TH U R SD A Y. JULY 2, 1931 P A O ! FOUR JULY FOURTH BRINGS HOST OF WARNINGS FACTS OF DOC RABIES BOY SCOUTS TO START TOLD IN LATE REPORT CAMP PERIOD MONDAY Mr. Sallee has spent several days at the camp with several boys mak­ ing final improvements. These tn elude a new water system, hot and cold water, tubs for dishes, a dish dryer, and other minor things. A large supply of wood has been cut for the ramp. Stats Health Officer Issues Warn­ A community picnic will be held ing of Lock Jaw Germs In on the »torment place near the Flroeracksr Powder Emmerich ferry July Fourth, to which all the neighbors and their Warning to be careful on the friends are Invited 1 Fourth of July are now being issued Mr. and Mr*. J. H. Davor will from various aourcea a* large mini tiers of people plan to start two celebrate their golden wedding an and three day celebrations. These nlversary July 3. A community rs- I warnings come from city official* ceptlou will be held at the I. O. O. I fire officials, forest officials and F. hall Friday evening. About 300 relatives and close friends of the health officers. The sale or use of fireworks In Devor family have been Invited be Springfield la prohibited by a city side* the member* of the Odd Fel ordinance. The sale of them ia low* and Itebeksh lodge*. Mr. and strictly enforced, but many ot the Mrs. Devor have made their home resident« who remain in town have at Waltervllle since 1900. their own »mall display« without Mr. and Mrs. George Wright ot persecution. Keuute'a ranch several miles east Fire officials have repeatedly Is of Vida. Mr and Mr*. Charles Hart sued warnings telling of the grave wig of Cook's ranch. Mr. and Mrs. danger of setting tlrea with siuould Fred Easton of Waltervllle have ertng firecracker* after they have had as their guest recently L. It exploded. Thia I* especially true Hartwig of Waterman, Cal., and hla in the dry leaves and ferns In the daughter. Mrs. Eldon Kroal of tar forests. ran*. CENSUS RELEASE GIVES OREGON FARM FACTS Mia. Retiuie Kooser will enter­ NEW OREGON BOOKLETS tain the Waltervllle latdlea Union PREPARED BY S. P. CO. Lot. Charles A Lindbergh and his wife have been spending a lot Aid Society ot her home Thursday I tune at the Curtiss Airport, Long island, tuning up for their pro- A s tie n i a t D o ** Often M isleading; Mad Dog A tta c k * Only W hen Provoked Many Naw Im p ro vem ent* M ad *; Second Group to Uaa Property A fte r Tw o W e e k * ('•re of dog» to prevent rable« and precautionary measure» for the protection of both do« end ho mana la explained In a atatement iaaued thia week by the t'happel Kennel Foundation of Rockford. Illlaola. Forty Ij»ne county Roy Scouts will «tart a two-weeks' outing at Camp Lucky Boy on the Blue river Monday, July 6. Another group will cuter camp immediately after the first period is ended according to 11. B. Sallee, Lane Scout execu­ tive. Entirely too many auperatltlous Idea* atlll eurround the »ubject. ac­ cord In« to the foundation. Super atl'lon haa It. for Instance, that do«« are much more likely to «o mad durln« summer “do« days'* than at any other time of the year. T>e fact la that rabies la no more common In August than in Janu­ ary, and rare at a«ny time. It is heard of more In summer because of the «reater outdoor freedom of both men and animals. What often appear* to the average person to be rabies 1* recognised by the ex­ perienced do« breeder aa such com­ mon ailments as running fits, con­ vulsions. Indigestion, sun-stroke, etc. Parents of the boys will tab* them to camp for the first period. The period will be spent with hikes, nature study, swimming and out­ door games. FAVORABLE CHANGES OF POSTOFFICE TO CLOSE AGRICULTURE NOTED AT 2 ON SATURDAYS McKenzie Valley Dairy and Poultry Outlook Con­ Hprlngfleld'a postoffice will close tinu** to Improv* Say* at 2 o'clock "Y^very Saturday after­ Market Forecast noon effective at once according to F 11 llauilln. poatmaatar. The ac­ The low prevailing prices fur tion her* follow* a decision made bultor hat resulted In greater cou at the state meeting of the postal sumption of butler and a lesser use officials In Eugene laat week wheu of oleomargarine and other sub Il wa* decided that all first and slltutes says the weekly market second class office* would close at that hour. report of the »late Extension tN*r The new closing hour will not vice at Corvallis. Manufacturer* ot affect the dally schedule at the oleomargarine haa decreaaed and postofflc*. however. The window surplus stock* of dairy products will open at g each morning and re­ are relatively «mailer than a mouth main open until 6 o'clock In the evening. ago. although milk production Is The recent dectalon of the poet- running somewhat ahead of last i office department to put all postal year. employee* on a 44-hour week was The uuuiber ot mlk cows la now i given a* the reason for the aarly estimated at 3 per ceul greater Hatuiduy closing hour. than a year ago and the cow popu latlou of the country la expected More than fifth of all parson* to continue to Increase (or some l*)nred In automobile accidents laat time. However, the tendency to year were under the age of 16 keep too many heifer calves and old cowa haa been checked. Condi­ 1 Indicated a total output for tbs tion« for milk production may country 10 per cent below average, average better during the summer the report continue*. Thia may at than a year ago. although the con­ feet dairy production neat winter, dition of pasture* on June 1 waa aa the total atocka of old bay are not good In moat of the dairy atatea also light. Feed gralu prospect* vary. Bar­ from Mlchlguu through Iowa. Neb raaka, Colorado aud California to ley waa In the lowest condition on the Cunadlan boundary. Condition* record on June I. t'orn wa* mak­ were generally belter than laat ing a alow alert, (lata proepacta were for an output about tha tame year east of the Mississippi. Condition of hay crops on June aa laat year In the whole country. Continuing its advertising cam of next week. If the weather la suit­ rd flight across the Pacific Note the happy look on the face* of oatipn's favorite couple palgn to bring tourists and settlers able an out-of-door* meeting on the Horse* and Cattle Show Increase to Oregon. Southern Pacific today river bunk will be held. in Numbers; Fewer Swine There would be many less "mad COUNTY BEAUTIFICATION^ announced the publication of two and Chicken* Mra. Wilma Ellington and baby dog" episodes It strangers avoid new travel booklets. Oregon Out­ AWARDS ARE PROPOSED of Bend are visiting relatives here petting or teasing dogs who are doors and Crater Lake. According to a bulletin recently and taking advantage of a vialt to made Irritable and uncomfortable Carl Olson, local agent tor the issued by the bureau of census, Com m ittee G rants Year's E xten ­ Iaiurence Smith Is In the Pacific the fruit producing region to pre­ by the heat as much as man. the showing both state and county sta­ sion on Project; N ew Con­ Christian hospital. His left side Is railroad stated that the two book­ pare fruit for the winter supply. Foundation states. Contrary to the tistics. the number of farms in struction Bothers paralysed after t. stroke which he lets devoted exclusively to Oregon, general belief, there need be no will supplement the railroad's cur­ Charles Scott is here from Bend Oregon increased from 50.206 in suffered last week. hysteria when an excess of saliva rent advertising In national maga- for the July vacation of the Big 1920 to 55.911 tn 1925. but de Awards in the Sam Hill Roadside Mrs M. E. Hays who underwent from the dog's mouth is noticed. creased to 55,153 in 1930. The total Contest started early this spring an operation tn the Pacific Christ­ ines setting forth the tourist at­ Pine mill where he la engaged a* Dogs more than other animals suf number ot farms in Oregon In­ will not be made tor another year ian hospital recently Is reported as tractions ot the entire Pacific mill wright. fer unmercifully from lack of coast. This nation wide advertis­ cludes 10.573 having from 20 to 49 it was announced this week by J. doing nicely. Mrs. Curtis Price left with her water and a cool, quiet place to ing in addition to featuring Oregon, acres, $.932 from 50 to 99 acres, G. Edwards, president of the Me­ Miss Irto Wallace a graduate ot little sob . John, for Yellowstone rest. A horse can sweat through and $.693 from 100 to 174 acres. mory Garden Highway Association the Pleasant Hilt high school left invites American travelers to In- park to join Mr. Price, who Is sta­ his skin and be cooled by the There were 6.025 farms having 500 and chairman ot the roadside con­ for Portland last week. She has elude this state In their circle tout tioned there aa a forest ranger. evaporating moisture, but a dog acres and over. te st employment in the home where through the west. Mr. Price was but recently trans can only <>ant. Dogs sweat mostly The two new booklets will be dis Mr. Edwards, chairman. Wells Shirley Wiley Is working. ferred to the Yellowstone district Of the 55.153 tarms in the state, through the tongue and when un­ trlbuted throughout the eastern Mrs. Emma Pehrson. who has and hla family have visited rein comfortable. perfectly healthy as reported in the census. 44.521 Gilbert, secretary and Peter Kerr part of the nation by the railroad's tires here while Mr. Price com­ dogs frequently slobber and foam were operated by owners. $42 by the three members of the commit­ been with her daughter. Mrs. Emma agents and by tourist and travel pleted arrangement* for them managers, and 9,790 by tenants. tee have driven over the Pacific Olson, has returned to Portland. at the mouth. The Oregon Outdoors At a meeting of the board of high bureaus. highway on a tour of inspection and there. The land In farms increased from Mad Dog Runs Aimlessly booklet has 16 pages and Is at- 13,542.31$ acres In 192C and 14.130.- have found so much new construe i-l school district No. 1 at Pleasant Mr. and Mra. George Conklin ot Exercising dogs on a lead strap ' tractlvely printed In tour colors. It Hill. E. Y. Swift was chosen chair­ tlon. new routing, and incomplete $47 acres in 1925 to 16.54S.67S acres Cottage Grove were recent visitor* Is an excellent precautionary mea­ ' contains photographs and brief des in 1930. The value of farm land clearing of debris on property ad­ man and E. E. Schrenk was elected sure. It should be borne in mind criptlons of the state's many at­ at the home of Mra. Conklin's par­ jacent to the highway that they clerk. and buildings decreased from 6675.- that a really mad dog flies forward The Trl-Communlty club which tractive spots and scenic splendors. ent*. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Morris 213.3S4 in 1920 to 6616.065.770 in think it unfair to judge the effort aimlessly Instead of going deliber­ embraces the districts of Clover­ The first release of thia booklet at Deerhorn. made toward the contest at this 1925, but increased to 6630.S27.927 ately from one to another and does John Ross with hl* son. Orville, dale, Bear creek and Enterprise consists of 10,000 copies. The in 1930. The value of farm imple­ time. not attack unless provoked or an­ Crater Lake booklet contains eight for a number of year* of Leaburg. held an election of officers for the ments and machinery in 1930 was While there is much evidence of noyed. so that a person keeping out ; pages and Is also printed In four now a resident of Medford, visited 642.5S5.751 as compared with 635,- work toward the contest in some coming year. June 3. Bert Beaver of his path Is safe. colors. The cover I* a reproduc­ hla brothers. Cameron and Ed Roaa was re-elected president, D. E. Rine 642,615 in 1925 and 641.567.125 in localities, in others there is very tion of one of the most popular and hla slater*. Mra. Minnie Matnea The Foundation suggests inno- 1920. hart vice-president; Mrs. E. F. little or none. The extension ot Mr*. Clara Hook at Deerhorn culation against rabies as the most Roberta re-elected secretary-treas­ paintings of Crater Lake. The read­ time will give all an equal chance The total number of horses and assuring -'peace of mind" measure urer. Three directors were elected ing matter tells of the charm of Hila week. colts on (arms April 1. 1930 a s s to organize, to give the project Mr. and Mr* D. McCormick re­ now available. This can be done by to serve two years, L. E. Parks, the great crater and the surround­ 17S.S75. The total, exclusive ot generous publicity, and to enlist a competent veterinarian. Bert Beaver and Riley Petty. Mrs ing lake country and Its forests." cently of Florence have moved to colts on farms April 1, 1930 was the cooperation of every owner of the MeNown farm where they ex­ Harry Flshwood was appointed aa When a dog's actions suggest was 176.225. Horses and colts on property on the highway. chairman ot the entertainment COLLECTIVE SALES PLAN pert to remain a few week« before rabies. It should not be killed un­ farms numbered 223.S48 on Janu­ The committee will make an­ less It cannot be caught with safe­ ary 1. 1925 and 271.559 on January other tour of inspection in the tall. committee and Francis Parks chair­ URGED BY LUMBERMEN establishing their home In central Oregon. man of the refreshment committee. ty. On the contrary, it should be 1. 1920. Advice and practical suggestions Mrs. Arthur Coffey of Deerhorn The Inauguration of a collective Stanley Gray of Signal has been securely kenneled and observed for The total number of cattle on may be had by writing to any mem­ elected director to serve five years sales plan for Willamette Valley Is spending a few weeks at Tigard. at least two weeks. A veterinarian farms on April 1, 1930, was $05,120. ber of the committee, or to Mrs. on the board of Lowell Union high lumbermen whereby they would Oregon, for medical care. Miss should immediately examine the The total, exclusive of calves born Jessie M. Honeyman. chairman of school. M. E. Edwards as the retir­ have one selling agency and limit Clara Rutter It visiting Miss An­ dog, which should, if possible, be the roadside committee of the Ore­ placed in his custody for the ob­ since January 1. 1930. was 702,669. gon Federation of Garden Clubs, ing director. H. W. Veatch was re­ their production to their sales was drey Coffey during the absence ot Cattle on farms numbered 6736,459 advocated at a gathering of West her aunt. elected clerk for the next year. servation period. If the dog re­ on January 1, 1925 and 851,108 on 1165 E. 21st Ave. Eugece. Oregon. Mra. Cecil Wilkin* and her two Thursday of last week the Lowell Coast Lumbermen at Eugeue last mains well and healthy, it may be January 1, 1920. Grange entertained the Goshen Friday by W. B. Oreeley. secretary- sister* In law, the Mr*. Boggs, all released and tha person bitten The total number of swine on Grange at the regular meeting. A manager of the West Coast Lumber­ of Loa Angeles are spending a six need have no fear of contracting program of music by Lucile Walker, men's association. Mr. Greeley told week*’ vacation with I,ane county rabies; U, on the other hand, the farms on April 1. 1930, was 224,539. Eugene Parker and Charles Cox; a of a similar plan which is being relative*. These Include Harrisburg. dog has rabies. It will manifest The total, exclusive ot pigs born short skit “Why Wait," by Ruby used by the lumbermen In the Seat­ Mohawk and McKenzie valley fami­ symptoms during the observation after January 1, 1930, was 120,554. Hyland, Doris Hyland, Earl Drury, tle district. They have one sales lies. At Cedar Flat they are visit­ period. The person bitten, of Swine on farms numbered 216,065 and a dialogue by Juanita Edwards, representative In the eastern states ing Mrs. Wilkins aunt, Mr*. H. C. course, should have the Immediate on January 1, 1925 and 266,778 on Delbert Edwards and Emery Hy­ who disposes of the entire cut of Earl and cousin. Mrs. Richard attention of a physician, who January 1, 1920. Hart. _ land was given during the lecture each mill. The total number of chickens should start the Pasteur anti-rablc -L. V hour. treatment if the dog is known to be over three months old on farms Miss Arlene Mitchell has gone to April 1, 1930, was 2,969,116. Chick­ rabid. Newport where Bhe has employ­ ens of all ages numbered 3,228,887 ment for the summer. on January 1, 1925, and 2,500,123 TWO FOREST AREAS TO on January 1, 1920. QOOO THIMG AB O U T BE CLOSED ON JULY 7 “ t h e s e b a b y A U TO S IS Crops were harvested in Oregon t h a t t h e y ' i s to pped from 2,906,324 acres in 1929, as Recent Heavy Rains Make It Pos­ F O L K S M A K irt' B A P compared with 2.592,219 In 1924. sible for Camper* to Spend JO KES A B O U T F O B O 5 The total for 1929 includes 1,105,691 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weaver and Outing In Timber acres of hay cut with a production son. Roy, of Crocker, California. 1. Arrival of planes. aDd tbeir friends. Mr. and Mrs. Two areas in the Cascade nation­ of 1.827,537 tons; 1,075,241 acres of O-Ohl al forest will be closed to entry wheat threshed with a production A woman owned a fine green­ Morton, also of Crocker, arrived 2. Inspection of ships. after July 7, It was announced this of 21,526.667 bushels; 213,416 acres house, but she was rather Ignorant Monday evening for a visit with of oats threshed with a production week from the United State* forest of her flowers by their botanical relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Mor­ 3. Parachute jump by Miss Billie Brown of Los Angeles. Premier woman parachute jumper of the world. Has the greatest office in Eugene. The areas to be of 7,613,345 bushels; 78,359 acres terms. One day she was showing ton left Tuesday morning for Helt number of jumps to her credit of any woman. closed are the South Fork of the of barley harvested with a produc­ the greenhouses to a woman friend tie. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Handekarap McKenzie from the east fork to tion of 2,373,155 bushels; and 33,- who did know the flowers by their 4. Stunting, Marshall Keagrave of Medford, Oregon. Dutch Oven, and the area north­ 039 acres of potatoes harvested Latin names, aDd she thought she and John Handekamp spent the In his 250 horse power Speedwing Travelalr. week-end at Miss Heersma's. east of Oakridge which Is now be­ with a production of 3,364,289 bu would have some fun. Ted George, a former resident of ing cut over by the Western Lum­ shels. In 1929, the vegetables “Have you any ‘Septenafs Psor­ 5. Altitude race against time. grown in the open for sale, with a iasis'?” asked the friend. ber company. Thurston, was married to Miss Isa­ Ships will take off and climb up to 1500 feet above the ground. value of 62,955,557, were harvested "No,” answered the woman, not belle Hoover In Corvallis last Sat­ They must then do either a loop,a barrel roll or one turn of a tall spin, i The South Fork area has been Shortest time from gTound to ground wins race. partially closed for several weeks from 18.264 acres. The four most to be stumped; "I had it and gave urday. important vegetables were celery, ft to our minister, and It came out Mrs. Bert Weaver and children prior to the recent heavy rains, but valued at 6390,316, harvested from beautifully In the spring.” 6. Stunting by Johnny Blum, naval pilot of Seattle,] are visiting relatives near Crow for has been reopened until after 478 acres; dry enlons, valued at Washington. July 4. But after her friend left, she a few days this week. Flying a tapering wing Waco in demonstrations of stunts aDd 6343,761, harvested from 1,539 Mrs. Ellen Needham and son, The Oakridge section Is usually acres; tomatoes, valued at 6272,333, went to a Latin dictionary to see speed. Ray, motored to Cottage Grove to dosed earlier than this to protect harvested from 1,029 acres; and what "Septennls Psoriasis” meant. ] the heavy stand of timber which snap or string beans, valued at She found out! It meant the seven- visit Mrs. Needham's mother, Mrs. 7. Demonstration flying of new production planes. Teeters, last Sunday and helped This will include quick tage-offs, slow landings, climbing turns cannot be reached easily by fire 6242,276, harvested from 1,186 year-itch!—Progress. her celebrate her birthday. and demonstrating maneuverability of ship, showing safety and Im­ fighters. acres. "Here, hold my horse a minute, provement of new planes. . Road crews which have been sta­ will you?” JOSEPH KOKE HEADS tioned on the South Fork near the 8. Stunting and demonstrations by Gordon Mounts. ■‘Sir! I am a member of Con- stx-mlle post have been withdrawn PATRICIA MARTIN DIES WATERWAYS CROUP Pacific Coast representative of the Fleet Aircraft corporation of gress?” for a vacation over the Fourth. AT HOME WEDNESDAY Buffalo, New York. “Oh. that's all right ; you look Joseph H. Koke of Eugene was honest. I'll take a chance.”—Ex 9. Surprise act. chosen president of the Willamette MANY ATTEND BIRTHDAY Patricia Isabell Martin, daugh­ change. Valley Waterways association at PARTY HERE MONDAY ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin, 10. Second parachute Jump by MI sb Brown's sister. the monthly meeting of the group One of these glrla will make a delayed Jump. Dot opening her para­ Where's the Rake? died at the home of her parents held at the Eugene hotel Tuesday chute untlPshe has dropped at least 1000 feet from the ship. Miss Doris Cockerline of Eugene ‘Tve lost my Austin.” evening. and Miss Betty Mersdorf were host here Wednesday evening at 8:30. "How come?” Mr. Koke takes the place of 11. Formation flying. esses Monday evening at a surprise She was born at Portland on July "I went to crank the dam thing There will be a formation of 3 Great Lake« airplanes; a formation birthday party given at the home of 21, 1928, and the family moved to and It flew off the handle Into the Frank Jenkins who resigned the the latter In honor of her sister the upper McKenzie county a year tall grass, and I haven’t found it post because of other business In­ of 3 Bird airplanes and 3 Fleet airplanes. terests which required most of his Miss Helen Mersdorf. The evening ago. Two months ago they moved yet."—Exchange. 12. Flying lesson. time. was spent playing games and was In this event, we will endeavor to use the radio to explain the to Springfield. The organization has as Its pur­ closed with the serving of dainty method of control of an airplane with actual demonstrations by a plane Biggest Noise She is survived by her parents, pose the stimulation of Interest in refreshments. "8o Joe was the life of the out In the center of the field. one brother, Robert Wesley; and and the eventual canalization of the Those present for the event were party ?” her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Willamette river from Oregon City the Misses lva Calef, Valeta Ny- 13. Stunting by Tex Rankin. "Yeah. He was the only one •‘Nuf Sed." hart, Olga Lee Hostlck, Leona She- C. Martin, and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. who could talk louder than the to Springfield. Lambert. Iko, Demora Relyea, Evelyn Miller, Funeral services will be held radio.”—Life. 14. Gladys O’Donnel. COUNTY COURT NAMES Doris Cockerllne. Evelyn Holbrook. Winner of practically all major closed course event* and several from the Walker-Poole chapel In Betty Mersdorf, Helen Mersdorf, He’d Wait Awhile CORONER ON FRIDAY cross country races, who will give a racing demonstration making pylon Springfield Friday afternoon at 2 Edwin Relyea. Robert Miller, Paul A negro called at a hospital and turns right off the ground. o'clock. Rev. Veltle Pruitt will of­ Haxley, Ray Haxley. Kenneth Hol­ Clarence V. Simon, deputy coro­ ficiate and interment will be made said: "I called to see how mah brook, Frank Mersdorf, Francis 16. Second surprise act. fren’ Joe Brown was getting ner for Lane county for many years in Laurel HUI cemetery. Calef, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merr.- along.” . under the late W. W. Branstettar, 16. Speed demonstration by Florence Iziwe (Pancho dorf. and Mrs. E. M. Cockerllne. The nurse said, “Why, he’s get­ wan appointed coroner Friday by Business Name Filed— The as­ ting along fine; he's convalescing the County Court to serve until Barnes). In her Travelalr Mystery ship. Visit at Medford—Mr. and Mrs. I sumed business name of the Qual­ now.” the nezt general election. Mr. L. E Slone have gone to Medford ity Ice Cream company was filed "Well,” said the darky, "Ah'll Branstetter died at the Pacific 17. Dorothy Hester, the world’s premier stunt pilot— U» spend the Fourth with Mr. and for record at the office of the coun­ Just sit down and wait till he's Christian hospital after an Illness man or woman. M z* Rert Gregory. ty clerk. Miss Hester will do all conventional stunts up-alde-down. through.”—Uno Anlmo. Thursday of last week. Do N ot Pet Dog* Upper Willamette Northwest Air Tour Thurston Program S TO R E NO. I — ItS East Breadw ay, Eugen* STO R E NO. 6— MO C h arnalten S treet, Eugen* S TO R E NO. 4— 800 M a in Street, Springfield "The SAFETY-SEALED COFFEE” PATD SKAL CANNOT CLOSS UNLfiSS AIH IS OUT jf-J-B’s Pound 34c Till Friday Evening CHEESE, full cream, lb. T ft _ 1 UC J u l y 4 th S p e c ia ls WITH 1932 LICENSE 1 9 2 7 Ford T ou rin g - $ 8 5 Very Good 1 9 2 6 Tudor S edan - $ 1 4 0 Good Condition 1 9 2 4 Star Touring - $ 7 5 Fine Shape ANDERSON MOTORS Inc. General Repairing General Lubrication SPRINGFIELD OREGON THEY’RE COMIN’ — a f& 50 Different Kinds of Planet IN THE Northwest Air Tour Springfield Airport Friday, 10 A.M. Biggtat A trial Parformance Euar in Northufaat AIRPLANE RACES LADY PARACHUTE JUMPERS SPEED DEMONSTRATIONS ALTITUDE FLYING UPSIDE DOWN FLYING INSPECTION OF NEW PLANES OUTSIDE LOOPS PASSENGER CARRYING