T H V U H D A Y , A U 0 V 8 T 20, 1031 T U B H P R IN Q F IE I.D N E W S S H E E P C L A IM S F IL E D W IT H I'lalnm for C O U N TY BOARD II ali.ap killed by do«« have baa a fii.xt with th» coun ly dug dniirul bnurd fur ennaldara linn «1 tin* Hvptcrnher mauling W A IKIES EDES r TO BATE HEARING ; Coburg Thurston PAO» TH1UBB ! DEW AMO ASKED ID M E M E IAEA I lie Neighbors of Woodcraft mat **' and M r* Fred Hussell n o In regular aeaalon Inal Tbumduy ’«rad to Silverton last Sunday to nlng Mr«. Joe glaveus »«» bon vl* il ’ •’• I ’’ •« “ - Belmont Hussell. «red with a stork shower. ¡«nd (« filly . The • dil Fellows lodge entertain Mrs. Rosa I'atnn from Portland ••d the Grand Master Homer 0. j »•■•“ 'd her Belce Mrs. a w Waa O R D E R FOR S E IZ U R E OF RUM CAR FILED Return on selaure and conflaca Hon of a ear at Junction City July ' IS as an alleged carrier of liquor was made In circuit court Saturday.' OLSOB GETS TIME ID APPEAL ACTION ________ tl*«rga llatax, t ot lag« Grove dla-1 Rapraaantativa From Hara At- irli't. haa filed ,t claim fur savan ’ tanda Interstate Commerça Delegations Saak Route on The car was taken iro n Ray Defendant Wil Have Until aha« p, Three alivcp were killed ul Angell nt the regular meeting last ” r la8' Monday. K M HAI.K- gprlugfteld Io,, for ,. Mummey wb» had in hl« possession September 26 to Complete South Bank From Hend­ Session at Portland Tuesday evening. Speeches were Hubert Gray and Herbert Weiss «ali. oy will trad* for MeKensle i ** ,r“ hl‘ l,, near Central and live gallons of alcohol. Mummey ricks to Belknap Bridge rifa r huma alto or Ku*«u« pro ,h" Hlm,n«"" Placa, routa w A Ayres, representing __ made by Mr Angell, by Hr L. L. j l*,f* I“ «* Tuesday for Toledo where ______ party. I„ tl Hullu. p. o. B„x gg4> *• Hl"',ngfl«ld. Livestock Shippers league, was at ,lakar’ «»«»•<• master, and de 'hey bave employment on the road B r t t IT P R A IIC U T Portland from Weden Wedensday to Fri Fri pu,y O r“nd Master Charles P. * o rt BOUGHT Eugene I'lione 1311 M. «day to if: Mrs. Inus Flanigan from Salem D E M U R R E R IN IN J U R Y day lust week attending a railroad l’o<’la Heveial visitor from rate hearing by the Interstate com HPr*“ «Deld, W altervllle. Mar ',,a,,ed ,he Weaver home lest Tu«s- Lr * r « • £ £ " T ? 1 ." T " “ ' ’ Delmont»- Sleep well In the D A M A G E S U IT F IL E D country? merce commission. '' da u" d Oregon City were present ■ day' Some 25 Miles of Construe- Malachrlno First night I could One member of the commission Mr a,,d M r" Kre*l Mlers of He« Elmer Jeans, the small son of tion, Engineer Reports Demurrer to the suit of Iraida n I Sleep at all. After that I hired McUhehey by her guardian Arthur and two examlneis were present M«1“ «». Iowa. are guests at th.- Mr a,id Mra Cac11 J««ns. Is serl- a tanner boy to all In my auto and V. Mctihebey was filed. In circuit The hearing Is on application o f ) b " m ' ' * ®f Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hldwell ; OU8ly 111 a* b,a b«m* here, Possabllity of a parallel road to blow the horn all eight. Then I got court Tuesday by the defendant railroads for an Increaac In rale« “ ’" l Mr “ nd M r» A D. Pirtle M r MIh’ Laura Ruth returned to follow the McKenxIe on the oppo- along hue. of If. per cent which affects an ^ le ra 1« a professor In Drake unl 1 ortland last Tuesday after visiting site Side of the river is seen In Julius O. McCready. petitions that have been filed with farm produoe and stork shipments * • « • « )’ In D«s Moines. Mrs. Mlera *“ 'r par,’n*a b*re several days The plaintiff seeks damages for _ A number of growers and reprea 18 “ “ au“ ‘ " f Mrs. Hldwell and a M r" L l,z ** Adr,8n and children 1 * Z a 7 ” ’ th* ' Injuries alleged Io have been aua N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S •ntatlvee of growers and livestock ' • ,* U'r of Mr •’•«He. ,rom ’ '«rtland visited her parents n*' IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT O F T H E tallied when she fell on a sidewalk shippers were at the meeting tol M r* V*ra Kellema of Pboealx. M r' and ,Mr> WlIHnm Ruth last A delegation called on County STA TE OF OREGON FOR of a bouse owned by defendant. The give testimony. Mr. Ayres says. ! A rl*«na. Is visiting with her par week LANK CO UNTY Commissioner Hurd Saturday and Injured girl resided In the house. IN THE M A TTER OF THE enta. Mr. and Mr». T. K. Edward». | There wa» a double »bower elven »ought county aid in having a coun- ESTATE OF C H A R LES C. N o ta ria l Commission Filed___ The I 8,1-11 Kellen,a Is ’lean of women at thf‘ home of Mr. and Mrs Fred ty road established on the south N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R * R o s s m a n , deceased notarial commission of O. O. Vested j 1,1 “ <'«Hege in Phoenix. Russell last Thursday evening In bank pf the McKenxIe from Hend­ NOTICE IS HER EBY G IV E N : Sprlngth-ld, Oregon. June 24. 1*3| was filed for record al the office Mr8 Henry Lovelace and three honor of the two daughters, who ricks bridge to Belknap bridge. Inst Lydia J. Rosaman haa been Notice la hereby given that the of the county clerk last week. children. Ralph Karl. Maxine, and recently married— Mrs. Carey appolnled eaecutrlg of the latst There Is a connty road now est­ Will and Testameut of Charlea C. undersigned as Superintendent of Elliott of Racrameoto, California, Thompson formerly Miss Margaret ablished to Leaburg on that side Hanks fur the State of Oregon Is Rossman, deceased, by the Couuly Mrs. Linn Endicott of the river but there are no Im­ A d m ln lstrator Is Named— W a lle r arc gueata at the home of Mr. and Ruaa 11 ““ d Court of Lane County. Oregon All In charge of the assets and affairs Persons having claims against said of the Commercial State Hank of Price has been appointed adminis­ Mrs. Frank Lovelace. provements. Recently a petition | formerly Miss Muude Russell. Mra. J. C. Franz of The Dalles estate are required to present them, Springfield, Oregon, for the pur­ trator of the estate of Martha W al­ was f led with the county coart The Thurston high school board pose of liquidation. All persona who with the proper vouchers, within lace. Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. j recently held a meeting and hired by a group of residents of the Mc­ slg months from the 23rd day of may have claims agulnst said bank Nora Castle. July, 1*31, to the said executrix at are hereby notified to make legal Mr. Andrew from Idaho for prin­ KenxIe bridge area asxing that a Mrs. Clayton Brown visited her Account of Estate Filed— Final • be law office of L. L. Hay In lbs proof thereof by filing a duly verl cipal to fill the place of Professor county road be extabllsbed on the fled claim, aa by law provided, wltb account of the estate of Ham Jen husband. Clayton Brown, last Hun- Miner llulldlng. Eugene, Oregon Palmer, who reslgnea to become north bank of the McKenzie above the Deputy Superintendent of LYDIA J ROSSMAN. Executrix Hunks In charge at the office of sen was filed In probate court Frl • ! day a* ,b ” »»nltarlum near Hu bin McKenzie bridge. principal of Elmira school. of the Last W ill and Testament of the Commercial State Hank of day. Mr. and Mrs. Hose of Seattle It will require some *5 miles of ' harles ('. Rossman, deceased ----------- ----------------- have been visiting at the home of Springfield. Oregon, on or before L L RAY. Aaatornay for Estate constuctlon for the lower project September 24. 1*31 N o tarial Commission Filed_The M r' and Mra- " ’m. Smith. o1 c n,c wil1 be be,' «»• P -T . A - Co¥ h i, home Deceased. report and for the final settlement A. E. Wheeler, attorney. known heirs of Jeremiah Luckey. In lh « annex of the Methodist , ‘ ‘Z ' “. “u“*' Filbert», walnuts, driers and »pe- of the estate of said Deceased .................................. .1 church Friday. August KeV,‘ra‘ , ,lay» fr° “ Turk, Ore- ( deceased. Ihe unknown heirs of Episcopal (A 13 20-27—8 3-10) L E W IS H M o ltE lfO U H E . Exe­ •waa, aisnsi n iaio u tu ranB problem.« of the nut growers gun, near Klamath Falls. Winfield Wisner, deceased. Lu 21, ,rom 9 ,o 11 30 “ cutor. clnda Coffin. Harsh A. Wisner AI1 “ «‘ hers “ ¡w ill all come In for consideration A- E W H E E L E R . Attorney. and also all other persons or pur " r,‘ to bring their children M r" Marlon Elston invited some during the annual tour of the West- (J. 30 - A 6-13-20-27) ties unkiyiwn claiming any right, of »»« »ehool age for a free health l,,,,e ,o,a ln ,0 be|P celebrate her era Nut Growers' association, to be title estate, lien or Interest In the examination. Miss Bessie W il l,,,,e daughter, Betty Bernice's 3rd held August 2« and 27 according N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T compta!nt’' h i r X ,bVd ,h‘‘ C° m <:° Un,y h“alth nurHe Bnd “ blr,h» announcement by C. E. Schuster IN T H E COUNTY COURT O F T H E To Ihe unknown heirs of George COU,lty Pbyalcla" * ‘ U be In charge ,ween 10 and > o'clock. Present of Oregon State college, secretary S TA TE OF OREGON F o il T H E I). Coffin, deceased. H attie H p e n c e r . ------------------- --------- - wer‘* J 1"""***. Helen Marcene. Al-j of the association. Lane nut grow JEWELER CO UNTY OF LANE , lur. iicc Luckey. Ix-nu l.m k. v. uti * ---------------- ! vln and Dorolhy Elston, all cousins ers will take part In the tour. Repairing a Specialty IN PROBATE NO. 6604 ■ a . .. knownl heirs of Jeremiah Luckey. ° f BeUy and h “ >•« Several birthdays were remem burg church will meet on Thnrs- and a 8tudy wl11 * * mat>e ° t ’he underslgne'd has Hied ln"the "abohe known‘' rtata.ing""«^^ right“ UtM b* r* * l-'r‘d“ ' ev" n,nK wl,b “ P«‘ d“ > «»ern oo n al the home of Mrs. Prodnctlon of Alberta on hill and Upper Court Plea told offbers that the car - ________ had been Kla'" a,b *•»"• »"«1 that h, „ m OWS• W » » blow in the face, W illiam L. Heales P"nltantlary by Judge O. F. Sklp- . , d* f,' n,lant *" a damage action worth. The conviction July 1«. irt* 8a,ur(lay Saturday by I " *" C‘ rCU' 1 COOrt' A A W illiam O. Reeck. f harles A. Hardy and Jamea K. K ‘n‘ ‘ ttOrDey’ ,oy O" an- «•*« rh * alleged blow Is said to have the motion for an extension of tlma. » * « »«ruck last April. The plain The order waa signed by Judge J. iiH n’ ks *1500 general damages and W Hamilton In the absence of »500 punatlve damages , Judge Hklpwortb. _______________________________ You are Invited to attend the E vangelistic M eetings that are being conducted in THE TEN T ON E ST. AT 5TH ST. Springfield Every evening except Mondays and Saturdays at 7:45 P. M. COME! ALL WEI.COME! I McKenzie Valley ANNUAL TOUR FOR NOT GROWERS SEE Business Directory Edw. G. Privat CrCSWcIl P urest Q uality D rugs Handled with the care of registered pharmacists get the chief attention of this store. Our purpose is to give this community the best service both under nor­ mal and emergency conditions. Accuracy and economy is part of our service we do not charge for. , Let us help you. Ketels’ Drug Store In New Store Main, Near Fifth Don’t Miss the Boat! 8:30 A. M. Monday, August 31, the first boat leaves on its business training cruise. You are invited to come *board. in other words, that is the date for the beginning of the Pall Term at the Eugene Business College, so— Register now for a business training course that will assure you future success. It’s a good school: the rates are reasonable; ask about it. Dr. J O S E P H IN E C. B R A U N «ntltlrd proceeding his final ac estate, lien or Interest In the real ,u< *®PPer held at the home of W. C. Thienes. All ladles Interested ' a,,ey orchards In that district. The second day's tour w ill start count, and Ihe court has entered an' estate described In the complaint Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Everson. About ar® invited to attend. order Axing the time for the hear- herein. Defendants. 40 people were in attendance T h e ___________________ from Scholls near Hillsboro. The In« thereon to be the hour of to IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STA TE hl>n‘ «ue.,» Lere H, J program will Include a study of o'clock A M August 111. 1»31. and O F O R E G O N You are hereby re u * " * , ‘ Ub* r t »<*r’ ham M O T | O N S F | l E n IN S U I T walnut orchards, both young and anyone having any objections there qulred to appear and answer the M ‘