THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS 8PKINGKIELD, LANK COUNTY, ORBOON. CLERKBEPDBTS ON Pastor « » » 'B U S SERIfiCE NOI at Party 10 BE CURTAILED Rebekahs to Give Childrens Party PLANES INTEREST MANYONAIR.TOUR Juanita Group Induct* Both Friends and Church Members Appointive and Elective H oi'', 'ewell Reception Ships Exhibited, Stunts De­ General Manager Visits City Money Held in Bank Would Official* at Meeting monstrated and Paseengers ft - >nd Mrs. Pike to Quell Rumors of Busses Put School* on Cash Basis; Get Trips in Large Craft to Be Discontinued Bond Bebt Reduced All officers, both elective and ap congrégation of Mein bei Hrbool district 1* which Includes all of Mprlugfleld shows a credit­ able financial standing In ih« an­ nual report prepared by Clayton F. Barber, clerk and presented at the uieetlng of the school board Monday eveulng, The report shows a cash surplus of approximately *30 over and above all warranted Indebtedness. This cash surplus wcz 'J be dulls a bit larger, however, were It not for the fact that some of the arbool funds are Involved In the liquida­ tion of the Commercial Mate bank depoalta. EE urch School Officials & To Ask Injunction seek un.oJ Eugene Attorney Retained By Larger Districts to Carry on Legal Battle Springfield high school district ' officiala will unite with officers of ; other districts In Lane county In a legal fight to determine the valid­ ity of the so-called Wheeler High School law. It was decided at the regular monthly meeting held on Monday evening. Members of the Hprlngfleld board attended the meeting held In Engene Wednes­ day evening to formulate plana for their action. Judge l ,. T. Harris of Eugene has bepn retained as legal counset for the school districts and he will probably go Into circuit coart toon asking an injunction against the use of the Wheeler law In Lane county during the next year. If the Injunction Is granted the case will be heard In circuit coart. bat Rev Frank G Coffin. if it la not granted it will be ear- O , ol the Christian Church, (shovel rled directly to the state supreme znd Fred B Smith. New York. Cow- gregational minister, arv worktag o - c®Brt polo live, of Juanita Hebekah lodge vnd friends of k t Rev. and SCHEDULE WILL STAND were formally Installed Monday DOROTHY HESTER FLIES evening at exercises held at the ----------- Mra C. J. Plkt '«* d at the church Monday ev, a fare Hope for Better Service in I. o . O. F. ball. Schedule* Are Misunderstood Mias Doris Girard la the new well reception for fit- who and Ship* Leave Early; Near Future Expressed by Noble Grand. Other eleeUve of­ left this week for his n jlles In Spend Night in Salem T. L. Billingsley ficers are Stella Baton, vice-grand; , Portlsud after having aerved tbs Genevieve Louk, secretary; and local church for the peat three Motor bu. service twtween Eu Mabel M#bg, Peddlcord. , ,rea, urar. A smaller number of airplane. treasurer. years. gen. and Hprlngfleld will not be Appointive officer. Inatalled were ,ban had «I*«»"». «bout 36 Appointive officers Installed were Kntertalnment for the reception suspended It was emphatically, Mrg a ,enn Htone, BUine warden; wgrdMJ. Nellie Na„,e In all. visited the Hprlngfleld Muni Mra. Glenn was provided by a women's quartet collduclor. Ada Love, chap ..euu.e schedule which will sters Monday Evening „ r,. e- .. *. u u -d n ea . U necessary to carry additional fuel *70,000. in the neighborhood of *8.000. board members. "Cotton Blossom Singers to be followed indefinitely provide. Building to Be Open W sdnss-^ contalnerj >tow(d away ln thp away H. O. Warren, owner of the saw­ Under the Wheeler law the high Prlactpal Items In the receipts as days and Saturday* Only I place. When on long hops th ey . A special party for all children for buaaes leaving the Eugene ter Present Free Concert in school tuition funds are apportion­ mill. was unable to estimate his shown In the report are: taxes. mlnal on the hour each morning ex During July and August have to make ladings and refuel member, of the Rebekah and ed In varying amounts depending loss without examining hla records. Local Church on Friday *26.418.34, county school fund, *7,- rept Sunday at ( a. m and con from the reserve cans L 0 ° F lod*ea ° r Springfield and upon the number of students en­ He has recently Installed consider­ 06.10; state school fund, *1.388 64; The Hprlngfleld library will not oiher outgt>nd|nr o„ the ! others whose parents are aot af- Four young negro musicians. tlnulng through the day as follows; rolled from a district. The first able new machinery and la reported elementary school fund, *4,(00.00; Thlrty-mlnutes service leaving 8. be open on Mondays during the f)#Jd ,nclude<1 , he nlM.wta8 Emtco tUlated with other local organlaa- "Cotton Blossom Singers," students few students entitle the district to to have cleared the sawmill of in­ and high school tuition fund. *(.- at the Piney Wood school for color- P. depot from 8:00 a. m to ( 00 a. months of July and August, but sblp from Los Angeles, the Wasco | tlon« wlu »« «” «» « lbe °- O. F. (30 per pupil and this Is gradually debtedness. It Is presumed that 433.40. ed people, located near Jackson, m. and leaving Hprlngfleld from will be open on Wednesday and Hat sport plane piloted by Les Bowman bal1 next Monday evening under scaled down so that the larger hit loss will be in the neighborhood The larger Items of expenditure Mlsalaalppi, will present a program « 30 a. m. to 3:30 a. m Hourly aer- urdays for the usual hours, between the direction of Mra. Fred Louk. were general control, *63* 73; In of songs and music at the Baptist vice ( 00 a. m. leaving 8. P. dapot 3 sad 6 and from 7 to » each after­ the fleet of Bird planes from the chairman of the committee ln schools find themselves receiving >f »10,000. Damage to poles, light wires and about half that for the education structlon. *36.434.33; operation of church Friday evening of thia week Eugene and 3:30 a. m leaving noon and evening, according to Pounder school at Portland and charge of arrangements. the Great Lakes sport ship given by transformers of the Mountain of each student for one year. plants, »4.M4.57; and maintenance There will be no admission charge. I Hprlngfleld lo 4:00 p. m. leaving Mra. David Bailsman, librarian, The party will be held at 8:30 the manufacturers as a gift to Miss The difference In taxation varies States Power company, and to the and repairs, *073.46. hut an offering will be taken to de I Eugene. From 4:00 p. m. to *:0O p. There seems to have been some Dorothy Hester Then there were following a short meeting of the from approximately 3 mills In Eu­ railroad tracks of the Southern Pa­ fray the eapenses of the gruup. I m., 30-mlnute eervlce leaving Eu confusion as to the hours the Ubr- also the larger cabin ships, the lodge members. It has been plan- * w arts N ew Chairm an gene to 1.8 mills in the smaller cific and to their telehpone line C. A. Hearts was sworn In as The four men will preaenl a coin «rne Hoarly service from * 00 P- ary Is to be open she states, many Ryan monoplane, sister ship to ned for some time and la made poa- rural districts. No segregation of will probably reach *3.000. chairman of the board at the meet­ plete program which will Include ra. to 11:30 p. m. l.ast car leaving 8. i having called her to Inquire why Ltndbergh's famous ‘‘We” ship sible by a member of the local Re- No Insurance waa carried on the figures hare been made for the ing held Monday eveulng at Ur. W negro spirituals, humorous and old P. depot at 11:10 p. m. for Bpring t|,e door waa locked on the first from Seattle and the attractive bekah lodge who does not care to Springfield district although It Is sawmill. There was some cover­ field. On Bundays hourly service., Monday In July. II. Pollard's office. He succeeds Hr. time colored folk songs. black and white Travetalr from have his name associated with his known that people here pay several age on the lumber at the planer, Pollard, who was reelected for Announcement of the new ache- Tacoma. donation. Hunday they will be heard In vart-j first car leaving 8. P. depot 3.00 a. times more In taxation tor the high but the building and equipment of m. Ftrat car leaving Springfield at du,e „ ,he |)br>ry was made In the three years an director. An evening of games and enter- school education of their children the planer itself was not covered. Entertainment for the crowd ous Eugene churches and over | The resignation of Mrs. Uelrgtana Both plants have been operating radio station KOKE. They have al 3:30 a. m. Last car leaving 8. P. du*“ EU,e“ e Wh'Ch wblch time the ------------------- schedule was - - de- of the stunts possible with a stock ranged for the event. day. Mr. Warren had Just com­ PYNE WINNER IN FIRST were cut at the time , of the change ----------- cldgd reived by the board, but have not . _. i plane. His moat InteresUng per- Assisting Mra. Louk with ar- GOLF TOURNAMENT PLAY pleted preparations tor continuous They are coming to Hprlngfleld been acted on as yet. Mra. Peter­ ,t hgg g practice tm.-mance was that ot slowly mov- ‘ raogemenis are Mr*. Lee Putman, operation of the sawmill and had from California where they have here have already been altered. son has been leaching domestic sci­ providing earlier Dusses on some htr whgn ghp gram. completely destroyed the reaidenee. Mr. Hoffman's plana call for the fowls and left them lying on the had enveloped the entire structure chapel In Eugene had charge of ar­ at their deed and drove on before cHmb<>d from (hp #fn. Members of Mrs. A. H Van Val- porch Is all that waa saved. A con­ The first pair ot twins to be born > completed this week, The stock of the Kelfhett store solo by Arthur Hendershott of Eu BIG STEELHEAD TROUT A little delay In reaching th was attached by the Northwest xah's Hunday school class of the siderable sum of which was In the to residents of this pari of Lane gene; a playlet participated In by fire station by telephone to k nl -c; Textile Manufacturers association Methodist church will hold a swim­ house was also destroyed by the county for more than a year ar­ SAPTIST GIRLS WILL Catching a 22 Inch steelhead in 20 young children; and the closing because part of the lighting sys­ ming party and watermelon feed at fire. rived Monday afternoon, July 8, ot Portland and sold last week. the Rouge river during the Fourth ATTEND HOUSE PARTY song. America. tem of the town was put out of --------------------------- 1831, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Kennett la now reported to Swimmer's Delight park Friday; ----------- These programs are given at lr- of July holidays was one ot the order for a short while when the Ora Dunn at Marcola. Both are boys be In the southern part of the state evening. The young people will eat SEVERAL TAKE RIDES IN Three girls, members of th e . reguiar intervals by the W. C. T. U. most exciting experiences enjoyed flames swept the electrical mech their evening meal nt their homes and they and their mother are d >- World Wide Guild of the Baptisti conducting a sale. by I. M. Peterson, city recorder, FORD TRI-MOTOR SHIP anlsm of the power company Just and will gather at the Van Valiah Ing nicely. One weighed six and cjjUrcb wm go | o McMinnville this aa|94 N A N T V C O N R A D D IF S for some time he reports. north of the sawmill. nurse at the three-fourths pound, and the other weekend tQ aUend the annua] MRS. NANCY CONRAD DIES home at 0:30 to go to the park In MANY ATTEND PICNIC Miss Clara J o n e s .------- ---- — . ------------ — -------- — —,------ Mr. and Mrs. Peterson spent the When the fire truck did reach the AT REEDSPORT MONDAY a group for a awlmmlng party. A office of Dr. W. C. Rebhan. took her 8eTBn and one balf POUIlil8 at b,rth- housewarming party to be held at Fourth of July holidays lu Medford blaze an effort was made to con AT CHRIS HANSON FARM watermelon feed will follow the first ride In an airplane Friday ' They h®1*1 ’®°k exact,y “llke' ac- Linfield college Saturday. Sunday visiting with Mrs. Peterson's swimming. when she ’went up’ In th . Ford | rord,n’ ‘® tbe Springfield phy.l and Monday. The girls to make the Lifetime Resident of Lane County brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and nect the hose with the nearest fire A large group of people Including Passes While Visiting 8ons hydrant thus saving hose for an trl motored ship belonging to the clan who attended their birth. trip have not been chosen at this Mrs. A. J. Bender. Mr. and Mra. H. 8. Potter and- fam On Coast other line, but the flames were so Mamer Flying 8ervlce operating be­ time. lly, Dr. and Mra. W. H. Pollard and PICNIC AT MYER’S PARK hot that men could not get near It. SPRINGFIELD COUPLE family, Mr. and Mra. 8. Y. Bartholo­ ENJOYED ON SATURDAY tween Spokane and Beattie. She Mrs. Nancy Conrad, resident of BAPTIST CHOIR ENJOYS Three lines were put Into play was accompanied on the flight by mew and family, Howard Hughes, WINS DANCE PRIZE FAMILIES PICNIC AT Springfield for the past 27 years, DINNER LAST NIGHT by the local firemen ln an effort Another of the many picnic Mrs. D. B. Murphy. Several other Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery, Mr. and PETER’S LODGE FOURTH passed away Monday afternoon at to save nearby buildings to the Nathalie Edmlaton.of Thurston, Mrs. Chris Hanion and family. Mias groups which gathered at the vari­ Springfield and Eugene residents Members ot the choir ot the Bap­ north and east. The Eugene fire de­ the home of her son ln Reedsport Audrey Danner, and Rev. and Mra. ous parks and resort« on July took advantage of the opportunity and John Lynch, of Springfield, A picnic group comprised of Mr. at the age of 76 years. She was tist church and a few other Invited partment answered a call with a C. J. Pike and Mrs. Pike’s father Fourth was that composed of Mr, offered of taking a short flight In won the prise at Swimmer's De­ and Mrs. A. J. Sehnetsky, Mr. and born near Eugene on July 8, 1866 friends were entertained at the large truck and set up three lines light the evening ot the Fourth of Mrs. M. A. Pohl and family. Dr. and and has lived in this state all of her church Wednesday evening with a and mother enjoyed a large Fourth and Mrs. Karl Girard and daugh­ one of the large transport ships. on the south side of the blaze July In a waits contest held there Mrs. R. P. Mortensen and family, life. of July picnic at the Hanson place ters, Misses Dorothy and Doris. Mr. 8:30 ehleken dinner provided Credit for saving of the residences aa a part of the observation of In­ on the McKenale river east of and Mrs. Kenneth Girard and chil­ LOCAL PEOPLE SPEND and Mr and Mrs. Thomas Patrick | She Is survived by her sister, through the courtesy of P. H. adjoining the plant on their side dren, Robert t'hllda and Harold An­ dependence day. Hprlngfleld Saturday. spent the Fourth of July on the Mrs. Mary Fincher of North Bend; Emery. Regular rehearsal of the of the blaze was voiced Thursday FOURTH ON McKENZIE Two thousand people gathered at banks of the Willamette river at three song, Sam and Walter ot choir was held later ln the evening derson of California; Mr. and Mrs. morning by W. P. Tyson, mayor. E. K. Pyne and ann, and Mrs. Pyne’a BULL ATTACKS YOUTH A group of Springfield people In­ the resort for the day and enjoyed Peter's Lodge. The group returned Reedsport, and Sherman of Spring- after the meal. He desired to express thanks to the mother, Mra. Nellie Jordan. These cluding Rev. and Mrs., Velile Pruitt the baseball game, dancing, swim to Springfield early In the evening field; two daughters, Mrs. William Eugene department for their co­ THREE RIBS BROKEN folks gathered at Myer's park for ming, fireworks and other events and spent the rest of the time at Curtla and Mrs. R. L. Jones, Spring- V isits from Portland — Miss operation. and family, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Reb­ planned by J. E. Jacoby, manager. the home of Dr. and Mrs. Morten- field; five grandchildren, and seven Geneva Bean of Portland visited their dinner Saturday evening. han and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Harold Clark ot Creswell la In The planing mill waa built during great-grandchildren. with her sister. Mrs. Walter N. the war In 1*17 by the late H. E. Murphy and Miss Clara Jones spent the Pacific Christian hospital thia Funeral services will be held on Gossler, over the week-end. Pitts. It has changed hands sev week recovering from Injuries aua NEW METHODIST PASTOR Saturday, July 4, on an outing on TW O MEN FINED FOR Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock era! times since then. The sawmill talned Saturday when he was at­ POSSESSING LIQUOR BAPTISTS TO HAVE W ILL PREACH SUNDAY the banks of the McKenxIe river Visit at Lengvlew—Mr. and Mrs. was electrically operated and was near Nimrod Inn. The party re­ tacked by an enraged bull which he BUSINESS MEETING from the Walker-Poole chapel ln Springfield. Rev. R. R. Mulholland Ray Nott and family spent the purchased about 18 months ago Ray Severson, Springfield, and Rev. D. C. Poindexter, recently turned to their homes late that was leading. Ole Arnston, Mapleton, were-fined The regular quarterly business pastor of the Baptist church trill Fourth of July at Longview where ’>y Mr. Warra*. He suffered three broken riba assigned to the Springfield Metho­ evening. *60 each In Eugene Justice court meeting of the Baptist church will i officiate and Interment will he they viewed the annual Rolleo cele­ Another fire which broke out In and other injuries when the bull dist church from Hood River will bration. the fuel bins last year destroyed Daughter Named—Roberta Jean, Monday by Dan Johnston, Justice be held In the church parlors to-1 made In Lanrel HUI cemetery, knocked him down and tried to arrive here the latter part of the them. They wera Immediately re trample him. He was rescued by W. week and will fill the pulpit at the la the name which Mr. and Mrs. of the peace, when they pleaded night according to Rev. R. R. Mul Visiting In Seattle — Miss Vir­ Spend Fourth at Cabin—Mr. and built and a foundation was placed church for the first time Sunday I^ee Fountain have chosen for their guilty to liquor charges against hollaed pastor of the congregation. L. Wallace, a neighbor. Clark la 20 years old. He Is the morning. Rev. Poindexter will also infant daughter born to them at them. Severson was arrested at a Business affairs of the church will ginia Hansen, secretary at the high Mrs. Carlton Wyman spent the under the bolter. The boiler was son of Mr. anti Mra. Karl Clark ot have charge of the church at Co­ their home at Leaburg on Thurs­ river resort, and Arnston was taken be reported on and discussed at the school. Is spending some time In Fourth of July at their summer still standing on a part of thia foundation thia morning. oahtn oa th* Seattle visiting with relatives. at Mapleton. sesaion. day. July 3, 1(31. burg. route 3, Creswell. Many Will Hear ...... » Negro Songsters * Summer Hours at Library Are Gwen Rebekahs Install Officers Monday ’V m “ ClWCS Program Monday