T H U R S D A Y . JU L Y ». 1»»1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAG« FOUR S T E E L U N S A T IS F A C T O R Y Cited Show Superior Ad v o i t i H * of Wood for Building and General Usefulness LANE S H E E P G R O W E R 3 F rie n d s G a th e r F o r A n n iv e rs a ry CAST T U R N S TO WOOD; «BROAMW SEATTLE Wash July 9— Of significance to the people of the northwest whose welfare la ao ; Sharpers closely linked with the demand for It s a good plan when visiting lumber are two recent Instances ol New York to keep moving right where wood has decisively prov.d along A stop is likely to lead to Its advantage over steel, according anything. Including a chance to to the West Coast Lumbermen's as spend or give away some of your soctallon. In one case, the chair hard earned money Nowhere else man of the Boston I’ark cocimis in this country are there so many slon has ordered all steel swings people living by their wits as in In the city’s 67 playgrounds scrap- this city. ed al with wood T i h 1 ! ad at once and replaced wnn woou n ese men m e.. can v ... be ..e found ......... e every- .« ... because a child was killed recently »here, from the ritxiest hotels and when a steel support snapped. The most elegantly furnished Wall other instance Is an account given Street offices to the sidewalk curbs. by a contractor In Detroit. Michi and they are all after the same gan of his extremely unsatlsfact thing—your money Back in one's ory experience with steel sash in home town, practically the only un- stalled In part of the windows ol expected appeals that come to you hU home. for money are from book agents The experience of the Boston and backdoor solicitors. These men Park commission with steel sup- are avowedly after vour money ported swing» illustrates one out anl you can slam the door in their SVUMST CAMPJB Threa N atio n al O fficiala to Spyak At Cham bar a l Commerce Q atherlng M r. and M r*. Joseph Devoi C ongratulated at G athering at W alterville Friday Three nationally promlnen' Wool Grower association representatives will be In Lane county Friday to address a gathering of members of the 1-ane County Sheep association at a mass meeting Io be held at Ihe I nge-e Chamber of Commerce rooms according to <1. S Fletrhe chairman of Ihe Lane committee. The golden wedding anniversary of Mr snd Mrs Joseph Devor o Walterville was the occasion of the gathering of some 200 relatives and friends In the I O O. F. hall Frl day evening at the Invitation of their daughters. Mrs Hal Jennings snd Mrs. Kverett W est in assisted by the Rehekshs snd Odd Fellows lodges Cam» ------ - from ------ oj Nsbraaka J. H. Devor and Salina Spracklen were married at the home of Mrs Devor'» parents. Mr and Mrs. I eter Spracklen. In Pawnee City Nebr.. July 3. 1881. Shortly afterward they moved to a homestead at Chadron. Nebr.. where they lived until 1S99 Mr. and Mrs. Devor decided to move to O regon and in com pany with several other families started over the road to Oregon ‘r*’ *,ed The speakers will Include Frank llagenbarth, Salt Lake City, pre«l E---- E------ -a dent of the National Wool Growers' McGror ? c d e « l Bure1.“ " ' * «x-oclntlon; Bari Rarer, a repre. pedcra| Bureau ot ~ Fng,neer,ng o( thc Department of eutative of Ihe national aaaorla tlon; and Walter A. Holt of Port Agriculture, which starts July I land, secretary of Ihe Oregon aa- ---------- - H E A y y ^ U T C R O P W IL L soclation. BE H A R V E S T E D IN L A N E The " ***"• *°* the purpose of discussing ways and inaDector Stewart For«- means of promoting and encourag w iln u t Filbert. >"« greater use of lamb thereby sees Large W a ln u t. F ilb ert, ! raising the price. And Apple Crop _______ walnut crop CQ P IE S K L E IN A D D R E S S “d ,„ w « 1 , .......................- » « 5 stated, which is that wood contains Even the children here Intercept a Journey, they arrived In earl no hidden defects of consequence one on the streets in the unending September at Walterville. accom while beneath the Perfect surface ^ m e of trying to separate you r . n £ l by G t e ^ o t . Ur Ing chBdrem oi "• nu."-:-.aU n ‘ • hem your coin. Most of them are Nellie, now Mr* M e r le R n ed serious flaws resulting front the boot blacks of the kind Horatio Sheridan. Wyoming. Opal (Mr . vi i v . r>oea< Mr« F verett manufacturing process, Wood, the Alger made famous two generations association pointed out, follows na ago. They are usually worthy little son Joe Jr was tnra. laws of growth, and a sk lied chaps and well deserve the nickel of Ra]ph inspector can scan a piece oi ium they charge for polishing youi horn In Oregon, ana on< son. naipa. her and obtain accurate knowledge shoes. died when a small child of the nature of the piece through They are much the same type ns Other descendants Include e g out. The effect of each growth char- Alger drew as a picture of New grandchildren and one grea gram acteristic, influencing strength., York life, except that few of them son Mrs. l-ee Korn and little son. such a . knots, straightness of nowadays are ragged, like his Billy Gene Korn of Portland; Ken- grain and per cent of summerwood. heroes, but instead are well-shod, neth and Beth Jennings. Lllah and has been accurately established, aggressive little chaps with a keen Jim W’earin of Walterville; Sabina. For this reason the strength and de- eye to business. Their shines might Bertha and Joseph Merle I ierce of pendablllty of wood may be deter- be a little more lasting, but that Is Sheridan. Wyoming, mined more surely than in the case the penaltiy one pays for dealing Mr. and Mrs. Devor have both of any manufactured or composite with a sidewalk merchant. been active In community left, tak- construction material. • • • mg active Interest in church, lodge. Contractor Favors Wood Street Perform ers Sunday school and school stairs In commenting on his experience At night most of these little lads Mr. Devor has been Justice of the with wood and steel sash in his ' go In for street performances. Their Peace and c,erk of the acho° ’ dis- home, the Detroit contractor favorite stamping ground Is the Urict for many years, brought out another distinct ad sidewalk outside of a theatre dur- Active In Community vantage of wood, which is wood's Ing the intermission of a play. Mrs. Devor was one of the or Wal- greater resistance to the passage of “V h e n the theater goers come out ganisers Ranixers and and president president of of the the W al cold, the association stated. The to smoke a cigarette or get a breath - v i l l e ladies union a.d society. a contractor's letter, addressed to the o'f ’7èa"h Lr.^thesZ y'oungs“t e « “go corporation that sponsored bulldln* Chicago Millwork Bureau, is quoted into act|On. One of them starts the w alterviHe community church. owning and maintaining the build- below: playing a mouth organ and the “In response to your inquiry, beg others Jig. Some of them turn cart in* s,nce ,ts comPlet,on S1 ye“r8 to state that I have, on my resi- wheels and occasionally one is seen ak° dence. supposedly first class steel doing a clever little Juggling act The evening proved a delightful of friendships, since sash but 1 assure you that if ever with a worn derby or an orange, renewing building again 1 would not repeat TheD the ha, ig pas8ed and quite a man? from a distance were present who had been away from the com this mistake. few dimes drop Into the hat. Their "Our sun room is not fit for oc- act ig often 80 interesting that the munity for 901,16 tlme An interesting program was also cupancy during cold weather even spectators are late in getting back though I have had three weather- f0 their seats, causing more than a given. Many gifts were received, in­ strip men up there and the win nttie annoyance But It Is one of dows were caulked at the time of thoge thlnKS one 8oon get8 U8ed t o ; eluding two gold pieces, a nea building in this city spread from Italy, tray cloth from “I find that the sash In the kit . . . China and many other interesting gifts, the principal motifs being chen, more than any other place. Evicted Cats gold colored or with decorations sweats, and an accumulation of Radio City, which is being built rust resulting therefrom makes its right in the heart of the theatrical of Ice cream, cake and coffee were appearance very bad as well as district and which will cover sever- making it very hard to open. al blocks. Is not being built without served. Steal Keeps Costs High some suffering. Most of this exists "The fact of the steel sash swing among the cats who have been N A T IO N A L O F F IC E R W IL L C O N D E N S E D R E P O R T OF C O N D IT IO N PLAN M E E T IN G F R ID A Y “ of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Springfield Oregon at the Close of Business June 30, 1931 l ia b il it ie s RESOURCES Honda and Soturille* Covern nient Seeurllles Ixutiis and IMwounla Other Heal Entitle Furniture anti Fixtures Cash and Due from Banka I 89,148.30 Capital Surplus Undivided I’roflta Circulation 27.196.36 58,030.22 4,700.00 5.400 00 55,031.38 I lepnaltn 9240, 706.26 1240, 706.25 Thurston given by the young folks x * . * va 1L* s «2? r euBL,c of The the play neighborhood "Tommy's Wife." will be given at the Thurs ton hall Friday evening. July 10. Mr and Mrs. Frances O'Keefe and family from Bovllle, Idaho, ar­ rived last Thursday at A. W. Wea­ ver's. This was Mr. O'Keefe'» first visit to Oregon but Mrs. O'Keefe spent her childhood days near Junction City. They left on their return trip home Saturday Ira Gray left for Portland Mon day where he was railed on Ihe federal Jury. Francis Gray from Signal plana to atay with his grandmother during Mr Gray's stay in Portland. Thurston baseball team met lta defeat at Swimmer's Delight last Sunday with the team there. Many Pictures Mrs. Lem Endicott and two sons A warning that motorists who ----------- „A I persist In parking their automobiles from Portland returned home last CORVALLIS. Ore . July . -, h . . h w a, . w hile they Sunday after spending several days blg p,,w wOW eTery minute for 4320 * ---------------- -------- are picking berries or nre enjoying with Mr and Mrs. John Endicott. m|nutes." Is a promise of the Cor- Albert and Clark Parrot return a picnic lunch will be given tickets vallis post Legion convention com to appear in Justlce,court for violat­ ed home Monday .from Hood River mission contained In window cards ing traffic laws was voiced In lan e where they have been for seveal sent to every town In Oregon sup­ ( county this week by M. J. Thomp- weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pnrrot porting a Legion post. A perusal of left real early Monday morning for tbe lne program prugralI1 as Just Ju. l completed testl- BOB' countJf traffic officer. He cites „ „ to tbe trutb of that alatement. “ ’ X , . ” n L rnlm t^vH ed Hood River to visit their sons. They There are that number of minutes “ighwiy’ " 1**1 passed not knowing It on the road as neither knew of the surprised jn , hree daya antl the convention planned by the other». wl,| raela Heacock in Portland IN F O R M A T IO N IN O R E G O N will let you come up and put the when it is erected. John D Rocke- by state officers of the Legion. In cafeter)a atyie. The afternoon was this week. garden hose on any of my upper- feller, Jr.. Is to spend many mil- addition to the regular, announced KiTen oyer tj> # baaeba)1 game be. Eranlt accolnpanled hls“^ The O. C. Lefflngwell company of second story winnows which are lions on the project and It is to be events of entertainment, a depart (wee„ the (jpghen O ra n ge team and hew, Benton Wiscarson to Bandon Loo Angeles, packers of food pro­ built in this manner.” built so all its parts will harmonise | ment that has proved to be most i a pJck.up team from the other wheye he Mp€Ctg to visit. ducts and representatives of manu­ with each other. Viewed as a interesting at former conventions granges. A program of readings. The odd Fenowg installed offl- facturers. has sent a request to the whole it will probably be an exclt- will be stressed ln Corvallis this mugl(. gnd Qther entertainroent was ensuing sis months new Oregon department of agricul­ BAKED O R EG O N PEA RS ,M «„„„a». TW. j n c l u d . . , ]>0 ture for lists of name» of persons Across the way from where It is special stunts to be arranged by Ap equaJly ]arge crowd wag prM producing or handling In commer­ Ba|,or and h(g gtaff of Irvlll- cial quantities the following arti­ New Colleqe Bulletin Provides built will be old 8t. Patrick's Cath visiting posts, drum corps and In- gnt a( 8w ,mmer8. DeiigM ai| da, on , edral. said to be the eighth largest dividuals at any time and any place. thg Fourth IJenc,ngt swimming. h>, work Speclai Orand cles; duck and goose feathers, mus­ G reater Uses for Fruits Grown building In seating capacity In the during the three days of fun. Some occupied the time of fa ste r of 1 ane county Charles tard seed, popcorn and broom corn In This State o, h .r ,u > .„ , ............................................. " X .." . I " ' , ” “ . . . . « " » straw. The firm Is In the market Oregon grown pears of either the pride of New York and which used been among the best entertaining I A good time was enjoyed by those for these products and Is anxious g A S A N B O R N D IE S to contact producers of them. Bose, DAnjou or Cornice varieties to tower above all other structures, features of the conventions, and attending. |0 W A R E C E N T L Y can be baked so as to obtain a de­ will be dwarfed by the solid ma- special attention It being given to _______ licious, attractive food that may be sonry of the new development. The this department. This part of the used as a breakfast fruit, a salad, new beauty will outshine the old In entertainment will not, of course, | ^Vord received this week from a meat accompauiment or a dessert, sheer solidity. But there will be a be announced, for much of its In- Hawkeye lowa told ot the death slight ache In the heart of those j terest Is In the surprise and spon-, ther# of Mrg 8 A ganborn> 94. according to a new Oregon Experi­ : Mrg 8anborn lg gUrv|ved by a num- ment station bulletin 283, ''Baking who make the comparison between taneity of the events. ber oj grandchildren who live on of Pears,” Just published by Miss the lace-like architecture of t h e , Cathedral and the modern, tower-1 LANE F A R M E R S S E E K the McKenzie. They are; Mrs. Coy Agnes Kolshcrn, assistant profes­ ing skyscrapers. D E S T R U C T IO N OF W E E D S Lansberry, Charles Carter, William sor of foods and nutrition. _______ ' Hanbaugh. and Percy Rossman of j Although as a result of extensive Eighteen Lane county farmers ' Portland, studies on prdouctlon and hand C R U E L T Y A L LE G E D BY have placed orders totaling 1460 The communication did not state ling of Oregon pears made under H U S B A N D IN A C T IO N pounds with O. 8. Fletcher, county details o( the death of burial. the direction of the experlemnt sta agricultural agent, for sodium chlo- tlon, pears of excellent quality are . Cruel and Inhuman treatment tf) be uged degtroy|ng obnox. Spends Fourth Hara—Mrs. Edna now available over a comparatively long season in both local and east­ and desertion are aleged ln a com- lous weeds. The chlorate Is ptfr ! Schildan of Portland arrived Frl- ern markets, avadable information • lain* for divorce filed in circuit rhaHeii at Coet for the farmers by I ,iay and spent the week-end as a agenl Mogt of ,t uged Mrg c F. Egg,mann. for cooking pears, particularly bak court by C. W. Winehiller against his wife, Maggie Winehiller. The ln the destruction of Canadian Ing them, has been both meager STANDARD N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S and contradictory. To give the couple married at Portland In Sept-, h)gt|eg an(J wj|d mOTn)ng gIory. ember, 1917 and have two children __________ ______ Notice Is hereby given that the homemaker reliable directions for M A N IL A .......... - ................................... The plaintiff seks custody of the undersigned has been duly appolnt- obtaining the best product with the children. The complaint charges C A N N E R Y IS S U E S N E W j ed Administratrix of the estate o f ‘ greatest ease Miss Kolshorn has that the defendant taking the chll- S C H E D U L E FOR R E C E IP T S Newton Kenyon, deceased, and any H A Y R O PE .................... made a careful Investigation to de­ ... . j ----------- . and all persons having « claims ’>«•«»• dren with her left for Portland • against the said estate are hereby termine factors Influencing color, A new schedule for deliveries of June 24 last and refuses to return. required to present said claims, S IN G L E LOOP BALE flavor and texture of baked pears. fruits and berries at the Eugene duly verified as by law required, at In addition to furnishing the min­ Fruit Growers’ association was Is­ Ihe law office of Whitten Swafford, Visiting In Portland— Miss Ber T IE S ........................ erals. vitamins and bulk which con- sued this week. Under the new 202 Tiffany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon,, __ ■ » _ . »Ice Barnes Is visiting in Port-. ln Lane County, Oregon within sis 1 ailtute the pr m.ry value »f m o . . , ^ wHh th)g schedule all red. or pie cherries, months from the date of this notice. fruit, in the diet. pear, have beeen . ]pft fo(. portlaDd lagt wpek.e[)d must be delivered at the plant by Dated and first published. July 9, found to compare favorably w i t h _________________5 o'clock or they will not be graded 1931. such fruits as apples, grapes. until the next morning. RUBY A. LORD. Adminlatra- All Saturday deliveries must be j trlx of the estate of Newton lemons and oranges In alkalinity/ Estate to Be Probated—C. S. Ben- n'8 ^ O R D . which aids In maintaining a de- Jamln has been appointed admln- made before 2 In the afternoon All j WHI^ H A R D W A R E — F U R N IT U R E — P A IN T S alrable acid base relation In theifstrator of the estate of W. R. berries must be In before 3 o clock! AUorney for Egtate - Buchanan. 1 qn Saturdays. (Jl. 8-18 23-30; A. 8) Mimeographed copies of addres­ (o>ded wj, h nutg and ses which Dr. Julius Klein, assist­ noticeable absence ant secretary of commerce, haa dry been making over the Columbia period of the Broadcasting system network each ____ t __ t ____ nuts growth Is held responsible foi Sunday afternoon nre now available (he ab. ence the blight. Filbert. I ,or general dlatrlbullo.. Copies can wtl> *lso prove to be a good crop; be obtained from any of the radio ,hl8 he think. - In Ihe Columbia system or Apples will be plentiful and will fruul the Department of Commerce uuallty than Io the past In Washington. thtnhg (he tBgp 25.OOO.QO 3.450.00 3.847.75 0.250.00 202.217.60 lue, Oregon, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert llaaver over the 4th Mr. Bchwarser la a brother of Mrs. Beaver. The Pleasant lllll ladles will bold Tlte Cloverdale Tfl Community a meeting next week at the home club will meet Friday. July 1« at of Mrs. Carrot her». Thia will be the the hall al Cloverdale first meeting this summer. The popular camping grounds at the Lowell bridge are being made ROAD C R E W S BUSY AS very attractive lo picnicker» SU N S O F T E N S H IG H W A Y S through Ihe effort» of Mr. and Mrs Adams, who are developing Ibis de­ Maintenance craws of the Oregon lightful spi« on the Willamette Slate Highway department were jlver. Tablee have been erected, an busy In thia vicinity the flrat of Ice cream slanil la being built. Fire the week going over the stretchea places have also been built. The of Ihe highway» which have bee 1 grounde have been named Ihe oiled during Ihe past few years, Nolly Creek Camp grounde spreading gravel on Ihe low places. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Md^iughlln When the aun heats the surface and eon, Donald, left July 1 for an of Ihe road» they become soft and extended auto trip across the It la possible to fill In the low apoU. Untied Stales They will visit rela thus leveling ihe highway, by drop^ tlvea and their former home In ping the looae gravel on ihe sur­ Maine. They expect to be gone face and driving over It. until October. Miss Gertrude Rkow county home O A K R ID G E C H U R C H H A S demonstration agent will meet with P L A Y W R IT IN G C O N T E S T the ladles of the Ixtwell community the afternoon of July 22 to talk A play-wrlllng contest lo which over plans for Ihe line of work and the contestant Is limited to one-act demonstrations lo be taken up this fall. This la sponsored by (he presentations la now being sponsor­ home economics club of Ixiwell ed by Ihe Community church at Qrang#i but everyone Interested le Oakridge. Anyone Is welcome 10 en­ |nvned | O attend whether Grange ter the contest. All manuscripts must be In by mambere of not. Tea will be served Mrs Robert Dayle who has been July 18. The wlunlDg one will be very III during June Is able to be presented by the dramatic class of the church W. A. Walker Is In about again. Mr. and Mrs. Schwarzer of Paul- charge of Ihe conleal. f Upper Willamette Coburg S T O R E NO. 1— 118 East Broadway, Eugene STO R E NO. 3— M 0 C harnelton S t r e e t Eugsne S T O R E NO. 4— 800 M ain Street, Springfield FREE 1 Ounce Bottle Schilling’s V anilla W ith Each 1-Pound Can Schilling’s C offee A L L FOR P enneys July Clearance! 3 0 0 Summer Silk Dresses HARVESTING and are HAYING SUPPLIES R e p r ic e d Binding T w ine 12C lb- 15€ lb' 25C lb' 51.75 Bdl' W R IG H T ® SONS 38c T o ta l Value 55c, in two groups! 4 $ .00 and $ ¡y.oo DreHHBH bought to nell at much higher price« the first of the Reason . . , also some new dresaeR . . . just ar­ rived! Every Important Rummer faHhlon . . . all the cool summer silks. J. C. Penney Co. ’■* B IP A IT M IM T « IT O 11 942 Willamette Ht. Eugene, Oregon