THURSDAY, AUQU8T •. 1981 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAOK POUR «PPLIMnON FÜR I c WATER REJECTED California Girl W e ^ ^ ^ ooner of Ditties ] I PICNICKERS SHOULD USE CARE DRINKING WATER Attended 28th Conference of Governor» | Kugeue, Ore., Picnickers should not trust to luck in selecting drink ing water. While Oregon has made tests of hunritids of wells ami Radio Station KOAC to Giva water supplies « hicta will be used, Oakridge Company is Denied by tourists during the summer, the! BY R A D FO R D M O B ltt Listonara Many Detail« of Right of Appropriation headquarters ugmtttee of th->, v/’ OCAftm watMIAGTPN OuUtA Stata Saaaion of Vats from Salt Creek Lane f . unty Medical society u-.d j WASHINGTON. D. C.. Aug. 4 thw Sou'hern Willamette INatr.ct Fur tbs benefit of Oregon Legion- Application tor water right« by 2.000.000 DECREASE the country Is pure and fit to drink As a consequence the country is unless a 30 per cent reduction la thau most Hues Io stabilisation, yet, ginning et 3 10 o'clock, and the ee- if clear and cold because 'running back to happeuings several years planted. Owing chiefly to a decline In tim­ the report pointe out, careful plan­ i-oud geme Friday afternoon at tbe water purifies itself.' There Is a the president. Most ot them date ber aalea. receipts from the Na­ ning Is possible In nearly every same hour Tbe East Side Commer­ grain of truth in (hat old saylug. back o happenings several yearq, Political observers here a s s e r t tional Forests decreased 31.758.479 Une. yielding higher returns in pro­ cial club of Portland will represent Rudy Vallee, idol o f flappers hr- -, e » nuMion liearts. according to his ,>r- but like some other traditions, there ago. One of them, which was fea­ wheat has ceased to be a concern fits to the manufacturers and bet that city and eastern Oregon, and for the fiscal year ending June SO. ■gent when he secretly m arried I-ay Webb, o t Santa Barbara. Cal., in N is a pound of falsity there also. tured In one ot the moat powerful for politicians and baa moved over 1er Income to the workers. the United States forest service an­ Jersey recently tbe Marlon county legion team will "If a running brook crosses a Democratic papers In the country, to the field of economics. Unless nounced today at Portland. Oregon. represent the western part of the farm yard or pasture or flows near harks back to the story that Mr. farmers cut down their acreage There were small gains In grazing state. tees for cattle and horses, and in a highway it is bound to pick up Hoover had practically decided to next year they will hardly get OREGON DAIRY HERDS From 7 30 to I o'clock Thursday a few other Items. The drop In re­ INCREASING IN SIZE evening the winning numbers In human or animal pollution, which, tun for President on the Democra­ enough out of thetr 1932 crop to taken into the human system may tic ticket when Henry Cabot luidge pay tor their seed. Already there ceipts was spread over all the nine In spite of the low prices re­ the music contest «III be presented national forest regions of the cause disease. True. It is. that cer­ tot to him and turned hint Into a are signs that Kansas will go In ceived for milk and buttertal, Ore­ over KOAC. Entered la this run United States and Alaska. tain factors begin at once to ren­ Republican. mure heavily for cattle, pigs and Has Influents— Paul Frese is ill Leaves fo r M arshfield— R. L. der the water less dangerous but gon dairymen are Increasing rather teat will be glee clubs from tbe The receipts from the 22 national The story does not lack for con­ poultry next year and declare a than decreasing the site of tbelr American iaiglou auxiliary units of with a hard attack of Influenza. i Bnmett wnt to Marshfield Wed­ »bat chance has it of becoming fit vincing details, which tells of the wheat moratorium" In order to al­ forests of Oregon and Washington i Newberg. McMinnville, Portland nesday .. orning. He is now on his dairy herda. tor the last fiscal year were 3S96,- Visitor at Marcola — Marion vacation from duties at the Moun­ to drtnk? Let us see. intimacy that existed between him low demand to catch up with sup­ aud Rose City (Portland); quartets 931.43, or 3675.664.96 less than for Adam was a business visitor at ' First of all. solid material tends and Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, ply. This fart Is brought out In the from the auxiliarla« ot Albany, tain S t .tes Power company. the previous year. Decreases are Marcola on Wednesday afternoon. to settle oat. the heavier particles then assistant secretary of the figures Just being complied tor the Salem. Medford. McMinnville end accounted for by smaller receipts Due measure designed to afford second year of the Oregon dairy Roee City, (Portland); and Irloe Drive to Reedsport— M r. and Mrs first, but the amount of sediment­ navy, and Franklin D. !-ane. It Visit at Portland — Mrs. Sam C. F. Ecgimacn left early Wednes­ ation depends on the rate of flow; from timber sales, settlement and adds a deft touch by telling how relief to people living outside of the cost study carried on by the farm representing the auxiliaries of trespass, though Increases are Richmond and daughter, Helene, day t...truing by automobile for the faster the stream the less set­ Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Roosevelt great cities has been adopted by the management department at Oregou Salem, Coquille. O restrain. Hood noted In grazing receipts, and spent a tew days at Portland dur­ Reedsport where they spent the tling. Thus solid material mav be used to prepare their modest Sun­ Interstate commerce commission, State college, under the direction ot River, Medford. McMinnville, Port­ ing the week-end visiting relatives. day. returning late that evening. water power rentals. carried a long distance from the day suppers with their own bands which has authorised the Post Of­ II. E. Selby. On aprll 1. 1920. 614 land. Sheridan and Roee City, Total receipts from all sources place where the stream became while their husbands chatted. It fice department to accept parcels dairy farms Included In the study (Portland.) Sen B orn— Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dinner Guests— Mr. and Mrs. C. polluted. Moreover, disease bac­ from 160 national forests were 34 then tells how Lodge couverted him up to 100 inches in helgbth and showed an average herd of 17 cows, Listeners over KOAC Friday Wright of Trent are the parents of F. Eggiinacn had as their dinner 992.875, as against 36.751.658 last teria are so light In weight that and Mr. Hoover "became a Repub­ girth. This means, roughly, that while on April 1, 1931. tbs average morning from 9 Io 10:30 o'clock a baby sou born to them at their guests Mr. and Mrs. Fern Mergy year. Timber sales were 63.514,S06. there is comparatively little chance lican. at least In name." parcels three feet by three feet and had Increased to II cows each. will hear tbe Joint open mealing of home on July 29. 1931. and his mother. Mrs. Fern Mergy. of their settling so long as the as against 34.337.543 last year. Graz The average value of the (Oil tbe American legion and auxiliary. more than two feet thick ran be Another paper, also unfriendly to ing receipts as a whole showed a water remains in motion. If other Fish Salmon Creek—Neil Pollard 'ail of Albany. mailed In sones four to eight, or cows Included In the survey was Including addressee by Ralph slight gain, cattle and horse gear and Jack Henderer spent Friday streams Join the first stream, the the Hoover policies, goes on to re­ within 200 miles. The additional gtveu as 3112.60 on April I. 1929 O'Neil, national commauder of Ibe Returns from M arshfield — The late that ITesldent Coolidge practic­ pollution may become greatly dilu­ Ing fees amounting to 31.029.649, as ! and part of Saturday fishing on mall that will be created Is expect­ By April 1, 1930, this bad decreased American laglun. and Mrs. Bees Misses Velda and Beatrice Carson ally paved the way for his succes­ ted and then much less dangerous, agafhst 3992.304 the year preceding. Salmon creek, ed to add 35.000.000 to postal reve­ to 3104 and by 1131 the figure had Imubaugh. national vice-president returned Monday from Marshfield and fees for sheep and goats to hut on the other hand, these tribu­ sor by bis famous hesitation, when nue«, besides creating ebsap ex fallen to 336. of the auxiliary. Friday evantog where they spent the past month Visitor at Marcola—W. K. Bar 3918.063. as against 931.649 the year taries may be highly contaminated asked to run again, and allowed It press rates for larger packages from 7:45 to 9 o'clock Mayor visiting with relatives. nell. Mountain States Power com­ to be Inferred that be might stand before. and so increase the danger. Oxida- than have been mailable up to now. MOTION MADE IN CASE George Beker of Portland will for being drafted. Meanwhile, the Receipts from leases of lands for pany manager, was a visitor at tion of impurities by air is rapid More direct selling from farm to Sliver in Ankle—Geòrgie Daugh­ gossip runs. Mr. Coolidge secretly OF COUNTY ROAD RIGHT speak under the auspices of tbe 40 summer homes, hotels, pastures, Mareóla Wednesday. consumer may result. erty of Marcola injured her ankle in fast flowing streams 1f the water et 3. following which tbe drum told Mr. Hoover that he would not flows over rocks or falls. Sunlight and other special uses showed a Ton, i i , Removed— M Endicott Tuesday afternoon when she ran a Selling by mall is steadily be­ corps contest will be broadcast Asking that Lane county make u and the latter then laid his gain of 31.459, total receipts of underwent a tonsil operation at the large splinter Into the flesh. It was also has a greater < .ance to kill coming an Increasing factor In more definite a description ot a from Bell field 3301.716. Water power fees were office of a local physician Satur- necessary to administer a local an- harmful bacteria of the stream Is plans for the nom nation. By this turbulent, so that fresh surfaces of inside Information. Mr. Hoovsr was small communities and many of the piece of land sought for road right- 3112.307, with a gain of 34.814. Tim day. easthetic before it could be re­ water are constantly exposed. Dis- the only cundldat« ready when the big city newspapers are carrying a of-way. a motion has been filed in MATRIMONY FOR JULY her settlements amounted to more moved. lease germs ttnd to die off rapidly "1 do not choose to run" statement separate classification under "par­ circuit court. DOES WELL, 18 REPORT than twice those of last year, reach­ Son Born— M r and Mrs. Miles was issued. It gave him a walk­ cel post" In which farmers offer The motloo Is made by defend­ ing a figure of 368.093. Turpentine Conley, route 1. Springfield, are Marshfield People Visit—Mr. and outside the human body. There were 62 marriage licences over. the article says. And It adds, eggs and fresh poultry direct to ants in the condemnation suit But a11 ot ,he fac,or8 sales also increased from 311.588 to the parents of a baby son. born to Mrs. C. A. Phillips and family of city homes. One New Jersey wo­ brought by the county against issued In Lane county during tbe 317,773. Other items In the year's them at the Pacific Christian hos- Marshfield are spending a few days' are fre Insufficient to purify not without a touch ot malice, that man is finding It profitable, appar­ Ralph O. Millar. Luch U. Miller. H. month of July. There have been receipts were: receipts from vari pi tai in Eugene Wednesday, Aug- in Springfield as guests at the water in a stream so that it Is Mr. Coolidge actually did not like ently, to advertise "fresh home- V. Christensen and Mrs. Christen other July months of the past when safe for drinking purposes. There Mr. Hoover, backing It up with ous forms of trespass, totaled 330.- ust 5. 1931. home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon cooked meals” to Detroit consum­ ten. Is no way to tell by the appeannee some corroboration. matrimony has done belter but 460, of which fire trespass was 310,- Adams. ers by mail. Visitors from Portland—Mr. and of a water whether it Is safe to still this is Dot so bad as It Is neit 102. The president's advisers look on drink or not. Not even an expert the campaign none too seriously Among the Items recently noted PROBATE OF STEELE to June as the best month for Ibis The California region led In total Mrs. W. Price of Portland arrived sanitary chemist can tell except and apparently have warned Mr. by Jess C. Hsrraman. of the Post year. receipts with 31.135.273; the Rocky in Springfield Saturday to spend ESTATE IS ORDERED by a careful analysis. June tbs record-bolder for (he Mountain region second with 3902,- two weeks visiting with Mrs. Hoover that any reply would be Office department, as being offered "Why take a chance of a serious bad politics. The only reaction to J by mall are honey, sorghum, bams, 262. while the North Pacific region Price's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Order for the probate ol the year so far totaled 70 marriage lie infection by drinking water ot I the campaign, if it can be called bacon, maple syrup, preserves, Jel­ estate of A. F S. Steels, former ensea. (Oregon and Washington) was Wright on Horse Creek. whose history you know nothing? such, was president Hoover’s at­ lies. broilers and squabs. Ftsber secretary of the Eugene chamber third with 3895.931. Returns to Home— Mrs. J. W. Carry water from home along with tack on short sellers of wheat, men are also selling huge quantities of commerce who died here a few DECK PLANK LOOSE ON Lorah who has been visiting her you when you are taking to the whom he characterized, by infer­ of flab, lobsters and other ocean weeks «go has been filed In pro­ LUMBERMEN TO MEET daughter. Mrs. L. E. Stone, and her NEW COUNTY SPAN road. If you are going any great ence, as unpatriotic and unjustifi­ products by parcel post. Many farm­ bate court. SOON AT LONGVIEW son, J. S. Lorah, left on the return County-Wide Program Plan­ distance, replenish your stock in ably selfish. He eliminates from bis ers are becoming prosperous trip to her home In Greely, Colo­ Although a newly eroded bridge Victor M Patterson Is appointed ned for Rural Croups Dur­ some one of the larger communities condemnation those men, like farm­ through this method. It Is pointed administrator of the estate. Per­ the county span east of Croswell Seattle, Wash., August 6—Lum­ rado, Tuesday after having spent ing Coming Winter where the water supply is under ers and legitimate dealers, who are out In the report. sonal property only Is listed as sesma rather decrepit to some mo­ ber association officials represent­ several weeks here. She will travel s e e supervision. Don't drink from the actually the owners of wheat and the northern route on the return Mr. Steele owned do real estate In torists who complain that the deck ing the entire lumber producing ter­ Rules for a county-wide dramatic roadside stream or spring." who sell short In order to hedge. planks shake and rattle whenever The president's emergency em­ Lane county. ritory of the United States are ex trip. contest for rural groups sponsored The step was taken beyond ques­ ployment committee bas released a car crosses. by the county recreation and dra­ pected to attend a meeting of the NEW COUNTY MAP OF tion In an effort to curry favor with report made to it by 49 of the lead Members of the county bridge Stats Commleslensr Suss executive committee of the board matic society are being sent out ROADS IS PREPARED the farmers. ' Ing soap makers In the country Suit for 3360.03 was filed In Cir­ building crews attribute this to tbe from the office of the home demon of directors of the National Lum­ Kansas' bumper crop, which is which shows bow that Industry has cuit court Saturday by the state use ot a steel device recommended stration agent. ber Manufacturers association to Work tin the making of a new again beyond any expectation, has stabilized labor conditions. It says industrial accident commission by tbe state bridge department In­ be held In Longview. Wash., on Applications from rural groups August 7 in conjunction with a must be filed by -November 1. Eli­ Lane county road map has been had an immediate effect in sending that only four of the reporting com­ against the Horton Lumber com­ stead of nailing the planks as on all other county bridges. meeting of the Board of Trustees mination will take place first by completed at the office of the coun­ the price of wheat down still more, j panies have shown a drop In the pany of Lane county. County bridge builders are not The state commission seeks to of the West Coast Lumbermen's districts and then by district cham­ ty engineer, this being the first until the old fetish of dollar wheat j number of employees while 13 have association scheduled for August 6. pions competing at a county con­ complete map made since 1922. The has been lost sight of in the fact ' shown an Increase. While the man- collect a sum alleged due In provid­ so favorable to the use of tbe new new map seven feet by four feet that almost four bushels can be ufacture of soap lends Itself better ing employes' protection. methods of laying tbe deck. according to an announcement Is­ test. -------1 ------------ "S'-------- ------------ sued by the West Coast association. The following are the rules contains all the construction and bought for that figure. The depart 1 bridges installed since the previous ment of agriculture, which urged ~~ The West Coast association will given; lessened production at the start ot tender a dinner to the visiting lum­ 1. Any bona fide rural community map of 1922. A large number of smaller maps this year, only to have its admoni­ bermen at the Monticello Hotel on group may enter the contest. the evening of August 6 and his 2. There shall be no professional m e quarter size are also being tion go unheeded, now says that wheat will go still lower next year Invited all West Coast lumbermen made at the engineer's office. direction of the play entered. to attend the dinner. 3. A11 plays competing shall be Representatives from 10 regional one-act. associations of lumber manufactur­ 4. Competition will be held first ers and from the national associa­ by districts to be determined by (he tion are expected to attend the dramatics committee in charge. meeting. Dr. Wilson Compton, sec­ The winner of each district shall Amelia Earhart set a new auto­ retary-manager of the national as­ be chosen by February 29, 1932, and giro record for women flyers In a sociation. and Walter F. Shaw, shall have competed against at Nowdays a child picks up Geography from trade extension manager of the flight above Philadelphia. least one other community. The same organization, will discuss the district winners will compete for Costs less the rumble seat; Arithmetic from a lumber promotion plan developed 343 MILLS OPERATE the county championship. per job by the national body. It Is consider­ 5. The dramatics committee shall AT 39% CAPACITY per year ed the most comprehensive pro­ select and schedule the Judges for dial phone, and the Alphabet gram ever worked out for the ¡um­ Seattle, Wash.,—A total of 343 all contests. A uniform score card ber industry, covering means of mills reporting to the West Coast for judging will be used. from a radio station list promoting lumber demand In all Lumbermen’s association for the 6. All communities desiring to the principal use fields. week ending July 25 operated at compete in the contest shall apply Another important matter to be 39.28 per cent of capacity, as com­ for entry to the county dramatics discussed is the recently Issued pared to 39.61 per cent of capacity, committee by November 1. 1931. report of the Lumber Production for the preceding week and 49.46 Survey committee of the Timber per cent for the same week last CLUB LEARNS ABOUT cnoservatiou Board appointed by year. For the first 29 weeks of JUDGING FOR FAIRS President Hoover to study the pro­ 1931 these mills have operated at blems of the lumber industry and 41.48 per cent of capacity, as com­ The Portage Calf club, under the to make recommendations for Im­ pared to 61.04 per cent for the Good paint and varnish are an econ­ proving its situation. same period in 1930. During the leadership of H. N. Huntington was omy not an expense. A house lasts week ended July 18, 173 plants were met with Friday, July 31 by R. C. We put Modern Thought and Type Faces to work many times as long when It is cared for i reported as down and 170 as ope- Kuehner, county club agent. Mem-, MOTHER SEEKS CHILD; and you can get much more for It If bers were given instruction in Judg­ DIVORCE SUIT FILED rati"g Those operating reported ing and the making of a rope halter yon want to sell. Aside from that there production as 65.6 per cent of capa­ for you when you order printing from thia shop. is what others think—and say. suitable for their animals. Custody of one child and 320 a city. The club members were Instruc­ Current new business reported Painting is made easy If you have the month for support are sought in a proper brush. We’ll be glad to help you divorce action filed in circuit court by 223 ldentlcal m111» ™ 10•»« ted in throwing a dairy animal last week by Lydia Decker against per tent over Production and ship- without injury and much practice make the right selection. her husband Leo Decker. ments were 22.95 per cent over. was done by the club members on This store is headquarters for The couple married September 3 New export bU8ine8'' received dur- their own calves. By this method, 1927 ing the week was about 1,400,000 using a couple of half hitches __________ _ feet legB than the volume reported around the body of the animal, It is possible for two 11 year old boys Visits at Salem—F. O. Haverman. for the previous week; Increases to throw a cow weighing several of about 2,100,000 feet In the rail in charge of the liquidation of the times more than the combined Commercial State bank, spent the trade and 9,000,000 feet In the do­ weight of the two. mestic cargo trade were reported week-end at Salem and at Wood­ while the local trade dropped ap­ The club plans on having an ex­ burn. proximately 700.000 feet, making hibit at the North Fork Grange, Released from Hospital — Mrs. the total new business approximate­ August 18. Walter Gossler was dismissed from ly 9,000,000 feet more than the pre­ This club has been meeting “Bualneas Printer»" the Pacific Christian hospital Sat vious week. During the past 29 throughout the summer and after urday following recovery from a weeks of 1931 orders for 223 mills the club meetings have had many Offices: 119 E. Broadway, Eugene and 4th St. Springfield major operation which she under­ have averaged 2.28 per cent over enjoyable picnics, trips to the production. went recently. beach, and swimming parties. PAINTS HARDWARE — FURNITURE 10 BE BROADCAST L t TOWN c AND VICINITY RULES FOB OBAMA CONTEJLLISTEO Life Is Different-- Good Paint is Economy Our Printing Is Different-- A c m e P a in t , V a r n i s h , E n a m e l , L a c q u o r a n d O i ls COMPLETE PAINTER SUPPLIES W R IG H T $ SO N S The Willamette Press