officials needed. Th« town he. » , opuln ton of SS'J persons. counting «ervsnts and children. It la expat'led there will b.' jual enough offices Io go around the 36 regular voters. The came com e« from llle Mul ton own «end. an old highway dat hit from Itevolullouary time». Union Pay for Savages— Entered ss second class matter, February 24, 1*03, at the postotflce. Springfield, Oregon. L VEI5Y WILLAME1IE ROCK LATEST PROJECT 0U6I0US ZyMart^ Marshall átate Highway Coinioinuion Not in Favor of Plan to Complete Job Now Marlin Johmuin. (he African ex plorer, recently brought hack two S uccomk I u I holin' dressmaking I'ganda native« and Inntalh'd them I dova noi conviai merely of m ielu l QHADL NOT SETTLED tn a colored section of Harlem < tilting and fitting uud ucal finish Then a bright colored promoter lug. Tilla seaaon especially wc must found lie could make some money also think of the llltle dresamakei County Engineer Concur* in Vmw That Grnvoling Now by having one of die lioya lecture In (ouches and clever 11 I III III lugs that Swahili. lie waa making about make a dress distinctive or oilier la Not Good Policy »200 a lecture ami giving the I’g wise. Km king of I he upper sec I Ion of anils boy »1 and a pair of golf Actually this little touch of dis breech*» lor each appearance, be­ llh c llo ll Is hot difficult Io achieve the \\ Uluiiiidle highway which 1« MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE One Year In Advance ...........$1.75 Three Months 75c Six Months . ......................»1.00 Single Copy ...... .......... ........6c ..I’MI RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1»31 ON LIVING IN A SMALL TOWN There are so m any reasons w hy people w ho live in sm all tow ns have a better tim e o f it than those w ho live in the big eKles th a t there isn ’t room to put them a ll dow n here. But one of. the. things that m ake o u r c ity cousin mad is that we fore hla racket waa found out Keep your eyes open when you go much dealrsil by residents of that sm all tow n and co u n try fo lk have so m uch more to say Then the two boya demanded »5 through the «hops and you will see area seeius rntlier remote for this about the governm ent o f o u r state and o f the nation than , a day from Johnson and a hotel all «oris of clever ways to finish aeaaon how Judging by results of a they do. room. That waa loo much and the collars and cuffs end waistline, or meellng of the Lane county court A w rite r in a recent issue o f The Am erican M ercury explorer got a big police lieutenant ulervsllng way« of Introducing a will» the slats highway commit points out th a t one voter in Echols C ounty, Georgia, has as • a*”» ■' Halen, Thursday. (o tell Hie boya to abut up or be lourh of color. m uch to say about the state’s a ffa irs on election day as 35 would throw them Into Jail. Alao This week s aketch show« a very The county made an offer Io the voters tn A tlanta. A tlanta has 11 percent o f Georgia's popu­ their visits to Harlem, where they simple applique design used on commission Io lake the contract lation and pays 24 per cent o f the ad valorem taxes, but has ; learned American waya too quickly, one of the new sports dresses II for the rocking of some six miles only 1.4 per cent o f the members o f the low er house o f the have beeu abut off. looks rather Japanese bat you do of the highway hut Ihe commission state legislature. not have to be Japaneae to make demurred, T h a t disclosure leads the New Y ork Tim es to rem ark II. On a Jersey blouse you should Stale highway engineers hold th a t one vo te r in Putnam county, less than th ir ty miles muke the design of Jersey of eon that rocking now with the grade n orth o f the big c ity , has as m uch to say at Albany as five trnsilng color, or It you wish to just finished would not he practi­ voters in New Y ork itself. There are s im ila r situations in cal because (he grade has nol yel every state w hich has large cities. Chicago is always com ­ settled and Ihe cost of (he rocking plaining th a t “ dow n-state” members ru n the lillin o is legis­ would he wasteful as II would all lature, w hile the co n s titu tio n of the state o f New Y ork con­ have to be done uver again within tains a provision w h ic h prevents New Y ork C ity fro m ever a few month« ha vin g a m a jo rity in e ither house o f the legislature. Coroner Simon Investigates I l will be November I al least T his condition is a survival o f the o rig in a l d is trib u tio n of Fatalities During Month before Ihe entire section Is graded p o litic a l a u th o rity according to lo c a lity and not according to population. And, on the whole, we see no reason to change of August and stale engineers hold Io Ihe view (hat Ih < rocking should be it. Population has been d riftin g aw ay fro m the farm s in the Reports on Investigation of five put off until spring lo allow all fills past few' years, but a whole lo t o f the d r ift never got any deaths during. tbs mouth of August public Judge as to the merits of the Io settle. fa rth e r than the nearby co u n try tow ns and villages, and were made by Corouer C. Simon at controversy. The net result ha» now there is beginning a sw ing back fro m the big cities I* M. Morse, county engineer, the office of the county clerk. been to make It appear that Mr. to the land again. concurs In Ihe statement of slate Hoover Is using the project as a The report o„ the drtuh of Clay­ As fa r as we can find ont, the sm all tow ns o f the whole highway engineers. Thu stale en- political football, the one point he ton Sullivan, found dead in the UnitecTstates have got along better th ro u g h these past tw o j gineers will aooli make an Inspec­ tried to avoid by handling the situ ruins of his burned borne held that years o f "depression than the big cities have done. And if tion of the new grade but It la nol ation in an informal way. The fault the cause of the fire and the death there is a n y th in g really w o rth having in c ity life th a t we probable that any change In (heir of Sullivan were unknown. W A S H I N G T O N is laid al the door of one of Mr. stand will be made. haven’t got rig h t here at home, we d on’t know w hat it is. Hoover's advisers but. politicians By EBNEST CAMP JO Other reports were on one auto- On the whole, perhaps, i t ’s just as w ell th a t the cities BY R A D FO R D MOBLEY here say. u will not aid Mr. Hoover Toot. Too, Boomt I mobile fatality, Mrs. F. Barrett, one don’t run everything, so long as people have to eat and we WIFE ASKS DIVORCE; when he asks for voles from New c o u n try fo lk have to raise th e ir food fo r them . Nearly everybody In the country man' Hu»r «tus gives sun-ray treatm ents on cloudy Vl federal treasury for money to alle­ son and Cleveland, the last two lurn I d the edges a quarter of an viate the sufferings of dtixeus, but Democratic presidents, were elect­ The Seamen's Institute Suit to condemn land for the Inch, pin In position, basle care- to coordinate relief plans now being ed in spite of the bitter opposition One charity that Is little heard of rightof-way for the Biuslaw high­ fully St Ihe edge» and »1 Itch or hem made by the multitude of cities and of Tammany. outside of seafaring circles Is the way was filed by the county against states. p Seamen's Institute d otn at the foot J. P. Christie ln circuit court last One advantage af this design 1« President Hoover believes that of Broadway. It la a lodging house week. ’ha, it does nol hnve lo be aymmet- every community Is able and will­ The laud needed for the highway for sailors, giving them a better .......* "■■■ ............. ..................... S ing to handle its awn problem by room than they have on shipboard is leased by the defendant from E. tettlonully a (rifle Irregular so that raising a fund sufficient to care for for 60 cents a day. It costs lot more H. Hill at a rate of »1 a year for 10 with ordinary cam In drawing off its people out of work. States will than that to pay expenses and the yearn. your design you may be »ure of handle the destitute rural districts, A shingle mill on the property deficit is met by wealthy men and «ucce»». he believes, and all that Is left foi is destroyed by fire some time women. the federal government to do is A curious, self-imposed duty the ago. to correlate all these activities so TWO BOUND OVER ON Institute carries out Is to locate that all will be taken care of with­ missing seamen for tbelr relatives. MAN INJURED WHEN THE COUNTRY FAITH CHARGE OF BURGLARY out draining the federal treasury. People away from the sea never Comment In Washington is that By Norman Gale THROWN FROM HORSE realize how easy It la for a man On charges of burglary. John the president has come close to Here In the country's heart, to drop out of sight forever, unless Miller and N. Bassett have been Lester Griffin of Marcola waa solving the condition and the work­ Where the grass is green. bound over to the grand Jury which they have a sailor In their own fam­ painfully Injured Monday when be ing out of the plan will be watched Life is the same sweet life meets next month. Ball was set at ily. More than 260 missing sailors was thrown from a horse on which with absorbing interest. Mr. Gif­ As it e ’er hath been. »500 each by Justice of the Peace have been located by Mother Roper, he was riding. He sustained several ford Is a man of deeds. He has this year alone. Dan Johnston. Trust in God still lives, fractured ribs and other body the real set of figures as to the • a s The pair are accused of having And the ben at morn bruises. number who can be expected to ask entered Ihe home of Welby Stevens Muttontown, L. I. Griffin has been employed on tbe for aid, along with the number of Floats with a thought of God near Springfield. Ever hear of that town? Probably O'er the rising corn. John Downing farm. public works that have been set on not as It was formed only last foot to furnish employment. Most God comes down in the rain, Dance Hall License Issued— A week. It is composed of some 36 of these figures have been obtained And the crop grows tall— county dance hail license was Is­ millionaires whose big estates cen­ TRANSFER OF SCHOOL by the president’s committee on This is the country faith ter on the new town. AREA TO BE ASKED sued Tuesday by the county court | employment, whose active head has This is the country faith to Walter L. Taylor of Deadwood The group, tired of being a fifth been Frederick C. Croxton, the And best of all! Transfer of a part of tbe terri­ district. wheel on surrounding towns, decid­ man who handled the work under tory of the Mabel school district to ed to have their own town. At the the direction of Colonel Arthur ,, . . | the Marcola district will be con- Mr. Littleton—What's the Idea? Inventory of Estate Filed— Inven­ first meeting there were Just thlr- Hld,.rBd . Woods. meeting of the county There shirts are three sizes too big tory and appraisement of the estate teen voters present but they went Mr. Croxton has been named of Martha A. Mount was filed Tues­ school boundary board at a meet­ for me. You know my slxe. ahead and voted for the others chief assistant to Mr. Gifford. He day. The estate amounts to »1026. ing Tuesday. Mrs. Littleton — Well, the big most of whom were In Europe. brings with him all the figures he The petitions were filed with the sites don’t cost any more than the Account of Estate Filed— Final has lined up the last year and They will raise their own taxes, i board recently. This Is the only little ones, and I’m not going to i the new bureau will start fully account of the estate of J. Rathjeble name their own policeman, coroner, matter so tar scheduled to come have any store clerk know what a armed with Information that It was filed in probate court Tuesday. magistrate and alt the rest of th e ; before the board at the meeting. shrimp I’m married to. would otherwise take months to get and assimilate. It Is expected that I immediate results will begin to ap-1 pear and the criticism that Mr. I Hoover is doing nothing to avert Distress win die down, feel better and have gained 10 pound».**—R. A. (’rom- Thln ru" <,"wn' nervous men or women need Ihe help of ,ron, lime “nd cod liver peptone us contained •» Vlnol. Even Ihe first bottle '■ring« new pep. a good appetite S t t a s s s n bottln of Vlnol today. The re- "«Its will amaze you' Ketela DrOg Store. G el Full-Size G old en V a lu e s CONSOLE HOTEL • • . Democrats here are making capi­ tal out of the recent letter to the president from Governor Roosevelt, of New York, who Is conceded the best chance of being that opposing candidate to Mr. Hoover in next I year's presidential race. The letter ' carried a question, asking if the RESI ,edf,raI glTernment wa” dealln« <>'• y wlth Canada ln regard to thft ' St. Lawrence power project. As I New York, which Is the state most i effected by the project, has been dealing with Canada Itself, Mr. Roosevelt naturi-lly wanted to know what the national govern­ ment was doing, and If its work was conflicting with that of the New York experts. Instead of replying directly to Governor Roosevelt, Mr. Hoover turned his letter over to Under Secretary of State Castle, who re­ plied In an Informal personal let­ ter couched In a patronizing man­ ner, saying that New York's Inter ests would be carefully watched. The Governor thereupon gave his letter out to the papers, letting the Ffrri SHOES SHOES COMPLETE SHOES An atmosphere that is home like and restful. You*l enjoy stopping at the PRESIDENT in Portland. ECONOMICAL . . . . »1 AND »2 PER DAY J. A. Cushman, Manager FOURTH AND ALDER POINT LAND A.THATER THE LARGEST STOCK OF FOOTWEAR IN K ent LANE COUNTY AT THE LOWEST PRICES— Eniklcn Voiced R A D I O PLUS AN ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION. COMFORTABLE. utilh tubes W hy P ay M ore? Williams’ Sell Service Store 77 E. BROADWAY EUGENE, OREGON M J IX T YEAR’S improvements now— a ll o f them —in this stunning new A twater Ken t low­ boy. Look, Super-heterodyne... variahle-mu tube« and pentode .« .a u to m a tic volum e control . . . t o n e c o n t r o l a n d n ta tie re d u c er. . . illum inated Qulefc- Vlalon d ia l... 10-kUocyde ~ * - p t i v i t y . . . a n te n n a a d ju s t e r ... new electro-dynam ic speaker . . . ra re c ab in e t b eau ty — a Golden Value, w ith the name you want . . . See It ! n e a r h. Ask un almut tim e payment*. Wright & Sons H A RDW AR E— F U R N ITU R E PA IN T