I THUR8DAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1981 BUOBNB RECORD Bounty la Collected— The county] 3IQ M TH GRADE EXA M IN A TIO N S Kalale or Martha Wallace, deceaaed Beeson In Coburg and BerT.byC,R “ .°n'™ ? W . I , 0" " ’" " ‘ • d Th« uniform alat« eighth grad« ’ NoîîcO. T.'.e h land final aiumlnaiIona will he given on c ia rte office Thor« » Thuraday and Friday, September or Price of Marcóla. Orogon, haa ** ,h " - -------------- _ ----- ■ .................................. ......... - » «------------------------------ ------ Mr and Mra. lavais Sanford, Mlaa 3rd and 4th. In district« where ap ! boon by (he County Court of the dn* bJ* Prank Slovena of Yacbata. Rev. Win Hchouler and family Mr. and Mra. Loula Circle and Numa Sanford and Clyde Frita of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harrison I plication la made for the quealtona I Hlale of Oregon. In and lor Lane — ..... ■■ - - of Beloit, Wisconsin. «pent the (■•in children. Elberta. Felma. W il­ and Mr. and Mra. H. A. Payne spent Spokane. Washington, visited laat and where the puplla have compiled i County, appointed admlnlatrator of Palate of George H. Currier, Dec’d. week with the family of hla alater, ma and Raymond, left laat Tueaday laat Sunday at Florence week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. with the legal requirement«, com ■ the ««late of Martha Wallace, de NOTICE Mr and Mr«. F. D. Lacey He la f ir Colorado where Mr. Circle will meticliig al V 00 A, M on Thuraday j ceaaed. ■ to Itupp On Tueaday Mr. a n d OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T M r . and Mra. W ill Smith return All peraona having clalma agaluat according Io Hie ach-dule given on Notice la hereby given that Am paator of the Preabyterlan church be In bnalnea« with hla brother. ed from a trip to Seattle, Sunday Mra. Rapp and Mr and Mra. Boa the envelope In which the queatlon»' ■aid eatate are hereby notified to ••Ila It Watta admlnlatratrlx of the at Beloit. They have traveled by P. W. Smith. Alvin tllaon and L y­ ure encloaed Hchedulva giving the i preaent the «ame. duly atated and eatate of George II. Currier, de- evening. Wbll i In Seattle they ford attended the Preabyterlan pie- way of Texas, and California and man Tinker left by auto laat Tuea­ nlc at Creswell. verified, at the atore of aald ad FOR HALE Hprlngfleld lota for lime of aach aubject may he hud by I m lnlatralor In Marcóla, Oregon, ceased. haa filed In the County will have covered 7000 mile« when day for Pendleton where they at­ v tailed at tbe home of Mr. and applying to K. .1 MOORE, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mlavens are the Court of the M ate of Oregon. In and Mrs. Rose. Mrs. Rose la a niece of «ala or will trail« (or Mt-Kenxle County Hchool ftupt i within ala month« from thia 13tb for Lane County, her final report they get home. tended the Pendleton round-up. I .ren ts of a son. who was bora Mr. Smith. H 3 I day of Auguat, 1931. river I i i i i i i » all« or Eugene pro aa aucb admlnlatratrlx; and the 10 Ed Welter and hla parente. Mr They will vtalt friend« at LaQrande Friday. August 33. at the Paetfle party. I,. 0 . Ilulln. I*. (). Boa 664. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jaruagln, Reese W A I.T K K PRICK. Admlnlalra forenoon of Saturday. and Mr«. J ob . Weber, returned nnd Portland before returning to Estate of llunlel II. Farnham, Dec'll Christian hospital The baby la the 26lh day of September, 1931. at Eugene. I'lion« 131I M (I lor. Katate of Martha Wallace. Jarnaglu, Mr. und Mrs. Burkart, NOTICE Tuc«day evening from an extenalve Pleaaant HI7I the first child of Mr. and Mrs the courtroom thereof In Eugene, Deceaaed. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T The Mlasea Emma and Belle Ol- Mias Zella Burkart made a trip to Hlavena. Mrs. Hlavena was la Oregon, have been by the court trip eaat; they have covered 6000 TGM ATtiKH 76c buahel at I'ralli Notice la hereby given that Clar A K. Wheeler, attorney. fixed aa the time and place for miles and visited friends and rela * M,n returned from Toledo. Wash- Cascadia last Sunday. Some of the nurses training at the hospital e r 'i Gardena. 3)g mllea eaat of laaa A Farnham. Rxeculrlt of the 1 (A 13 2027 H 3 10) hearing objection« to aald report party went on up to Upper Soda HprIna(1«lil. Jaaper mail Bring laal will and lealam eul of Daniel B. tlvea in Minnesota, and Iowa. At Iflgton, Wednesday where they had previous to bar marriage. Mr. and for the final aettlement of the while there. Farnham, d«c«aa«d, haa filed In been vlaltlng relatives a weak. Ixixea Amea, Iowa, they called on Mr. and Slavens Is a blacksmith In Coharg. ««late of aald deceaaed. NOTICE TO CREDITO RS lb« G o u t y I'o u il of the Hlale ,,r Mra. Engene B. Tinker and chil­ Mr. and Mrs. James Sealy of Amelia R. Watta, Admlnlatra­ Mr«. H. H. Power« formerly of Hprlngfleld, Oregon. June 24, 1931 HOI* I'ICKKRH IIIX IK K 2%c each Oregon. In and for bane County, her trlx of the Katate of George H. dren. Mra. O. H. Wangelln. Mlaa San Francisco visited for a few Creswell, and found them growing Notice la hereby given that the final report aa such executrix; and in Mprlligfleld New a off lie HIP that ten o'clock In the forenoon undersigned aa Superintendent of Currier, Deceaaed. corn 14 feet high with 3 eara to tbe Etta May Wangelln and Mias Veda uays laat week at the home of Mr. WIFE ASKS DIVORCE; r » Dank« for the State of Oregon la A E Wheeler, Attorney. of _______r( Saturday, the 2«th day of — Hept Mrs. «talk among other prolific products. Daley who spent 10 days at New­ und Mra. Frank Lovelace. CRUELTY IS ALLEGED H i l t HALE Hurpbeea Sugar Stick ,,mb„r (A 2 7 - 8 3 10-17-24) at the the courtroom courtroom there. there 1,1 charge of the aaauta and affairs ember, 1931. 1031. at W W. W yatt left Tuesday for port returned to Pleasant H ill last Sealy aud Mra. Lovelace are ala- unit Hon y Glaul watermelon«, of In Kugene, Oregon, have bawi by 1 ,lf 1 b** Commercial State Hank of tars. Ruby Tucker filed suit for di­ eastern Oregon with hla son. Bert weak. NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS You *be court appointed and fixed aa Hprlngfleld, Oregon, for the pur­ lloliay Koeli cantaloupe« ___ ____ Notice la hereby elven that. W II Wyatt, of Portland for a three Miss Verna W iley and Mlaa Joee- lin- lime und r ____ place ___ for ___________ hearing oh io«« 1,1 liquidation. All peraona who Mr. and Mrs. Wlfllam Pitkin and vorce In circuit coart Tueaday will now have u iliu m « to try ¿action« to «ahi report tind fo r the *n a * ******* against said bank Ham Curtis, wan on the 20th day of rblne Mathews who have employ three children, who have been against her husband. Hexektah Iturbaiik’a famous Golden Treaa (Inal settlement of the estate of ure hereby notified to make legal Auguat, 1931, by the County Court days' trip. The couple married at Mr and Mra. Thomas Steele and ment at Portland spent a few days visiting with relatives and frlenda Tucker. ura cantaloupe, hla laleat ere« »util ilcceuaed proof thereof by filing a duly verl of Lane County, Oregon, appointed Chehalis, Wash., November 3, 1934, relatives at fled claim, aa by law provided, with administrator of the estate of daughter, Barbara of luis Angeles, la8t • • ‘ek vlaltlng in Coburg have returned to their lion; alao touiutoea, rraaohable Clarissa Jt. Farnham. Execu and have two children. Deputy Superintendent of Nancy C. Conrad, deceaaed. All per and Mlaa Etta Holt of Portland Dleaaant Hill. trlx of the lutai W ill aud Testa- the nome in Tacoma. p rln a . Prather Gardena, 3 loll«« , - Mr The road to Oakridge over the ment of Daniel It Farnham Banka In charge at the office of aona having claims against aald ea- w. r„ thf. Cruel and Inhuman treatment are ••li a I ut Hprlngfleld, Juaper road Mr. and Mra. Fred Wlgle have the Commercial State Bank of 'ate are hereby notified to preaent .. ... _ r npw w illa m e t t u h t . h . . . i Deceased. Hprlngfleld, Oregon, on or before them duly verified aa by law re I c - * • otMon Tuesday night. Mlaa new 1 W * r W lUametta highway la been visiting here In Coburg. Mr. alleged in tbe complaint. Tbe plain- H 3 10 A E Wheeler, Attorney. September 24, 1931. qulred to aald administrator, at the Mattle Schaffer of Loa Angeles Is completed to the Blate camp. Here Wlgle baa been making some Im ­ till asks custody of tbe children IA 2 7 - H 3 10 17-24) A. A HCHHAMM. Superintend i law office of Alta King In the Court j their guest thia week. PUH HALE Hlamlard make Plano automobiles are being taken across provements on Wea Beeson's barn and 340 a month. , House. Eugene, |jm e County. Ore­ ent of Banks. near Hprlngfleld. W ill sacrifice Kalale of Waldo Harvey Parultani Mr and Mrs. H. W. Trefren, par- the W illamette by a team of at rth of Coburg. (» 2 4 ) gon. within six months of the first Deceaaed for unpaid baiane«. A snap Easy publication of thia notice. Date of of ,le ’ 8 D Trefren. arrived horses, to the old road. Moat of Mr. and Mr«. Howard Hall are the COLLECTION OF NOTE NOTICE term«. W rit«. Tallm an Plano first publication being Auguat 27th. during tbe week fom Odessa, Wash- the traffic Is going thia way. Be­ OF F IN A L 8E T T L E M E N T NOTICE OF HEA RING parents of a baby boy born at their IS SOUGHT BY STATE More. Salem, Or«. H-10 D*-D. Ington, with their household goods tween 30 and 40 cars are being Notlce la herehy glven that Clar OF F IN A L ACCOUNT home here Monday, August 24. The taken through tbe water each day. laaa A. Fanillani, admlnlstralrlx of Collection on a promissory note Alta King. Attorney for eatate *he'r h° me 'D C rM PATENTS the entate of Waldo Harvey Farn NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IV E N : Mr. and Mra. Leland Ewbanka of baby la tbe fourth son of Mr. and for 32276 la sought In a suit filed well with their son. (A 27— S 3-10-17-24) Mrs. Hall. Mr. Hall la an employe liani, deceaaed, haa fllud In the That the undersigned admlnlatra » •II your Invention or patent in circuit court Friday by A. A. Mra. Clarence Hendrickson of Santa Anna. California, visited last of the Mountain States Power com­ by exhibiting your model or draw County Court of the Htate of Ore- tor of the eatate of Ardell F. Rice, Bchram, state bank superintendent, 8pokanv, Washington. Is visiting week with Mr. and Mrs. J A. pany. goti. In and for Lan*’ County, her deceaaed, haa filed hla account for NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT lug at the Second IN T E R N A ­ final report as such adm lnlatratrlx, th<- final »ettlement of said eetatt **\I? ? iE .i’2 !Z N T Y _ C O U II£ O F T H B her mother, Mrs. A. A. Emmons ar Phelps. Mr. Ewhank Is a brother against A. W. Weaver, Ella Weaver »TA ~ TE ot M r« Phelps. T IO N A L P A T E N T EXI*O SIT10N, and that ten o’clock In the forenoon In the County Court for I-ane Frank M iller and two sons, Frank and Albert 8. Weaver. ~ OF OREGON FOR L A N E r U ,ng Monday ......... THE ^ e b e r Is enjoying . v l.lt » '» »«»»e “ bool will ««1 " * * - y ot Portland vl.lt- Sept 14 to 27. CHICAGO. Thoua- of Haturday. ,bc. 28,h d»Z •’< Hept County. Oregon, and that Saturday, I N ' O!THKY ¿A TTER BATO F The note Is one of the assets ot anda of manufacturers and pat ember, 1931. al the courtroom there the 2«th day of September, 1931, at ESTA TE OF C A T H E R IN E E with Ills brother, R. E. Weber of op*‘n 8ePten>ber 21. The pupils met e< 1 **t l “ e home of Mr. and Mra. the Commercial State bank of of lit Eugene. Oregon, have been by the Court Room of aald Court. In «nt buyers will Inapert new de the court appointed and fixed ADAMS. Deceased. Clair, mont. Minnesota, who arrived w,th the,r teachers Monday of thia ; Noble Bee»°n last week. The MU Springfield now being liquidated by the Couuty Court House, In Eugene vices and patenta for marketing the time aud place for hearing oh- al ten o'clock In the forenoon, haa Notice Is hereby given that the , hf . fh Th . week to find out what books will ler» wer« neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. tbe state bank superintendent. undersigned has filed In the above ” , u . ?? 7 be furnished thia v e a r ------- T Kates f l per day for 14 daya, en­ Jectluna to said report and for the lieen by aald Court fixed as the entitled probate proceedings hla Bot se*’'1 each ° ’ her for 13 years. u , ___________ titling you to 14 feet If you liav« fin a l a e ttle m e n t of tin- ea tate of time and place for hearing objec­ final account; that an order of the Swale realdents were endanger* * ’ 1Sfl Arlene Mltcneli who haa aald deceased. tions thereto, and for final settle­ no model, drawing or deacrlptlon above entitled court haa been duly <-d Tuesday with a spreading brash ,,M n worklnS at Newport this inm- Clarissa A. Farnham, Admlnls ment of said estate. will do. Send for free pamphlet tratrlx of the Estate of Waldo L. L. RAY, Administrator of given and made setting the time fot fire that got beyond control and mer has returned to her home at Harvey Farnham. Deceased, 314 with description and drawings the estate of Ardell F. Rice, the bearing of the said final ac­ burned the swale bridge besides a Pleasant H ill. count to be at 10 o'clock A. M. If you have time If not, send A. E. Wheeler, Attorney. deceased. September 26, 1931, and directing large area of grass and brush. Hu­ (A 27- H .110 17-24) (A 27—8 3-10-17-24) and we will look after your pat all persons haring any objections bert Dersbam In fighting the fire ent Interests. B. Hamilton Edison. SUMM ONS to the said final account to file at the bridge fell from a tree and NO TICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE Managing Director. International IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT GF T H E the same In writing on or before stuck a spike which went through STA TE O F OREGON. FOR NO TIC E la hereby given (hat by the time set for hearing. Patent Exposition, Merchandise Mrs. C. W Thompson, Sr., was bis arm; also broke his wrist In LANE C O U N T Y H. E S L A T TE R Y . Administra­ virtue of an execution and order Mart. Chicago 7 31417 Katherine C. Wilson and Gerald given a surprise birthday party on tor. two places. of sale Issued out of tbe Circuit Wilson. Plaintiffs, va. The un- Court of the Htate of Oregon for First published August 27. 1931. The Presbyterian church and Saturday on the banks of the rivet Bounty la Paid — Lane county known heirs of George D. Coffin, l,ane County August 3. 1931, upon Laat published September 24. 1931. 8TORE NO. 1— Miner Building, Eugene Sunday school held their annual near her home. A very pleasant bounty on one bobcat was collected deceased, H attie Hpcncer. Clar •in(I pursuant to a decree duly given (A 27— 8 3 10-17-241 STORE NO. 3— 960 Charnelton Street, Eugene at the grove near the river aDernoon was spent with about 20 picnic ence Luckey. I-ena Luckey, un­ and made by said Court July 31. at the office of the county clerk known heirs of Jeremiah Luckey, 1931, In a suit pending therein In STORE NO. 4— 500 Main Street, Springfield back of the Blankenship farm on Pr*‘*’en’ - Little Mary Jane and An- Thuraday by E C. Steven« of Ya­ NOTICE deceased, the unknown heirs of which J. M Walkup waa plaintiff Tuesdav. - Swings and swimming nettc assisted In serving, OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T chats. PRICES ARE THE SAME AT ALL THREE STORES Winfield Wisner, deceased, Lu­ and W. T Sherman and Jennie Notice Is hereby given that the proved the biggest attraction of the M r' aBd M ra- Thomas also cele- cinda Coffin. Sarah A Wisner, Sherman. J W McKee nnd Edith K ,rM ,w n • « " * « - b}; * 0,ng t0 th* P *“ *«'«»» and alao all other peraona or par­ McKee. I J Eates and Mary K. F ± t 7 ' ^ ^ d ,<," , w i S U i \ c e o M e d,5r ties unknown claiming any right, Rate«. Ethel Bond. 8 M Pries and ha« filed her final account. In the *>« school w ill also want thereof the plaintiffs will take Dated this 3rd day of August. Attoftiey for estate. IS-Inch and 4 foot old growth a decree against you and each of 1931 children. Charles and Virginia of 8tart ou the 14th with D- p - Boy«- , , slabwood. (A. 20-37— 8. 3-10-17) you for the relief us prayed for ui Seattle. Washington, are visiting PrlnclPal- Miss Hasel De Long up H. L. BOW’N. Sheriff. FRANK TUHY the complaint, to-wlt: That the By A. E. HULO AARD, Deputy. his mother. Mrs. Margaret M artin, per Kra<,e8 'c»cber and Miss Ellen ts 3-10-17-24—0 . 1) plaintiffs against you and ea< It of Phono Bp. 1B2J (A 7-14-21 28— S 3) w ill be the primary C IT A T IO N you be decreed to he the absolute this week. Mrs. M artin w ill return Johnson IN T H E CO UNTY CO URT OF T H E to Seattle with them. teacher. owners In fee simple and that you STA TE OF OREGON FOR and each of you be enjoined and 8U M M O N 8 Deerhorn will start on September The August meeting of the Civic CO UNTY OF LANE. forever luirred from claiming uny DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON 8 with Mrs. Wearln and Miss IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E IN PROBATE NO. 5571 right, title, estate. Hen or Interest Improvement club featured a spe­ Osteopathic Physician S T A T E O F OREOON FOR IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E ES cial program Tuesday afternoon Christensen as teachers. In a id to the within described pre­ T H E CO U N TY OF L A N E T A T E OF E L IJA H C. 8T U M A N , mises: _ with a group of vocal solos by H er­ Deceased. All that portion of the D. L. C. VICCA KU N D R K T. Plaintiff, -vs. Telephone 3233 Kugene, Ore. - M IN N IE LUCIAN O and GU1TI- To Addle E. Richer! and Toefll sChel Sc°D of Eugene, accompanied of Robert Wilson and wife, being 204 I. O. O. F. Temple ANO LU C IA N O whose name Is Number 30 Notif No. 3262 In Tp Rlchert, her husband; Thomas W. by Mrs. Scott; Katheryn W’arner sometimes spelled Q U TIA N O L U ­ Stutnan and Anna Stuman. hts gave a comic from Pollyanna; Mrs 13 8. R. 4 W. of W. M. In Lane CIANO. EDW AR D KING, BER Fred Russell who has been near County. Oregon, meandering the wife; Rysdon Vance Stuman and ... . , T R IC E KING . L. W STEVENS. Stella Stuman. his wife; Fred Stu W A M rK a > ln “ « “ •»«* P ' ^ right bank (right hank facing Silverton working on a rock crash­ Unlvereal Mortgage Corp. E L IZ A B E TH H. STEVENS. W man and Hester Stuman. his wife; *eTeral violin selections and Jean- down stream) of the W illamette er. got his arm caught In the belt A. BELL, Wrn. D. QUEEN, and John Taylor Stuman. and Lucetta anne Spencer accompanied by her River running through aald D. L. a few days ago. badly bruising It. JA NE DOE Q UEEN, wife of Wm C. being also described as all that Evelyn Baughman; Samuel Max aiR,er. Miss Alleyne Spencer, gave D QUEEN. Defendants. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Price hare portion lying north and east of Baughman; Maxine Baughman: a musical monologue entitled. "The motored to Mont>, s where they ar<) W. P. Tytön, Agent To Mtunle Luciano. Oultlano Lu­ said W illam ette River excepting O R EETIN G S aeons Ilemma. spending their vacation visiting therefrom that portion described ciano. whose name Is sometimes 133 E Bt. IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STATE Phone M W as follows: Beginning at the »polled Gutiano Luciano, L. W. O F OREOON. You are hereby cited Rev. 8. D. Trefren gave a very M r„ Price> ,,arents Southeast corner of said D. L. C. Sevens. HUabeth H. Stevens. Wm. and required to appear In the Coun­ Interesting address on the origin M r and Mra r ..,.,. No. 38 aforosald and running U. Queen, Jane Doe Queen, wife of ty • y v Court uu ri u of i m the e o State ia ie m of O Oregon r e g o n in In n , Dn .u » __• ___ n . *"r' “ Oa Mrs- *tay Baugh and General I .aw Practice thence north 10.00 chain«; Wm. D. Queen, Defendants and for the County of I-ane, within „ __' Mer from Rev. J. |f amiiy drove to Oakland laat Sun­ IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STATE ten (IQ) days from the date of the H. Irvine was read and appreciated day and visited relatives. They alao thence N. 66 degrees W. to the I. M. PETERSON meandered line of said W illam ­ O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ service of this citation upon you The business session reported a Altorney-at-I.aw re- ette River thence meandering quired to appear and answer the If served upon you personally In new range Installed In the club {turn City Hall Building said W illam ette River southwest­ complaint filed against yon In the Lane County, Oresgon; ................ ....................... .............. Two dogs belonging to Bob Par- erly to where the said W illam et­ above entitled suit within four (4) Or. within twenty (20) days from ,house 1k,,cjhen and ’ 160B re« ” P‘ a Hprlngfleld, Oregon rot contracted hvdrophobla a few te River crosses the boundary weeks from the date of the first the date of the service of this clta from ,he d«W«aalon social. line of said D. L. C. fío. 38 thence publication of this summons and If I ? n.nUvP°n,he°U c n „ X T^ T " 7 . ^ J ’ '“ H” ""d 0 E EVer8° n d^ 8 a“ d had b” ^Ued. along said boundary line to place vou fall so to answer on or before of Oregon than bane County; yd n esd ay for a week s trip over Mrs. Lodgson and Mrs. M ary Me of beginning. Die last day of the above prescribed FRANK A. DE PUE Or, within twenty-eight (28) days mountains; they will go as far Elroy and Clifford Weaver motored Beginning at the Northwest stated time for want thereof the A TTO R N EY AT LAW corner of the Southwest Quarter plaintiff will take Judgment and de- from the date of the first publica a» Parma. Idaho. lip from Salem last Saturday and NOTARY PUBLIC of Section 19, In Township 16, [ cree against you. and each of you ‘field Newi" w1h?ch°l.lU ^ s h T t nh'te t M I"8 H a rrl* ‘ Moore returned spent th* ^ k - e n d at A. W. South Range 3 West of the W il­ as In her complaint demanded, to- Rulers of Low Prices Sutton* Springfield lamette Meridian, thence East wlt: For Judgment against the de­ first time on September 3, 1931, to ” ue8day eTen,nK from a week’s W eaver’s. 10th <& Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. Building Oregon 34.50 chnins, more or less to the fendants Minnie I.uctano and Gui­ show cause If any yon have, why visit at Portland with her aunt and Misses Leona and Nathella Ed­ center of the County road known liano. whose name Is sometimes the petition on file herein of H. E. brother. mlston motored to Newport last as the middle road, thence South­ spelled Gutiano Luciano, for the Slattery as the administrator of _________________ Sunday. erly along the center of tbe sum of Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dol­ the above entitled estate, praying w c iT ir r Mrs. Mildred Hendricks from County road to the Southnast cor lars, together with Interest thereon an order authorising him as such NOTICE ner of said Southwest quarter of I from the 16th day of March. 1981, administrator to sell at private sale: , v ®a ' ’ *-^ M E N T Indio, California, was a caller at Section 19. In snld Township anil at the rate of 8% per annum, and to derive proceeds to be upsed to Notice Is hereby given that the j ohn Edmlston s last Sunday. She . „ p dmia»nn worn Range, thence West 40 chains, for the further sum of One Hun pay the expenses of administration »’»«»«’’'signed, Clara S. Vernon, Ad- Walker * Poole Co. more or less to the Southwest dred ($100.00) Dollars as attorney's nnd claims against the said estate. " \,nL8'5a r,x ° f “ ««* E8,a'«1 a<‘°*'K«> Sebring, deceased, has filed her room mates while going to normal corner of said Southwest quarter fees, nnd for her Costs and dis­ the following described real estate. P. J. BARTHO LO M EW , Mgr. Final Report and Account as such school at Ashland, several years of Section 19, and thence North bursements herein, and for the fur­ to-wlt: Beginning at a point 30 links Administratrix with the Clerk of ago. 40 chains, to the place of begin­ ther decree of this Court foreclos­ Phone 62-J and 62 M ning, containing 153.18 neres, ac­ ing all of the right, title and Inter­ west of the west line of the W II-' ” *e » ounty Court of Lane County, Hprlngfleld, Oregon llam I I Fisher D. L. C. No. 38 In Oregon, and that Saturday, the 3rd 1 cording ta the Government Sur- est of the defendants Minnie Lu­ Eugene Chapel at lith e and Amended Complaint Filed— An voy chino, Guiliano Luciano, whose Township 19 South In Range On« dn-' of Oct. 1931, at 10:00 A. M. In Charnelton — Phone 723 ____ „ of the W lllnm ette M erl-1,be , Commencing al the N. E. cor­ mime Is sometimes spelled Gutiano (1) west County Court Room of said amended complaint in the dl-j ner of the Robert Wilson Dona­ Luciano, I.. W. Stevens, Elizabeth dian. Lane County, Oregon, lo ( °»nty at Eugene. Oregon, has been vorce suit of Mae Finch against tion Land Claim No. 38 In Twp. IL Stevens, Wm. D. Quieen and S 3 5 — , X " ■ ' * *■ ■ 16 8. R. 4 W. thence North 2.22 Jane Doe Queen, wife of Wm. D. west 7.23 chains from the north an<1 P|ace of bearing objections to bv lhe P'«*»D(f in circuit court chains to the >4 sec. corner on Queen, In and to the following des- east line of Sec. 24, of said twp. I crlhed real property situated In west corner of lhe said D. L. C ,he 8Hme- and for thc final settle Monday. thence east 1.60 chains Into coun- Lane County, State of Oregon, to- No. 38; and thence run west 1.40 ! ”’ **»• ° f 8a*d estate, ty road, thence north 2.78 chains, l wit chains: thence run south 1 de CLARA 8. VERNON, Admlnls- NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS tratrlx. thence west 20.74 chains thence Lot One (1), and the Northeast gree and four minutes west 7.00 Notice Is hereby given that the ir r i. south 5.00 chains, thence east quarter ( N E U ) of the Southeast clialns to the center of the conn- " * W ELLS, Attorneys. undersigned has been duly appoint 19.24 chains to the place of begin (S 3 10-1724— 0. 1) quarter (SE*4) of Section thirty- ty road known as the Military ed Administrator of the estate of nlng containing ten acres of laud, five (36), Townshrlp Eighteen Road; thence run southeasterly Clayton U. Sullivan, deceased, and all of the above descriptions be­ (18), South. Range Six (6), West along the center of the said road A D M IN IS TR A TO R 'S SALE any and all persons having claims ing In Lane County, Oregon. of '.he W illam ette Meridian. In Notice Is herehy given that by against the said estate ar? hereby to a point 30 links west of the and clearing the title of said pre- Lane County, Oregon, except ten west line of said D. L. C. No. 38; virtue of an order of license Issued required to present said claims I mlsea and for such other relief ns (101 acrea deeded to C. E. Blodg and thence run north from the out of the county court of Lane duly verified as by law required at to the court may appear equitable. ette; center of snld road a distance o f , County, Oregon, the undersigned, as law office of my attorney H E The order of the court directing the nnd for such other and further ra- 7.29 chnins to the place of begin administrator of the estate of W II Slattery. 717 W illam ette St. Eu- service of this summons by the pub­ lief as to the Court may seem Just nlng, being one acre of land liam H. Herbert, will, on and after gene, Oregon. In Lane County, Ore- lication thereof is dated August aud equitable. should not be granted. 10 A. M„ of Saturday, Sept. 18, gon. within six months from the 12th, 1931, and required publication Thia summnna la published by W ITN ESS the Honorable C. P. 1931, the office of S. D. Allen, 877 date of this notice. once each week for four aucceaslve virtue of an order of the Honorable Barnard. Judge of the County Court W illam ette St.. Eugene. Oregon, of- Locatati tn the haart af t l » and first published August weeks and that you nppear and C. P. Barnard, County Judge of of the Slate of Oregon for the Coun fer for sale and sell at privata 20. Dated ping dletrtct. THroa Moahs 1931. anawer within four weeks from the Lane County. Oregon, dated the ty of Lane and the Seal of the said sale to the highest bidder, lot 1 In Date of last publication Septem DAY ■ C O N O M IC A L ____ t l AMD * date of the first publication. The 19tli day of August, 1931. Court hereto affixed, this 1st day blook 3. In Cheshire Second Addi­ ber 17, 1981. first publication of tills summons The date of the first publication of September, 1931. tion to Eugene, ln Lane County, Charles Taylor, Administrator Is August 13th, 1931. of thia aummona la Auguat 20, 1931. ATTEST FOURTH AMD A L D M of the estate of Clayton U. Sul-' DR. ELLA MEADE W. B. D IL LA R D , Clerk, Oregon. Terms of sale, at least C. A. W IN T E R M K IE R , Attorney JAMES K. KINO , Attorney for (S e a l / on half cash, balance secured by llvan, deceased. Optometrist for Plaintiffs. Residence: Eu­ plaintiff. Residence and post- By EVA L. DU C K W O R TH , mortgage on lot ¡ H E. Slattery, Attorney for gene, Oregon. office address, Eugene, Oregon. Deputy. J. F. BERGER, Administrator. I Administrator. 41 W est Sth Eugene (A 13-30-27— • U S ) (A M 47—M -4S-17) (S 1-10-17-34—-O. 1) (A 30-27—B 3-10-17) I (A 30-37—B S-1B-17) Creswell I T Upper Willamette^ T Coburg I McKenzie Valley Business Directory ’Till Saturday Evening Edw. G. Privat Rock Dell Cane and Maple Syrup 18c 27c Rock Dell Whole Wheat Pancake Flour 25c 55c $3«98 C losed A ll D ay M onday School Apparel Thurston BONDS SHOES and ACCESSOR­ IES of the Usual GOLDEN RULE High Quality and at Unusually Low Prices The Golden Rule Funeral Directors FIT Id-V U E A B E A U T IF U L FRAM E q u ite d itn e r e n t C O N V E N IE N T . FROM ALL O T H E R S PORTLAND