THURSDAY, JULY 23, IMI NOTICE OF S H E R IFF'S SALS SUM MONS Spend Week-end In Peitland — NO TIC E li hereby given that by T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E M in Jennlne W ither and Mias M l I I l n n A P «Irtus of an execution and order of r n ’E i iS v Han England »pen. the week end In 1 U P P e F ” U l a m e i l e store In the Parsons block ■ule Issued nut of the Circuit Court LA N E CO U N TY „ of the Hlate of Oregon lor Lane Bert regies and Gladys Fogies. , ortl»nilt pending (heroin In which m ar ■<» «> « M n to o k h " * » ■ *< > " known heir» of James W. Nelaon. Cortland Mortgage Co., a corpora ted by C. B Wallace. His object In Joe Holmes of Woodland. Cal.. ill* Im it W ill IlfK l tU S t M IO (In th d ilr r a lt tr n Ir in th e « H* lion, waa plaintiff and Ituth Cooper, { deceased and all other perrons i '■LaU a change was to have more acre »topped Saturday oa his way north of Hanover II. H i t . , baa ran 1**1« who graduated from d 11 th* retBr» <¿*9 or partlee unknown claiming any el. al„ waa defendant, which eg- the Yellowstone Park and ■>e. right, title, eatate, lien or Inlereat dered and (lied In the County Court Ute Pleasant H ill high school are and called on friends. C. H. Sedg­ It' HALE Hprlngfleld lo ti (or ecutlon and order of aale was to me alao Mr. and Mra. Perry Beaman In the real eatate deacrlbed In of the Htate of Oregon for the Conn- attending normal this summer. Miss Nellis Olson went to Port wick who haa been visiting his son directed and commanded me to ie ll tai« or will trade (or McKensle the real property herelnafter dea Ib * romplalnt herein, Defandanta. ty of ¡.un- her first and final ac Tk. ... . . . . . . i at Vernonia, Mr. and Mrs M ete r land Haturday to spend s couple of near Woodland returned whn him. The ladles of the Pleasant H ill .. . . _ . . „ rlver home alle or Eugene pro j crlbcd to aatlafy certaln llena and To Jameji W Ne,aon. Mary Nelaon count and petition and that the said ___. .. I Peterson at 8alem and Mr. and weeks visiting friends. Thsy made the trip by auto. Mr .om munlty mot at the home ot Mr> Court has by an order duly made perly. L. U. Ilu lln . I*. O. Ho» 664 chargee In aald decree specified, I Charles T. Nelaon end the unknown Mrs. F. D. Lacey and Mrs. F. B. Holmes will Join his fam ily st and entered has fixed and appoint­ Mrs. Jesse Carrouthers Wednesday ' will on Friday the 24th day of July, helra of James W Nelson, deceased Eugen«. I'hoito 1311 M tf Francis Gray of Signal came In Clock attended the Women's Pres- Portland from whence they con­ 1*31. at the hour of 1C o'clock, a and all other pereona or parties un ed. Haturday the 1st day ot August July IS. Mra. Carrothers was as­ ill at the southwest door of the known claiming any right, title 1*31. at the hour of ten o'clock A. Haturday to spend some time with bytrelal at Corvallis Friday. They tinue on a vacation (or a couple of NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * estats, lien or Interest In the rsal M. of said day, at the County Court sisted by Mrs. Dorsnce Warner and were accompanied by Mrs. Cora weeks. his grandmother, Mrs. Ira Gray. Hprlngfleld, Oregon, June 24. IV.ll County Court House In Eugeue. Mrs. Maggie Stewart. The follow­ room In the County Courthouse In gistate described In the complaint Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale Notice la hereby glveu that the Olson and Miss Klliabetb Lacey the City of Eugene, Oregon, us the Mrs. Fred Russell has been In herein. Defendants. and sell at public auction for cash ing were present: Mrs. Ross Mat uuderalgned aa Huperlntendent of Oscar Bcnelder of Sacramento, IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE day, time aod place for hearing of hews. Mrs. C. L. W illiams. Mrs. C. Eugene serving -n the Jury In clr and all enjoyed a dinner with Mr. liauka for the Htate of Oregon la subject to redemption aa provided by law. all of (be right, title and OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ objections to said final account and and Mrs. J. Maaranen old time resi­ Cal., a former resident of Creswell cult court for several days. In charge of the aaeetn and affaire E. Jordan. Mrs. Andy Olson and Inlereat of (lie defendants In aald quired to appear and answer the the settlement thereof All objec­ was a visitor at Croswell Thursday. dents of Creswell. of the Commercial Btate Bank of W illiam Mills from Springfield suit and of all parties claiming by. complaint Med against you In the tions must be In writing and filed daughter, Emma. Mrs. E Y. Bwift Hprlngfleld, Oregou, for the pur Miss Harriet C. Long, state llbr He was enrouts to Seattle to at­ through or under them or any of above entitled suit within four with the clerk of said Court on or Miss Anna Parks. Mrs. Stewart, spent the past wek-end In Thurs­ pose of liquidation. All pereona who them since the 8th day of June, 1*31 weeks from the date of the first before »aid day und time. arlan visited Creswell Thursday tend a meeting of the Elks lodge. Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Jameson. Mrs ton. may huv« clalitis agulnat aald bank Dated this 29 day of June, 1*31. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Trsfrsa In or to the following described real publication of thia summons and If afternoon meeting with the local Barnum. Mrs. Allan Wheeler, Mrs are hereby nollflnd to make legal Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hays and two G ERTRUD E I'O T TE R . Executrix property, to-wit: Jeanaonne Spencer. Vivian Ogram, you fall to appear or answer for proof thereof by filing a duly verl library committee at the club Garmlre. Mrs. Kllpatrlch, Mrs. children from Portland spent Sun­ Lots numbered 36 and 38 In Block want thereof the plaintiff will take FRANK A. DePUK, attorney for the fled claim, aa by law provided, with estate. house. Hhe gave them a very In­ Alberta Olllette, and Thelma Howa Warner. Mrs. Ed Millar. day with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W ea the Deputy Huperlntendent of number 8, In Westmoreland Addi­ a decree against you and each of left Monday morning for Llttks (J 2 916 23 30) The young folks of the Intermedi­ ver. Mr. Hays is a street car con­ teresting talk. Light refreshments River to spend a week at a district Itanka In charge at the office of tion to Eugene, Lane County, Ore­ you for the relief as prayed for In the complaint, to-wit; That the were served. Those present were the Commercial Hlate Hank of gon, aa the same appears platted ate Christian Endeavor held a ductor In Portland. NOTICE TO AFFEAR Hprlngfleld, Oregon, on or before and of record In the office of the plaintiffs against you and each of Mrs. G. H. Davidson, Mrs. W. O. Epworth ¿.eague Institute lovenlng marshmallow roast at Riverside you he decreed to be the absolute County Clerk of Imne County. Ore IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E The Pepper Box thresher ma­ Spencer, Mrs. D. V. Clack. Mrs. Ed there. They took their tents and .S e p te m b e r 24. I k . ll owners In fee simple of. and you park Friday night of last week. chine company are having their ma­ S T A T E OF OREGON FOR A. A. H C IIK A M M . Buporlntend gon, will camp and do their own cook­ L A N E CO UNTY. Most of the evening was spent In chine repaired, getting ready to Anderson, Mrs. T. C. Brown, Mrs. ing. The program is full or Intarsst Dated thia 22nd day of June, 1*31 and each of you be enjoined and ent of Bauks forever barred from claiming dby W. W. Parsons. Mrs. C. W. Dixon, The Htate of Oregon, Plaintiff, II. L. BOWN. Sheriff (M 6 ) the river. start threshing in the near future. Mrs. J. H. Martin and Mrs. C. I. Including plenty ot recreation and right, title, estate, lien or Interest vs. By A. E llulegaard, Deputy. Mr. McPeck and three daughters In and to the following described sports. NOTICE Mrs. Pat Adrian and children ot Kant. One certain 1926 Model Chrysler (J-26; Ju. 2 * 18 22) premises OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T roadster automobile bearing mo­ Thelma, Theta, and Nina, left Mon Portland visited relatives here last Beginning at a point In the West Dick Jones of Bemidji, Mina., Notice la hereby given that the Ralph Yoder la having his resi­ tor number H42461E und 1930-31 day morning July 20, by automobile week. NO TIC E OF BALE line of the James G Mitchell and uuderalgned Mary C. Mahon Kxecu Oregon license 47823, M artin for an extended trip to Idaho and with his friends. Dr. Donald Cook dence reshingled Clarence Cooley la NO TIC E la hereby given that the wife Donation (.and Claim No. 88 trig of the Ketate of Jamca H Ma Mr. and Mrs. Charles Orant and doing the work. Hanson and Ira C. Gates, Defend­ of 8t. Cloud, Minn., and Dr. Jamas Nevada where they will visit rela­ Notf. 7031 Township 18 South, b u n . del-earned, haa filed her (Inal Htute Land Hoard of the State of ants. fam ily spent the week-end on the range 2 West, W illam ette Merl TO: Martin llnnsen. Ira C. Gates, tives. Friends of theirs In Sprlng- account In the matter of aald eatate Oregon, will receive sealed bids al Mrs. F. K. Noordhoff has been W illing of Minneapolis, preempted const dlan. 16 88 chains North of the and Monday the 27th day of July Its office In the Capitol Building fl' Id who recently lost their home and TO W HOM IT M AY CON­ confined to her home by Illness the the Richardson home Monday. They at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M baa In Salem, Oregon, up to 10:00 • Southwest corner thereof run are touring the west. Dick Is a CERN: Defendants by fire will take care of the Mo- last few days. nlng th'-nce East 43.768 chains; been net for the hearing of object o'clock, a. m., August 11, 1*31, for IN T H E NA M E O F T H E S T A T E Peck ranch In their absence grandson of Mrs. F. A. Richardton all of the State's Interest In the thence \'orth 400 feet; thence O F OREGON, You and each of you Iona If any to aald account and for A novel celebration of the arrival sdn Is a graduate of the class of lake bed lands hereinafter des­ Bast 148 1 feet to the east line are hereby notified and will take (Inal settlement of aald aetata. of the families of N. A. W. Howe 1131 of the University of Minne­ of said claim; thence North 8.22 notice that the following described WORK ON NEW BRIDGE M AItV C. MAHON, Executrix cribed. giving, however, to the and A. J. Johnson 40 years ago sota. chains; thence West 48 chains to personal property, to wit: of the Eatate of James H. Ma­ owner or owners of any lands abut- Ing nr fronting thereon, the prefer­ the west line of said claim and The W altervllle circle. Neighbors from California waa haJd Friday PIERS UNDER WAY NOW hon. Deceaied. One certain 1928 Model Chrysler ence right to purchase aald lands nt thence Houth 12.28 chains to the (J. 26; Ju. 2 9-16-31) roadster automobile bearing mo­ of Woodcraft. entertained the afternoon at the home of M r. and the highest price offered, providing place of beginning, containing 66 tor number H42461E and 1930-1 False work for the piers on the Hprlngfleld N. O. W. at their lodge Mrs. F. W. Ogram. The survivors METHODS TO CONTROL such offer la made In good faith, NOTICE TO C R E D IT O R * acres, more or lass all In luine Oregon license 47823, new W illamette highway steel rooms Friday evening. A special of the trip now living are C. 8. Notice la hereby glvan that, the also with the understanding that TREE PESTS ARE SHOWN County. Oregon has been seised by C. L. Hickman the purchaser Is to pay the expense underalgued baa been duly appoint­ And a further decree clearing the State Prohibition Agent, on the bridge connecting the new route program waa given In charge of Howe. E. L. Howe of Creswell and ed Adm lnlatralrlx of the eatate of of advertising and survey of the title of said premises and for such twenty-seventh day of June, 1931, with W estfir and Oakridge has the d rill team. Supper served con- I * H. Johnson of Eugene. Remlnls Methods of controlling prune and Newton Kenyon, deceaied. and any tract. In addition to the amount bid. other relief as to the court may ap­ In the County of Lane. State of been completed, according to O. E. peach tree borers were demonstra­ slated of cake, Ice-cream and coffee.' cences were thoroughly enjoyed. also reserving to the Board the and all peraona having clalma pear equitable. The order of the )regon, at and In the vicinity of a ted at two Lane county farms Tues­ against the aald aatate ara hereby right to reject any and all bids: court directing service of this sum­ point about nine miles southwest of Crowe, county commissioner, who Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peyton ot Ladles' Aid of both the Pres- Said lands are situated In l4tne required to preaent aald clalma, mons I , the publication thereof Is the City of Eugene on the Eugene- Inspected the progress of the Job. Centralla, Wash., are visiting rela- t)l,ter,* n and Methodist churches day by O. F. McWhorter, extension duly verified as by law required, at County, Oregon, and deacrlbed aa dated June 29th, 1*31. and required Lorane Highway In said county The county road leading for horticulturist of Oregon State col­ the law office of W hitten Hwafford, follows: publication each week for four suc­ and state; that the above described about one mile from the bridge tires of the McKenzie valley. In­ held their social and business meet­ lege. and O. S. Fletcher, county ings Wednesday afternoon. Each 202 Tiffany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, Beginning at a point 864.7 feet cessive weeks and that you appear personal property was on said date cluding Mrs. Peyton's parents, Mr. In luute County, Oregon within alx east of the southwest corner of and answer within four weeks from delivered Into the custody of H. L. head to W estfir has been finished. and Mrs. James H art, and brothers enjoyed a delightful social time agricultural agent. The demonstra­ tions are held In co-operation with months from the date of thia notice. Ixit 7. Section 18, T. 18 8. R 7 W the dale of first publication. First Bown. sheriff of said county and st Cedar Flat and Deerhorn, her with large attendances and planned Dated and first published, July V. of W. M , and running thence along publication of this summons la July state by the said C. L. Hickman, the Lane county Horticulture so­ sisters, Mrs. George Easton at work for the coming season. the meander line N. 21* W. 2 2# 2. 1*31 1*21. and said personal property has ever SUPERINTENDENTS OF ciety. Mrs. Anna Clark and son arrived chains; thence north 1.87 chains; C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attor W altervllle, Mrs. Ed Howell of Lea- KUBY A. LORD, Admlnlstra- since been and now is In the pos­ SCHOOLS WILL GATHER The first demonstration was st nay for Plaintiffs. Residence: session and custody of said sheriff trtx of the eatate of Newton thence S. 7 * H * E 0.80 chains to burg. Mrs. Vern Gillespie of Deer- Saturday from California and are Eugene, Oregon. the west shore of Triangle Lake; the Anton Sorensen farm south of Kenyon, deceased of said county and state; that the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ol­ Annual meeting of the corn ty *lorn- Mr. Peyton la tai charge ot (J 2 9 18 23 30 1 thence 8. 7* 21' E. along the Ijik e W H IT T E N HW AFFORD. »aid C. L. Hickman as said State son. 8he was formerly a resident Junction City at 9:30 a. m. The Shore. 2.70 chains; thence west Attorney for Eatate. Prohibition Agent of the State of school superintendents of the state atl ®I®c1rlcal plant In Centralia and of Creswell. second meeting waa In the orchard NOTICE OF S H E R IF F '* SALE ON 0.08 chains to (he place of begin­ was formerly at W altervllle pawer tJI. *1 0 23 20; A. «) Oregon has made a Return of Sel- will be held at Salem Monday to E X E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE xure of said personal property to of M. H. Harlow northeast of Eu­ ning, containing 0.271 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Viles have Wednesday Inclusive. August 3 to plant. The Peytons left Monday for Under and by virtue of an order the above entitled Court, and that Applications should be accom­ moved to Springfield where he w ill gene at 2 p. m. coast points. of sale and decree of foreclosure panied by draft or certified check the same nas been seised as afore­ 5. according to a report received be In charge of a fresh fruit mar­ The borers can be controlled but for the amount bid. and should be Issued out of the Circuit Court of said. and Is being proceeded against this week by E J . Moore, county Mr. MUler and Orel 8potts who ket. They had been residing at the they are Increasing In Lane county addresited to O. G. BROWN. the Btate of Oregon and County of In the above entitled court and superintendent ot Lane have been at Henry Manson'» for Brady place. They hare made many and causing heavy losses, the coun­ CLERK OF S T A T E LAND BOARD. Lane, on June 26. 1*31, In a suit cause for the forfeiture of the same The meeting is called by C. A. several months assisting with farm friends In Creswell who regret SALEM OREGON, and marked. wherein Security Savings & I-oan pursuant to the provisions of Chap­ ty agent informed orchard owners. ‘Application and bid to purchase Association, a corporation, plaintiff, ter 29, General Laws of Oregon for Howard, state school superlniend- work, carpenter and other Improve­ JEWELER a Judgment against 1923; and. lands In Triangle Lake, Lane recovered ent, for a discussion of school af­ ments have completed their work George Lammers and Belle I-am County, Oregon." You and each of you, and all per­ fairs. leaving late last week. Repairing * Specialty inert, his wife, defendants. In the sons haring or claiming to have Dated thia June 23. 1»31. sum of 3794.84, with Interest there Springfield, Oregon any Interest In »aid automobile Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robins and G. O. BROW N. Clerk of Btate Rounder— I sure need advice, old on st the rale of ten per cent per above described are hereby re­ luind Board small son of Portland spent this annum from and a‘ ter the l*th day quired to appear before the above 2c a Pair man. I'm in love with a Chicago (J. 36; Ju. 3 » 18-23 80) weekend with Mrs. Robinson's par­ of August. 1*30, and for the further entitled Court at the Court House gangster's wife. What would you Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN sum of 37600 and for plaintiff's of Lane County. Oregon, at Eugene, ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fountain. Naturopathic Physician costs and disbursements, which by the eighth day of August, 1931, recommend? NO TICE OF S H E R IF F '* SALE Additional guests Sunday at the said decree was re ->rded In the Cir­ said day being the Answer Day In First National Bank Bldg. Bounder—W ell, the PrudentiaJ Fountain home Included Mr. and Many Colored Prints, Large Variety to Choose Prom. cuit Court Journal of Lane County. this cause, which has heretofore N O TIC E Is hereby given that by Phones: Office 72J; Rea; 142W virtue of an execution and order Oregon, and an execution Issued been duly set by the above entitled or the Postal are both good com­ Mrs. Jack Fountain. Loris and Ray­ Office Houre: 1 to 6 P. M mond Four’ «In of Wendllng, Marg- of sale Issued out of the Circuit thereon by the Clerk of sa'd Court Court to defend against these pro­ panies. Residence 223 11 street Court of the Btate of Oregon for on July 7. 1*31. ceedings. and upon your failure so — ■ | ery Gillespie of Cottage Grove and 1 am commanded to sell the fol to do. a Judgment of the forfeiture Lane County July 11. 1*21, upon Rosalee Fountain of Leaburg. and pursuant to a decree duly given lowing described real pror arty, to- of said automobile above deserbed HOW ONE WOMAN LOST The New Store in Springfield I. O. O. P. Bldg. wlt: 20 POUNDS OF FAT Mrs. Jack Fountain, her two sons and made by aald Court July 11, FOR SALE will be applied for. Beginning at the Bou hwest cor 1*31, In a suit pending therein In This notice Is issued and di­ with Rosalee and Margery accom­ Good 16-lneh Block wood, also ner of Lot 11 In Block 1 of Driver rected to you and each of you pur­ which Htate Mutual Building and Lost Her Prominent Hips— - panied Mr. and Mrs. Robinson home ,8-lneh and 4 foot old growth ton, thence North 76 feet; thence suant to the order duly made and lx>an Association, a corporation Double Chin— Sluggishness for a few days' visit. alabwood. East 66 feet to the East line of entered by the above entitled waa plaintiff and Bachelordon Fra said lx>t; thence South 76 feet; Court on the ninth day of July, ternlty, Inc., a corporation, and FRANK TUHY The 4-H sheep clnb, S. J. Godard Gained Physical Vigor— and thence West 66 feet to the 1931. Rose Osburn were defendants Phone Sp. 1*2J leader, met at the home of two place of beginning, all In Eugene A Shapely Figure which execution and order of sale Witness my hand and the seal of I-ane County, Oregon. members, Goldie and Junior Rauch. waa to me directed and commanded said court affixed at Eugene, Ore­ Notice Is hereby given that on gon, this ninth day of July, A. D„ If you’re fat— first remove the The Deerhorn sheep club Is near­ me to sell the real property here­ cause! Saturday, the 8th day of August, inafter deacrlbed to satisfy certain 1931. DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON ing completion of their year's work. Take one half teaspoonful of llena and charges In said decree 1*31, at ten o'clock, A. M. of that (B EA L) W. B. D ILLA R D . Osteopathic Physician day. at the front door of the I-ane specified, I will on the 16th day of County Clerk and ex-of- K R l’ SCH EN SALTS in a glass of The W altervllle 4-H club haa August. 1931, at the hour of One County Courthouse, I will, In obedl fflclo Clerk of said Cir­ hot water every morning— In 3 Just completed its year's work and «nee to said order of sale and de­ weeks get on the scales and note o'clock, P. M., at the southwest cuit Court. Telephone 3288 Eugene, Ore. how many pounds of fat have turned in their annual reports. door of the Count Court House In cree of foreclosure, sell at public (J. 16-23-30) 8TO R E NO. 1— Minar Building, Eugene 204 1. O. O. F. Temple auction, the above described real vanished. Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer Rupert 8tew art and Glenn Daven­ Notice also that you have gained port visited relatives at Deerhorn for sale and sell at public auction premises, or so much thereof as 8TO RE NO. 3 *80 Charnelten Street, Eugene SUMMONS for cash, subject to redemption as may be necessary to satisfy plain IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E In energy— your skin is clearer-yon STORE NO. 4 600 Maln Street, Springfield feel younger in body— KRUSCHEN enroute for work in eastern Oregon. provided by law. all of the right, tiffs Judgment, with Interest there S T A T E OF OREGON, FOR Universal Mortgage Corp. on and costs, to the highest and will give any fat person a Joyous title and Interest of the defendants Mrs. A rthur Coffey 1 again at L A N E CO UNTY. surprise. In said suit and of all parties claim best bidder for cash. In Gold Coin ot L. H. Mulkey. Plaintiff, Tigard, Ore,, where she Is receiving the United States. Get an 85c bottle of KRUSCH EN Ing by, through or under them or vs. Dated at Eugene, Oregon. July Mary E. McGregor. Rachel Welta. SALTS from Ketels Drug Store or treatment. Mrs. Coffey spent last any of them since the l is t day of 9th. 1931. February, 1*28, In or to the follow any leading druggist anywhere in week at her home at Deerhorn. W. P. Tyson, Agent Alma Bllson and --------- Bllson, H . L. BOW N. Sheriff of Lane Ing described real property, to-wit: 128 E St. Phons M W Mrs. R. W. Woodruff who Is the her husband, Oeorge McGregor America (lasts 4 weeks). If this County, Oregon. and ---------- McGregor, his wife, first bottle doesn’t convince you guest of her parents, M r. and Mrs. The North H alf of Lots number (J »18-2330: A 8) this ie the easiest, safest nnd sur­ James McGregor and ---------- Me ed Seven (7) and Eight (8) In Fred Smith at W altervllle. enter­ Gregor, his wife, O. L. Carlton est way to lose fat— you money Kincaid's Addition to Eugene, Genersl Law Practice NOTICE OF S H E R IF F '* SALE ON tained Thursday in honor of the as the administrator of the Estate gladly returned. Lane County, Oregon. eighth birthday of her daughter, of Frank McGregor, deceased Dated this 18th day of July, 1 M L E X E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE Por Bread, Biscuit*, Pa*try I. M. PETERSON NO TICE TO C R E D ITO R * Under and by virtue of an order and S. M. Calkins as administrator H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. M arilyn. Guests were Connie Attorney-at-Law of the Estate of Frank McGregor, IN T H E CO UNTY COURT O F T H E Stang. Norma, Janice, and Winston By A. E HU LEG AARD, Deputy of sale and decree of foreclosure City Hall Building S T A T E O F OREGON FOR 10-Lb. Issued out of the Circuit Court of deceased, unknown heirs of Fran (J. 18-23-30; A 8-13) Rust of Eugene, Janet and Carolyn LANE CO UNTY the State of Oregon and County of cis H. McGregor, deceased. De­ Sack Hprlngfleld, Oregon IN THE M ATTER O F T H E Stacy of W alterrtlle with Mrs. Rust Lane, on July 7th, 1931, In a suit fendants. E8TA TE OF C H A R LES C. and Mrs. 8tacy. NO TIC E OF SALE wherein the First National Bank Tn Mary E. McGregor, Rachel 2 4 ^ -L b . ROSSMAN, deceased. of Eugene. Oregon, a banking cor­ Welts. Alma Bllson and --------- Bil Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wegner and N O TIC E Is hereby given that poration. plaintiff, recovered N O T IC E 18 H ER EB Y G IV E N : Sack FRANK A.- DE PUE son. her husband. Oeorge McGregor the State Land Board of the State Judgment against the estate ot and --------- McGregor, his wife, That Lydia J. Rossman has been son, Donald of Salem are spending A T T O R N E Y A T LAW of Oregon, w ill receive sealed bids Robert Orr, deceased. In the sum James McGregor and ---------- Mc­ appointed executrix of the Last a two weeks' vacation visiting at 49-Lb. nt Its office In the Capitol Build of $2730.00, with Interest at six per NO TARY PUBLIC Gregor his wife, O. L. Carlton as W ill and Testament of Charles C. the home of O rville’s mother. Mrs. Ing In Lalem, Oregon, up to 10:00 cent per annum from and after the Back Rossman, deceased, by the County the administrator of the Estate of Springfield Sutton Jessie Wegner, and brothers on o'clock A. M.. August 11, 1*31, for 12th day of June, 1931, and for the Frank McGregor, deceased, un­ Court of Lane County, Oregon. AH Oregon all of the State's Interest In the further sum of 1276.00 and for plain Building The Identical Blend That You Get in Minneapolis known heirs of Francis H. McGre­ persons having claims against said Camp Creek and Mrs. W egner's1 lake bed lands herelnalter des- tiff's costs and disbursements estate are required to present them, sisters at W altervllle. gor, deceased. Defendants. cCbed, giving, however, to the own­ which said decree was recorded In IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE with the proper vouchers, within er or owners of any lands abutting the Circuit Court Journal of Lane O F OREGON: You are hereby re­ six months from the 23rd day of or fronting thereon, the preference County, Oregon, and an execution quired to appear and answer the July, 1931. to the said executrix at right to purchase said lands at the Issued thereon by the Clerk of said amended complaint filed against the law office ot L. L. Ray tn the highest price offered, providing Court on July 7th. 1*31. you In the above entitled suit with Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon. such offer la made In good faith, L Y D IA J. ROSSMAN. Executrix I am commanded to sell the fol­ In four weeks from the date of the also with the understanding that lowing described real property, to­ first publication of this summons of the Last W ill and Testament of FUNKIA'. DIRECTORS the purchaser Is to pay the ex w n : and If you fall to answer for want Charles C. Rossman, deceased. penae of advertising and survey of Beginning at a point In the South thereof the plaintiff w ill take a de­ L. L. RAY, Aaatornev for Estate. Chapela Phone the tract, In addition to the amount (Jl. 23 30: A. 8-13-20) line of the Geo. W. Evans Dona­ cree against you In the sum of bid, also reserving to the Board tion Land Claim No. 48. Notf. No. $860.00 with Interest thereon at 8% the right to reject any and all bids: 2*36. In Township 18 South, per annum from the 31st day of IN T H E CO U N TY CO URT O F T H E Eugene, 11 - Charnelton 723 Raid lands are situated In Lane Range 4 West of the W illam ette September, 1929, until paid and the S T A T E O F OREGON FOR Hprlngfleld, 228 Main 82-J County, Oregon, and described as Meridian In Lane County, Ore­ further sum of $126.00 reasonable T H E CO U N TY OF L A N E follows: gon. 1164 feet East of the South attorney's fees and f?r costs and In the M atter of the Adoption of Beginning at the meander corner west corner of said clnltn and disbursements of suit; that the Alice Louise Gray and Mildred botween sections 18 and 1*. T. 18 8. running thence East along the plaintiff be decreed to have a mort Luclle Oray, Minors. R. 7 W. of W. M.. on the west shore South boundary of said claim gage lien upon the following des­ C IT A T IO N WOMEN'S WHITE FOOTWEAR, Value* to >4.98............................ of Triangle Lake, and running 1401.1 feet; thence North 0 de cribed premises: Lot 2 In Block 6 Tb Louis H. Gray, Greetings: thence: grees 08' East 1013.1 feet; thence In Cheshire’s Addition to Eugene, IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE N. 17* W. 2.60 chalus along U. H. North 89 degrees 30' West 1401.1 Lane County, Oregon, as security OF OREGON, You are hereby clten MEN’S GENUINE ROCKFORD SOCKS, 4 P air*........ ........................... government meander line. Thence feet; thence South 0 degrees 08' for the payment of said Judgment; and required to appear In the N. 12* W. 3.00 chains along U. ». West 1026.1 feet to th > place of that said mortgage lien be fore­ County Court of the State of Ore­ government meander line. Thence beginning, containing 82.70 acres closed and that said defendants and gon, for the County ot Lane, at the MEN’ 12-OUNCE CANVAS GLOVES, 2 P a ir s ............ .....................— .! $ < * N. 47* W. 3.29 chains. Thence leav­ of land, more or less. In the Geo. each of them be foreclosed of all Court Room thereof, at Eugene, In ing U. 8. Gov't meander lino East W. Evans D, L. C. In Lane Coun­ right, title and Interest In and to the County of Lane, on Saturday, O. 66 chains to west ahore of T r i­ CHILDRTN’E BAREFOOT SANDALS ........................................ Pr. ty. Oregon. said premises; that said premises the 22nd day of August, 1*31, at angle Lake. Thence 8. 68* 20' E Notice Is hereby given that on be sold and the proceeds be ap­ 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon of 3.44 chains along west shore of Saturday, the 8th day of August, plied. first to the costs of sale, then that day. then and there to show MEN'S BIB OVERALLS ............................................................. Triangle Lake. Thence 8. 7* 33’ E. 1931, at ten o'clock, A. M. of that to the sums of money above spe­ cause, If any you have, why the 6.71 chains. Thence West 0.40 day. at the front door of the Lane cified nnd the balance It any to petition of George W . Smiley to chains to place of beginning, con- County Courthouse. I will, In obedi­ S. M. Calkins as the administrator adopt the above named minors, BOYS’ BIB OVERALLS ................................................ ............................ tatnlng 0.84 acres. ence to said order of stale and de­ of the Estate of Frank McGregor, Alice Louise Gray and Mildred Lu- Applications should be accom­ cree of foreclosure, sell at public deceased unless otherwise ordered rlle Oray should not be granted panied by draft or certified check auction, the above described real by the court. The date of the ordei and a decree of adoption entered for the amount bid, and should be premises, or so much thereof as directing the service ot this sum­ accordingly. addressed to O. O. BROW N, may be necessary to satisfy plain­ mons by the publication thereof Is W ITN ESS, the Hon. C. P. Bar­ CLERK OF H TATE LA N D BOARD. tiff's Judgment, with Interest there­ June 23rd, 1931, and orders nard County Judge of the County LOWEST PRICE — ALWAYS RALEM. OREGON, and marked, on and costa, to the highest and publication once each week for Coprt of the State of Oregon, for Application and bid for purchase best bidder for cash, In Gold Coin of four successive weeks, and the date the County of Lane and the Seal of lands In Triangle Lake, Lane the United States. of the first publication of this sum­ of Said Court hereto affixed this DR. ELLA MEADE County, Oregon." SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE Dated at Eugene, Oregon, July mons Is June 26th, 1921. 20th day of July. 1931. Dated this June 28, 1931. 9th, 1931. Optometrist C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attorney (S E A L ) A TTEST: O. G. BROW N. Clerk of Btate H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of I-ane for plaintiff. Residence: Eugene, W. B. D ILLA R D , ClaTk 41 West 8th Eugene Land Board. County, Oregon. Oregon. By S IB Y L W E S T rA L L . Deputy (J 2-9-11-28-10) (J 9-18-28 80: A 8) (J U ; Jn tt-16-13) (Jl. 21-30: JL *•!$ ) I McKenzie Valley Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Guaranteed Shoe Strings Exclusive Patterns Hoffman’s Dry Goods Store BONDS Pillsbury’s Flour BeatXXXX 40c 70e $1.25 W alherPoole Co. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Self Service Store F ! I F in .-V U E A B E A U T IF U L FRAITIE q u ite d if f e r e n t k I FROM ALL O T H E R S $1.98 2$€ g7c £9C 4gc Ì