THURSDAY, AUGUST 27. 1981 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE Catate to Ba Probated— I- E Account of Batate Flled— Final g lO H T H QRAOB B X A M IN A T IO N t CRUELTY IS ALLEGED FIRM A8K8 FLANS FOR Zllitker lias been appointed admin­ arcounl ul the eatate of Catherine The uniform atate »Ighth grade IN SUIT FOR DIVORCE istrator of the eatate of Hamuel E K. Adama waa flled In prubat» final examlnatlon» will be glren on NEW LANE COUNTY JAIL Thuraday and Friday, September | Phillip. court Monday. Mr. und Mr« E. L. Melton of Cruel and inhuman treatment are 3rd and 4th. In diatrlcta where ap The high achol budget meeting Somehow the Information th plication 1» made for the queallona Marahfl Id and W J. Byrne and will be held on Auguat St at Walt allexed un grounds for a divorce in «ne county la about to eroct Eatate uf Martha Wallace, deceaaed SUMMONS and where the pupil» hare compiled dauahler Edith u I nephew. Al- ervtlle Voting on the budget foi a suit filed In circuit court Friday NOTICC TO C R E O IT O R * ¡ed out and a fit with tin legal re<|ulr«m«nta, com . • HE Pi Notice la hereby giren that W alt­ IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T nt the com iriK y«»*r lor ih»* mainttrn- by A E Gault against his wife Le­ pH* ANF " " 'n,'lng at 9 0. Hog 654. aald eatat« are hereby notified to O F OREGON; Ton are hereby re­ J r . Mrs. Its«- Hennea and Mrs. family. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Emmer used for «ome bmg time yet. With preaent the «ame, duly ataled and plain! states. Estate of Daniel B Farnham. Der'd M vr’ i« II« -n«-« r turned Thor« lay Eugen». I 'hun» 1311M tf Irk and children. Ciydr and Marlon verified, at the «tore of aald ad quired lo appear end aa a big demand for tax slashing now NOTICC mlntatralor In Mareóla, Oregon, complaint filed against yoe In the « v< nln - from a trip lo California from San I'edro, California, arrived t d a v iq * c c -r nu (be building of a new Jail here E d it HALE Standard make I'lanii OF FIN A L SC TTLC M C N T within »lx month» from thia llth above entitled suit within four 'R A V IS ESTATE Notice la hereby given that Clar where they visited L.-ater Taylor last Tuesday at W altervllle to make would undoubtedly prove quit» an near Hprlngfleld W ill aarrifire day of Auguat, 1981 weeka from the date of the fire« Issa A. Farnham. Executrix of t h e |8,1d Raymond Taylor, aona of Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Marr Emmerick and WILL BE PROBATED unpopular movement. W A L TE R Pltlt'K , Administra publication of thia aumme fur unpaid balanc*. A auap Ka»y last will and testament of Daniel B. Taylor at Sen Mateo. .am lly a visit. lor. Eatate nf Martha Wallace. you fall to appear or answer for term». W rit», Tallman Plano Farnham, deceased, haa filed In Hecegaed. rder for the probate of the ea- Mr. «.ml Mra F E Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. C. R Sylvester want thereof the plaintiff w ill ap­ (he County Court of the Btate of Hlore, Saleui, Ur». H ID EDUCATION FOR RADIO A. E Wheeler, attorney. ply to the court for the relief ea Oregon, In and for I.ane County, her friend» of Hillsboro spent Sunday ,,f W altervllle who have purchased ,a,e of >->••••■» » Travis who (A 18-80-17— 8 H O ) prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt AVAILABLE AT 0. S. C. Aoeeunt of Catata Filad— Final final report aa such executrix; and as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. I . ' property on the new highway for Inju r'd when struck by an That the marriage relation eiletlng that ten o'clock In the forenoon account of the »otat» of Georg» H Kent. living quarters and grocery store automobile June 4. waa flled Mon- NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’* SALE I««« twee - the plaintiff aud defend«.nt of Saturday, the 26th day of Sept­ For the Flrat time In Oregon op­ NO TICB la hereby given that by Mr. and Mrs Harold T ra ile r anil have moved In. fu rrie r waa filed In prubat» court be dlaaolved. and aucb other relief ember, 1931, at the courtroom there­ virtue of an execution and order Saturday. Mrs. Anna Rvbolt of Seattle. Could Bryan Travis, son of Mrs. portunity Is to be afforded at Ore­ tie to the court may appear eqult of In Eugene, Oregon, have been by Mr ami Mrs. T. P. Ja« kson motored of aale laaued out of the Circuit gon State college this fall for com­ able. the court appointed and fixed aa to the «oast for the week-end leav- Wash . arrived on Monday. In En T r»v<»- 1» appointed administrator. Court nf the Btate of Oregon for Katat» uf Ellaabotb Morahouaa, The order directing (be aervlce of the time and place for bearing ob­ Ing Flday afternoon KeDe_ jgrs. Williams, Jr., a daugb Th’' p"tate ronslsts of 91000 in per prehensive training of students in­ Lane County, July 11, 1031, upon Deed and purauant to a decree duly given thia aummona by the publication jections to said report and for the E C IxxFwood of Cottage Grove ter. whom she will visit was there 8onal Property and »900« In real terested In any branch or the radio N O T IC I Industry. This la accomplished, ac­ and made by aald Court July 11, thereof la dated July 30th, ISSI, and final settlement of the estate of I was a business visitor at Creswell lo her from Leaburg property. OF F IN A L « I T T L I M E N T ISSI. In a ault pending therein In dlrettg publication once each week said deceased cording to the announcement, by Mr and M r, Jra Ei , ton and chn. Appraisers of the estate are Slg- Nulle» la h»r»by giran that l-ewla which State Mutual Building and for four aucceaalve weeka. that you Clarissa A. Farnham. Execu­ ion Thursday. II. Murehuua» haa filed lila final l.-oan Aaaoclatlon, a corporation appear aud auawer within four trix of (be l-a»l W ill and Testa­ Mra Margaret Warner received dren. Jimmie and Helen Marlcene ,rid Seashoe, Lenora Hyer and Mau grouping of courses which already exist in five schools and depart­ report aa »xacutor uf the laat will waa plaintiff and Rachelordon Fra- weeka from date of flrat publtca ment of Daniel B. Farnham word of the death of her mother. )eft Wednesday for Chehallts. rk e Wood. and t»atam»nt nf Kllzabath More­ ternlty, Inc., a corporation, and lion, and the flrat publication of Deceased. ments of the college and by making Ms. Hugh McKay at Marshall. Tex . Washington, to visit with Mra. Els- ----------------------------- house, deceased. In the County Hoae llaburn E. Wheeler. Attorney. were defendant», anld aummona la July 30th, ISSI. use of the facilities afforded by the on Saturday, August 16. Mrs. Me t„„-a people. Mr. and Mrs Helm . C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attorney I'uurt uf the State uf Uregun, In which execution and order of tale (A 27—8 3 10-17-24) state-owned broadcastin» station, for i ’lalntlff; Reetdence Eugene, and for luin» County; and that t»n waa to me directed and command Kay visited her daughter at Cres- Miss WIona Carter of Leaburg INVENTORY MADE ON KOAC. Oregon. O'clock In Ih» forenoon uf Saturday ed me lo »ell the real property here­ Estate of Waldo Harvey Farnham well about a year ago and waa well |eU Wednesday for Livermore, Call- ESTATE OF R. H. LAIRD (J SO— A 0-19-90-87) the 16th day of Auguat, ISSI, at the inafter deacrlbed to aatlafy certain Deceased. By majoring in the department of known here. fornla, near San Francisco to visit Court room thereof In Eugen», Ore­ llepa and «barge» In »aid decree NOTICE Mrs It H. Newhall Is visiting re relatives and friends. Inventory and appraisement of electrical engineering and taking gon, har» been by aald court ap -i •. iii.-d. I »Hl m in. day of NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ** SALE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T pointed and fixed aa the time and Auguat. ISSI, at the hour of One Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farthings the e’ tate ° f R«es« Henry Laird speclalled radio subjects ln the de­ Notice Is hereby given that CUr-! Washington, NO TIC E la hereby given that by place for hearing objection» to aald o'clock. P. M . at the aouthweat virtue of an execution and order lasa A. Farnham, administratrix of ,h l» week. She returned with “ and George Wakefield of Sisters wa" ln P™!»*!« court Satur- partment of physics, a student may report and fur the final aettlement door of the County Court flotiae In of sale Issued out of the Circuit the eatate of Waldo Harvey Farn cousin. .Mrs. Pearl Benedict, fit himself for research work in the was here a fear days visiting the day of the «atale of aald Oeceaaed Eugene, l.ane County, Oregon, offer Court of the Btate of Oregon for ham. deceased, baa tiled In the Th Royal Neighbor, enjoyed a Clarence Brown family. T he estate amount, to 91620 In technical end of radio, or for taking I.KW IH H. M O ItEIIG U SK . Ex« for aale and »«II at public auction lotne County August 8. 1931, upon County Court of the State of Ore­ cutor for caah. aubject to redemption aa and pursuant to a decree duly given gon. In and for Lane County, her pot luck dinner and social after Mr. and Mra. Everett Brown of personal property In Lane county the federal examination aa a radio A E W HRKLKH. Attorney. provided by law, all of the right, and made by said Court July 31, final report as such administratrix; : nouD ,,n Thursday with Mrs. Min Eugene are receiving congratula Ltd 910 600 in real oronertv operator. Students Interested In the (J SO - A « 13-10-37) la title and Intereat uf the defendant« 1931, In a ault pending therein In “ d °f K,O a i- r iom> s elng prlcei w|lo haa beta spending th e . suit for divorce .Monday In circuit of September, 1931, at the hour of (A 27—8 3 10-17-24) gon. within alx monlha from the SUMMONS p rM th t. ranged by the extension service. «me o'clock, P. M . at the southwest data of thia notice. summer at Burns. They returned court against his wife, E«lna C. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E door of the County Court House In A pot luck Hupper wax given Wed* Dated and flrat publlabed Auguat Eatate of George H. Currier, Dee d. home Sunday evening. Gossler. S T A T E OF OREGON, FOR Eugene, l-ane County, Oregon, of­ nenduy » \i-ning at the home of Mrs. SO. 1*31. NOTICE LANE COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough from The couple married at Spring- FIFTY-FOUR SWIMMERS Dale of laat publication Septem­ Katherine ('. Wilson and Gerald fer for sale and sail at public auc­ OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T W. W. Parson» honoring her house IN LEABURG CLASSES tion for cash, subject to redemption Burns spent several days here the Held. December 23. 1925. and have ber 17. 1931. Notice Is hereby given that Am­ guest!«, her sister. Mrs. Jessie Cates, Wilson, Plaintiffs, ve. The un­ as provided by law, all of the right, Chari»» Taylor, Admlnlatrator past week. They returned to Burns ,w o children. The plaintiff geeks known helra of Oeorge D. Coffin, Nile and Interest of the defendants elia R. Watts, administratrix of the from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Fifty-four was the number of of the eatate of Clayton V. Bul­ last Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. - custody of the children. deceaaed, Hattie Spencer, Clar­ In said suit and of all parties claim­ estate of Oeorge H. Currier, de­ llvan. deceaaed. swimmers taught by Miss Evelyn ence Luckey, I-ena Luckey, un­ ing by, through or under them or ceased. has flled In the County Shough’s mother and sister for the ----------------------------- II. E Walter^, Attorney for known helra of Jeremiah Luckey, any of them. In or to the following Court of the State of Oregon, in and Hamilton while in Leaburg. On Admlnlatrator week-end. SUIT FOR DAMAGES for I-ane County, her final report deceaaed, the unknoem heirs of deecrtbed real property, to-wot: Thursday the last day of the (A SO-17—8 310-17) as such administratrix; and the 10 _______ _______________________ Several from here attended the W infield Wtauer, deceaaed. Lu I-ota Two and Three In Section FOLLOWS CAR CRASH classes, a water carnival of racing, rlnda Coffin, Sarah A. Wlaner. j 13. In Township 19 South of o'clock In the forenoon of Saturday, The Diamond Rebekah lodge held fun’‘ral aerTlcea the 26th day of September. 1931, at diving, stnnts and life saving was and aleo all other persona or pur Range 4 West of the W illamette the courtroom thereof in Eugene, the regular m ---------------------------1 a tin g , Thursday M* . Maho“ Eu«ene la« Thursday _. -- Following a car crash on the had. Following was a picnic sapper tie« unknown claiming any right, Meridian In I-ane County, Oregon. Or«»fon. have been by the court evening Visitors from Cottage . J , 8 ^ <'R ah“ n w a 8 b o rn a t T *'“ r " ^a c lfc h^hw ay near the Lane and and later the swimmers received title estate. lien or Intereat in the Dated this 3rd day of August, fixed a» the time and place for real estate deacrlbed In the com >931. Grove were present for the evening l ° “ and 8pent 3 * rea,CT Part ° f her lines at 10 . p. _ m. their buttons. Just before leaving , , hearing objections to aald report complaint herein. Visitors from Cottage Orove were " fe here' alao leaTes 8everal rela Jn|T 14 laat- Marion Taylor filed H. L. BOWN. Sheriff and for the final settlement of the for their homes a marshmallow To the unknown helra of George By A. B. HULGAARD, Deputy. estate of said deceased. Mrs Emeline Wilson. Mrs. Susie " Ves here b<‘8idi‘8 a ho"' ° f friends suit In circuit court Friday to re D. Coffin, deceaaed, Hattie Spencer, roast was a feature with the sing- (A 7 14-11 39— 8 3) Amelia R. Watts. Administra­ Garoutte. Mrs. Mabie Dixon. Mrs ‘ ° rn° Urn her cover 32750 for personal injuries ing of many fam iliar songs. Clarence Luckey. Lena Luckey, un trix of the Estate of George H. knownl heirs of Jeremiah Luckey, Llnnie Violet. Mrs. Edith Sanders. Mr and M rs- ,ra Gr*>' >rc enjoy- and algo damages to his car. _ the examiners ______________ On Sunday were NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * Currier. Deceased. deceased, the unknown helra of John Sanders Mrs Minnie W lllets ing a T,a,t from M™- Gray’s par T h * plaintiff states that hts lights present. Kelly and Jane Swafford E. Wheeler. Attorney. Springfield, Oregon, June 34. 1931 Winfield Wlaner. deceased. Luclndu Bert Hatch. Mrs. Sarah Tennis. M r en,a- M r- and M’ - Cumm and her fail*«! and that he parked off on the and Buzz Ayres Juniors passed suc- (A 27—S 3-10-17-24) Notice Is hereby given that the Coffin. Sarah A. Wlaner and also an«l Mr». Vernon J. Haxen. Mra brother. John, who have been llv- Gde of the road and that defend cessfully. seniors passing were all other peraona or parties un undersigned as Superintendent of NO TICE TO CREDITORS known claiming any right, title Banka for the State of Oregon Is Elloinal Fullner. Mrs Eva Hatch. ,ng near Salem for several years. ant crashed Into him Harry Moore and Harold Frazee. Notice is hereby Hven that. W ll-. . . . .. o. . eatate. Ben or Intereat In the real In charge of the assets and affairs Vern Stone Stone who has been at eatate described In the complaint of the Commercial State Bank of Ham Curtis, was on the 20th day of M r" Clara 8 " ’’ <>na- Mra L -u ra Me- Vern Springfield. Oregon, for the pur­ August. 1931. by the County Court Kibben. Mrs. Merle McKIbben. Mra the home of his grand parents, Mr. < herein. Defendants. IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE pose of liquidation. All persons who of Lane County. Oregon, appointed Rosa Carrin, Mrs. Elsie Cnrrln, Mrs. and Mrs. A. W. Weaver for several' OF OREGON: You are'hereby re­ may have claims against said bank administrator of the ol Eva Aubrey, Mrs. Anna Newcomb, weeks left last Thursday for his quired to appear and answer the are hereby notified to make legal Nancy C. Conrad, deceased. All per- . . u _ , „ _ home ln San Francisco. complaint Nied agalnat you In the proof thereof by filing a duly veri­ sons having claims against said es an,i M,a" Je88le Sanh° rn Mr and Mrs. W alter Drury and Mrs. Hubert Gray and Mrs. Fred above entitled suit within four fied claim, aa by law provided, with late are hereby notified to present Deputy Superintendent of them duly verified as by law re two children. Helen and Georgle, Gray and daughters, Veda and Elva weeka from the date of the first the publication of thia aummona and tf Banks In charge at the office of ’awrX e “ 'A .ra mK ? ñ r í:7 ¿ é c o u r í r’ «an‘ 'F re,uned from a five lef, Sunday for Newport. you fall to appear or answer for the Commercial State Bank of ------------------------------ want thereof the plaintiffs will take Springfield, Oregon, on or before House. Eugene. I-ane County. O re 'lay f‘ahlng ,r,p ,n so«'bern Oregon Your Old gon. within six months of the first aDd California The Drurys were q g q FRESHM AN W EEK a decree agalnat you and each of September 24. 1931. A. A. SCHRAM M , Superintend­ publication of this notice. Date of accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Rube you for the relief aa pray«*d for u> ent of Banks. the complaint, to w lt: That the WILL BEGIN SEPT. 21 flrat publication being August 27th. Montgomery of Leaburg. (»■24) Range plaintiffs agalnat you and ea«h of ’ ’ ’ 'w illia m Curtis. Administrator. In honor of her 13th blr‘ bday you be decreed to be the absolute Opening date of Freshman week Miss Lois Zlnser entertained a Alta King. Attorney for estate. owners In fee simple and that you Taken in SUMMON* group of friends at ber home last al 1 regon State college has been (A 27—S 3-10-17-24) and each of you be enjoined and forever barred from claiming any Saturday evening. The affair was set io,i Monday, September 21, ac- IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT . In the form of a slumber party. Re- cordlnF to the annual college cata- Exchange STA TE O F OREOON FOR In a id to the within described pre ,N^ a ? e C O F O R E O O N R^ R l I n ’F fragm en ts of Ice cream and'cake J“ ' ' 88Ued A T H E CO UN TY OF LANE mlaes: •ee- CO UNTY. IN PROBATE were served to Miss Blanche Jin- weea w111 be devoted to getting AB that portion of the D. L. C. V1CCA K U N D R E T, Plaintiff, -vs.- M IN N IE LU C IA N O and 0U IT1- of Robert Wilson and wife, being IN THE M A TTER OF T H E eks. Miss Jessie Jincks. Miss Flo beginning stu«lents acquainted ANO LUCIAN O whose name Is Number 30 Notlf No. 3262 In Tp. E STA TE O F C A T H E R IN E E. Mountain, snd Miss Velma Chand- wlth what *’ e’ P^cted of them In sometimes spelled OUT1ANO L U ­ 16 8 R 4 W. of W M. In Lane ADAMS. Deceased. For A CIANO, EDW AR D KINO , BER ler. and the hostess. Miss Lois Zin- college life before the old students County, Oregon, meandering the Notice Is hereby given that the T R IC E KINO. L. W. STEVENS. will returns to register September right bank (right bank fnclng undersigned has filed In the above ser- E L IZ A B E TH H. STEVENS. W. down atream) of the W illamette Short entitled probate proceedings hts Wm Pitkin of Tacoma. Wash 26. A. BELL. Wm D. QUEEN, and final River running through aald D. L. account; that an order of thejington. Is visiting friends and rela- All schools and departments of JA NE DOE Q U EEN , wife of Wm C. being alao described aa all that above entitled court has been duly „ , Cohurr the instructional division of the col­ D. Q U EEN . Defendants. Time portion lying north and east of given and made setting the time foi ®8 ,n ‘ ° “uri To Minnie Luciano, Gultlano Lu­ aald W illamette River excepting the hearing of the said final ac- M,ss "a rg are t Kinney, who has lege w ill function as usual this fall, therefrom that portion described ciano. whose name Is sometimes count to he at 10 o'clock A. M been attending business college In the catalog says, although drastic Only aa follows: Beginning at the spelled Qutiano Luciano, L. W. September 26, 1931, and directing Missoula, Montana. Is spending her savings have had to be made by wit oven h control Southeast corner of aald D. L. C Stevens. Ellabeth H. Stevens. Wm. all P»raon. having any objection. varatlcn at the home of her enlarging classes. Increasing teach­ D Queen, Jane Doe Queen, wife of No. 38 aforesaid and running to the said final account to file i . . . . . . . thence north 10.00 chains; Wm. D. Queen. Defendants: the same ln writing on or before ent8' M r- and Mrs- Joe Kinney, ing loads and by eliminating for IN T H E N A M E OF T H E S T A T E thence N. 66 degrees W. to the the time set for hearing. Miss Kinney plans to accept a posi- this biennium all expenditures for meandered line of aald W illam ­ O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ equipment, improvements and all H. E. S LA TTE R Y , Admlnlstra- tlon upon her return to Missoula. ette River thence meandering quired to appear and answer the tor. other needs not of an emergency Miss Sophia Feeder, Mrs. Cramer complaint filed against you In the aald W illam ette River southwest­ Flrat published August 27. 1931. Phone 28 931 Oak S t erly to where the aald W illam et­ above entitled ault Within tour (4) Last published September 24, 1931. Snyder. Miss Leola Snyder, and nature. weeks from the date of the first Appointment of new deans In the te River croases the boundary Mrs. Mabel Lusby and daughter. (A 27— 8 3-10-17-24) line of aald D. L. C. No. 38 thence publication of thia summons and it ----------------------------- j Alice, have returned from a camp- schools of commerce and agrfcuP along said boundary line to place you fall so to answer on or before ture is expected to be announced A D M IN IS T R A TO R ’S SALE ; ing trip at Cascadia. the last day of the above prescribed of beginning. Notice I . hereby given that by Mr and Mra John McNabb and In the near future. Beginning at the Northwest stated time for want thereof the virtue of an order of license Issued . ,. , , , . , .. corner of the 8outhweat Quarter plaintiff will take Judgment and de- out of the county court of I-ane '“ »Khters. Lena and Isabel. Mr. and of Section 1», In Township 18. crae against you. snd each of you County, Oregon, the undersigned, as Mrs. Joan Adair and daughter. Mar* FUNERAL SERVICE OF South Range 8 West of the W il­ aa In her complaint demanded, to- lamette Meridian, thence East wlt: For Judgment against the de­ administrator of the estate of Wll- garet, and sons. Ben and Harry, LLOYD SMITH, 12, HELD 34.60 chalnt, more or leas to the fendants Minnie Luciano and Gui­ llam H. Herbert, will, on and after Mrs. Harold Hurd. Mr. and Mrs. t "■ « i ™ . ■ » -» » center of the County road known liano. whoae name la sometimes Llo.vtl Smith passed eway at the aa the middle road, thence South spelled Gutlano Luciano, for the W illam ette St.. Eugene, Oregon, of- sbeKl >“ 8t »•«‘k-end nt the coast, home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. erly along the center of the sum nf Nine Hundred (I90G.00) Dol­ County road to the Southeast cor­ lars. together with Interest thereon fer for sale and sell at prlvaU They visited Newport. Waldport George Smith last Friday. He had ner of anld Southwest quarter of from (he 16th day of March, 1931, sale to the highest bidder, lot 1 In and Yachats been afflicted all his life with heart M r„ Rnaollnd WaUon an„ da(|gh. Section IB. In said Township and nt the rate of 8% per annum, and block 3, In Cheshire Second Addi- trouble and had been In falling In Lane County,1 Range, thence West 40 chains, for the further sum of One Hun­ tlon to Eugene. Terms of sale, at least ' pr- Helen of Portland, are spend health the past few months but more nr lean to the Southwest dred ($100.00) Dollars as attorney's Oregon T o start the Fall vacation season, we w ill bold another great corner of aald Southwest quarter fees, and for her costs and dis­ on half caah. balance secured by ing their vacation at the home of seriously 111 the past two weeks, ''D o lla r D ay" sale for the Labor D ay holidays. Roundtrips to Mrs. Walton's parents, Mr. and He was 12 years of age and was of Section 19, and thence North bursements herein, snd for the fur­ mortgage on lot. a ll places on our Pacific Lines for approxim ately lc a m ile J' 2 ® * QE“ i Administrator. M„ . A B. Johns. born Rothady> Montana, but 40 chaina, to the place of begin­ ther decree of this Court foreclos­ ( 9 l for each 100 m iles). Good on a ll trains, in coaches o r in (A 20-27— 8 S-10-17) ning. containing 153.18 acres, ac­ ing all of the right, title and Inter­ Pullmans (p lus usual berth charge). Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Hurd. Mr. moved here when he waa seven cording to the Government Sur­ eat of the defendants Minnie Lu­ und Mrs. Stuart Hurd, Mr. Foster years old. ciano, Oultlano Luciano, whose vey OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T LEAVE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and Miss Foster have gone on a He leaves to mourn his loss his Commencing at the N. E. cor­ name la aometlmes spelled Gutlano NOTICE ner of the Robert Wilson Dona­ Luciano, L. W. Stevens, Elisabeth fishing trip near Florence. Mr. Fos- parents Mr. and Mrs. George Notice Is hereby given that the | , er |bp father of Mrg stHart tion Land Claim No. 38 In Twp. II. Stevens, W m. D. Qpeen and Smith, two brothers. Ustle and 16 8. R. 4 W. thence North 2.82 Jane Doe Queen, wife of Wm. D. undersigned, administratrix of the < Hurd and Mias Foster Is the slstei Wayne, alao two slatera, Vera and chaina to the U sec. corner on Queen, In and to the following des­ Estate of Jud N. W ard, deceased. Mary and his grandmother. Mrs. east line of Sec. 24. of said twp. cribed real property situated In has filed her final account. In the of Mrs. Hurd. thence east 1.60 chains Into coun­ Lane County, State of Oregon, to- County Court for Lane County, ln John Adair and sons marketed 20 Margaret Smith, besides other re­ BE BACK BY M ID N IG H T, SEPTEMBER IA ty road, thence north 2.78 chains, wlt: the State of Oregon and that aald ,10g!( a, , bp itrnder market In Eu- latives. The funeral aervlces were Lot One (1), and the Northeast Court haa fixed the 22nd day of thence west 20.74 chaina thence Remember (hat Monday, Sept. 7, is Labor Day, making a J-day held at Walker-Ptxde chapel at quarter ( N E U ) of the Southeaet September, 1931, at two o’clock In gene recently. south 6.00 chains, thence eaat week end. Or you can take as many as 12 days for your trip. The West Point Orange met last Springfield Monday at 10:30 with quarter (SE14) of Section thirty t;.e afternoon a« the time and the 19.24 chaina to the place of begin five (36), Townahrlp Eighteen office of the County Judge of aald Friday evening. The regular order interment at Mt. Vernon cemetery nlng containing, ten acres of land, (18), South, Range Six (6), West I-ane County. Oregon. In the Coun all of the above descriptions be­ buatnesa «:-» gone through A Rev. Vcltle Pruitt officiating. of the W illam ette Meridian. In ty Court Houae of Said Lane Coun- ing In Lane County. Oregon, .. .. , , ty. Oregon. In Eugene. In aald " ' ad'"« ' The » ’»»'«»«’Phy of a Lane County, Oregon, except ten and clearing the title of aald pre­ (10) acres deeded to C. E. Blodg- County, aa the place for hearing Bachelor." by Van Macy and a read mises and for such other relief as Los Angeles $21.90 ette; to the court may appear equitable. and settling aald Final Account and Ing. “What the Use,” by Mra. John COUNTY TAX FUNDS FOR San Francisco............... $13.50 The order of the court directing the and for such other and further re­ for hearing objections thereto. Adair wero given. Refreshment» PAST YEARS COLLECTED service of thia summons by the pub­ lief as to the Court may seem Just All persona having objections to . . conim.ttpp whl(.h Klamath Falls ............... $4.85 the allowance of said Final Account woro 8' rved “ com m ittee wnten lication thereof la dated August anil equitable. Medford ................... $4.45 County tax collections for five Thia aummona la published by are hereby notified and required to consisted of Miss Virginia Gravllle 12th, 1931, and required publication once each week for four successive virtue of an order of the Honorable present and file the same on ot Miss Lillian Stolsig. and Dewain years from 1924 to 1928 were turn­ Marshfield ................... $3.60 weeks and that you appear and C. P. Barnard, County Judge of before of the date of hearing. Johns. ed over to the county treasurer's answer within four weeks from the Lane County, Oregon, dated the Dated a t Eugene, Oregon, t h i a _________________ ' office by the sheriff’s office Mon- date of the first publication. The 19th day of August, 1931. 19th day of AuAuxt, 1991. . , , , . Mra. Florence Emmonx, nee! Tim — I borrowed my roommates day The date of the first publication first publication of thia aummona of thia summons Is August 20, 1931. W ard, Adm inistratrix of said patent leather slippers la August 18th, 1931. The following are the collections: JAMES K. K IN O , Attorney for C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , Attorney Estate. DR. ELLA MEADE Slim— Why? 1924, 9327.97; 1925, 983.49; 1926, for Plaintiffs. Resldemce: Eu­ plaintiff, Residence and poet- C. H. Sedgwick, Creswell, Ore., Optometrist Tim — Because the patent expired $686.13; 1927, 91214.49; 1928, office address, Eugene, Oregon. Attorney for estate. gene, Oregon. Phene M on mine. i 92646.38. (A 30-17— *-9-10-17) (A. * M 7 — « , M M T ) I (A 18-90-17—• 3-19) 41 W att MR Eufane I. Creswell | I McKenzie Valley Î Thurston Coburg Business Directory Your Opportunity This Coupon and $5.00 Gives You a *1 5 -0 0 DOWN PAYMENT On Any Gas Range - NORTHWEST CITIES GAS Co. Southern Pacific DOLLAR DAYS! fo r the Labor F W L -V IJE D a y H o lid a y s S ept. 3 -4 -5 EXAMPLES OF ROUNDTRIPS A B E A U T IF U L FRAM E q u ite d itF r r r n t FROM ALL O T H E R S Southern ciflc