THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS H P H IN O H K L l), LANE COUNTY. ORBOON. 'I W K NTY-KKIHTIi YMA1L STATE ASKED FOB CASCADE HIGHWAY Seavey-Blachly Reunion is Held r Marches Alone Now Twentieth Annual Reunion of Association Meeting Today F .»milieu H i hi at Hop Island Picnic Ground* Sunday with Highwa Department for Sec <> ' Road Hlsty relatives of the Heavey and TH U R H D A Y, JULY 30, 1V31 3 REÎURN OF ROOKS Lev°n C o u _ n c i' to Picnic Sunday TO LIBRARY ftSKEO Fine« on Ovardue Book» lo Ba Cancelled During Next Two Week« Period No. C. K Barber to Be New Councilman Appointment is Announced on Wednesday by Mayor; Council Will Act All Member» Invited to Gath­ ering of Valley Group at Rivereide Park Sunday Two Men Disappear in Air- j Clayton F. Barber was named a* Hundreds of American Legion plane Trip Over Pacific . new Hprlngfleld city councilman — and auxiliary members are expected , Blachly families gathered at the Ocean _ Last BOOKS OUT FOR MONTHS to gather at Klverslde park near i Wednesday by W. P. Tyson, mayor. _ _ _ Tuesday _ FOUR GO FROi. * S CITY John Heavey Hop Island Huuday for He Is to fill tbe vacancy on that * • Goshen Bunday afternoon for tbe the twentieth annual Heavoy-ltlach ----------- State Librarian Suggest» De­ final meeting of the Wlllamett« Val­ txJdy caused by the resignation of PART OF WING IS FOUND on ly reunion. A large picnic dinner Want Survey Made, (AT, Herbert J. Cox, who has moved to ■ posit Plan for Borrowers ley Council of tbe Legion bodies be­ was served al I 00 o'clock. City to Springfield A Eugene to become secretary of th , p|an» Searches Ship*» Rout»; to Prevent Further Lo»» fore the state convention to be held Clara Heavey Wasson, chairman Eugene Chamber of Commerce. Foothill» Thia Year at Corvallis starting August 8. Ground Crews Organized ./• r the day made a plea for educa It will be necessary for the mem­ An appeal for greater co-opera-' The meeting was to havo been to Search Beach Area tlon of the younger members of the bers of the council to ratify the sp -‘ lion from townsfolk and other pa­ held at Eugene, but It was decided The e’ele highway departmen. family In the value of maintaining pointment at their next meeting trons of the library In the matter to make the affair an open meeting will be asked today by th« Cascade W. C. McLagan, former Spring- which is to be held Monday. August of returning books now long over­ In a park so that everyone could highway aaaorlallun Io pul the Cas­ the organliatlon. It was also sug Held resident, and Rex. Brattaln. geated that a family history ho | re- 10, before Mr. Barber can qualify. due was voiced here yesterday by enjoy the outing according to M. B. cade highway from Oregon City to operator of the Brattala Flying Cox was chairman of the finance Mrs. L. K. Page, chairman of the Iluntly, state reforestation chair­ Mprlugfleld on the secondary road pnrrd for each meeting of the school at Marshfield and Coos Bay committee of the council and had library board, and by Mrs. David man of the legion. program. Four Hprlngfleld men left group. are believed to have been drowned one and one-half years of his term i Prominent among those present Haltsrnari, librarian. for Hslriu Ibis morning lo be pres­ Posts and auxiliaries to he repres­ Ruth Mlcfcol* Is reported all »et lor left to serve. His successor Is ac-' In the Pacific ocean somewhere A warning was also Issued that ented at the gathering which opens ent at a meeting of the Cascade as was "Dade Bill." William Itlachly. west of Winchester Bay before n attempt to cross the A tlantic tn countant for the Springfield office i unless greater co-operation In this with a 1 o'clock basket dinner, will social ton and to, appear before tbe of Blachly, Oregon, who has passed noon Tuesday morning. of the Booth-Kelly Lumber com-’ his eighty seventh year and Is still matter Is forthcoming It may be­ Include Toledo, Brownsville, Ix»bo- highway department The two started from the south come necessary to eventually close non. Corvallis, Albany, Hprlngfleld, ANENEAS CLUB MEMBERS pany. He is also clerk of the Spring- era Oregon flying field Tuesday W F. Walker. F. H Hamlin. W. active and strong. field school district for the second . 80. is the last the Institution. tl. Hobbs and O. I>. Pyle are the Gen It was decided to hold the next Junction City. Cottage Grove. Oak­ ENTERTAINED TUESDAY term, and is secretary of the local morning on a trip which was to Hprlngfleld delegates to the meet­ meeting of the two families at the □I the gallant toldieri who aniwered To Refund Fines ridge. Westfir. Florence and Eu­ have taken them along the coeat Lee't call in 1861 (rom Alex Lions club. ing. Walter Drury of Coburg and Hop Island picnic grounds again Gen To encourage the return of books gene. route to Newport and then over­ andria. V». Mr». L. K. Page Hostess at One now out In the homes of patrons others from that section also went nest year. Coffee, cream and sugar will be land to Corvatlta and Shedd where O’clock Luncheon at Anchor­ to Halnm for the meeting. and others who may have found furnished by the Eugene post under Included among those present for they were to visit Mcl^agan's age; 18 Attend A request to make a survey of the affair were: William Blachly. them In various places, the library i the direction of Mrs. C. M. Urey, i brother. They have not returned, Ute route from Oregon City to Clara A. Wesson. Mr. and Mrs. T. officials have agreed to eatabltsb An Invitation has been extended and a searching part sent out from Members of the Aeneas club were Hprlngfleld this year will be made K Heavey. Lloyd Howe. Mollie A. a moratorium on all penalties, that j ,o a|| members of the legion or of Hobt airways at Eugene has re­ entertained at a one o'clock lunch­ and It la hoped to develop a fine Heavey, Claus It Gustafson. Hcrea- Is, the board will not collect any j the auxiliary to attend the outing, turned at 11:15 this morning with a eon at the anchorage Tuesday after­ oiled highway later on. The route tha Gustafson. Herbert A. Stone fines for books overdue provided | - section of one of the wings from noon by Mrs. L. K. Page. The after- would bring Hprlngfleld 1* miles berg. Hhlrley Gustafsou. Dean Gus they are returned during the next FORMER RESIDENTS STOP noon was spent with social actlvl- the plane which was found on the closer to Portland and be a subsll- lafson. Noda Kaye Gustafson. Mrs. . , . . . ... | two weeks. This privilege will be beach between Winchester Bay and the eveu,ng of Aukuh, FOR VISIT ON FRIDAY ties following the ?>ncheon. lute fur the l*aclflc highway. Going Husle Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Negotiations Under Way for (lffered County Court Asks About North Bend. Mrs. Page has as guests for the Purchase of Land in Up- 15 down the foothills the road would Stephen Jenkins. Mrs. John Wilson When Government Funds News of the disappearance of the serve Coburg. Brownsville. Leba­ Herron, Ixirlnda Htntieberg. Mar­ •'The problem of keeping out ’ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith and afternoon. Mrs. 8. C. Wright, Mrs. per McKenzie District Are to Be Received Here two men came »• » distinct shock Daughters Spend Two Days ‘ C. A. Swarta. Miss Edna Swarta, non, Hllverton, Molalla and other celine Heavey. John Heavey. John books In the library has become a _______ to people here when officials of the Renewing Acquaintances Mrs. William G. Hughes, Mrs. N. Negotiations for the purchase of serious one," slated Mrs. Page. cities which are not now n tbe main Arthur Htoneherg. Dean Blachly. Inquiry as to when Lace county power company at Marshfield called W. Emery, Mrs. L. L. May, Mrs. E. highway. Billy Heavey, Marvin Htoneherg. land In the upper M< Kenste area -'We now have between 40 and «0 Six former residents of Spring- E. Eraederlck. Mrs. C. E. Wheateon. will receive the Oregon and Call- ab°ut 7 o'clock Wednesday evening The Springfield men left this Donald Heavey. I xmi Heavey. John for establishment of s state pack (), our beat books, tbe ones moat field who now make their homes Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah. Mrs. W. H ., forala land grant tax for the past to “ k Nr. McLagan had been at are under way. The land that may frequently called for, lying about In morning and will return this even Heavey, Alice Heavey, Holly Heavey. at Haymond. Washington, spent Frl Pollard. Mrs. David Saltsman. Mr», year Is being made by the county plant in thia city Ing Mr Walker Is going on to Port­ Hasel Heavey, J W. Heavey. Hhlrley he acquired by the stale is owned homes of borrowers. Many of them Telephone conversations between day pnd Saturday here last week C. E. Kenyon. Mrs. M. J. McKIln, court. The estimate for Lane conn- land to attend an undertakers' con­ Heavey. Betty Heavey. Dickey 1-ee by A. J. Weston and Ilea along the are several months overdue and various valley towns failed to locate meeting their many frleoda. Includ- Mrs. Julius Fulop. and Mrs. J. T. ty a* compiled here Is $107.504.51 vention. Murray. Marcia Murray. Alice B. highway about one mile from the Bo response has been forthcoming ed In the party were. Mrs. Mary J. Moore. but this may be changed somewhat tbe missing men and tbe airplane despite the fact that notices remind Murray. Dorothea Bushnell. Elisa­ Belknap Springs road. by the department of the Interior searching party was immediately Nelson, formerly Mary Smith; Mrs. A strip of 500 feet In width on ing them that they have overdue beth Whitmore. Althea Htoneherg. Last year the O. and C. tax was «rganlsed and set out at daybreak O. H. Bromley (nee Pearl Smith). W B. Blachly. Dale Blachly. Jesae both sides of the highway may he books have been ma'led them." received from the government In 'hls morning for the southern coast. Mrs. A. W. Robins of Chicago, "Transient patrons at the library A. Heavey. William Blachly. Anna set aside for the proposed state June. The connty court Is anxious Sight Wreckage (formerly Sarah Smith), Mrs. Os­ K. Bushnell. E. T. Bushnell. Douglas park If the negotiations are com have always been required to make car 1-atta (nee Vest* 1-aRue) and It was on the trip south along to obtain information as to the a deposit to cover the value of the Waasom. J. W Herron. Mrs. Anna P*®**”* amount to be received and when It the coast that -the passengers In Mr. Weston was here to confer book before they can borrow one Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith. the crew sighted the wreckage of _______ Hlmmnnt. Mr and Mrs. W. It Him- may be available. Friday evening the party w: *»• the wing on the bench and the _ i * j n _ i mona. Burt Simmons, Elma Him with members of the county court and very little trouble has been ex­ terulned at dinner by Mr. and Mrs., Approximately $58.006 of the Completed Portions of High-: r " mona. Ethel Olson, Anna Blachly. on the project. Mr. Weston, who re perlenced with these persons al Selvert Jacobson at their home at Chilafe.1 Will Present Special amount expected la for road work pilot. Harold Saunders, set the ship Way to Blue River to Be Mrs. Verna llowe. LaVsIle Howe. sides In Michigan, has owned the though one of them does at various and the county has already spent down and picked It up. Numbers Here at Race land since 1881. limes represent himself as a resi- Eighth and F. streets. Later that Oiled By End of Week ¡ and Kermit Htoneherg. The wing was positively Identi­ some $50,000 for road oiling and evening they motored to Eugene to Tiack Next Month -------- dent of the city,“ says Mrs. Salts- other work In anticipation of the fied aa belonging to the Fleet bi­ visit Mrs. Jacobson's daughtei. MANY FROM SPRINGFIELD man State highway oiling crews have Q £A N p |C K | NG P R IC E S plane la which the two were travel­ One of tbe most Important enter- government tax receipts, completed their work on that por j ing. AT BIG MASONIC PICNIC "Our wor’ t ,rouble' •,ow”w ' " " METHODIST PASTOR AT talnment features of the Lane coun- ------------------------ with the out of town patrons," she tlon of the McKenxte highway be CUT HALF CENT POUND Questioning of a forest service SUTTLE LAKE MEETINC ,y tolr next month win ** * cW|- tween l-eaburg and Hendricks and Sprlngflelu "These people do not have to • v — p Between v t w p t ’ ll 9 40 W U llll l 50 »v O p r iU ® 8 8 k 5 8 U look-out revealed that the ship had _______ dren's dance program to be pres bridge, and expect to have tbe I County Grower. Agree on Throe- , , „ eB(|ed the annual Masonic '"‘1’ a"y merely secure the j been flown to Winchester hey early a . ». c i * F Fourth n iir d k Y ' a v s * as ■■ H a la r W R e n n a r r _ • _____ * ____ « > ■ . Is Instructor In Cascade District en‘ed for f° “r <«*rs by Walter. Cant Salary; Bonus stretch between Hendricks bridge picnic held at McCredie Spring, re- "««nature of some resident on a Tuesday morning. He stated that Session of Epworth League Dorothy and Herbert Meyer. The la Optional and the Thurston corner completed sort Sunday Most of them went borrower« card. they circled the beach there and for This Week children have been trained In dnne- this week. to the Cascade reoort aa passengers 11 '• un«’a,r to hold the signers^ set down apparently having trouble - ing by theh- mother, according to Thirty-five bean growers of Ix»ne on the apodal train of the South ,,f •h*‘"e «’arda f,,r • » Crews have also finished laying «w hook« with either the plane or with the Kev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor Mabel H. Chadwick, fair board sec- county in a meeting at the Eugene the second or top coat of heavy oil I era Pacific railroad. ,h"‘ ha’ e ,M"“n los’ or keP‘ over Rev. Ralph R. Mulholland A c-! weather which was foggy, on the highway between Nimrod Fruit Grower« association In Eu The day was «pent with athletic Bine while assigned to these cards, of the Springfield Methodist church retary. The ih ,i> remained on the ground A military dance will be pres- cepts Invitation; to Assume Inn and Blue River. They are now g< ne Saturday decided on three contests, hiking, swimming, fishing. ,hlnk members of the library board. Is at Suttle Lake this week where only a short while before it took he is one of the instructors In the ented the first day of the fair. New Work September 1 although they are technically res busily working on the highway be­ fourth« cent a pound a« the price and other activities. off again never to be seen again. District Conference of Epworth The second day "Eugene Day the ponslble. tween Blue River and Belknap to be paid bean picker« thl« season Rev. Ralph R. Mulholland, pastor ’ The wrecked wing, which appeared Among the Hprlngfleld people at- children will offer a Jockey dance The site of the library has con­ Leaguers for the Cascade district. Springs. Thia contains about i l ¡The mailer of giving a bonus was haT* been wa«l>ed to shore, was as a feature of the "Eugene Derby" of the First Baptist church of | left optional with the Individual''-'"1""' were Mr and Mra ’ M tinually grown during the past few Joseph Crandall and his sister are miles and when completed will con Springfield has been called to the found between Winchester bay and race. dude the oiling work on the Me- grower. The new price I. one-half I I’eterson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. years, being built up with dona also attending the sessions from pastorate of the First Baptist North Bend which leads some to The third day's dance program cent lower than the prevailing price i SwwU, and family, Mr. and Mrs. tlon* and purchases. Springfield. Kentle for the summer. will consist of Aapache dances and church at Roseburg and has ac think that the ship was being flown last season 1 John Bnd family. Mr. and State Librarian Here Considerable difficulty Is being < . . ' Mrs. W. H. Hobbs and family, Mrs. the final day a sailor dance will cepted the invitation. He an­ back to the airport at the time of Miss Harriett Long, state llbrar DRILL TEAM ENTERTAINS experience,! by the driver» of the , E. L. Cox chairman of the grow- Carl Olson. Mrs. Hannah Lepley, nounced his resignation from the the accident. be presented. heavy oiling equipment In passing ! prs, stressed the need for closer Mr. and Mrs. ITatt Holverson. Mr. Ian at Salem, spent Rome time dis­ Experienced pilots state that the FOR MEMBER FRIDAY These dances will be presented local position at the services Sun- up and down the road from Blue grading, proper methods of handl- and Mrs. Benjamin Lodge, Mr. and cussing the problem with the board men had brought their ship down on a stage at the race track, Mrs. (lay morning and It was accepted River to Springfield where they se •ng and Improved culturnl m ethods. Mrs Stanley Baugh, and Mr. and here '« * we*k Sh,> on the beach the first time because Members of the drill team of the effective September 1. cure their loads of oil and other M r s H e r . E d e e ll possibility of assessing each oor- Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge h eld , 1 naaw>CK 8av8 ______ Rev. Mr. Mulholland goes to a of the fog and that they saw an supplies. In several Instances It has LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND rower a set fee before books could a farewell party Friday evening to congregation with a membership of opening which they attempted to be taken out. this would be held as honor Miss Ida Cox who has gone SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS been necessary to use the caterpil­ climb through to safety. It la easily 400 persons. SPANISH VET PICNIC GRAND JURY TO ACT ON lar tractors being used In construc­ a trust fund and any books not re- to Portland where she will be em- HAS WATERMELON FEED The selection of a successor to possible for a pilot to turn his ship TURKEY TH E FT CASE turned would be paid for from the ployed. Among those present were tion work to drag them through the Several Springfield people at­ the present pastor has been left In around without realising It and „ ---- 7-----. fund Th"»- patrons who have Misg CoX- Mlgg Meiba Mellon. Miss soft places. Members of Mrs. Clarine Put­ the hands of the deacons of th e ;he,d ’ tra'«',>t off Into the ocean. tended the picnic of the General Frank J. Oranskey, . . Spr ng le d no, ,og, any b(M,kg or who have no Jewe, Helterbrand, Mies Pearl The completion of this oiling l-awton ramp. Spanish-American Junction, was bound over to the agge8gtnen, g against them could be Helterbrand. Mrs. Noah Helter- man's Sunday school class at the congregation. They will decide they state. This Is believed to have work will leave the highway In Methodist church were entertained happened to the two. The country War Veterans, which was held at grand Jury under $250 b.H Monday refunde<1 , helr money when Mr, with a watermelon feed at the Cor­ whether to call another man Im­ splendid travel condltlou with the along the coast there Is reported Riverside park Monday evening. by Justice of the Peace. Dan John mandpd mediately or to depend upon sup­ .......... . . . exception of a small atretrh he nell home on Eos' Main street Tues­ Grayden Lewis, Mra. Lee Putman, to be quite open and an almost un­ This picnic took the place of the ston In Eugene on a charge of know­ ply pastors for a while. tween laiaburg and the power dam. Mrs. Walter Llpee. and Mrs. Harvey day evening. The class is composed regular monthly meeting to have ingly harboring stolen property. Members of the deacons are F. B. limited number of beach landing and the stretch between Nltnrod of girls In the sixth grade. About LIBRARY OFFICIALS AT Eaton. ben held next Monday evening. Chase, Harry Chase. J. A. Garber, spots are available. The case grew out of the turkey and Vida. 12 girls, together with Mrs. Cornell Roy Carlton. P. H. Emery, and Ground crews have been organl- BOOKBINDING CLASSES thefts on the Crow Stage road last and their teacher were present. xed and are searching the beach for ODD FELLOWS PICNIC Luther Steinhauer. WOODCRAFTS GROUP HAS week. Two men were caught, tried further traces of the wreacked FATHER OF O. THURMAN Mrs. David Saltsman. city labrar Rev. Mr. Mulholland came to this plead guilty, and were fined $50 POSTPONED' SUNDAY PICNIC ON WEDNESDAY FLANERYS MOVE INTO ian, and Mrs. L. K. Page, chairman DIES ON SATURDAY city from Klamath Falls almost plane or the fliers. each. The fact that news of the dis­ of the library board, attended the The crunty-wide A. M. O. S. Odd NEW RESIDENCE TODAY two years ago He has made a host The annual plcnlr for members of aster was not given out before le M. W. Thurman, father of O. C. classes In book repairing and b ok- Fellows picnic which was to have of friends in this city and has been explained by the fact that McLag- Thurman, service station operator the Neighbors of Woodcraft was MAN ARRESTED FOR , binding which were conducted at been held at Riverside park Sunday Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Flanery are very successful in his work here. an’s family and others at the North here, died suddenly Saturday morn­ held at Swimmer's Delight Wednes­ PEEPING IN WINDOWS the University of Oregon library was postponed because of the death moving Into their new home at the -------------------------- Bend power plant believed the men ing while peeling chlttem bark day evening commencing with a last week by a representative of the last week of Sam W. Minturn, pro­ corner of Fifth and B. streets to­ ACCIDENT VICTIMS ARE A man giving his name as Roy Gaylord Bookbinding company ot had decided to remain overnight from trees near Mapleton. He had basket dinner at 5:30 p. m. Coffee day. Part of their household goods minent lodge worker. No new date RECOVERING INJURIES In the Willamette valley. When been complaining of heart trouble rream and sugar were furnished by E. Smith and his address of 533 D San Francisco as a part of the re for the social affair has been set were moved Wednesday. the organisation. street Sir lngfleld. was arrested In Kular gummer gpgglon courge ,n they did not return the next day for some time prior to his death. The new home is of the colonial by the committee. Bernice Gay. daughter of Mr. and telephone calls were sent to sev­ Mrs. Noah Helterbrand was In Kugene Tuesday evening by police rary work He was born In Lane county on type with a large sun-porch and Mrs. Silas Gay, was dismissed from eral cities making Inquiries as to officer«. He wa« accused of peep-1 February 18, 1886, and had lived charge of arrangements. many windows. It Is built upon a I A total of 28 books at the local BULL ATTACKS MAN; the Pacific Christian hospital this the whereabouts of the two men. Ing Into bedroom windows after . . al near Notl most of his life. high elevation. This is one of the . . « a * a , ¡library have been rebound recently dark and of having annoyed a rest A . Brattaln Is a former Corvallis BACK, FOOT INJURED largest homes to be built In this week following partial recovery He leaves his widow, Mrs. Ethel SPRINGFIELD FOLK TO a - av ® « * -si * 6 * report. There are several hun- from injuries received a week earl­ boy. He Is said to have about 300 dent of the Fairmount district. I. i ... . a . Thurman, one daughter, Mrs. Ragn- city during the past several years. , dred more which need to be re- BROADCAST ON FRIDAY William Copeland, son of Mr. and ier in a motor crash. Her mother hours of flying to his credit. or Nordsten; three sons, Roy, Del­ I paired at this time. Is still a patient at the hospital, but Mrs. Copeland who have recently McLagan was well-known In mar, and Keith, all of Notl; three Miss Barbara Barnell will appear UNION SERVICES AT is recovering nicely. purchased the S. H. Calllson ranch AUTO RUNS OVER FOOT, Springfield and the entire Willam­ brothers, R. P. Thurman, Notl; O. In an hour’s radio program of xylo METHODIST CHURCH SECOND GRASS FIRE at Pleasant Hill was attacked by a NO BONES ARE BROKEN ette valley. He came to this city C. Thrumnn. Springfield; Leonard phone music to be broadcast over Burns Resident Here — Harry In 1918 and trad been superintend­ bull on their farm last week and evening SWEEPS BUTTE MONDAY Thurman, Vancouver, Washington; station KORE In Eugene Friday The Weekly Sunday _______ Dickey Wetxell, small son of Mr. W’ithers Jr., of Burns, Oregon, ar- ent of the local steam plant for 13 was painfully Injured. He sustained and four sisters, Mrs. Maude ('re- evening from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m. It union church services will be held . . . . . . . ... - i Wet sacks and buckets of water a wrenched back, a broken toe. and and Mrs. Charles Wetxell of Mar- rived Tuesday and will spend about years, being transferred to North son. Notl, Mrs. Nora I’lckard, Au­ has been announced by the station. at the Methodist church Sunday rora; Mrs. Nlnn Russell, Goshen; Mrs. Bernice Neher Finley will ac­ evening. Rev. Ralph R. Mulholland. were called Into use Monday morn­ was badly bruised as the bull cola, suffered a badly smashed i s(x weeks here visiting with his Bend on January 1. this year. ing by city fire officials and In trampled on him and finally tossed foot Friday when a car passed over g|gter, Miss Jeannlne Withers, and He has been affiliated with the Mrs. Dolly Purkerson. Coburg. company Miss Barnell at the piano. pastor of the Springfield Baptist his foot near his home. No bones other relatives at the home of nls Mountain States Power company stamping out a gress fire on the him over a fence. Funeral services were held Tues­ church who has been called to Rose­ were broken despite the painful grandmother. Mrs. C. I. Oorrle, Sr. since 1908, declared W. K. Burnell. south side of Emerald Heights. This day morning nt the Christian BOYS TO SPEND WEEK burg. will preach the sermon. laceration of the foot. It was learn California Psopla Hare — A. E. Is the second fire to sweep the high local manager, this mcrolag. Bar­ church nt Elmira Dr. E. V. Stivers Motor to Roseburg—Mr. and Mrs. nell and McLagan attended tbe Ore pinnacle recently. The first, slart- Senseny and his son-in-law, Ray­ ed when an X-ray picture was CAMPING ALONG RIVER pastor officiated and Interment ICE DROPS IN FOOT, j. A. Phelps and two children, gon State college together and ing on the north side and climbing I Smith, and grandchild. Echo Bailey, taken at a local physician's office. was made In the Inman cemetery. Three Springfield youths, George --------------------------Robert and Evelyn, motored to nearly to the top. arrived here Saturday morning graduated In the same claas In 1908. TWO TOES ARE BROKEN There Is no water on the butte j from Crescent City, California, Returns to Work— Miss Maxine Roseburg Sunday to visit Mrs. Thatcher, Lloyd Frese, and Joel Mcl^gan went to work for the CHERRY OUTPUT HIGH Cowden, are spending the week Herbert Hornberger, son of Mrs. except at the few residences skirt- They will remain here for a few Snodgrass returned to her duties at Phelps' sister, Mrs. Dent. Miss large power company Immediately, AT EUGENE PLANT ramping on Little Fall Creek above Mike Smith, has two broken toes Ing the base and firefighting must days transacting business, the office of the Mountain States Evelyn remained to spend a week Barnell Joining the organisation Power company Monday after a visiting relatives. Fall Creek. The boys went out Mon­ this week as a result of Injuries he done with sacks and shovels. i . some years later. The Eugene Fruit Growers’ asso­ day evening and will return at the sustained near the Springfield two weeks' vacation trip to south -------------------------- Bealdea hls wife, Mr. Mcl-agan ciation output of canned cherries end of the week. Injured Boy Recovers— Dean Wil­ western Oregon. San Francisco, and Returns from Vocation — L. E. leaves two sons, Russell and Rob Creamery where he wan playing CANADIAN PEOPLE HERE this spring equaled 26 per cent of son. young boy who seriously In Crater Lake. Wallace, superintendent of the ert at North Bend. Two brothers-ln- when a heavy piece of Ice fell on the entire crop harvested In Ore­ TO VISIT RELATIVES Jured hls foot in an accident at his -------------------------- steam plant at the Mountain States | law. Otto 8mith. and R. L. Burnett. his foot YOUTH BREAKS ANKLE gon. Washington and Idaho, accord home near Chase Gardens recently Visitors from South — Mr. and j power company here, has returned who reside In Springfield. Other Miss Donalda McBain Goodman i |g reported to be recovering nicely Ing to J. O. Holt, secretary-manager AT ANCHORAGE FRIDAY Mrs. John Slnnar and their son of from a two weeks' vacation soent at relatives live at Cottage Grove and DOOR FALLS ON MAN and Mrs. J. A. Macdonald of Nnimo. accord|n, to h,„ physician. of the plant. Ix)g Vegas, New Mexico, are visit Tillamook. Tangent. Verne Gerber sustained a frac­ B. C., are visiting Jiere with Mr. ________________ _ The total production amounted to SEVERAL RIBS BROKEN Ing this week In Springfield at the --------------------------- Mrl^tgan was not flying the skip. and Mrs. William Goodman Mrs.) 1,146,800 pounds. Of this amount tured ankle Friday afternoon when home of Mr. a^l Mrs. Henry Slnnar. Breaks Arm—Fred Nlckle, route He Is an experienced pilot, how- Macdonald Bnd Mrs. Goodman are Dr. Vacationing—Dr. and Mrs. M. E. A. Cole suffered several he struck his foot against a plank 659.00 pounds were Royal Annas hls parents. l, sustained a broken arm late last ever. He took hls lessons from Jim and White cherries; 148,200 pounds while swinging on a large rope at broken riba last week when a heavy sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman V. Walker are now enjoying a vacn Drive to Yaehsta—Mr. and Mrs. C. Thursday when It was rought l'e- MarManiman at the Springfield were Bings, IatnibertR and Black the Anchorage It. Eugene. The In­ door on a truck with which he was drove to Portland Monday evening, tlon trip. They plan to visit Cres- F. Egglmann drove to Yachats Wed tween a garage and a truck. He School of Flying and purchased a Republicans. The plant also hand! jured ankle has been placed In a working fell striking him on the meeting their guests Tuesday morn- j cent City, Crater I-ake, and Bend. nesday and spent the day on the .makes hls home at the John Proden powered gilder for hls personal use e(J 338,600 pounds of sour red cher cast and Is being treated by a side. He wns given medical treat­ Ing. and returning to Springfield' They will rteurn over the McKen- beach. ' farm. ‘ after moving to the coast. that afternoon. xle highway Friday. ment at a local physician's office. Springfield physician rles tor pies and praservea. A STATE PAT« PLAN PROPOSED LANE LANE SEEKS DATA ON 0. AND G. TAXES 1« ( « X» McKenzie Oiling Near Completion Dance Programs For Fair Slated BaptistPastor at Rosebarg Charch