THURSDAY. AVO VST 20, IM I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS McKENZIE HIGHWAY FUND *.«84.07 Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1*30 613.48 1 ax Collection Jan. 1 to June 30. 1*31 135.00 Miscellaneous receipts MST SS Transferred from Roosevelt Highway 3,063.99 Overdraft June SO. 1*31 ................. Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June SO, 1*31 Semi-Annual Report — of — W. B. Dillard, County Clerk — ot — LANK COUNTY. OKKOON FINANCIAL STATEMENT The General Fund. Permanent Road Bond Fund. County Road Fund. Special Road Districts, Market Road Fund. IVrmanent Road Bond Fund. Bond Redemption Fund. Oiling Fund Special, Creawell Bridge Fund. Bo hernia »p ed al Fund, Beach Road Special Fund. Willamette Highway Fund, McKenle Hlghwav Fund. Roosevelt Highway Fund. Florence High way Fund. North Fork Special Fund. l-ondon Special Fund. Dog License Fund. Warrants Warrants Warrants Warrants outstanding Dec 31. 1*30 iasued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1*31 paid and cancelled outstanding June 30. 1931 * 19.033.97 * 35.00 19,033 97 COUNTV SCHOOL FUND t'ush on hand Dec. 31, 193« * 13,444 94 Hee d front Taxes 71.362 39 Paid County Superintendent'» tintera Balance Casi) on hand Juue 30. 19. I * *4.807 S3 » 19,02397 STATE SCHOOL FUND * 19.023 97 t’aslt on hand Dec. 31, 1*30 * l*aid County Superbiti ndent'• t i.lers 9 19.02,1.97 Balance Cash on hand June 30. I it I 35.00 W’arrants Warrants Warrants Warrants outstanding Dec. 31. 1930 issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 Paid and Cgncelled .......... ....... Outstanding June 30.1931 — » 84.224.74 45.859.92 »130.084.66 »130,084.66 MARKET ROAD FUND 41.307.29 Tax Collection Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 37.318.92 Apportionment from State ................... 64.26 Miscellaneous receipts ............. —........ 1.275.00 Warrant No. 3852 cancelled ........... — 9.900.00 Transferred from General Fund ......... 5,801.24 Transferred fom County Road Fund _ 376.75 Transferred from Special Road Fund- 6,216.97 Overdraft June 30. 1931 Overdraft Dec. 31, 1930 — ....... W’arrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 Paid Interest on Warrants ...... ................... Transferred to »p ed al Road F u n d ____ Transferred to County Road Fund ......... 55.928 50 LIBRARY FUND Miscellaneous Receipts 1.644.40 Hatuuce Cash on hanti Juna 30, Iti li 1.423.7« STATE TAX FUND Cash on hand Dec IS, 1M0 Rec'd from Taxes Paid Slate Treasurer Transferred to Elementary Millage Overdraft on June 30. 1931 Warrants outstanding Dec. 31. 1930 ....... Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 Warrants paid and cancelled Warrant cancelled by order County Court Warrants outstanding June 30. 1931 ........... »102.260.43 » 10,459.92 89.606.72 »100,066.64 PERMANENT ROAD BONO FUND Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ............................... » 7,569.94 Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 ................................. Balance on hand June 30, 1931 _________________ _______ Warrants Warrants Warrants Warrants 7.569.94 155.16 1,158.32 outstanding Dec. 31. 1930 . issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 paid and cancelled ............... . outstanding June 30, 1931 ..... » 1,313.48 » 10,687.49 89.606.72 449.60 856.72 659.90 »102.260.43 »121,071.40 »121,071.40 W’arrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 ........... »110.277.50 Warrants paid and cancelled ............................................................»110,277.50 »110,277.50 OILING FUND SPECIAL Miscellaneous receipts ............................... .............. » O verdraft June 30, 193) ................................ »110,277.50 472.57 35,193.18 Overdraft Dec. 31. 1930 .............................. Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 Transferred to County Road Fund ...... » 13.840.84 » 35,665.75 Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 ........... » 21.634.51 Warrants paid and cancelled ................................................. W’arrants outstanding June 30, 1931 ....................................... » 35,665.75 21,634.51 190.40 » 21,834.51 » » 17,556.62 4,077.8» » 21,634.51 CRESWELL BRIDGE FUND 84.90 Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ............................ » Transferred to Country Road Fund ............................. Balance on hand June 30, 1*31 ...................................... I 64.90 BOHEMIA SPECIAL FUND 202.12 Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ............................ » Transferred to Special Road Fund ..................... Balance on hand June 30. 1931 .... ........................... » 202.12 BEACH ROAD SPECIAL Warrants outstanding Dec. 31, 1930 ................... » Warrants outstanding June 30. 1931 ...................... 7.80 3.366.54 PORT OF SIUSLAW Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 » Rec'd from Taxes Paid V. 8. National Bank. FugiSie Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1931 2.538.84 4.555.83 » 7.094 67 lt.>. il from T ax es Paid State Forester Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1931 5.910.85 COX DRAINAGE DISTRICT Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 » Paid Treasurer of Cox Drainage District . Balance Cash ou hand June 30. 1931 »237,624.40 COUNTY ROAD FUND Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 » Rec’d from Taxes ...................................................... Rec'd from Fines ........................................................ For U se of Equipment .................... Miscellaneous Receipts ............................................ Transferred from Oiling Special Transferred from General Fund ........................... Transferred from »p ed al Road Fund ........... Transferred from Market Road Fund Transferred from Creswell Bridge .... Paid County Road Fund Warrants Paid Interest on Warrants ................. Transferred to General Fund Transferred to Special Road Fund Transferred to Market Road Fund Balance cash on hand June 30, 1931 4.34 COUNTY FAIR FUND Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 9 Stute Apportionment Miscellaneous Receipts Paid County Fair Fund Warrants Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1931 4.182.14 6.094.00 15.00 21.00 COUNTY PROHIBITION FUND Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 » 237.71 Miscellaneous Receipts 57.68 Rec'd from Fines 2.020.93 Paid Affidavits of District Atty, li Sheriff Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1931 * 2.316.32 » 2,369.54 CRESWELL BRIDGE FUND Cash oil hand Dec 31, 1980 Transferred to County Road Fund Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1931 » 64.90 » 64.90 6,845.17 202.12 »132.323.16 »132.323.16 * .00 * .00 — SINKING FUNDS Cush on baud December 31. 1930 Received from taxes Miscellaneous receipts I‘slit bonds and Interest, special schools Paid bonds and Interest, union high schools Transferred Io school districts Refund taxes (Union High No 9| Refund io School District No. 4 Balance caah on hand June 30. 1931 * 4.790 12 4.700.81 * .00 »194,196 19 30,768 69 **17.063 98 « 36,389 67 6.057.03 » 41,446 70 *.708.7* 41.938 68 7.086 38 17.160 06 3.994 43 669 93 *,1*6.44 6.600 00 19.037 86 » 68.717 «9 »160.709 41 * 58.7*7 69 SUMMARY OF BALANCES ON HAND JUNE SO. 1S91 ‘ Black Face figu res Overdraft 16.765 54 » 31,110.30 Unsegregated taxes 3,361.44 Oiling special 5.10 General fund County roads ....................... » 3.366 54 Special roads Market r o a d s ....................... County school fund State school fund County high school fund » 5.66192 Elementary millage fund 1.432 75 Library fund ...................... Deficiency fund » 7.094.67 State tux fund * 5.910 85 .00 » 5.910.85 » 4 34 .00 * 4.34 • 1.800.00 5.770.56 7.570 56 50.356 50 14,373 58 31.602 67 26.758 63 6.307 33 31 65 5.44» 66 1.018.60 1.644 40 1.4*1.78 *84.80 3 .3 « 54 1.43*76 .00 00 6.770.6« 11.60 6,017.41 144 8« 26960 00 Port of Sluslaw Forest fire patrol Cox drainage district County fair fund Fish and game Dog tax fund ....................... County prohibition fund State prohibition fund Creswell bridge fund W illamette highway fund McKenle Highway Fund Florence highway fund Koosevent highway fund S tieib il cities .................... Permanent roads Bond redemption fund Bohemia special North Fork special .......... Heucli road special l.oiKlmi special »p ed al school districts Union high schools Sinking funds ..................... 6.830.17 2.408.« * 6.735 95 4.81181 8.500.78 10,783 00 .00 >43 42 7.80 . 4 ,7 *0 .22 30.76889 6.067 03 19.087.96 . »229.71899 Total 32 50 12.60 STATE OF OREGON, J J ” 45 00 COUNTY OF LANE. ) * I. Grace Schiska. County Treasurer o f Lane County. Oregon, do hereby r ertlfy that the foregoing Is u trus and c o rre c t statement of re- relpts disbursements, and balances by funds of Lane County Oregon, for the term ending June 30. 1931. as appears upon the records of my office and in my official custody as such Treasurer. » 2.092 59 W itness my hand this 30,h day of June. 2,182.14 6,037.41 C o u n ty T r e a s u r e r . » 10.312.14 » 2.171.46 144 86 » 2.31632 » 2,110.04 259.60 t 2.369 64 » 64.90 .00 » 64.90 16.00 5,830.17 » 5.845.17 » 19,023.97 3X128.80 » 16,995.08 FLORENCE HIGHWAY FUND » 11.622.19 CasH on hand Dec. 31, 1930 513.48 Rec’d from Taxes 5,370.44 Transferred from General Fund Paid Florence Highway Fund Warrants Overdraft on June 30, 1931 » 17,606.11 ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY FUND Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 » 29,870.79 Paid Roosevelt Highway Fund Warrants Transferred to McKenlse Highway Fund Balance Cash on hand June 30, 1931 202.12 .00 » 29,870.79 » 3,102.62 183,722.01 »186,824.63 » *4.640 *9 » 94,640.89 »121,071.40 16.00 1.42*78 8.719.07 125.00 513.48 6.637.G3 BONO REDEMPTION FUND Cash on hand December 31, 1930 » 94,417.16 Received from taxes 26.159.10 Interest on bond money 496.14 Paid bonds and Interest Balance cash on hand June 30, 1931 » • m c k e n z ie h ig h w a y f u n d I Cash on hand Dec. 31, 1930 Miscellaneous R e c e ip ts ......... Rec’d from Taxes Transferred from Roosevelt Highway Paid McKenzie Highway Warrants Overdraft on June 30, 1931 65.816.04 449.60 659.90 856.72 26,758.63 16.00 1.423.78 »237,624.40 MARKET ROAD FUND 227.57 Overdraft on Dec. 31, 1930 ............................... 9 7.80 Rec'd from T a x e s ........................................................ 41,307.29 37,318.92 Apportionment from State ........................... 7.80 Miscellaneous Receipts » 7.80 64.26 9.900.00 Transferred from General Fund WILLAMETTE HIGHWAY FUND 6,801.24 Transferred from County Road Fund Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1930 » 5.845.17 376.75 » 16.00 Transferred from Special Road Fund W’arrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 .......................... » 5,830.17 Paid Market Road Fund Warrants Balance on hand June 30. 1931 ..................... ............................ » 5,845.17 Paid Interest on Warrants . » 5,846.17 Transferred to County Road Fund . Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 t 16.00 Transferred to Special Road Fund 15.00 Balance Cash on hand June 30, 1931 . W a r r a n ts p a id and ca n ce lled .................................................................. » » * WILLAMETTE HIGHWAY FUND » 5.845.17 Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 Paid W illamette Highway Warrants Balance Cash on hand June 30, 1931 8PECIAL CITIES Cash on hand Dec. 31,1930 ltec'd from Taxes ¡’aid City Treasurers Balance Cash on hand June 30, 1931 7 «0 * 45.00 »140,421.20 L O N D O N S P E C IA L F U N D » 41.446 70 26.00 20.00 STATE PROHIBITION FUND Cash on hand Dec. 31,1930 » 340 95 Miscellaneous Receipts 7.67 Rec'd from Fill« M 2.020.92 Paid Stale Treasurer Balance Cush on hand Juue 30, 1931 78,889.51 383.72 6.00 30,967.15 5,801.24 24,373.58 1.30*04 90 Balance cash on hand June 30. 1931 » 7,570 56 » »140,421.20 * uo 2.649 63 4,920 93 * 10,312.14 20,223.59 47,852.08 195.00 45,699.39 2,759.67 190.40 6,734.93 16,041.34 659.90 64.90 3 7 »0 »2*7.063 98 4.34 Paid Ilog Fum i W a rra n ts »163.235 71 242.73 1.234.00 6,734 9 ! 9.900.00 5,370.44 550.00 60.356.59 *36.33 »43 4* In d e m n ity fund »1,103.911.12 Transferred to General Fund Balance Caah on hand June 30, 1931 » 13,368 27 3 7 «° UNION HIGH SCHOOLS 1.644 40 Cush on hand December 31. 1930 » 7.280 I« Received from taxes 21.686 19 1.644 40 Received from sale of bonds und Interest 12.481.26 .00 5.910 85 DOG TAX FUND 77.66 16,041.34 376.76 31,602.67 64.90 » Paid State Gome Commission Balance Cash on hand June 30, 1931 » 13,368.27 30* 1* * I a»b on hand D m . 31. 1930 Rec'd from License Fees »1,087,145.58 it. I il Fines 16,765 54 Miscellaneous Receipts SPECIAL ROAD FUND » 10,971.01 Cash on hand Dec. 31 1930 82,219.05 Rec’d from Taxes .................................... 2,107.11 Miscellaneous Receipts 30,967.15 Transferred from County P.oad Fund 856.72 Transferred from Market Road Fund 202.12 Transferred from Bohemia Special 87,219.05 Received from Taxes Paid Interest on Warrants Transferred to County Road Fund Transferred to Market Foad Fund Balance Cash on hand June 30, 1931 64.90 .00 12.00 3.346.16 108.38 a GENERAL FUND » 65.816.04 » 64.504.12 1.275.00 Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 32.975.60 Rec’d from Taxes ...................................................... 146.234.89 Rec'd from Clerk Fees ............................................ 11.122.90 1,107.09 »100,066.64 Rec'd from Sheriff Fees ................................... ...... Rec'd from Fines ................. ...................................... 280.50 Interest on County M oney....... ................................ 3,006.49 Proceeds County Farm ....................... .................... 542.46 » 1,158.32 For Grey Digger Polson .............................. 56.11 6,411.62 Refund Claims ............ ........._....._ .... —........... 550.00 Miscellaneous R e c e ip ts ....................... 8.031.70 » 7.569.94 Transferred from County Road Fund ... 6.00 Transferred from Dog Fund ........................ 2.182.14 Paid General Fund Warrants ............................................ 1.158.32 Paid Interest on Warrants .................................................... 155.16 Migratory Chattels and Fees Transferred to County Road Fund I 1.313.48 Transferred to Market Road Fund Transferred to Florence Highway Paid Claims ...............- .......................................... - .......................... Balance Cash on hand June 30, 1931 BOND REDEMPTION FUND Balance on hand Dec. 30. 1930 ............... » 94.417.18 Tax Collection Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 ... 26,159.10 Interest on bond money .......................................... 495.14 W’arrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 .............. »110,277.50 Balance on hand June 30, 1931 ........................................................ 10,793.90 INDEMNITY FUND Dec. 31. 1930 Deposit Receipts Deposlte on hand June 30. 1931 it. I .1 f in n i F in i s » 17.556 62 190 40 31,115.29 1.30*04 3 BEACH ROAD SPECIAL FUND Cash ou hand December 31. 1930 * llalauce cash on hand June 30. 1931 SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICTS ' * 19,0916.3 1.018.60 Cash on hand December 31. 1930 107.302 42 It...-Ivcd from taxes 669.93 Transferred from sinking funds * 65.928.50 Paid district clerks Balance rash on hand June 30. 1931 434.90 FISH AND GAME FUND Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 » OILING SPECIAL FUND Overdraft on Dec. 31, 1930 ...................................... 8 13,840.84 472.57 Miscellaneous receipts ............................. Paid Oiling Special Fund Warrants Transferred to County Road Fund Overdraft on June 30. 1931 ..... ............. S P E C IA L F U N D 3 1,90S 04 3 » 54.910 00 »108.161.80 52.992 67 FOREST FIRE PATROL Cash on hand Dee. 31, 1930 » For Term Ending June 30. 1931 »I0S.1I Cash on hand December 31. 1930 »5S.087.86 Paid London special w a r r a n ta Overdraft on June 30. 1*31 5.586 99 165.1*8.4* »160.709 41 *0*13 00 7 608C3 873.68 40.87 M iscellaneous R e ce ip ts OF LANE COUNTY. OREGON N O R TH FORK 3 Paid illslrle l e le rk s DEFICIENCY FUND * Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 Rec'd from Tuxes Cash on hand Certificate of Miscellaneous Certificate of Balance Cash 303 1* Cash on hand December 31. 1*30 Paid North Fork special fumi warrants Balance caah on hand June 30, 1*31 46.«44.60 5.443.65 * Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1931 Grace Schiska, County Treasurer »1.102,911.12 l«< *7 773.12 736 43 34 85 Casi» on hand Dec. 31.1930 Rec'd from Taxes OF UNSEGREGATED TAX FUND Amount unsegregated Dec. 31. 1930 » 5,512.80 Received from Sheriff »1,098,398.32 Tax se g r e g a tio n s ...........................................................- ...... Balance unsegregated June 30, 1931 ............................... 133.73 31.66 104.37 COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL FUND * 6,796 *1 Cash on hand Dec. 31. 1930 4« .391.04 Heed from Taxes 17,497.31 Paid County Superintendent's Orders 6.637 53 Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1931 5.735.95 * 53,087.26 29.870.79 ELEMENTARY MILLAGE FUND * 3.93693 17.497.31 Cash on hand Dec SI, 1930 53.993 57 Transferred from State Tax Fund 17.497 31 Paid County Superintendent'» Orders Balance Cash on hand June 30. 1931 Semi-Annual Report »145.959.79 3 * 19.0SS.97 ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY FUND » 19,870.7* Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1930 * Warranta Issued Jau. 1 to June 30. 1931 Period commencing January 1st. 1931. and ending June 30th. 1931, Transferred to McKenxte Highway Balance on hand June 30. 1931 hoth dales inclusive. • GENERAL FUND * * 29.870.7* Cash in hands of Treasurer Dec. 31.1930 ! «4.504.13 * 17.497.31 Warrants issued Jan 1 to June 30. 1931 140.334.89 ’la x Collection Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 ....... * Warrants paid and cancelled «00 Ttunsferred from County Road Fund 3.1*3.14 Transferred from Dog Fund * 17.497.31 ( 56.11 Grey Digger Poisoning —.................. ................— Received from Clerk's fees ................................... 11.132.90 FLORENCE HIGHWAY FUND 1,107.09 9 11.632 19 Received from Sheriff's f e e s ------- -------- --- ------ Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1930 3.000.49 Received from Interest 613 48 Tax collection Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 542.4« Proceeds County Farm .............. -......— . 370 44 Transferred from General Fund 2*e.5O Received from fines ......— .......... .............- — 2.493.89 Overdraft June 30. 1*31 5.496 55 * 30.000 00 Engineering refunds ............................... .................. Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 2.545.15 Miscellaneous receipts .......... ....... ........................... 550 00 * 20.000.00 * 30.000.00 Refund claim ..... ..... .................................................. 30.00 * 20,000 00 W arrants cancelled Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30,1931 » 4.444.65 * 20,000 l>0 Warrants outstanding Dec. 31. 1930 Warrants paid and cancelled 186.311.37 Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 6,734.93 * 20.000 00 } 20.000 00 Transferred io County Road Fund 9.900.00 Transferred to Market Road Fund 5.37044 NORTH FORK SPECIAL FUND Transferred to Florence Highway Fund 242.73 Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1930 * 1.209.04 Paid interest on warrants .... ...................... 278.38 550.00 Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 Paid County claims .................................... 930.66 1,234.00 Balance on hand June 30. 1931 Paid Migratory Chattels & Litigants Fees 32.866.38 Balance on hand June 30, 1931 -------------- 1.209 04 1,209.04 278.38 »237.654 40 »237.654.40 Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 265 62 » 4 444 55 Warrants paid and cancelled Warrants outstanding Dec. 31, 1930 12.76 186.811.37 Warrants outstanding June 30. 1931 Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 »163.235.71 Warrants cancelled Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 30.00 278.38 278.38 Warrants cancelled by order of County Cot 27.490.21 Warrants outstanding June 30. 1931 -------- LONDON SPECIAL FUND * .00 *190.755.92 »190.755.92 Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ................. 4,790.22 Overdraft June 30. 1931 COUNTY ROAD FUND 4.790.2Î Warrants Issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1930 » 20.072.94 4,790.22 4.790.22 Tax Collection Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 47.852.08 4.790.22 Received from Fines .......................... _ 195.00 Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June SO. 1931 » 4.790.22 Use of quipment ................................... —- 45.699.39 Warrants paid and cancelled Refund from State on Gas ........ ............... 1,433.31 » 4.790.22 » 4.790 22 Miscellaneous receipts ....................... 1,326.36 Transferred from Special Road Fund 16.041.34 DOG LICENSE FUND Transferred from General Fund _................. 6.734.93 Balance on hand Dec. 31. 1930 ........... ......... » 4.182.14 Transferred from Market Road Fund 659.90 6.094.00 Licenses sold Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 Transferred from Creswell Bridge Fund 64.90 15.00 Received from fines ........................................... Transferred from Oiling Fund ........................ - 190.40 21.00 ...... ...........- ..... ..................- ........................ 99.344.49 Refund Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 ..... ......—......— ...... » 2.093.59 30.967.16 Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 Transferred to Special Road Fund ................... ........................- 2.182.14 5,801.24 Transferred to General Fund .................................. Transferred to Market Road Fund .......................................... 6.036 41 6.00 Balance on hand June 30. 1931 Transferred to General Fund --------- ----------------------------- 383.72 Paid interest on warrants ----- ----------------------------------------- » 10.312 14 » 10.312.14 3,767.95 Balance on hand June 30, 1931 ----------- ------ ------------------- Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 » 2.093.59 » 2.092.59 »140.270.55 »140.270.55 Warrants paid and cancelled ------------------------------ ............ 1.00 W’arrants outstanding June 30. 1931 ...................... — ...... » 150.65 Warrants Outstanding Dec. 31, 1930 ----- 99.344.49 Warrants issued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 » 2.093.59 { 2,093 59 » 78,889.51 Warrants paid and cancelled ......... ....... 20.605.63 W’arrants outstanding June 30, 1931 — ¡STATE OF OREGON , » 99.495.14 * 99.495.14 COUNTY OF LANE 1 SPECIAL ROAD DISTRICTS 10.350.39 I. W. B. Dillard. County Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, hereby Balance on hand Dec. 31, 1930 ..... ..........— 87.219.05 certify that the foregoing report Is correct as I verily believe. Tax Collection Jan. 1 to June 30, 1931 — 2.107.11 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 1 have hereunto set my hand and Miscellaneous receipts ................ .............. affixed the seal of Lane County. Oregon, this 14th day of August. A. 30.967.15 Transferred from County Road Fund 856.72 Transferred from Market Road Fund _... D. 1931. W. B. DILLARD. Transferred from Bohemia Special Fund (SEAL) County Clerk of Lane County. Oregon. 14.257.25 Overdraft June 30, 1931 »129.464.04 Warrants (sued Jan. 1 to June 30. 1931 77.66 Paid Interest on Warrants ---------------- 16,041.34 Transferred to County Road Fund ....... 376.75 Transferred to Market Road F u n d ----- »145,959.79 620.62 129.464.04 * »4 *07.33 104.37 3 3 19.058.97 B O H E M IA S P E C IA L F U N D * Cash on hand December 31. 1930 Transferred to special road fund * 79,610 no Halauce cash on baud Juue 30. 1931 «J97.33 PERMANENT ROADS ¡'ash on hand December 31, 1930 » Paid permanent road bond warrants Balance cash on hand June 30, 1931 7,725.10 » 7,726.10 » 15.995.08 N O T IC E NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE 1» hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for lutne County, July 11. 1931. upon and pursuant to a decree duly given mid made by said Court July 11, 1931, In a suit pending therein In which State Mutual Building nnd laian Association, a corporation was plaintiff and Bachelordon Fra­ ternity, Inc., a corporation, and Rose Osburn were defendants, which execution anil order of sale was to me directed and command ed me to sell the real property here­ inafter described to satisfy certain liens and charges In said decree specified, I will on the 16th ilay of August, 1931, at the hour of One o'clock. P. M„ at the southwest door of the County Court House In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for caah. subject to redemption as provided by law. all of the right, title and Interest of the defendants In said suit and of all parties claim ­ ing by, through or under them or any of them since the 21st day of February, 1928, In or to the follow lug described real property, to-wlt» The North Half of Lota number- Seven (71 and Eight (8) In Block One (1) In Kincaid's Addition to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. Dated this 13th day of July, 1931. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. By A. E. HULBOAARD. Deputy. TO C R E D IT O R S Notice la hereby given that the underalgned haa been duly appoint <•<1 Administrator of the eatate of Clayton 11. Sullivan, deceased. and any anil all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as l»y law required, at law office of my attorney. H. E Slattery. 717 Willamette 8t„ Eu­ gene, Oregon. In Iaine County. O re ­ gon. within six months from the date of thia notice. Dated and first published August 20. 1931. Dnte of last publication Septem ­ ber 17. 1931 Charles Taylor. Administrator of the eatate of Clayton U. Sul­ livan, dereaaed. H. B. Slattery. Attorney for Administrator. (A 20-27—S 8-10-17) Two Bound Over—On chargee of car theft, Melvin O. Carlton and Leonard Sjogren were bound over to the grand Jury when they waived preliminary examination In Justice court Saturday. Reply In Suit la Filed—A re p ly Io th e an s w e r o f th e d e fe n d a n t In