THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ♦ “ '» W KNTY-KIG HTII SPRINGFIELD LANK COUNTY. OREGON, V «. \ Mohawk Pioneers V' Picnic Sunday M IE M l IIELb Barley Har vaati ng Near End; Dry Weather Blamed (or Lew Production t HER« 80M mesemn Home Destroyed By Sunday Fire B S S M B « E O |£ ID OR. M’CGRKACK West Springfield Property ’’ and to Play Con- oi Aidge E. 0 . Potter to Committee Coming Last of Swept By Flames In After­ Couple Married at Quiet noon; Insurance Carried Ceremony; to Visit Nation­ July Will Decide Between Q gnd M|ga Margaret Stafford will barley la «0 bushels per acre where | | n ( Her acrompanlsl will be aa this year a yield of »6 bushels j Kcho Neat Charles W. Rvana. his seems to be a good crop. A com , , or(an o, (he association, will de bine being operated east of Bprlng „ , gr Bn addrees on the history of field by J. A. Neher has harvested | , be p(OBaar group. A , 0 K uf. „ . by the sub­ committee of the Veterans Board w,„ b# madg the laat waah ,B j U|y. gc-o^jlns to Information received from Qeneral nines During the v,Bn Bll(j inspection of sites offered In Lane county and near Hoseburg a decision Is eapected to be mad« on the location of tha federal aol dlers home. A doaen sites are held under option In the county by the Eugene chamber of commerce committee for the examination of tha federal officials. Three sites offered are In the Springfield vicinity: The Vltua farm near Hayden bridge, the Springfield Industrial tract and a tract on Emerald heights and locality. Eugene Is preparing to buy a sits If selected with the passage this week of an ordinance calling for a bond Issue of *260,000. Bonds In the amount of the coet of the sites only will be issued. It Is announced. The coet of sites rang, from about *70.000 for the Bprlngfleld Indus­ trial tract and other optioned places adjoining to (60.000 for other places. Prom (00 to *00 acres of land Is needed. residence located In West Spring- field Just south of the Old M ill dance hall Bunday afternoon about 2:20. The fire apparently started 'n the rear of the bouse from de­ fective wiring. A considerable amount of the furniture and house­ hold ilfects werjs carried out by onlookrrs. Some Insurance was curried on the bouse. The fire bad made such headway Itefore the fire departments from Eugene and Springfield could reach the scene of the fire that alt they could do was to use chemicals to p re e n t the flames from spreading to other buildings nearby. There was no water supply available for use by the fire trucks. Several fruit trees were badly damaged by the flames and one caught fire and was nearly burned In two. Grass wilted and turned brown for many feet In all direc­ tions as the already warm air was further bested by the flames. This was the third serious fire In tLls vicinity during the past week. The Monday before fire destroyed the Carl Carpenter home east of the city, and Wednesday night the planing m ill and sawmill In the north part of the city were com pletely destroyed. No. 27 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1931 A beautiful, but simple wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. W alker at 83« O street. Tuesday at high noon, when their youngest daughter. Evelyn (joulse, became the bride of Dr. Herbert W. McCornack. Oakridge Invites C. o f C. Meeting Nl’KENZIE HIGHWAY OILING UNDER W Many Springfield People A t­ Craw of Man at Work on Sur­ tend Sea-food Dinner and facing Projoots Batwaan Meeting at Florence Springfiald and Doyla Hill Seven Springfield people attend­ ed the Monthly meeting of the Lane county Chamber of Com­ merce and the sea-food dinner which was held at Florence Satur­ day, Those making the trip to the coast city for the affair were Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Baroell and daugh­ ter, Barbara. II. E. Maxey, J. D. Pyle. Earl Pyle and W. H. Hobbs. More than fifty delegates from various member organisation. In the county were In attendance at the meeting and dinner which has become an annual affair for the people of the coast communities. Professor A. 0 . Wilson, political science Instructor at the Univer­ sity of Washington, was the prin­ cipal speaker, taking. "Planning for an Economic Cycle," aa bis sub­ ject for discussion. Oakridge Invited the County Chamber to be guests at the meet­ ing to be held next month. The time for the meeting was to be an­ nounced later. WORK REQUIRES MONTH Total of 29.62 Miloa to Ba Com plated: Highway to Ba Ready in Summer 1932 Oiling of all completed port Iona of the McKensle highway 1s being pushed I d earnest this week with a crew of 58 men under the direction of W illiam Hagerman. The work Viola Mach. 15. Tabor, S Dak . u ihown wearing the handsome tailored started the latter part of the week dress , she designed in the 4-H dress- and a stretch of about five miles irsking contest. She is now on « was completed and traffic allowed three weeks’ trip to Europe Champ- The W alker home was artistical­ pions from thirty-three states com­ on It during the week-end. ly decorated with cut flowers. After peted. Officials at the state highway of­ fice In Eugene estimate that It will the ceremony a beautifully appoint cd wedding breakfast was served, take the oiling crews 27 days to complete their work which will In­ following which the couple depart­ ed on a honeymoon trip to Crater clude the oiling of 29.42 miles of Lake. California and Yellowstone highway. The oiling work was started on Park. the stretch be’ ween the Eugene Mr». McCornack graduated from several fields of barley during the i Lyd|e Bdgell. Emma Spores, and power plant and Leaburg and is the Springfield high school and Springfield Division» Remain past 10 days and most of ‘ hem H ,)L Brg |n charge of the pro- later attended Monmouth normal. being brought down the valley to­ Intact; Thurston Eelection averaged below 28. ¡gram wards Springfield where It will She has been t/cchlng at Minerva Boundaries Are Set Mr. and Mrs. Barnell and daugh­ meet the section of highway that during the past year. She la the Practically all winter barley, granddaughter of the late E. ft ter remained at the coast ovsr the was oiled last year. and some of the winter wheat shocked has M O O 8 E T 0 P ,C N ,C A T No changes were made In the week-end, the others returning to Sections of the highway to be oil­ Hklpworth. pioneer attorney of Eu­ which la to be cut a n d ------------ « - . - » - a . . ea se o c o v Springfield election precincts by Springfield Saturday evening. been harvested. Moat of the bar-1 BENTON-LANE PARK ed this summer Include everything gene. , Dr McCornack I . the .on of the county court member, at their from east of Springfield to Doyle ley kee been combined^ Member, of t h . Loyal Order of Mrs. L M of Corvallis and but M T e r,‘ H ill, from Nimrod to Blue River, T h . exceptionally U»n, d r , per I , >|U |hM r gnDUgI p|c changes were ordered In the boun and from Blue River to Belknap. is a nephew of the late Dr. Mc­ lod early thia apr ng a Benton-Lana auto park north daries of rural precincts In this The Blue Rlver-Belknap Springs the Ugh. crop of w ln te rg ra ln v T h ‘ L Eu, c n. BOT>d .y . July 1». It Cornack, pioneer physician of Eu gene. Dr. McCornack attended Ore vicinity sector ta about 16 miles long; the U te ra in . cam. been announced. It w ill be an all MANY CHILDREN ENJOY gon State college and Is a graduate- Two precincts. Mlddlefork east of Nimrod-Blue River section ta about these crope. but It la believed that affair six mUes. Only a small part of Sprlngflelu, and Coyote west of Eu LODGE PARTY MONDAY of North Pacific Dental college. they have aided spring grain, and that better yield, of thta - H l be Coffee, creem and sugar w ill be this w ill have to be given a base After August l i t Dr. and Mrs gene were abolished. In eliminating Games Occupy Most of Evening: McCornack will be at home at I the Mlddlefork precinct all the ter Pool Tabla Licansa Cut in coat of oil. Most of It ta now oiled . served without coet by the com ° ta " . r.tewee Cree mlttee In charge. Those attending Clever Refreshment Decora­ and trill be given a coating of non­ Two as Temporary Relief Florence, Oregon, where he will ritory east of the range line be­ tions Being Used tween ranges one and two east »rill A .b rin k s « . In th . p ro e p ^ tlv . «he picnic are requested to bring Eugene Men Starts Construc­ skid surfacing. Measure, Bills Paid practice his profession. be annexed to W estfir and the rest When the present oiling program yield of Clover semi - a . predicted baah.ta fill« ! «> that they can .a - tion of Large Building on Sixty children varying In age by th . county agent after a . In ! > 9 both dinner and supper at th . of the precinct w ill be added to An active campaign against ear ta finished the major work on the North Side of Road from one to 18 years gathered at Lowelt. Sections two to 11 In town «rigs In this city w ill be launched McKenzie highway w ill have been ■pectlos trip Tuesday with R. R I p* rh ship 19 south range 6. west «rill be soon it was decided at the monthly completed. There will remain the A program of races, sports, and a I Construction of s new used car the I. O. O. F. hall Monday evening Jackman, eitenalon agronomist at added to Crow and the balance of meeting of the City Council Mon­ section from Doyle H ill to Nimrod baseball game will be held during |0( and repair service was started I to participate In the children's the State college. _ . .e . lnanection trio the afternoon Dancing will be pro OB north side of the Pacific party given by the members of the the old Coyote precinct w ill be add day evening. Crews «rill start soon which ta now under construction. « wo m potatoes. clover vlded from 8 until 11 In the even I highway midway between Eugene ! Rebekah lodge. The evening was ed to Lorane. to burn over all areas where there There ta a great deal of heavy work to certify fields and Springfield this week. The an i sr-ent playing children games and Changes in the Thurston predDCt Is a great amount of dead grass to be done there Including the and wheal for seed purposes. They la terprise Is being built for P. Old-1 enjoying refreshments No pro Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. w ill be made under the new di­ and other refute accumulated w'den'ng of highway, which can visited six fields of hardy Ohio ham. trucker of Eugene, who ex , gram was arranged. It being a pure- visions. That part of Thurston These places afford ideal breeding ealy be done by moving mountains Tyson to Become Bride at red clover sad found that tbs seed , NEW FOOTBALL FIELD pects to leave his present employ- I , social function. A short lodge precinct east of the section line spots for the earwigs and it ta -if dirt ard rock. This section will crop was lighter than usual Thoee j READY FOR FALL USE menl soon to take over the man- ] session was held previous to the 8:30 Carden Ceremony between sections 31 and 32, town thought that many of them can be net be c-m -Ieted ’ h's year, but w ill farmers who cut their first crop — . party Slxty-flve people attended the re-1 „hip 17. south range one west, will killed by burning the grass and most likely be oiled next summer for hay. not sxpsctlng any seed. | The new football field located dl * * * “ "“ 1, U* n* MJ Mr. Oldham has taken a lease on I Refreshments were served at a ceptlon held at ine home of Mr. be added to Camp Creek precinct. weeds. If the necessary fills are settled now find ill have ■ i that they „Mm w This clover a I rBCt|y 2 back of . . the n Brattaln i school I aavaval acres of land and ts now table cleverly decorated with In- p Tyson Wednesday The part of Edwards precinct lying sufficiently A temporary reduction in the lic­ moderately fair c r o p T h l . C “ ha. been practically completed and I # „ Hated balloon, to which were at- c ti for the h'-’hw-’ v «rork ta be­ evenlug preceding the marriage of south of the city of 9-rln g 'ield and ense fee to be collected from bil­ I . . new strain which M r I „rs t claaa shape for use I gr>cle(J property t o , u c b ed colored ribbon. Each child I . endeavor!»« ffi |P» "lerled la | fall according to Dr. W a . ' ^ „ „ con, . mpu t .d received a favor which when open their daughter. W lnifrid. to Leland west of the section line between liard table operators was granted ing heated an* naoaded from the M. Hover of Pboenlx, Arixona. sections one and two, township 18 after a request for such action had Southern PacIPc ’ racks near the * A r u euc I ith e erection of a residence on the ed contained a red and white paper The marriage ceremony w ill be south, 3 west, w ill be annexed to been heard. The license formerly de’-ot I" S"ring*le,d. Large trailer ,7 t L mld” > property shortly. The larger part« h a t Ice cream and w afer, wersr esed *e trsnseert read this evening at a garden wed- Glenwood precinct, and the remain wa* *5 per quarter. This was re tM*ks *'**e . ...f u lly he shipped to the m , gBm„ hava been played * CBr„ >nd unBB,Bb| . ma. | served the hot <'*! tn the scene '»f ding at the home of the bride’s par- tng ra rt of Edwards precinct will duced to «2.50. Tha reduction re rest . U t e . and grows there , hP neW , ou, h of the school j , erlBlg w, ents at 8:30 p. m Only Immediate be annexed to Thurston precinct mains effective only at the dis­ tlons. Crushed ro ,__ i u« ed a group of young folk Including Paddock, together with h it wife, The couple w ill leave after the o’clock with Rev. Milton S. Weber, cording to a statement made this Paul Frese who were recently mar­ eeed which has been developed by | v • n „„ members of Mrs. A. B. Van Val | Under provisions of a ruling of ¡and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Singletary ceremony for Crater Lake, driving pastor of the Central Presbyterian week by C. J. Bock, regional forest ried entertained them at a miscel­ the experiment station at Corvallis | ,llkh'• Sund»3r •chool class of the the itBte attorney general a Justice I drove to Florence Saturday to at commer”clai over the McKensle to Bend. From church conducting the services. er at Portland. The only forest ln laneous shower at the church Wed­ w ill be available In Methodist church at the home of of , be wbo has sentenced a tend the monthly meeting of the there they w ill proceed to Phoenix Honorary pall bearers were mem­ Oregon not reporting a firm waa nesday evening. Many useful gifts quantities this fall and can be se­ the former Wednesday evening to Jail for a misdemeanor I Lane county chamber of commerce. where they w ill make their home. bers of the board of directors of «,-ere presented to the couple. A the Santtam. cured through the office of the program was presented and re­ Special guests at the gathering rBBnot place such person on probe 8unday they drove to Newport and Mr. Hover is associated with the the civic body and close friends. The total number of fires from county agent. were Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Neher t |OIi after a part of the sentence caught the fish freshments were served. Wednes­ Arizona Republican, dally news­ The Klwanls club of which Mr. March 1. to July 10. ta 387. of of Loa Angeles. Mr. W illiam Neher | bBg ie rre d_ a targe number of friends of the paper published at Phoenix. day was also the birthday of M r. Steele was a member, provided the which 274 were man-caused or pre­ ta a brother of the local resident. | Tbe op|nion was naked by Alta two families were Invited to the ANSEWER TO SUIT FOR Frese. active pall-bearers. ventable. The total number of Mrs. Roy Carlton was In charge King. la n e county dtatrlct attorney Singletary home Wednesday even- ACCOUNTING IS FILED HUSBAND PLAINTIFF; Services for family members fires for the same period was 212. of arrangements for the shower. BAPTIST8 CLEAN UP I The attorney general holds that tag to help enjoy the heavy salmon DIVORCE ACTION FILED were held at the Portland Crema­ with 147 being man-caused. Mrs. Schlewe and other women of Answer to the suit of William PROPERTY TUESDAY i when sentence ta Imposed and the , which was baked. torium on Wednesday. Acreage closed to entry due to the church assisted her. Henry Roach, through his guardian person received at the place of con- Cruel and Inhuman treatment are Mr. Steele died at the Pacific the fire hazard thia summer C. A. Pryor, against F. M. Bennett I TuBBday WM 'Clean up’ day a tl ftnement the Jurisdiction of the ¡WALKER TO REPRESENT held as grounds for a divorce In a Christian hospital Saturday, almost amount to 1.804.105. There are was filed by the defendant In tbe Baptist church, women of the | court ta at an end. | LIONS AT CONVENTION complaint filed In circuit court a week after he had submitted to still some 22,000.000 acres of na­ MOTORIST FINED FOR cult court Tueeday. congregation gathering In the morn Wednesday by Mathias Aldropp a major operation. DRIVING OVER HOSE tional forest lands open In the two The defendant during his power |o ipend dBy cleBnllw, the I FINE LEVIED CAMPER I W. F. W alker, newly elected as »gains: his wife Ethel Aldropp. The He leaves one son and one states. of attorney handling the affairs of cburcb property. Lunches were WHO LEAVES LIVE F IR E ! st,te Governor of Lions clubs of couple married at Eugene May 24. A. B. Malo was fined *2.00 In re­ Smoking has been prohibited on daughter at Hood River. Mr. Roach holds that all expenses brougbt a,ong and enjoyed at noon. _______ Oregon, was named delegate from 1929 and have one child. corder's court Saturday for driving 1,143,102 acres. The former chamber head was Incurred were reeeoneble and nec A th# men fo, k tur„ed out A ftne waa |mp<,aed on A. C. th® Springfield den to attend the The complaint states that the de­ over a fire hose. There has been easary and that numerous amounts BBglBt bg ^ m g n . Schnellenbacker Tuesday In Justice I International convention being held fendant was arrested by city police also secretary of the Lane county some complaint here over motor­ LICENSE ARRESTS ARE were expended by defendant In tab ------------------------- court ln Eu route 1, Springfield, are the course In Eugene. Pyne had pre- vacation at the home of Mr. and this season was about the same as Catrow of Bandon ta here visiting officer. Cline Is alleged to have be held at Corvallis the first part the church Tuesday afternoon at 2 parents of a son born to them at vlously defeated C. V. 8imon In Mrs. Kenneth Tobias. Rev. Luther last year and there are some 130 with her daughter, Mrs. Kerle Can drlv -n over an oiling project north o'clock. The utnel discussion pro ) 1382 Villard street In Eugene on | the flret round of play In the fifth I Is a former pastor of the local con- miles of county road now treated of August w ill probably be dla- of Eugoae. teel for a few days. cuased. with thta procees. was followed. Tuesday, July 14. flight. igregatlon. The Impressive ring ceremony was performed In the presence of only the bride'* family and the groom's mother The Key. A. L. Lonsberry, pastor of the Evangel­ ical church of Monmouth and a cousin of the bride, officiated. Change Made In Election Precincts Council Launches Drive On Earwigs New Car Lot Will Start On Highway Quiet Weddingto Be Held Tonight .™ —