11 N O T IC I OF S A L I FOR MALE llavwiMiil W aU .ft.iil tmliy liiiaay. Booti * er than banking house 4.760.00 Camp Near Marcola Mr. and MeBerve wlth Federa| Reserve Bank Triangle Lake. Thence H 7* 83' K. Eugene, Oregon, has been by thu or­ Is about 88.26 per ton. Ruxek fig 11.336 49 5.71 chains. Thence West 0.40 der of »aid Court, fixed a» the tint« ures. A mixture of oats and vetch I lf«ni Newport where they spent a Mrs. G. H. Turner spent the week­ Cash and due from b a n k s ....... ........... ........... . 43.982.39 chains lo ptaca of beginning. con- nnd place for hearing objections will run slightly less, but Is equal' ,t,w days, end holiday camping out near Mar- Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and lalulng 0 64 acre». to vu Id final account and to the »et- to red clover hay In nitrogen, phoa- due from U. S. Treasurer _______ ______ 312.60 cola on the Mohawk river. There Visit at Molalla— Mr. and Mrs Application» ahould he uccoln ile'nenl and allowance (hereof, puttied by draft or certified cheek ('buries W. Johnson. Administra­ phorua and potassium. In some i'aul Schlewe spent the Fourth at waa a large number of campers In Total ___ $240,966.64 sections of the state, urcbardlsta' for the amount hid. and should be it r. Molalla where they attended the an­ that vicinity they report. uddr«»»«d to G. G BROWN, t'red K. Smith, Attorney for are using alfalfa bay and discing II L IA B IL IT IE S nual Bnrkaroo program CLERK OF STATE LAND BOARD, A d n U iiatrato r. Corvadla People Her»— Mr. and Capital stock paid In 2 26,000.00 In their orchard soils for Its organic SALEM, OREGON. and marked, Mrs. Charles Berry of Corvallis ¡ 3urPlu». -. I J 11-18-26; Ju 2-8; ) 3.450.00 matter and fertiliser value. Visits at Home— Jim Ellis, em­ 'Application and bid for purrbaa« Undlvlded profita— net _ ... 3.S47.75 In Springfield Monday eve- ployee at the News office spent the stopped of lands In Triangle Lake, lutne , . . . ... . . . _ . . Circulating note» outstanding_____ __ 6,250.00 N O T IC I nlng for a visit with relatives. They Due t0 baakl| ,BC|udlBe cert , fle<, aBd week-end holiday with his parents County. Oregon.'' O F F IN A L 8 E T T L B M E N T LOST 20 LBS. OF FAT Dated thl» June 23, 1031. cashier's checks outstanding at McMInnvtffe W illiam Gwdraan are now on their vacation and were 294.64 G O. BltDW N. Clerk of State Notice 1» hereby given that tbe IN JUST 4 WEEKS drove to McMinnville Sunday bring­ on their way to eastern Oregon Demand deposits ............. .. .... — .......... .. 141,132.79 under»lgoed Mary C. Mahon Exwcu Ijm d Board. .. 60.990.36 when they stopped in this city. deposits ------------------------------------ ing Mr. Kills back with him. (J 2 * 16 23 30) Irlx of the Estate of Jam»» S. Ma­ Mrs. Mae West of St. Louis. Mo., hon, deceased, has filed her final writes: "I'm only 28 years old and T otal $240.965.54 Californians Visit — Mr. Robert E s ta te ot M I I M a y , D eceased Rsturn to Olympia— Mr. and Mrs. account In the matter of said estate weighed 170 Iba.. until taking one Kenneth Girard and children, re- Childs, nephew of Mrs. Karl Girard, State of Orogon, County of Lane, ss: nnd Monday the 27th day ot July Notice 1» hereby given thut C. F. box of your Kruschen Salts Just 4 I. Wm. G. Hughes, president, of the above-named bank, do solemly 10 “ >**«• hom* ln Olympia and his friend, Harold Anderson, Mny ha» filed In the County Court nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has weeks ago. I now weigh 160 lbs. 1 swear that the above statement la true to the best of my knowledge of the State of Oregon. In and for been set for th« hearing of object­ also have more energy and further- Wash., after spending the past both of Pepperwood, California, and bollef. I.an, County hl« final report a« ions If any to said account and for more I've never had a hungry mo i wee|, at tt,e borne of his parents. spent the week-end in Springfield WM. G. HUGHES. President. administrator of th« Estate ot M final »ettlemeut of said estate. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Girard of thia at tbe Girard home. They arrived Correct—Attest; A. R. Sneed, L. K. Page, Paul Hadley, Directors. MARY C MAHON. Executrix roent." II May, deceased; and that ten Fat folks should take one half of the Estate of James 8. Ma­ Thursday of last week and returned Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1931. city. o’clock In the forenoon of Monday, teaspoonful of Kuschen Salts In a hon. I)ecea«ed. (8 E A L ) FRAN K A. DePL'E, Notary Public for Oregon. on Sunday. lh« 20th day of July IR31. at the (J. 26; Ju. 28-16-23) glass of hot water every morning My commission expires January 11, 1932. Breaks Arm— The left arm of- courtroom thereof tn Eugene. Ore­ before breakfast—an 86 cent bottle Helen Severson, six-year-old daugh­ gon. have been by the Court fixed lasts 4 weeks— you can get Krus­ CUT STRAWBERRY TOPS as the time and place for hearing N O T IC E O F SA L E chen at Keiets Drug Store or any ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Severson objections to »aid report and for DESTROY PLANT PESTS NOTICE Is hereby given that the drug store ln America. If not Joy­ on Crow Stage was broken Sunday the Bual aetllement of the estate fully satisfied after the first bottle when she fell while running in the State Land Board of the State of of «aid deceased C. F. May. AdmlnlHtrator of Oregon, will receive seated bids at —money back. road. She was brought to this city Practice Found to Give Partial Control of Strawberry Root the Estate of M. H. May. D » its office In the Capitol Building where a local physician set the In Salem. Oregon, up to 10:00 ceaaed. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E Borer, Says College limb. o'clock, a. in . August 11. 1831. for A. E. Wheeler. Att'y. NO TIC E Is hereby given that by —r---------------- —— - all of the State's Interest In the ( J 18-26; Ju. 8-8-18) virtue of an execution and order of Now Open in West Springfield At least partial control of the lake bed lands hereinafter dea N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ON crllied. giving, however, to the sale Issued nut of the Circuit Conrt E X E C U T IO N IN FO R E C L O S U R E root borer, a serious strawberry We carry a full line of ice cream, bottled drinks, fruits, N O T IC I OF SHERIFF'S 8 A L I owner or owner» of any land» abut of the State of Oregon for Lane Under and by virtue of an order pest, has been obtained in some nuts, confections and cigars and cigarettes. Ing or fronting thereon, the prefer County, June 18, 1831, upon and Notice 1» hereby given that by mice right to purchase said land» at pursuant to a decree duly given and of sale and decree of foreclosure cases by removal of the 'ops ot the We Specialize in Home-Made Cider — 5c virtue of an execution and order tin- highest price offered, providing made by said Court June 6. 1831. In Issued out of the Circuit Court of plauts immediately following har­ And Hamburger Sandwiches — 5c of »ale l»»ued out of tbe Circuit »urh offer 1« made In good faith, a suit pending therein In which the State of Oregon and County ot vest of the berry crop, says the O re-, Court of the M ate of Oregon for also with the understanding that Portland Mortgage Co., a corpora- Lane, on June 23. 1931, ln a suit G. S. WALKER, Prop. gon Experiment station. As com­ Lane County June 6th 1931. uiton ,j,„ purrhoaer la to pay the expense tlon. was plaintiff and Ruth Cooper, wherein Security Savings A Loan ex- Association, a corporation, plaintiff, plete control methods for this pest nil pursuant to a decree duly of advertising aud survey of ihe et. al.. was defendant, which ____ a Judgment against have not yet been worked out, the given and made by said Court June tract. In addition to the amount b id .! »c»B«n snd order of sale was to me recovered George Lammer« and Belle Lam­ 4. 1931. In a suit pending therein ,.o reserving ,o the Board the station Is recommending that the real property hereinafter dee mers. his wife, defendants, in the In which The Pacific Savings A right to reject any und all bids sum of $794.84. with interest there­ growers follow this practice until a rrlbed to satisfy certain liens and I xian Association, a Washington Hald lands are situated In Lane corporation was plaintiff and Erank County. Oregon, and described as charges In said decree specified, I on at the rate of ten per cent per more effective method is found. will on Friday tbe 24th day of July, annum from and a*ter the 19th day : Pierce. as Executor of the Estate follows: Experimental evidence collected 1931. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. of August. 1930. and for the further , of Loretta Pierce. Deceased. Erank by the experiment station indicates Beginning at a point 864.7 feet m. at the southwest door of the turn of $76.00 and for plaintiffs Pierce, Laura Pierce, and other» weAi defendants, which execution eu»t of the southwest corner of County Court House In Eugene. costs and disbursements, which that the wasp-llke moth which Is Ixit 7. Section 18. T. 16 S. R. 7 W. I>ane County, Oregon, offer for sale said decree was re orded in tbe Cir­ the adult of the root-borer prefers und order of »ale was to me dire t- SPRINGFIELD OREGON ed and commanded me to sell the of W. M . and running thence along and sell at public auction for cash, cuit Court Journal of Lane County, to lay Its eggs during mid-summer the meander Une N. 31* W 2.28 subject to redemption as provided; f'regon. and an execution issued real property described therein and on the leaves and leaf stems of hereinafter described, to satisfy the chains; thence north 1.87 chains; by law. all of the right. ttUe and thereon by the Clerk of said Court strawberry plants. Removal of the thence 8. 78(4* E »8« ehatne to Interest of tbe defendants In said on July 7. 1931. Judgment and decree given In said the west shore of Triangle Lake; suit and of all parties claiming by. I am commanded to sell the fol tops discourages this to a large ex­ , »ult. I will, 7m Saturday, the 11th thence 8. 7* 21' E. along the Lake through ot under them or any of lowing described real property, to- day ol July. 1931. at the hour ol tent, and at the same time aids ln Shore. £.70 chains; thence west them since the 6th day of June, 1931. w it: ■ me o'clock P. M at the southwest controlling strawberry leaf spot, a 0.08 chain« to the place ot begin­ in or to the following described real Beginning at the Sou'hwest cor door of the County Court House In ner of Lot 11 In Block 1 of Driver- fungus trouble which sometimes re­ property, to-wlt: Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, of ning. containing 0.271 acre». Applications should be accom­ ton, thence North 76 feet; thence duces yields in old strawberry Lots numbered 36 and 38 In Block 1 for for ««1« and sell at public auc­ panied by draft or certified check number 6. In Westmoreland Addi­ East 55 feet to the East line of plantings. tion for cash, subject to redemption for the amount bid, and should be tion to Eugene. I-ane County. Ore­ said I-ot. thence South 75 feet; a» provided by law. all of the right, Leave Tops on Old Plants addressed to O. Q. BROWN, gon. as the same appears platted and thence West 55 feet to the title and Interoat of the defendants Here is Your Opportunity to Get Fashion Right Mer­ CLERK OF STA TE LAND BOARD. and of record In the office ot the Where an old patch or even a place of beginning, all In Eugene. in said suit and of all parties claim SALEM OREGON, and marked. County Clerk of Lane County, Ore- j Lane County. Oregon. few rows are to be plowed up be­ chandise, Fresh and New, at Prices You Never Dream­ lug by. through or under them or •Application and bid to purchase gnn. Notice Is hereby given that on fore another year either because any of them In or to the following ed Could Be Possible. land» In Triangle Lake. I-ane Dated this 22nd day of June, 1931 Saturday, the 8th day of August. of age or other reason It has been described real property, to-wlt: County, Oregon." H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. 1931, at ten o'clock, A. M. of that Ixit ten (10) In Block three (3) $1.25 Girls fast color Dresses, latest style and Dated thl» June 23, 1931. day. at the front door of the Lane found advisable to leave the tops By A. E. Hulegaard. Deputy. In Shelton's Addition to Eugene. O O. BROW N, Clerk of State on them to serve as a trap crop. fabrics»........ .......... - ............- ..................- County Courthouse. I will, tn obedl- (J-25; Ju. 2-9-16-23) Lnno County. Oregon. Ixtnd Board. ance to said order of sale and de- The adult moths are attracted to Dated this 8th day ot June. 1981. (J. 25; Ju. 28-18-83-30) $1.50 Ladies’ Wash Dress, good assortment SUMMON* cree of foreclosure, sell at public these and will be destroyed when H. I - BOWN. 8herlff. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E auctlyn- the “ bove described real plowed under. W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys IUMMONI $2.25 Nashua Double Sheet Blankets -------- premises, or ao much thereof as (J 1118-26; Ju 2-8) STATE OF OREOON. FOR The tops of the strawberry may be necessary to satisfy plain­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE LANE COUNTY $5.00 Nashua Double Wood Mixed Blankets tiff's Judgment, with interest there­ plants are best removed with a STATE OF OREOON, FOR Bert Feglea and Gladys Fegles. SUMMONS on and costa, to the highest and sharp hoe, a hand sickle, or large L añé county . Plaintiffs. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E $2.75 Gray Wool Mixed Camp B lan k ets___ beat bidder for cash, in Gold Coin of knife, as care Is necessary to avoid vs. STA TE OE OREGON FOR LANE L. H. Mulkey. PlalnUff, the United States. V8. James W. Nelson. Mary Nelson, i Dated at Eugene, Oregon. Julv damaging the cro«ns of the plants. COUNTY. $1.50 Men’s Khaki Pants _______ ____________ Ernnk Ln Jole. Anna Ln Jnte, James, Mary E. McGregor, Rachel Welti, Charles T. Nelson and the un­ 9th. 1931. Mowing machines are not recom­ Alma Bllson and --------- Bllson. known heirs of James W. Nelson, I j . Jole and Rnaa Ixt Jole and $5.00 Men’s Dress Wool Pants .... H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane mended. for this reason. After her husband, George McGregor Harvey La Jnl^ Plaintiffs, deceased nnd all other persons County, Oregon. and ---------- McOregor, his wife, cutting, the tops are allowed to dry or parties unknown claiming any vs. (J 9-16-23-30: A «) $1.25 Boy's Dress Cap ........... ...........- ............ James M cG regor and -------- Mc­ Ellen La Jole. Ed La Jole, Fred La right, title, estate. Hen or Interest for a time, then raked to the center Gregor. his wife, O. L. Carlton Jole. Nellie Redding, Ouy Red­ In the real estate described In $1.25 Men’s Light Weight Union Suits N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S S A L E ON of the rows and burned. Another as the administrator of the Estate the complaint herein. Defendants. ding. Elsie Chllllson. Ben Chilli of Frank McGregor, deceased, To James W Nelson. Mary Nelson. I E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E practice recommended by the sta­ son. Lars Jacobson. Theodore 50c Extra Large Turkish Towels ...... Under and by virtue of an order tion Is shallow cultivation follow­ Parmenter. Anna Parmenler, and S. M Calkins os administrator Charles T. Nelaosi and the unknown of the Estate of Frank McOregor. heirs of James W. Nelson, deceased of sale and decree of foreclosure ing harvesting to remove weeds. Clarence Parmenter, Lottie Gom- 40c Extra Large Turkish T ow els...... ......... ...... deceased, unknown heirs of Fran­ and all other persons or parties un- issued out of the Circuit Court of bar, Tony Qombar. L. D. La Jole cia H. McGregor, deceased. De­ known claiming any right, title the State of Oregon and County of Deep cultivation which severely and Susan La Jole, his wife. De­ $1.50 Full Size Sheets, Heavy free of starch .... fendants. estate. Hen or Interest In the re a l1 Lane, on July 7th. 1931, In a suit root prunes the plants is a ques­ fendants. To Mary E. McOregor. Rachel estate described In the complaint wherein the Flrat National Bank tionable practice at any time ln the To Anna Parmenter. Defendant: $4.00 - $5.00 Corsets and Corselets of Eugene. Oregon, a banking cor­ life of the strawberry field. IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE Welts, Alma Bllson and -------- Bll herein. Defendants. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ aon, her husband. Oeorge McOregor IN T H E N A M F O F T H E STATE poration. plaintiff, recovered a $5.00 All Wool Bathing Suits quired to appear and answer the and --------- McGregor, hla wife, » F OREGON: Yon aro hereby re- Judgment against the estate ot complaint filed against you In the James McGregor and --------- Mc­ nulred tn anpear and answer the Robert Orr. deceased. In the sum LARGE REDSIDE TAKEN Children Bathing Suits, sunback Hbove entitled suit within four Oregor h it wife. O. L. Carlton as complaint filed agalnat you In the of $2730.00. with Interest at six per FROM McKENZIE RIVER weeks front the date of the first the administrator of the Estate of above entitled suit within four cent per annum from and after the 9-4 Heavy Bleached Sheeting, guaranteed publication which date Is June 11, Frank ' McGregor, deceased, un week» from the date of the first 12th day of June. 1931. and for the A large redslde measuring 22 for 2 years, Yd............................................. 1931, and If you fall to appear or an­ known heirs of Francis H. McOre­ publication of this summon» and If • further sum of $276.00 and for plain- swer for want thereof the plaintiff» gor, deceased. Defendants. vou fall to «»rear or answer for tiff's costs and disbursements, inches ln length, five and one- 9-4 Heavy Unbleached Sheeting, guaranteed will take a dneree Hgaiaat you for IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE want thereof the plaintiff will take which said decree wag recorded ln fourth inches deep, weighing Just a the relief as prayed for In the com­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re n decree against you and each of the Circuit Court Journal of Lane for 2 years, Yd.............................. little over three and three-fourths plaint. that plaintiffs and defend­ qulred to appoar and answer the you for the relief as praved for In County, Oregon, and an execution ants be deeroed to be the owners ol amended complaint filed against the complaint, lo-wit: That the issued thereon by the Clerk of said pounds was taken from the McKen­ Heavy Bleached or Unbleached Muslin Yd......... All of the Lot numbered one and you In the above entitled suit with nlalnflff« against you nnd each of Court on July 7th, 1931. zie river Juat this aide of Nimrod I am commanded to sell the fol­ Inn Saturday afternoon by Dr. W, all of tho northwest quarter of the In four weeks from the date of the you he decreed to be the absolute All 25c Fast Color Prints .................................. southwest quarter of Section 4. first publication of this summon» owners in fee almnle of. nnd you lowing described real property, to- C. Rebhan. He also caught a good Township 20 S. R. 3 West of W. M. and If you fall to answer for want and each of you be enjoined nnd wit: $1.50 to $2.00 Boys’ and Girls’ Sweaters Beginning at a point In tbe South string of smaller fish. containing 40.84 acres. then of the plaintiff will take a de­ forevar barred from claiming nny line of the Geo. W. Evans Dona­ All of the Southeast quarter of cree against you ln the sum of right, title, estate. Hen or Interest Another large fish taken from the $3.50 to $5.00 Ladies’ Sport Shoes tion Land Claim No. 48, Notf. No. river In the same location was a Ihe Southeaat quarter In Section 1, $860.00 with Interest thereon at 8% in and to the following described 2935, In Township 16 South. township 20 8. R. 4 West of W. M per annum from the 81st day of nremlaeg: Heavy Men’s Work Shoes, Standard Brand Range 4 West of the W illamette dolly varden caught by Casper Lane | September, 1928, until paid and the containing 40 acres. Beginning at a point ln the West Meridian in Lane County, Ore­ of Eugene. This fish measured 22 All of the west hnlf of the south further sum of $126.00 reasonable line of tbe James G. Mitchell and $1.60 Men’s Genuine Broadcloth Shirts In all gon. 1164 feet East of the South­ inches in length and weighed over west quarter of the Southwest quar­ attorney's fees and for costs and wife Donation Land Claim No. 68 colors ...........................................- .......... west corner of said clnlm and five pounds. Lane was fishing with ! ter of Section 4, township 20 S. R disbursements of suit; that the Notf. 7031 Township 18 South, running thence East along the 3 West of W. M. containing 20 plaintiff be decreed to have a mort­ range 2 West. W illam ette M eri­ $1.50 Humming Bird Full Fashion Silk Hose, South boundary of said claim Charles Smith, one of the owners of acres. All of the southeast quarter gage lien upon the following des­ dian. 15.88 chains North of the 1401.1 feet: theuefe North 0 de the J. P. Smith shoe factory ln Chi­ of the northeast quarter, Section 13. cribed premises: Lot 2 In Block 6 Southwest corner thereof run­ Special ............. - ................ greea 08’ East 1013.1 feet; thence cago. They caught a dosen other township 20 S. It. 4 West of W. M tn Cheshire's Addition to Eugene, ning thence East 43.756 chntna; North 89 degrees 30' West 1401.1 Lane County, Oregon, as security containing 40 acres. thence North 400 feet; thence $5.00 - $6.00 Ladles’ Silk Umbrellas fish, mostly redsides, which aver­ feet; thence South 0 degrees 08' All of the NE quarter of the 8W for the payment of said Judgment; East 146.1 feet to the eaat line aged 19 Inches ln length. West 1025.1 feet to the place of quarter nnd the HW quarter of the that said mortgage Hen be fore­ of said claim; thence North 6.22 Heavy Bleached Muslin, yard beginning, containing 32.70 acres HE quarter of Sec. 18. Tp. 20 S. R. closed and that said defendants and chains; the>nce West 46 chains to of land, more or less. In the Geo. 3 West of W. M ln I-ane County, each of them be foreclosed of all the west line of said claim and Heavy Yard Wide Outing, white or figured, yd, ICE CREAM PRICES W. Evans D. L. C. In Ig»ne Coun right, title and Interest In and to thence South 12.28 chnlns to the Oregon containing 80 ncres. ty, Oregon. TAKE DECLINE HERE In tho proportion» as specified In »aid premises; that said premises place of beginning, containing 55 $1.25 Table Damask, yard Notice is hereby given that on the complaint; that said premises he sold and the proceeds be ap­ acres, more or less all In Lane Saturday, the 8th day of August. plied, first to the costs of sale, then be sold by a referee In partition County, Oregoin. Prices of Ice cream manufactur­ $1.25 Curtain S e t ........................ - ............ end that the attorneys fees and ex­ to the sums of money above spe­ And a further decree clearing tho 1931, at ten o'clock, A. M. of that ed at the Springfield Creamery Co., day. at the front door of the I^tne cified and Ihe balance If any to penses of suit be paid from the pro­ title of said premises and for such All 25c High Grade Fast Color Prints ceeds of sale nnd the balance be S. M. Calkins as the administrator other relief as to the court may ap­ County Courthouse. I will, tn obedi­ Inc., took a sharp drop here during ence to said order of sale and de of the Estate of Frank McGregor, the Fourth of July holidays when divided among the owners and for pear equitable. The order of the Not in years have prices reached so low a level. such other relief as Is specified ln deceased unless otherwise ordered court directing service of this sum­ cree of foreclosure, sell at public the price descended from bO cents auction, the above described real Seldom have been able to offer such an assortment by the court. The date of the ordei mons by the publication thereof 1» snld complaint. to 35 cents a quart. Other prices The order of the court directing directing the service of this sum­ dated June 29th, 1981, and required premises, or so much thereof as of extra-value merchandise. service of this summons by the mons by the publication thereof Is publication each week for four suc­ may be necessary to satisfy plain are one-half gallon 60 centa and one 23rd, 1931, and orders cessive weeks nnd that you appear tiff's Judgment, with Interest there gallon |1.00 unpacked or |1.25 publication thereof Is dated June Juno 11th, 1931, and requires publication publication once each week for nnd answer within four weeks from on and coets. to the higheat and packed in ice. once each week for four successive four successive weeks, and the date the date of flrat publication. First best bidder for cash, in Gold Coin of The ice-cream la on sale at the weeks nnd the date of the first of the first publication of this sum­ publication of thia summons Is July the United States. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, July following places at above prices: mons Is June 26th, 1931. publication Is June 11th, 1931. 2, 1931. C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , Attorney Home Grocery. Elite Cafe. Mac’s C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attorney C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R . Attor­ 9th. 1931. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane Place. Gold Star Auto Camp, and for plaintiff. Residence: Eugene. THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD for I’lalntlffa. Resident Eu­ ney for Plaintiffs. Residence; County, Oregon. Oregon. Eugene, Oregon. gene, Oregon. Kratts Grocery 1 b Eugene. (J 8-1A23 30: A •) N O T IC E llli> H in t« » PAGE T H E 8PR1NGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, JULY ». 1931 723 82-J S p e c ia ls - 69c 98c S I .48 .. S2.98 S1.98 98c S2.98 — 69c 89c 39c — 25c 98c - 98c $ 2 .9 8 89c s 34c 29c 10c 18c 98c 52.9 8 $ 2 .4 8 98c 5 1 .0 0 52.9 8 IOC 15c 69c 89c 18c Th« New Shield shnpo Lenses made In Soft- Lite Shad» 2. reduce glare. DR £ C MEADE O P T O M E T R IZ T IA r t B™ AVE Fulop’s Dept. Store (J 11-18-86; Ju 1 -8) (J 26; Ju 2-8-1Í-28) (J 2-*-l(-2S-M)