duly qualified for hearing objections thereto. Naturopathic Physician fer for sale and sell at private i h00“ 8 8lm“ ar ^ “ ditlon. estate described In the complaint as such. All persons having objections to Reverend Gus Garboden visited Phone 91-J In i.m . Defendant« All persons having claims against the allowance of said Final Account sale to the highest bidder, lot 1 In ' IN T IIE NA M E O F T H E STATE said estate are hereby notified to are hereby notified and to the within described pre­ T H E CO UN TY OF L A N E and American Securiles Corpora- t» o children, Helen and Georgia, T A T E O F E L IJA H C. STUM AN. mises: Deceased. ion of Klamah Falls. Oregon, De-i spent last week-end in Portland Telephone 32«« Eugene, Ore. All that portion of the D. L. C. V1CCA K U N D R E T, Plaintiff, M IN N IE LU C IA N O and G U ITI- fendants. I and Dallas. They visited at the To Addle E. Richer! and Toefll of Robert Wilson and wife, being 2U1 I. O. O. F. Temple ANO L U C IA N O whose name is Rlchert, her husband; Thomas W. TO: Ray Mummey, American Se­ Number 30 Notlf No. 32A2 In Tp sometimes spelled O U TIA N O L U ­ Stuman and Anna Stuman. his curities Corporation of Klamath home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Folgham 1« 8. R 1 W. of W M. in I^ n e CIANO. EDW A R D KINO . BER wife; Rysdon Vance Stuman and Falls. Oregon, and TO W HOM IT in Dallas. County, Oregon, meandering the TR IC E KING , L. W. STEVENS. 8tella Stuman, his wife; Fred 8tu MAY CONCERN, the above named Arthur Fletcher and Elmer Dean right bank (right bank facing Universal Mortgage Corp. E L IZ A B E TH H. 8T E V B N 8, W. man and Heater Stuman. hla wife; defendants: down atream) of the W illam ette of Yakima, Washington, visited tn A BELL. Wm. D. Q UEEN, and John Taylor Stuman. and Lucetta You and each of you are hereby River running through said D. L. JANE DOE Q UEEN, wife of Wm. Evelyn Baughman; Samuel Max notified and will take notice that Coburg last Monday. M r. Fletcher C. being also described as all that D QUEEN. Defendants. the following described personal llved in Coburg a number of years Baughman; Maxine Baughman: portion lying north and east of W. P. Tyson, Agent To Minnie Luciano, Gulttano Lu G R EETIN G »: property, to-wlt: One certain 1930 ago when he was traveling sales- said W illam ette River excepting IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STATE model Marquette Sedan, bearing man for the Rawleigh Extract com­ 125 E 8t. therefrom that portion descrlb >d clano. whose name Is sometimes Phone M W as follows: Beginning at the spelled Gutlano Luciano, L. W. O F OREOON. You are hereby cited motor number 10253, 1931 Califor­ pany. Mrs. W illiam Fletcher and Southeast corner of said D. L. C. SVtt-vens, Ellabeth H. Stevens, Wm. and required to appear In the Coun­ nia license number 2D7940, has No. 33 aforesaid and running D. Queen. Jane Doe Quean, wife of ty Court of the State of Oregon In been seized by J. E. Carlisle, de­ four children who have been visit­ General Law Practice and for the County of Lane, within puty sheriff of Lane County, Ore­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pitkin thence north 10.00 chains; Wm. D. Queen, Defendants: IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E ten (10) days from the date ot the gon. on the eighteenth day of July. and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hall, re­ (hence N. 66 degrees W. to the I. M. P E T E R S O N meandered line of said W illam ­ O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ service of this citation upon you 1931. In the County of Lane. State turned to their home In Y ak im a. Attorney-nt-Law Rulers of Low Prices ette River thence meandering quired to appear and answer the If served upon you personally In of Oregon, at and in the vicinity ot City Hall Building said W illam ette River southwest­ complaint filed against you In the Lane Uounty. Oresgon; a point on »eventh street about with Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Dean. 10th A Willamette—EUGENE— New Schaefer« BMg. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee and Frank Or, within twenty (20) days from sixty feet east of the Intersection erly to where the said W illam et­ above entitled suit within four (4) Springfield, Oregon te River crosses the boundary weeks from the date of the first the date of the service of this cita­ of Greenwood street and Seventh Lee wlll leave soon for their new line of said D. L. C. No. 88 thence publication of this summons and If tion upon you tf served upon you street. In Junction City, Oregon; home in Lewiston. Idaho. The Lees along said boundary line to place you fall ao to answer on or before In any other county In the state -that the above described personal the last day of the above prescribed of Oregon than Lane County; of beginning. property was on said date delivered recently traded their home here for F R A N K A. DE PUE Or, within twenty-eight (28) days Into the custody of H. L. Bown. property In Idaho. Beginning at the Northwest stated time for want thereof the A TTO R N EY AT LAW corner of the Southweit Quarter plaintiff w lll take Judgment and de­ from the date or the first publica­ Sheriff of said county and state Mr. and Mrs. Harve Veatch are NO TARY PUBLIC of Section IB, In Township 1«, cree against you, and each of you tion of this citation In the Spring- by the said J. E. Carlisle, and said visiting relatives In Washington. South Range 3 Went of the W il­ as In her complaint demanded, to- field News, which is published the personal property has ever since Sutton Springfield Herman W ilkins of Cheyenne. lamette Meridian, thence East wlt: For Judgment against the de­ first time on September 3, 1931, to been and now is In the possession Oregon B u ild in g 31.60 chains, more or less to the fendants Minnie Luciano and Gui­ show cause If any you have, why and custody of said Sheriff of said Wyoming. Is visiting with his par­ center of the County road known liano. whose name la sometimes the petition on file herein of H. E. county and state; that the said J. ents. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Was aa the middle road, thence South­ spelled Gutlano Luciano, for the Slattery as the administrator of E. Carlisle as said deputy sheriff som. He expects to be here for erly along the center of the sum of Nine Hundred 0900.00) Dol­ the above entitled estate, praying of said county and state has made County road to the Southeast cor­ lars, together with Interest thereon an order authorizing him as such a R E T U R N OF SEIZU R E of said about a month. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar JIneks and ner of said Southwest quarter of from the 16th day ot March, 1931, administrator to sell at private sale personal property to the above en Section IB, In said Township and at the rate of 8% per annum, and to derive proceeds to be upeed to titled Court, and that the same has daughters. Juanita, Blanche, Jessie Range, thence W est 10 chains, for the further sum of One Hun­ pay the expenses of administration been seized as aforesaid, and Is be- and go„ Arthur> are visiting rela- more or less to the Southwest dred ($100.00) Dollars as attorney’s and claims against the said estate, Ing proceeded against In the above corner of said Southweat quarter fees, and for her coats and dis­ the following described real estate, entitled court and cause for the tlves in Burns, Oregon. They ex­ P. J. BA RTHO LO M EW , Mgr. of Section IB, and thence North bursements herein, and for the fur­ to-wlt; forfeiture of the same pursuant to pect to return to Coburg, Monday. 10 chains, to the place of begin­ ther decree of this Court foreclos­ Beginning at a point 30 links the provisions of Chapter 29. Gen- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meade of Phone «2 J and «2 M ning, containing 153.18 acres, ac­ ing all of the right, title and Inter­ west of the west line of the W il­ eral Laws of Oregon for 1923 (Ore­ Seattle, Washington, are visiting at Springfield, Oregon cording to the Government Sur­ eat of the defendants Minnie Lu­ liam H. Fisher D. L. C. No. 38 In gon Code 1930, Sections 16-401 to Eugene Chapel nt lith e and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry ciano, Gultlano Luciano, whose vey Township 19 South In Range One 15-413 Inclusive); and. i'liurnellon — Phone 723 You and each of you. and all Barber. Mr». Meade and Mrs. Bar Commencing at the N. E. cor­ name Is sometimes spelled Gutlano (1) west of the W illam ette M eri­ ner of the Robert Wllaon Dona­ Luciano, L. W. Stevens, Elisabeth dian, Lane County, Oregon, lo­ persons having or claiming to have ber are sisters. Mr. Meade la a re- tion lAtnd Claim No. 38 In Twp. H . Stevens, W m. D. Qgieen and cated 30 links west of and thence any Interest In said automobile, , , re{, pq,teen|M t havtn, , erved 23 1« S. R. 1 W. thence North 2.83 Jane Doe Queen, wife of Wm. D. south 1 degree and four minutes above described are hereby r e -, chains to the U "®c. corner on Queen, In and to the following des­ west 7.23 chains from the north­ qulred to appear before the above >ear8 ° n the Seattle P°“ ce iorc« east line of Sec. 21, of said twp. cribed real property situated In west corner of the said D. L. C. entitled court at the Court House) Miss Lola Heacock of Portland thence eaat 1.60 chains Into coun­ Lane County, State of Oregon, to- No. 38; and thence run west 1.40 of Lane County, Oregon, at Eugene. I is visiting at the home of her par- H u t « • modem radge radge 1er 1er deine dw hnMy ty road, thence north 2.78 chains, wlt: chnlns; thence YUn south 1 de­ by the second day of October. 1931. | entg M r and Mrg Ed Heacock. 1. Have plenty ol Hoi ha wsftcf bvm I é M b fwR Ml Lot One (1), and (he Northeast thence west 20.71 chains thence gree and four minutes west 7.00 said day being the ANSW ER DAY 2. Intuii an electric «radon» i ■edene «dtftk I south 6.00 chains, thence eaat quarter (N E U ) of the Southeast chains to the center of the coun­ in this cause, which has heretofore ; Mts8 Heacock spent a time on the del out ol do th « , quiddy. quarter (S E % ) ot Section thirty- 1B.21 chains to the place of begin­ ty road known as the M ilitary been duly set by the above entitled coast before coming to Coburg to J. U te an electric m>ner lor aB die K m | five (36), Townahrlp Eighteen ning containing ten acres of land, Road: thence run southeasterly Court to defend against these pro- visit. hner work. nil of the above descriptions be­ (18), South, Range Six (6), W est aloqg the center of the said road eeedlngs. ard upon your failure so B D Locke of Summlti Oregon, 4. Fmoh the fancy, IriBy thtagt with an < ing In Lane County, Oregon. of the W illam ette Meridian. In , , . . . . . . . to n point 30 links west of the to do. a Judgment of the forfeiture Cott: A lew cent, » day, bocaeM ataekt and clearing tho title of said pre­ Lane County, Oregon, except ten west line of said D. L. C. No. 38; of said automobile will be applied was “ week-end guest at the home thing you can buy today. of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stoneberg. mises and for such other relief as (10) acres deeded to C. E. Blodg- and thence run north from the for Raauk: Youd, and beauty praaanud, (e a t and hb ar a a e d h a dw ette; to the court may appear equitable. This notice Is issued and directed Mr. Locke Is Southern Pacific sta- center of said road a distance of buty houtewde. The qrder of the court directing the and for such other and further re­ 7.29 chains to the place of begin to you and each o f. you pursuant | hqq agent at Summit service of this summons by the pub­ lief as to the Court may seem Just Thera appkancet may be wen at yaer datar’« Waaa— 8 year hanw nlng, being one acre ot land. ¡to the order duly made and entered Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Boqulst and lication thereof Is dated August and equitable. i, w ired w ith plenty al should not be granted. by the above entitled Court on the 12th, 1831, and required publication This summons Is published by W IT N E S S the Honorable C. P. eighth day of September, A. D„ two children of Tillamook are visit­ once eacl^week for four successive virtue of an order of the Honorable Rarnard, Judge of the County Court 1931. ing at the home of Mr. and Mra. weeks and that you appear and C. P. Barnard, County Judge of of the State of Oregon for the Coun- Witness my hand and the seal of A. G. Pirtle. Mra. Boqulst and Mra. answer within tour weeks from the lame County, Oregon, dated the ty of Lane and the Seal of the said said court affixed at Eugene, Ore Pirtle are sisters. date of the first publication. The 18th day of August, 1831. Court hereto affixed, this 1st day gon, this eighth day of September, I first publication of thia summons The date of the first publication of September, 1931. A. D., •1931. Is August 18th, 1931. W. B. D ILLA R D , County Clerk of thia summons la August 20, 1831. A TTEST. Administrator Is Appointed — DR. E LLA M E A D E C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , Attorney JAMES K. K IN G , Attorney for (SEA L) W. B. D IL LA R D . Clerk. of Lane County, State of Ore- gOren M. Fries has been appointed for Plaintiffs. Residence: Eu­ Optom ctrigt By EVA L. D U CKW O RTH, plaintiff, Residence and post- ?aid' clrcuR C o u rt'° ' i adra'nl’ tra,or - U U of C hrl. gene, Oregon. office address, Eugene, Oregon. Deputy. 41 Want 8th Kugene (8.-10-17-24) 1 Frlea- The estate amounts to $4989. (A 13-20 27—8 8-10) (A 28-27—8-8-19-17) (S 8-19-17-89—0 . 1) C R U E L T Y A L L E G E D AS Creswell Thurston eMusic Studio Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Coburg BOYS and GIRLS School Apparel S H O E S and F U R N IS H IN G S BONDS At SAVING PRICES The Golden Rule T k e r e is a n e a s y w a y to w a sb a n d ir o n Funeral Directors Walker - Poole Co. » » do r r E U E C ID IC A IX Y FUD-V1TE ,«■*» A B E A U T IF U L FRAM E • q u ite d iffe r e n t from ALL O T H E R S Mountain States