THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS stPltlNOKIKIJj. LANE COUNTY, OKKOON. No. 26 TIWKHDAY. JULY 9, 1931 T W K N T Y-K1Ü H T H VMAK. 3000 Pairs Women’s Hi Grade Footwear Oxfords-Ties-Styaps-Blondes-White-Black OnSalc $2.78 Pair VALUES TO $5.00 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Self Service Store EUGENE. OREGON 77 E. BROADWAY • Girls’ Pajamas cun be taken care o f by uh . We have rem edies and pre­ ventive* for moat hot w eather Inconvenience« and our yearn of experience will tell you what to use. Thia In a «tore in com m unity service. Ask uh Sizes 4 to 14 New Prints That Are Guaranteed Fast Color Ketels’ Drug Store Main, Near Fifth 3-------------- In New Stor 98c HOT WEATHER SERVICE I^et uh look after your car th ese hot days W hether It |g a flat tire, general repair or gaBollne and oil w e are on the Hpot to fix you up In a hurry V iolet IU y and G eneral Ethyl are unexcelled for m otor fuel The Golden Rule Ruler* of Low Pric** “A” Street Service Station 10th &. W ilia m *« *— EUGENE— N *w S cha*f*r* Bldg. Home of VIO LET RAY and ETH YL • _ ¿ ¡4 * B b L » n Ä -T M F trf 5 t m »FLL. serwriM' y I CtO»N ™ ' / V Sunburn, Insect Bites and Other Hot Weather Troubles 4 V A ’ ' t O H m «M.T Í OC-TH.tlN TM.T I ^*1- X *s. a . í*^f*««* I /A '/Ä y .« ." _fwOW Li'» se v e n ■ — f m by ’ s a eeoasw oeb I B t J U L Ï W tO T M E *. »r o*< *0»t> saven i ï t t ï w < AM AUÏteAM ® TMATtATj. tajeen«*'