Eugene Urged As Soldier Home Site 06723331 Son Bom— Mr. and Mrs W W Visitor from Marcol»— Mr». V. M Mill» of Marcela was a visitor In (It kins of Walt' rvllle are the rar­ est» of a baby son bora to them at Farmer« Union Local Sup­ Springfield on Tuesday. their horn« Friday, July 17. »»31, Viait at Portland— Mr. and Mr». port« Stand In Favor of Re urr» from Vacat-on— I,, L. Floyd Flanery motored to Portland Wheeler School Law Ikinks. operator at the Mountain Tuesday to spend the day. States Power plant has returned Endorsement of the decision of Fishlnc Today— Fred Fre»e and after his annual vacation the county boundary board to opar h s son. I.loyd are fishing for bass ate district school» for another 5 ear Seatti» Men Here— I .eland Cray I day. under the Wheeler law has been ¡11.1 Norman Christi tisen of Seat­ voted at a meeting of the Coast v : t nj Aunt—H ’V'd Kesscy of tle were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fork local of ¡he Farmer» Union. A ' r se. Id: ho. is a visitor In Spring- D B. Murphy and Mr. and Mrs copy of the resolution ha» been re lied at the home of hia aunt, Mrs. James Mitchell last week. calved by the board Maty Kessey. Dinner Guest* — Mr. and Mr*. The resolution state» that It Is Moves to News Location— F . B. William B. Goodman had a» dinner not good policy to eubstltute one j Hamlin has moved his place of guests at their home Sunday, Miss jm - oi law for another. This 1» In residence from 223 B street to the Mary Jones of Eugene and James line with comments of the board corner of Fourth and C streets. Ellis of Springfield. that neither law waa Just exactly Gets New Automobile— Ira- Nice, Lien» Club C.ue»t—W. J. Moyer what could be desired The alternative law that could clerk at the postoffice Is driving a • of Cottage Grove was a guest of . have been adopted by the board Is new Ford two-door sedan this week, the Springfield Lions club at the the high school tuition law Chin9e, T ryck -T he Springfield weekly luncheon meeting of that Mr. A court test of the Wheeler law laundry p,ag traded delivery trucks, organisation Friday noon. la pending now backed by the nOw i,BTe a larger and better Mover Is president of the Lions den at Cottage Grove, school districts of Eugene, Spring spring- ltxjklng one than form erly Disabled Veteran« of Portland Adopt Resolution Stressing Advantages Here A resolution recommendlaa Eu gene a» (he »Itä of Ihe »»Idler»' ■ home which la lo he bull» III Ilio stale was unanimously Indorsed by 111» uiemhershlp sud executive com mitte» of the Portland chapter of the Disabled Veterans of Ihe World War tant Friday. The resolution was presented by Puul O. Doyle, state commander of the urgaulaa iloa. The resolution polut» oui that the views of the men who are tu live In the proposed homo should lie taken Into consideration betöre the site Is selected. DEEDS FILED ON NEW RAILROAD EXTENSION Seven more deed» for right of- way» for the Proposed Oregon Klee trie exlenalou tntu western lu»ne were filed for record Saturday at the office of the county clerk. Thle makes a total of a dosou deeds tor property through land where the survey Is laid out. Con struction work »11 lo have been slatted on this line by April 1 thia year but action was poalpoued. SUIT FOR RECOVERY OF AUTOMOBILE FILED Suit lo recover an automobile or It» value eel at »400 waa filed In circuit court Saturday by Went­ worth and Irwin. Inc., agalnat W. D. I‘oh 11. The complaint alatea that Ihe cur la held by the defendant and Eugene was favored by the vet- If recovery of (he car cannot he orana because of the city's educa made that Its value le »ought. llonnl facilities Copies of the reso­ lution will be sent to the naituusi LOCAL FIRM IN SUIT commander of the organisation and IN FEDERAL COURT to the veterane' bureau In Wash Ingtou. The Oregon Machinery company Finishing touche» are heing put .»1 the Akron, which will he form iltv " " T vugust H The photograph tiled suit In the federal dlatrlct rs the three tin» in place and the >uter covering (wing applied to the ship '« tad I ... t. in is lovtv feet wide and field. Junction City and Cottage feet in length The Akron is 7RS tert long and weighs 221,COO pounds It ■ > h it IKiOK* pounds ’ at a es at of Party of Five by the county will be stored until hospital lu Eugene Monday morn­ Says Commissioner Possibility of the resuming of outgrowth of a recent event when of the county clerk Friday on one founding of the republic has been ing. next year. operations at the Glustlna brothers McKinney was tried In circuit court cougar. I exploded—the idea that American TO VISIT HERE IN AUGUST sawmill at Dexter August 1 are FEW JOBS STILL REMAIN and Turk was a witness for the pro- diplomats are no match for Euro­ seen In announcement of Ihe own c-mtou v Kin. - Prr-vdale P-sldents Here__ Mrs. April 24. McKNuey waa .'reed by a Herbert Elliott and daughter, pean statesmen. The world has Funds Budgeted for Various ers that there may be orders In by Congress Will Get Report on that date. Jury on a charge of an attempted at­ Leone Elliott of Purrydale. were been treated to the spectacle of What Methods of Propaga­ Sections of County Now The plant which ship» from Pen tack on a young girl. business visitors in Springfield the Secretary of Treasury Mellon, a tion Are in Use Here Being Exhausted gra employ» about 70 men when In latter part of last week. Pittsburgh banker and iron mag operation. The mill started opera­ HUSBAND SAYS WIFE Inspection of the tjine county Visit at Hillsboro—Mr. and Mrs. nate, handling, on more than even Lane county’s road construction tions April 20 and continued to CRUEL: DECREE ASKED I. M. Peterson drove to Hillsboro terms, the delicate negotiations in program for the year is drawing to June 1 but the plant has been down state game farm will be made by Costs less a copinilttee of five United Slates Saturday to spend the week-end volved in the debt holiday. a close as the various funds budget­ since that date. senators the latter part of August Practically every other country Cruel and Inhuman treatment visiting with Mrs. Peterson s par per job ed for different projects are being Previous to last April when This committee of which Senator but France was won over to the and alleged threats are cited In a per year ents. used up. operations were resumed the plant McNary Is u member was appoint plan before Mellon left thia coun­ divorce complaint filed in circuit Within two weeks all county road had been down for nearly a year. ed by Ihe president some two years Return from Fishing Trip— Gil­ try. France alone proved obdurate court Tuesday by William Benner Jobs now under way in the west ago to make an Investigation of against his wife, Marjorie Benner. bert C. Wilcox of Eugene and M. and entrenched Itself behind its part of the county will be com­ Ihe national wild game resources, The couple married at Albany July B. Huntly returned Friday from a ' Chamber of Deputies, which Prem- pleted. according to Clinton Hurd, what means are taken for propaga fishing trip spent on the upper Me- 1 ier Laval asserted, had authorized 24, 1928. and have no children. county commissioner. tion and to make recommendations him to agree only within certain The plaintiff chnrges that his Kenxie. The rocking of the Penn road limitations. Mellon's success in back to congress. wife has made threats to do him On Vacation T rip - Howard' hig awy lhege defen will be completed this week and Gene S. Simpson, superintendent bodily harm. Huehps and Bernald Holton of . adminia- »mini* also the Indian Creek road Job. the nusue» auu strengthened , the of state game farms here, was hert Chase Gardens left Saturday morn-, ag u lg commissioner reports. The Chtcka this week ami announced plans for lug for Vancouver. B. C. where they hominy road grading will also be the coming of the senatorial Inspec GOVERNMENT TO BUY will spend a short vacation. out by President Hoover's personal ready this week, tion party. It Is probable that the DOUGLAS FIR LUMBER The negotiations have In the south part of the county Oregon state game commission and Fish at Hubbard Lake— Mr. and advice.. A few brush strokes with Enamel-Kote and been conducted more skilfully, per- where a large number of road con possibly Governor Meier and other Oregon lumber manufacturers of M rs. C. F. Bggimann and Mr paint and your table iclows with new state officials may accompany the the Douglas fir belt have an op­ Mrs. Jesse Cross spent Wednesday haps, than any deal made with a struction Jobs have been super- fishing on Hubbard lake near June j foreign government since the days vised by O. E. Crowe, county com senators here. The present revival of cotton re­ portunity of bidding on a govern beauty, your woodwork shines elegant­ when Benjamin Franklin was Min- missioner, it will be between 30 minds u» of the tremendous vogue The senatorial party will be at ment order for 2,509,000 feet of tion City. before all are ister to the Court of France and and 40 days yet ly, your automobile takes on a new air. for cottons that took place follow Portland August 28 to 30 Inclusive Douglas fir flooring, ceiling and Wee-end In M ountains— M r. and enlisted its aid for the American completed. Ing the French revolution In but It is not known what day -the other dimension pieces. Mrs. J. M. Larson and family, and colonies. This new lustre is quick drying, and The Walker road to Lynx Hoi France. Many of the new long, party will visit the Lane county The bids arc to be received by Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Endicott spent low will require about 30 days to slender evening dresses are dis­ farm or how long they will remain lusting. Enamei-Kote paint coats so the Panama canal commission pur­ the wee-end at the Roy Ho Iverson Led by Vice President Curtiss finish. The Cottage Grove west tinctly reminiscent of those days. here. Mr. Simpson said. summer home on the McKenzie chasing office at Washington. D. C. little and does so much. Use It through­ and Senator Capper, the two lead­ road will be ready within 10 days. The Lane county state game farm highway. up to August 4. ing politicians from that wheat The Lorane work, the Siuslaw Falls Is regarded as one of the outstand out the house. Los Angeles Folk Here— Mrs. C. belt, an attack is being made on road and the Vaughn-Notl Job's ing plants of Its kind In the coun­ M. Young and son. Robert, of Los tj,e Federal Farm Board's announ- have been completed, Commissioner try. The senators are making a LANE COUNTY MOTOR Angeles arrived here Thursday to ced policy of unloading Its w heat, Crowe says. nation wide tour In the Interests of VEHICLE FUND GIVEN spend some time visiting with Mr. 4p the rate of five million bushels Co-operative work between Lane gathering Information to present to congressional committees. In distribution of state motor and Mrs. C. A. Swarts. Mrs. Young a month, If found practicable with­ county and the Umpqua national out breaking the price. Many ob­ forest on the Brice Creek road will vehicle fees Lane county will re­ is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Swarts. servers here seen in their activity be started this week. This work ceive »45,707.43 from the period of Son Born—Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Vacationing on Cosst— Mr. and March 16 to June 30. according to Walker are the parents of a 7% only a political gesture, designed will require between 30 and 40 Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, their duugh- j to bring the two men more into days, the commissioner said. the report received by county of­ pound baby boy born to them at ter, Maxine, and Miss Eunice Ger-1 ficials from the secretary of Btate. their home at Ninth and A streets the limelight. her are now enjoying a 10 day vaca-1 These critics point out that the The fund is distributed one-third Wednesday morning. They have tion trip which will take them J farm board is committed against to the counties and two-thlrds to named the new arrival. Richard. down the coaat to San Francisco 1 any action that would result in ma- the state highway commission. The and return by way of Crater Lake HARDWARE — FURNITURE — PAINTS le ria lly low erin* lhe Price o i whe4t- total for the state including both H F 4 U V W R F « ? T L E R S T O HEAVY WRESTLERS TO R problem o, M,Uni lu National Park. for county and highway commiss­ APPEAR AT CONVENTION holdings at an average price of 92 ion is »2,247.962. cents and the present price is less CORVALLIS. Ore., July 21—Abt (ban ba„ tbal on tbe Chicago Commissioner and County Kaplin, 220 pound wrestler, now in Board oi Trade. The effect of an Judge Discuss Plan to Help Work in Lane County Portland, has been signed for the appeal t0 Mr Hoover to stop the big match headlining a snappy board from unloading its holdings Possible federal aid for the In honor of Mrs. W. R. Hardle of wrestling card to be pulled on Bell cannot amount to much, it is said United States employment office Hardie Lane who with her husband Field at Corvallis on Thursday here, as wheat will have to appro­ here was discussed at a meeting of and sons, Richard and Leslie, an evening of the Legion convention. ximate »1 a bushel before the gov­ C. M. Gram, atate labor commi»- leaving to make their home In Des- Agust 6. 7 and 8. Kaplin took a ernment can start selling. »ioner, and Judge C. P. Barnard of The farm board’s selling cam­ Molnes, Iowa, Mrs. Frank Pattison fall from Gus Sonnenberg in Port­ Has supplied the Stepping Stones to Success In the county court. land two weeks ago and is con­ paign is definitely hooked up with sponsored a delightful tea Friday all fields of endeavor. The federal office has been est- afternoon July 17. The tea table sidered one of the foremost con­ a plan to purchase fresh wheat to abllflhed here since March 1918, tenders for the heavy-weight wrest the amount of its sales. All trans­ was beautiful with flowers under actions will be handled so as not and ha» been directed since then the firs on the lawn. Baskets of ling world crowd. Either "Australian' Mulro or t0 deprggs the market price unless by Frank L Armltage. flowers were pieced about on the The county appropriate» »600 a lawn where former friends gathered Strangler Lewis will be Kaplin s ^be world price should rise, and tn chi* end enjoy delirious refresh- opponent In the bout at Corvallis. n0Ile w¡n be made without consult year to help in financing the office u. e ... goiiatlons are being carried on ing representatives of the farmers, and the city contribute» a like mints and tea. Mrs. Al Vsndehey ¡ with the managers of both men. jt is geDerally conceded here that amount. presided at the tea table. Those Negotiations for the preliminar- tbe hoardg statement is an ultl- Senator SJeiwer will be asked to V who enjoyed the afternoon even’ ¡ les and sernl-wlndup are not as yet matum to all wheat farmers, warn­ consider a plan for the helping of were: Mesdames H. E. W ylie. M e - 1 complete, but real top-notchers are ing them the government cannot the »mailer government employ­ Elhany, Clarence Chase, H. L. promised by the Corvallis commit­ aid them unless they reduce their ment office» which now and for a Chase. Gene Chase, Will Sehick, D. tee, Ed Brands, the chairman, Is wheat acreage. It Is also taken as a number of year» since the war ________ i Ray, Al Vandehey. W. H. Anderson receiving assistance from sports­ warning to private grain traders draw no federal fund». Sawmill» and lumber camp own Today we have a far wider variety Harry Conkey. T. T. Maxwell, Alice men in Portland in arranging the that the board will not allow itself to be “smoked out” into a definite ers formerly gave financial support Pattison. Miss Maude Chase, Miss card. The wrestling program will begin announcement regarding prices, to the federal employment office of fine cotton materials from which Vera Conkey, recently from South to choose. Dakota, Mrs. W. R. Hardie, guest at 6:30 o’clpck Thursday evening In which would permit traders to here but since the big Hlump In the Tixlay’s sketch suggests how to of honor, and Mrs. Frank Pattison. the south circle of Bell Field and Jockey the market for their own lumber Industry thia ha» been cur­ make a white or colored cotton will be over In time for the big tailed. It 1» hoped to have about M essrs E. O'Day and Ed O'Day selfish purposes. • • • »1000 a year for the Eugene office dress. The flounce on the skirt mea­ of San Francisco visited at the convention ball at the Memorial Tammany may be condemned for from federal emergency appropria­ sures about 14 inches In depth and Maxwell home Monday. They are Union building near the stadium. a thousand sins but it never has tion» until such time a» Industry the pleats are about an Inch and a enroute to Canada. half In width. You can easily lay been accused of pussy footing. Re­ I k in a better condition here. The government office here ha» them yourself, then haute down and publican politicians here are try­ N O T IC E OF F IN A L A C C O U N T press carefully. The frill on the bod­ ing to puzzle out whether Claude proved its worth and 1» a great or any other printing you n e e d ............................. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Richard W. Longmlre of Cottage ice Is made from a three Inch piece help to all employer» of labor In G. Bowers, the keynote orator at STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Grove and Anna B. Cushing of Bell­ of material laid In pleats about an COUNTY OF LANE the Democratic national convention Lane county. Judge Barnard »aid. ingham, Wash. Inch wide. Inntead of extending the IN PROBATE NO. 5504 in 1928, has not again sounded the Waldermar R. Anderson and Han­ frilling around the back It Is best IN THE MATTER OF THE E8 Portland C hildren Here — B illy TATE OF CHRIST P. MILLER. nah A. Ryberg, both of Mapleton. call to battle in his Fourth of July to let it terminate at the shoulder speech at the Tammany Wigwam in and Narc Pouter, son» of Dr. and Deceased. Donald C. Baker of Portland and seams. Mr». W. C. Foster of Portland, are Notice Is hereby given that the McLet n Halgenmn of Eu- New York City. T b .t his speech Phyllis undersigned has filed In the abo -e actually represented the best »pending gome time in Springfield entitled proceeding his final ac gene. thought of hl» party 1» being con­ visiting with their grand-parent». TWO FINED $50; THEFT count, and the court has entered an Harold W. Pollock and Bessie sidered here as more than likely Mr. and Mr». Frank DePue. OF STEER IS CHARGE order fixing the time for the hear­ Louise Walker, both of Eugerce. ing thereon to be at the hour of 10 It 1» to be noted that Gov. Frank Joseph O. Steinmetz of Eugene o'clock A M August 28. 1931. and Fines of »50 each were handed lin D. Roosevelt, now the most anyone having any objections there­ and Josephine M. Hord of Fergus down by Judge O. F. Bklpworth In Vacations at Portland—Mrs. L. A. likely candidate against Mr. to shall file the same In writing on Falls, Minn or before the time set for the hear A. Raymond Blair and Thelma Hoover, studiously refrained from Tobals is spending her vacation In circuit court Tuesday against Fran­ Ing This notice Is first published Violet Zeaman, both of Eugene. attending the rally. Hl» action Portland visiting with her son and cis A. Wood and Anton Schuesler, “Business Printers’1 Julv 30. 1931. Robert Louis Hawkins and Ollie leaves him free to accept or reject daughter In-law, Mr. and Mrs charged Jointly with theft of a CHRIS M. MILLER. Admlnlstra Offices: 119 E. Broadway, Eugene and 4th St. Springfield Jane Fawver, both of Junction City. Bower’s dictum, which 1» that the Merle Toblaa. She also plans to steer. tor. Wood had been convicted and visit with her sister at Silverton be­ Fred Becker of Portland and Ad- coming campaign will be fought out II. E. Slattery, Attorney for Ad­ Schuesler pleaded guilty. fore returning to Springfield. ministrator. ele de Backer of Oakland, Cal. strictly on the tariff Issue. E J®. WASHINGTON LAKE ROAD ■ I « « CO II¡HE WELL ALONG NOW s,art-0 ^ alil’" 10 INSPECT FARMS LATEST You Can Work Wonders with a Can of Paint and a Brush! Paint . . . Varnish . . . Enamel Lacquer . . . Brushes . . . Oils COMPLETE PAINTER SUPPLIES Labor Office To Seek Federal Aid Garden Way WRIGHT ® SONS Printing Order Y our - Statements Bill Heads Envelopes Marriage Licenses o trO T T l U S Willamette Press (J 23-30 A . »-13-20)