The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 30, 1931, Page 4, Image 4

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New Baseball Chief
Two Million Dollar« Worth of
Apple«, Pear« and Prunes
Sold in 1930
American Consul Ruc’ell M |
Lon« before the baby's arrival
Brooks, who has been stationed In
the mother should be Impressed
London tor tbs past year, arrived
with the Importance of breast feed-
In Portland on July 20 for a three-
i In«.
Statistics show that the
weeks' stay to carry on trade con­
breast-fed baby Is. In general, far
ference work In conjunction w'th
more likely to live through the first
the Portland district office of the
critical yaar than is the bo'tle-'ed
bureau or foreicn and domestic
baby. Every mother's mind should
commerce. Mr. Brooks, has been
be fully made up that she will
in the consular service elnoe ISIS,
nurse her baby unless the doctor
and has held responsible positions
himself finds some insuperable rea
In Breeden, Germany. Belfast. Ire­
son to the contrary. The best and
land. and Newcaatle-on-Tyne and
most experienced doctors believe
Hamdgt ha» been elect ; that almost all mothers can nurse
London, England. Darin« his as­
ol the American Ra-rbil their babies, at least for a time. It
signment in Belfast. Ireland. Mr.
nsrrvsding the 1st» m a
If the proper effort Is made and
Brooks mode a special study of the Barnard
they rarely advise artificial feeding
flax industry of that country, and
except for grave medical reasons.
has recently been actively enraged
In watching after the Interests of
Breast feeding la much safer for
the baby; it is much less trouble
American exporters In the British
for the mother and more economi­
in 1929 the United Kingdom was
I Although breast feeding is im­
Oregon's most Important customer,
portant for the baby at all seasons
taking J14.SfiS.125 worth of lumber
of the year, every mother will real-
and food products. The same veat
we Imported JS77.271 worth of Brit­ Examinations Will Be Held in lie at once that It Is doubly so In
summer. Many of the characteris­
ish merchandise. Oregon exports to
the United Kingdom In 1930 were Eugene, Cottage Grove and tics of the summer season—heat. A n sw er Made By Property
flies, dust. etc..—tend to make arti­
Junction City
Jll.9fil.473 worth of merchandise.
Owner in Action of County
ficial feeding a nightmare for the
Following Is a list of leading Ore- ■
to Condemn Land
gon exports to the United Kingdom LAW IS EXPLAINED HERE
Young babies, especially during
during 1930:
Damages to the amount of J12.
the warm weather, are particularly
316 25 are listed In i.n answer tiled
Boxed apples. ji.44S.3S7; boITd, Secretary of State Explains
susceptible to digestive upeets and
pears. 3303.827: canned loganber­
by the defendant In the case of
Rule« in Ragard to Appli­
to diarrheal diseases. It is much
ries. 8448.458; dried prunes. 3518.
Lane county versus Viola Lee Pratt
easier to prevent these than to cure
cants for State Permits
(34; canned apples. J132.17J; other
filed In circuit court this week.
¡them. Clean cow's milk Is the best
canned berries 354.004; canned
The county seeks to condemn
Schedules of more examinations substitute for mother's milk. It
pears. 3901,313; cedar logs. 34.484;
here for applicants for state car should be boiled for two or three land for rifih,’ot wav f°r the Ore-
railroad ties, J15.970; sawed tim­ drivers’ licenses are announced by minutes, then cooled before feeding 80,1 coast highway at the north end
ber. 3355.407; Douglas Fir lumber.
of the project near the Lincoln
Glenn O. Bown. examiner.
It to the baby.
3819.544; cedar lumber. J119.753;
The following are the dates of
When cow’s milk of good qaulity county line.
spruce lumber. 3177.(83; hemlock.,
In Lane: Cottage d u i not be obtained unsweetened or
The answer to the county suit
37.041; veneers.»; p.ywood,
Grove. c»ty hall. August 6 and 20 evaporated condensed milk diluted places damages as follows: J3001.26
J ill. SIS; doors. J408.J94; wheat
and September 3 and 17 from 1 p with water makes a satisfactory f°r >»nd taken for the highway;
flour J101.896; grain. J5.440.244.
m. ta 4 p. m each date; Eusene. substitute. The sweetened con ;8800 for 1088 of rents due “ > the
city hall. August 7 and 21 and densed milk is not recommended, highway work on defendants pro-
September 4 and 18, 8 a. m. to 5 p. Babies fed on it exclusively are fat, party; J1772.50 for cost of neces-
AGAIN SHOW VALUE m. each date; Junction City, fire ¡often look well, but have no resist- «ary fencing; J1200 for loss of use
station. August 1 and 15 and 19 and ance to disease.
of water from a creek diverted as
The outstanding value of Irrigat­ September 12 and 2«. from 2 p. m.
Babies should be carefully pro- » result of the road construction,
ed pastures for summer feed for to 5 p. m. each date.
tec ted from contact with other 35542.50 for decreased value of re­
dairy cattle is again emphsmixed by
in explanation of the new state I children and older persons in the malning land.
the detailed report on the 1930 pas­ law requiring an examination for j family who are suffering with diar
ture season for the Ladlno clover drivers' licenses Hal E. Hosa. sec- rhea. House file« frequently carry FARMS VISITED HERE BY
field started and maintained by the retary of state, is sending out the the germs that cause diarrhea dls-
Oregon Experiment station at Cor­ following information:
eases, from outhouses, to the
vallis. Figures are embodied In a
L a w Is E x p la in e d
i baby s food or to the baby s hands.
q g Fletcher, county agricul
new circular of Information No. 57
“The uniform operators and face and body. Houses should be tur&l agent, and Dr. L. C. Hender-
by I. R. Jones and P. M Brsmdt of chauffeurs license examination law. i screened In the summer and flies gon of gpokane. representing the
the dairy department at the col­ that went into effect July 1, la mot should be kept away from the baby v nited States bureau of animal In-
intended to prevent the competent its food and clothing. The baby and dustry. visited a number of farms
A more direct comparison than drivers from obtaining an operators young child should be dressed sc- fn Lanp county Friday,
usual was afforded last year license, but Is Intended to make cording to the temperature and not
A gurvey was made to determine
through the f«-t that for one two­ sure that every person receiving according to the season. Babies any prevallence of hog worm In
weeks' period la.'e In the pasture an operator's license In Oregon un- should rarely be fed more often ,^ |g vicinity,
season the cows woi ■> taken off the [ derstands the road laws of this . than every three hours. There Is
clover paa’pre and »tai. fed while state and especially those contain- I®88 risk, especlsl.y in hot WPA-
the tract recovered from ova? pas ed in the uniform code, paused at ther. If they are fed at tour-hour THREE WOMEN FREED;
turing. The herd was later retern j the last session of the legMlature, Intervals—that Is. five or at most
ed to It.
which put Into effect some very de- six times In the twenty-four hours.
A direct check of costs durint Inite changes. Examiners who have Cooled boiled water should be of-
Three women held at the county
that time showed that the feed erst been covering the state are report fered to the baby between feedings Jail following tneir arrest with two
per 100 pounds of milk was 29 .enta ing that a very small per cent of In hot weather.
men, charged with robbery of a
greater under stall feeding than on applicant« for operator's and chau-
The baby should have a room to service station at Cottage Grove
the clover pasture. During that ffeur's licenses are able to pass the himself. It should be clean, well last week, were released Saturday
period there was less gain In weight written examination on the law ventilated and free from unneces- and the county provided funds for
per cow and less production, though without study.
sary hangings and furniture. Sun their transportation to Missouri,
the cows were fed a good balanced
Thin means a delay at the time light and fresh air are indlspens-
Two of the women, all of whom
of application for the purpose of able for the baby. The only safe claim to be sisters, said they were
Results in general last year bore studying the law. or means that procedure In raising babies Is to married to the two men now being
out the findings of the year before the applicant must return at a consult a well-qualified physician held for federal authorities. Two
M regards the high return to be later date, after he ha* studied the f°r advice. (State Board of Health), cars In possession of the five when
expected from a pasture tract. The law for his examination. Our de­
arrested were stolen In Missouri,
gross return, tn fact, was larger partment has prepared tn booklet
according to the sheriff's office.
than the preceding year, though as ! form a list of questions and ans-,
pasture costs were somewhat high wers from the new law for the
John Lewis Scarborough! of Bir­
er because of needed repairs and purpose of Informing the motoring '
mingham. Ala., recently won the
fertilisers, the net return was public and especially the new ap-
gold medal for first place In work­
sllghtly smaller.
pllcants, the answers that are ex-
manship and des'gn at the park
Nevertehless. this total net re- pected when making application
and recreation board kite tourna­
turn arooqnted to 3467.48 In feed or an operator's license. Booklets'
ment at oberts Field.
saved during the summer, not i are available at the office of the Acquiring Right-of-Way for
(nU pasture feed over nay and a
net return of J41.01 per «ere. which
represents about 26H per cent on
the Investment of |150 an acre.
,Ute or from
of Coast Highway Necessitates
the examiners, and the questions
and answers will be published In
a number of the newspapers of the
7 _
Moving of Building
Tourist—This seems to be a very
dangerous precipice. It's a wonder
they don't put up a warning sign.
Returns from Arlsona — Mrs.
R.turn from Vacation— Mr and
Mrs. John Frana and family, re kuthryn ll«m»nwuy has returned
turned laat week-end from an ox- from a visit lu southern Arlsona.
tended visit tn southern California.
Visits at Oraln—Mrs. K«tls Brum
Pay Check Arrives — Quarterly melt spent the week-end at Drain
pay chot'ks for the members of the visiting with relatives and friends.
national guard arrived Friday at-
Visitors from California — Mrs.
cording to C. A. Bwarts. command
George McCauley and sou. Itoy, of
ukdale, California, are guests at
Visiting Moths«'— Ueoll Mathis ihe home of Mrs. Jennie Fisher.
employee a( the Mountain Stale«
Visitor« from Cast—Mr aud Mrs.
Steam plant Is spending his vaea
lion at Lakeview visiting with his M II. Walker, uncle and aunt of
Dr. Milton V Walker of this city
have been visiting hero some time.
Visit at Medford— Dr and Mrs It. Their home la lu the middle west.
P. Mortensen spent the week-end
Drive to Grants Psss
Mrs. W.
visiting at Medford. They left Fri­
day morning and returned on Sun­ C. Itebhau, her daughter. Bobble,
and Miss Claru Jones drdvo to
Grants Ihtss Haturday Mrs. Itebhau
Returns to Feed Storo— Marlon
Adams re'nmrd to his duties as
1 manager of the Irish Murphy Seed
and Feed store Monday after a two
weeks' vacation spent at Newport
1 and up the Snnttaiu highway.
X ^ X ^ ' f ^ X T v ’ sTd0!
Shirl Heri. I»«lian-
1 apolis seedsman, is to
■ hunt for ancient bur
j led treasure, believed
1 to be buried in Hun-
{ gary
He used a
I «nper-sensitive di via-
I ing rod he invented.
He has tried it out
on Indiana farms
State Board of Health Warn«
Mothers on Feeding. Warm
Weather, Cleanliness
aud daughter remained to visit at
the home of Mr. eud Mre. C. J Mc­
Murray. Mlee Jonee returned Mou
Hunt Buried Treasure
a ■
P rof Seligman Ùtfum bta U niversity
mist has accepted an offer to
hiei >ut t uba s money tangles
Dakota hoiks To
Gather at Picnic
Patrons of certain Uerman thea
tera are furnished a mechanical de­
vice with which to applaud, thus
saving wear and tear on the hands.
The equipment will not be com­
plete. however, until a hissing at­
tachment Is provided.
Mannlshly Dressed Lady:— Did
you catch any tlsh, little boy?
Annual State Meeting to Be Country Boy—No.
M D. U —No. what?
Held Here August 9; Crowd
Boy (puzxled by her rig)—Burn­
of 1500 Is Expected
ed If I know.
Former residents of North Da
kota are making plans for the an- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE
nual sta,e P,cn,<: of the Dakota
lubs to he held Au*u8t 9 a‘ Hirer Louis Josephson, Plaintlff, vs.
r,ew park
Bertha K. Josephson, Defendant.
Laet year the annual picnic wus
To Bertha K. Josephson. Defend-
held at Albany and more than 1000 ant.
persons were in attendance. An at-
tendance of 1500 Is forecast for this OF OREGON; You are hereby re-
vear. members of the committee in quired to appear and answer the
charge say.
complaint filed against you In the
above entitled suit within four
The general committee In charge weckg from the date of the first
is composed of John L. Marsh. T publication of this summons and If
H. Garrett, and M. Sververud.
you fall to appear or answer for
want thereof the plaintiff will ap-
Mrs. H. R. Goold heads the com- ply to the court for the relief as
mlttee on tables and decorations, prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt:
Dr. Charles Hunt has charge of the That the marriage relation existing
music. ■n.
The ..„....„i,,.,,.
committee „„
on „„it.,,.
coffee. between
. . .
. the j plaintiff
. .. defendant
,, ,
. , be dissolved, and such other relief
sugar and cream Is composed of ag
C0Urt may appear eqult-|
John Evans, and W. J. LIchty. The able.
committee on ribbons and badges
The order directing the service of
Is composed of Fred H. Getchell this summons by the publication
. . . . . , i twatpr
thereof is dated July'30th. 1931, and
directs publication «nee each week
: for four successive weeks, thut you
Two spinsters were discussing appear and answer within four
weeks from date of first publica­
tion. and the first publication of
'•Which would you desire most In «aid summons is July 30th. 1931.
your husband: brains, wealth or ap­
for Plaintiff; Residence Eugene,
pearance?” asked one.
"Appearance.” snapped the other,
(J 30—A 6-13-20-271
"and the sooner the better."
« -----------------------------------— ------ ♦
B rin g th is A d as
$ 3 .5 0 C ash
and a pair of glasses during
August, 1931.
Native— Yes, it is dangerous, but
The new law also provides that
they kept a warning sign up for
Eye Specialist
operator's licenses, issued between Construction Work Brings in two years and no one fell over, so
10 Years in Eugene
921 Willamette Street
H was taken down.
FEATURE LEGION MEET the year 1920 when the flrat opera’ Many Families; Additional
tor's licenses were issued In Ore-
Children in District
Corvallis. Ore., July 30 — Street 8<>n- and ,u ,’r lat- 1M1- when the
In the acquiring of land by Lane
stunts at the annual convention of last licenses uDder the old law were
the American Legion at Corvallis Issued, are to be cancelled within county for the right-of-way for the
August 8. 7 and 8. will be the ob­ the next three years and the hold­ Oregon Coast highway north of
ject of as much interest to visitors ers of those old licenses should also Florence the county has been ask­
as «ny feature of the big program know ll,e answers to these quee- ed to build a new school to replace
of entertainment, Carl Moser, de-! l*ons- The secretary -of state wishes one ((jat will have to be moved to
partment adjutant says. Moser has to en,Pks8lze the fact, however, j make way for the road construc-
been adjutant and assisted in the ,hat the 0,d Uce“8«« arc not being tlon.
preparation of seven state conven cancelled at this tl«ne,
The school building is on land
lions and has observed the rear
near China creek and is directly
tlons of crowds In as many cities
six G,rls Get Diplomas
on the right-of-way for the high-
of Oregon.
Six Lane county girls will receive ! way, according to members of the
i/2 lb. Tins, Black * sw
"With the prises offered by the [diplomas at the state normsd county court. There were only two
or Green, and
(’«rvallls convention committee," school at Monmouth July 31, at the pupils to attend the school, this
(5 Oz. Tin Schillings Baking
Moser says, "some real stunts are completion of the first half of the being a smaller number than re­
Powder FREE
bound to show. The street stunts summer session.
quired for establishment of a
The following Htudwits rom Tjtne school district.
are entirely aside from the sche
With the moving In of a large
dnled program of entertainment will graduate: Edith Ayers, Lea-
We I lave a Few
and may be presented by individ­ burg; Kate Green, Eugene; Helen number of families due to the start
uals or large groups, such, as drum Larimer, Fall Creek; Myrtle Plank, of the road construction work there
corps or bands. Posts from all over Cottage drove;
Lttra Rogers. are now about 26 children in the
Sweeney, district and school facilities must
the state will vie for the awards. Springfield,
left to Sell at These ITlces — 7-Piece Sets—
There Is no telling what might hap­ Sprlngffeld.
be provided.
— — —— —
pen In these stunts, but from the
The county court has been asked
Information that the Corvallis com­
"If you go first, dear, you'll wait to build a new school. The plan
ICE TEA SET — Regular $1.98 S P E C IA L------
mittee has all the old gags will be for me on the other shore, won't does not meet approval of the court
BERRY SET— Regular 70c,
S P E C IA L------
back and many new and original you?” questioned the fond wife.
as it Is held that as soon as the
ones. Bert Bates, formerly of Rose­
"I suppose so,” returned the hus- highway work Is completed that the
burg and now of Hollywood, Cali­ band. with a sigh. "I never went construction crews and their faml-j
fornia, Is In Oregon and will stay anywhere yet without having to Ilea will move out and there will
for the convention, and this fact wait for you.”
be but few pupils left.
alone Insures plenty In the way of
Very Good
diversified fun. Bates is a captain
"I'm afraid Mr. Jones will not at­
Jinx; Television will soon be
Fine for Cakes,
of Impromptu entertainment and hire.
tend our party.”
49 lbs.
has many friends within the Legion
Bllnx: Yes, Just think wbat a nut-
"Nonaense! Hit better self will
who have worked with him before wince It will be to have to shave triumph."
and are ready again.”
before you answer the telephone.
“She always does, doesn't she?"
Schillings Tea
5 lbs.
T* • C
Iced Tea and Berry Sets
25c a lb., 3 lbs. 69c
Mrs. Watson—I havw nothing but
Louis Conticeli of Chicago shot a
Visitor Wednesday — C. Gray of
perfect 400 score to win the na-
Coburg was a visitor In Springfield admlrsilon for the new pastor.
Mrs. Wilson—So L noticed when I tlonal scholastic rifle championship
looking after business matters on
they passed around, tke plate.
I In the nation-wide matches of the
“Private Rooney." he said, "where
la that horse I told you to have
"Omlgoahl" gasped the private,
growing pale around the gills. "()
mlgoeh! Did you s«y shod?"
STORE NO. 1— Miner Building, Eugene
ikirgc Cans
31 Ounct’H
I dirge Site
« gw 1
12 Ox. Bottles 1 Ä 2C
... O C
24 Vj pound
PINEAPPLE— Hllladale
No. *,u Can
Broken slices,
N«. 2*ú ('an
All Flavors.
3 Package«
Final Clearance
all Summer Styles
$ 4 .9 8
$2 .85
The Golden Rule
Rulers of Low Price»
10th <& Willamett«— EUGENE— New Schaefer» Bldg.
Haa supplied the Stepping Stones to Succeaa in
all fields of endeavor.
Order io u r -
Bill Heads
- from us
or any other printing you need
Economy Coffee
"Private Rooney,’’ said the caval
ry officer, "take ray horse down
and have him shod."
For three heurs the lieutenant
waited for hie hors» Then. Impa­
tiently, be sent (or Rooney.
STORE NO. J— 9«O Charnelton S treet. Cugene
STORE NO. 4—600 Mal n El rest, Springfield
Irish-Murphy Co.
Small W hite
Drive te Klamath Falla—Mr and
Mrs*Harry Mtewart aud family, and
Mr and Mre. Theran B Hauaser of
Portland visited et Klamath Falla
last week end.
Arthur Brisbane, who knows
nearly everything. Including much
that isn’t Jo. thinks that Inhabit
ants of Mars may have hal flying
tnahhines for ten million years. It
must be great to get big money for
thinking up things like that.
There is an old saying to the ef
feet that no one wants tn buy a
lawsuit, but J. E. Betts of Van
couver aems to have done worse
than that by buying a funeral. A
trunk purchased by him for 314 at
a sale of unclaimed express paeg-
ages was found to contain the em
ba 1 med body of a man.
Visiting from P o rtla n d — Mrs C
O. Van Valsah of Portland Is visit­
ing relatives In Hprlugfleld today.
The Willamette Press
"BuHlneBB Printer«”
Offices: 119 B. Broadway, Eugene
and 4th 8t. Springfield