THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SI'RINi¡ElKl,l>. LANK COUNTY. OREGON. A Generous Lather 3000 Pairs T h e kind of snap for your akin will provide a g en ero u s la th e r th a t will d e a n w ith o u t harm in g y o u r akin In the least. FYotn th e m any aoapa we o ffer you will be ce rtain to find one th at flta your need«. Ketels’ Drug Store Oxfords-Ties-Straps-Blondes-White-Black A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. 77 E. BROADWAY In New Store 150 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Main, Near Fifth EUGENE. OREGON $1.49 Values $1.98 Values Is the Gas Eating Up Your Motor? Pair VALUES TO $5.00 Self Service Store Clearance o f Women ’s Summer HA TS THAT CLEANS W ITHOUT IRRITATION Women’s Hi Grade Footwear On Sa,e $2.78 No. 25 THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1931 Som e gasoline fuels have a d d In them and eat Into your m otor greatly sh o rten in g its life. Violet Bay ‘ and G eneral Ethyl are free from harm ful acids and are scien ces’ latest co n trib u tio n to m otoring Oura la real service. We have th e best quality pro d u cts at fair prices and give careful personal service. “A” Street Service Station 98c 79c The Golden Rule R ulers of Low Pries* 10th & Willametts— EUGENE— New Schaefers Bldg. Home of VIOLET RAY and ETHYL Vive YiNVipMO»* S • NOVAS'* Vf’ V'WfSMqt >M ■ I nM»Otb *v VA5 «»» « H YUM*N TB ’’ I tT eAt»YA,N voo J vo^ Y050H I vON *«• WtfC U, ay t a w k YO" A V b e M A N . A T VAH» e 5OM T lM ® Y O N b f J A )H M f? M A fc tY H '* ( 4 p y V IM IM V A V TAM * VO M M A K f tv rif"1 r J A IU Y IN V f Y v Ou » At»' / 1 *1 HALT . A r t b VO M 4 TXU» « ©AMT *V B r(X > » T « O * ' K u ifb J T A N * VOM A VOL t P p 1 AV BAN— / í j i W A IT C A T T A IN j I BANÇTÇU YOU ©ou r VOM.