___________________________ TI1VHHDAV. AUQUBT 27, IM I T H E S P R IN Q F IK IJ) NEWS PACK TW O Oi,» sui’*'ess i’t ' hi1 ciiiiiitrv II 1« 11 1 h ih ii sI Ih r hi-ads uf Ihe varluus , ml Hion hard n rv v tlly M m of I W a«lilngtiili bureaue w lth a reeull ifalrs hava IH IIv ccniaci « U h the I In t lusa to bnlli «Idea THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Ifiiblisbed Every Thursday at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E M A X E Y . Editor oosvuksht tv Entered aa aecuad class m atter, F eb ru ary 24, 1*03. a t the post office, Springfield, Oregon. T H I AUTnOO we UUMBlfc f E lu siv e Charm BY RADFORD MOBLEY / ’ 2 w sn»»o n> N a i H t s o m M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E One Y ear In Advance ...... 11.76 T h ree M onths ........................... 76c 41 m Months »1.00 Single Copy ..................... ...6c T H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T »7. 1031 BU ILD T H E W IL L A M E T T E H IG H W A Y Indications are th a t the governm ent w ill be ready to go i head w ith the construction o f the W illam ette highw ay bbove Oakridge inside o f a year State and co u n ty should cooperate to complete this im p o rta n t road lin k in g eastern and western Oregon. W hether the road goes up Salt Creek or via the old m ilita ry route at present should n o t too deep­ ly concern the people in the valley. The im p o rta n t th in g is to lin k the tw o parts of the state w ith th is road There w ill always be a fa irly good forest service road e ith e r way th a t w ill make the te rrito ry accessible to to u rists and vaca­ tionists. Trade between the Klam ath basin and the W illa m e tte valley, tw o sections th a t d iffe r w idely c lim a tica lly, ■will be greatly stim ulated by the com pletion o f a state highw ay over the m ountains. --------- «--------- “ AN D T H E N — ?” A salesman sent in to the tro p ic * to sell a g ric u ltu ra l m a­ chinery, came back w ith a story w hich illu s tra te s a num ber o f things. He found the natives contentedly s ittin g around w hile abundant N ature grew all th e ir food w ith the slightest pos­ sible e ffo rt on th e ir part. “ If you had a plow and a harrow you could grow more food,” said the salesman. "A nd then— ?” asked the native, "T hen you could get money fo r it and buy m ore land.*' “ And then— ” "W hy, then you could buy m ore m achinery and grow s till more food and get more m oney.” “ And then— ?” “ W hy, then, a fte r a w hile you w ould have so m uch money you w ouldn’t need to w o rk .” “ B ut I w ould be no better o ff. Senor. 1 d o n't w o rk n o w !’’ To those who hold to P u rita n doctrine th a t w o rk is a virtue in its e lf and th a t he w ho does not w o rk is a sinner, the spectacle of anybody g e tting a liv in g w ith o u t w o rk in g is abhorrent. But when you consider th a t in every religion the ideal of Heaven is the same— a place where nobody has to w o rk — it raises the question w hether th a t p oint o f view is entirely sound. There is no doubt th a t the habit o f w ork builds ch a r­ acter, even though the w ork its e lf m ay not be congenial. The happiest men and women are those w ho have found w ork w hich interests them so m uch th a t they prefer it to anything else. But w ork m erely fo r the sake o f m aking enough money so you w on’t have to w o rk is som ething else again. Perhaps a lot o f us are as foolish as th a t native th o u g h t he would be if he spent a lo t o f tim e and e ffo rt m erely to avoid w orking. ------------------♦ ----------------- Death and destruction o f a tu n n e l on the C olum bia hig h ­ way by tru c k s gone w ild th is last week has caused the state police to take notice. Everyw here we look there are trucks, m any overloaded, tra ve lin g at excessive speed. When the public builds roads, the tru c k in g companies, should be restrained to a moderate use o f them . Death, in ju ry fo r life and the destruction o f roads and o th e r property, w ould n o t be laid to the doors o f any wise tru c k in g companies. They would realize th a t once the public becomes incensed by such im position th a t drastic action w ill follow . The fa rm board has an o ffe r to trade w heat to B razil fo r coffee. F a ir enough trade— som ething we need fo r som ething we have too m uch of. T h is sort o f an exchange should be beneficial fo r ag ricu ltu re in both countries. We w onder if the bars were th ro w n dow n on the Soldiers home now and any c ity m ight enter the race how m any endorsements Roseburg could get. Tim e changeth all things. The d ry officers who raided a house fo r a s till and found th a t is was a skunk beneath the boards need fu rth e r tra in in g as detectives. /O THE FAMILY (MI doctor JOSEPH GAINES, M.D P ER IO D IC AL E X A M IN A T IO N S 1 am 100% in favor o f health exam inations a t re gular in ­ tervals. It is my purpose in this le tte r, to persuade you in to the same view, if possible. If you were setting out on a long journey in yo u r a u to ­ mobile, now w ouldn’t you have an expert look the car over, to see th a t it is in first-class order, th a t the trip m ig h t be made w ith m axim um ease and co m fo rt? You ce rta in ly would, if you used the plainest v a rie ty o f com m on sense. I know o f no more im p o rta n t trip than th is journey th a t we call hum an life ; we are all on the hig h w a y; and, a happy, successful journey is w hat o f all things we m ost w ant. A contem porary tells us th a t the d o cto r is by yo u r side when you are born— and he w ill probably be there when you pass Into the great beyond. And, d u rin g yo u r active years, you do y o u r best to keep aw ay from h im ; you use every nostrum that you can hear o f fo r y o u r ailm ents th a t are sure to come- and you send fo r the d o cto r only when you are "a ll shot to pieces,” and fear you are going to die! T his seems to me, the most inexcusable fo rm o f sh o rt­ sightedness that a sensible man o r wom an can exercise. Do you w a it t ill y o u r autom obile is reduced to a pile o f ju n k, before going to the expert repair man? Is yo u r body of .less im portance than the car? T h in k about it. It is every man and w om an’s privilege and D U TY to go to th e ir fa m ily physician at stated in tervals and be c a re fu lly looked over; here is the moment above all others th a t “ a stitc h in tim e saves nine.” 1 am sure nine cases o f sickness o u t o f ten w ould be elim inated, i f the rule o f periodical ex­ a m inations w ere fa ith fu lly observed. W ouldn’t th a t be a pay proposition? A dangerous rise In blood pressure m ay be nipped in the bud; a serious kidney disorder m ay be recognized at the eas­ iest stage fo r cure. I could instance m any m ore; see if you oan’L t o o t i lota o f •bout about a pleasant disposition h e in j W A S H IN G T O N . I» U.. An». 26 an a- trust her disposition to luck. Hs- si I site’ll be tn the rumble s e a » - babl* “ > < >» '»'< « » * »’ ">*■» except fo r the persistent presence of finance a motor tour for a party dues not in mean I be tact that V lr Peter And there was absolutely no consisting solely of a b eiu tifu l voting we ivi n't see much of her." They received a great many a»> gini» aud M aryland had a dom inant hope of (retting rid o f him—he was w riter twenty-five years old and a commercial artist o f thirty years and suers to the advertisement and Peter too deeply mixed up in everything. voice In the selection ot the C apitel j went down to her snug, one-room T o tell the truth, it was Peter’s the opposite sex Rowena and Peter were - ailed in (pertinent to assist in making the ¡ * lt a In thn year ,787 project in the first place Rowens , ............- ......................... •> •.’.’i , , dilnci herself only got into it at the Ia s tl*or ? eonterence car’v the next This proved not difficult. • Both N' w York and I'liUudi Iphla, minute tn answer to an advertise- nioynmg. *ln,‘ Rack, ably -1 I , letter chosen w st written ^oa ( which ere measurably more com creamy paper of very Ana tnent in the morning paper. It was oiidc.l hy M r Ruff put it up to them il., to lla b le In hut w eather, made squarely. Somebody had blundered, quality. Peter who put the ad in stiong bids to become the seat ol everybody had blundered, i f it cantei “/ aw twenty-three years old. • Peter was a commercial artist, one the iiatlou's activ ities , ami, (or a o f those thrice unfortunates with a soul for art, a talent for paint and llntc, each was the capital o( the a need for more ready money. He U nited States. F in a lly V irg in ia auil spent his day* painting trees, rocks M aryland forced the selection of and running brooks, dotted here and the site along the ru tom ac. In aplte there with pretty girls. Algonquin anglers and Broadway golfers, as a ot Ita being a mosquito-ridden. m al­ background for the Rackruff Road­ aria-infested swamp, where the ster. 1931 model, comprising fully h avy vapor from the m ile-wide half the picture. It was Peter who conceived the r ver caused an overpow ering hu exquisite idea o f a Rackruff motor u ib llty in ull the hot tnontba. tour across country with the well- Spring and F all months are high known artist, Peter Blande. at the !y enjoyable here, but uveb an A rl wheel. H e figured—and converted M r Rack, President, and M r. Ruff, jt.iuiun balks at the sum m er clim ate. Secretary and Treasurer, to his fig­ T his sum m er heal caitaea a notice- ure*— that it would he the pinnacle able slowing down In a ll d ep art­ o f publicity to conduct such a tour, with pauses at all points o f prime ments of Ibo governm ent and a interest for him to paint a picture of heavy economic loaa enu he charged the Rackruff roadster poised on the up to the c llm a ie from th a t condi­ brink o f a precipice, pulling its way tion llusiiiess men, who are ap­ pluckilv out of a volcano, skidding »ecurely off a racing glacier, or de­ pointed to high position In the gov- fying the sands o f the desert. rm ueut, utmost Invariab ly endea­ " Peter said—and Messrs. Rack and vor to speed up th eir workers soon Ruff agTeed with him— it would be a fte r a rriv in g , hut eventually find good business to take a copy-writer along in the car to feature the high “ I ’m Rowena Rostand," she told them iheniselves ham m ered down to the lights of the trie and apply the speed of the regulars, or else they proper adjectives both to landscape to th a t An insurmountable difficulty college graduale, and can pay my resign or die. It appears Impos­ and motor, in this way insuring a had been encountered. cwn expenses nnless you pian la maximum of newspaper publicity that sible to accelerate the pace of a tra v tl on a very delnxe scale. I T h e re are no insurmountable d if­ would establish the new roadster can starl ai any time and stay as c iv il service w orker at the seal of ficulties," Rowena said sweetly. •nee and for all in the motor mind long as yön like. The only thing governm ent. The whole enterprise was dead­ • f America I am really interested in is la go— For tunny years the great treas So Peter advertised for a copy­ locked, plans were checkmated, con­ and go ai once. I encloee refer- tracts were canceled The way M r. writer. ury bulldiug wus pointed to by all ences." " W a n t e d read the advertise­ Rack put it. with the full accord of us a fine place Io work. It Is an The name wst Roberta I.owsll. ment In the morning papers ".4 M r Ruff. it seemed pretty hopeless. pretty i w i m s tsrfic can write. One Peter quite wilted under the deadly The references were good so ancient structure, as W ashington whe has had t o m experience and finality of It all Rowena ^ot the number on the tele- buildings go. and has atone walls an t with reasonable me cess Must “Unless." he suggested tentatively. ohone. with Peter standing inters«». liv e feet thick These keep out he free to leave ike city. Expenses “we advertise again and get an older edly by, and talked . ti,c glaring beat In sum m er and the aid and moderate salary .Must author, maybe a married one— 1 sup- Lowell pose a little less good-looking would Slie has a nice voice,” she whie- b iting cold in w in te r and make the e good-looking. Apply R a c k ru f be better under the circumstances— pered to Peter place an agreeable epot In which to Salesrooms to-day." Miss Lowell said she couldd start oa work. Nobody opens any windows Rowena Rostand was one of many would attract less attentici. " But you signed m e " protested Monday morning, that she could get women who read the advertisement over h e r"b m k fa s t that m ? r a i ^ '" 'i t " 1,I >ou ,o ¡>ut al; o! >*r equipment in one in the place and thia causes a slight wasn't much of a breakfast in Ro- »>'>.one « *.* 111 "»> Place. I l l get out suitcase and a »mall traveling b » t i "prison odor,' hilt even th a t la p re­ v e n a 's ra w for shr was extremelv an injunction and tie up everything and that »he ha ! an allowance of ferable to the te rrific heat of *he hard up. She had given op a news- Rowena’’ « ) « »« that moment twenty-five dollars a week. outside. ■ • ■ Ohio — W ait a minute. Rowena put bar paper position in in order to be were a clear, cold, business blue Not F c r m an" years senators and re one of them doubted for a moment hand over the transmitter. "She caa tn New York. In 'congress have It was at eight-thirty that she saw that she would do just as she threat- spend twenty-five a week," the said presentstlves i to Peter. been burned to an early grave the advertisement. By nine o'clock ened. she was ready to set out for the . ^ r : . R* ck °.u,t b l’ h?nds . ' V 1'- *hat ought to be enough,* through the unhealthy conditions Rackri T salesrooms Surveying h e r-1 despairingly W ell, its off. that s said Peter. Except for the car, 1 a . a « •e lf i ' the m irro r she was obliged to aU-. •¡e d e c **r *d ,. , , . . . ' hoping to get along on I t .« " , they were forced to endure during admit fairly that in spite of the little And M r - Ruff nodded his head .Miss Lowell said the would meet the sessions of congress. A few thinning of her face, in spite of thei Peter seemed cowed into acquies- them, bag and baggage, at the Rack- years ago a modern ventilating aye- dark circle, with which anxiety had " nCL On'c l ° X ? " / “ "L •• ,n was lu .la ll.-.l in both house. She day morning without f a it and iha shadowed her eyes, she was still un be cowed into acquiescence. i thought it was going to be great fnw 5 ann » purely business capacity, "W ell, by the way. Bobby L ow elL' n< n ea ily tw o years ago occurred, were spotl.ss, the fingers o f her and our ages and sexes have nothing went on Rowena, "you'll hav* to rlan p, resident Hoover had bis execu loves neatly mended. The collar of whatsoever to do with it. Nobody in the rumble seat.4 — I don't • ‘ cars," - was the brava ratort, liv e offices remodeled w ith the er silk coat shone from countless thinks anything of a man spending eight hours a day locked into four " I'll be w illing to rids a oowca tehaf ' sanii- a ir conditioning system and pressings Cer- to get out of Ni * w Y o rk and get out |t has worked so well th a t he has “ Pick out the best-looking one,“ walls with his stenographer , , _ . . . , _ M r. Rack began when the secretary tainly an author and an artist riding quick. the public highways In an open car Now Rowena did not like artist*. ,urned uut m,,rc w ork' ,' ,00<, l0 D ,e r announced the applicants were out­ are tar s a fe r" She said they were so abstract, h ju rs and met more people than side. U nfortunately for Rowena, h o w -] Rowena herself was extremely cow- . m y I ’realdent In recent times. It "Don’t you think," interposed Peter wo neatly, in his mild, ingratiating ever, Messrs. Rack and Ruff contin-' rrete. She felt, in her heart of hearts, worked so w ell that M r. Hoover drawl, “that you had better look them ued to object. Even Peter did They that It was a shame that such a heav- has vetoed any plans for the usual over yourself? A fte r all. nobody made all due allowance for Rowena's enly opportunity to go places, se* can visualize a lovely face and figure purity of purpose and nobility o f ns- things, meet people— and best of all, sum m er vacation, outside o f his behind the wheel of a Rackruff road­ ture. but Reel off Motors. Inc., said make money doing It I—had to be all w eekly trips to h it Rupldan camp, Mr. Rack, at stood Arm for the eon- melted up with an artist like Peter. ster as you can, you know.“ and Is standing the W ashington Even Rowena, however, could t«e M r. Rack thought that was a par­ ventiona. "O f court«. If you feel like that," that the couldn’t very well get rid of sum m er in splendid shape. ticularly good idea He called in M r. An attem p t was made to have Ruff to assist, allowing Peter also to Rowena said Cheerfully. "M r Blande him— not under the circumstances same cooling system Installed sit by, and had the secretary usher and I w ill be guided entirely by your If only she and the Roberta g in W e will have to get a could go alone now— ah, there would , , them in, one at a time. And he and wishes. be a travel tale worth the telling elline And ,n the dpP»rim i nt of commerce M r. Ruff frowned over them, and chaperon; that’s a l l " "W a wouldn't in t care about paying how they would photograph, the two b u 'ld lrg . the largest governm ent of asked about their literary efforts, and art,, said of them, .......... party, in the snappy 1931 Rackruff noticed their eyes and ankles and the expenses of a third p ----------n | (ice building In the world. Opposl- ................. - . I _ ' M r. “ Ruff was . roadster The pu bllci clty they w o o l* , j on , n CODgregB blocked the plan. complexions, jotting down indeci­ M r. Ruff quickly.— get I pherable comments on their memo­ Treasurer of the Company. M indful that there would be pho- except for one wing where the " I t w ill not be necessary," said randum pads. The secretary, having some notion Rowena. "W e will take a lady with tographers to record their departure secretary and his leading assistants that the o f dramatic sequence, saved Rowena us who w ill be glad to make the tour i,roJV ,‘ b» R ^ k ru ff Salesrooms— tha are houged T he reRU|t , , AI . . . , . ... for the last. Rowena was so lovely for her transportation, paying her Publicity Department was taking cart of all that I— Rowena took extrema a r* b* ln « delu«ed w,tb that at first they would not believe own living expenses en route.” paint with her appearance that M on- applications for positions in that "Can you find such a person V she was a w riter at all. and she had day morning, and that was an un- p artic u la r wing, nearly every steno to show them a copy of her book asked M r. Rack. .. I grapher and other office workers "Certainly,” said Rowena brightly. usual thing with Rowena. and some of her signed stories in When she presented herself at tha * . . "Leave everything to me." magazines Rowena's hair was a "W hat are you going to do?” asked Rackruff show-room at ten o'clock ‘ D in g to wangle a berth where they curious chameleon shimmer of gold on »Monday morning, Mesari. Rack can keep cool. and bronze and brown. H e r eyes Peter "The same thing you did Adver­ and Ruff had good reason to coo- * A nother handicap that Wauhtng* were limpid pools of light that swam gratulate themselves on their cholat . . , , now blue, now green, and in gentle tise I’ Photographers and rw " n from Is that it is loca So they went down the street to 3 f author. moments softened to hazel. " I ’m Rowena Rostand," she said, the nearest Childs’ and figured out an porters were alike enchanted. A girl fed In federal d is tric t, p ractically looking at them straightforwardly. advertisement that teemed to suit like that, now, swinging along the free from business In the form | "1 am twenty-five years o ld * I have their purpose. I in a Rackruff road- know „ nearIy e re ry other clty ,n Wanted ■. Young woman to serve I ster—ah, there was publicity made t* had one book published and it was the country. T his has kept the " Peters to good that practically nobody read as companion on extensive motor your order. And it was all capital from being In close touch It. I worked on a newspaper for lo u r o f the United States. Trans- idea, too. three years and I ’ve had eleven portalion provided, but must pay with business and industry and ’S ." Continued Next Week stories published in first-class maga- own living expenses. their problems and causes a d is to rt­ put in something Peter wanted to ainaa. And you may not think I ’m ed view point on questions v ita l to FIRST INSTALMENT so very lpeop,e good-looking, but Lei us help you capture and re tain th a t elusive charm . Il is w h o lly the rig h t kind or tre a tm e n t o f your akin. Keteln* creams, lotions uud powders ure o f the finest q u a lity fo r clcunslug ami keeping the skin b e autifu l ami h e althfu l. Ketels’ Drug Store Main, Near Fifth In Naw Storo Imported Exclusive Necklaces No D uplicate*. SALK PRICK 25c to 80c. W orth double. New Patters, sheerest o f Dress Voile, 35c Q iiu llty . SALK PRICK 20c S P R IN G F IE LD ’S NEW DRYGOODS STORE H O F F M A N ’S I. O. O. F. Building. V I O L E T R A Y - A n ti-K n o c k G E N E R A L E T H Y L - D o u b le p o w e re d gasoline. are servtsl to you a t this station. They are the w o rld '* beat m o to r fuels aud you m ake no m lstuke when you fill up yo u r tunk here. More miles fo r the same money. “A ” S tr e e t S e r v ic e S ta tio n From Far and Near - Peple come to o u r store to gel E g g lin a u u '* Ice cream , d rin ks and candles. We have had m any com plim ent* on o u r confections fro m out o f tow n )>eople. We know th e y ’re good. ( C E IG H T H GRADE T E S T S S LA TE D FOR COUNTY pupils eligible. Annual teachers’ In stitu te _ of Lane county w ill be held Thursday and F rid ay, O ctober 15 and 16, ac­ cording to announcem ent at the of­ fice of the county superintendent of schools. T h e Institu te w ill be held here probably at the Woodr ,w Wilson Junior high school as for the past several years. Attorney Given Appointm ent — Fred E. Sm ith, Eugene attorney, has been appointed atto rn ey for the state land board. E. O. P o tte r was form erly the land board attorney for Lane. people. We Invite you ull. F G G I M A N N ’Q "W h«rr tbn Bsrvics Is D iffe r«» !’ School Shoes L ong W ea rin g . . . . . . . . P erfect F ittin g Strap Oxfords BLACK Shoes BROW N P A TE N T $1.49 - $1.98 T h e G olden R ule Ruler* of Low Pric** 10th A W illa m e tt*— EUGENE— New S c h * * f* r * DESERTION C ITED AS GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE Desertion is alleged In a com­ Eighth grade exam inations w ill be held in Lane county school dis­ plaint for divorce filed In circuit tricts Thursday and F rid ay, Sept­ i court F riday by M arth a J. Holcomb I against her husband Charles C. Hoi- ember 3 and 4. according to E. J. Moore, county superintendent of 1 comb. T he couple m arried In Lane county July 28,1923, and have no schools. T he exam inations prior to the children. T h e com plaint states that the de­ opening of school w ill be held In only such districts as have made fendant left the p la in tiff In Octo­ application and where there are ber. 1929. T E A C H E R S ’ IN S T IT U T E FOR COUNTY S LATED T h l* is hot w eather headquarters fo r hundred* of T he T h ree more notices of m ine lo­ cations in the Blue R iver field were filed for record at the office of the county clerk Thursday. L. W . M eyer, E. C. T a y lo r and John E. Nelson filed the location notices. A d m in istrato r la Appointed — George C. W id m e r has been ap­ pointed ad m in istrato r of the estate of Josepn M. W id m er. Final Account of Estate F ile d — F in a l account of the estate of M ary A. Gust was filed In probate court Friday. h eshh-|. vitamins of Ireshlruil juaes . bacon and c |g t . . . thi crunchy e n tp n o t ol toasted bread . golden waiflet . . . the savory aroma ol freshly- brewed coHec . . . a breakfast S T O R E NO. 1— M iner Building, Eugene 8 T O R E NO. 3— 960 Charnelton S treet, Eugene 8 T O R E NO. 4— 500 Mal n Street, Springfield PRICES ARE T H E SAME AT A LL T H R E E STORES T H R E E MORE N OTICES OF M INE C LAIM S IN Bldg. Till Monday Evening Grocery Specials T U N A — F a m ily Style, W hite Meut, No. i/3 Cana 1 2 ’ 2 C Q U A LIT Y T U N A — No. 1-4 Cans 1 0c No. >/2 Cans I7U2C T U N A FLAKES— No. t/2 Can 1 0c SALM O N — Columbia R iver C hinook, No. 1 T a ll Cans 15c M ATC H ES— C arton, » B oxes 1 2 ’/ 2 C POST T O A S T IE S — 4 Packages 25c GRAHAM FLO U R — K e rr’s, 10-Lb. Hack ...... 25C KELLOGG'S CORN- FLAKES— 4 Packages 25c KELLO G G ’S RICE KR ISPIES— Package ............ 1 0 c R O LLED OATS— Bed Rose 9 pound Sack '.......... 2 9 c P ILLS B U R Y ’S F L O U R - 49 pound .... 5 1 .1 5 filf o r H ard work a k in g ! for someone m a stuffy kitchen? N ot at all, if your home is equipped with electric table appliances — loMter, waffle iron, percolator, egg cooker, table stove. Buy them from your dealer . . . enjoy them; they are economical to use, because electric service is cheap. And be sure your home it wired for plenty of conveniently placed outlets. Mountain States 'KkJ' Power Company *T *U * ffABTSCB* W •aemwaaan »