THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 27, 1931 TWKNTV-K14I1ITH YKAH Juat Folk» ] M URELA NEAR THIS lift COUNTY BRIDGE BURNED Two large bop drying sheds lo­ cated )uai south of W illamette Heights wars coinplstely destroyed by fire Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock and a score or mure home» and other building» were endanger­ ed In one of lb» moat spectacular bruab fir»» seen In thia vicinity fot several years. ( l - ... V Alplv»i«>> thinks he is still I Spain. I*ul thr Spanish lisagrss v him II« '» Ik in g in London uadi «napp'd while celling a taxi. BAPTISTS PLAN SPECIAL SERVICE The blase was first noticed by Mrs. Nets Fisher when she saw a small area burning alongside of tbelr borne. Hhe Immediately called Morning and Evening Service her husband to get tbe hose out, Planned; Prineville Pastor aud before anything could be done to Be Speaker the flames bad been carried all ovei tbe area between tbe south Hecond Rev. W illiam Taylor of Prlne street road and the W illamette vllle will com» Io Hprlngfleld Sun­ river, day to conduct divine services A call was made for tbe city fire twice at the Baptist church. He department and later when the will preach the usual morning »er flames bad spread over the entire nion. and member» of the congre side of the large bill a call was gallon have decided to withdraw made for a Butane chemical truck. from tbe union services for the Effort« were made to save the evening and hold services In their Fandrem property Just beyond tbe own church so that more people hop »beds by building a firebreak. ran have an opportunity to meet Thia proved useless and almost, and hear the eastern Oregon pas­ trapped many of the ISO or more tor. The mid week service will be held cltlsena who were fighting tbe flame« with sacks which were wet at tbe church this evening with from water brought over the hill Rev. Hraun of Veneta conducting In tbe city water tank by Robert the worship. Ptrrie. A special baptlalmal service la Approximately burned over by started and was tbe short time of hours. 304) acres were tbe fire which almoet over In one and one-half This Is the second serious brush fire which has swept this area this summer. About three weeks ago a fire swept the west side of the valley back of the hilt and threat­ ened to cross over to the Booth- Kelly mill. There 1» practically no danger of further fire In this vici­ nity now as all of the tall grass has been burned. Other fires ( betMVf to rage In thia section of tha county also. The largest and most dangerous one la that which Is now burning over the area from Cogswell hill to Cedar r ia l This fire Is not moving very fast now, but It Is burning In good timber and may flame up at any time the wind rises. One (Ire In the Creswell district broke loose from Bert Dulley who was < leaning off some slashings. Fitly men fought the flames for hours, one man was Injured, and ■ county bridge was destroyed be­ fore the fire could be controlled. Another Are In tbe Thurston dis­ trict Jumped a fire guard and swept over a large area destroying sev­ eral fences and some clover seed before It could be subdued on Sat­ urday. Men are now patrolling a fire which broke out In the camp 3 area of tbe Booth-Kelly company at Wendllng and which has been burning one week. SPRING GRAIN ESTIMATES DOWN; PASTURES POOR Hharp ruts In the government estimates of spring grain crops, but an Increased output of some others, compared to a month ago, are described In the August report ou the agricultural situation by tha Oregon Htate college eitenslon ser­ vice. drawing conditions In July were especially unfavorable for spring sewn crops, pastures and ranges. Approximately 400,0041,04)0 bushels were lopped oft of the estimated combined output of spring wheat, corn, oata and harlay. Substantial reductions were made In the pro­ duction estimate for hay and pota­ toes. On the other hand, winter wheatestlmatee were Increaaed 7 per cent. Unusually small crops of flax­ seed, hopa and onions are expected. The hot weather reduced the pros­ pective output of dried prunes and walnuts slightly. Apple prospecta Improved a little. The condition of pastures for the whole country on August 1 was the poorest on record except for last year and 1*11, according to the re­ port. Conditions were worst from Ohio westward, with range condi­ tions bad in aaversl western states. The high temperatures and dry pasture« caused more than the us­ ual decline In. m ilk production per cow during July. Figures are given In the report showing that although 1 pat- cent more butter was manu­ factured during the first half of 1*21 than a year ago, tha excess was all In tha first four months. Storage holdings of butter are now substantially smaller than a year ago and below average for this time of the year. Egg storks ars considerably lighter than a year l »»™ y . ™ Accident Escape CAR LEWES ROAD Gets Waahington Job LaRoy Inman and Ernast Gay Gat Only Minor Brûlas» a» Mrs. John Hendricks of Camp Automobile Rolla Ovar Creek Has Spins Hurt in Accident Wednesday Two Hop Shod» Destroyed In 1 Spectacular Oraaa and Brush Fire Wednesday Foreat Fira Burning Ovar Big Araa In Cogawall Hill, Cadar Flat Districts No. 33 --------------------------------------------------------- being planned at the church for the following Hunday. September 6. at which time Rev It. R. Mulholland will be In charge. Rev. Mulholland has been called to the First Baptist church at Rose­ burg and *111 assume his duties there Heptember 1, but la making arrangement« to be with the local congregation for the «peclal ser­ vice. Union Services Will End Sunday Gathering Will Be Held at Christian Church; Rev. Poindexter to Speak The last of the Union church ser vices being sponsored In Spring- field each Sunday evening during the summer months by the three leading proteslant congregations will be held at the Christian church next Sunday The sermon will be preached by llev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor of the Metho­ dist church. These services have been con­ ducted every Sunday evening In Springfield for many years. The churches alternate In holding the services and each of the three local pastors take turns In preaching the sermons. Young people of tbe congrega­ tions usually hold their meetings Jointly during the summer, meeting In the church at which the union serviecs are to be held. EUGENE PASTOR GUEST AT DINNER ON TUESDAY Dr. and Mrs. Roy Leslie Smith of Eugene were guests of honor Tues­ day evening at a covered dish din­ ner at the home of Mr. and Mra. P. J. Bartholomew on C. street. Dr. Smith Is pastor of the First Metho­ dist church In Eugene and Is leav­ ing soon for Spokane where he will assume the pastorate of St. Paul's Methodist church. Those who attended the dinner Tuesday evening were Dr. and Mra. Smith, Rev. and Mrs. Dean Poin­ dexter anil Mrs. Poindexter's mother. Mrs. Porter, Dr. and Mrs. Roland McIntyre, Mr. and Mra, Marvin Worllck, Mr. and Mrs. W . B. Hilton, Mr. awl Mrs. Henry W ylie and Miss Lucille Wylie, Mrs. Robert McCulloch. Mrs. F. C. Carl­ son, Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick, Mrs. Ella M. Goethel. and Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew. Son Born at Coburg Mr. and Mra. Howard H. Hall of Coburg are the parents of a baby son born to them at their home on Monday, August 24, 1*31. Reedsport Man Hero— Clarence Cooley of Reedsport Is a visitor In Hprlngfleld this week. Mr. Cooley went to the coast city early In the summer and Is operating a theatre there with H. McPherson. Account of Estate Filed— Final account of the estate of Christ P. M iller was filed In probate court Friday. Visiting Parents— Tom Lusby of Bridal Veil. 4)regon, spent the week end here visiting with hla parents, Mr. and Mra. Cherlea N. Lusby. J College Head Is County F a ir Opens; Speaker at Rally Boost Home Poducts Lutheran» Plan All-Day Gath­ ering at Sunset Home in Eugene From 10 Till 4 FAIR PROGRAM Thursday. 7:30: McManon Wheeler tro u p e , Rev. Oacer A. Tlngelstad. Ph. D., Two Springfield youths, 1-eKoy trapese and light wire walking ( president of Pacific Lutheran col­ Inman and Ernest Uay narrowly I Mrs. John Hendrlrks of Camp stunts. lege. Parkland, Washington, will escaped serious Injury Wednesday Creek sustained aerlous Injuries to Public wedding. lie the principal speaker at the all afternoon when the light roadster her spine early Wednesday after­ Horse show. day Lutheran rally to be held Sun­ In which they were riding collided noon when tbe automobile In which Fireworks. day at the Sunaet Home park In with another light car at tbe Inter she was riding with her husband Friday. 1:30: Eugene, according to an announce «ectlun of bwcond and Main streets. I laft tbe road at a steep grade Juat Band Concert I. O. O. F. band. ment by Rev. R. Bogstad, manager Inman, a passenger In Ibe car above the Camp Creek store and McMahon Wheeler Troupe. His lecture will be given at 2:34* being driven by Uay, received a church. Mr. Hendricks escaped Horse racing, running harness on tbe subject, "Keeping America gash on the forehead, a bad burn without Injury. and saddle events. Christian.” on Ibe arm. and several other body Dr. W. C. Rebhan. who waa call­ Harvey H G uniy, Boston — I>og and Pony show. bruise«. Uay was (brown against ed to the case, stated this morning who was with Hoover dunau tha The program will begin at 10:30 Meyers Dance troupe. Ihe steering wheel and bruised bis that his patient was seriously In­ war, has been appointed Aasaeteaf Sunday morning with regular Colored trio. cheat as the car rolled over and jured sod was under medical ob­ Secretary of State. church services conducted by Rev. Friday, 7:30: over twice. J M. Jenson, and Rev. H. L. Foss servation at tbe Pacific Christian McMahon Wheeler Troupe. E. I Reynolds, driver of tbe other hospital where she was taken In an of Silverton. Lane County Pageant second automobile was not Injured. He was ambulance yesterday. Visitors from out-of-town points performance. reported to havs bean traveling will bring their own basket dinners Dancing Acts. weal on Main street. Tbe other car and will eat in the park. LIONS CLUB TAKES Fireworks. was traveling south on Hecond Other speakers on the afternoon Saturday. 1:30: NEW MEMBERS FRIDAY street. program wilt Include E. G. Harlan McMahon Wheeler Troupe. The front end of the Reynolds secretary of the Eugene Chamber Hix new members were taken In­ Horse racliw. harness events. car was damaged. Tbe top. wind­ of Commerce and Rev. M. A. Christ Meyers Dance troupe. shield and radiator of ihe other to the Hprlngfleld Lions club at J. O. McPherson to Ship in enaon of Astoria who will speak their regular noon luncheon meet­ Colored trio. machine was broken. Fuel From Marcóla to on “How to Grow Old Gracefully." Saturday. 7:30: The accident which happened at ing Friday. They are Frank Logan, Supply Chase Cardens The day's program will be Inter- Jlin MacManlmuu. Ira Peterson, McMahon-Wheeler Troupe. 2 o'clock offered Ihe unusual sight eperted with solos, duets, quartets, Jesse M. Tate orchestra. of spectators torn between a desire Jean Thompson. Tbelmer Nelson, A new unloading platform and and choir singing. Wm. O. Horse show. to see what was happening there and Robert Templeton. conveyor to be used in loading bog­ Weddings Visitors will be accorded an op­ and to be present at a grass fire Hughes and Dwight Keseey were ged fuel from railroad cars to auto­ Fireworks. which threatened the city. The fire reinstated. Four others were taken motive trucks has been completed portunity during the two hour In previously making the total new luncheon period to Inspect the vari­ won. this week by J. O. McPherson who membership at that time 12. ous units ot the Sunset Home pro­ GRANGE AT CRESWELL will supply the necessary fuel this The member« of the club are d t-, MONTHLY MEETING HELD vlded Into two teams captained by winter for the boilers at Chase perty HAS PRE-COUNTY FAIR FOR AENEAS MEMBERS C. F. Barber and Nell Pollard j Gardens. The unloading equipment ENTIRE STATE TO HEAR ) la located along tbe spur of the The Grange with 50 people pres­ Barber'« team was ahead 7-6 at the ORE. PROGRAM TONIGHT ent held a pre county fair meeting Mrs. N. W. Emery was hostess meeting last week and It was d e -, Southern Pacific railroad tracks Friday evening; a short busolness at her home Tuesday for the month elded to extend the contest another Just off the South end of Third Wife of Governor Meier to Explain session revealed the reception of ly meeting of the Aeneas club and week before holding the reception ' street. Work of Oregon, Inc., to 320 from the aluminum company entertained for ten members and and Initiation for new members.. Fuel is being shipped here from Oregonians at » »’Clock the Fisher mill at Marcóla. Two which recently sponsored a demon «lx guests. This la to be provided by tbe loa-i carloads can be unloaded each day stration of cooking. The members Mrs. W. H. Hobbs sang several Ing team. A personal message from Mrs. have been busy for several days using one truck to haul with, and numbers accompanied by her this can be Increased with the ad­ Julius L. Meier to every home In preparing the county fair exhibit. (laughter, Mrs. Ben 1-odge, and the MANY AT PORTLAND dition of more trucks says McPher­ the state of Oregon by the first uni­ Mrs. E. C. Christie, director of the balance of the afternoon waa given fied broadcast from every radio county fair pageant gave directions FOR DEMPSEY FIG HT son over to needlework, conversation A crossing has been completed station In the state is announced for the W ar episode which the and a delightful two-course lunch- - A large number of Hprlngfleld over the railroad and a plank road by R. B. Bain, executive head of Creswell members will give at the eon. and West 8prlngfleld businessmen has been built over a low place. Oregon, Inc. fair which Includes the Kitchen Members present at the meeting The Chase Gardens are heavy The state-wide movement formed Klangers band; the entire company were Mr«. C. B. Hwarts, Mrs. J. T. | drove to Portland Monday to w it­ ness the exhibition boxing match users of hogged fuel especially dur­ by Governor Meier which has for will number about 33. Moore, Mrs. C. E. Kenyon. Mrs. 8.1 between Jack Dempsey and four ing the winter months: All of the Its purpose, the awakening of Ore­ The next meeting to be held F ri­ C. W right. Mrs M J McKlln. Mrs l^wrence May. Mra. E. E. Freed ! sparring partners. Home of those large greenhouses must be kept at gonians to the fact that their own day. September 4th. w ill be a spe­ that made the trip are Oene Thomp­ almost summer temperature at all Individual prosperity depends upon cial social evening in honor of Mr. rick. Mrs. Ella Lombard. Mra. J. I son. Oeorge Plummer, J. M. Larson, times regardless of the atmosph­ the prosperity of every farm, busi­ and Mrs. W. C. Carpenter and fam Eulop. and the hestesa. and John Anderson. eric conditions outdoors. ness and business house In the ily who are to leave for California Unests for the afternoon Included Arrangements have been made for the wintqy and Miss Elaine Sor­ state. Mra. C. E. Wheaton. Mrs. A. B. Van for an exhibition match for Derap THOUSANDS TURN OUT Every radio station In tbe state— enson who waa second In the na­ Valxah, Mra Ira retereon. Mra. aey to be held at McAMhur court FOR WRANGLER VISIT nene excepted— w ill unite to make tional essay contest on highway Hobbs. Mrs. Ix>dge and Mra. Ed­ In Eugene on September 3, next this unified broadcast possible-with safety for Oregon. The contest of ward Privet. Friday. Thousands of people from all Thursday night. 9:0* p. m. as th e 1 sides in attendance Is ended and The next meeting of the dub will pares of Lane and adjoining coun­ date and time selected for this the winners w ill enjoy the hospi­ be held at the home of Mrs. 8. C. POSTAL EMPLOYES ARE ties packed Into the Heilig theatre epoc making radio presentation. 1 tality or the los»rs on this evening. W right on the fourth Tueeday In In Eugene yesterday afternoon and TAKING VACATIONS According to announced a r­ September. evening to see and hear the "Ari­ rangements, a full half hour will CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS John Benton, assistant clerk at zona Wranglers" popular radio be dedicated to Oregon and the SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC U. S. FOREST FIRES the Springfield postoffice Is carry­ broadcast entertainers heard over boundless wealth which lies within INCREASE NEEDLESSLY ing the city mall delivery now dur­ radio station K N X In Hollywood. its borders, and Mrs. Meier's part Large Crowd Enjoys Outing on A last minute change In the pro­ In the program is to introduce, Ore­ ing the annual vacation of Orson Banks of McKenzie; Chalk gram was made providing for two gon, Inc., to Oregon, explaining the Forest fires due to human causes, Vaughn, regular carrier. Artist Entertains LeRoy Nice la carytng the mall appearances during the afternoon Important part this new program is careless and criminal, have reached a total of 775 on the 22 national on route 1, during the vacation of and three In the evening, making to play In bringing about a solution A large crowd gathered at Myer's five instead of the three as had to unemployment, tbe lightening of park on the McKenxie river Sunday forests of Oregon and Washington hla father, John Nice. Bert Sankey haa not set the time been announced. during the present fire lesson, ac­ tax burdens, and bring at the same for the annual Sunday school picnic The troupe returned to Klamath time a new prosperity to every of the Christian church. Automo cording to a report Just Issued by for his vacation, but la breaking In (he regional forester, Portland. Ore­ John Halsey to carry his route Falls late last night. When. If ever, citizen in the state. biles left the church at 10 o'clock they will be back in Eugene for a when be does take hla vacation. gon. Immediately after the Bible school Mrs. Meier w ill be presented to return engagement. Is not known W hile this region has not suffer­ hour and a short service was held the state of Oregon over the uni­ at this time. ed so far to the extent that Idaho DEMONSTRATIONS OF fied "hook up” by Governor Meier. 1 at the park following the dinner. and Montana have, this report The afternoon was given over to The radio stations of Oregon POULTRY CULLING HELD shows an Increase of 251 man- a program of music and entertain­ FIRE FIGHTER FALLS which have made possible this tm -| caused fires over the same period Slxty-flve people attended the FROM BRIDGE; INJURED portant program are KM ED, Med-: ment by F. E. Holmes, chalk artist. for 1*30. Careless smokers again two poultry culling demonstrations Several members of the congrega­ lord; KOOS. Marshfield, KORE. Eu­ head the Hat of man-caused fires, held in this vicinity Monday by O .. Hubert Dersham of Creswell suf­ tion made short talks and discussed gene, KOAC, Corvallis, K FJI, As­ with 277, as colhpared with 175 in 8. Fletcher, Lane county ag rlculj fered a broken wrist, a cut arm. toria; and KTBR. KWJJ, K O IN .j plans for the evangelistic campaign 1*30. Campers come second, with tural agent and H. E. Cosby, poul-i and several minor injuries Tuesday KGW . KEX. KFJR. K X L , all of, to be held at the church early in 149 fires to data this year, as try extension specialist of the Ore­ when he fell from a bridge while the year. Portland. against 133 for the same period last gon State college at Corvallis. Roland Moshier and Veltie Pruitt, tying to extinguish a fire. He was The Oregon. Inc., program, it Is year. Incendiary forest fires, or The first demonstration was held brought to Springfield to receive announced, will start promptly a t , pastor, were In charge of the ar­ fires purposely set, show a startl­ at the Henry Schwlnd farm near medical care at the office of a local rangements for the outing. t o’clock through every station, this ing Increase. Last year 52 of these Marcola at * o'clock. The second physician. law violators committed crimes demonstration was held that a fte r-' In falling from the bridge Mr. evening. August 27. WORKERS CLEAR BRUSH crimes against society and the noon at 2 at the Veach poultry farm Dersham struck his shoulder on a ALONG RIVER BANK Visit From Bridal Veil — Mrs. laws of the states and nation by near Lowell. large spike which penetrated the Hugh Hallin and children, Ralph setting out forest fires, while this Workmen for the State Highway flesh. Genevieve and Rose, of Bridal Veil, year their number has Increased to Department have been busy the Oregon, arrived Friday to spend 191. In view of the tragedy, hu­ BAPTISTS HOLD PICNIC past week cutting most of the un­ CANADIAN FOLK ON the week-end here visiting with man suffering, and economic loss FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL derbrush from the ground between RETURN AFTER VISIT Mrs. Emma Olson and her son. the Pacific highway and the W il­ caused by forest fires, the region­ Oswald Olson. One hundred and twenty-five al forester makes a plea for an lamette river between Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Goodman aroused public opinion to help persons attended the picnic for Springfield. They started at the H as M a jo r O p e ra tio n bring about a reduction of these members of the Baptist Sunday drove to Bellingham. Wash., Sun­ place this side of Judkins point Jack Jackson underwent a ma­ totally unnecessary man-caused school which was held at the home day taking their daughter. Donalda where the road comes near the McBain and Mrs. Goodman's stster, jor operation for appendicitis at of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chase In fires. river and are now working beyond Lightning fires for the period Oarden Way Bunday Immediately Mrs. J. A. Macdonald, of Nanaimo. the Pacific Christian hospital In the Southern Pacific bus stop. show a decrease, 93 for 1*31 aa after the morning services at the B. C.. that far north on their re­ Eugene Tuesday evening. This work greatly Increases the turn home. Mrs. Macdonald and compared with 430 up to August church. beauty of this drive and especially Miss McBain have been visiting Assisting at Doctor’s Office — A meeting of the Sunday school 20. 1930. Of the total foreat fires the approach to the city as one can reported to date, « 4 have burned teachers was held In the afternoon here for the past few weeks. Mr. Miss Nadine McMurray is assisting drive for quite a distance and Dr. Rebhan at his office this week and Mrs. Goodman returned to over less than one-quarter acre; to discuss future work. watch the river all the time. A few and next during the absence of Springfield Tuesday. 242 under ten acres each, and 142 of the larger clumps of trees are Miss Clara Jones, office nurse, who burned over ten acres each. The CLEANING OF REFUSE being left. Drive to 8>lem— Mrs. W illiam is taking her vacation. total acreage burned over Is: 4*,- FROM LOTS IS STARTED Dawson, Mrs. Elsie Pollard, and *31 acres of national forest land, Son la Born Friday Maxine and Helen Swarts made a 8.260 acres of privately owned land Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Crow of Californians Visit— Mr. and Mrs. Considerable activity was noted business trip to Salem Friday. within the boundaries of the na­ in Springfield this morning about Joseph Sweeney of Los Angeles, Wendllng are the parents of a baby tional forests; and 27,740 acres of vacant lots and other epots where California, stopped in Springfield son born to them at the Eugene Leaves for Sacramento— Mrs. L. privately owned lands outside but tall dry grass was standing. A de­ last Thursday for a short while to hospital In Eugene on Friday, Aug­ Immediately adjacent to national termined effort to cut this down K. Page left Sunday for Sacra­ and Mrs. H. W. ust 21, 1931. mento, California, to spend some forest boundaries. were on their way and thereby remove the fire haxard time visiting with relatives. She Vancouver, and Visitors Here— Mrs. F. G. Have- was noted following the aerlous fire expects to be gone about a month. tnann, her sister, and her nephew TWO ARE INJURED WHEN yesterday afternoon which la be­ Columbia. who has been attending school In AUTOMOBILE IS WRECKED lieved to have been caused by a Granddsuqhter Visits— Mrs. M California— Mrs. the east, were In Springfield Sat­ carelessly tossed lighted match or I.aM arr of Los Angeles arrived Frl Sophie Schiewe returned Friday I urday to visit with Mr. Havemann Mias Ethelyn Hall and Albert cigarette. day to attend some time here visit­ from Ixidl, California, where she who Is In charge of the liquidation Kleraey were slightly Injured and ing with relatives. had been visiting since early In of the Commercial State bank. Move from Eugene— Mr. and Mrs. badly shaken up Sunday evening May. when the automobile In which they Alfred Frese have moved from Eu­ Leaves for Idaho— Peter Nelson Taking Vacation— Miss Margaret were riding collided with a truck gene and are now making their left Friday for Weiser, Idaho, for Take Week-end T rip — Mr. and Gorrle, is taking her two weeks near Mammy's Cabin between home In this city. a visit with friends and relatives. Mrs. O. H. Turner spent the past vacation from duties at the Flanery Springfield and Eugene. week-end camping In the upper drug store now. She will return to Moves to Old Hom»—Mrs. Mag­ Spends Week-end In Portland— her work the first of next week. gie McLagan and sons hove moved Orville Eaton left Friday to spend Camp Creek area. Maroola People Parante Mr. and Mrs. James Schroll of Into their own nome at Sixth and the week-end visiting In Portland. Visit from W estfir — Mr. and Recruit Enlisted— Roy Severson Marcóla became the .mrsnta of a C streets. Mrs. H arry Anthony of W estfir was enlisted into the Springfield Visits at Wsstlmbsr—Mrs. David Visits at Shedd— Miss Maxine baby daughter at the Pacific Christ Ian hospital In Eugene on Monday, Snodgrass rpent tha week-end visit­ England spent the week-end visit­ unit of the National Guard here last were business visitors in Spring- weak. field Saturday. ing at Weetlmber. ine with relatives at August 24, IN I. © CONVEYOR BUILT FOR HOGGED FUEL Grange Day it Friday; Mar- ahall Dana to Speak at Meeting in 4-H Hall ENTERTAINM ENT IS GOOD First Public Wedding is To­ night; Last Pageant Show­ ing is Friday Evening Gates of the Nineteenth annual Lane county fair were opened Wednesday morning on one of tbe largest exhibitions of agricultural and home economics product« and livestock which has been seen at the county exposition grounds for many years. Manufacturer« and in­ dustrial displays are very attrac­ tive, but are not quite as numerous as In former years. Today has been designated aa Eugene day at the fair and county offices will close during the after­ noon permitting employes to attend the fair program. Friday w ill be Grange day. M ar­ shall N. Dana, associate editor of the Oregon Journal, and actively in­ terested in the dairy development of this state. Will be the principal speaker. Admit Children Free Children under 10 years will be admitted free to the grounds ac­ cording to Mabel H. Chadwick, sec retary of the fair. She also wishes to remind the people that tickets will be refunded to the largest fam ­ ily in attendance at the fair this year. Judging of exhibits at the fair were well under way In tbe Four- H division Wednesday morning. The Judges were still working on other exhibits late last night. The outstanding group exhibit of the fair, as in former years, contin­ ues to be the floral display and en­ trance as arranged by Ben Keeney, county assessor. This year he has devised an elaborate grotto In tbe small room leading Into the ac­ tual display of the various blooms. Local Displays Predominate Livestock displays are very in­ teresting this year, due partly to tbe presence of so many exhibits by local breeders. This Is especial ly true ot the horse show which features Lane County auimals. Agricultural exhibits have been carefully arranged by most of the Grange organisations of the county. The size and quaHty ot the farm produce thia year is surprising, and due largely to the satisfactory growing conditions ot the year. Especially interesting In connection with the agricultural exhibits Is the large variety of products which are grown In Lane county and which can be eDjoyed In a ripened condi­ tion all at the same time. Of course the Four-H boys and girls have their usual large dis­ play of home, farm, and forest pro­ ducts. but noticeable this year Is the increase in exhibitions of home prepared foods by the women of the county. An outstanding example Is the Creswell exhibit prepared by the women’s club of that city. Unusual entertainment is being offered fair patrons this year. Head­ lining the attractions is the McMa­ hon Wheeler troupe of trapese and tight wire artists who appear at every grandstand perfomance. Music is being funisbed by the I. O. O. F. band. Added entertain­ ment is provided by the Meyers dance troupe of Mammy's Cabin, and by the colored trio from Chicken Inn. First Wedding Tonight The first of the public weddings will be held before the grandstand tonight and the final one on Satur­ day evening. The ceremonies will be preformed by Rev. Duncan Cam­ eron of Cottage Grove. The second and final perfarm- ance of the Lane County pageant being presented by groups from various parts of the county w ill be held In front of the grandstand on Friday evening. Elaborate displays of fireworks conclude each evening's entertain­ ment. Lsavs for East— Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson left Sunday for their month's vacation to be spent at Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. They will stop at various places enroute to visit friends and relatives. Visitors from California— Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cox of San Bernardino, California, arrived here Saturday evening to spend a vacation visit­ ing with Mrs. Cost’ sister. Mrs. Jen­ nie Fischer, and her brothers Frank and Jess Smltson. Visits Mother— Odin Olson of Bridal Veil. Oregon, spent the week­ end here visiting with his mother, Mrs. Emma Olson, and his brother, Oswald Olson. Taking Auto Trip— Mra. Mettle L. Brewer left the latter pert Of last week for Portland and Wash­ ington cities. She la making the