THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS I W E V n -K U U iT II I HAH. SPIUNOFHCLD, LANE COUNTY, OltKGOX TH U R SD A Y. AUGUST 13, 1931 • . .- 1 ■ ■■ ■ ■ ...........................................................................................................................................................;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW INDUSTRY TO Hop Picking To = CITATIONS GIVEN r ™ f TO LEGIDN GROUP Start On Monday 05323867 Anderaon Brother a Hava Only Large Crop; Mildew Doea W. D. Abat Plan* Naw Spa- Some Damage cialty Mlll Equlppad Wlth Moet Modem Machinery * Picking of early hope will atari k a floor blorklaga for exporting trade aa the principal products'' Induatrlal dlmenalona la a apo­ d a l ty branch of the lumber Indus- try bereto-fore greatly overlooked In Oregon. Mr. Abel bellevea that not only will there be a market for hla good a In thia country but a good ahare w ill be exported for British conaumptlon The mill la being wall equipped with the beat type of the moet mo darn machinery for thia work. The lateat word In dry-kiln, a Moore croea circulating. Internal frame, la being placed In the mlll. Thia, along with a number of other Improve- meata tried elaewbere, but to a great extent unknown In Oregon will reault In .enabling thia mlll to do a finer type of work la Ita ape- clalty line than baa been done be­ fore In the atate. MISSION WORKER TELLS EXPERIENCES IN CHINA Expertences and problems faced by the Mlaalon workers In China were told here last Friday after­ noon by Mlae Inea Forsythe at a meeting of the Women’s Foreign Missionary society which waa held at the home of Mra. N. W Emery. Mias Forsythe Is a former resi­ dent of Hprlngfleld. having taught achool here for a while before en­ tering the mission work In China where she Is now located. Her visit here was a past of a furlough which she la enjoying la her native coun­ try. TWO LEAVE ON TRIP TO YELLOWSTONE PARK Kathetfne Fry of the University of Oregon, and Palrloe Moacop of Hprlngfleld left Monday morning for Yellowstone national park. After their visit there they will make a tour of Colorado and A rt­ tona, returning by way of Callfor- rla. They expect to be gone three weeks. D elight Park Young people of the Christian, Haptlat and Methodist churches, re­ presenting the young people’s so­ cieties of these congregations, held their first ’Joint picnic last Thurs­ day evening and report a fine time. The gathering was held at Swim­ mer’s Delight where the young peo­ Unofficial Report from Wash­ ple enjoyed awlmmlng and boating. ington Says Majority Mem­ I-ater In the evening a welner roast waa held and waa followed with a bers Favor Eugene campfire and songa. Final declahao on the location of 1 About 30 young people were pres­ (he Northwest soldiers' home Is i ent. expected to be reached within the The three church groups, Christ­ next week, according to reports ian Endeavor, Epworth league from Washington. I>. C. following and B. Y. P. U„ hold Joint discus­ the return to that city Monday of sion meetings every Sunday even­ General lllnea. administrator of ing. The meetings are held at the veterans* affairs. church at which the union service The report Indicated that Eugene la preached. waa favored aa the location for the home by a majority of the board REFINISHING NEARS members and by technical experts. END AT POSTOFFICE (len rral Hines and Colonel Rlgga recently vtalted Oregon to gain first hand Information concerning W alls and C elling are Kaleom lned; W oodw ork le V em lsh ed; the cities making bids (or the na­ Brightens In te rio r tional Institution. Thia committee la expected to draft their report Workmen are now almost the latter part of thia week, sub mlttlng It to the board the first of through reftnlahlng the entire poet- office with paint and varnish. The next week. walla have all been kalaomlned The larger committee will deter­ white, and the ceiling cream color. mine the town In or near which The woodwork has alto been re- the home will be located. The pro­ varnished. blem of selecting a alte will be left The work has to be done In the to technical experta and engineers who w ill carefully go over the sites evenings when It will not Interfere with employes and patrons of the offered. The establishment of the home poatnffjce. More rtxqn In the bank room was In Oregon will be tht largest un­ dertaking attempted outside of provided recently when tbe rent Portland for several years. An ap­ boxes were rearranged. E DECISION IS NEAR propriation of two million dollars, with one million available the first year, has been provided by con­ gress for the project. S p ringfield O ffers Site A free alte will be demanded of the city In which the home la lo­ cated. Springfield has offered to Eugene the 100-aere Industrial tract east of the city. Adjacent land to make up the additional (00 acres required would cost about BIRTHDAY DINNER IS (60.000. Eugene la submitting on HELD AT ANCHORAGE September IS a bond laaue (or (260.000 to buy a site In case that A group of girl friends of Mlaa city la selected. Alice Mae I-oomls. assistant at Dr. W. N. Dow’a dental office, enter­ MANY PEOPLE ATTEND tained for her birthday with a din­ ner at the Anchorage In Eugene On McLACAN FUNERAL RITES Friday evening. Seven were pres- A large gathering packed Into the ent. W alker-Poole chapel here Friday afternoon for the funeral services WOODCRAFT CIRCLE for W. C. McLagan, long-time resi­ INITIATES WEDNESDAY dent of thia elty, who met his death Io an airplane crash Into the waters Initiation followed by regular of Winchester Hay on the Pacific lodge work waa held Wednesday ocean August 4. evening at the regular meeting of The service was conducted by the Neighbors of Woodcraft at the Rev. S. Earl Childers, former pastor I. O. O. F. hall. The social and of the First Christian church of refreshments were dispensed with. Springfield and now pastor of the Chrlatlan church In Eugeoe. Inter­ OVERALL CLUB GIRLS ment was made In Reat-Havnn park. PICNIC ON TUESDAY DRICCS FAMILY PLEASES Members of the Overall G irls’ W ITH MUSICAL PROGRAM club ware entertained by their par- ents at a picnic held on Fall creek A small but appreciative audi­ Tuesday afternoon. Swimming and ence greeted the members of the a watermelon feed was enjoy ad by Driggs family when they appeared ’ hr group. Seventeen were present. at the Christian church last Thurs­ day evening In a program of songs, Visiting at Home readings, and orchestra music. Evan Hughes, son of Mr and The family played a similar con­ Mrs. Wm. O. Hughes, Is visiting cert at Creswell In the Methodist at the home of hla parents. He has church Friday evening. They also been engaged In circulation work appeared before the Springfield (or national periodicals during the Lions club Friday noon and gave summer. a very popular program. Return from Beaeh— Dr. W. N. Dow, Clifford Wilson, and I-arson W right motored to Cannon Beach from the I,eglon convention at Cor­ vallis Saturday evening and met their wives who huve been spend­ ing two' weeks on the beach. The entire group returned to their homes In this city Monday evening PICNIC, SHOWER, HELD AT RESORT LAST WEEK LODGES ENTERTAIN FOR GRAND MASTER TUESDAY Thirteen members of Springfield lodge number 70. I. O. O. F. a t­ tended the Join! meeting held at Coburg Tuesday evening on the oc­ casion of the visit of Grand Master Homer D. Angell, to the lodges of Marcóla, W altervllle. Springfield, West Point at Coburg. Other official visitors at the gaherlng were Payt Masters W. F. V.’alker. Springfield, and Dr. L. la Raker. Eugene; and Grand Marshal, Charles P. Poole, of Eugene. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOARD HAS MEETING TUESDAY A regular meeting of the Sunday school board of the Methodist church was held Tuesday evening. W ork of the different classes was discussed by the Individual techers who comprise the group. METHODIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS TUESDAY Mrs. Pratt Holverson was In charge of he meeting of the Mis­ sionary society of the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon. This was the regular monthly meeting of the group. LOCAL PEOPLE HEAR W. C. T. U. SPEAKER Several Springfield people at­ tended the Lane county W . C. T. U. picnic held at Riverview park In Eugene Friday afternoon. Miss Wiggins, of Pennsylvania, national field secretary of the organisation, was the principal speaker at the gathering. Return from T rip — Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jollff returned from a trip to eastern Oregon Friday. Mra. Jot- Iff has spent two weeks with rela­ tives the other side of the Cas­ cades, and her husband drove over to meet her. The return trip was made by way of Crater Lake and Medford. Mrs. Russell Myers and Mrs. Lola Thompson entertained last Friday evening with a picnic supper and miscellaneous shower at M yer’s park on the McKensle river for Miss Irene Brownfield who leaves this month for California where Joins Churoh— Ralph Keeler be­ she will be married. Fifteen were Motor to Besoh— Mr. and Mra. came a member of the Methodist church here Suntfay morning by Invited. W illiam Goodman, Donalda Good­ man. Mrs. J. A. Macdonald and letter of transfer from the Presby­ James Ellis motored to the coast terian church In Oakland, Califor­ MRS. FRESE ENTERTAINS nia. MISSIONARY MEETING Sunday stopping for short visits nt Waldport. Yachats, Newport and Mrs. Fred Frese entertained at Agate Beach. Obtain Marriage Llcsnss— Austin mes McPherson of Springfield her home Tuesday evening for the Visits Fathen— Mr. and Mrs. d Virginia Louise Houston of regular meeting of the Missionary lem obtained a marriage license society of the Baptist church. An Emory Richardson motored to Slus- the office of the county clerk Interesting discussion group waa law Sunday to see M r. Richardson’s father who Is 111. conducted. la weak. p /™ SIBNIEB SHOWS AT CITI A IM W BARBER SEAIED oil a n council ______ Springfield Rebekah and Odd ---------- Fellows Groups Croups to Spend Wing-Walker, Trapeze Artist Two Springfield Members of i Fallows A i i w i l i a r u M a n n u r l dm D l a n * e D Day >1 V H at t W Riverside I VSt F * l f l A P Park X r If dm w U ik id P rm v l 12k FI O to C Exhibit From P* Plane Auxiliary Named to Placet Moving Over Field on State Committees Members of the Rebekah and Odd • , on the Anderaon lirothera hop , START OPERATIONS HERE ranch Monday, Auguat 17, accord- X to the ownera. Thia la practl- 1 ’V the only early crop of hope Firm Will Manufacture Indua b will be harveated In thia trial Dimenalon and Floor vl. v thia year. The Inroada Blocking for Export i v the downy mildew have -|y complete'In aome flelda Plans are being made to opeu up h> Miaa Aleenc McFarland, of Taxaa auaed the ownera to de- a new Induatry In Springfield by am. New York, became the bride of I'lde . pick them. Very little ee Johann of Liechtenstein to the Hprlngfleld Manufacturing com Ion. Her dad was a cattle kenxa pany under the direction of W. D. , m ilder hue been experienced In Abel. The mill (or thia new In- the Anderaon yarda and a good dimtry will be »pen and running I crop la expected. YOUNG FOLK OF THREE There are many flelda of late full force within 10 daya of two CHURCHES HOLD PICNIC hope which will be ready for the wee ha. ptekera later In the month and In The mill will apeclallae In Ute F irs t A ttem pt at Joint Outdoor Af­ producing from clear vertlele grain Hnpleinber. No datea for picking of fa ire Held at Sw im m ers' the late crop have been net. fir of Induatrlal dlmenalona, and No. SI New Councilman to 8arva Unexpirad Term of H. J. Cox, Removed to Eugene _________ Winning of four national depart­ ment eltatlona for outstanding work, and having two members named on Important atate commit­ tees waa the accomplishment of members of the Springfield dele­ gation at the American Legion and Legion auxiliary atate convention held at Corvallis last week-end. Members of the auxiliary out did members of the l-eglon post to the extent of the two committee ap­ pointments. Fellow lodges of Hprlngfleld to­ gether with their families will gather at Riverside park east of Goshen Sunday, August IS, for an all-day outing. Plans for the event nave been under way for some time and all arrangements are now re potted to have been completed. WILL TEST NEW PLANE JAIL PROPERTY 18 SOLD Small Craft Completed. 350 Pounds Weight; Has Only 20 Foot Wing Span Merchants Urged to Use Rear Doors in Unloading Pro­ ducts; Furnace Asked I ----- ♦ ----- Avlatlon-mlnded people of Lane Clayton F. Barber, accountant at The committee wished to stress county w ill find the Springfield the Booth-Kelly lumber mill, clerk the fact that the location of the pic­ Municipal Airport a very interest of the school board, and secretary nic has been changed. Announce­ Ing place Sundhy according to Jim of the Lions club, waa seated aa ments sent out earlier In the week MacManlman, manager. A unique regular councilman for the unex­ stated the picnic would be held at collection of airplanes and gliders pired term of H. J. Cox a t the re­ Mrs. W. H. Pollard was appoint­ k llllo rii s park. are housed In Various buildings gular meeting of that body held at Each family is requested to bring about the field and many of them ed on the by-laws committee, and the city hall Monday evening. Mra. M. H Huntly waa named on basket dinners for their own group. will be seen In actual flight that Barber had been appointed pre­ the membership committee at the Coffee. cream and sugar will be i day. viously by the mayor, but rattflea- Jacob Miller, of Pleasant Hill, convention. They were both regu­ furnished by the lodges. Headlining the program for Sun­ Mo.. 93. is shown wearing a pair tlon by the council waa necssaary lar delegates. Mrs. Jennie Deeds A -vide variety of activities will day »111 be tbe visit of Ronald Rus­ of boots he purchased seventy-one before tbe appointee coaid ba seat­ and Mra. Isaac Endicott, alternate be available for all who care to take sell, clever stunt performer on the * year» ago The boot» »till have the ed. He was sworn In at the open­ delegates attended tbe convention. part In them. outside of an airplane. Mr. Russell, ■ ' 'iginal *-4es and heels. ing of the meting. Mra. Einma Olson, was a gold star who hails from Eureka. California, The new council member will will be taken up In a plane piloted I mother guest at the gathering. serve approximately one and one- by MacManlman. From this ship be Two citations, one from the na- ’ half years. He w ill be chairman will exhibit many wing walking tlonal headquarters and one from | of tbe finance committee and will stunts, and later w ill drop below I the department office were won b y : hold appointment oii the Judiciary the wings to a trapeze. From the tbe auxiliary members. and health committees. rope trapeze be will be seen hang­ Citations for wora In membership; Sale of the old city Jail located ing by his feet, from bis knees, and and community service were won i on Kelly Butte back of the Booth- he will perform a verlety of other by members of the Legion post, I Public Invited to Attend Var­ Kelly lumber mill to a Mr. Brooks They were represented by Dr. W. Motorists Declare New Mc­ stunts on the rope ladder. This pro­ The purchaser ied Program at Odd Fellow was approved. N. Dow, Major M. B. Huntly and I. Kenzie Construction Worse gram begins at 2:00 o’clock. There paid (10 for the lumber and agreed Hall Monday Evening will be free admission to tbe field. M Peterson. to tear the place down aad clean Than Former Roadbed Passenger ships will haul people A large number of other real Members of the Overall Girls’ up tha property. for flights during tbe afternoon. dents and members of the local Considerable criticism has been Tbe old Jail was used for many Another attraction for airminded club will give an entertainment con­ post attended different convention j forthcoming recently (row motor­ sisting of readings, drills, playlets, years during the time railroad con­ people Sunday will be tbe official ists who drive up the McKenzie sessions and activities. songs, minstrels and dances, at the struction was being pushed towards highway because of the methods teat-flying of the new single place Oakridge. It was discarded when biplane recently completed at tbe Odd Fellows hall next Monday MANY FISH RELEASED IN being employed In carrying on new airport. The license plates are ex­ evening. August 17th. The program the new one was built hack of tha construction projects. Many who present city hall. LANE COUNTY STREAMS have made frequent trips up the pected to arrive here within the w ill start at 8:30. Admission free, Councilmen requested that mer­ but a silver offering will be taken highway declare that each week next day or two and officials of tbe chants unload as much of their sup­ A total of 81,000 game fish were to assist the Rebekah lodge in some the number of miles of rough and Department of Commerce w ill give plies from back doors as possible. released In Lane county during the special work It Is doing. The public almost Impassable road Increases. their sanction to fly tbe plane be­ This w ill aid in preventing the scat­ month of July by employes of the Is invited to attend tths program fore Sundav. tering of waste refuse on the The greater brunt of the criti­ state game commission, according which Is being presented under the This ship has been causing con­ streets and w ill provide a cleaner cism Is aimed at the atate highway to a report Just Issued. direction of Mrs. Edna Yarnell. siderable interest at tbe airport Main afreet. The MrKenxIe river received 60,- commission for the manner In The complete program to be pre­ ever since construction was started A motion that truckers of hogged sented follows; 000 rainbow trout and 10,000 cut­ which they handle tbe letting of on It. It is only 15 feet long and fuel be required to have their various contracts on the project. throat trout from the MsKenxle Opening drill, “B-M I-L-E” by the has a wing span of only 20 feet. trucks covered with canvas to pre­ It Is pointed out that tbe com­ hatchery near Vida. It is equipped with a four cylinder, Overall Girls' club; reading, “How vent the scattering of the chips Twenty-one thousand eastern mission lets a contract for only tbe twin opposed. Contenetital A 40 to Make a Loaf of Bread,” Frances about the atreeta waa made. It brook trout were packed in from construction work and later lets motor, carries fuel sufficient for a Cornell; reading. “A Boy's Mercy." was tabled for the time betng. the Fall river hatchery and de­ a new contract for the surfacing round trrp to Portland and weighs Wanda Burch; ‘‘Sunbonnet Sally A request from the Max stove posited In the following lakes, and oiling. If this Is not done by about 350 pounds without passen and Overall Jim." club girls; read­ works for permission to erset a the state oiling crews. The contrac­ C liff lake. 4600; Horseshoe lake, ing. “That Hired G irl,” Bessie Co«; ger or fuel. small blast furnace waa heard aad 2000; Lodge lake. 6000; Macduff tors who receive the construction The ship is considerably smaller reading. “My Pa,” Ferne Cornell; was referred to the state fire mar­ lake. «600; M errill lake. 6000; Jobs do their work In mile or less than the single-place monoplane reading. "How Pa Weaned the shal at Salem. Mink lake. 6000; and Wilson lake, stretches and then move ahead to built last year for Dalton Shinn. It Calf,”, Ila Putnam. another location lnavtng the first 600 Play—“The P I « Parrot.” Cast— has been constructed for the use METHODIST PASTOR mile completed as far as construc­ of students at the school who have The Pirate captain. Zip. W anetta tion goes, and usually very rough AT SEATTLE SEMINAR FORMER RESIDENT SENDS and difficult for motorists to drive completed solo flights but who re­ Neet; Tweedles. the little pirate. quire extra hours In the air before Maxine Smltson; H. H. the lady pi­ Rev. D. C. Poindexter, pastor of SUBSCRIPTION TO NEWS’ on. Hence, each week the miles of being eligible for government lic­ rate. Louisa Cowden; Ha Ha, Just roadbed In the project are lesaened the Springfield Methodist church, enses. The plane w ill be rented a pirate. Edna June Yarnell; He He, Charles RIvett, pioneer resident and the miles of rough Incompleted left the first part of the week tor to all such persons for a low fee. another pirate. Ferne Cornell; Ebo- highway Increases. of Springfield In the days when Epworth Heights near Seattle to neezer, the barber. Frances Cornell; probably (5.00 per hour. stage roaches operated between Eu­ attend a ministerial seminar of Residents of the Vida-Nimrod sec-, Several different types of gliders Landlord Bunkem. Bessie Cox. gene and this city, sends a renew­ tlon declare that some surfacingj M utter and Mumble. Ferne and Methodist pastors being held there are now on the field including those al of his subscription to the Spring w ill have to be done on that part this week and next. Rev. Polndex- belonging to the Western Glider Frances Cornell; original panto­ j ter does not expect to (111 the local field News this week. Mr. and of the highway which has been re­ mime. Bessie Cox; reading, ’‘At club. Persons who have not made Mrs. RIvett are the parents of Mrs. constructed before the fall rains pulpit Sunday morning, but there a close inspection of them w ill be Our School,” Ferne Cornell; the W. P. Tyson and now make their start as the dust, now more than a will be services at the church. newspaper minstrels, clnb girls; enabled to do so Sunday. home at 6703 Holdridge, Bethany foot deep In places, w ill make the solo. Frances Cornell; reading. 8tatlon, Lincoln. Nebraska. They road impassable. “When the L ittle Boy Ran Away,” WOODSMAN CASHES ARM LIONS CLUB RECEIVES usually have spent a few months There Is 12 miles of the highway Roberta Putnam; an Indian legend. WHEN SHARP AXE SLIPS each year on the Pacific coast visit­ now under construction. The state TWO ROADSIDE SIGNS Edna June Yarnell; violin solo, ing relatives, but w ill not make the highway department has Indicated Allen Sneed; reading. "How Casey O. L. Rairiagh employe of the trip this season. that the work w ill be completed John Anderson and Donald Toomb Licked Ony Geigen,” Duane Crowe; Fisher mill at Marcola sistained a T aken Into Club ae New Mr. RIvett Is'among the earliest this fall. Nothing has been said a garden tryst. Edna June Yarnell deep gash in his left arm Wednes­ M em bers F riday subscribers to thia paper. about the construction time when and W anetta Neet; pantomime, day when the axe ‘ with which ha residents may expect to have the •‘Cornin' Through the Rye.” panto­ was working slipped. Flesh on tha The donation of two large road­ project surfaced and oiled. LOCAL PEOPLE PUT IN mimed by Edna June Yarnell, sung arm was cut right down to tha side signs for the Lions club of At the present time nearly all by Mrs. Mortensen; closing drill, main artery. Had the cut boon nay BOAT ON UPPER ROGUE of the McKenzie highway between Springfield was announced at the ’’Good Night Ladles,” Overall Girls. deeper he would have suffered sert- meeting of the club on Friday. The Mr. and Mra. Prince Helfrlch Springfield and tbe Eugene power outly from the loss of blood. The signs are the gift of W . F. W alker, house, from Nimrod on east has and Rev. and Mrs. Veltle Pruitt irju ry was treated nt a local phy­ BAPTISTS WILL HEAR district governor, who was a dele­ took a boat to the upper waters of been oiled and is a very good road, sician's office. gate to the recent international M c M in n v il l e pastor the Rogue river Monday and laun­ but the short stretch between these convention held at Toronto. They ched It for a fishing expenditlon. is enough to cause many of the Has Operation The Rev. Sylvester Cross of Lin- : w ill mark the east and west ap­ This Is the first time a boat has residents of the McKenzie Bridge field college at M cMinnville w ill - Mrs. John Henderer of Spring- proaches to the city. been taken Into the upper waters area to drive to Bend rather than Two new members were taken speak at the Baptist church th is , field, submitted to a major opera­ Eugene for their shopping. of the river famed for steelheads. Into the club at the meeting. The evening. He Is the first of several tion a t the Pacific Christian hos­ new members are John Anderson candidates to be brought here dur­ pital In Eugene Saturday morning. MANY ATTEND PASTOR FUNERAL FOR MARCOLA of the Anderson Motor company, ing the next few weeks by the trus­ RECEPTION ON FRIDAY Inc., and Donald Toomb. Spring- tees of the church in their selection : Vacation on Coaak—Mr. and Mra. CHILD HELD MONDAY of a successor to Rev. Ralph R. Mul-1 G. H. Turner returned Sunday field groceryman. A fair-sized group attended the Funeral services for Laura May holland. who has accepted a call to evening from a week’s vacation trip which took them to Rocky Point Jones, 11, daughter of Mrs. David reception tendered Rev. and Mrs. Roseburg effective September 1. Dean C. Poindexter of the Metho­ HOLES IN STREETS GET The usual Thursday evening J on the coast, and to various spots Jennings of Marcóla who died at dist church Friday evening. The the Eugene hospital Sunday were CEMENT PATCHES TODAY prayer meeting will give way for along the lower Smith river. The held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock affair was sponsored by the Men's this gathering The prayer meet­ weather waa very cold aad windy from the Veatch chapel In Eugene. Brotherhood and by the members Robert Plrrle, city street com- ■ ings, with discussions on Genesis, along the coast they report. of the Ergatha Sunday school class. Captain King of the Salvation inissloner. Is busy today patching w ill continue again next week It Frank Bartholomew was general Nebraska People Coming— Mr, Army conducted the services and broken places In the pavements of l has been announced. chairman of arrangements. and Mrs. James T . RIvett of Lin­ Interment was made In Rest Haven the city. Most of these have been coln, Nebraska, are expected to ar­ cemetery. previously cleaned out and he is MANY ATTEND EASTERN Californians Here— Mr. and Mrs. filling them with concrete today. rive hère Saturday to spend some STAR PICNIC SUNDAY time visiting at the home of Mr. RECENT BRIDE HONORED O. Zschiegner of San Pedro. Cali­ fornia, arrived here Saturday for and Mrs. W. P. Tyson. Mr. Rivet Return from Prineville— Mr. and More than 60 members of Cas- i AT PARTY ON THURSDAY a visit with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mrs. J. E. Cross returned Tuesday cade chapter O. E. S., their family is an uncle of Mra. Tyson. He Is 7» Swarta. Mrs. Swarts Is a sister of afternoon from Prineville where years old. members and friends gathered at Mias Mildred Carson and Miss Mr. Zschiegner. they hal spent a few days visiting the Bert Edgell farm on the M o-' Mary Ann Franxwa entertained Reedsport People Here. Mr. and with his sister. Thursday evening ’at the home of hawk river Sunday for the annual Mrs. Jim Cumming of Reedsport Motorcycle Stolen— W illiam Cur- ------------------------------ picnic sponsored by the chapter the former for Mrs. Dwtght Kessey, Visitor Expected— Miss Martha for Its members and for the mem- spent Sunday here w ith M r. aad nee Elaine Archambeau. who was tls is reported to have had his Mrs. C. F Egglmann. T heir daugh­ married recently. Fifteen guests motorcycle stolen at North Bend Mortensen of Salem Is expected to bers of Liberty Masonic lodge. ter. Byrdene, has been spending last week-end. The motorcycle had arrive In Springfield today for a Games and entertainment were were Invited. several days here with Mr. and a sidecar attached to It. visit at the home of Dr. and Mrs. enjoyed during the afternoon. Mrs. Eggtmann. 8he returned to ----------------------------- R. P. Mortensen. Mrs. C. E. Wheaton was general Baby Son Born her. home Sunday evening. Here from Loe Angelee— Mrs, W. ------------------------------ chairman of the committee In 5 Mr. and Mrs. James Bonner are H. Allis of Los Angeles is In Spring- Taking Vacation — Mrs. Clara charge. D aughter B ern — Mr. and Mrs. the parents of a baby eon born to field visiting with her sister, Mrs Fawver. office nurse of Dr. Milton Lester Porter of route 3, Craawall, them Wednesday morning. Auguat Ralph R. Mulholland. Their father, V. W alker, Is taking her vacation, i Doesn’t Like Coast— John Nelson' are the parents of a baby daughter 13, 1(31, at the home of Mrs. I. D. M. I. Holverson Is also a visitor at She Is expected to return the lat-j I-arlm er, In Springfield. the Mulholland home. doesn’t like the coast weather at born to them at the Pacific Christ­ ter part of this week. thia time of the year and did not ian hoapltal In Eugene on Friday, 8on Born— Mr. and Mrs. D a rre ll' Returns from Vacation — Cecil hesitate to so express himself after August 7, 1931. Injures Finger— The young son of Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Spencer of Herbert of Oakridge are the p ar-! Mathes, employee of the Mountain returning from a vacation trip to; Business Visitor»—Wayne Lewis this city painfully Injured his fin ents of a baby son born to them I States Power company steam plant Crescent City and nearby beaches. ger when he ran a large splinter at the Eugene hospital In Eugene reutrned to his duties Monday fol­ The wind blew such a gale n e a r. and ‘Dad’ Lewis of McKeasle Into the thumb Just below the nail. on Sunday, August 9. 1931. lowing his annual vacation spent Bandon that most of the trees were| Bridge were visitors In Hprlngfleld The wood was rotten and It was In eastern Oregon with his mother. topless. Mr. Nelson was accompan­ on Friday. necessary to cut the nail away to Visiting at Roseburg— Miss Mary ied on the trip by his wife, and remove the small particles. He was Elizabeth W hitney spent several Visitor from W altervllle— Mrs. his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. , Visitors from Mc K ernie swimming at Eugene at the time of days last week-end visiting with 1 Herbert Platt of W altervllle was and Mrs. Roy Worswlck of ruralj Angus Harblek of McKensle was a visitor to BpringftaM Frida*. friends at Roseburg. the accident. a visitor In Springfield Monday. route 3, Eugene. OVERALL GEfflUPTO PRESENTPHD8RAI»