THURSDAY. JULY 1«, I N I WW—» W ■■ TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS I N O T IC I OF S A L I NO TIC E la hereby given that tha Htata Land Board of tha State of Oregon, will receive aaaled hid« at It* office In tha Capitol llulhllng In Salem. Oregon, up Io 19:00 o'clock, a. m„ Auguat 11. 1931, foi all of the Htata'« Intaraat In tha Iuka bed Innda baralnaftar da« crlhed. giving, however, to the owner or owners of any Innda abut ing or fronting tberaoo, the prefer mice right to purchase said lands at F. Il HALE Hprlngflcld loin (or tha highest price offered, providing Ml« or »III trail« (or M i K m i l » |««i(h offrir I» mad« In good faith. r.ver boni* alia or Kuv«nu pro ■ Iso with the undaratandlng that 'ha purchaser Is to pay tha expanse party. I.. U. Uulin., I*. 0 . Boa 664. of advertising and survey of the Kogan«. I'htin« 1311-M If tra d , In addition to tha amount bid. nlso reserving to tha Board tba It la «adulatati that tba amount right to reject any and all bids Said lands are situated In lutna of «uni atto untouched In Oraat County, Oregon, and described aa III Itäin la 194.366.000.000 Iona, follows: Which would laal TOO years or mora Beginning at a point 164.7 feat «ait of the southwest corner of at Ilia present rata of uaa. Lot 7. Section 18. T. 1« 8. R. 7 W, of W. M , and running thence along N O T IC I T O C R E D IT O R S tha meander line N. 81* W. 2 29 Notice la hereby (Ivan that by chains; thence north 1.17 chains; order of tba County Court of Luna th.iu-eSH. 7914* K 0 90 chalM to County, Oregon, duly mail« and on- the west chore of Triangle Lake; larad of record on tba Itlth day of thence H. 7* 21' K. along the l,ake Julia, A 11. 1981. tha uudaral|n«d Hhorr. 3.70 chains; thence weel was appointed Administrator of tha 0 08 chain» to the place of begin­ aetata of Kaaaa Hanry I-alrd. da ning. containing 0.871 acres. eaaaatl. Applications should ba accom­ All paraona having claims against aald aatat« era haraby required to panied by draft or certified check praaaut tha aatna Io tha under- for Ihe amount hid. and should he to U. 0 . BROWN alguatl Mt the law office of Potter addressed and Bailey, 631 Mlnvr Building. Eu Cl.KICK OP STATE I.A N D BOARD. HALKM. OREGON, and marked. ■ene, dragon, within alx month« "Application and bid to purchase hum tba data uf thia notice. Dated at Eugene. dragon, thia lands In Triangle Lake, luma County, Oregon." 18th day of .'tuia. A. U. 1931. Dated thia June 33. 1931. POMKKOY N LAIRD. Admin O G. BROWN, Clark of »tale latrator of the estate of Kaaaa Land Board. Itanry lutlrd. Deceased. (J. 86; JU. 2 9 13 83 30) (J 1336, Ju 3-9-16) NOTICE . . OF F IN A L g g T T L E M lN T N O T IC I 18 M I R I B Y O IVEN . That Gertruda Potter, executrix of tb« laat will and taatament aod aatata of llanover I). Pitta, haa ran derail and filed In the County Court of the Htata of dregou for tha Coun ty of l Dated at Rugene, Oregon. July James W. Nelson, Mary Nelson. I Charles T. Nelson and the un­ Mary E. McGregor. Rachel Welts, 9th. 1931. Alma Bllson and ---------- Bllson. known heirs of James W Nelson, H. L. BOW N. Sheriff ot Lane her husband, George McGregor deceased and. all other persons County, Oregon. and ---------- McOregor, hts wife. or parties unknown claiming any (J 9-16-22.’ O: A I) James McGregor and ---------- Mc­ right, title, estate. Hen or Interest Gregor, his wife, O. L. Carlton in the real estate described In N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S S A L E ON the complaint herein. Defendants. as the administrator of the Estate E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E To James W. Nelson. Mary Nelson.! of Frank McGregor, deceased, Under and by virtue of an order Charles T. Nelson and the unknown and S. M. Calkins as administrator of sale and decree of foreclosure heirs of James W . Nelson, deceased of the Estate of Frank McGregor, Issued out of the Circuit Court of and all other persona or parties un­ deceased, unknown heirs of Fran­ the State of Oregon and County of known claiming any right, title cis H. McGregor, deceased. De­ I-ane. on July 7th. 1931, In a suit estate, lien or Interest In the real fendants. wherein the First National Bank estate described In the complaint To Mary E. McGregor, Rachel of Eugene, Oregon, a bknklng co r herein. Defendants. W e lti, Alma Bllson and ---------- B ll­ poratlon. plaintiff, recovered a IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE son, her husband, George McGregor judgment against the estate ot OF OREOON: You are hereby re­ and --------- McGregor, his wife, Robert Orr, deceased, In the sum quired to appear and answer the James McGregor and ---------- Mc­ of 32730.00, with Interest at six per complaint filed against you In the Gregor his wife. O. L. Carlton as cent per annum from and after the above entitled ault within four the administrator of the Estate of 12th day of June, 1931. and for the weeks from the date of the first Frank McGregor, deceased, un­ further sum of 3276.00 and for plain­ publication of thia summons and It known heirs of Francis H. McGre­ tiffs costs and disbursements, you fall to appear or answer for gor, deceased, Defendants. which said decree was recorded In want thereof the plaintiff will take IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STA TE the Circuit Court Journal of Lane a decree against you and each of OF OREOON: You are hereby re­ County. Oregon, and an execution you for the relief aa prayed for in quired to appear and answer the Issued thereon by the Clerk of said the complaint, to-wlt: That the amended complaint filed against Court on July 7th, 1931. olalntiffa against you and each of you in the above entitled suit with­ I am commanded to sell the fol­ you be decreed to be the absolute in four weeks from the date of the lowing described real property, to- owners In tee simple of. and you first publication of this summons wlt: and each of you be enjoined and and If you fail to answer for want . Beginning at a point In the South forever barred from claiming any thereof the plaintiff will take a de­ line of the Geo. W. Evans Dona­ right, title, estate. Hen or Interest cree against you In the sum ot tion Land Claim No. 46, Notf. No. In and to the following described 3860.00 with Interest thereon at 8% 2936, In Township 16 South, premises: per annum from the 31st day of Range 4 West of the W illamette Beginning at a point In the West September, 1929, until paid and the Meridian In Lane County. Ore­ line of the James G. Mitchell and further sum of $126.00 reasonable gon, 1164 feet East of the South­ wife Donation Land Claim No. 6S attorney's tees and tor costs and west corner of said claim and Notf. 7031 Tow>nahlp 18 South, disbursements of suit; that the running thence East along, the range 2 West, W illam ette M eri­ plaintiff be decreed to have a mort­ South boundary of said claim dian. 16.88 chains North of the gage Hen upon the following des­ 1401.1 feet; thence North 0 de­ Southwest corner thereof run-1 cribed premises: Lot 2 In Block 6 grees 08' East 1013.1 feet; thence ning thence East 43.766 chains; in Cheshire's Addition to Eugene, North 89 degrees 30' West 1401.1 thence North 400 feet: thence Lane County, Oregon. aB security feet; thence South 0 degrees 08' East 146.1 feet to the east line (or the payment of said Judgment; West 1026.1 feet to the place of of said claim; thence North 6.22 that said mortgage Hen be fore­ beginning, containing 32.70 acres chains; thence West 46 chains to closed and that said defendants and of land, more or less. In the Geo. the west line of said* claim and each of them be foreclosed of all W. Evans D. L. C. In I-sne Coun­ thence South 12.28 chains to the right, title and Interest In and to ty, Oregon. place of beginning, containing 661 said premlsea; that aald premises Notice Is hereby given that on acres, more or leas all In Lane be sold and the proceeds be ap­ Saturday, the 8th day of August, plied, first to the costa of sale, then County, Oregon. 1931, at ten o'clock. A. M. of that And a further decree «Hearing the to the sums of money above spe­ day, at the front door of the Lane title nt said premises and for such cified and the balance If any to County Courthouae, I will. In obedi­ other relief as to the court may ap­ S. M. Calkins as the administrator ence to said order of sale and de­ pear equitable. The order of the of the Estate of Frank McGregor, cree of foreclosure, sell at public court directing service of this sum­ deceased unless otherwise ordered auction, the above described real mons by tho publication thereof Is by the court. The date of the ordei premises, or so much thereof as dated June 29th, 1931. and required directing the service of this sum­ may he necessary to satisfy plain­ publication each week for tour suc­ mons by the publication thereof Is tiff's Judgment, with Interest there­ cessive weeks and that you appear June 23rd, 1931, and orders on and costa, to the highest and and answer within four weeks from publication once each week for beat bidder for cash. In Gold Coin of the date of first publication. First four successive weeks, and the date the United States. publication of this summons Is July ot the first publication of this sum­ Dated at Eugene, Oregon, July 2. 1931. mons Is June 26th, 1931. 9th. 1931. C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attor­ C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , Attorney H. L. BOW N, Sheriff of Lane ney for Plaintiffs. Residence: for plaintiff. Residence: Eugene, County, Oregon. Eugene. Oregon. Oregon. T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y (J 9-19-33 99: A 9) (J 2-9-16-2349) (J 39; J a 3 9-19-33) BAKIW Y OVEN FIREBOX QUICK DELIVERY NOW REBUILT DURING WEEK OIVEN ON WEED KILLERS P roprietor Complim ented on Man­ Convenient arrangements for Ihe ner In W hleb Oven W as Re­ purchase of weed-killing poisons In b uilt When Moved Brown, route 1. Springfield, are the this county have been made, accord­ parents of a nine pound son born ing to O. 8. Fletcher, Lane county " — Son tforn— .Vfr. and ifr « to them morning. at their home Earner Sunday Rebuilding of the firebox In the ovan at the Springfield Bakery has been completed this week accord ing to Fred Free«, proprietor. The firebox was not put together In the manner that waa deatred when the oven was moved because of lack of special necessary bricks which were not obtainable until recently These bricks are wedge shaped and when properly placed form a solid tight fitting arch above the fire box The masonry work was done by Robert Ptrrie. A representative of the company which manufactures the oven visit ed the bakery last week and com­ mented on the oven haring been torn down, moved and reassembled. agricultural agent. One Portland distributing firm haa established warehouse (arllttlea In Eugene Attends Birthday Party— Mr. and thereby enabling purchasers to ob­ Mra. J. M. Laraon motored to Junc­ tain q uantities of sodium chlorate tion City Monday evening to attend Immediately. All that la required a birthday party In honor of Mr. Is that the purchaser go to the of­ Charles Toftdahl. father of Mrs. fice of Mr. Fletcher In the Marhet Larson. building and obtain a requisition which when presented at the ware­ Returns from Vacation— H. H. house w ill entitle him to obtain the Hi haf fen berg returned to his duties poison chemical. a' the Mountain States Power com­ The sodium chlorate Is being dis­ pany office Monday after a two tributed In 112 pound drums. weeks' vacation during which time Atlaclde Is hot stored In Eugene he and his family visited In Port­ and must be shipped from Portland. land and on the coaat. Pools are being made every Mon Visit at Roseburg— F. B. Hamlin. day and Thursday by the county Springfield postmaster, and hla agent Instead of only once a week niece. Bertie Hamlin of Drew, drove as before. to Roseburg to spend the week-end RAILROAD CREWS CLEAN A total of 1636 pounds of the chlo­ visiting with relatives. Mias Hamlin GRASS FROM TRESTLES rates were ordered and purchased haa spent two weeks In Springfield the paat week for use in killing visiting with her uncle. Crews of the Southern Pacific weeds. • Railroad company have completed Taking Vacation— Marlon Adams the cleaning away of all dead grata is now enjoying hie annual vaca­ Chlorinda— So there waa some and other refute from the trestle tion from hla duties at the Irish hot necking at your bouse last supporting the walk from Main Murphy Seed and Feed store. Mr night? street to tbe depot. They have anti Mrs. Adams and son. Bob, left Esmeralda— Yeah. Uncle George alao burned and cleaned away all Wednesday for Newport where got too near the gas Jet with hla trash from the long trestle apana they w ill spend a few days. Later celluloid collar. -on both «idea of the bridge serosa they will return and spend a few the W illamette river. days camping ha the upper Mc­ Thia la an annual event for ihe CHILDBIRTH LEFT HER Kenzie country. Delbert Mitchell la TH IN , WORN, NERVOUS railroad employees. The cleaning on duty at tbe Feed store during up of thia material both enhances Mr. Adam's vacation. 'After the birth of ray baby, I the value of the property aad great­ ts thin, nervous and run-down. ly eliminates the hazards from fire. From the first bottle of Vlnol, I Improved. It gave me new strength MANY ACRES OF FORESTS and 1 gained weight."— Mrs. M. NOW CLOSED TO PUBLIC SUNDAY SCHOOL FOLK Gunstone. HOLD PICNIC DINNER Vlnol supplies Just the elements of Iron, lime and cod liver peptone O fficials Spend 935.000 to Control 8unday schools teachers and needed by thin, weak, nervous wo­ E arly F ire In M ount Hood workers at the Baptist church held men and men. Even the FIR S T bot­ Oistrlot tle builds up strength, makes new a picnic dinner at the Elmo Chaae red blood. Peps up appetite and farm home Sunaay noon Immediate­ brings sound sleep. Get a bottle of A total of 783,346 acre« of na­ tional forest lands la Oregon have ly after morning service. Problems Vlnol today! Ketels Drug Store. been closed to travel this summer of maintaining attendance during because of the unusually great fire tbe summer months In the 8unday hazard in various places which was school were discussed during the FROM M AIN U N E POINTS brought about by the early spring afternoon. windstorm which tore off branches everywhere and covered tbe ground In the forests with a blan­ ket of dry twigs, needles and leaves. Although tne rains of early June were of tremendous value, the ac­ cumulated effects of several years of drought are still noticeable in tbe national forests, says C. J. Buck, regional forester, with offi­ ces at Portland . The largest area to be closed to entrance consists of 687.000 acres on Mount Hood. The forest ser­ vice has already had tb expend $36,000 to control an early fire which burned over 1600 acres in this area, says the forester. Closed areas In Lane county In­ clude a section on the South Fork of the McKenxle from East Creek to Dutch Oven, and holdings of the Western Lumber company above Oakridge. These Areas were clbsed to entrance on July 7. FORD SELLS MANY TRUCKS TO POSTOFFICE The United States post office de­ partment has placed an order with the Washington branch of the Ford Motor company for 1609 motor truck chassis, of which 600 will be 4A ton carrying capacity and 1000 of 1% tons carrying capacity. The purchase of the motor equipment was the largest made by the gov­ ernment department since the war. W ith this order Ford sales to the post office department during re­ cent years reached a total of 2900 units. The purchase marked another step In the department's program of building up Its fleet of several thousand trucks and alao to replace some of the surplus trucks turned over to tbe post office department by the army at the close of the war. Deliveries are to start Immedi­ ately and continue as rapidly os the bodies contracted for are ready for Installation. The completed trucks w ill then be distributed to some 60 cities throughout the United States. The order was placed with the Ford company after an exhaustive test conducted by the department with the cooperation of the bureau of standards. The tests were under the supervision of W. a . Jacobs, automotive engineer of the bureau of standards, and W illiam Wolma of Chicago and Morris Carrier of Brooklyn, motor vehicle engineers of the post office department. STATE CAMBER OFFICE IS POPULAR IN SOUTH That the Los Angeles office of the Oregon State Chamber of Com­ merce Is actually interesting peo­ ple there In various permanent In­ vestments In this ctate Is shown by a recent report received In this state. According to the report the Cali­ fornia offira was instrumental In sending Dr. John R. Fischer, a Swiss medical man. to Medfo.'d where he purchased a creamery and now has an Investment of $20.- 000. Another Instance cited Is that of John Woodridge of Eagle Point, who came to California from Switzerland and later moved hla residence to Oregon where he now operates a cheese factory. The Los Angeles office has list­ ings of all types of Investments, business for sale, farms and city property, etc., on files which are examined by thousands every week. BY T R A IN MRS. CONRAD OLDEST MEMBER OF AUXILIARY Mrs. Nancy Conrad who passed away at Reedsport last week was 'he oldest member of the Spring- field American Legion auxiliary unit, according to officers of the group. She was also a gold star mother. Members of the auxiliary were pall bearers at the funeral services. 15» $ LOS ANGELES PEOPLE AID IN CHURCH WORK SAH FRANCISCO Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lofthouse and son. Peter, their daughter, Miss Ruth Lofthouse. and Miss Edith Trover, all of Loa Angeles arrived in Springfield last week to spend a few days visiting Mrs. Lofthouse's sister, Mrs. Frank Vernon, pastor of the Full Gospel church. Mr. Loft­ house is on instructor In a Loa Angeles high school. Mrs. Lofthouse Is a vocalist, and their daughter is a children’s worker. They w ill as­ sist at the local church during their stay here. ROUNDTRIP P TC LOS ANGELES Judge— I understand that you pre- j fer charges against this man? Grocer— No. sir. 1 prefer cash, and that's what I had him brought here for. Lawyer (taunting witness) h a re you ever been in Jail? Witness— Yes. sir; once. Lawyer— Ah! For how long? Witness— Just long enough to whitewash a cell which was to be occupied by a lawyer who had rob­ bed doxens of his clients. $2 6 Coach ticket, good in day coaches or reclining chair cars — also in Tourist Sleeper« or ayment of berth charge(aboui 2 the Standard Pullman cost.) One-way coach ticket that «aves you many dollars. This is tram comfort at the lowest possible cost. ROUNDTRIP . . . $45 (50 pounJt of koggagt m o j k t c h t i f i J free on t b i : i tie k e tt.) Southern Pacific C A R L O LS O N , Agent Phone 65 The Checkerboard New Confectionery and Fruit Stand Now Open in West Springfield We carry a full line of ice cream, bottled drinks, fruits, nuts, confections and cigars and cigarettes. We Specialize in Home-Made Cider — 5c And Hamburger Sandwiches — 5c G. S. WALKER, Prop. S TE P AW AY From The Rest With your automobile engine In perfect condition you can show your rear plates to the best, of them, if you want to. It Isn’t bo much what you have paid for your car, but how you keep it up that counts. Regular inspection visits to this garage and an oc­ casional tonic by our mechanics will keep your car in the pink of condition. And we are building a repu­ tation in this community for reliable workmanship at a minimum cost. WHEN YOU TH IN K OF A NEW CAR SEE THE FORD FIRST ANDERSON MOTORS be. General Repairing General Lubrication Blue Green Gasoline John Anderson Ray Nott