T H IW U A Y , AUGUST 18. I M I TH F SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAG» -FOUR POINTERS ON HOME CANNING BY O. S. C. Detailed Oregon Population Statistics Is now Available GREATER USE OF FRUIT URGED BY HEALTH GROUP Î Upper Willamette oversubscribed many tluias. It Is said here. The Issue would have an added advantage tn luring hid­ den capital from Its present hiding places and putting It to work. Heo- relary Mellou Is said to be against the plan. ' "" "" ♦ Miss Evelyn Phelps who has been ■ pending several days visiting at Rossburg returned to her home Tuesday of last wash She was ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dent and two children. Margaret end Elmer, who spent several days visiting with Mrs D»n% slaters Mrs. J. A. Phelps Fibrous Fruits Eaten Raw After Hecla toe beat canned when they Meals Aids in Preservation are young a» they are sweetest and of Teeth Pomona Grange to Picnic beat then, says the school of home Statistics tor the 1830 population The bane county Pomona Uramt«' economica at Oregon State college. ot Oregon classified as urban and Financiers figure the loan could Kat more V fruit durtft« the sum will hold a picnic at Ueeeta beach Sort them to approximately the rural, and by sex, color, age marital Saturday. August 15. A sea-food In,cr months" is the motto which BY RADFORD MOBLIY easily be repaid and the loan re- tim e alee, wash thoroughly and condition. Illiteracy, etc., have been the bane County M ‘d'eal society »VTOCArrf* VMMWtNGTON BUREAU : tired In forty years without becom­ cut ott all but about one inch ot Issued by the bureau of the census dinner will be served a’ noon ! and the Southern V.'T.anu tic DIs- ing an undue burden on the tax* WASHINGTON. D. I’.. Aug. 11— | payers. At three percent the year­ the tope, leaving the root on. This in a bulletin (Population—Second There will be a program of ad dresses and music it U announced « * ‘*'5' 4-eleres should Ml question as whether the coat* ly Interest would he 9150.000.000. prevents bleeding during bianch­ series) entitled. “Composition and Mias Etta May Wsngslln of Phoe be hung on the walls ot every din­ tiit presidential campaign will b« By adding one per cent to the tax. ii« . After blanching In boiling Characteristics of the Population.” nex. Arisons, arrived Friday to ing room In Oregon. Fresh fruit be fought on the "wet" and "dry" Is­ or 950.000.000. and Investing that water from J to 10 minutes, dip tn This Is a pamphlet of 43 pages. 2 spend the winter with her mother. cause ot their large content of sue was set at rest by Mayor Anton In a sinking fund nt Interest, ths cool water and slip off skins with by l l t t Inches, consisting mainly Mra O. II Wsngelln and bsr sister. water art* cooling, refreshing and .1. t'ermaks statement that "Gov* fingers. Pack in Jara and fill with loan could be repaid lu forty years. Mrs. K H. Tinker. appetising. Fruit are a class of too* ot statistical tables. rnor Roosevelt la ’wet' enough for The plan hsa many supporters but boiling water, adding 1 teaspoon which helps to ward off disease Misses Emma Olson and Itetle The urban population of Oregon the Illinois voters". The Chicago Dr James Kimball, tnstsurolugkal salt and a little sugar to each Jar. Mr. Hoover has given no Intimation "Some people look on fruit as a mayor 1» very close to Senator as to what action he Is likely to expert of ths Government, has fore* Olson leave next week for a week's Process points 36 minutes and In 1230 was 482.742. representing luxury, but there are very good rca wssgMv conditions lor all sue- vacation In Washington where they James Hamilton Lewis, the Demo­ take. It Is conceded that some told quarts 40 minutes at 340 degrees F. an Increase ot 88.737, or 25.2 per ce«» lui Atlantic tysrs abend «4 thsM sews why we should eat fruit daily," will visit with relatives. ----------- cratic victor tn the last campaign measure like It will be absolutely big hopa Only tender, sweet varieties of cent, since 182«. The urban popu la declares the Health group. "All tion formed 5i.s per cent of tba Eugene People on Faculty of in that state and would not hare corn are suitable for canning, says necessary to obtain the revenue Mrs. O. H Wsngelln celebrated ! fruits contain certain salts ot or­ the, school of home economic», O. S. total population (953.782). as com Station Is Hit Twelfth Annual Meeting to ganic acids which have a more or made the statement If he had Dot needed to run the government and her 90th birthday Hsturdsy. August been reasonably sure he was aiding take the place of the loss from re C. One of the first essentials Is pared with 49 9 per cent in 1920. The front of ths Three Sisters I. She received dosnne of birthday Begin on August 24 : less stimulating action on the kid- with the senator's Ideas The two duced payments on ths Income tax Gas and OU gtatlon near Croswell greet II« cards from relatives and that It be very freeh. It may be cut Urban population, as defined by the : neys. and some of thehi such as from the cob without precooking If Census Bureau. Is In general that; Thg , we]fth gnnua, Ore903.000,- features not contained in the 1920 Infant's Rayon and Rubber Pants 25c The proper relationship will not Rev. Weber of Eugene In the pres­ 000, and "suggests" that all heads Men’s Mole Skin Pants $1.47 census reports, including a pres­ ence of the bride's mother and a make an effort to curtail their ex­ permit any physician to oppose vac­ A baby boy arrived at the ¡.om« entation of the number of gainful few friends. Mollie Madeline and penditures, even dispensing with ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bertsch of workers In each of about 30 indus­ cination on the part of the health Nancy Ann Chase were flower girls. officer. For if he does so. It will projects already under way. unless Eugene, early Monday morning, try groups, by counties; detailed Miss Margaret O'Farrel sang “O such action will result unfavorably August 10, weight eight pounds. age data for counties; a classifica­ not be done in the best Interest of Promise Me," and “At Dawning.” the people of his community and of to public welfare. His letter re- 1 Mrs. Bertsch was formerly Ruth tion of the population of each town . ■ « Qlson a former Creswell resident. by color, sex, age. etc., and an ex­ the state but to their detriment She was accompanied on the piano quires definite action by August 17. by Miss Grace Maxwell. The bride i oftentimes and it would be thought In other words, immediate action. His name Is Donn Kirk Bertsch. tensive presentation of statistics \ of him that his opposition was wore a gown of peach chiffon. It Is general talk here that the Miss Edith Snere, Miss Irma for the rural farm population ano based upon selfish and mercenary A reception was held and a wed­ president's friends are bringing Snere and their mother, Mrs. Geo. the rural-non-farm population. j motives. ding cake and Ices were served. pressure to bear upon him to In­ Snere spent the week-end at Ban­ A copy of this bulletin for Ore The pe<)p,e of Oregon are ,0 be Misses Margaret O’Farrel, Lucille dorse a bond Issue to provide em­ don; they expected to meet some gon may be obtained by writing to con(?ratulated becauge of the fact Wylie and Grace Maxwell assisted ployment on public works during forwr Minnesota friends there for the Bureau^ of the Census, Wash- tha, there are n»"herla in* with a credit association. Both dollars, which would provide work and spent ihe day with Mr. and enough to keep practically every­ are U. of O. graduates. _______ and scarlet fever, for your health Mrs. N. E. Steele; Mr. Newcomb is body bus until economic conditions A community meeting to prepare bfficer shall render this service a brother of Mrs. Steele. ... « , , « ij Church Board Meets'—A regular hlght themselves the proponents practicing physician should J Clinton Benton employe of the an exhibit for the Lane county fair do The both preventative and curative meelln* ° f the board ° f Methodl8t of the plan assert. Springfield post office was over will be held Tuesday, August 18, practice The health officer does church waH held Monday eVeDln,! Such a huge Issue, even If offer­ Sunday and led the Christian En­ in Creswell. All people of the com­ ed at the percent only, would be. deavor meeting of the Presbyter­ munity are invited to enter articles only preventative practice with the 1 ’ for this exhibit which will be pres- possible exception of certain lndlg ian society In the evening. 1 ented as a Creswell Community ex­ ent cases, and this responsibility Is Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkerson of assumed In these cases which are hibit at the fair. Fresno, California, Mrs. Homer Miss Elaine Sorenson Is one of considered public health menaces Weber of Sacramento and Miss , __ ■ ■ « ( t who request of a Cleo Weber arrived , early Monday wno has nas entered eulerea an an essav essay in in only J at the . written . . morning from California and are the Highway Safety contest in the j practicing physician. guests at the home of Mr. and State Grange competition. She was ( Where the local profession and given a rousing cheer for her ef-i'h e community fully realize their Mrs. C. L. Weber. fort. ' H. A. Howe gave a report responsibility and co-operate ln Mrs. Fountain of Walker has on Insurance. A vote of thanks was meeting the situation it should not taken up her residence at the given Mrs Chrittenden and her he necessary for a health officer to Coasmac house moving in Mouday sons, Charles and David, for re- 'lo any curative work whatsoever, morning. presenting Creswell with a number It '8 against the policy of the State Mrs. Dr. H. A. Wheeler and her on the Grange program July 4. Board of Health for him to do so. daughter. Mrs. Marple of Eugene, The local Grange will take part Oregonians should be thankful were business visitors at Creswell in the Coupnty Fair pageant to be tor the Oregon medical profession on Monday. held the last of the month and | and should go to them for imi(junl- zatlon work but should also feel i plans were made for the part. Estate of Martha Wallace, deceased free to go to their health officer.— j State Board of Health. NOTICE TO CREDITOR» Takes Snake’s Picture Notice Is hereby given that Walt­ Ennis Dersham of Creswell Is an _ _ _____ ___ er Price of Marcóla, Oregon, has artist with Kodakery and his latest LOOMIS-HURD WEDDING bean by the County Conrt of the TO BE MONDAY EVENING State of Oregon, ln and for Lane Is an enlargement of a recent pic­ County, appointed administrator of ture of a rattler curled for striking ----------- ’¡n” ’’i""1,1 "n"* r,1 the estate ot Martha Wallace, de­ which was captured on the Blank The wedding of Miss Alice Mae ceased. Ail persons having claims against enship ranch a short time ago. The , Loomis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. said estate are hereby notified to enlargement makes it look like a , I. T. Loomis, to Harris Hurd, son , present the same, duly stated and boa constrictor and brings out the of Mrs. T. A. Hurd, will be solemn- verified, at the store of said ad­ characteristics of the venomous Ized at the First Baptist church j ministrator lo Marcóla, Oregon, snake with splendid detail. Monday evening with a formal within alx months from this 13th “Buftlneee Printers" church ceremony at 8:00 o’clock. day of August, 1931. Marcola Resident Here— Mr. and The couple will leave for a trip WALTER PRICE, Administra­ Office«: 119 E. Broadway, Eugene and 4th St. Springfield Rulers of Low Price» tor. Estate of Martha Wallace, Mrs. David Hill of Marcola were north following the wedding after Deceased. 10th & Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. visitors In Bpringfleld Monday which they will return to make A. E. Wheeler, attorney. their home here. afternoon. (A 13-30-37—S 3-10) WASHINGTON (¡ .IM I OPENS 11 TURNER L o w e r P rices a t Hoffman’s New Dry Goods Store Williams’ Self Service Store 77 East Broadway Eugene, Oregon A FRIENDLY PLACE TO TRADE If You Want Values Look These Over Then Come In P R IN T IN G For Better Response Thursday - Friday Saturday DAYS Bargains Galore The Golden Rule Willamette Press