THURSDAY. JULY H . IM I TUR NEWS PAOB FOUR ■ ■ SPRINGFIELD RESIDENT SEVEN HEALTH RULES STARTS NEW STAND LISTED FOR PUBLIC Medical Organisation W arns Peo pis of Nscssslty for Cars and Mods ration neveu hint* on h o * to keep fit during summer months are given by the headquarters commit lee of the I road from the Thurston store known as the Dauks property. SUra. Farrel McQuinn spent sev eral days last week with her aunt. Miss Minnie McMahon, who is critically III at her home west of City Fright Everybody who visits New York Eugene. A. W. Weaver receive,! a tele ia seised at some time or other with rrani last Saturday telling of the a aenae of panic at its Immensity, no matter how well IravFl seasoned death of his brother. Sain Weaver they have become Practically in Michlgau. last Friday morning every noted foreigner, from Dr. Al­ Mr Weaver has visited here twice bert Einstein to the youngest B rit­ in recent years, but has been in falling health for several months. ish flapper, yield« at some time oi other to this feeling Mr. and Mrs. George Platt spent People In country towns who may (he past week-end on the coast. have kept away from the city ba Mr. and Mrs. Chris Henshu and cause of their innate fear of the family from Dexter spent Sunday town ought to conquer this feeling at Bert Weaver's. and spend some time here. It la Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell have more than a liberal education, s e a announce,! the engagement of their daughter. Miss Margaret Kuaselt. No Real Danger to Carey Tompson, Jr., of Tomp- Life here la as ante as In any son resort on the upper McKensle spot on earth, in spite of the mou The marriage Is to take place July sters that roar in the subways, clat­ 29. Miss Russell is a state nor­ ter on the elevated railroads and mal school graduate and has taught screech on the streets. That noise school in this county for the past la whnt saves lives, probably. At few years. Mr. Tompson Is s U. the same time It Is nerve-shaking of O. 1931 graduate and was very to the stranger, from Its potential popular while on the campus. He menace. belongs to Sigma Phi Epsilon and Being lost In this enormous city was president of his house the Is no great shame. All one has to past year. do is step up to some one of Its It.- 000 policemen and let him straight­ EUGENE EVANGELIST en out your mental tangle. Years AUTHOR OF NEW BOOK ago they earned the name of "The Finest" and there Is no reason to The second book published this think of them as otherwise, even year by the Rev. 8. David Sikes of in these days of newspaper ex Eugene is now off the press and poses. s e e ready for tbe reading public. «MOADWKy B P U M S T CAMP Jfl This book entitled. "Pluck Plus Providence, is a story of the evan­ gelist's life experiences. It covers a period of his own life history from the time of his country school house services in the year 1901 to the city tabernacle services with 25 congregations invited In an audi­ torium seating 9000 in the year 1927. This narrative Is w ritten in an interesting style but has woven in to It many excerpts from news papers and periodicals which cor­ roborate the facta related. It is also illustrated with about 30 pic­ tures which lend color and life to the story. This bok has been prepared by the evangelist because of a demand which has been shown by written inquiries from readers of other books by this author, who has traveled in more than 30 state and spoken In more than 120 towns and cities in the United States during a quarter of a century. Auto Tourists Hardly an hour passes, day or night, that one cannot see an auto mobile varying a load of farm folks out to see the sights of a great city, bowling along through the heart of Longacre Square— the fo­ cus of all this country's theatrical activities Nothing Is missing on most of these autos; the tent strap­ ped on the running board; camp paraphernalia piled In, rusty old baggage, and dad up front in als shirt sleeves calmly moseying along past the friendly traffic cops; and mother In calico getting an eyeful while soothing her unruly brood. Everybody they stop to ask for directions takes pleasure in helping them along and. even If they don t stay long In the city but hike right out to some tourist camp, they get to see the greatest show on earth at a minimum of expense and ef­ fort. It's a good stunt for anybody In the country who is wondering where to go for a vacation. • • • In August of last year the evan­ Jasper R e s id e n t H e r e — V ic gelist purchased a home in Eugene T ransportation No city in the whole world has as Castleman of Jasper was a busi­ and plans on keeping his residence complex a system of street cars. It ness visitor in Springfield Tuesday. here. takes weeks before one -learns Just where they all go to, the problem Business Visitor— Mrs. Charles Visitors from Fall Creek— Mr. intensified by the subways. and Mrs. R. C. Brewer of Fall Brewer of Fall Creek was’ a busi­ bclng . , ■■ . . . . ,,r loses all sense of dlrec Creek were visitors in Springfiejd ness visitor In Springfield on Tues­ where one . i the tion and can rely only upon the on Tuesday. day. Fish W ednesday— Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Eggimanti spent Wed nesday afternoon fishing for bass west of Eugene. M arcóla Resident H ere — Mrs. W illiam Benner of Marcóla was a visitor in Springfield on Sunday. Circuit Court Verdict Affirmed— The decision of Judge G. F. Skip- worth of circuit court in the case of The Universal Community Christian Brotherhood versus Ed­ ward Graf and others was modified and affirmed by the supreme court this week. Thee ase was on fore­ closure of a mortgage. Marriage License Issued— A mar­ riage license wag issued at Port­ land Tuesday tor Ronald H. Beat- ■ tie of Eugene and Inez B. Morris of Portland. FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS AT A . M . W illia m s & New arrivals in Women and Children’s House Pajamas, fancy patterns, colors Co. QQp - $1 7Q