THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I'W KNTY-KIG HTII YKAH ’HlUNOKIKbO. LANE COUNTY, OREGON THURSDAY. SEPTEM BER 3, 1U31 \ Cascade Chapter Fimi »IH. $J S ,a,,s 1 * ORI FIRM RAIS Driggs Family to Return Next Week *”r< SPRINGFIELD MIR BAPTIST PASTOR w SEEK IRIRIFR ROAD UP NEXT SUNDAY Aedo™ SfarleJ ||I0 0AKR|06E Ent- tain Eugene Visitors on Special Program to Be Given ■........ .. lay; Creswell Star Exceptional Melon and Toma-' at High School Under Aus- lllnggg of Father In California j •i- x at Meet Tonight pices of Lions Group to Yields Now Being Har­ Caua«« Raiawco Teacher vested Near City to Resign Poet Mr r Cascade Chapter O. To play a return engagement, X K. H„ SUCCESSOR NOT NAMED ■unir ba. ____ ' their fall Votera of Walterville Aoo»pt| ^ 'w o r k ‘e. ild. mal al tbe Ma A good example of the high qual­ members of tba Driggs family, mast­ y rvrulna to bagln ity fruit anti vegetable crops which i-lana. will appear at the high rter tbr ■unireer can br prod ii loti In I-ano county school auditorium In Hprlngfleld on V the No. 34 Special Baptismal Service to Be Conducted in Evening By Rev. Mulholland To consider the selection of a pastor to succeed Rev. R. R. Mul- holland members of the Congrega- 1 tlon of the Baptist church will re main for a short business meeting Sunday mornl.-< after the church 1 services Several candidates for tbe open j tng have been brought to Spring- . field during the past few weeks by the pulpit supply committee and It I. believed that an effort will be . . made to reach an agreement on one ,.r i t » m en of the men. Kenneth Tobias. American Sun day School Union worker will preach the sermon at the church Sunday morning. Sunday evening there will be a special baptismal service with bap­ tisms by Rev. Mulholland. Mr. To­ resident W alter 3. Gidord of tbe bias will assist in tbe service. State Bank Head Files Suit to Collect on Promissory Note Six Miles of Surfacing Neoee Held By Institution sary to Keep Upper Wil­ lamette Road Open Legal actions In the matter of I the liquidation of the Commercial' Stale bank, which was taken over BRIDGE ABOUT FINISHED by the State Hank Examiner on — —— June 6 w ere started In circuit c u n j D ed ica tio n f a , S tr u c tu r e a t !*8’ week The first came from the office of Hall Gato Canyon Planned for September 26 the county treasurer who seeks to ) have the funds of Lane county held Whether or not tbe new upper as a preferred claim and prior lien | The county has on deposit In the Willamette highway will be open to travel this winter will probably bank 153.987.OS. r 0|,„ .,lon a r de< ,d' d toda’' a‘ 8 o lle itlo n o f a promissory note the state highway commission 1. * a, ' ■ m u » is s h » u ’ sought by A. A. Schramm, state which la being held in Portland. superintendent of banks. In the sec The entire membership of the Lane onil action. Suit In this matter was county court Is In Portland today filed in i ircult court Friday against to discuss with tbe commission the A. W. Weaver, Ella Weaver, and possibility of immediately gravel , Ibert 8. Weaver. ing a a|x mt|e atretcb o( the qaw regular i w„ h(>M| ,rrlgal,„n ni,w bg Tuesday evening. September « d* xeeb • ’ lhe H H Prather ranch at g o’clock Budget Monday; 30 More j rectlon of Mr. >ude llson; ,hree an<| one half miles east of Their second appearance here Is Student to Come Here I worthy matron .na members en- being made under the au spices o f Springfield on the Jasper road Joyed a aortal gathering Mr, Prather came to Springfield the Liona club. John Douglas Knox, astrnnomlst Visitors werep resent from Blue two years ago from Molalla where Members of this fa roily, whose and lecturer, employed by the m VBr |<„|g„ |„ Kug..„e. bu had made pronounced success I h uv Is In I xjs Angeles, have been school board last spring to teach Cascade chapter has ben Invited alienee and Hpanlsb at the local io Creswell this evening to be with dry vegetable and fruit farm making a vacation tour of the Pa- high school during the coming guests of the chapter In that city Ing He purchased s 20 acre tract dfic Northwest as a part of a chau- term has submitted his resignation at their first fe ll meeting A social and Immediately put It under cul- tauqua system and appeared here tlvatlon. about six weeks ago before a small io the board aud will sot be boro affair will follow the regular meet- First Year Good but appreciative audience at the for the opening of the school year i,,g. Heveral of the local officials Last year he had a very success- Christian church. They later play It was slated Wedneeday by C A and members arep annlng to at- ful season, despite the unsatlsfac ed and performed before the IAons Hwarts. board chairman , tend this gathering tory weather. The spring was late club. In submitting bis resignation Mr. The nest meeting of Cascade Their previous visit here was Knox stated that his father was chapter will lie held on Heptemher and the fall rains started early. i road which would then make wla- This, the second year, sees three decided upon without any time for very III In California and that it ¡15 M A N Y S A W M IL L S L O W E R ter driving over tne road possible and one half acres of tomatoes, two advertising and only a few could would be necessary to be near him - P R O D U C T IO N F O R W E E K “,ter we‘ weather «▼<»••• acres of cantaloupes, two acres of attend the program Those who did thia winter. They plan to live In ------------ Construction work on tbe hlcb- watermelons. 100 peach tress, sev were so pleased that the Lions club American Telephone & Telegraph I xm Angeles, Co. (above) and Fred C. Craxton, of New Business and Shipments Con- »»>' has been completed to tbe eral apple trees, u strawberry I has decided to bring the troupe Ohio, will oombet unaraploymsat this There has been no new contrac at tinue to Exceed Actual Cut- "*» bridge across the Willamette patch, several varieties of stalk hack for another engagement next let as yet for a teacher to fill the ting at Mills ' river near Oakridge snd all but berries, and a considerable acreage Tuesday. vacancy although several are ----------- about six miles of this bat ' of both field and sweet corn, all The family played to capacity considered according to Hwarts M A N Y S P R IN G F IE L D F O L K Seattle, Wasb.—A total of 341' given a base surface coat. ! crowded onto the small tract and bouses at Cottage Grove and Crss- This combination of science and W IL L S E E D E M P S E Y B O U T all producing exceptional crops well on their trip north. mills reporting to the West Coast The bridge Itself will be __ Spanish la ■ raher dlfficuit une to Poat to Convene at Commun- Tomatoes, watermelons, and can- The entertainment consists of State Held to Have Authority Lumbermen'8 association for the pleted shortly after the mlddel of fin and le more m, tbD lat. In the jty H all Aft#r toonth’. A large percentage of the popu­ tn C o o n la t. C traam r i .h i n » week ending August 22, operated this month and a tentative date taloupes have and continue to be selections by an orchestra. Indlvl- season. Kvery effort la belng inade ceqt of capaclty I ded,cation hag Mr. Prather's specialties. His peach dual musical selections, readings. lation of Springfield have indica­ to Regulate Strearn 3604 Vacation During August by Ibe txiard me m ber h lu (mil sonie ted either their Intention, or their W ithin B o u n d a r ie s pared to 38.0? per cent of capacity Saturday. September 28. Elaborate crop will be something for later and skits. equally competent Inatructor to suc de»1n- to witness the four round Springfield American Legion post years, be aaye. He eet out 100 of tbe The act of 1931 legislature pro- “ “a p,aBa WOrkad «•» this ceed K nos. Th. board préféra tOjnumbpr 40 w,„ boId Jack Dempsey exhibition boxing h l h l l l n . h , » , i i k in . trees this spring and they are all JOHN LEWIS FUNERAL ,h u 601 "*me W**k lMt eTeDt ,Il<1 ■ l*r« CaTSVSB Of IBO- etnploy anolher m .n for the hlgh of (bl. f. „ man-h at McArthur court in Eu- Wbltlng boat «»hlng ° ° ’he Me- year Por the „ wepkg o, torjata from ,owpf w „tala.tte val- growing and average about five feet TO BE HELD TODAY gent- on Friday evening. Many of Kea8‘* rlve’ abore Blu* rlre* * a8 1»31 these 343 mills have operated ley cities will attend the ceremnn- sebool faculty If a aatl.factory «ne uiunlty ha|, , Klectlon of In height. can be found tb<- local people are not taking any *»>H’“lneorted production as «2.74 road. If the connty court members ll ■ i > 7 w *i *"01 * <>O1 rommunltlea where they have mato fields A very low percentage — - - - ---------- are successful in reaching a satls- Workman of Mattel will officiate Persons, ~ will be filled when the owners of Thompson's resort. The per cent of th*,r group capacity. district at Walterville approved o f,„ ..,„ k ..r„ 1 .. th ~ i kuo « s i x members of these have died. Most of the snd Interment will be made in the fight begins. A special train from Current new business reported by factory agreement arlth the hlgb- owners contended that the opera r°* *" prl"1 lpa*ly ' I,r w N- Dow- commander; work of moles which cut the roots the fourteenth amendment to the CeDt ° ’ er produc’io" “ d «hlpments crusher now In that vicinity and Mr. I-ewls was born In Missouri , «< light fans. eaaary funds to operate a school N “di“,anL »od underground. Break O’ Day and on February 9 1875, and came A number of other first-class , United States constitution. were 14.66 per -cent over. New ex-: sPre»d a layer of the gravel on the Jack Larson. Hnsnce officer. Burbank s Golden Treasure, are the acr„ „ the plains when nine years bouts have been arranged by Herb in handing down the decision port bu8lne8s received during the j ’ ¡x mile stretch making It poaslbie bus taking the high school students varieties grown this year It Is ex- 0|d and le ttled with his parents Owen, matchmaker, to follow the the Judges point out that the state w<‘ek was ab°ut 4Li million feet to drive to the new bridge, cross of that district to Springfield and pected that more than 1000 bushels near Mabel. He lived here until Dempsey go. is a soverign bodv and is best able *"Ore thaD ,he rolume repor,ed ,or T T and ,he" *B‘° ° * k- return dally. T E A C H E R IN S T I T U T E T O of these will be harvested and sold seven years ago when he moved to to regulate fishing on the upper ,h* preT'°US week' Dome8tic car* << rIdge ° B the BOrth 8,de' The action of (he voters at Wsl Jimmy Byrnes of Coos Bay. pro McKeosie from boat« the Judges orders in’crea®e