THURSDAY Special Election For School Set Rasebitll Candidate Q u e rn o f Fete Told Housewives CITY SCHOOLS READY FOR OPENING SESSIONS Two class room s At the Lincoln school have been completely reno­ vated and kalsoniined preparatory to the opening of school here on September 17. It Is also planned to palut the netal portions of the roof of the high school building before the opening date. SUMMONS A fad generally overlooked by the publi- Is that, (he making of hamburgi : and sausages I» Just as s< ientitlc as the makltif of bread. Hamburger, by the belter meat markets, is made fresh every day. The best hamburger requires the using of firs! class beef, mixed with just the proper amount of fat to make it fry without crumbling. In regards to use of any chemi­ cals in hamburger, the law is very strict. Chemicals to color up the meat and make it red is forbidden ami rightly so. But In regards to practices used by the more tin si i upulous markets, of adding water aud cereal to the meat to increase its weight, I. e,. bringing twenty five pounds of meat up to thirty-five pounds in order to sell it more cheaply, the law has a harder problem to detect. The pub­ lic after a time in using this type Dorothy Knowlden, led the festivi­ of hamburger, soon learns ofr It­ ties at the Ogden. Utah, carnival self that it has been fooled by bar­ this year. gain prices. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR In the first class grade of pork THE COUNTY OF LANE Lining Up Votes V1CCA Ki'NDRET. Plaintiff, -vs.- sausage, pure pork is mixed with a MINNIK LUCIANO and GUITI- amount of veal to avoid ANO LUCIANO whose name is the greasiness of too much pork. sometimes spelled GUTiANO LU­ CIANO. EDWARD KING. BER- Seasoning is done by a definite for­ > TRICE KING. L. W. ST E V E N S mula of weight. ELIZABETH H. STEVENS. W. Cheap pork sausage is a heavy A. BELL Win. D QUEEN, and JANE DOE QUEEN, wife of Wm amount ot veal and ’nferlor meat D. QUEEN. Defendants. mixed with pork fat. with a large To Minnie Luciano. Gnitiano Lu- amount pf seasoning to hide poor ciano. whose name is sometimes spelled Gutiano Luciano. L. W. quality of the meat. Stevens. Eliabeth H. Stevens. Wm I). Queen. Jane Doe Queen, wife of Wm. D. Queen. Defendants: NEWS OF BROTHER'S IN THE NAME OE THE STATE DEATH IS RECEIVED OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the News of the death of his brother. above entitled suit within four (4) Will, in Minneapolis. Minnesota, weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if was received here Tuesday even yon fail so to answer on or before ing by Riley Snodgrass. Funeral the last day of the above prescribed services and interment were to take stated time for want thereof the place at Montrose, a suburb of. Jooett Shouse. executive committee plhintiff will take Judgment and de­ :hairman of the Democratic party, cree against you. and each of you •Minneapolis. ecently toured the West as in her complaint demanded, to- wit: For Judgment against the de­ Expected Home— Mrs. S. Schiewe fendants Minnie Luciano and Gui- is expected to return today or to­ SMALL BOY CATCHES tiano. whose name is sometimes spelled Gutiano Luciano, for the morrow from Lodi. California, FINGER IN CAR DOOR sum of Nine Hundred (390(1.00i Dol­ where she has been spending sev­ lars, together with interest thereon eral months. She is the mother of The small son of Dr. Josephine from the 15th day of March. 1931. Paul Schiewe. Mrs. Sam Mont- Braun painfully injured the fingers at the rate of 8% per annum, and on one hand Wednesday evening for the further sum of One Hun­ I gomery, and Mrs. Fred Frese. dred (3100.00» Dollars as attorney's when he caught .them in an auto­ fees, and for her Costs and dis­ mobile door. He will lose on fin­ Saving M others bursements herein, and for the fur­ ger nail and the tips of several ther decree of this Court foreclos­ of the others were mashed. ing all of the right, title and inter­ est of the defendants Minnie Lu­ ciano, Guitian« Luciano, whose M E T H O D IS T CHURCH name is sometimes spelled Gutiano Luciano. L. W. Stevens. Elisabeth GETS GOOD CLEANING H. Stevfgis. Wm. D. Qmeen and Jane Doe Queen, wife of Wm. D. Members of the Springfield Queen, in and to the following des­ Methodist church were busy at the cribed reaj property situated in Lane County. State of OregoB. to- ' church this morning cleaning the wit: entire building from top to bottom. Lot One ( ll. and the Northeast Men .and women alike were doing quarter (NEQl of the Southeast their share in the general clean-up quarter (SE1, ) of Section thirty- five <35*. Townshrip Eighteen (18). South, Range Six (61. West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County. Ospgon, except ten (10) acres deeded to c . E. Blodg- ette; and for such other and further re­ lief as to the Court may seem Just and equitable. This summons is published by Mr n Sloanr is to lead the virtue of an order of the Honorable Mother’s Day, May 10 C. P. Barnard, County Judge of of " u n i t y Center Association Lane County, Oregon, dated the 19tb day of August. 1931. The date of the first publication of this summons iB August 20. 1931. Leaburg Resident Here— Barney JAMES K. KING. Attorney for Oldfield was a business visitor in t h i N ó a b o u t T M S plaintiff, Residence and post- Springfielu from his ranch at Lea­ ^ F U M IN G YOUTH YOU office address. Eugene, Oregon. burg on Monday. (A 20-27—S-3-10-17) HEAR i T¡S IS SO M U C H S o m e t h in g SURE TO ABOUT, T i m e C U & E .' HAS HEAVY OAT YIELD An unusually fine record (or grain crops In this section of the County has been reported front (he farm of Georgo Platt, Thurston farmer. Mr Platt bad one Held of oats containing nlue acres which when lliroalivd aver aged Kid bushels to the acre. LATST ¿y Veneta and Job Districts to Facts Regarding the Making of Hamburger, a Staple Vote on Consolidation Pro­ Meat. Are Given posals August 29 Hpevlal «lection to vote on a pro- po»«l for the consolidation of th« Veneta school district 28 nnd the Ji b district 1«4 will be held at 7:30 p. in Saturday, August 2», accord Ins to B. J Moore, coenty school superintendent. The petitions have been filed with the boundary board and the election called. GUN CLUB HOLDS IMATCH L fflB DAI T H U R S TO N FARMER Advice on Meats l*robably Pecans« our clothe» are longer, and more ample generally, all sorts of open work arrange ments have been revived to give (hem the needed lightness and airi­ ness. Hence we see eyelets, lace insrtions. slashes, slits and fagot­ ing which sugest the "peekaboo'1 Insertions, slashes, silts and fagot ♦rri ■ • ' • « The tagoted sleeve shown in ths William H. McCarthy, former Pa sketch is an example of thia sort y«u- Coast League head, mav succeed of thing. It Is copied from one ot the late E S Banurd as pi'-' '■ nt «f the American Baseball l '-a e. the newest dresses but can easily be reproduced by the home dressmaker. The strips to he used for the fagoting are made from bias strips of the material. Cut them twice as wide as you want to. allowing a little to turn In at Dry Law Repeal Petitions Signed * F '!■ ' ~r% ( V «V . either side. Fold over to make a double strip, baste at the top, blind- stitch together firmly and press. Cut a paper pattern of the shape needed for the cuff several Inches longer at the top than needed. Mark lines on this paper where the strips of material should come and make a curved design at the top of the cuff as shown in the sketch. Baste the strips on the paper, turning the top row in the center to form the circular extension. Use fine buttonhole twist to match the material and work In simple fagot ing stitch. This is done by crossing and recrosslng the thread between the strips to form a zig zag line. A small stitch is taken in the band each time and the needle is than passed under the thread of the stitch that has Just been taken, thus giving the twisted appearance at the edges. CHANGE OF LIFE MADE HER CROSS, NERVOUS "My husband hated to come home when 1 bad change-of Ufe, I was so cross. I was a nervous wreck but Vinol built me up and I feel like a new person now."—Mrs. E. Buck. Nervous, tired, run-down women or men need the help of Iron, lime and cod liver peptone as contained Drive to Cascadia—Mr. and Mrs. in Vinol. Even the first bottle brings C. F. Eggimann motored to Cas- new pep, better appetite and sound sleep. Aids digestion and makes ' cadla on the Sant lain highway Wed­ red blood. Tastes delicious. Oet nesday. Vinol today! Ketels Drug Store. Preliminary arrangements are be log made for a big registered trap shoot her« to be conducted for two i d a i s bv Ihe Eugene Gun club for lllie Labor Day weekend Sunday land Monday. September 8 and 1. A lengthy list of trap events Is to lie rtxed aud some of the best scatter gun experts of the Pnclflc Norlhweal are expected to compels. Mrs. Betty Luedeke of Dayton, writes, "I am using Kruschan to re­ duce weight I lost 10 pounds In one week and cannot say too much to recommend It.” To take off fat easily, safely slid quickly take one half tesspooiiful I I K ruse lien In a glass of hot water Return from Portland Mr. and tine of the fireworks scelles to every morning before breakfast nn 85 cent bottle lusts 4 weeks— tie shown each evening at Ihe bans Mrs Ed Soule relumed Friday from Portland after a short visit. Get It al Ketels Drug Store or any county fair drug store in America If ibis first bottle falls to convince you this It the easiest, safest and surest way Io lose fat money back. A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S S A L E Irish-Murphy Co. Sugar Pink Salmon Pur»« Cant’ 3 Tall Can« 10 lbs. - - 45c 25c Wheat Flakes Catsup POWER PLANT HEAD IS TRANSFERRED TO COAST Mayor at Cottage Grove— W. P Tyson, mayor, spent Thursday in Cottage Grove on business. Shedd Boy Here — Merle Snod grass, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H Snodgrass Is spending the week- here from his home at Shedd visit­ ing with his aunt and uncle. Mr. | and Mrs. Riley Snodgrass. Trouble Shooter Here — Carl Hoffman, trouble shooter for the Mountain States Power company ut Albany was a business visitor In Springfield this morning Teacher Visits Here—Miss Ruth Jones of Clark. South Dakota, ar­ rived in Springfield Monday to spend a few days visiting at the home of Dr. aud Mrs. N. W Emery Miss Jones Is a school teacher at Mitchell. Sduth Dakota. She will return home by way of Seattle and Vancouver. British Columbia. Many Gunner« of Northwest to Compete In Shoot Here Over Holiday Week-end Í > HOW ONE WOMAN LOST 10 POUNDS IN A WEEK Notice Is hereby given that by Movement Under Way Here I virtue of un order of license Issued to Bring Prohibition Ques­ out of the county court of Lan« CtMUIty. Oregon. (lie umlei signed, as tion to Voters in 1932 iidminlstrator of the estate of WII Hum II. Herbert, will, on and ufler Initiative petitions for Ihe pro­ 10 A. M . of Saturday. Sept 18. posed repeal of the Oregon state 1931. the office of H D. Allen. 877 prohibition law to be voted upon Willamette St.. Eugene. Oregon, oi­ ler for sale and sell at prlvat* at ihe general election of next sab- to the highest bidder, lot 1 In year have beeu sent to Eugene and block 3. In Cheshire Second Addi­ tion to Eugene. In lame County. are now being signed here. Backers of this movement of re Oregou. Terms of sale, ut least on half cash, balance secured by peal say that already there are mortgage on lot. enough signers In the state to t i s ­ J F BERGER. Administrator (A 20-27 -S 3 10 171 sure that the measure will be on Ihe 1932 general election ballot. L. E. Wallace, superintendent of the Springfield steam plant of the Mountain States Power company has been transferred to North Bend to assume management of the large steam plant there. Mr Wal lace succeeds the late W. C. Me Lagan, who lost his life In an air­ plane acldent near Winchester Bay. Mr. Wallace has been here since January 1. when he was transfeired from Tillamook to take the place oi Mr. McLaga* when the latter was sent to North Bend. AUGUST 20. 1931 latrge Package I-urge Cun 19c 39c M A J E S T IC S IP E K Acte Oronite Fly Spray Italian Prunes 6 lbs. - - 25c fur SBTS ^rrwMimf FIGS— 10 LB. BOX llotiae or Stock Per Gallon 60c $1.65 Phenomenal Value« y gC A* ' Complete $72.50 N ever before h a re we displayed radio sets <>n which we v*err so eothiisia*tic . . . ne*er !>«•{• »re have there been *u- ner.ietrrodvne* w ith anything like M ajestic** amazing development, the M l L T I- M H tul»e. N ow . freedom from hiaa, distortion and *‘