TUB SPRINGFIELD NEW8 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 ; pearnnee by reddening af Palo Alto. California, were gueata HOW TO PREVENT A SUMMONS Inventory af Esteta Pilad— Invan Inventery of Eatate Piled— In of Mr. and Mrn. C. B. L oa* thia having the appearance nt an ee- \entory and appralaomcnt of the IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E , ory and .p p r.l.e m .n t of the estate CASE OF POISON OAK aenaa. usually with a maltltoda of wonk. H er* from Crow Olatrlct— Mr*. la o S w rr * w w H a‘— • “ '* TOLD BY MEDICAL MEN minuta blisters upon the Inflamed The directors of the Lane conn (', A. Crow, realdent of the Crow Pert Pegíes and Gladys Fegles, co ri •» '•>« ®Hlca <’r th« »'""»‘ Y Mias Florence Plait from Califor­ ty Cooperative Prune Orowera as- “ There Is a great ■ — m — ‘lalntlffa, clerk Wednesday dlatrlct, waa a vlaltor at the office ____________________ I fUOENE. Or*., July » - T h . as. ' ■ surface. M pronouow, Tkearu^ nia Is spending her annual vaca- aodatlon tnet In a business aeealon v*. of tho county agricultural agent lion with her parents here. Mr. and ( Crggw, „ -n ,ur,d ay evening at «on of poleon oak, one of the com Don to a I moat always upon exposed James W. Nelson, Mary Nulaia, NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * Wudlieaduy. Charles T. Nelson and Ihe un­ Sprlngfleld, Oregon. June 24. 1921 M" '^¿l,la,n « •*» • the council rooms and consloered mooeat and worst ot nature's ta r t* of the body first. known heir* of James W. Nelsoa, Notice la hereby given that the <* " ” ‘r abounding plan, life, to now con­ deceased and all other per.ona "One ot the surest and beet ways NOTICE OP «ALE or parties nnknown claiming , »y undersigned h" as Superintendent of bad case of poison oak. but Is Im product. Those present were Na­ fronting Oregon vacationers, and to prevent the eruption to the ue* of Oregon la proV|ng N t.T IC E I* hereby given that the right, title, estate, lien or In’ araat ,,anka ,or ,h" 8 U U than Crow of Yoncalla; Ckarlee In charge of the assets and affairs F i l l BALE •• HprliiKflnlrt lota tor Ftale Land Hoard of the State of In the real ealale described In ihZ T o m m .r d a l B ta ù Bank i t M r’ Ma" M c E lr” ‘ nd f l , f , ‘" d Bab a of Cottage Orove; C. F. demanding recognition aa a caute c( soap and hot water, tor tha pol- ••1« or will trail« tor McKanale i ( logon, will receive aeulud bid* at the complaint herein. Defendants. require* some time to pens- Springfield. Oregon, for the pur Weaver of Balem «pent the week- Moore. !.. D Scarbrough. Carlyle of distressing poisoning leading to It* office In the Capitol Building river hum« alto or Eugane pro irate the akin. A heavy lathar N l*aon\'nri oT/unk'iii'wi ° f BquldntloB. All persona who end In Thurston In Salem, Oregon, up to 10:00 Char?ea*T Scarbrough and L. E. Zlnlker of great discomfort and sometime* ac- | _ party. L. U. Hullo, I*. O. B o i 564, o'clock, a. in . Auguat 11. 1*31, foi ( harlea T Nel.on and the unknown mgy hgr„ cto(|ng ggg,ngt should be used with a contlnuoua Tha Thurston church congrega­ ticlra of James W Nelson, deceased ICugvne. I'tlulia I311M It all of the State'* Interest In the and all other persons or parties un­ are hereby notified to make legal tion went down near the river last Creswell. tual danger. This form* the aubjeci washing tor about five mlnntaa. lake bed land* hereinafter de* known claiming any right, title proof thereof by filing a duly verl- The Eastern S 'ar members en- treated thia week by the Headquar- The water should not touch the un- crllM'd. giving, however, to the estate, lien or Interest In the real fled claim, aa by law provided, with Hunday after morning services and plnclc dinner as a farewell I°F *d * picnic at the home of (terg committee of the Lane County exposed arena of the akin. Repeat CAUL PON W A R R A N T * the Deputy Superintendent of had a Notlca i« hareby glvau that owner or owner* of any land* abut- estate described In the complaint Banka In charge at the office of ,o |U „ Bnd M r, Hershlxer. who --- “ nd M r‘ --------------- *Vank B ---------- Clock --------------- Thursday ---------- the process In four or five hoar*. Ing or fronting thereon, Ihe prefer­ herein. Defendant*. - a i . .. i . h i. waa anreait Medical society and the Southern T . .... . . . . Hchool Dlatrlct No. 1». In Hprlnn ence right to purchaae aald land* at the Commercial State Bank of evening A long table was spread Alcohol diluted about one-half to field, Ijiiin County. Dragon, will the hlgheat price offered, providing IN T H E NA M E O F T H E S TA TE Rprlngfleld. Oregon, on or before are leaving on their summer vaca under the splendid trees around lllamette District Dental society. ajg0 value In washing exposed pay at the office of clark of «aid auch offer la made In good faith, OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ September 24. 1*31. tlon. the home and a bountiful supper dlatrlct, all warranto to anti Inrlud alao with the underatandlng that quired to appear and answer the "Polson Oak or pdlson Ivy Is eaa Mkln A b,ked while the gon haTe been by gaid court ap, "Application and bid to purchaae l»r. Carl W. Robblna. Vlca-Preal of aald claim; thence North 6.22 ministrator. j lamette district left for their camp land* In Triangle Lake. Lane (J 23 30 A. «13-20) dent. ton. Camp Creek. W altervllle, Deer-| 1 third or terminal leaflet is long pointed and fixed as the time and chains; thence West 46 chains to County, Oregon.” place for hearing objection* to aald —------------------------ at the I.airds' ranch up Fall Creek . stalked? Joaepb It. Kallaky, Secretary. the west line of said claim and horn and Leaburg. At the close ot Dated this June 23, 1*31. report and for the final settlement NOTICE TO CREDITO RS last Friday. Sunday was visitor Treaaurer. thence South 12.28 chains to the (1 O BROW N, Clerk of »late a very enjoyable evening refresh­ Both Oregon grape and poison of the estate of said Deceaaed. place of beginning, containing 66 IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT O P T H E ()gy and Mr and M r„ c E Jordan Lamd Board. L E W IS H. MOREHOUSE. Exe- ments provided by the girls, were oa)j nave shiny or wax-llke leaves. NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * STATE O F OREOON FOR acres, more or leas all In lain« |J. 26; Ju. 2 0 16-23 30) ; and sons, called on them. Those at cutor. Notlca la hereby given that the L A N E CO UN TY . served. County. Oregon. I except In the early spring. The ber- A. E. W H EELER . Attorney, THE M ATTER O F T H E ,h* camp are Nancy and Marte: undaralgnad baa been duly appoint­ Ant^ a further decree clearing the IN (J. 30 - A 6-12-20-27) C. Barnum, Florence and Luclle Jor | A welner roaat at tbe Camp rlea ot the Ore' ° n irap * ' l“ » « ’ « . NOTICE OP SH E R IF F 'S SALE ed A dm lnlatratrli of the eatate of ESTA TE OF C H A R LES title of said promisee and for such enjoyed turn to a deep b,De> while the oak Newton Kenyon, deceaaad. and any ROSSMAN, deceased. other relief as to the court may ap­ dan. Loree and Myrna Laird. Mild I Creek camp ground* NOTICE la hereby given that by and all peraona having claim* virtue of an execution and order pear equitable. The order of the berries are smooth and greenish, agaluat the aald eatate are hereby of sale Issued out of Ihe Circuit court directing service of this sum and change later to a yellowish THIS WOMAN LOST appointed executrix of the Lam ITiyllls Drury. Mrs. E. E. Kllput- required to prevent aald clalma, Court of the »tale of Oregon for mons by the publication thereof ta Miss Mabel Spracklen of Sheri- white or ivory color. These berries 64 POUNDS OF FAT duly verified aa by law required, at taine County July 11, 1*31. upon dated June 2#th. 1*31. and required W III and Testament of Charles C. rick, and daughter Betty, and the dan, Wyoming, la a guest at the remain on the plant until late In the law office of W hitten Swafford, and pursuant to a decree duly given publication each week for four suc­ Rossman, deceased, by the County ' leader Miss Erma Laird. 302 Tiffany Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon, and made by aald Court July 11, cessive weeks and that you appear Court of l4ioe County, Oregon. All Mrs. H. Price of Woodside, L. I.. Miss Cora Johns and brother. Os home of her aunt. Mra. J. H. De the season, and at flrat are globn In Lane County, Oregon within a ll 1*31, In a suit pending therein In and answer within four week* from persona having claims against said vor ~ at W altervllle this week. Mia* -------------------- lar, but later --------- have --- a --------------, tendency to writes: “A year ago I weighed 190 I to n r e a e n t th e m ' ‘ a r . w n o nave been motoring in - - - - - ------ _ estate are required to present th em .: car- who have been motoring In mouth* from the date of thia notice. which State Mutual Building and the date of first publication. Flrat lbs. I started to take Kruachen and Dated and fleet publlahed. July *, lxiau Aaaodallon. a corporation publication of this summons la July with the proper vouchers, within Montana returned Saturday. Mr 9pr»cklen la Joining the U. of O. dry or wrinkle. Polson oak is found now I weigh 126 and never felt the 23rd day of and M rs. Roy Johns who were with : cruUe to Alaaka whlch 8tarta ln flelda. especially In shady places [ six months from 1*31. better in my life and what'a more, waa plaintiff and Bachelordon Fra 2. 1*31. Montana returned , 0 Ore.| Auguat about the borders, in woodlands, : i look more like 20 yrs. old than the C. A. W 1N TER M EIER . Attor­ July. 1931.JO the said eMCUtrtx at (hem RUBY A. LORD. Admlnlatra ternlty, Inc., a corporation, and ney for Plaintiffs. Residence: the law office of L. L. Ray In the M r and Mrs 8 J Godard Hugh along roadways, and upon tne : mother of 2 children, one 19 and were defendants, t r l l of the eatate of Newton Rose Osburn gon but went on to the coast for Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon. Eugene, Oregon. banks of streams and lake*. It oc- I ‘ b® ° ‘ her Everyone of my which execution and order of sale Kenyon, deceaaed. and Mae Godard, have spent tbe a short visit. They are accompani- LYDIA J. ROSSMAN. Executrix (J 2 * 16-23-30) friends say It'a marvelous the way waa to tue directed and commanded W H IT T E N SW AFFORD, past several days at Troutdale. Ore- cur! In city parka, mixed with other of the Last W ill and Testament of j«d by a cousin. Leo Johns. I reduced." me to sell the real property here Attorney for Eatate. Charles C. Rossman, deceaaed. Oscar Johns, who recently le- gon. where they were guests of Mr. shrubbery, in such a way as to | To lose fat with speed take a half (JI. *-1*33-30; A. *) tnafter described to satisfy certain NOTICE OF S H E R IF F '* 8ALE ON L. L. RAY. Aaatorney for Estate. teaspoonful of Kruachen In a glass llene and charges In aald decree EXEC U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE turned from a long trip to Mon- and Mrs. Harvey Cunninghatn. often escape observation. (Jl. 23 30: A. 6 13 20) of hot water before breakfast every Under and by virtue of an order specified. I will on the 16lh day ot tana had a wreck on cemetery hill Shirley Mae Cunningham accom- ■'Poisoning usually occurs aa a morning—don't miss a morning— Auguat. 1*31. at the hour ot One of sale and decree of foreclosure at Pleasant H ill Sunday afternoon panled her grandparents home for result of contact with some part an 85 cent bottle lasts 4 week*— NOTICE o'clock, I’ . M . at the southwest Issued out of the Circuit Court of OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T He was going down hill when a i a visit at the Godard home at of these plants. Some people seem 8et *1 at Ketela Drug Store or any door of the Count Court House In the State of Oregon and County of . . .u drug store tn America. If not Joy- NOTICE IS H ER EB Y G IVEN. front tire blew out. hts car swerved 1 Deerhorn. Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer Lane, on June 26. 1*31, In a suit to be more easily poisoned than fu„ a after the ftrgt bottle Gertrude Potter, executrix of i for sule and sell at public auction wherein Security Savings A Loan That other*. The poisoning makes It* ap- | m o n e y back. the last will and testament and to the olher slde ot the road- wen’ Mrs. Charles Jessen of Waiter- for cash, subject to redemption aa Association, a corporation, plaintiff, a Judgment against estate of Hanover D. Pitts, has ren off the bank turned over and v,|je |g enjoying a visit from her provided by law. all of the right, recovered title and Interest of the defendants George I-ammers and Belle Lam dered and filed In the County Court caught fire. Another autolst who , w0 sls, ers who are here from Hi aald suit and of all parties claim­ mers, his wife, defendants. In the of the State of Oregon for the Coun came by soon after the accident ] gouthern California. ing by, through or under them or sum-of *794 84. with Interest there- ty of I>ane her first and final ac helped Mr. Johns put the fire out. any of them since the H a t day of on at the rate of ten per cent per count and petltloo and that tbe said Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Mundell' February. 1*2*. In or to the follow­ annum from and a 'te r the 19th day Court has by an order duly made: Mr. Johns received several cuts and entered has fixed and appoint-1 and bruises but was not seriously entertained at their homes at Lea­ ing described real property, to-wtt: of August. 1930, and tor the further burg 8unday. Guests Included Mr. Tho North H alf of Ixita number sum of *76.00 and for plaintiff's ed. Saturday tbe 1st day of August bur( art th e '^ o u n ti^ o u rt « ' « Vpda I,alt>> * h° haa a“ d J D. H a rrlll, D. T. H ar­ cd Seven (7) and Eight (8) In coat* and disbursements, which “ “ « .d hdav°U said day. at the County Court T in k e r h r in r in r Mr8- Evelyn H arrlll and son Kincaid s Addition to* Eugene. aald decree waa re orded In the C ir­ .war... ln the County Courthouse ln staying at the Tinker ranch during cuit Court Journal of L .ne County. Lane County. Oregon. Dated thia 13th day ot July. 1*31. Oregon, and an execution Issued the City of Eugene, Oregon, as the loganberry picking returned to her " Hiiam. and josepn Harrin. Carrol FountaJn and Robert Mil- thereon by the Clerk of sa'd Court day. time and place for hearing of j,oroe Saturday. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. ^ h ^ 'a e U to m e n T 'fh e ^ “ AHUnob“ c M r and Mrs Clarence Da,” r' M r ' * « “ ol W altervllle are spending a By A E. IIU LB O A A R D , Deputy. on July 7. 1931. I am commanded to aell the fol (J. 16 23 30, A «13) lowing described real prof arty, to- tlons must be In writing and filed »nd Mrs. Hoisington left Tuesday few weeks In eastern Oregon, with tbe clerk of said Court on or | by auto for a week’s visit in Idaho. They left W altervllle Saturday wtt : FOR SALE NO TICE OP SALE 66”x80” Full Size, Wool-Mixed, Sheet Blankets, Beginning at the 9ou hwest cor­ before said day and time. Mr. Daley Is looking for a cattle morning. Dated this 29 day of June, 1931. Good IS-Inch Block wood, alee ner of t4>t 11 In Block 1 of Driver- NO TIC E la hereby given that ranch. C. R. Sylvester is having his new S p ecial--------------- ..........--V---- ------------- --- GERTRUDE PO TTER. Executrix tS-Inch and 4 foet old growth ton, thence North 75 feet; thence the State I .and Board of the State Mr. and Mra. Robert Doyle of store location graded and filled In. alabwood. East 66 feet to the East line of FRANK A. DePUE, attorney for the of Oregon, will receive sealed bids Pleasant H ilt have gone to Coos His new store building at W alter­ 70”x80” Heavy Double, Wool-Mixed, Covered Blankets. said lx>t; thence South 76 feet; eatate. at tta office In the Capitol Build­ FRANK TUHY (J 2-9-16-23-30) and thence West 56 feet to the county to visit Mr. Doyle's par­ vllle has been moved and the gas ing In Salem. Oregon, up to 10:00 Phone 8p. 182J Value $4.00. Special ................ place of beginning, all In Eugene, o'clock A. M.. Auguat 11. 1*31. for ents. Mrs. Doyle Is a daughter ot tank Is being taken up. Arthur lotne Cojnty, Oregon. NOTICE TO APPEAR all of the 8tnte'a Interest In the Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cooper. Campbell, Leo Hammer and Arthur Notice Is hereby given that on IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E 72 ”x84” Heavy Double, Wool-Mixed, Covered lake bed lands hereinafter dea- Miss Mildred Swift of Pleasant Irvin are working at these prepara­ crheil. giving, however, to the own­ Saturday, the 8th day of Auguat, STATE OF OREGON FOR DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON H ill will leave for Seaside for a tions for getting the new Sylvester Blankets ________ --------------- ---- - ........... er or owner* of any lands abutting 1931, at ten o'clock, A. M. of that LA N E CO UN TY Osteopathic Physician or fronting thereon, the preference day, at the front door of the Lane The State ot Oregon, Plaintiff, week's vacation Saturday. Aug. 1. store ln operation. right to purchaae said land* at the County Courthouse, I will. In obedi­ 51”x9O” Sheet Blankets — ------- ---- — - ....... vs. hlgheat price offered, providing ence to said order of sale and de­ One certain 1926 Model Chrysler George Marx Is planning to move Telephone 3266 Eugene, Or«. auch offer la made In good faith, cree of foreclosure, aell at public roadster automobile bearing mo­ Heavy Muslin, Bleached, Special yd....... ........ to his newly completed store build­ 204 I. O. O. F. Temple alao with Ihe understanding that auction, the above described real tor number H42451E and 1930-31 ings In the west entrance to Walt- the purchaser la to pay the ex­ premises, or so much thereof aa Oregon license 47823. Martin ! ervtlle. pense of advertising and survey of may he necessary to aatlaty plain­ Hanson and Ira C. Gates, Defend­ the tract. In addition to the amount tiff’* Judgment, with Interest there ants. A baby boy was born to Mr. and bid. also reserving to the Board on and costs, to the highest and TO: Martin Hansen. Ira C. Gates, the right to reject any and all bid*: best bidder for cash. In Gold Coin of and TO W HO M IT MAY CON-1 Mrs. John Schmitt Monday July 20 TROUT TOO SMALL AND Said land* are situated In Ijin e the United States. CERN: Defendants. : at the home of hts parent*. Mr. and FINE OF $25 LEVIED Dated at Eugene, Oregon. July County. Oregon, and described aa IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STATE Mrg Adam Schmltl weUht 9th. 1931 follow*: OF OREGON. You and each of you THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD On a charge of having in his pos­ H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane are hereby notified and will take P°unaa. Beginning at the meander corner session trout less than legal length. County. Oregon. between sections 18 and 1*. T. 1* S. Mrs. Margaret McKay celebrated notice that the following described (J » 16-23 30: A «) R 7 W. of W. M„ on the west ahore personal property, towlt: her elghty-nlnth birthday Tuseday Darrell Garoutte was fined *25 In of Triangle Lake, and running One certain 1926 Model t hryaler jy jy 21, at her home* a special Justice court here Thursday. thence: NOTICE OF S H E R IFF'S SALE ON roadster automobile bearing mo- ’ ' vorv Rodney Roach, deputy state game tor number H42451E and 1930-1 «meeting was given her over KORE N. 17* W. 2.60 chains along 0 . 8. E XEC U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE government meander line. Thence at 7:30 Tuesday evening, when warden, cited Garoutte to appear in Oregon license 47823. Under and by virtue of an order N. 12’ W. 3.00 chains along U. 9. of sale and decree of foreclosure has been selied by C. L. Hickman, they played "When You and I court here. government meander line. Thence issued out of the Circuit Court of State Prohibition Agent, on the Were Young, Maggie.” N. 47' W. 3 29 chains. Thence leav the State of Oregon and County of twenty-seventh day of June. 1931, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. O. Anderson of LEE M. BOWN TO MOVE Ing U. S. Gov't meander line East Lane, on July 7th. 1931, In a suit ln the County of Lane. State of 0 66 chains to west shore of Trl- wherein the First National Bank Oregon, nt and In the vlciqitv c ' a Chisago. Minnesota, are visiting at TO MEDFORD TO WORK angle I-ake. Thence 8. 66’ 20' E of Eugene, Oregon, a banking cor­ point about nine miles southwest of the home of Mr. and Mra. C. W . _____ 3.44 chains along west shore of poration. plaintiff, recovered a the City of Eugene on the Eugene- Dtxon; on Wednesday they all left I Lee M former CQun. Triangle Lake. Thence 8. 7* 33' K. Judgment against the estate nt Lorane Highway in said county for a trip to the coast visiting at deputy gherlff , s mov,ng tQ 6.71 chains. Thence Weat 0.40 Robert Orr, deceased, In the sum and state; that the above described chains to place of beginning, con­ of *2730.00, with Interest at six per personal property was on said date Marshfield and Crescent Ctiy and Medford to make his home follow­ taining 0.04 acres. cent per annum from and after the delivered Into the custody of H. L. will see Crater Lake and other ing his appointment as captain ot Applications should be accom­ 12th day of June, 1931, and for the Bown. sheriff of said county and scenic points. the new Oregon state police. panied by draft or certified check further auin of *275.00 nnd for plain­ state by the said C. L. Hickman, Leslie Lacey and Mrs. Ella Kel- for the amount bid. and should be tiff's costs and disbursements, and said personal property has ever Captain Bown will be ln charge addressed to G. O. BROWN, which said decree was recorded ln since been and now Is In the pos­ ley of Portland were married at i of thp dlgtr|ct compr,glllg the ter. CLERK O F STA TE LAND BOARD. tho Circuit Court Journal of Lane session and custody of said sheriff Portland on July 11. after a short Htory gouth Qf Rogeburg gnd Kla. SALEM. OREOON. and marked. County, Oregon, and an execution of said county and state; that the honeymoon trip they returned to mgth >nd countles. "Application and bid for purchaae Issued thereon by the Clerk of said said C. L. Hickman as said State Gresham where they w ill reside. | _________________ of lands In Triangle Lake, bane Court on July 7th. 1931. Prohibition Agent of the State of County, Oregon.” I am commanded to aell the fol­ Oregon has made a Return of Set- Mr. Lacey being employed by the JUDGE BARNARD GOES Dnted thia June 23. 1*31. Conserving company. lowing described real property, to- sure of said personal property to California Walker - Poole Co. O. G. BROW N, Clerk of 8tate w it: the above entitled Court, and that Mr. Lacey Is a graduate of the TO HIGHWAY SESSION Land Board. Beginning at a point In the South the same has been seised as afore­ Creswell high school and of Albany P. J. BA RTHO LO M EW . Mgr. (J 2-9-16 23 30) line of the Geo. W. Evans Dona­ said, and Is being proceeded against Judge C. P. Barnard of the Lane Phone 62-J and 62 M tion Land Claim No. 46, Notf. No. In the above entitled court and college and Is a son of Mr. and county corut w ill be at Salem on Springfield, Oregon 2936. In Township 16 South cause for the forfeiture of the same Mrs. F. D. Lacey of Creswell. IN T H E C O U N TY COURT O F T H E A. B. Cowell and daughter of M il- ! Thursday to attend the meeting of Range 4 West of the W illamette pursuant to the provisions of Chap­ Eugene Chapel at lith e and STA TE O F OREOON FOR A few brush strokes with Enamel-Rote Charnelton — Phone 723 Meridian In Lane County, Ore­ ter 29, General Laws of Oregon tor waukle were at Creswell the f ir s t ; ‘ be »late highway commission, T H E CO UN TY OF LANE gon. 1164 feet East of the South 1923; and. In the M atter of the Adoption of No contracts on Lane county puint and your table glows with new You and each of you, and all per­ of the week and greeted old friends. west corner of said cl-ilm and Alice Louise Orny and Mildred running thence East along the sons having or claiming to have They were formerly residents of road work are to be considered at t.uctle Oray, Minora. beauty, your woodwork shines elegant­ this session. One of the major mat­ South boundary of said claim any Interest In said automobile Creswell. C IT A T IO N 1401.1 feet; thence Nqrth 0 de­ above described are hereby re­ ters to come before the commls- To Louis H. Gray. Greetings: ly. your automobile takes on a new air. Mr. and Mrs. David Francis are grees 08' East 1013.1 feet; thence quired to appear before the above enjoytng a visit with old time «l°n lg whether future monthly IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE North 89 degrees 30' West 1401.1 entitled Court at the Court House OF OREOON. You are hereby cited This new lustre is quick drying, and feet; thence South 0 decrees 08 of Lane County. Oregon, at Eugene, friends who are their guests. Mr. meetings of the commission will be and required to appear In the West 1026.1 feet to thu place of by the eighth day of August. 1931, and Mrs. Frank Kimball and Mr. held at Salem or at Portland. County Court of the State of Ore­ lasting. Enamel-Rote paint costs so beginning, containing 32.70 acres snld day being the Answer Day ln McDonald of Ontario, Canada. gon, for the County of Lane, at the of land, more or less. In the Geo this cause, which has heretofore Court Room thereof, at Eugene, In Nurse File* Certificate— Doris L. little and does so much. Use it through­ J. M. G riffith a Civil war veter W. Evans D. L. C. In Lane Coun been duly set by the above entitled the County of bane, on Saturday, Court to defend against these pro­ an and an old resident of Creswell Footberg, nurse, filed her certlfl- ty, Oregon. the 22nd day of August, 1*31, at out the house. Notlco Is hereby given that on ceedings, and upon your failure so vlslted old friends Saturday. He Is c»‘ e at the office of the county 10:00 o’clock In the forenoon of that day. then and there to show Saturday, the 8th day of August. to do, a Judgment of the forfeiture living near Oregon City. He Is 95 clerk Friday. cause, If any you have, why the 1931, at ten o'clock, A. M. of that of said automobile above deserbed years of age and first enlisted In petition of George W. Smiley to day. at the front door of the Lane will be applied for. Agreement on Land Made — An This notice Is Issued and di­ the Civil war In 1881 with the Call- adopt the above named minors, County Courthouse. I will, In obedi­ Alice Louise Oray and Mildred Lu ence to said order of sale and de­ rected to you and each of you pur­ fornla cavalry and on second oall agreement for the purchaae of a d ie Oray should not be granted cree of foreclosure, sell at public suant to the order duly made and enlisted with the First Oregon In- Piece of land for right-of-way for and a decree of adoption entered auction, the above described real entered by the above entitled fantry from Portland and was ln ,be Oregon Coast highway north of premises, or so much thereof a* Court on the ninth day of July, accordingly. the second battle of Bull Run. and Florence was received by the coun- W ITN ESS, the Hon. C. P. Bar­ may be nsceaaary to satisfy plain­ 1931. Witness my hand and the seal of at Balls Bluff and Cumberland Gap. ‘ Y court Friday. There are still sev- nard County Judge of the County tiff’s Judgment, with Interest there John Tryon of Vancouver, Wash e™! Pieces of right-of-way needed Court of the State of Oregon, for on and costs, to the highest and said court affixed at Eugene, Ore­ the County of bane and the Seal heat bidder far cash, In Gold Coin of gon, thia ninth day ot July, A. D., 1 ington, visited hla mother and sis- for this road proect. Two court 1931. of Said Court hereto affixed thia the United States. rases are also pending where no ter the flrat of the week. W. B. DILLARD, Dated at Eugene, Oregon, July (SEAL) 20th day of July, 1*31. DR. ELLA MEADE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Helgenbuttle agreement could be reached be- County Clerk and ex of- 9th, 1931. (SEA L) A T T E S T: Optometrist fflclo Clerk of said Clr- j R|ld two chndren gn Thurston IÍS I McKenzie Valley 4—-----------------------♦ * t £?’KL' i ‘ = „\2 .' v £,, 1 ««•'- Business Directory Blanket Spcials at FULOP’S 98c SI.98 S2.39 98C —-IOC Creswell Fulop's Deptartment Store Costs less per job frer year Funeral Directors You Can Work Wonders with a Can of Paint and a Brush! F T L .V T E * A BKAUTIFUI* FR A M E q u ite dilTcrenl FROM Alala O T H E R S I Paint . . . Varnish . . . Enamel Lacquer . . . Brushes . . . Oils COMPLETE PAINTER SUPPLIES WRIGHT a SONS