— •rin g thia ad ae «3.90 cash on a Estate of Elizubuth Morehouse, Dec'd. pair of glasses during August, 1*31. NOTICR Dr. Hoyal Olck, eye specialist, ton OP PIN A L B R TTLRM RNT years In Eugene. *31 W illamette HI. N itlc i Is hereby given that Lewis II Morehouse has (lied his (Inal report an eaecutor of the last will slid testament of Elisabeth More houen, deceased. In the County r — > Court of the Blale of Oregon, In The Ladles' Aid of the Methodist and (or Lane County; and that ten O'clock In the forenoon of Saturday : Episcopal cnurch, met Wednesday the 19th day of August. 1981, at the afternoon In the annex of the Courtroom thereof In Eugene. Ore-1 ... gon. have been by said court ap ' hU.rcb ." * • dBy w" 'W “1 pointed and (lie d as the time and gnlltlng. Plans were made Tor the place for hearing objections to said 1 picnic, which the aid gave at Dead report anil for the final settlement I ,uond s ferry Friday. Several from of the estate of said Deceased Coburg attended the picnic and re L E W IS II. MDItKHGUHK. K le ported a vary enjuynbl. time cutor. A. R W IIE E L E It, Attorney. Thu Cbrlsllun ladles' Aid held (J 30 - A «13 20 87» their regular meeting Thursday IN T H E COUNTY C tll KT O F T IIE afternoon In the church. Tha Hint was spent In quilting. HTATE l)F OREGON FOIl T IIE COUNTY OF LANE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henderson. F t.lt B A L K - Springfield lots (or sale or will trade (or McKensle river home site or Eugene pro party. L. G. Hullu. I*. O. Boa 664, In (he Matter of the Adoption of Alice Ixjulse Gray and Mildred Eugene I'houe 1311 M. tl l.uclle Gray, Minors. TEACHER MANUALS TO BE DISTRIBUTED HERE CITATION To l.ouln II Cray. Greetings: IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF OKEOON. Yon are hereby d ied and requited to appear In the Teacher manuale to he used for I'miniv Court of the State of Ore­ the first three gradea In luiua coun gon, for the County of I-sue. at tha ly acboola hava been received at I Court Room thereof, at Eugene, In ili>- County of Lane, on Saturday. (be orfica of the county superin­ Ho- '.c’nil dav nf August. 1831. at tendent of achools from the state : 10 00 o'clock In the forenoon of that dav. then and there to show ecboul Office. The manuals are being distribu­ ! ««use. If any you have, why tha petition of Clarence W Smiley to ted to teachers at the superintend udopl the above named mlno.a, eut's office. i Alice Ixmlee Gray and Mildred Lu- e ll. Gray should not be granted Notarial Commission Piled— The and u decree of adoption entered accordingly notarial commission of W. It. Blow­ W ITNESS. Ihe Hon. C. I ’. Bar­ ers was tiled for record Friday at nard County Judge si (he 0ounty Court nf the State nf Oregon, for (be office of the county clerk. the County of M n e and the Seal of Hold Court hereto affixed thia N O T IC R T O C R E D IT O R S 20th day nf July. 1931. IN T H E CO U N TY COURT O F T IIE I SEAL» A TTEST: STATE OF OREGON FOB W B DILLA RD, Clerk L A N E CO UNTY By S IB YL W ESTFA LL. Deputy IN T IIE M A TTER OF THE 10.000 each following Injuries sustained when a car In which they were riding was struck by defendant’s car. The amount ot settlement Is said to have been 35000. VICIOUS DOGS ACTIVE, COUNTY BOARD HEARS AFTER CRASH OF CARS Suit for damages to the amount of 32306.80 was filed In circuit court by R. A. McCully against the standard Oil company. The complaint states that a truck of the defendant company struck plaintiff’s car on the Pacific high­ way near Grants Pass April 24 last. General damages of 32000 are sought and special damages of 3304.80. Report of Eatats Filed— Inven lory and appraisement of the estate of James W. Schrimpf was filed In probnte court Monday. The estate amounts to >13.111.55. Answer to Suit Filed— An an­ swer to the damage suit of All ’e Quite a number of complaints of M iller versus Carlton Spencer was vicious police dogs in various parts filed by the defendant In circuit of the county have been received court Thursday. by R. J. Morris, enforcement officer ----------------------------- for the county dog control board. Final Account of Estate Filed— The officer says that direct evl- Final sccount of the estate of John dence and proof of vldousness Is m . Rennie was filed in probate hard to obtain so that the board Is court Wednesday. rather hampered in action. ------------------------------ Nurse F ilet Certificate — The W ill to Be Probated— Anna L. nurse's certificate of Gertrude A W hytal has been appointed execu­ Mustoe was filed for record at the trix of the will ot Charles R. Why office of the county clerk Wednes tai. 1 day. c . , , . for bean plckBrB , , , raade „ (, „ lca * Ualla4 8tBlea , roploymant b, „ _ ^ ^ l u g to r u ArmltagBi gp ractor Tba plcklng bopa w,„ under WBy the aad (bere w , larg, numb<1. * Jobg |n th|, . eaB«Ivne* w ith anything like aiestic'a amazing development, the M U L T I M U tube. N o w . from h i» , distortion and ” croa« taw on either distance or local programs . . , yet all o f M ajestic'» famona C ol­ orful To ne baa been retained. L i t ua explain our Budget Plan. C Wright & Sons H A R D W A R E — F U R N IT U R E P A IN T misos * All that portion of the D. L. C Mabel » • Chadwick, fair board sec- of Robert Wilson and wife, being retary. Number 30 Notif No. 3262 In Tp * ---------- ------ - - ?-■ - = 16 S. R. 4 W . of W. M. in Lane County. Oregon, meandering the right bank (right bank facing down stream) of the W illam ette River running through said D. L. C. being also described as all that 8:30 A. M. Monday. August 31, the first boat leaves on portion lying north and east of said W’illamette River excepting its business training cruise. You are invited to come therefrom that portion described aboard. as follows: Beginning at the' 4n other words, that is the date for the beginning Southeast corner of said D. L. C. No. 38 aforesaid and running of the Fall Term at the Eugene Business College, so— thence north 10.00 chains; ! Register now for a business training course that thence N. 55 degrees W. to the will assure you future success. meandered line of 3aid W iliam ette River thence meandering It’s a good school; the rates are reasonable; ask said W illam ette River southwest about it. erly to where the said W illam et­ te River crosses the boundary ¡ line of said D. L. C. No. 38 thence along said boundary line to place of beginning. Beginning at the Northwest A. E. ROBERTS, President corner of the Southwest Quarter Miner Building Phone 666 of Section 19. in Township 16. Eugene, Oregon South Range 3 West of the W il­ lamette Meridian, thence East 34.50 chains, more or less to the center of the County road known as the middle road, thence South­ erly along the center of the County road to the Southeast cor­ ner of said Southwest quarter of Section 19, in said Township and Range, thence West 40 chains, more or less to the Southwest corner of said Southwest quarter of 8ectlon 19, and thence North 40 chains, to the place of begin­ ning, containing 153.18 acres, ac­ cording to the Government Sur­ vey STORE NO. 1— Miner Building, Eugen. Commencing at the N. E. cor­ STORE NO. 3— 960 Charn.lton Stra.t, Eugan. ner of the Robert Wilson Dona­ STORE NO. 4— 500 Main Street, Springfield tion Land Claim No. 38 In Twp. 16 S. R. 4 W . thence North 2.22 chains to the *4 sec. corner on east line of Sec. 24. of said twp. thence east 1.50 chains into coun­ ty foad, thence north 2.78 chains, thence west 20.74 chains thence south 5.00 chains, thence east 19.24 chains to the place of begin nlng containing ten acres of land, al? of the above descriptions be­ ing In Lane County Oregon, and clearing the title of said pre­ mises and for such other relief as to the court may appear equitable. 10 POUND The order of the court directing the service of this summons by the pub­ SACK lication thereof is dated August 12th, 1931, and required publication once each week for four successive 24’/ j POUND weeks and that you appear and answer within four weeks from the SACK ......... date of the first publication. The first publication of this summons 49 POUND is August 13th, 1931. C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attorney SACK for Plaintiffs. Residence: Eu­ gene. Oregon. Don’t Miss the Boat! Eugene Business College Pillsbury’s Best ho « FLOUR 35c 65c $1.15 (A 13-20-37— 8 3-10)