THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-EIG HTH YEAH. HHHINGEIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. HBPTKMRER 10. 193Í Surprise Dinner SCHOOLS ASK FOB FOUR 10 NAVIGATE for Church Pastor ON LOWER ROGUE Surprise Is Held ror Newlyweds ROSEBURG GETS COUNTY W.C.T.Ü. MEETS TUESDAY No. 36 FOOTBALL 1EIH TO MEET FHIDAÏ Student Pilot Is On Long flight Large Group Paye Surprise Members of Congregation and Cross-Country Trip Made By Vielt to Home of Mr. and Friends Present Family Patrons Requested to Leave Hospitalization Board Recom- All-Day Session to Be Held at Piane From MacManimann High School to Opon Soasen Dr. Rabhan, M. R. Irish, Veltie Mrs. Gao. Cole Sunday With Beautiful Rug Them at Schools or Swarts School at Springfield Mends Douglas County City Methodist Church With Pruitt and Prince Hefrish With Grants Pats High Market, Buy New Texts Says Representative Luncheon at Noon Now on Attempt There September 26 Fifty-eight friend« of Mr. and Approximately 250 members of the Flr»l liapllat church aud TAKE MOTION P I' e* "8 friends of Kev. and Mrs. It. K. Mul holland gathered at the F. It. Chase ----------- ■- home at Garden Way last Tbura- Four Men Start Trip O 'ay evening to hold a surprise pot Grants Pass to Ocean -k dinner In honor uf tbe former Gold Beach Monday \ or of the congregation and bla ■afrona of the Hprlngfleld g ra d . Jim MacManlman of tba Hprlng ( eld School of Flying and one of I ■»“ '•re d at 'heir Hecond street Hunda) GENERAL H IN E S WIRES STATE OFFICER COMING hi, advanced student«. Bin Bodiey LETTERMEN TO RETURN acbool wbo have not already do home on nated to th. district. the book« avontog for a charivari to honor of I wbo baa bail over 100 hours of fly- which their children win not be “ '*» »»wlywed couple whose mar Congressman Gratified With Mrs. Eliza Nelson, County ,n*- 'nad‘' » crosscountry trip to Start Practice Immediately* m u « v « n l o i Ih«« nrpvtniiM . __ Dub«.« ' - Raker tbe past week using thia year, are urged to do rluari« “ »■- w mm •» -»*»« ° r prevloua Choice of Favorite; Work President. Will Preside Dur­ Entire Schedule Has Not Leaving Thursday morning at ao before th. opening of acbool Hunday Mr" „ Co1» * “ May Soon Be Started ing Meeting Here Been Completed Miss Kathryn Jack 7 00 they (lew over the McKenale neat Thureday, September 17 ./ *. I a«« and the Three Hlsters. The Following un unusually large j Tbe books may be left at the Navigation of ih« Rogue rive» Roseburg ha» been selected aa Program for the annual County Fall football activities at Hprtng­ day waa clear and flying over the vlng the dinner a abort pro school houaea or at Swart's Meat amount of nol«emnklhg the group ; (rum Grant! Pass In the Pacific the site for the Pacific Northwest convention of tbe l-ane county fleld high will get under way here Hlxler« waa the most beautiful of vlsltora Invited tbem»elvea In a t held after which a beau Market. soldier«' borne. j Women'« Christian Temperance ocaaa at Gold Beach In two row Friday at a mass meeting of all sight ever seen. Mr. MacManlman aida and proceeded to "fix up" the til . rug was unrolled and Thia Information waa flrat re-¡Union which la to be held at tbe boats, and the (liming of motion players and others Interested la the Tbe district has purrbaaed all of said. Tbe reflection of the sun on, home as they thought the home of prei uled to the family. Brief ac­ plcturea of tba huretufora unat- celved here In the form of an an­ Methodist church In this city Tues­ | sport which has been called for (he newly adopted texts In reading, j the glacier was spectacular. The a couple should be. ceptance speeches were mud« by tempted trip la tba ambition of nouncement Issued by W. C. Haw­ day, September IS. waa announced 2:20 by Norval May. high sehool also the geographies for the fourth altitude reached going over the Many articles of frequent usage both the Kev. and Mrs. Mulholland. (our prominent Lane county «porta- ley, representative of the first Ora- this morning by Mrs. Elisa Nelson, and sixth grades, but there Is a pass was 8000 feet. They had to athletic director. May has been about the normal home were ra- man who shoved off from tb» Joao- president of the county organiza­ hack In tha etty for the past weak . . __ _ , gon dlatrlct. shortage of all other texte and as j climb about (000 feet before getting ported to have ben put away as ■ LOCAL MEN FIND GOOD ph I ha county city Monday. tion. and nas been checking over athletic the law only provides for an ex being unnecessary In (hla Instance. The representative announced above the smoke line. prospects, both from tbe position of Tbv Intrepid boatman who »cell Plana for tbe convention call for FISHING IN DESCHUTES pendlture of $1.50 per pupil for that b . had received a telegram R.fraabment« of Ice-cream, candy The route taken by MacManlman p,ayera H. ba. al­ free text hooka. It Is only through tlila unuaual record are Dr. W. C. , from Gan era I Hines of tBe veter- an all-day aeaalon with program and wafers were enjoyed late In and Bodley took them over Prairie ready talked with most of tha play­ The beat flatting of the I-abor donation« thia flrat year that free Kebhan, Hprlngfleld phyalclan. Val- ana' hospitalization board In which and bualneaa sessions in the fore­ the evening. City, the John Day country and ers on last year's squad, bat la tle Pruitt, paator of the First day holldaya waa found In tha Dea hooka In all aubjecta will be avail­ the recommendation of Roaeburg noon and a covered dish luncheon at noon. The afternoon will ^ » e v llle . In the John Day country , caI„ ng the meetlBI at the hlgh chutea river according Io reporta able. ChrUllan church In Hprlngfleld. and waa stated and that this action bad given over to more program and , ’ * "a* an iramen,'e orest ire „chool gymnasium ao that he may director of music at the Eugene brought back to thia city by the Many put rone of the dlatrlct have MANY DRIVE TO ASHLAND been approved by the president. consideration of unfinished bual-I “ h8d burned <” er 8lx or eiport grocer, and Prince Heltrlab. pro- holiday In thia mannor. not to be uaed further, by them nouncing that Roseburg would get | neaa- mile front. A p arly uf Hprlngfleld men com selves, and In many Instances they Immediate practice will be tha A large group of Hprlngfleld real the home further stated his gratl rnluent McKenale river boatman Outstanding among the visitors. The return trip was made by way program thia year, says May. “ H a rrin g to n and hla agreed last aprlng to donate them dents motored to Ashland to spend fleatIon at this decision as he has | for the event will be Mra. Jolly The boat voyage will lie one of ' Fu»,d of Peudletou and Portland, through The first of these will probably NO in I lea and Iboae making tbe two aona. Ilarry and M O. Har­ to the dlatrlct. Hevergl have been (he wekend vialtlng at the home been an ardent worker (or the cause j state president, from Portland, the gorge. Rough air was encouu- be held Saturday or Monday Be- trip expected. when they left, to rington, returned from across tbe uncertain aa ft» whal disposition to of Mr. and Mra. If. T. Mitchell. of tbe Douglas county city since Approximately 50* delegates and tered and they climbed to an altl- pending on the boys themselves. epend moat of a week on tbe Caacadea with limit catches of make of them during the summer Those making tbe trip were Mr, tbe project was first considered. I visitors are expected to be here for tude of 11.000 feet to order to get Many of them are working and water. They will rarry along some rainbow trout taken In a very abort months while tbe school« have been and Mrs. D. B. Murphy. Mr. and the sessions Tuesday. Several above the 70 mile wind that they 1 cannot take the time oft right now. Mra. James Mitchell, Delbert cloaed. r.'iol hut will live off <>( fruit« lime. FATAL INJURIES ARE I Springfield musicians will take had to buck. Two fast games have already Mitchell. Ml«« Clara Jones, and Everybody waa catching fish of tbe land* ao far aa poaalble. The donation of the books very RECEIVED IN ACCIDENTI parta In the program Leland and Marshall Cray. The trip going up took approxl- been assured the fans right at the thnre according to Harry. The elated Dr. Kebhan. shortly will be a great benefit to mately 3 hours and 45 minutes and opening of the season. The first larger ones were caught on cluster Mra. Murphy la a daughter of the principals In determining (hair Hom« of tbe wildcat country In Accident Near Camp Creek Results gave them ample time to take In «ante on this year's schedule will the entire atate will be visited dur­ aaltnon eggs, while those fishing status In regards to the free text the Ashland resident« and Delbert in Spina Injuries Which Cause all of the Scenery. Returning they he at Grants Pass with their high with single eggs easily caught the and James Mitchell are sons. Tbe tow. ing the run which will take tbe Death of Mrs. Hendricks stopped at Pendleton to re-fuel and school aggregation on September limit Of the amaller ones. Cray brothers are roualns of the men across Josephine and Curry High achoola are not affected in spite of the rough wind made The following Friday. Octo- Moat of the flab brought home by the new law which was passed local people. counties. It la almost Impoaalble to Mrs. Elsie Clayton Hendricks ofj the trip from Baker to Portland to her 3, will bring a contest with one by the local party were 15 Inches gel an automobile down to the at the legislative aeaalon laat win Dexter died at the Pacific Christ-; 4 hours. of the greatest rivals of the local river anywhere between tbe two tong. tor. iah hospital Sunday of Injuries to! making the trip to «*«>•• Eu«en'‘ hl«h' Tb‘» ■»■• Bodley i terminal« of the trip, the men her spine which she received about | order to get cross country flying W“ 1 b* pl8’red on ’»•F’ " » “ "M •< stated, and they expected to aee WILD COUNTRY FOUND PORTLAND PEOPLE ARE two week, ago when the antomo- E zra Shannon Colling Dies at experience and did practically all tb« university. very few people during tbe voyage. bile she was driving left the grade The entire schedule has not been ON UPPER WILLAMETTE DINNER GUESTS HERE of the flying, being relieved by Home of Son at Age of Mrs. Kebhan and Mrs. Irish will on the road between Waltervllle completed at this time, hut It to MacManlman only during the rough 86 After Illness drive an automobile to the mouth Home Intereating experience« and Camp Creek. Several dinner gatherings were spots through the gorge where the certain that Springfield and Uni­ uf the river at Gold Beach to meet were related here thia week by a She was born at Gravelford. Ore­ held here daring the week-end hon­ One of Lane county’s early pion- flying was hard work and they ra­ versity high will clash agala oa the boatmen when they complete parly of fishermen who spent Ihe Oregon's wild life program. In­ gon. In 1900. and lived there and at Hayward field on Thanksgiving oring Mias Florenco Coffin, Herbert cers. Ezra Shannon Collins, died at lieved each other for the rest. their trip. week-end flaking on Halmou creek Coffin, and their mother, all of volving expenditures of $5.000.000 Salem until she was married to day. Games have been scheduled the home of his son. E. W. Collins.! ------------------------- A complete record of event« aa j and on wtou, ukee la (bat vlcln- 1 with Roseburg at Roseburg and l*ortland. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. In the next ten years, was released Roscoe Hendricks in 1925. this city Saturday evening. Sept W A S H |N C T O N S L A Y ER they happen will be kept oy m eans, ,,y ,n<.,U(le<1 ,he gr„up w„r. Dr She is survived by her husband. ■ of Cottage Grove here. The dates will C. E. Wheaton entertained In their by tbe Oregon State Game commis­ ember 5. at the age of 86. He had W AbH IIM G 7 U N a L A Y t R of motion picture rameras and1W. N. Dow. W K. Itameli. M. B her father. Eli Clayton. Coquille; honor, and on Sunday they were sion yeaterday. FORMER CITY RESIDENT w annouaced been in poor health for some time. equipment taken along Juat before I Hun||y and Oeorge Puckett of _______ Coach May sees bright possibili­ Oregon now has embarked upon a sister. Mrs. Clara Hendricks, oft but was not bedridden until three guesta of Ml«» Margaret Morris at leaving Dr Kehbun assured h.« ’ Westfir ties for the local team this year. her home northeast of tha city. the most comprehensive plan of Santa oar bars. California; and her days prior to his death. Lee Stratton, alleged murderer of friends that plenty would happen ,,arna|| He will have nine lettermen from and liuntly, II seems Monday they were dinner guests (iah and game development ever at­ grandparents at Camp Creek. and (hat they would be given an He was born in Guernsey county William Frawlev of Port Town- last year's team to form the nu- Funeral services were held at were satisfied to catch a large num- of Dr. and Mra Emery before re­ tempted The program already In on September 18. 1844. and, send' Washington, and who is be- ‘ opportunity to aee theee films after Ohio Iwr of amaller fish In the creek, i turning to their homes In Portland. full swing, la to raise streams, the Walker-Poole chapel In Hpring- ing held by the police of that city, ! cleus ot b»» »quad, and will gain the return of the fisherm en lakes, fields and foreats to the Idea!: “ ‘‘ld Tuesday at 2 o clock, but Dr. Dow and Mr. I*uckett had was a former Springfield resident. "ome ® “ «rtal from begin when eight years old. On geptem design« on larger ones. They there , BUSINESS MEN GET WET for fishing and hunting as rapidly Interment waa made In the Pleas her 1865 he w s. married to Mies haTin« liTed here wlth his parents nera at the school, and from the FIVE ARE BAPTIZED fore set out In queat of a lake ss humsn.y possible. The stream an. Hill cemetery where she w „ Julia Hunnicult. The). came to Ore. until about 18 months ago. Reto- Waltervllle dtotricL He Is opt! FISHING RIVER SUNDAY and lake survey, by which the game , » member of the Christian church mlstic about the team« possibilities, which they had heard about, one! AT CHURCH SUNDAY gon to 1886 and settled near lived, l,’ es including '“^uding one brother, still but is not making any promises at which ha« been Blocked and which ' Three Hprlngfleld business men commission expects to get the real f t < su r r n iiF M . -rrtniA Springfield and have lived here thia efty. this time. Five people were baptised Into la seldom fished. fact-basis for fish planting. I. the SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC slnce Mrg ColUng pagged The 23 year old youth, who waa had a good tune, got very wet, and Ha has spent part of tbe summer Inclement weather did Its beat the Kapils’ church at special ser­ to have been married on the day caught several nice fish Sunday flrat ever started to any state. The FQR M E CHURCH GIVEN away on June 7, this year. doing hard labor on roads In Cali­ vices held ul the local church Sun­ to dlaauade the two, hut they final­ during a boat trip from Coburg same procedure has been launched Mr. Collins was a member of the on whlch the body of hla victim fornia. day evening The baptism cere- ly reached their goal with the aid bridge to Harrisburg. They were on game ao 'ihat scientific game Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor was found, had a very good repu* management will make Oregon the ■ of the Springfield Methodist church ' ^ „ ^ ' o f t o e T o “ O^F , »tlon wbile a resident’ here, money was performed by Kev. K. K. of (wo horses. The wind and rain John Anderson. Vern Daniela, and nniatondin» w»___ v been a member of the I. O. O. F. .. . outstandlng wtiM wild .iifak life ■»■•aa state of tha> Ihe _x.s wm .-i. take , he «„bject ..m*. "The z Church Mulholland. Thia waa the final aer blew so much, however, that the Al Pohl. cording to friends who recalled as- lodge for the past 39 years. vice Io be conducted In the church men could not fish after they Union. and Education ' as the theme for ! sociatlons with him during the past. A large boat uaed by the men He Is survived by two sons, E. "To make Oregon Famous for hlg Sunday morning sermon at 11 by- Kev. Mulholland aa pastor of found the secluded lake which has was not entirely waterproof, but According to the reported con­ W. Collins. Springfield, and H. E. ihe church. 11c has now accepted no! been named fession of the young man. he killed then this wouldn't have made much Fun" la the heading of the 27 page o'clock. Collins ot Los Angeles; five grand­ The church school meets at 9:45 a call to Roseburg. difference so far aa their getting outline which states that the com children. Mrs. Frank Parrish. Mrs. Frawley In a fit of anger when the Kenneth Tobias, field worker for CANADIAN GIRL VISITS wet waa concerned as falling rain­ mission's purpose "is to develop an “ nn*d 8 l8r«e und Mra. Fred Frese and their rains. Mr. Stewart says. 000.006 from Oregon's wild life and o'clock. Rev R. R. Mulholland of- ou,door plcnlc' but had ,0 ch,n«e home while ah> has lived In Spring- families derided to have the af­ Dr. W. H. Pollard caught an 18 the commission declares that “Ore­ SMALL ACREAGE IS SOLD Belated and Interment was made to j thelr P,8n’ due t0 the Sund8>' field during the past two years. fair regardless of the weather and Inch redalde in the McKentle river Take Long T rip Over Week-end— gon's wild life should be at least The paator has been active In went to the Frese home where It between Deadninn'a ferry and Hen TO CALIFORNIA MAN laurel,H U I cemetery. Graveside mornln« r8,n' Those present were church work in thia vicinity having Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor and a $100.000.000 asset.” An estimated wna held Indoor«. services were conducted by the • Mr 8nd Mr8 Snyder of EuRene' drteka bridge Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Adams and average annual Income of $600.000 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Walker. Eu- served as pastor of the Free Meth­ Sale of a five-acre tract located o. o . p lodge, Howard Hughes accompanied the aon. Rboert, took a long motor trip from hunters' and anglers' licenses j gene. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hansen, odist church to West Springfield _______ WORK AMONG INDIANS doctor on the fishing trip and each to southern Oregon coast cities dur­ and other licenses and fines, dur­ two miles east of Springfield on and their daughter. Murdene of for some time and frequently serv­ ing as supply pastor la thia district. TOLD AT MEETING caught several nice alxed fish, al­ ing the Labor day holidays. They ing the next ten years. Is to be ex­ the McKenzie highway to Albert "ERRORS OF THOUGHT" j Portland, and Mrs. Catching. AJ CHR|S T |AN CHURCH though they did not make any ex­ visited at Grants Pass, the Oregon pended to secure "the saturation Vogtanck of Los Angeles was an He will preach tha sermon at the nounced this week by Charles Par _______ Experiences aa a religion« work­ ceptional takes. case. Crescent City, and Marsh­ point In fish and game. The pro­ Willamette Holineaa Association LADIES’ AID HOLDS er ntnong Indiana on a reservation field before returning to Spring- gram is being organized and con­ rtsh. former owner. The California ' Rev. Veltle Pruitt will take as mission in Eugene next Bunday at people have taken possession and h|g Sunday mornlng germon theme. were told here Tuesday at a meet­ FIRST SNOW OF YEAR HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER 2:30 p. m. Thia to an Interdenomi­ ducted In accordance with the best field. ing of the Women's Home Mission­ known business procedure In com­ expect to do considerable Improv-; ..Thp Rrrorg of Thoughr at the „ national mission located at tha cor AT CASCADE S U M M IT Members of the Ladies' Aid of ner of Eighth and Washington ary society of the Methodist church Leave for Roseburg— Rev. and bination with practical experience ing. They will raise poultry and O.c|ock serv|ceg to be he|d at the First Christian church. the Baptist church honored Mrs. streets which is being operated un­ held there, by Mrs. Dean C. Poin­ The first snowfall of the year Mrs. Ralph R. Mulholland and fam­ and ability In fleh and game pro­ extensive farm produce. The Bible school meets at 9:45 R R Mulholland, wife of the pas- der the direction of Rev. D. M. dexter. wife of Rev. Poindexter, In iAino county was reported Sat­ ily accompanied by Mrs. Mulhol­ pagation. distribution and protec­ paator of the church. urday night and Sunday morning land's father, Mr. Halverson, left tion. This program Is not some­ STAR REPRESENTATIVES with classes for everyone. Thei'ct*. with a handkerchief shower Higbee of Albany as superintend­ AT CRESWELL MEETING Christian Endeavor will meet at 7 >»st week In the church parlors. ent.. Ministers of various denomi­ Rev. and Mra. Poindexter spent at the summit of the Cascades by for Roseburg where they will make thing to be realised only after long Mrs. Mulholland left Tuesday for nations will serve the church from ----------- I o’clock. some time working among the Kla­ crews on railroad trains making their home.' Rev. Mulholland has delay, but Its effeets are to be seen math Indiana. M ts . Gertrude Wilson, worthy "A Repenting Thief" will be the Roseburg where she will make her time to time. the run. Members of the Obsidian been called there to become pastor at once In more Gsh In the streams and more game to the uplands. The matron of Cascade chapter. O. E. subject of the evening sermon at home In the future. party spending the week-end at of the First Baptist church. The Association comprises three best talent both world-wtde and re­ 8., accompanied by Mrs. E. E. 8:00 o'clock. Odell lake slated that It started to counties; Linn, Lane and Benton. CITY COUNCIL MEETING WILL BE HELD MONDAY snow there and later turned Into Visit at Mulino— Mr. and Mrs. gional. has been engaged. Every FTaedrick. Mrs. David Saltsman. J Last Sunday marked the change MASONS START WORK Paul Schlewe and Mra. S. Schlewe element of operation based upon and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton attended ' in hours at the church. During the rain. FOR FALL ON TUESDAY Back frem Newport went to Mulino Saturday to spend any other consideration than fit­ the meeting of the Creswell Star' summer the services have been Monthly meeting of the Hprlng­ Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Male and Members of Liberty Masonic daughter, Grace, returned Monday the week-end visiting with rela­ ness. has been discarded, the report chapter last Thursday evening, held on hour earlier each morn- Sunday School Board Meats fleld City council will be held at the Thls was the first meeting of the Ing. They now start at the usual lodge of Springfield started their morning from a visit to Newport. The regular monthly meeting of tives. They returned to Spring- declares. city hall Monday evening next fall activities Tuesday evening at Miss Male left In the afternoon fee fall for the Creswell organization.1 hours. week. Routine bualneaa will be the Sunday school hoard of the field on Tuesday. their regular meeting. This Is the Portland where the la teaching. Leaves for Vacation— Miss Lulu Methodist church was held at the cnnaldered at this aesaloti. first meeting of the lodge since Father Very III— Mrs. Emory Spend Week-End on Coast church Tuesday evening. Plans for Week-end at Newport— Mr. and McPherson left Saturday for Port­ Mr. and Mrs. Fd Privat and fam- the summer vacation. the fall activities of the organisa­ Mrs. Enoch Stuart and family and land for a few days’ vacation. Mis« Pyle Is now In Yreka, California. High School Coach Here joins Husband Hara Norval May, athletltc director at tion were discussed by the teach- Miss Clarice Isabelle Fenton spent McPherson Is cashier at the local wlth her father, Mr. Stocker, who lly spent the week-end on the Mrs. C. P. Hoffman has arrived Visitor from California the Labor day week-end at New­ office of the Mountain States Is seriously 111 Mr. Pyle went to ¡beaches at Yachats and Waldport. the Hprlngfleld high school has re­ era and offlcera. Mrs. Anna Swinnlger of Sacra­ in Springfield to make her home. the California City during th e! Several Eugene families were In port. They returned to Springfield Power company. turned to thia city. Mr. Hoffman came hera some time mento. California, arrived here Frl- week-end and returned the middle eluded in the party. Spend Outing at Cascadia—C. E. late Monday. ago to take over the stock of tha i day to spend about teu days visit- -------------------------- Wheaton and H. E. Maxey spent Vacation on Smith River — Mr. of this week Roy Stocker, brother Knsa Injured Leave for Coast Resort— Mrs. C .! ing with her grand daughter, Mrs Kennett store. Medford Folk Here—Dr. and Mrs. and Mrs. G. H. Turner spent the of Mrs. Pyle, who Is employed at Oscar Page of Marcóla wan In the Labor day holidays on an out­ Hprlngfleld Monday (or treatment ing at Cascadia. They had planned Ralph Dlpple and family of M ad- I-Abor day holidays camping out the local creamery plant is also E. Wheaton, Mrs. N. W. Emery, and It. L. Sears and with her son. C. A .: Waak-and at Cottage i her sister. Miss Clara Massee left 1 Perch of Eugene for injuries auntalned while em­ to drive some distance above thia ford were week-end visitors In on the upper Smith river below In California with his father. Mr. and Mrs. Cltford Wilson and i Tuesday morning for coast plonts ployed at the Fischer Lumber mill. resort but found both weather and Springfield. Dr. Dlpple formerly Drain. The weather was Ideal for Visitors Like Community — A ( »heir guests. Mr and Mrs. Nick practiced the dental profession the outing and only a few light Fish Above Oakridge— Mr. and I near Newport. They planned to roads unsuitable for the venture. showers fell during the two days Mrs. I. M. Peterson Bpent Sunday spen^ the week there, but stated group of visitors from Longview Kugal of Portland speut tbe waeh- here. Daughter Born— Mr. and Mra. they report. and Monday on an outing In the that this depended somewhat on who spent the week-end here as end at the Wilson cottage oa Horse M. II. Kunaell of Jasper are the par­ Visit at Waterloo—Mr. and Mrs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nott crash. upper Willamette country. They the weather conditions. Choir to Rraetloe— The regular ent« of a baby daughter born to Carlton A. Wyman spent Sunday at caught a fine mess of fish in Sal- J -------------------------- were very much Impressed with Instructor Haro— Glenn Martin, meeting of the choir of the Meth­ Waterloo on the Sunttam highway. Ihem at their home on Tuesday, Returns to Warte—H. Garbar, odist church will be held this even­ instructor in manual training at mon creek. Assists at Office Here —* Miss the scenic offerings of this vicinity September 8, 1931. the Hprlngfleld high school, was a ■.......—- - ------------ Hilda Pyle Is here this week from they stated before departing for barber, retarnad to hla warb tout Get lloenae to Wed—A marriage ing. sev­ visitor In this city from his home at Visitor from Portland— Miss Bee the Albany office of the Mountain their homes. Those to the visiting waak following aa absence Vlaltlng In Portland—Misi Kdna license was Issued at the office of eral weeks as a result ot huflac States Power company. She Is tak­ group were Mr. and Mrs. Ketchlng Ureswel Monday. Mr. Martin dis­ Kennedy of Portland arrived here Visitor from Newport — C. the county clerk during the past Swarta la now In Portland where cussed school work tor the fall Saturday for a few days' visit at ing over Miss Lulu McPherson’s and family, Mrs. DaVore, and Miss broken hla arm while eraaklag aa aha la spendlng two weeka vlaltlng week to Frank John Rennie and Brady ot Newport Is visiting aatomoMle. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Casteel. work during her annual vacation. Sue DaVora. term while here. Springfield for a taw days. Opal lnai Taliaferro. wlth frlenda. GAME COMMISSION QUILINES PLANS PIONEER RESIOENT PASSES SATURDAY Rev.!• enton Called to Yarnell Church