THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON TWICNTY-ICIGHTIi YKAK. Chamber Wants Road Surfaced E LAME EMU GROUND, , .. surfacing New Willamette Exceptional Number of Die-, Highway Would Provide Winter Employment plays Assured Pntrons of This Year’s Exposition Believing I hat the «empleled pur tin- WILL BE HOME AFFAIR .In new W lllainelle highway kept open to travel thia member* of the I-ane I'nun ha h«r of Commerce want on lia in bi Circus Troupe. Wedding' . »cord «I their Bieating ai McCra- nival, Horse Event’ dla N' dia Hprlnga Hiirinä laat weekend favoring O ant, Firework' artluti now which would provide —— - . • for at leaat partial rocking of tha That Ih * Ia n « cou air. which r(1|M, during tha winter nionlba. open* In Eugene Wednesday. Aug gucb ac,|ou »„qjd also provide uat IS. for four day*. will be on» ,ddltlonal employment for several of the uioat outstanding events In ,nrn and (b|, work can be done as the history of the Lane County Ealr r f(B<, ,|V(,|y during the winter aa association Is the assurance given jn tba , ulnm, r It was pointed out. by Mrs Mabel H. Chadwick, aeerc Oakridge and W ealflr civic tary. groups urtr ia r bad these ladles to Springfield and they No. 32 ILL TEXTBOOKS Indications Ar* Parents Will Not Purchase Any School Books This Fall NEW LAW PROVIDES FUND Patron* Donate Most Books Used in School System During Past Year* It I* very probable now that crossed a stretch to wait the aettl- expressed themselves ns delighted Springfield grade school patron* lng of tb(, dug( before It was safe with the city. will not have to purchase any to continue. Frequently another mo- Those who made the slxty-intle textbooks for their children when j torl*t would d rlv* on from the op dr|ve from Wren were Mrs. John school opens this fall, according to i posit» direction « ro u g h the thick Slltle|. and „„„ Mra Kdward Tur- I C. A. Swart*, chairman of tbe hank : dual. This made It Im ner aIld daughter. Miss Coral l-a board. posaibi lo see tbe edge of the road Bare Mrg J((bn priCP Mrs. Edward Two factors unite to make this or an iiprvaeblng vehicle. Johnson and son, Mrs. Arche La annual expenditure unnecessary ( nt- Springfield motorist struck a Bare. Mrs. Frank LaBare, Mr*. Ira ' now The first Is the law passed at lltrgt rock whll< driving In the dost Vincent and Mra. Carl Surcamp of the last session of the legislature aIld u, a „d iveral miles Wren; Mrs. Anderson Taylor and which allows the expenditure of i , o „ „ agjr lo have his car repair j son and Mrs. George Harris of Har- 11.60 per pupils each year for the ,.d b, , he could continue hom e.'rls; Mrs. Cass Rosewarne. Mrs. Betty Betts, New York society girt, hurt base of necessary textbook*, plates Where Ihe road has W alter Norton and Mrs. Theodore ~ Mabrl Claire Gold, University of A ft won the Pinehurst, N. C., pig raos, The second factor la the willing Arkansas eo-ed, atlmded a stag a* STATE LUTHERAN RALLY i„ ■t down I now quite solid Alexander and son of Hoskins; Mra. cooperation of local people in do- ’Jim Smith." The picturrs sre oi the Thomas Alexander of Kings Val PLANNED FOR AUGUST 30 a",‘ 1 s»lh to drive over. tame girl. nating books now in their posse» ley; Mrs. Creed Turner anu Miss FUNERAL IS SATURDAY slon to the schools. Dorothy Turner of Reno, Nevada; F Q R M R S R A C H E L LLOYD A state wide Lutheran Rally will THREE APPOINTED ON Thia tatter action makes It pos­ FARMER COMPLETING Mrs. Measor of Philomath, and Mrs. _______ be held a' the Hunset Home Park sible for the schools to provide LABOR RELIEF GROUP inmmlr and son of Corvallis. MANY YEARS THRESHING In Eugene, between Twelfth and Mrs. Rachel Lloyd, long time 1 books for most of the students the Thirteenth streets on Charnelton, reKld“ L Oi SvrlnKfiel*1 an'' first year the law is In operation The - i-pointment of County Judge Johu Price. Thurston farmer, la Bunday, August 30. ft has been an TWO WEDDING DATES county died at her home here early ______ _ . . 1 instead of doing so over a period of now completing his 42nd year with uounced by Rev. It Bogstad, m an­ C. P I: c oard. Carl W ashburn», and ARE OBSERVED HERE Tuesday morning after a short III-, years as was Intended by the spon­ II. L. Edmund«, all of Eugene on a threshing crew* In bi* neighbor­ ager of tbe home Au all day pro _______ ness. sors of the measure and as is be- hood. He In-gun working with a gram has been prepared and will com m ltli e to study the em ploym ent Horss E v e n t* R e s tric te d Friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. She was born April 20, 1870. and ¡ng done In many other communi- situation In Lane county with a threshing machine In the fall of consist of addresses, tousle and Another Innovation this year will i determining what needs to Barber and Mr. and Mrs. Allan moved with her family to Nebraska tie*. view be the restriction of the horse i Selection of Outstanding Boy 1889 and ha* never missed one other entertainment. In- dune and what can be done to Kafoury of Salem honored the two when she was 18 Her maiden name Under the new law there are year's threshing since that time. event* to entries made by L an e' And Girl Will Ba Made By Uhe rally Is being sponsored by , bp proper ( ar,. ,,f everybody couples with a picnic dinner Sun was Miss Rachel McDaniel. She certain textbooks which must be He has been with the Pepper Box the Lutherans of Oregon, county people. A comprehensive Listing of Points Mad* but Is l durlng lbe t „nilng winter was an lay above Fall Creek in recognition was married to John D. Lloyd on purchased. There are a few books tbresher. a community owned ma­ open to the general public, states program of riding acta will be fea nounn-I this week by Governor <>f their wedding anniversaries. November 18. 1888. coming to Ore- which have become obsolete and lured each afternoon and evening, Rules fur the scoring of points chine In his neighborhood, during Rev. Bogs! ad Meier. I»oth of which fell on Saturday last gon in 1903. They settled near baTe to be replaced this fall. It for I-sue county Four-H boys and Ihe past year*. T h l* machine la before Ihe grandstand. Families are asked to bring their A similar group, consisting of week , Creswell for three years, later mor- was the intention of the sponsors girls In the selection of the two now nearing Its final operation thia basket dinners. Milk, cream, coffee Outstanding at the fair this sea­ thn- i.ien In each county of the The Barbers and Kafourys oly Ing to Colorado, where they lived ,,f the law to use the $1.50 per son according to early Indications outstanding to be guest* of the season. It will be started again later and Ice-cream, may be procured on has been appointed. Each serve their anniversary on the for 16 years before returning to pupli each year to purchase new I s'at. slate fair are announced by It. 0. In the season after late grains have the grounds, will be the floral and agricultural a n io in r m w ilt he e n n a t n ic t e il i 8roul‘ w l,l study the local condl- same date each year and while Mr Springfield where they have made books as rapidly as funds were ripened. displays. The weather conditions Kuehner. county club agent. for the speakers and entertainers 110,1" and ,alPr meet together to Kafoury was In business in this c ity , their home for the past 10 years. available to reylace those which The following Is the scoring sys­ have been very favorable and rropa M , i i , disco- possible Improvement of they alternated in entertaining for She is survived by her widower;, are dropped from usage at various have matured earlier than had been tem : I (K ats will be provided for tbe p e o , . tbe After , he Kafoury-g f)ne gon Wi]bur Lloy(J Springfield; | times. PLAN SPECIAL MUSIC , |nP|o>'nient situation. 1. Club Records— a. Projects car­ anticipated affording oppertunltles ___ _ pie under the shade trees in the i moved to Salem the couples con- four daughters. Florence I-awson, If the supply of books la not suf- AT METHODIST CHURCH Jark 1 That no family in Oregon shall i for exhibitions despite the early ried. 10; b. Quality of work, 10; tlnued the custom. Last year the Mohler. Oregon; Mrs. Haxel flclent. the local school hoard has c. Years In club work. 10. dates tor the exposition. go without, food or shelter In the Barber family went to Salem for W right, Mrs. Pearl Harney, and promised that no child In a family Mrs. W. K. Barneli will sing the 3. Club Activities— a. Offices All available space In the agri " ,n,in wln,"r ,he alm of the the anniversary. This year the Mrs. Mytle Wright, all of Monta which donated books to the school vocal solo. “ Plains of Peace." by LARGE AUDIENCE GREETS . ! committees. held. 10; b. Exhibit* made— prises; cultural building has been taken. Kafourv's came here and the mem vista, Colorado; four brothers, shall have to purchase any of Barnard, at the Sunday morning OVERALL GIRL P R O G R A M _____________ Fifteen communities have rented , 10; c. Demonstrations and Judging. hers of the dinner club to which John McDaniel, Springfield; L. F. those donated. These w ill be pro- services at the Methodist church 10. space and are now preparing ex- ’ It has been announced by Mrs A large appreciative audience at MABE'. RESIDENT DIES both couples belong. Joinedlnthe McDaniel, and Charles McDaniel, vided for the child. 3. Leadership— a. Interest, atti­ hlblta from their bent products. ------------------------------ IN PORTLAND SUNDAY observation by holding the picnic Monta Vista. Colorado; Tom Me- tude, Mporfsinauahlp. 10, b. Local Clara Tuttle director of music at tended the program at the I. O. O. Tbe floral exhibit being prepared F. hall Monday evening which was affair. !- Daniel. Brownsville, Texas; three BIRTHDAY IS OBSERVED club leadership, 10; c. Attendance the church. under the direction of Ben Keeney Louis David Van M alre died Sun- Rev. Dean Poindexter, pastor, given by members of the Girls' ----------------------------- sisters. Mrs Anna Bretx. Browns p i D T V O N F D in A V at meetings, 10. county assessor, promise« to be .vine, Texas, Mrs S E. Dillavou. M 1 T 4. Community Activities— a. Par­ w ill preach the Sunday morning Overall club under the direction of «lay at the Multnomah county hos- DEPOT AGENT TO LEAVE even greater than last year when ; Mrs. Edna Yarnell. pital after an extended Illness. He service following an absence of two ticipation in community activities The fifth birthday of Delores FOR MONTH’S VACATION It was thought the xenlth of display i The program consisted of read , wa„ », >m September 29. 1882 in _______ Schaefer. Wildon. Illinois; and ten; other than club work. 10. Total of weeks, one Sunday, during which I Sears, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. had been reached. time he attended a ministerial re­ tngs, songs, and playlets. T w enty-’ Ru%n:- nd Illinois, and was one of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson w ill' XraBdchlldren and one great grand-. u Srani waa observed here Friday 100 points five visitor* were present from Cot- eight children, Stock displays promise to equal treat near Seattle leave within the next few days for < hlld. with a large party attended by tage Grove and Eugene for the en the best In former years and con-, His parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. an extended visit with friends and Funeral services will be held at „ any of ber friends. Games were CHAMBER GETS REPORT tlnual Increase In Four-lf club work Van Marte came to Oregon in 1887. relatives at Wisconsin Rapids. Wis- the Walker-Poole chapel In Spring piayed during the afternoon after FORMER RESIDENTS GET tertalnment. will greatly Increase the number of J ON COUNTY MEETING Funds received from tbe offer He is survived by four sisters; consin. This is the former home of field at 2 o clock Saturday after- which refreshments were enjoyed. TEACHINQ POSITIONS Ing taken will be used for special exhblta offered by these youngsters. Mrs. James Smith. Crow Stage; Mr. Olson and he and his wife will noon. Rev. Harry Neet. pastor of Those attending tbe (unction A report on the monthly meeting work of the Rebekah lodge Headlining the entertainment the Lighthouse temple in Eugene, were; Richard and Dorothy Flan Mrs. Burnham. Albany; Miss Bess spend about one month there. Misses Lena and Frances F rlie ll. of the l4ine county chamber of groups will be the McMahon and Van Marte. Lakeview, and Mrs. Mr. Fred A. Smith of Portland is of which Mrs. Lloyd was a mem­ ery. Betty and Bobble Aldrich, Eron held at Mct'redle former residents of Springfield, Wheeler circus troupe. They w ill1 commerce both of whom completed courses at MISS JEANNETTE THO M P­ Peek. Deodwood. Oregon. here new getting acquainted with ber. will officiate and interment and Junior Knott, Glenna and Bon­ Spring* was given Tuesday even­ perform with a program of tight will be In Cloverdale cemetery. nie Bruckman, Marjorie and Mary SON IS GUEST AT PARTY wire walking, acrobats, and trained j ing at tbe meeting of the Spring- the Monmouth normal In June, have _______ Graveside services were held affairs at the Southern Pacific de­ Jackson. Elsie W illiams, Betty been employed to teach school this pot and will act as agent during the field chamber of commerce by W, „ ... ,, , „ _ from the Upper Mabel church Tues- horses each afternoon and evening j H Jacobson, Loraine Peddicord, Betty fall according to word received; Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew regular agent's absence. Two public weddings will be per K. Barneli, president, and other* here this week. Miss Frances w ill, entertained at their home here Frl- day with Rev. Workman officiating. WENDLING RESIDENT ¡JarreU Mofflt Howard who attended. Interment was made in the ceme­ formed before the grandstand on D IE S A T C O T T A G E G R O V E Meet, Joan McFarland, Ethel Ruth The possibility of launching a teach the flrat grade in the Sheri day evening In honor of Mrs. Bar tery there. Walker-Poole chapel In HUCKLEBERRIES RIPE; the evenings of August 27. 29 M er­ dan school, and ber sister will tholomew's niece. Miss Jeanette Fulop. Beverly Sears, Delores Clark W. Fisher, resident of Ore- I chants of Eugene have donated membership drive was discussed teach the fourth grade In Junction Thompson of Oakland. California Eugene had charge of arrange­ MANY PICKERS CO OUT Sears, Mr. and Mrs. W ilbur Bruck­ ments. gon since 1902. passed away at Cot- j many valuable articles to be given during the meeting. C ty Guests were Misses Mary Tate. man, Mrs. Wanda Barues and The huckleberry season is on. tage Grove Monday. Funeral ser-1 the couples. _________________ Ruth Stratton. Pay Stratton. Eve- daughter. Clara, Mrs. Lena John VENETA PASTOR WILL Many Springfield people made their vices were held Wednesday from Pageant Is Planned son. Mrs. Lula Pearch. and Mr. PIANIST HOME AFTER lyn J ° hnaou- Marian Shipley. Mar- PEAR SEASON NOW ON On alternating nights with the SPEAK HERE NEXT WEEK CONVENTION AT * a t « S l | 2 ± * * “ # T FRUIT CR0WER PLANT way up the slopes of Gold hill on tbv Marcola hall at 2 o’clock with and Mrs. R. L. Sears. the lower Blue river Sunday to Rev Norman Workman officiating. weddings. Lane county people will Adams. T he height of the pear canning S“lher thp ” " • » berr‘e* ,M° ’ t Interment was made iu Laurel H ili present the pageant, ‘‘The Spirit Rev. Braun of Veneta will con­ Miss Thompson has been visiting Mrs. Clara Tuttle Feuton. pianist everybody returned with large cemetery with Walker-Poole chapel FAMILY GATHERING IS of America." This Is being directed duct tbe Thursday evening prayer here for the past two months. She season at the Eugene Frutt Grow- HELD AT CASCADIA bv Mrs E. C. Christie and has as meeting at the Baptlat church here at the Methodist church returned left Friday evening for her home erg' association plant has been quantities of them. Carl Olson and Springfield, in charge. Richard Prochnow brought in six Its cast people from all parts of the a week from tonight. Rev. Ralph the first of the week from Qulnaby ------------------------------ reached and the packing w ill pro- Mr. Fisher was born at Criston A large family picnic and outing Mulholland, regular pastor will con­ park, near Salem, where she played SUNDAY SCHOOL TO HAVE bably end during the coming week. gallons between them. county. Forge. Virginia. When a young attended by people from Oregon. It is necessary to hike up a six- Friday, Orange day, will be an duct his final meeting at the church her second annual engagement a* the crop this year has not been man he moved to Wyoming and pianist for the meeting of the Mar- California and Washington was PICNIC NEXT SUNDAY mile trail to reach the berry bushes. especially Interesting day for farm ­ tonight. as heavy as usual. later moved to California where he Ion County Association Professor held at Cascadia Sunday. ers and suburban residents. M ar­ married Miss L illy Sweet in 1884. Another picnic for members of Bee(s and beans are now belng O. J. Nease. A. M. D. D., president Those from Springfield who at­ NEW COOKIE MACHINE shall Dana, prominent dairy Investi­ VACATIONISTS TAKE The couple came to Oregon in tended were Mrs. Beatrice Oay, Mr, of Paaadena college was one of the I the Sunday school of the Baptist ,.anned ln larRe quantities. All gator and newspaperman, w ill be BOAT FAR UP RIVER principal speaker* at the meeting. church, their teacher» and others Krowers who have contracted f o r 1 INSTALLED AT BAKERY 1902 settling at Marcola and later and Mrs. James Mitchell, Mr. and the principal speaker. Grange Mas­ moving to Wendllng. will be held at the home of Marvin 1>eeU arp espected to bave these Mrs. D. B. Murphy. Delbert Mitch­ ter C. C. llu let w ill also be on the A modern automatic cookie ma Kenneth Tobias and George Chase Sunday morning Imme delivered by Ihe end of August. ell, Leland Cray, and Miss Clare He is survived by his widow; SMALL CHILD SCALDED program which will be held In the Green are now on a vacation trip ... j chine has been installed at th e . dlately after the church service. on .he petite prunes <«» New H o m . Bakery recently by Car, ,o" r « eor^ ' MarC°!a w ^ * ,,k Jones. Work the Four-ll club building commencing and are spending II fishing on the W ITH BOILING WATER Each fam ily w ill bring their own Others who attended from other McKee, proprietor. The new ma- and and W illiam start about August 25, at 11 a. m. upper W illam ette river. They went nlcnlc dinners. , . . . ,, , 1S.. North Bend; four daughters, cities were Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Carnival attractions will be up enrly In the week and planned The three-year old son of Mr. and chine is designed to make two LANE COUNTY RABBIT t 1 n ¡Mrs. Effie Emra. Dallas; Mrs. Mol- Cray of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. brought by the Browning Amuse to spend three days coming down Mrs. McNett, North Second street, GROWERS MEET IS SET ' 'll d n,e ■' 11 ||e Smith. Dallas Mrs. Dollv Hech- Pollev. Portland, Mr. and Mrs. H. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOYS ment company. They will bring a was seriously Injured Sunday when operator can turn the handle. TheJ ath o rn e Mt,dford’ M)nni„ ■ T M ltche), AghlaD„ M1„s H att|e Ihe river. ferrls wheel, a merry-go-round, and he pulled a kettle of boiling ear TAKE OVERNIGHT TRIP A mass meeting of all members si121 cun " fegu a e ir le Fisher of; two brothers Mitchell. Aeshland, Mr. and Mrs. com off a stove onto himself. His other attractions. of the Lane County Cavy and Rab ous cookies. Luther Fisher, Cascade Locks, and 1. E. Murphy, Eugene, Miss Era PREDATORY ANIMALS Led by Rev. Ralph R. Mulholland bit Breeders association has been entire right side was burned from H ave Elaborate F irew orks The bakeiy is now Pr°d “ ‘ ln g , w i ,Ham Fisher, Portland; and one Dell Murphy, Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. SAFE DURING AUGUST and Elmo Chase, thirteen boys, called for tonight at 8 p. m. The many hundred cookies each week. Fireworks displays, numbering his hend to his foot. Mrs. Mary Beals of Long Ernest Anderson, and Palsy An members of the intermediate class Predatory animals in Lane coun­ some fifty-odd set ups, and surpass­ Mr. McKee has recently opened . meeting will be held at 294 North derson. Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. • Branch. New York Easternsr Visit* Here— Mr. and of the Baptist Sunday school, en­ ing any similar presentation ever ty have had a rather easy and se­ a retail department in the Ralph A I’olk street. He was a member of the Wood Glenn Anderson. Lebanon. before given In Lane county, will cure time so far this month Judg­ Mrs. A. C. Clark have as their joyed an overnight camping trip on Stanley store number 3 on Charnel-1 men lodge of Marcola. be one of the chief attractions on ing by the few hunters and trap­ guest Mr Clark's sister. Miss Grace the W illam ette Tuesday. The group i ton street in Eugene. pers that have claimed bounties. OLD PIPE REMOVED FROM Clark of Gardiner. Maine. They left Springfield Tuesday afternoon FOREST OFFICIALS ON each of the four night*. The only losses for the varmints have ust returned from n motor and returned the next afternoon. Beginning at 8:46 p. m. on each VISIT HERE TH IS WEEK CONTRIBUTION IS MADE MANY PEOPLE ENJOY RUINS OF PLANER FIRE of the four evenings of the fair, were two coyotes. These bounties trip along the Oregon coast, a visit TO STATE PROHI FUND LODGE PICNIC SUNDAY Drive to Reedsport — Mr. and; J. D. Guhrie of Portland, director weird and fnntastlc forms of spew­ were paid to Wallace Neal of W est­ to the Oregon Caves, and a trip to Several thousand feet of Iron pipe eastern Oregon. Miss Clark will Mrs. Sidney Delp and daughter, of public relations for national for- ing sparks and hissing flames, tak­ fir and Bob Isaacs of Leaburg. Lane county has contributed a Many families attended the Joint formerly used in the dry kiln at Frl- cats the Pacific northwest, D. and leave today for her home. She will Betty ing all manner of shapes and re­ day of Lou, last drove week to to Reedsport spend a few C. E. of Randall, of Washington. C „1 »2.««9-04 to the state pro Rebekah-,. O. O / r Iod^ i ,h6 H y'and P“*n,n‘ *" th* Injury Improving — Mrs. Meda make the ourney via Yellowstone presenting a myriad of Ideas, will Mrs engaged In educational and coop- »Ibitlon fund this year It was re -; winch was held, . Riverside Park north part of the city before It was days visiting with Mr. and lie set off by agents of the H itt’s Catching Is now able to sit up In park. Mrs eratlvc work for .he fores, service vealed th.s week by Mrs. Grace Snm ay. M s^ Stella Eaton., Mrs. destroyed by fire were removed last I Clarence Cooley. Mr. and Fireworks company, who are pre­ n chair. She broke her ankle and a and Mrs. Mabel week. The pipe was purchased from Dallas People Her»— Dr. and Mrs. Cooley moved lo the Southern Ofe- «pent the first three days of the Schlska, county treasurer vein some time ago when she slip­ paring the displays. Peddicord were on the Rebekah 'M r. Hyland by A. B. Loud who H. E. Peterson of Dallas were Sun-¡gon coast city laa» spring to take week here inspecting the Cascade "'®elR_ th<' . coant? " Nlagra Falls will he depicted In ped on the porch at her home. committee In charge of arrange- plans to use It In a steam heating fund which is raised Jointb day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. over the management of a theatre national forest In company with nn avalanche of sparks, falling ments, and Lee Putman. Oswald plant being installed at the W II- bv the counties of the state. Perry A. Thompson. Gather Hucklabarrlaa — Moody C. F. Egglmann this week. some 40 feet to tha ground. A fiery Olson. and Karl Girard were ln lamette Auto camp. Return from Portland— Mr. and actopus, with Its spagky talons Neet, Orville Neet, the W. H. charge of the I. O. O F. activities. I ------------------------------ Visit at Salem— Mr. and Mrs. Son Is Born— Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Returns to California—Jim Bon­ Mrs. C. A. Loveloce have returned reaching nut Into the darkness. The Hobbs family, and other* spent _________________ I Salem People Here— Mr. and Mra. evening and Sunday ner returned to Kennedy, Califor­ to this city after having spent sev Marion Adams, their son, Bob, and ter Lee, former residents of West latnd of the M ldnlfhet Hun. The Saturday Smallpox Reported — Clifford AH«n Kafoury of Salem were week _______ Mr. and Mis. W alter I.axton, and t4prlngfleld. now living in Eugene, Star of Bethlehem, Hawaiian Moon­ gathering huckleberrlea on Gold nia, Sunday after a short visit with eral weeks In Portland visiting Crabtree of Dexter Is reported t o ; end guest* here of Mr. and Mra. ( friends. They attended the annual their son. Junior, motored to Salem are the parents of a 10 P°und ba^> friends In this city. He is employed light. these and many other espe­ hill. hoy horn to them at the Eugene he 111 with an attack of smallpox F Barber. Mr. Kafoury waa form In tunnel construction work In Cali­ reunion of the veterans of the Sunday to spend the day. cially arranged presentations will hospital Sunday. August 16. ,931. 1 This Is the only case of the disease erly in business here and in Eugene Spanish-American war at L a u r e l - ---------------------------- " Go to Reedsport— Mr. and Mra. fornia. be viewed by this year's falrgoers. A _________________ - in thl* vicinity that I* known about.: ' hurst park on Sunday. Return* to Portland— Mrs G. H. Turner made a quick trip to Visiting on Coast — Lloyd Freae Adrian and children. Ruth. Francis, j Attends Reunion— M. B. Huntly V ialt* Mother— Mr. and Mra. Roy - Returns from Vacation— Clara Reedsport Monday evening return­ Vialt at Waldport— Mr. and Mrs left last week for Florence to »pend Return* to School— Miss Eliza and Lawrence, reutrned to their attended the reunion of the veter Fawver, nurse In the office of Dr. ing the next day. Mr. Turner Is In­ Oalrn* and fam ily of Reedsport ana of the Spanish-American w a rlP . J Bartholomew and fam ily ac *ome time visiting with his »cbool- Milton V. W alker, returned Sunday terested ln a timber sale being held spent the week end here visiting heth Hughes, daughter of Mr. and home nt Portland Friday after held In Portland Son- companled by several friends spend mate. Jimmie West. with his mother. Mr. Calrna la the Mra. Wm. G. Hughes of this city, visiting relatives here and in Eu which evening from a vacation trip which In that vicinity. i the week-end on the beach at Wald- ~~~ day. left laat Thursday for Berkeley.: gene. postmaster at Reedsport. To Vialt Brothar—Dr. C. O. Vae took her to the southern Oregon port. California, where she will spend Visit* Parent»—Mra. C. O. W il­ coast. Diamond lake, Marahfleld, Valxah left Friday for Medford Leave on Trip— Mr. and Mrs. M. At Heceta Beich— Mr. and Mr*, Gam* Head Hare»—Gene Simpson, the coming winter-attending class- Crater Lake, and The Dalles. The son and son, Mac, drove to Port­ where he will spend some Visitor From Lowell — Harry B. Huntly and Myrtle Huntly left trip from Bend to The Dalles Is a land, Wednesday to visit Mrs. W ll superintendent of the State Game es at the Pacific School of Religion. Merle Casteel and Mr. and Mrs Veatch of Lowell was a business visiting his brother. Dr. R. C. Vl Sunday morning for a short trip to very beautiful one at this time, ac son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis farme was a visitor at the local This Is Miss Hughes’ second year Virgil Casteel left Friday to spend Valxah. visitor In Springfield Monday. Portland. 8t. Helena and Toledo. at thia achooL 1 the week eud at Heceta Beach. gana farm on Saturday. McLean. cording to Mra. Fawver. Scoring System For Clubs Listed choir. This will Include a special number by members of the choir. The final sermon by Rev. Mul holland at the Baptist church will be delivered Bunday morning He lias been with the local congrt-ga tlon for the past two year* and will take a short vacation before going to Roseburg where be has accepted another call Heptember I. Hupply pastors will conduct ser vices at tin- Baptist church (or the next few Bundays.