PAOS FOUR ROWtMA AI Df f i« RUMBl T H l’RSDAY. SEITEM HER 3. 1981 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS CHILDREN S EYES NEED CONSTANT WATCHING IRRIGATION TOUR GUT IN LICENSE TOWN AND VICINITY PROGRAM READY FOR DOGS TALKED Before children art* »cm to school thcv should have their eye« exami­ Smell Bon III—Lowell Montgom­ Spend Weekend Mere Ml» Bar ned. Many of the pupils In 'lie bars Darling and daughter. Maude ery. son of M r and Mrs Ham Mimi grade« who are looked upon is backward and dull b» their teach- Second Day of Western Ore- Other Counties Charge Less Darling, epent th e w e e k * ml here it inert Is very III al lite home of hl» paronia ibi» week. visiting friends era. are often suffering from »nine ¿on Trip Will Be in Lane Than Lane; Action May Be trouble of the eyes. Probably no Rstui n Sunday— Ml and Mrs County, Announcement Vie t et Metron—Mr. mid Mre. C. Taken Here ie Report single cause contributes more to could make me ci i’ ’ ejacul ted you." protested Peter Second Installment Clifford Wilson returned Sunday M Parker spent Sunday at tha Rowena Instated, ao Peter bnckwnrdneea among pupils In Run no. But Rowena insisted, so Discussion as to whether to ra from Medford w here thev had spent home of ih dr daughter and son In Rackruff Motors hire Rowena to PARTY HERE ON SEPT. 4 I'etet In lined It came again, 1 » helped Bobby gently ont of the rum school Ihan eye defects due« the rate tor county dog lic­ three days. law. Mr. and Mre. Vern Mlewart. al accompany Peter on a nation wide The headquarter« committee of enses for the coming year was tour In their roadster as an adver nn l unmis akable. the gulping sob hie seat and was Just turning to Natron H a s O p e r a t io n — M l» . K l» te M u lti Using stunt. At the last minute Lit­ if a wt epti.p woman They looked ,n Kowena a h.nd when he aaw the la n e County Medical Society Number of Farms in This takes up at a meeting of ihe coen- goiueiy of v'amp Creek under eeul tle Bohhv Is engaged to act as chap- bock ever their shoulders. The til that she was already in. sitting and the Southern Willamette Dis Viali at Salam - • Mr aud Mra. Area Will Be Inspected Un- dog control board yesterday but eron. They are waiting for Bobby 'b brow n chaperon was slump, d very erect, chin high and eyes ex trict Dental society in a recent a major operation at Ihe Pacific Waller l-agton aud sou. Juutor, der Auspices of College "*> a‘',lon contemplated waa cut to »how up to make the start. Christian hospital Saturday d, < :■ n tlie nimble -eat. her he.i» tremely hlue So he got in behind bulletin declares that grownups are _____ off for another month. spent Sunday al Junrllnu City visit- |.*wcd low small shoulders rising 'he wheel nd they started off able to detect defects of the e ve s I'lnerary of the western Oregon Orive to Portland—Professor end mg al ihe hmue of Mre latxtou'e Peter, himself, showed up to gtxrd The rate lor dog licenses Is set in themselves but often arc found ut» of a baby hoy horn to them of a girl slipped out and crept timid- matter of the estate of Samuel feel very badly. Maybe Id better go herself in complacement and not their daytime naps out-of-doors, 7:30 a in —Leave Heutou hotel, ut lite Paciiic Christian hospital In ly In through the rear door and . . . . „ . . E Phillips, deceased. hack. I unnialicious satisfaction when aha some arrangement should be de Corvallis. NO LABORERS NEEDED Notice Is hereby given that L. E. Eugene on Thursday. August 27. sidled up to the cashier's cage. She vised for shading tlielr eyes from Stricken each with sudden fear heard the steady soft roll of Bob- 8 30-8:60- Wilmer Walton, 16 Zlnlker of Creswell, Oregon hae 1921 had to atand on tiptoe to be seen that the chaperon might fail them— j by's voice regaling Peter with vivid IN YAKIMA FRUIT BELT the light. If the baby goes out In a acres truck crops, overhead sprlnk been appointed administrator of from within. the estate of Samuel K. Phillip de­ and they no farther west than th e ' accounts about Carter and their carriage or go-esrt for his dally ling system. Returns to Duties— Mr» Harris "Where will 1 find Miss Ros­ C h a m b e r of C o m m e rc e Issues W a rn ceased by urder of Ihe above en­ Hudson river—nowena and Peter j lost quarrel which eaused her to ap- airing, the hood should be tilted 9 00 9 20—R. V. Roger. 10 acre Hurd, nee Alice .Vise Loomis, re titled Court end has duly qualified In g to People P la n n in g A pple tand?*' she asked and her voice was in such a wav that his eyes at all cherry orchard under Irrigation got hurriedly out and ran back to > ply for the trip. turned to her duties as assistant at as such. a rippling low whisper. P a c k in g E m p lo y m e n t ber, standing on cither side while Peter was In possession of a com­ times are comfortably shaded front several years. the dental office of Dr. W N. Dow, All persons having claims against "What name, please? Are you Rowena tenderly wiped the tear- plete biography of Carter long be­ direct sunlight. However, the ex said estate ere hereby notified to 9 40 10:00- J O. Holt fruit and from one of the papers?” asked the The Yakima valley. Washington, Saturday following a honeymoon present the same, duly Verified at stained face with a wisp of hand­ fore they reached Buffalo, where posure to light which is almost un truck crops. which auiiually harvests (rout 40 trip spent visiting various scenic Hi. ,,ff|i,- ,,t c II Sedgwick altor cashier briskly. kerchief and Peter patted both they were to pay their first official avoidable when giving a baby a to 50 million dollars worth of agri­ places In Ihe north "No. I'm Miss Lowell—Roberta ney for said estate al Creswell, 10:06-10 20—S. E. Fish, fruit and small brown hands with great vigor. visit to the Rackruff salesrooms, daily twenty minute sunbath does Oregon, or (he undersigned within cultural products, over half of Lowell. I—I am the chaperon for truck crop«. ”1 wrote him a very formal note,” and where he was to make his first no harm. Returns from Mine—George Cox six months from this 3rd day of the motor tour,” explained the little 10:26-10:40—W. J. James. 40 which represents the value of Its was In Mprlngfleld the first of the September. 1931. Bobby went on, "and said good-by, picture of the roadster and Ro­ fruit crops, this year already has brown mouse with a roll of brown "Equal care should be taken as acres fruit and truck crops. and told him he wouldn't need to wena. I, K. Zlnlker. Administrator of 50 per cent more fruit workers on week from the minee above Blue eyes and a display of deep dimples. the children grow older to see that boher aking me out places any Estate of Samuel E Phillip, 11:00-11:20—T. Chase, fruit and For all the seclusion of the rum­ “Oh. Mr. Rack," called the cash­ the ground and waiting for the ap Hiver Huckleberry ph king Is about their eyes are adequately protect­ truck crops. deceased. Creswell. Oregon. more and sen ling me presents and ble seat. Rowena was able to break over on Gold Hill now he reports pie season to open up than will be ed. Children always have as much ier. “here’s the chaperon.” C. 11. Sedgwick. Attorney, Creswell, flowers, for 1 was going on a long in on Bobby's love-affair long 11:35-12:00—Inspect cannery of required to handle the crop this The dry warm weather has dried Oregon. The little brown mouse looked sunshine and fresh air as possible, ................. .. „ , . motor trip with some dear friends enough to voice her disagreement IS 3 10-17 24 -(>. 1» ready to sink into the floor in shy but a direct glare of light Into the Eugene Fruit Growers. Brief state­ season, acordlng lo an announce­ most of the berries up ■ ' . . . . . . and would be gone a long time, and with Peter’s plans when she wanted ment by J. O. Holt, manager, rela­ ment by L. F Bishop, chairman of eyes should always be avoided. confusion as the tide of photogra was starting on Monday morning at to. which was pretty often. It went tive to effect of Irrigation upon the Yakima chamber of commerce phers. reporters, automobile execu It is well to remember, too. In con­ nection with any indoor arrange­ quantity and quality of products re committee on unemployment. This lives and salesmen—and Rowena snd Peter, you may be sure—surged announcement was made In answer ments that the eyes of the children, ceived by cannery. 12:06-12:20—Inspection of Eu­ to inquiries which continue to pour like those of adults, are best pro­ swiftly toward her. tected when the light comes from gene's unique public market where into the Yakima chamber from peo­ ‘The chaperon!" ejaculated Mr. the left side. Indoor play quarters many irrigated products are sold ple throughout Washington. Oregon. Rack. dfreecly to consumers. Idaho. California and British Col­ should always be well lighted. •'The chaperon ?" echoed Mr. Ruff. She had told Rowena she was 1:00-2:30—Enroute Eugene to umbia. who seek Information re­ “Eye strain may develop very garding the pear, apple aud hop twenty-three years old, but stand­ early In life, and children should Lebanon. ing timidly as she did at barely five 2:30-2:60—Ray Fisher. 15 acres harvest and many of whom indi­ be carefully watched for any signs feet two. with little brown curls of It. If they scowl or squint when irrigated berries. Pumping from cate that In previous years they have followed the fruit harvest and framing her dimpled brown face, Riey look at a toy or at their pic­ well. desire to seek employment again she did not at first glance bear ture books, if they seem dull and 2:503:10—J. 8. Medler. 16 acres te-tlmony to such weight of years. listless, it is a wise plan to have Irrigated walnuts, pumping from this season. Her small hands fluttered nervously them examined. Cross eyes shonld Santiam. In view of the horde of fruit with gloves and chain. Her big not be neglected but should be 3:50-4:16—C. T. Darley, manager, workers who have already swarmed brown eyeB gaxed out, appalled and brought promptly to the attention West Stayton irrigation project. Into the valley, only a small per­ appealing, at the crowd that surged of an occulist. a physician who spe cent of whom have been gble to 5:00-5:30—San Brown farm, Ger­ her way. ciallzes in the correction of eye find work, those making Inquiries “Are—are you Roberta Lowell?" defects. One year of age is not too vais. Experimental deefT well pro­ are urged to change their plans ject. Statements by Senator Brown gasped Rowena. early to begin the treatment of and not attempt to find work In the "No wonder they call you Bobby,” cross eyes. The earlier the treat­ and M. R. Lewis, Oregon experi­ Yakima valley fruit harvest this ment station. »aid Peter. ment is begun the better are the Nature I h wist* In bringing tIt«- harvest season Junt year. Rowena ralHed first. “Never permanent results that may be ex before winter so that we can eat fresh foods, full Turkey Has Four Legs "I— I'm lonesome,” confessed Bobby, In a sad, small voice. mind, never mind!" she announced pected and if treatment is develop­ of vitamins and build up our bodies for the cold San Jose, Calif.—A white turkey with a quick assumption of sever- ----- — ed one eye may become, for all weather. That Is why we are featuring thin de­ FORECLOSURE SUIT OF lty. "Thia is Bobby, and I'm the ten o'clock from the Rackruff sales without saying that they did not practical purposes, permanently hen with foru legs and two tails Is partment of our store at tills time. $12,000 FILED HERE chaperon.” room on Broadway, and of course I agree about the financial manage- blind. Children’s eyes should be the property of Mrs. Lucy Dutre. A few minutes later, the Rackruff thought he would be there to see ment of the trip. Rackruff Motors, examined as a matter of routine, be- who has a farm on Brokaw road, Foreclosure suit on a mortgage a few miles from here. The turkey, ,-radster swept ints Broadway and off, and wasn’t." Inc., has agreed to pay all expenses fore they are sent to school. for 912,000 was filed In circuit which has become a great pet. Is turned south, and the cheers of the Grief quite overcame her. and she for the car en route and had a l - -------------------------- three and one-half years old. lays court Saturday by the Artisans assembled witnesses rattled the would have slid clear off the rum- lowed Peter and Rowena a Joint well, and is otherwise perfectly nor­ Life association against H. E. Wild plateglass windows of the show- ble seat into the bottom of the car salary of one hundred dollars a FAIR PROGRAM TO er and Lada Wilder anrd Charles mal. looms. if Peter hadn't caught her firmly week-an expense allowance, It was HAVE MUCH COLOR K Wilder and Mary W Wilder. "You were right, Peter.” confess and drawn her back. really. ! ---- — — The complaint state« that six Napolaon Wantad Australia ed Rowena kindly, when they slow- '‘Don’t you care, darling,” said Peter's idea of the way to carry SALEM, Ore., Sept. 3—A kalel Paris—A curious map now In the per cent interest lx sought from id for the first traffic light. We Rowena. "Men are all like that, on was obviously the simplest and descope of variety in all lines de- February 6, 1931 and 9430 0 In should certainly have looked her They aren't worth crying about.” most natural. He said he would pay scribes the colorful program which possession of the French Geograph­ taxes. The mortgage is on pro­ ical society, reveals that Napoleon over-” "You mustn't feel like that.” said expenses for both of them and then rapidly evolves for the 70th Oregon They were rolling steadily along peter gently. “He was probably so divide equally with Rowena what- State Fair which opens at the fair- Bonaparte once planned to Invade perty owned by the defendants In (he Gross addition of Eugene. the Jersey side of the river when ashamed he couldn't bear to face ever was left of the hundred dol grounds here on September 26 for Australia and annex It to France. The map Is covered with notes Kowena and Peter had their first you. That’s the way I am. The more lars at the end of each week. nine days. argument. Rowena considered the ashamed I feel the more—the more Rowena said it wouldn't do. The fair will open with a parade written by Napoleon and contains WOMAN, 87, NEVER TIRED fdeal plan for them to tear along at —.» ¡n t[,e end, Peter agreed to divide In downtown Salem Saturday fore- the outline of his proposed attack. — TAKES IRON DAILY 1, high rate of speed, stopping for “The more away you stay. I sup each week’s allowance with her Im- noon, the opening day. Douglas Me- Prince Roland Bonaparte, descend­ Fresh vegetables provide the cheapest and most nothing until they reached the pose,” said Rowena coldly. mediately upon its receipt every Kay has been appointed “top hand” ant of toe emperor, presented the “I am 97 and go to church twice nutritious foods in Autumn map to the society. Rocky Mountains. "Exactly,” assented Peter. Monday morning, each thereafter In charge by the Salem chamber of Sunduys. take long rides and attend And Peter didn t agree with her. "But he knows how dangerous paying his own bills, bearing his commerce, and he was immediately parties, but do not get a bit tired I Caution C o tts 31200 eat and sleep well. All thanks to Peter s idea was to drive along at a motor trips are,” sobbed Bobby, own responsibility, and saving what engaged In rounding up every rid- Baltimore. Md. — Having his Vlnol.”—MrB. M. Batdorf. fair speed. He said that if they “He knows I’m likely to be killed he could from the amount. ing horse within reach of Salem for Old people get quick benefit from doubts about a city bank, Louis tore furiously along over roads, any minute, or at least maimed for Even before they reached Buf- the occasion. iron, lime and cod liver peptone as Friedman, a grocer, withdrew his good and bad, through boiling heat life." combined In Vlnol. The very FIR8T falo he realized It would have been The parade will be wild west en bottle brings appetite and Bound snd chilling rain, they would reach “All alike.” repeated Rowena money in his pocket to have stuck tlrelY- except for the community balance oi 31500. By the time he got home he had sleep. Equally good for nervoue, a point of Interest, ttred, cross and grimly, to his original idea. Certainly It bands which will participate In cos- run-down men and women of any CLOSED MONDAY — LABOR DAY worn out, hence unable to turn out "That's probably why he didn't was no great drain on the expense tume- Frank E. Stundnlcka of Stay only 3300. Two men who JoBtled age. Vlnol tastes delicious Oet a him on a street car got the rest. the bighclass work that Rackruff come, said Peter comfortingly. "He account buying food for Rowena. ton' who won ,he title ot world bottle today! Ketels Drug Store. l ad a right to expect of them. realized that at thought of you going While motoring In the fresh air champion rider of bucking horses at RoweDa said that for her pari she away Into such terrible danger he made both him and Bobby raven- Pendleton's round-up, has accepted always worked best under pressure, would lose his self-control and ously hungry, so that they wished McKay’s invitation to ride In the that something in her responded break down before all those people, to eat often, fully and expensively. Parade- I-eadlng citizens of Salem strongly to hard driving, and 'hat And then think how he'd feel." It seemed to have no effect what- wl11 alil° rlde ln ful1 cowboy regalia. »be enjoyed working when she was Bobby thought of It. "But Carter’s ever upon Rowena, who ate bo rare­ McKay has announced a queen of breathless, almost panting with not like that,” she said. “I don’t ly and so little that Bobby accused the parade and the Rodeo-Buckaroo haste. Peter, In that annoying gen- believe he'd break down. He's not will be elected from candidates to her of trying to reduce. tie. almost disinterestedly lazy at all the breaklngdown kind of be nominated by the Rotary, Kl "Well,” smiled Peter good-na­ voice of his said he didn't; said he man. He's got red hair----- ” wants, Lions, Realty Board, Frater- couldn’t work at all unless he had a "Well, he might pretend he broke turedly, “If you carry on like this nls Club, and Ad Cluo. for the next three months you will hreathful of fresh air In his lungs down," Insisted Peter. The Women's Greater Oregon as­ and quiet comfort in his heart. “All pretense, every one of them,” i get rich off your share ot the ex sociation will have a booth with pense account." "And of course," said Rowena cut- declared Rowena sweepingly, Oregon, Incorporated, according to tingly, “we will do It your way. "It’s terribly lonesome, going ofi C O N T IN U E D N E X T W E E K announcement of Mrs. J. Oeorge Select your new Montag Circulator Heater at the Naturally you think g< od pictures on such a long trip without having Keller, general state chairman. The lowest prices we have ever been able to offer, and we ere the most Important part of the Carter there to be ashamed of him Salem branch will sponsor competi­ w ill give you a generous allowance for your old CAR DAMAGE ACTION whole business." self and feel sorry.” said Bobby. tive prizes for windows of Oregon heating stove. "Of course," said Peter simply. “I tell you what, darling,” sug SETTLED BY PARTIES products put In during the state Rowena was speechless with gested Rowena brightly. "You come fair time by Salem merchants. Never before, ha« such a heating value been offered rage.. She was glad abe had al- around here end »11 with Pete- and Settlement of a damage suit Oregon Creamery Operators as at such low prices. It makes it possible for every home way« hated artists anyhow, It made let him cheer you up. He’s very brought by Arthur H. Anderson sociatlon met in Salem during the to enjoy the genuine comforts and conveniences of hating Peter now eo much more na good company. It’s too lonesome for against the Southern Pacific com- week to pass on final details of | tural. He was telling himself »hat you hack there alone.” pany has been settled. The case their combined dairy products ex­ Montag Circulated warm air heat, cutting costs of h« was very glad Rowena was nret- "But you said I had to sit In the followed the fatal Injury of Donald hibit to be housed in the new fuel, labor, and brings the heating comfort every ty. It would be pleasant painting rumble seat!" Anderson, Infant son of the plain grandstand exhibits building. home should enjoy. ber. He didn't care In the least "Well, I've changed my mind, tiff, when struck by a bus owned Unlimited free parking space for about her disposition This was a you see, I thought then that Peter by the defendant company, See our window display of the famous Montag motorists has been set aside Inside business trip. and I would want to talk business In an order for the probate of the fairgrounds by Max Oehlher Circulator Heaters. Note their beauty. Let us show It Just goes to shew the sort and discuss our plans, and I never the estate of Donald Anderson It director of the department of agri­ you how easy it is to own one now by letting your that Peter was that he never even dreamed that every time I made a Is stated that a settlement of 3600 culture. old heater help pay the cost. suspected that Rowena was furious, suggestion It would Just lead to a has been made. Beginning September 15 there A sudden gulping sob close at bitter argument.” _________________ III be a representative of the J hand startled him from bis com­ "Why. I didn’t argue with you," How Many Pounds campers association In the camp­ fortable revery. He looked sharpN protested Peter. grounds office at the fair to assign at Rowena, who sat rigidly erect “I’d much rather sit In the rum­ "Mary," said Mrs. Newrlch to the tent space. Dr. O. L. Scott of Salem j • EE O U E and stony-faced beside him, blue ble seat where I can think my new maid, “you may take the dog Is "mayor" of the tent city, and j eyes glittering ice chid. W IN D O W thoughts In peace and not have my out and give him some air.” appeals to old-time campers to “doll “Am—v e you cryin g?” he asked most Innocent ideas contradicted “Yes, ma'am," acquiesced Mary, up” their cottages and keep open | HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINTS d is p l a y tic .iblf'i.iy. before they are out of my mouth," “And please, ma'am, where will I bouse. Some of the pioneers who "Me?—Most certainly not! I hope continued Rowena find Ihe nearest service station?" come every year ramped at the you think fur a minute you Why, 1 wasn't contradicting —Wall Street Journal. first state fair in 1861. EAT FRESH Produce In Season Well, Well at Last. PEACHES By the Bushel Special this Week! GET 'EM NOW Phone 9 White Front Grocery ( ) u r “Old Heater” Trade *1»-O sie r • • • • a generous allowance w ill be m ade for it on a new M ontag C irculator Terms If Desired WRIGHT $ SONS ThjM if ° MONTAQ CIRCULATOR /or every heating requirement