THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS . w i . v HPKINOKIKLL», LANE COUNTY, O R EG O N . i i - eighth yeah W E E K ® 'ES TOLL I» M V ® • Lilvarton People Injun Motor Crash on Highwa North of City M c K enzie people hurt Boy Smash«» Foot Between Rear Bumper and Tree; W m Sitting on Bumper Christian Society Hears Missionary Q ueen of T lo w e r Ball Church Croup Elect* New Of­ ficer» for Year at It» Monday Meeting V" Mrs. M H Madden, returu«d nils slonary (rom Japan waa the prin­ cipal speaker Monday evening at the meeting of the Christian Mia alonary society at the Christian church. Mr». Madden emphasised the work ot the cburcbea among the women ot the Japanese Islands. ■K E.U. Lee Declines Tax Appointment SPRINGFIELD HAS No. St T i l l ItS IbX Y , J I ’ L Y 23. 1931 Local Tax Reduction SCHOOL ACTIVITY Held Impossible Now SHOWN BI BOARD Declare» He Doe» Not Favor Reduction Would Increase Governor’» Plan, W. F. Resignation of H. J. Cox Financial Stress Instead of Walker May Refuse Leave» Post to Be Filled By Improving Condition* Mayor and Councilman E. tJ. Lee ot Eugene, one of the three members appointed by Gov- ernor Julius Meier to serve on the | Lane County Advisory Tax League, , does not want this office. Lee i IS CHAMBER SECRETARY _ _____ _ . _ No Person Known to Seek Wednfiaday Poet; Selection to Be Made county-wide tax at Monthly Meeting j Eugene Chamber of after OPPOSE INDIANA PLAN County-Wide Gathering Con­ siders Tax Reduction; Re­ ports Are Given 1(2» which ought to be able to do the work of the proposed state corn- Elect Mise Leone Elliott as m illio n.” Bailey said. Teacher of Domestic Arte Mendenhall, a former resident ofj and Music Indiana stated that under the In ­ diana plan any 10 persons could WILL REPAIR BUILDINGS object to a levy made by the coun­ ty commission and thereby hold up the levy until the state deputies Waltarvills People Discussing could Investigate the dispute. Ore­ Bus Transportation for gon has In the neighborhood of 2700 High School Students taxing units, he stated, and this would give Just that many oppor­ Miss Leone Elliott of Perrydale, tunities for dissension and would Oregon will be the new domasti« require the employment of many arts Instructor at the Springfield more people to handle this adjust­ high school. Miss Elliott was elect­ ment work. ed to that position at a special Individual cities reported that meeting of the school board held they have pared their budgets U 1 here Saturday afternoon, the very bottom. Some of them In 8he la z g.aduate of Greco» State dlcated that they might be forced college, uavlng completed her work to raise their levies this year to there the past June. She has also provide funds with which to meet studied music and will have charge the Interest and payments on de­ of the glee clubs at the local school linquent Bancroft Improvement In addition to her duties as teacher bonds on much ot the property of sewing and rooking. She fills the where the owners have refused to vacancy left by the resignation re­ make the payments and have forced cently of Mrs. Georgiana Peterson. the city to take over the property. W altarvills Talks Bus H. C. Wheeler, veteran legislator Attendance at the Springfield from Lane county and member of high school w ill be increased by the first tax group to meet at approximately 30 students from the Salem to consider tbs possibility of W altervllle high school district. A reduction, hoped that there would number of residents of that district be no special session. He state that met with the school board bare no tax program could be enacted Tuesday evening to discuss plana in four or five days and that he for the absorption of these pupils would not obligate himself to con­ and the transportation of them to sider only tax problems at the ses­ and from their homes. Residents ot sion were It called and other mat­ the W altervllle school district were ters arose. to bold a meeting tonight to dis­ meeting at the Commerce that he had written the governor atat- Lane county taxpayers want Hbe Is the author of six different A vacancy on the City Council ■ („ * that he was not In sympathy Hix people narrowly escaped their taxes reduced but they are book». Hhe was the speaker at the proposed plan and there- death Hunday morning when the Kate J one», of Athevilk, N C., | automatically caused by the r e - . W|t|, unwilling to reduce the standards two automobiles In which they Hunday morning service at the waa the Queen at the Rhododendron moval of Herbert J. Cox (rom th ia : (or(, declined to serve, Christian church. Hunday evening Festival held in that city thia year. city to Eugene will probably not be w p w alker, Springfield mem of living of employees and to de­ were paaaengera collided al the she spoke to the congregation at filled until the next regular meet­ bar of the committee, has Just re­ prive themselves of the (so-called) June(Ion ut North Fifth atreel and of government. They the Pleasant lllll church. ing of the council, the second Mon­ turned from a trip to Toronto where luxuries the Wrndllng road at • o'clock. N tw officers (or the Mission so­ day In August. Mr. Cox had appro­ he represented the Springfield would rather continue paying the The Injured were Mra. Eruest ciety elected Monday evening are; ximately a year and one half of bis Lions club at the Lions Internation present taxes or would even be Conley. Mra. Hllaa tlay. and her two wiping to pay slightly higher Mrs. C liff Abrams. president ; term remaining to be served. al convention. He was not aware daughters. Ixits and Bernice. They taxes If necessary It wes decided Mrs. Itoland Mosbter. drat vice- of his appointment to th» commit- The method of selection of a suc- together with Mr. Day were driving president; Mrs. J. C. Pederson, at an unofficial meeting of taxing i censor waa outlined this week b y ' tee until his return Tuesday and east on the highway, having come second vice-president; Mra. Luella bodies and tax payers at the Eu­ I. M Peterson, city attorney, who has not had time to carefullv con from Hllvertnn and were going to gene chamber of commerce Wed­ Bristow, secretary, and Mrs. W. A. Extension of 1.1 Miles Order­ stated that such person shall be «Ider the proposition he stated this spend the day with relatives who nesday evening. Taylor, treasurer. ed Effictive August 1, on morning He Indicated, however, elected for the unexplred portion of realde near Cedar Flat. Mr, Gay. Kelreshments were served fol­ Those attending the meeting also the term by the mayor and the re­ that he, also, would decline the ap­ Route Two Here who waa driving, waa not Injured. lowing the address and the bualneas exprtnsed themselves as being on- maining members of the council pointment. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, paator meeting. Mall delivery on rural route num acting Jointly. Lynn 8 McCready, third member fllni-olngly opposed to any attempt ot the Hprlngfteld Methodist ber 2, running east of Hprlngfteld Mr Cox has served on the council of the group. Is vacationing along to l emove the control of taxation church, eacaped without a scratch up the McKenile highway will be two terms. He waa chairman of the the upper M cKenile and could not and tax levies from the hands of deaplte the (art that the automo extended 1.1 miles effective August finance committee at the time of be reached this morning It Is not the taxpayers as Is proposed In the bile In which he waa riding alone 1, It has been announced this week hla resignation. known whether be will follow the Indiana plan, whereby the power of turned over three llmea and la by F. B. Hamlin, postmaster. The: The appointment of Mr. Cox as other members In declining the of­ determining tax levies for each tax believed to have been demolished group in the district is left In the extension waa authorised by the secretary manager of the Eugene fer. beyond repair hands of a hand-picked county com­ first assistant postmaster general ( Chamber of Commerce to succeed Paaalng motorists brought the In­ mittee, working under a state com­ The new extension will start at A. F. 8. Steele who died recently, WALKER RETURNS FROM mission. jured women to Springfield where the C. V. lasnaberry mall box on made It necessary that he live In Orel aid waa given. Later they were Walterville Lodge Entertains the McKenxIe highway and will that city. He haa served as secre­ INTERNATIONAL MEET Oppose Special Session taken to the racldc Christian hoe run to the I^aburg power plant. tary of the W illam ette Valley Lum­ Suggestions that a special ses­ for Members of Pine Circle pltal. Mra Gay auatalned a frac W. F. W alker returned Tuesd ty sion of the legislature be called to The ohl road will be followed going bermen's association for several Many Are Present lured leg. scalp wounds, and In­ from Toronto. Canada, where he enact new tax legislation were vig­ Wheeler made the only defense cuss the transportation problems. ap anil the return will be made years. ternal Injuries Mra. Conley waa The unofficial of the governor's plan, stating that To date there are no persona had gone to represent the Bpri g- orously opposed. Twenty-eight members of lin e over the new route. It had been suggested that the badly Injured on bar right aide. Between 30 and 40 persons re­ known to be seeking appointment field Lions club den as delegate at group going on record as being un­ no serious attempt would be made parents each assume the responsi­ circle, Neighbors of Woodcraft, All ot her riba on that aide being the International convention of animously opposed io such gather­ to cut taxes without the consent of bility for transporting their chil­ were gueets of the W altervllle present lag 16 families w ill be ser­ to the poet. There are several torn looae. the people. He stated that the gov­ dren to and from high school, but ing at this time. group at a meeting held there F ri­ ved by the extension Many of these former council members living In Lions dubs The convention held Tuesd.-y, Responsibility (or the accident day evening. Regular lodge work are employed at the Eugene power the city, but few of them are In­ Opening the meeting presided ernor had been responsible for officials of the districts point out Wednesday and Thursday of last haa not been determined, Both waa conducted and waa followed by house (his aide of I^aburg. terested In another t< rm . over by E. A. McCornack, president much rigid economy at Salem be­ that the voters at the last election week was attended by four dele­ driver» are reported to have de a humorous program participated In of the Lane county chamber of com­ cause his threat to clean house had decided to retain the W altervllle c la red alter the accident that they by members of both circles. A CIVIL WAR VETERAN POSTAL FUNDS RELEASED gates from Oregon. Besides 'he dis­ merce, Judge C. P. Barnard out­ caused many officials to check district, merely trying out the pro­ trict governor, Mr. W alker Robert: did not aee each other until the feature of the entertainment was their own affairs and make reduc­ DIES HERE FRIDAY FROM DEFUNCT BANK Hotchkiss, Portland, and Jack Far­ lined the tax situation as It was be­ tions before the governor's Invest!- posed plan of sending high school crash. an old time school class with pupils students to Springfield rather than ing handled by county officials, go ris, IxiGrande, past governors, a n d ' Ing Into detail In an explanation of * ator* b««“ 0,1 the,r and teacher dressed In costumes of Car Sklde In Looee Gravel face the necessity of building a new Henry 1-anslng. »6, died late F ri­ Funds amounting to more than Harry Stiles, president of the Cor­ the tax funds being spent for road ! or ° nlce- Other accident» Involving people (he early days. school to replace the present one day afternoon at the Eugene hos­ 2400 held In the Commercial State The representatives from Spring, pital following a short Iflness. He bank as a preferred claim by F. B. vallis club, attended the conven'lon. construction. There can be no ap- In thia vicinity Included an auto­ 11 generally agreed that two- which has been condemned. The meeting next year will be mobile mishap near Drain Satur­ field Included all of the officers waa visiting with his step-daughter, Hamlin, as postmaster of Spring- preclable county U x reduction un- thirds of all present tax money By retaining the district It la pos­ day evening In which Mr. and Mra. and several other members. Those Mary Bauer. In Springfield when he field were ordered released Wed­ held In Los Angeles. der the present conditions he de- w“ »Pent for incurred obligations sible to levy a high school tax to A note of optimism for a return W alter Carter and Mr and Mra. present were dared. A saving of only 28,000 and that these would have to b« Mrs. Mnry Magill, became 111. nesday In an order Issued out of of prosperity was dominant among would result to the county If each gradually eliminated before any tax provlda transportation expenses, J. J. Peplot and Cleo Carter all ot the only living charter member of He Is a civil war veteran and haa circuit court by G. F. Sklpworth, thus making a high school educa­ W altervllle were badly ahaken up the local group; Helene Richmond. been making his home In Califor­ Judge. The court also ordered the the convention delegatee, accord- , salaried employee received a 10 p e r! relief could be expected. tion possible for every child in the ing to Mr. W alker. From all* over and received various Injurlea. cent cut In wages, and this would! ----------------------------- Sadie Baldwin. Dorothy Girard. nia. He waa born In New York release of a mortgage against pro­ district. fhe United States and Canada cams J They had been visiting relatlvea Pete Russell, Noah Hllterbrand, state. not begin to provide for the 20 per perty belonging to George Lam­ reports that hard times had round It has also been found that far at Sutherlin and were returning Mam)e R|chmonyena N|na Hu, . ei|, Hae following children: Franklin E. was shown that the obligation had ed the corner and things were on I Meier who asked that the meeting obtained by sending students to a swiped by a California machine 8tephelJ, Klva A Ne|1(# CarT Daisy Alvah Ixinslng. Half-W ay, Oregon. bank prior to the closing. under way and must be completed. W alker reports that It was a fine California car, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Glenn Stone. Sam Sweeney. Rateila He Is also survived by seven grand­ leaves both ends of the run on re­ convention and that he had a good Expensive right of ways must be W oes, were seriou sly Injured and Finley, < Ma arine Putm aa. Minnie children and 6 great grand children. gular schedule, than to have stu­ purchased for the state roads, he trip both ways. dents drive cars of their own and taken to a hospital In Eugene. Girard, Juetta Taylor. Doris Olr- Funeral services were held Mon­ DIVING DEEP CAUSES pointed out stating that the only Special Train» from Eugene leave whenever they desire to do Boy's Foot Injured ard. Stella Eaton, Jewel H llter day at 2 o'clock from the W alker and Springfield Depots to possibility of reducing county taxa­ INJURY TO YOUTH’S EYE so. POSTMASTER'S SON TO Hitting on the back bumper of brand, and Ida Cox. Poole chapel. Rev. Dean C. Poind­ tion would be to stop work on coun­ McCredie Springs a parked automobile and not heed­ Striking his eye against a stick exter, pastor of the Springfield To Improve Buildings VISIT HERE IN FALL ty m arket roads. This, he explained ing a warning call that the car M. W. A. TO PICNIC AT Some minor repair work and lm Methodist church, officiated. Mem­ In a swimming hole proved painful Lane county Masons w ill hold would throw between 106 and 200 waa to be moved caused Dean W il­ In the Springfield bers of the G. A. R. had charge of Sunday to W illiam Cox. Cox was Word was received here this men out of work and would not im­ their much-postponed all-day picnic provements son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles RIVERVIEW PARK FRIDAY the funeral. at'endlng the annual picnic for em­ morning by F. B. Hamlin, post­ prove conditions. at McCredie Springs resort Sunday school buildings were authorised by Wilson, Garden Way residents, to ployees of the Irish-Murphy store master, that his son, John N. Ham ­ according to present plans of the the board after their Inspection of Cities Cannot Cut Modern Woodmen of America seriously Injure his foot. The Sunday at Brownsville and was Officials from various smallet committee. The same schedule of the school property. These Improve­ lin. now In the diplomatic service will hold a picnic at the Riverview I. O. O. F. GROUP PLANS driver of the car called to the lad. trying to dive to the bottom of a at Buenos Aires In the Argentine, cities of the county as well as entertainment as previously ar­ ments w ill Include the construction park back of Skinner's butte In Eu­ LARGE PICNIC SUNDAY deep hole. He did not see a stick who Is I I years old, before moving of a cement walk leading from the bad been granted a 60-day vacation school districts explained what they ranged will be followed. gene Friday evening The lodge the machine, but he did not hear sidewalk Into the Brattalo school protruding from the bottom and effective the middle of October and have been doing to reduce taxes A special train will leave Eugene The annual A. M. O. 8. picnic for will furnish coffee, cream, and Ice­ and when the car was backed the struck the lower part qf his eye that he would sail late that month and declared that they began such at 8:00 Sunday morning and will at the front of the building. This cream Each family la expected to all Ixtne county Odd Fellows and lioy's foot was caught between the against it bruising the flesh. for a visit in the United Stctes. a program more than a year ago. stop at Springfield to pick up pas- will replace the old wooden one bring their basket dinners and their families will be held at River­ bumper and a tree. tearing a deep He will come to Springfield about Any further cuts now would work sengers here. The round-trip fare which has been used since the side park two miles east of Goshen dishes. gash the entire length of the foot. Thanksgiving time to spend some an undue hardship on the people has been set at 21-26 for adults and j building was b u ilt Sunday. July 26, If the weather per­ MERRY-GO-ROUND FALL Many of the bones In the foot were Other improvements w ill Include time visiting with bis father and themselves who are supposed to be 65 cents tor children. The rail­ mits It has been announced. The BREAKS YOUTH'S ARM broken. He was taken to the Eu- INTOXICATION BRINGS other relatives. Later he w ill re­ the beneficiaries of tax supported road company Is making plans to the cleaning of several rooms at the committee In charge will furnish gene hospital after the Injury had FINE FOR TWO PEOPLE ooffeq. cream, sugar, and paper provide guards to watch the auto Lincoln school and the kalsominlng Six-year old Dwnue Thomas, son port to Washington, D. C., for con­ activities. been dressed by a Springfield phy ! ------------- Approximately 300 people attend­ mobiles of persons on the picnic of about four of them. plates. Entrance to the grounds of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thomas. sultation and a new assignment. Wm. Bowen of Dexter was fined nielan. ed the meeting. Representatives special. They urge the people to Garden Way residents, fell and will be free. 2100 In Rugene police court Mon­ were there from every part of the , drive their cars to the depot and GUARD UNIT CHANGES broke his arm Saturday evening LEGION MEMBERS TALK day on a charge of driving while county from Oakridge to Florence leave them in an especially chosen while playing on a home-made SELF-SERVICE STORES LOCAL FAMILIES PICNIC GIVEN BY COMMANDER Intoxicated. His companion, Miss CONVENTION AT MEET and from Junction City to Cottage parking place. They will employ merry-go-raund He broke the right Faye Fisher, waa fined 226 for be­ INCREASE IN BUSINESS AT BENTON-LANE PARK people to watch the automobiles Grove. arm at the elbow It has been Just The transfer of Henry W. Pape ing Intoxicated. Both were riding Flans for the annual state con­ W. C. Allen of Vida, representa­ during the day to prevent thefts. one year since the youth fell break­ from the Springfield guard unit to Reports of sales of the Williams A number of Hprlngfteld people In an automobile In Eugene Satur­ vention of the American Legion to A complete program of sports tive of the Farmer's Orange, on the ing the left arm In the same place. Company C in Eugene was an­ were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nick day night when their machine col­ Aelf-Hervlce stores which were Is­ be held at Corvallis August 6, 7 and county chamber of commerce, ex­ and a basket dinner at noon are nounced yesterday by C. A. Swarts, Christensen last Thursday evening lided with another one. They were sued from the head store at The 8. were discussed at the semi­ plained the farmer's tax plight. He on the program. A special dinner first lieutenant In charge of the Dalles this week show that the CITY OFFICERS BURN monthly meeilng of the Springfield at a picnic at Benton-Lane auto arrested by city police. stressed the necessity of finding Is being planned at the resort for local unit. Pape was enlisted lato business of that firm has continued park. Those present were Mr. and GRASS ON VACANT LOTS post larft Thursday evening. suitable means ot levying heavier those who do not care to bring Into the local unit before camp to beyond expectations, showing sub­ Dr. W. N. Dow, I. M. Peterson, Mrs. Georg« ITochnow and son. LOCAL FOLK PRESENT AT taxes on the wealthier people of their own baskets. fill the roster after Orval Eaton City fire officials began a cam­ and M. B. Huntly have been chosen stantial Increase. The store at Eu­ Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. W hit­ the state who are not now paying ANNUAL STORE PICNIC had been seriously Injured. Eaton gene has one more salesperson em­ paign to clean up the dead grass delegates to the convention. J. M. their share of the expenses. He ney. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Wheaton, WIFE SEEKS DECREE Is now able to be around and has ployed now than was employed last and waste paper on vacant Iota Larson and Oswald Olson are two warned the meeting, however, that ¡ Mr. and Mr«. Carl Olson. Mr». Employees of all Irish grocery re-enllsted. any drastic attempt at tax reduc­ OLD MARRIAGE VALID year, according to Mr. Hayward, this morning. They began by burn­ of the delegates. Emma Olson, and Oswald Olson. stores gathered at Brownsville Sun tion at this time would likely re­ ing over the half block of vacant Mr. and Mrs. Christensen are day for their annual picnic. Four manager. Annulment of the marriage of MAN LOSES FINGER IN sult In the creation of even more property between Sixth and Seven­ proprietors of the park. GAS PRICES TUMBLE AT Springfield people. Mr. and Mrs. straightened financial circumstan­ Sarah Sampson, whose true name Is th on Main streets. MEAT GRINDER SUNDAY Dallas Murphy, Miss Clara Jones, TENNESSEE PEOPLE TO STATIONS HERE TODAY ces for many of those who depend Decision to burn over these vac­ Sarah Shelby, and Joseph Sampson and W illiam Cox, attended the 8TATE FAIR DATES SET, PICNIC ON SUNDAY ant lots and others was reached at J. T. Forbee of Rainbow cut off Gasoline prices dropped a half- on tax funds fv? their income. He In sought In a complaint filed by WILL LAST EIGH T DAYS gathering. The picnic had been the last meeting of the city council cent at many of the service sta­ expressed the attitude that we the wife in circuit court Saturday. the tip of one of his fingers Sun­ scheduled two previous times but The annual Tennessee Reunion as a part of a campaign to destroy tions In Springfield this morning might stop road work, but that we The complaint states that the day while grinding meat for fox Dates for the annual Oregon state was always postponed because of picnic w ill be held at Bryant park the earwig Infestation. when the proprietors posted new would have to care for more needy couple married October 26, 1928, food. Forbes is employed at the climatic conditions. Many em­ In Albany the first Sunday In Au­ (air were set by the fair board and price cards of 1724 cents per gal­ people with other tax levies. He but that In February this year the W illiam s Fox farm at Rainbow and state officials meeting at Salem ployees of the Irish stores were gust, August 2, according to J. R. W. C. T. U. MEMBERS lon. Gasoline has been retailing at stressed the need for providing as plaintiff obtained information that was grlnglng some meat when hl-t Fox, president of the group. This Tuesday. The fair w ill open at present for the outing. 18 cents for several weeks now fol­ much employment as possible. i her former marriage had never finger slipped down Into the knives w ill be an all-day affair and the MEET ON WEDNESDAY noon on Saturday, September 26. Luxuries Voted By People lowing the low price of 16 cents been annuled or a divorce obtained. of the grinder. public Is Invited to bring their bas­ and will operate for eight days, IMPROVEMENTS START Edward F. Bailey. Eugene, and F. reached previously. Members of the Springfield unit ket dinners and enjoy the program through two Sundays, until August E. Mendenhall. Cottage Grove w en t' AT LOCAL POSTOFPICE and sports. of the Women's Christian Temper­ MRS. PATRICK HOSTESS 6. This Is two days longer than the into a discussion of the merits ot STOP STREETS SIGNS ance Union held their regular CHAMBER OF COMMERCE fair ever operated before. I t Is AT DINNER ON SUNDAY Complete renovation of the a tax commission plan for deter ARE NOW PLACED meeting Wednesday afternoon at hoped that enough additional reve­ Springfield postoffice has been or­ BARBER SHOP FRONT HAS MEETING TUESDAY mining district levies The people the Christian church. A study pro­ nue might be obtained as a result dered and Is now under way. The Mrs. Thomas Patrick was hostess Signs marking the Intersection of have piled their oficiáis with in­ GETS COAT OF PAINT gram was followed. to take care of the deficit Incurred first work which consisted ot the Routine business was transacted creasing luxuries of government A and Fifth streets as a stop at a dinner which she tendered Im ­ lant year. > patching up of holes In the plaster­ at the semi-monthly meeting of the nnd have willingly voted the taxes street for vehicles coming from mediate friends and fam ily mem­ The front of the Clover barber ing, has been completed. The walls shop was given a coat ot white Bank Examiner Here — A. A, Springfield chamber of commerce to pay for them. Now the only w a y . either the east or the west were bers a t the home of her parents. DIVORCE SOUGHT AFTER will later be kalsomlned and the paint this week by the proprietor, Schramm, state superintendent of Tuesday evening at the Community to reduce them Is to reduce the placed this week. The ordinance Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bchnetxky on Sunday. Mrs. Patrick left Tue» hall. Negotiations were ordered HEARING ON ASSAULT woodwork will be gone over with Wayne Clover. Everything. In­ banks, was a business visitor In started with Mrs. Thomas McKin- i demands put on the government, making this a stop street waa pass­ day for Westlake where she will dark varnish. cluding the window frames were Springfield for a short while Wed­ and this the public will not do, ed at a previous meeting of the nts regarding the continuation of ' stated Bailey. painted the same color and pres­ nesday morning. city council. Traffic going north spend the balance of the summer Suit for divorce was filed In d r- the lease which the chamber group ents a clean cool atmosphere. and south does not have to stop a months. Plan fur Large Interests ■ ,'t court Tuesday by W illiam Ben- FRUIT GROWER OFFICIAL has on the Community hall. "The Indiana tax plan always the Intersection. -tr of Marcóla versus Marjorie HEADS FARMER BOARD Portland Man Visit»—A. J. Perk UNION SERVICES TO i seemed to be a child of the large Benner. The couple were married REBEKAHS ENTERTAIN Ins, president of the Guaranty N. O. W. MEETING IS To Return to Work Marion non-resident property owners In July 24, 1(28 nt Albany. An action BE AT BAPTIST CHURCH J. O. Holt, secretary-manager of GUESTS ON MONDAY j Trust company In Portland was a that state. They find It much easier - Adams Is expected to return to his for divorce started some time ago the Rugene Fruit Growers' associa­ HELD- WEDNESDAY business visitor In Springfield Wed The fourth 8unday evening to control a hand-picked commis-, duties at the Irish-Murphy Seed by Mrs. Benner wa« withdrawn pre­ tion In Rugene was named presi­ The regular monthly social meet­ vious to the filing of the suit this dent of the State Agricultural Ad ing of the Juanita Rebekah lodge nesday. Members of Pine circle Neigh­ slon which sets the tax levies, than and Feed store Monday after a two union church service will be held at the Baptist church this Sunday week. bors of Woodcraft held their regu­ to try and Influence the voters In weeks' vacation. visory Board at the first meeting of was held at the I. O. O. F. hall evening. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, each district to set them to suit ------------------------------ lar meeting Wednesday evening at The filing of the suit followed an the board held In Salem on Friday. Monday evening. Several visitors California People Visit— Mr. and Shingling House— Enoch Stuart pastor of the Springfield Methodist assault case hearing in Justice court Max Gelhar, head of the new agri­ from Cottage Grove and three from Mrs. Roy McCracken of San Fran­ the I. O. O. F. hall. Usual lodge their desires," he continued. "The Oregon legislature provided la having his borne rsshlngled this church will preach the sermoa. The Monday In which the Jury dis cultural department was chosen California cities were guests of the cisco are visiting friends and rela­ work waa transacted during the Baptist choir will lead the a tax equalisation commission in i week. evening session. agreed. secretary of the board. local lodge. tives in this city for a few days. Rural Mail Route Will Be Extended N.O.W. MEMBERS GUESTS¡ONFRIDAY LANE MASONS TO