THURSDAY, AUGUBT 20. I M I TH E BPRINOF1ELD NEWS GARDEN WAY S?mi-Annual Report or H. L. Bown AH M H K H IF F o r L A N K C O U N T Y . O R EG O N Perlo* eoam enrlng January la). 1*31. and «U din i Juua 10th. 1*31. both dale« Intlualve TAX N O L L FOR T H g V I A N IM O Aatuuni i'harivd ou roll Hharlff'a aaaonamanla lut«r«at rollm'lod 1‘ulil lo < buuly Traaaurur- Aprll 13. 1*31 Aprll I«. I M I Aprll 3b. I M I May «. 1 »31 May «. 1*31 May ». 1*31 May 14. 1*31 May I I . I M I May 33. 1*31 May 37. 1*31 Juna b. 1*31 Juna I , 1*31 Juua 11. I M I Juna I I . 1*31 Juna I*. I M I Juna 1*. 1*31 » 37,130.0* 31.131.30 37,10*36 43.6*4 11 140,101.10 40,713 36 4 3, *11.33 36,733 73 . *3,3*1.17 63.40b.»» <3,»70 70 40.311.33 34,101.16 31.466 14 116.1*4.34 36.334 30 To honor Mr«. Uao. Irlah of Kota City, Portland, a tu rn er raaldant of I'baaa Uardaua. Mra. H. K. Wylie plauuad an Inforotal tea aa a aur- prlaa Monday aftarnoon, A few frleuda warn Invited and the after- noon was apant vlaltlag. aaelug pic l urea and bear lug of the Wylle'a re­ cant trip to Hawaii. | Mlaa L ud lla W ylie aervad de 33 36* 760*3 **cloua refreshment» of rake, cook *¡411.1« * nd Mra. W ylie poured 1.73 Tboae who were preaeot war« *3.3*1,176.60 former member« of tha Hunahlne ■ club. The gueata were Mr*. Geu. Irlah. Mra. (1. O. McKIhany. Mra. Alice Pattison. Mr». Margaret Pen gra. Mra. I. Cline. Mr». C. C. Cook of Richmond. Cal., Mr». Truman ! Chaae, Wlllagaaple. and Mr*. T. J I Maxwell. Mr». Irlah will vlalt at Central for a time before returnlug to Portland. Mr. and Mra. C. C. Cook of Rich j mood. California, are vlaltlng at * the W ilfred Cook home at Chaae 3*46.6641.63 MAUT SEE TESTS OF SHALL PLANE Approximately 2000 on Hand for First Flight of Ship at Springfiald Airport SHIP BUILT IN 31 DAYS Craft With Wing Spread of Only 20 Font Has No Dif­ ficulty in Taking Off Appoxluiataly 2004 people visited the Hprlngfleld airport Sunday to wltneas the testing of the little one- place biplane which has been christened "Hprlngfleld Cadet" Just ¡completed at the airport. Jim MacManlmann designed and built the ship assisted In the build Gardena and the Hlefert home near . In« by W illiam Bodley, John WII- Coburg. The Cooka were former inol and Robert MacMunlman. Ac­ tual building time waa 31 days. realdenta of Chaae Gardena. ' — --------- --------------------- ! circle», but outside circles as wall and assist them In avary way Tbs university will open Its fall It has already been purchased by W illiam Bodley and Jobo Wilmot, all atudents will hagln September students of MacManlman term September 21. when "freah- Tha crowds af the airport Hun 28. day were thrilled by the wtag walk ■ ng performance» of Ronald Kuaaell. who did Hunt« on a trapeze bar swung from the landing gear ot the Travelalr piloted by Mr. Mac • W H A T RICH ES HA VE YOU?” Maulman. He bung from the wings By George Santayana and did many other breath taking What riches have you that you things. Only Four Applicants So F a r1 deem me poor, Lilted for Examination I Dr what large comfort that you call NEW ADVISORY SYSTEM me «ad? Here in September TO BE TRIED AT U„ OF O Tell me what makes you so exceed­ Only tour application» are on ing glad; R educed N u m b e r of Claaaea W ith file ao far by applicants for United Is your earth happy or your heaven In cra aae d E n ro llm e n t Incraaaaa Htatea citizenship for the semi-an­ sure? N eed fo r O u idon ca nual examinations to be held In 1 hope for heaven, since the stars circuit court bera In September. Students at the University of Ore­ endure Usually there are 16 to 18 listed gon. both old and those entering to take tbla final examination. The And bring such tidings as our thia fall, have an unusual opportun­ fathers had. applicants ao far on file are: An­ ity offered them for guidance and selmo Gluatlna. Dexter, born In I know no deper doubt to make me advice, a service that should prove mad. Italy; Thomas W illiams. Cottage of great value to them throughout Grove, born in England; Rosalie I need no brighter love to keep me their collage careers and after, It pure. Plus». Eugene, born In Hwltxerland; Is declared by O. loturgaard, ot Robert Charles Moody, Eugene, To me the faiths of old are dally Portland, president of the "Oregon born in England. bread; Dads.” and Mrs. F. W. Bond, presi­ An examiner from the United I bless their hope. I bless their will dent of "Oregon Mothers," who Htatea Immigration office In Port­ to save. have Just made a thorough study of land will be here to conduct the And my deep heart still meanetb the student advisory system here at examinations. what they said. the request of President Arnold Not Many Apply to r Citizenship PAO« m i roufl FOB TURKET GROWERS LISTED Final Itinerary of Trip to Bo Made Thursday Aftarnoon Given; to Visit Farms Schedule of the lain« county turkey tour to be held next Thttra- day Is announced by O. 8 Fletcher, county agricultural agent. Following la tha Itinerary: 3:00 p. m. - Farm of Chas. H Dear, four miles vast of Cottage Grove. 1460 Bronxe and W hite Hol­ land poults. Hatched In Incubator, brooded with oil-heated brooder. 3.16 p. ra.— L. A. W right place. Just off Pacific highway four miles south of Eugene Ou first road leading west Just north of the un- derhead railway t-rosalng. 604 Bronze poults hatched In Incubators and brooded with electric brooders. 4.30 p. m.— Farm of H. F. John­ son, 4H miles north of Junction City. 400 Bourbon Red poults hatched in incubators and brooded with hens. Seven members of the Bourbon Red 4-H club of this com munlty will exhibit some of thetr fine birds at this place. This tour is a part ot the first annual tour of the Northwest T u r­ key Breeder’s association. The farms of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Brown, Dixonville; Mr. and Mrs. Ward Cockeram. Oakland; and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Htrong. Oakland, w ill be visited Thursday forenoon. On F ri­ day, August 31, the turkey flocks of the following people w ill be in­ spected: Mr. and Mrs. W illard H er­ man, Harrisburg; A. D. Hudson. Tangent; H arry Pearcy, Salem; Henry Domes. McCoy. There waa no difficulty whatso­ ever In getting the tiny plane off the ground. It took off and handled like a veteran despite Its small «Ixe. The wing spread la only 20 Bennett «Hall. It makes me happy that the soul feet and the length of the fuselage. The student advisory system at EARLY LANE RESIDENT (t.M l.1 7 6 .6 4 1» brave, 16 feet seven Inches. When the the university, regarded as one of PASSES IN CALIFORNIA ! And. being so much kinsman to «hip Is In level flying position It la the most efficient In the United The money turned over to County Treaaurer dally, producing a gain the dead. possible to look over the top wing. States, will tie especially valuable News of the death of R. J. Hemp­ of Interest on average dally balance over tha amount when the method walk contented to the peopled It Is hardly believable that the uf dally turnovera of tax money waa nut made heretofore. thia year, due to the fact that larger hill, pioneer Lane county resident grave. plane can do all the things It and fewer classes will be held on and fanner In the Pleasant HUI 734.3* Pirat bait of 1*21 Inter»«! M/TscArrrg vuMMfveroN burial proved Itself capable of doing Sun­ the campus, and the close contact district, was received here this day. It certainly was thoroughly W A SHING TO N . D. C.. August 1* tested and passed all of them with between faculty and student so week from relatives at Modesto. IUKA CIRCLE MEMBERS T A X N O L L FOR T H g Y g A N 1*2* greatly desired will be facilitated California, where be died Bunday, j —Govenment energlea are now be­ aucceaa. WILL MEET TONICHT (343,«3« .13 Delinquent, Including fire patrol— December S lit. 1*30 largely through this means. It Is Funeral services were held In the 1*4.4* ing bent toward a aolutlon of the Sheriff'« aaaeaamenta alnce laat report .......... The weight la only 360 pounds pointed out by Mra. Bond and Mr. California city on Monday. Mrs. Wpnda Barnes will enter­ 7.200.1* unemployment situation that la ex­ Intereat and penalty collected alnce laat report ..... and the ship has a lifting capacity Laurgaard. Hemphill waa a former Lane tain at a potluck supper tonight at pected to confront the country next of 226 pounds besides the gas and 3161.02«.72 winter. The advisory system operates county commissioner, member of her home for members of Iuka The Prealdent'a advlaera oil carried. It has a cruising range under the direction of the recently l'ald to County Treaaurer— the Spencer Butte 1. O. O. F. lodge, circle, I-adies of the G. A. R. This bave been worhlog with him ever 3 27.333.23 Pebruary 4. I M I of 260 miles with a maximum speed established personnel bureau, head­ and a member of the Pleamant HUI will be a regular meeting for the alnce aprlng. trying to devlae way» 37.133.37 March «. 1*31 of »0 mile« per hour. The expected ed by (Jean Karl W. Onthank. Each 13,4*4 30 Christian church. Aprii 4. 1*31 to meet thia condition. circle. Mrs. Barnes' home is lo­ J. C. Leedy, Douglas county agent celling la 10,000 feet and perhaps 31.134 37 June 33. 1*31 year outstanding faculty members cated on the corner of Eighth and has cooperated In making arrange­ Beyond question, the administra­ the moat surprising thing la the who also have a keen understanding Marcóla Resident Hare — Mr». D streets. ments for this tonr. H. E. Cosby, ex­ 111.433.37 tion realise« that conditions for the landing speed. Average landing tension poultryraan of the Oregon Soldier«' and aoldler widow»' exemption» »Ince laat report 37.3* I men out of work are going to be speed of the larger ships, ranges of students and their problems, are Allan W ilkins of Marcóla was a selected to act as advisors. As visitor In Springfield on Monday. Krrore, cancellations and double aaaeaamenta, alnce laat report 1.134.»* mu ah harder thia winter than at Agricultural college, w ill be on the FAIR CATTLE TO BE from 40 miles per hour up. The Fire patrol cancelled since laat raport...—..—— — 6.74 any time alnce the stock markat students register, they are assigned tonr and discuss turkey problems TESTED FOR ABORTION 133.334.33 crash two years ago. The big In­ "Cadet" ran be taken off and land­ to one of these advisors, usually In Delinquent. Including fire patrol—July 1, 1*31 . . . ------------ — Beet and Rhubarb Jelly at the various stops. ed within a 200 foot apace and the the school or department In which This ,s a fine relish to serve with 33*1,034 73 dustrial concerns. In moat Instan­ Tests of all cattle to be exhibited average landing speed Is 26 miles they plan to continue their major the meat course. Take equal parts ces. are faced with heavily depleted at the Lane county fair next week ANNUAL GRANGE PICNIC per hour. work. of young beets, boiled tender, and reserves, and tha saving» of moat TAX N O L L FOR T H g V IA R IM S were being made today by Dr A. F. HELD AT HECETA BEACH The motor la especially construc­ Students are free to go to their rhubarb sliced without peeling. workers have been dissipated In 3 76.443.43 supplying the family larder. Aa a ted for Jual such small ships. It advisors or to staff members of the Cook together until very tender, Flanigan to determine whether any Delinquent. Including fire patrol— December Slat, 1*30 43.31 More than 200 people attended Sheriff'« aaaeaamenta alnce laat report — ...... ..... Is a four-cylinder, twin-opposed Con­ personnel bureau and discuss with put through a sieve, then through of thia stock is affected with con­ 3,034.07 result there Is lees money being Interact and penalty collected alnce laat report — tagious abortion No cattle can be the Grange picnic held at Heceta tinental motor and the propeller them their courses In the univer­ a Jelly bag Measure the Juice, and held In reserve right now than at Many of them * 77,144 6* any time since tha depression used, measures 6 (eet, 2 and one- sity. study problems they encoun to a pint allow a pound ot sugar. exhibited at the fair except that Beach Saturday. stayed over to spend the week end which has passed the test. half Inches. ter. as well as their other affairs, Heat the sugar in the oven, add started. Pald to County Treaaurer— A total of 23 head of cattle owned on the beach. Short talk» by Sen­ Mr. MacManlman plans to take such as living conditions, social to the hot Juice and cook five min­ President Hoover has held many Pebruary (. 1*31 3 6.314 0» by Four II club members was test­ ator H. C. Wheeler, and W. A. Aprll 4. l»3l 4.3041 3« consultations with John Barton the ‘‘Cadet" on a tour of Oregon programs and others. Advisors and utes longer. Turn into heated glass- es and cover when cold with par ged last week and three were found Ayres were given during the picnic Juna 33. 1*31 4.4*41« airports soon. It baa created a great others with whom they come In Payne, bead of the Red Croat, Bee gathering. affln. to give positive reactions. 14.006.13 retary of Labor Doak. Arthur deal of Interest, not only In local contact offer them friendly advice W oods. chairman of the committee 64* 7* Errore, cancellatluna and doublé aaaeaamenta alnce laat report 6.M on employment, and other authori­ Pire patrol cancelled alnce laat report.....— ... ............ — *3.6(3 77 Dellnquent. tncludlng flre patrol—July 1, 1*31.... ........ .......... ties, for the purpose of finding out 3 77,144 63 what palliatives the government ! has with which to meet the coming condition. In addition. Mr. Hoover T A X R O L L FOR T H g Y I A N 1M7 baa spurred on those having public ..* 43.361*6 Delinquent. Including fire patrol— December Slat. 1*30 46.1« worka In charge In an endeavor to Sheriff*» aaaaeamenta alnce laat report-------------- — 1,170.(4 create Jobe. He has been keeping Internal and penally collected alnce laat report .............. closely In touch wtth all plana being 3 43.4*3 M carried out by the various states on Paid to County Treaaurer— new public worka and arranging 3,341.47 Pebruary 7. 1*31................... ....... federal plana to fit In with their 1.010.76 April 4. 1*81 ............. .................. 1,0*4.40 projects In order that the greatest June 26. 1*31 number of workers w ill be benefit- «,116.71 led at the least possible coat to the «14.36 Error«, cancellation« and double aaaeaamenta alnce laat report 6.43 taxpayers. PI re patrol cancelled alnce laat report................. — ................... The president has expressed Delinquent, Including fire patrol— July la ’., 1331 ....................... *«,783.41 gratification at tha action of the 3 43,401.»6 United States Steel company la cut­ ting dividends and letting wages T A X R O L L FO R T H g Y g A N 1 M * stand. His friends hope that the ap 3».111.76 parties are almost tied In their Dollnquent, Including fire patrol— December 31. 1*30 «34.31 number of représentatives. It la pro- Intere»! collected alnce laat report... 67.71 Penalty collected alnce laat report ...... ..... - .......- ........... 15c $1.48 Kayser or Hum­ blematlual yet aa to whether the $1.00 Arrowhead 45c SHEETING MUSLIN 3 3».86».77 Republicans or the Democrats w ill, ming Bird full fashion 75c Non-Run Semi-Fashion control and elect the speaker. Even Paid lo County Treaaurer— FNill size for double 20c yard wide striped Bleached or Unbleach­ 1.313.47 Pebruary 7th. 1*31 .............. If the Republicans are shown to be SILK HOSE RAYON BLOOMERS SILK HOSE 3(3 64 medium heavy ed. The Famous Dixie bed 9-4 April 4th. 1*31................... _.... In control, they will still have the 1.367*3 June 26th. 1*31 ------------------ Queen Brand. difficult Job of conciliation the in all shades Service or Chiffon OUTING FLANNELS Special Special 3,40*04 Progressives ao rney w ill vote with Yd. Special 3*3.44 the regulars. rrora, cancellation» and double aaaeaamenta alnce laat report Special Special 3.43 re patrol cancelled alnce laat report..............- ........................... One bears from all sources that rllnquent. Including fire patrol—July lat, 1*81........................... 34.0*3.•» the ahelvea of the merchants are 81x90 Heavy Sheets * 3»,16».77 practically cleared, and that many 35c Feather-proof 3 yds. for 25c Ticking 19c of them are living from hand to 89c 3 pairs for $2.^0 mouth, aa far as stocks are con­ T A X R O L L FOR T H 1 Y g A N 1486 25c Soclets 15c 3 34.(14.** cerned. Some Industries have al­ Delinquent, Including fire patrol— December Slat. 1*30 1.10*70 ready gone back on full time pro­ 32c PRINTS $1.25 Sheet Intereat collected alnce laat report..................................... $3.95 Men’s and One I^irge Group of 73.71 duction and It la expected the rest Penalty collected alnce laat report....................... ............... 69c Blankets Guaranteed fast color Young Men’s White *00.30 of the mills and factories will fol Advertlalng collected alnce laat report------------------------- - Ladies’ $5 Sport and 85c Heavy Guaranteed Men’s Heavy 12c College $2.50 Nashua Double low suit In a few months. Natural­ 3 10,004.46 Dress SHOES, every WORK SHIRTS Blankets, special $1.29 25c - 35c Peter Pan ly this cannot be accomplished as BIB OVERALLS CORDUROY PANTS pair guaranteed for and other High Grade Paid to County Treaaurer— quickly as mills can be shut down, Blue or Grav $3.95 Wool mixed, full Special Special Pebruary 7. 1*81................. ........................... — I 745.3« and It la thia In-between period that PRINTS good wear. Special size for double bed, April 4. 1*31 ......................................... ...... 1.734.7« the government aeeka to bridge Special June 26, 1*31....................................................... 1.333.13 Blankets $1.96 over with temporary Jobs on needed 4,344.13 public worka like postoffices, roads, $1.75 Wool mixed M 7.M leveea and similar undertakings. $1.00 Hickory Shirt Error», double aaaeaamenta and cancellation» alnce laat report Sheet Blankets $1.50 Khaki Pants 1.34 in p patrol eace vs I cancelled »Inca laat — - - report........................................... — - -............ Special .............98c Mlnquent, Including fire patrol— July 1»L 1**1......................... 10,361.40 Linen finish 98c‘ Rhubarb Dumpllnpa * 33.044.46 Wash and cut the rhubarb In Inch $3.50 Men’s Dress piece*, and etew with little more $2.50 - $3.50 Children $12.00 Cutter 16-inch 20c Engineer-Fireman Paris Garters......... 19c $3 Men’s Hats, $1.69 P a n ts....... .......$2.48 P R O C E E D * O F SALK O F R IA L P R O P ER TY than halt It* weight In sugar and and Girls' HOSE Boots $7.98 Just a little water. W hile it I* $4 Men’s Hats $2.46 $5 - $7 Men’s Dress Proceeds of sale of real property for delinquent tazee............. 8 3.131.3* SHOES aft -J A Q 75c Suspenders, . 49c 2 Pairs for $9.00 E. J. 16-inch cooking mix a flour battar in the Paid to County Treasurer— Pants $3.95 $1.50 Men’s Caps, 89c Special B o o ts.............. $4.96 proportion of a pint of flour, a halt February 7. 1881....................- .......................... 3 1*3.7* 50c Suspenders 39c $3.50 Men’s Sweaters $5.50 Old Men's April 4, 1*81....................................................... 1.3*0.*« $1.00 Boys’ Caps 69c taaspoonful of salt, two teaspoon- $5.00 Black and White $1.98 June 26, 1*31...................................................... 677.61 ful* ot baking powder, and a scant and other 50c Men's Plain color COMFORT SHOES 20c Hop picking $5.00 Men’s Sweaters, cup of aweet milk, than drop It by * 1,131.3* 25c DRESS SOX 9c Gloves SPORTS SHOES ....................... $2.98 Broadcloth Shirts, 89c tha spoonful Into the boiling rhu­ One Lot to Close 3 for 25c to Close $1.00 Polo Shirts, 49c barb. The result Is delicious. Bat 2 pairs for R EP O R T ON FEES $4.50 Men’s Work and $1.00 Boys’ B. C. hot with or without cream. $1.50 Boys’ Long 45c Ladies’ Leather 1,107.4» Total S h e riff* fees collected for various services. DRESS SHOES Dress Shirts 69c Facet! 19c 360.00 Pants 98c Total auto llcenae fee» .................. .............................. With Bacon 3,474.44 Total fine» and miscellaneous receipt*........ ............ To many American housewives 3 4,431.3* there seems to be but one way of $3.50 Riding Pants Good News for Old $1.25 fast color ladies* The best is none too cooking and serving bacon— that It, d to County Treaaurer— I oidtes. A Genuine HOUSE DRESSES $4.50 - $6.00 January 3 to June 30, 1381— S h e riff* fee».................. — .— 3 1,107.03 cooked In a frying pan for break­ 20c Men’s good for you. Buy Vici Kid. — Steel January 2 to June 30, 1*81— Auto llcenie foes........... - ......... 350.00 fast, either wtth or without fried to Close HANDKERCHIEFS January 3 to June 30. 1081— Mlicellaneoua receipt*........... 13.43 egg*. Ye*— and there’s liver and ARCH SUPPORT CROWN JEWEL $12.50 Auto Trunks CORSETS d to County Treasurer and Court— SHOES bacon — served more often for Colored Borders, 4 for January 2 to June SO, 1*81— F in e*........................................... 3,048.38 COTTON a lunch or dinner dish now that All Styles and Sizes Comfort and Wear * 4.011.0* wa don’t have suck kaarty break­ for your quilts. $1.25 Guaranteed. to Close fatte. But that le about the extent $2.60 All Wool Sleeve­ Reg. 50c cotton for GIRLS’ DRESSES $1.25 Men’s Summer of many houeawlvaa’ bacon reper­ Old Ladles Comfort Your Choice less Sweater. STA TE O F OREGON,! gg Friday - Saturday only Special toire. Shoes Special CO UN TY OF LANE. { UNION SUITS Holdlar and aoldlar widow«' axemptlona ................ Error« and double aaaeaamenta and cancellation« Collected by County Aaaeaaor Fire patrol cancelled .............. .......... —. ...... ......... . Unpaid, Including fire patrol—July let, 1*31 ___ * 73 **7 3,23146 1,240 37 11 13 1.311.443.0* W A S H IN G T O N • Y RADFORD MOBLEY Fulop’s Department Store -------------------------------- SPRINGFIELD, O R EG O N ---------------------- --— - AUGUST CLEARANCE VALUES ÌO U M A I NEVER DUPLICATE 89c 89c 34c 59c 9c 29c 17c $2.39 49c 12c 32.48 69c 1 'H-O 25c $3.69 $2.98 $2.98 Rhubarb and Orange | L. Bown. ae Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon, do hereby certify foregoing le a true and correct report of the office* of Sheriff Cut the rhubarb In short lengths Collector for Lane County, Oregon, for the period commencing and cover with auger for an hour 1st, 1*31, and ending June 30th, 1331, both date* Inclusive. before cooking. Then cook in a Dated thle 36th day of July, A. D., 1881. double boiler, with the Juice ot one orange squealed over IL and no H . L B O W lf , water. at Lnaa Oowxty, M ata ot 69c $1.89 $4.98 89c 25c I, H. that the and Tax January 25c $1.98 69c 34c 98c T e r m s o f Sale — C a s h O n ly $1.69