THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T lIVII»DAY, AUGUST fl. 1981 ■ rin g Ibis ad aa 13 90 cash on a I N O T IC I O F S H C R IF F 'S S A L I ON Upper Willamette j INOS F(I R l .ANE ~ SCHOOL RECEIVED 1 McKenzie Valley BRIDGE CREWS WORK I WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE) i pair of glaaaea during Auguat, 1931. E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E ON WINBERRY CREEK I CUSTODY OF CHILDREN Under and by vlrlua of an order Or. Itoyal Click, «ye apeclallat, tan of aale and decree of foreclosure I year» In Eugon«, 931 W lllum atl« St. County bridge crews are Just | Iella Wlnchell alleges urnel sad Issued out of Ilia Circuit Court of Mr. end Mrs. Holalngtou and ¡children. Roy, Darlena and Gilbert completing work on a 60-foot span I inhuman treatment la a divorce the Htate of Oregon and County of and Mrs. Clare nee Daley who from Toudvllle near Cedar Rapid» on W lnberry creek, according to i luina, on July 7tb, 1931, In «• ault N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E complaint against her husband for Idaho last Tuesday returned to Iowa. vKIted with the Ranch faml Arthur Roberts of the county an-, Hobart D Wlnchell filed In circuit NO TIC E la hereby given that by whsraln the Flrat National Bank their home at Pleasant H ill Salar i ly here Mrs. J » Rauch Is an aunt gtneer’s office. of Eugene. Oregon, a banking cor virtue of an execution and order court Thursday. 1 of aale laaued out of lb« Circuit poratlon, plaintiff, recovered a day evening. They were very favor Check for $22,318.40 Comet of Mr Squires. The Squires hava All county bridge work Is w a ll: The couple married here May 36, I Court of the State of Oregon for jndtrmenl against the estate of ably Impressed with the country. from State Land Board on been traveling alnce July I. taking along for thia season Most of the Robert Orr, deceaaed. In the sum 1923. and have two children. Cus­ l.aue County July 11, 1981, upon In all of the Important plaeea on large span John are completed but ! Basis of 15,080 Pupils of 12730.00, with Interest at e ll per James Jordan who waa quite III tody of the children Is sought by and purauunt to a decree duly given W A N T TO BUY cent per annum from and after the : (be way. tbe crews will bo on for some time I the plaintiff. Tim best bargain I »an gat In a and made by aald Court July 11, 12th day of Zun», 1931, and for the last week was much batter Sunday A iie c k for (23.318.40 waa re­ Leaburg baa an organised arch­ I93|, In a ault pending therein In He la the oldest son of Mr. and further sum of (376 00 and for plain h o lla « with not l»aa than 5 room* ceived by the county treasurer on ery club and members of the club which State Mutual Building and coats and disbursements, Mrs. C. E Jordan. In Hprlugfleld. W rit« mu giving Loan Aaaodatlon, a corporation tiff's Monday from the state lend board. j are H arry M oorf. Wayne Ooff. Bur- which aald darrae was recorded In Miss Belle Olson who haa employ­ description and location of houau, waa plaintiff and Bachelordou Fra­ the Circuit Court Journal of Lana This la ljin e county's share of rel Slavena, Charles Ayres. W II ment In Eugene, returned to hei ternity, Inc., a corporation, and and your loweat price (or all County, Oregon, and an execution the distribution of funds from tbe j 'red and Harold Fraxee. Roae Deburn were defendant», caili. Price will It» k .p l confi­ which execution mid order of aale laaued thereon by the Clerk of aald borne at Pleasant H ill tor a alx trreduclable school fund. On the weeks’ vacation. Mrs. R. T. Kooaer and small aona. dential. (I. I. CLEMENT, It. 2, waa to me directed and commanded Court on July 7tb. 1931. basis of 16.080 pupils In Lane coon- I am commanded to sell tbe fol­ Dale and John, left Sunday for Springfield. A <43 me to aell the real property here­ lowing described real property, to Gerald Kahler who has completed | ty schools, a per capita of (148 for Drew In the Oregon coaat country. inafter described to aatlafy certain w it: summer school at the University of each child la given. K u ll BALK Springfield lota fbr liana and chargea In aald decree Mr. Kooxer haa been at work for Beginning et a point In the South Oregon returned to hie home at 1 »ale or will trad« for McKenxIe apeclfled, I will on the 16th day of line of tbe Oao. W. Evans Dona­ several months on a highway con Auguat. 1931, at the hour of One Pleasant If lll. Mrs. Kabler Is still tion Land Claim No. 49, Notf. No. river home alt« or Eugene pro o'clock. P. M., at tbe aouthweat Htructlon Job. Mr». Kooxer haa 2936. In Township 16 South, leaching school In southern Oregon. p e l ly 1, G U ulin I' 11 ling 664. door of the Count Court Houaa In taken a camping outfit and will 8 T 0 R E NO. 1— Miner Building, Eugene Range 4 West of tbe W lllnmette Katharine Is with Mrs. Kabler. Eugene. Phone 181 I M tf Eugene, lainn County, Oregon, offer stay several weeks. Meridian In la n e County, Ore­ S TO R E NO. 3— 900 Charnelton S treet, Eugene Claude O'Brien, minister of the for aale and aell at public auction July meeting of Ladles Civic Im ­ gon, 1164 feet East of the South­ Miss Evelyn Hamilton, swimming S TO R E NO. 4— M O M ain Street. Springfield for caab, aubjert to redemption aa N O T IC I T O C R E D IT O R S First Christian churcb ai I'leasant west corner of aald cl-.lm and provement club held Tuesday Instructor, started Saturday to give Notice la hereby given that the provided by law, all of tbe right, running thence East along tbe H ill, returned from hla vacation afternoon, July 28, featured a undnralgned has bean duly appoint­ title and Internal of the defendant» lessons at Leaburg. Miss Hamilton VAN CAMP'S PORK AND MILK— Routh boundary of said claim and waa In the pulpit Sunday morn­ ed Administratrix of the eatale of In aald ault and of all partlea claim­ 1401.1 feet; thence North 0 de­ ing. He haa been spending three pleasing program of two readings la dividing those who are taking BEANS— Bordens, Carnation, Newtun Kenyon, deceaaed, and any ing by, through or under them or by Katherine W right entitled '*Us” Into classes. Swimming lesaona will grees 08' East 1013.1 feet; thence 16 Ox., 4 Cans and all peraona having claim» any of them alnce the 31al day of week» at hla home at Dufur, Ore­ Alpine, Federal, Morning, North 89 degrees 30' Weat 1401 1 and "Beautiful Garden"; two violin last two weeks. W altervllle also agalnat tbe aald aatate are hereby February. 1938, In or to the follow feet; thence South 0 degree» 08' gon. 31 Ox., 2 Cans----- Case, 48 Small solos by Francis Everson accom­ Inquired I,, p r e a e n l «aid idallUi, Ing deacrlbed real property, ta-wlt: has aD instructor for swimming. W«at 1036.1 feet to the place of Claude O'Brien and hla slater, panied by his sister, Mrs. Philip The North Half of lx>ta number­ duly verified aa by law required, at VAN CAMP’S SPAGHETTI beginning, containing 33.70 acres Rev. R. E. Clark w ill not con­ ed Seven (7) and Eight (81 In the law office of Wbltten Swafford, Case, 48 Tall of land, more or less. In the Oao. liaxel O’Brien, will hold a serlea.of Nordllug of Eugene, and two vocal 3 Cans ...... ..... .... duct services at Leaburg churcb Kincaid's Addition to Eugene, 303 Tiffany Hldg., Eugene. Oregou, W. Evans D. L. C. In la n e Coun­ evangelical meetings at Dexter be­ trio numbers by Miss Nleta Zlnl Cans Lane County. Oregon. In l4uie County, Oregon within a ll on Sunday evening, bnt will on VAN CAMP'S CHILI CON ty. Oregon. ginning some time next week. They her. Miss Harriet Moore and Miss Dated thia 13th day of July, 193L months from the date of thl» notice. August 23. On the evening of Aug­ Notice la hereby given that on recently held meeting» at Goshen CARNE— 3 Cans PET MILK— II. L. MOWN, Sheriff. Elisabeth Sedgwick. Visiting guests Dated and flrat published, July 9. Saturday, tbe 8th day of Auguat. ust 16 Rev. Griffin and hla orches­ By A. E. IIU LK O A A R D . Deputy. 1931, at ten o'clock, A. M. of that when 32 people were converted. 1931. were Mrs. Mary Hilbun Jackson, Case, 48 Small VAN CAMP’S TOMATO tra will come to Leaburg and have (J. 16 23 30; A 413) day. at the front door of the Lane Mis» Mildred ftwlft left Saturday president of the Eugene Women's KUBY A. LORD, Admlulatra SOUP— Can Cans charge. Mias Phlllya Hartxook, a County Courthouse, I will, la obedi­ trig of the eatale of Newton tor Portland where »he met her club and Mrs. W. A. Lydlck of the Case, 48 Tall Red Cross representative w ill be VAN CAMP'S CATSUP— ence to aald order of sale and de­ Kenyon, deceaaed N O T IC E O F SA L E cree of foreclosure, sell at nubile aunt and went to Seaside for a Eugene Fortnightly club. Mrs. Phil present and give a short talk. Miss Cans W IIIT T K N HW AFFOKD. Small Bottle ... - Nordllng of Eugene, Mrs. Irene Attorney for Eatale. N O TIC E la hereby given that auction, the above described real week’s vacation. Hartxook makes visits each week Large Bottle, ___ premises, or so much thereof aa Ml»» Etta May Wangelln of Phoe­ Williams from Kansas, Miss Edith t Jl. 9 16 23 30; A 6) TEA CUP MILK— the State Ijin d Board of the State at Leaburg. of Oregon, w ill receive aealed bide may be necessary to aatlafy plain­ nix, Arixona, 1« expected to arrive Snere and Miss Irm a Snere of VAN CAMP'S HOMINY— Case, 48 Sma!l Guests at the Clarence Elston at Ila office In the Capitol Build­ tiff's ludgment, with Interest there­ at Pleasant H ill Thursday to spend Portland. Mr». Gearhart from Pen­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S No. 1, 4 Cans ___ on and costa, to the highest and Cans IN T IIK CO UN TY COURT O F T H E ing In Salem. Oregon, up to 10:06 nsylvania, Mrs. Carpenter a n „ i home for the week-end were Mrs o'clock A. M . Auguat I L 1931, for best bidder for cash. In Gold Cola of the winter with her mother. Mrs. STA TE O F OHEOON FOR Case, 48 Tall VAN CAMP'S KIDNEY O. H. Wangelln and her sister Mrs. daughter. Dorris, from California. Elston's sister and family, Mr. and all of the State'» Interest In the the United States. L A N E CO UNTY BEANS— Can ..... Mrs. Tillm an Crook and two daugh­ Dated at Engena, Oregon, July E. B. Tinker. ........ Cans Mrs. Mercer from Creswell. IN THE M ATTER OF T H E lake bed land» hereinafter dea- ters. ESTA TE OF C H A R LES C. ci'hed. giving, however. Io the own­ 9th, 1931 [.awrence Smith who baa been A business session announced H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane er or owner» of any land» abutting ItoHKMAN. deceased. Miss Ethel Thlenes Is at Long quite 111 the pa»t several weeks is preparations for a "Depression So County, Oregon. NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IVEN : or fronting thereon, the preference Beach Washington, and expects to (J 9-16 23 30: A «) reported to be very much worse ctal ' set for August 13. Thursday. That Lydia J. Itoaaman haa In-on rlghi to purchaae aald land» at the and In a critical condition. The hostesses of the day were Mrs. be gone a month. appointed executrix of th>- l>aat ¡highest price offered, providing N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S When Mrs. Alice Goff returned W ill and Teatamenl of t'harlea C. auch offer la made In good faith, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doyle have F. D. Lacey, Mrs. Byrd I-and. Mrs. Hoaamau. deceaaed, by the County I alao with tbe understanding that home from a visit at Independence, returned from a visit with Mr. John Martin, Mrs. Lee Land and Springfield, Oregon, June 34, 1931 Court of« County. Oregon. All , lhe purchuaer la to pay the ex Notice la hereby given that the Duyle's parents In the Coos Bay Mrs Margaret M artin who served she was accompanied home by her peraona having claim» agalnat aald l>ena« of advertising and survey of undersigned as Superintendent of district and are at the home of lemon sherbet. Those present be sister, Mrs. SlmpsoD and Mr. and eatale are required to preaent them, (he tract. In addition to the amount Banka for tbe State of Oregon l i ... i with the proper vouchera. within bid, alao reserving to the Board In charge of the aaaeta and affairs Mr" lk>Yle " P»rt-nt«- Mr. and M ra .! sides guests and hostesses were Mrs. W. W. Barker. alx montha from tbe 33rd day of (ha right to reject any and all bids: of the Commercial State Bank of F. F. Cooper. The Girl 8cout troop of Leaburg Mrs. Ed Anderson, Mrs. T. C. Said lands are situated In I.ane July, 1*31. to the aald executrix at and their mothers had a picnic at Springfield, Oregon, for the p u r ------------------------------Brown. Mrs. V. D. Clack. Mrs. F. County, Oregon, and deacrlbed aa the law office of L. L. Hay In the pose of liquidation. All persons who B Cloclt Mra c , Crittenden, the home of Sam Swafford down Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon. j follows: may have elalms agalnat aald bank , — — — — ----------------------------- »•1 LYDIA J. ROSSMAN. Executrix Beginning at tbe meander corner are hereby notified to make legal Mrs. G. H. Davidson, Brs. C. W . by the river Wednesday. of the Idiat W ill and Tealament of between aertlona 18 and 19. T. 16 8. proof thereof by filing a duly veri­ Dixon. Mrs. G. E. Everson. Mrs. F. NOW t ’harlea C. Roaaman, deceaaed It. 7 W. of W. M . on the west shore fied claim, aa by law provided, with MEN'S UNION-MADE HEAVY WT. A. Everson. Mrs. A. H. Gillett, Mrs. L. L. HAY. Aaatorney for Eatate. «f Triangle Lake, and running o ” D?puti Superintendent of The Weg( p , , Orange met Iaat s 0 Gregor. Mrs. Clifford Gregor. ______ (Jl, 33 30: A. 6-13 30) : thence: BIB OVERALLS; Triple Stitched and Banks In charge at the office o f _ . . . . , . . ,, ... , _ .. ,, _ „ N. 17* W. 2.60 chains along U 8. the Commercial State Bank of Fr*4ay night *“ the hall. The usual Mrs. Blanche Owyther, Mrs. T. P. i government meander line. Thence .Springfield, Oregon, on or before routine of business waa gone Jackson. Mrs. C. 1. Kent. Mrs. W. Extra Full Cut— Why Pay More? N. 13* W. 8.00 chains along U. S September 24. 1S81. through. About 18 members at- E. Nason. Mrs. W. W. Partons, Mrs. government meander line. Thence A. A. SCHRAM M . Superintend tended the session. : C. H. Sedgwick, Mrs. Geo. Snere, N. 47* W. 3.29 chains. Thence leav­ ent of Bank» ing U. H. Gov't meander line East The Ladles' Aid of the Christian Mrs. N. E. Steele, Mrs. Ralph (M 4 ) NOW BOYS’ BIB OVERALLS, (t.56 chains Io weat shore of T r i­ church held their regular meeting Stone. Mrs. J. 8. Taylor, Mrs. Picnic Wilk Be Held at River­ angle I-ake. Thence 8. 56 * 20' E. N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T Thursday afternoon In the church. Clara T ra ile r. Mrs. Ethel Treanor. JEWELER 3.44 chain» along west shore of 2.20 Wt. Blue Denim, Well Made. side Park Next Sunday. H. ' Triangle latke. Thence 8. 7* 33' B. IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT O F T H E Miss Bader of Eugene was present Mrs. Frank Vlles. Mrs. C. B. Wal- Repairing a Specialty E. Cosby to Be Speaker ; 5.71 chain». Thence Weat 0.40 S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E und gave a talk on the Western lace. Mrs. Rosetta Wood, Mrs. — Ages 4 - 1 6 . Springfield, Oregon | chains to place of beginning, con- CO U N TY O F LANE Christian Homes Challenge. Clyde W right. Mrs. Fred Wullsch- I loaning 0 64 acrea. IN PROBATE NO. 5604 Program for the picnic of Lane Harold Funke. who underwent an Ue« ' r’ Mr> Roy Sanders. Applications should be accom­ IN T H E M A T T E R O F T H E ES­ county poultrymen to be held at A pot luck supper Monday even­ panied by draft or certified check T A T E OF C H R IS T P. M ILL E R . appendicitis operation at the Eu Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN for Riverside park, east of Goshen, the amount bid. and should be Deceased. gene hospital. Thursday moralng. ing. July 27, at the home of Mrs. Naturopathie Phyalclan addressed to O. G. BROW N, Notice Is hereby given that tbe I . getting along nicqly, according to H “ r r >' Thompson at Eugene, gave next Sunday, August 9, It an­ Flrat National Bank Bldg. ¡CLERK O F S T A T E LA N D BOARD. undersigned ha» filed In the abo e Mrs. Gertrude McDaniel a farewell nounced. SALEM. OREGON, and marked. entitled proceeding hl« final ac reports. Phouea: Office 73J; Rea: 143W The following is the program: by a few of her Immediate friends "Application and bid for purchaae office Houra: I t o t P . H. count, and the court has entered an B. D. Locke of Summit. Ore., was 12:30 p. m.— Lunch, free coffee, of Eugene and Creswell. She is of lands In Triangle I-ake, I^ n e Itealdence 333 B atreet order fixing the time for the hear­ a visitor at the home of Mr. and Rulers of Low Price« 'County. Oregon." ing thereon to be at the hour of 10 about to move to Portland to live ice cream for the children. Dated this June 23. 1931. 1:30— Talks by h . E. Cosby, o'clock A M. August 38. 1931. and Mrs. Herbert Stoaeberg last week­ with her son and daughter. She 10th <& Willamette— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. O. O BROW N. Clerk of State anyone having any objections there­ end. Mr. Locke was formerly de­ poultry specialist of Oregon State FOR SALE U n d Board. to shall file the same In w riting on pot agent here and Is tbe depot was presented with a desk set and college, and Manager Dixon of the stationery as a token. or before the time set for the bear Good 1<-lneh Block wood, also agent at Summit at the present Miss Genevieve Thompson re­ poultry co-operative association. 19-lneh and 4 foot old growth ¡IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT O F T H E Ing. This notice Is first published time. 2:30— Sports. July 30. 1931. S T A T E O F OREGON FOR turned from Ashland the last of the alabwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Zinser and C H RIS M. M IL L E R . Administra­ T H E CO U N TY O F LANE 3:00— Baseball, indoor ball, be­ week where she has taken a course FRANK TUHY tor, family and Rev. and Mrs. Henry In the M atter of the Adoption of II. K. Slattery, Attorney for Ad­ in summer school at the state nor­ tween Sw ift and company and the Phone Sp. 182 J Meyers made a trip to Cascadia Alice Louise Gray and Mildred poultry co-operative teams. ministrator. mal. L u d le Gray. Minors. last Sunday. 3:30— Horseshoe contests, swim­ (J 23-30 A. 6 13 20) Mrs. Ed Padden. Mrs. W. D. C IT A T IO N Clyde Bennett and family of ming and general get-together. Sedgwick and Claire Steele left To Ixmls H. Oray. Greetings: DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON Yakima. Washington, are visiting NO TIC E OF S H E R IF F S BALE IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S TA TE Tuesday morning for California, Osteopathic Physician N O TIC E Is hereby given that by friends In Coburg. Mr. Bennet ! OF OREGON, You are hereby cited making the trip by way of the Red­ nnd required to appear in the virtue of an execution and order formerly preached In the Metho­ of sale Issued out of tbe Circuit wood highway. Telephone 3266 Eugene, Gre. ' County Court of the State of Ore- Court of the State of Oregon for dist church here. Tom Moxley left for W ilber, Ore­ 1 gon. tor the County of Iuuie, at the Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hurd who 304 I. O. O. F. Temple I Court Room thereof, at Eu/ene, In lAne County August 3, 1931, upon gon, Tuesday noon after a stay of j the County of la n e , on Saturday, and pursuant to a uecree duly given have been to Salt Lake City, have several days attending to business the 22nd day of August. 1931. at and made by said Court July 31, returned home. They report the mBtlerll ,n th e vtclnlty of Creswell 10:00 o'clock In tbe forenoon of 1931, In a suit pending therein In temperature was 104 and 106 de Universel Mortgage Corp. 1929 Ford Roadster Pickup, open cab, (Jiat day. then and there to show which J. M. W alkup was plaintiff first class condition,........ - ......—- cause. If any you have, why the and W . T. Sherman and Jennie grees there all the time they were petition of Clarence W . Smiley to Sherman. J. W. McKee and Edith gone. Grading-Completed on Project 1929 Ford Roadster Pickup, closed ndopt the above named mlnoi». McKee, 1. J. Estes and M ary K. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Green, art Under Contract With Mor­ Alice Louise Gray and Mildred Lu- Estes. Ethel Bond. S. M. Fries and visiting In Milton-Freewater at the W . P. Tykon, Agent cab, first class condition........ — clle Gray should not be granted J. E. Clark were defendants, which rison-Knudson Firm 120 E St. Phone 50W Miss Haxel Edmlston. who is and a decree of adoption entered execution and order of sale was to home of Mrs. Green's parents. Mr. 1925 Star Touring, wonderful me directed and commanded me to and Mrs. Gooding. pending the summer in Portland, accordingly. Grading of the Sluslaw highway condition ...................... W IT N E S S , the Hon. C. P. Bar­ »ell the real property hereinafter Mrs. Wm. Pltklns and family of was home for two days last week. General Law Practice nard County Judge of the County described to »atlefy certain liens Hoquiam. Washington, are visiting She came up to attend the Russell- on the sections on which the con-| 1927 Tudor, model T Ford sedan Court of the State of Oregon, for and chargea In said decree speci­ tract is-held by the Morrison-Knud­ I. M. PETERSON the County of Ijin e and the Seal fied. I w ill on Saturday, the 6th day al the home of Mrs. Fletcher's par Thompson wedding last Wednesday son company has been completed, 1928 Pontiac Coupe, fine shape Attorney-et-l a w evening. of Said Court hereto affixed, thia of September, 1931, at the hour of ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pitkin. according to P. M. Morse, county one o'clock, P. M . at the southwest 20th day of July. 1131. City Hall Building Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pitkin and Ray Rennie lost a m ilk cow a engineer. door of the County Court House In All these cars have 1931 licenses and offer wonderful (S E A L ) A T T E 8 T : family of Tacoma. Washington, are few days ago. It fell over a bank Springfield, Oregon W. B. D ILLA R D . Clerk Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, of­ An Inspection of the work was value for cheap transportation. By S IB Y L W E S TF A L L , Deputy fer for sale and sell at public auc­ visiting relatives In Coburg. Mrs. ¡nto the slough and was drowned. made by Mr. Morse and members tion for cash, subject to redemption Pltklns Is a daughter of Mr. and pta tt spent last week-end at (Jl. 23-80: A. S-1S) as provided by law. all of the right, Mrs. Corpus Oray and Mr. I’ltkln Newport. He accompanied Mr. and of the county court yesterday. FRANK A. DE PUE The grading now completed is NOTICE OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE ON title and Interest of the defendants is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Pit- Mrs. Riley Ham from Eugene. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW on the sections where the Southern E X E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE In said suit and of all partlea claim­ B. General Repairing General Lubrication N O T A R Y P U B L IC Mrs. Belmont Russell and baby Pacific tracks w ill be moved. The Under and by virtue of an order ing by, through or under them or Mrs.Sam Green, Mrs. James of sale nnd decree of foreclosure any of them, In or to the following Blue Green Gasoline from Silverton spent several days track moving which will be done Sutton Springfield Green. Mrs. Elmer Meek, and Mrs. ls«ufld out of the Circuit Court of described real property, to-wot: in Thurston last week helping pre­ by the railroad company but paid Lots Two and Three In Section John Anderson SPRINGFIELD OREGON Ray Nott Building Oregon the State of Oregon and County of Byrl Klxer, made a trip to Mon­ Lane, on June 26, 1931, In a ault 13, In Township J9 South of mouth. Friday to bring Miss Kate pare for the Russell-Thompson for by public funds w ill uot be done Range 4 West of the W illam ette wherein Security Savings A Ixtan wedding. until next year. Meridian In Lane County, Oregon. Green home. Miss Green gradu­ Association, a corporation, plaintiff, Mrs. Ellen Needham motored to Dated this 3rd day of August, ated from the normal this summer recovered a Judgment against , , Oeorge Lammers and Belle U r n 1931. and w ill teach next year In Santa Cottage Grove Friday evening to COUNTY ROAD CREWS H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. mere, his wife, defendants, In the visit relatives. START NEW PROJECTS By A. E. H U LG AA RD, Deputy. Clara. sum of (784.84, with Interest there Ira Gray has returned home from (A 7-14-21-28— 8 8) Jesse W alker, who was formerly on at the rate of ten per cent per Walker • Poole Co. County road crews started this a blacksmith In Coburg, has been Portland where he has been serv annum from and a’ ter the 19th day week on the Cantrell-Lane Job. ac­ IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E of AugiiRt. 1930, and tor the further Ing on the federal Jury. P. J. B A R TH O LO M EW , Mgr. admitted to the veteran hospital In S T A T E OF OREGON FOR L A N E »urn of (76.00 and for plaintiff's cording to O. E. Crowe, county Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and Portland. Phone 62-J and 62 M costs and disbursements, which CO UN TY. commissioner. The W olf Creek son, Hurburt, from Portland were Springfield, Oregon »aid decree was re orded In the Cir­ Louis Josephson. Plaintiff, vs crusher has also started operations. looking after property Interests cuit Court Journal of Lune County Eugene Chapel at lith e and Bertha K. Josephson, Defendant. CRUELTY ALLEGED IN The rock crusher on the Row river Oregon, and an execution Issued Charnelton — Phone 723 To Bertha K. Josephson, Defend ACTION FOR DIVORCE here last Thursday. thereon by the Clerk of sa'd Court work Is set up. This crusher later ant. Miss Elva Gray, who has been on July 7. 1931. will be shifted to the W alker road IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S TA TE Cruel and Inhuman treatment are visiting relatives In California the I am commanded to sell the fol lowing described real pro) arty, to- OF OREGON: You are hereby re alleged In a divorce complaint filed past three weeks, arrived home last Job. This road Is from W alker to w lt: qulred to appear and answer the In circuit court by Edith Anderson Friday accompanied by Mrs. Frank Lynx Hollow. Beginning at the Sou hvrest cor­ complaint filed against you In the Another small road oiling Job, ner of Lot 11 In Block 1 of Driver- above entitled suit within tour against" her husband Fred Ander­ McKinney and two daughters. little more than a mile, is taken ton, thence North 76 feet; thence weeks from the date of the first son. up on the Cottage Grove west road, East 66 feet to the Eant line of publication of this summons and It The couple married at Grants Estate of Elisabeth Morehouse, Commissioner Crowe said. said Ix>t; thence South 76 feet; you fall to appear or answer tor Pass May 27, 1920, and have one Dec'd. and thence West 66 feet to the N O T IC E want thereof the plaintiff w ill ap­ child. The plaintiff asks custody place of beginning, all In Eugene O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ply to the court for the relief as of the child and (30 a month. Everyone likes a tasty, juicy roast. So do we. And Lane County, Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that Lewis Notice Is hereby given that on prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: That the marriage relation existing H, Morehouse has filed his final it is our business to know meats. You can depend Haturday. the Sth day of August. report as executor of the last will 1931, at ten o'clock, A. M. of that between the plaintiff and defendant GIRLS! PUT CURVES Mr. W. R. Daniels of Richmond be dissolved, and such other relief and testament of Elisabeth More­ upon our choice cuts for a delicious meal. We sell day, at the front door of the Lane ON TH A T FLAT CHEST house, deceased. In the County H ill, N. Y. City, writes, “Have fin­ County Courthouse, I w ill. In nbedl as to the court may appear equtt ished my second bottle of Kruschen Court of the State of Oregon. In able. nothing we would not be proud to serve at our own ence to said order of »ale and de­ Here Is the way to fill out your and for Lane County; and that ten Salts— Results— Removed 3 Inches The order directing the service of cree of foreclosure, »ell at public from the walstllna— am 26% more O’clock In the forenoon of Saturday chest and give your body the pretty auction, the above described real this summons by the publication table. active— mind Is clear— skin erup­ promises, or so much thereof as thereof Is dated July 30th, 1931, and curves you want. Just take Vlnol a the 29th day of August. 1931, at the tions have disappeared— am 46 Courtroom thereof In Eugene, Ore­ few weeks and the results will sur­ may be necessary to satisfy plain directs publication once each week years old— feel 20 years younger." tiff's Judgment, with Interest there for four successive weeks, that you prise you! Vlnol supplies the body gon, have been by said court ap To lose fat take one half teaspoon on and costa, to the highest and appear and answer within four Important elements of Iron, lime and pointed and fixed as the time apd of Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot best bidder for ca»h, In Gold Coin of weeks from date of first publics cod liver peptone. U makes you place for hearing objections to said tlon, and the first publication of sleep better and gives you a big report and tor the final settlement water before breakfast every morn­ the United States. Phone ing— an 86 cent bottle lasts 4 t reeks appetite. It aids digestion, makes of the estate of said Deceased. 4th and Main Sts. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, July said summons Is July 20th, 1931. DR. ELLA MEADE L E W IS H. M O REHOUSE, Exe — Get It at Ketels Drug Store, or C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , Attorney new red blood, and helps to round 9th, 1931. PRATT HOLVBRSON Optometrist any drug store in America. If not cutor. E. C. STUART for P laintiff; Residence Eugene, out your figure. Get a bottle of H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane Joyfully satisfied after the first A. E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. Vlnol today; you'll bless the day Oregon. County, Oregon. 41 West Sth Eugen» bottle— money back. (J. (0 - A (-13-20-27) Creswell ... 25c 25c , Cans ........ S I . 40 £ 2 .7 5 25c 25c £ 1 .3 5 5c £ 2 .7 0 10c 12/3 -£ 1 .2 0 25c £ 2 .4 0 10c Golden Rule Prices Are Lowest Prices Coburg PROGRAM READY FOR POOLTRIMEN Business Directory Edw. G. Privat 49c The Golden Rule SECTIONS READY BONDS Good Used Cars at Very Low Price» Thurston £75 — £140 £325 ANDERSON MOTORS h e . Funeral Directors F U D -V 1 J E F a t M en A B E A UTI FUI» FR A M E q u ite d itT k re n t FROM INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. ALE O TH ER S M (J 9^123 30: A •) (J (0—A (-13-20-37) you mw this ad. Ketels Drag «tore.