THURSDAY, JULY 2. 1931 Katat* of M lf May, Dereaaed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Springfield, Oregon, June 34. 1*81 Noilce la hereby glveu (liat C. F Notice fa hereby given that the May haa filmi tn Ih« Conniy Court of the Htata of Oregon, In and for under*lgned as Superintendent of Ixine Couiily. hl* flnal report aa Bunks for the Htute of Oregon Is ndmliilatrator of the Kalat« of M In charge of Ihe asset* and affairs Il May, deceaaed; and that Ien of Die Commercial State Bank of n'clork In Hie forenoon o f Mondrty, Springfield, Oregon, for the pur (he Soili dar of July. 1*31. at the lose of liquidation. All persona who rnnrlrnom thereof tn Eugene, (ire I may have claims against aald bank gon bave heen hy the Court flxed ure hereby notified to make legal the Ilme and place for hearing proof thereof by filing a duly veri­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R E fied elalm. sa by law provided, with Notice 1» hereby given that by uhJei-Iluna In «nlil report and for th e Deputy Superintendent of lite firmi »eltlenient of Ihe calale order u( ill« County Court of l.uu« Banka In charge at the office of il aald dereaaad. t ounty, b ri'iu u , duly luad« aud eu (’ F May. Ailmlnlatralor of Ihe Commercial State Bank of of record on Ilia ltllh day of Ihe Katute of M H. May, De­ Springfield, Oregon, on or before Juno, A. I). 1*31, ihe uiidvralinud September 24, 1*31. ce«« ed. wua eppoluled Aduilnlatratur of the A A. HC IIHA M M . Superintend K. Wheeler. A tt’y. ««tala of It«««« Henry Ixilrd, do ent of Banka. ( J. 14-26; Ju l-*-14> > i aaad. (0 3 4 ) all pvraoua liavlu* claim« uguloat ■aid v ila te are bumpy required to NOTICE OF G U A R D IA N ’S SALE N O T IC E O F H B A R IN O OF OF LAND pi ««uni the aauie to tbe under F IN A L A C C O U N T ■Iguad at the law office of I’otlel Notice la hereby given, (hat by aud Halley, 631 Mluvr llulldluc, Lu virtue of a llcenae grunted by and IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF a«uv, Oregon, wltliiu elx mouth» order laaued out of the County T H E S T A T E OF OREGON from the date of Ibis notice. Court of the Htate of Oregon, In FOR LANK CO UNTY Ihited at Eugeue, Oregon, this and fnr Lane County, on the lat day In the M atter of the Eatate of U til duy of June, A. II. 1**1. of June, 1*31, nuthorlxlng me, a* Harry ('. Jackson, deceased r iiM E it o v N. LAIRD, Admin guardian of the eatate of Ixrra Nolle« la hereby given by the un latralor of tbe eatut» of Iteeae Marie Ryan, n minor, to aell at derslgiied administrator that be private aale the following deaertbed has filed hl* final account In tbe lleury l.ulid, llecea«ud. _______ IJ 14-26, Ju 2 * 1 6 ) ____ intol» In longing tu »aid minor; I ulxivi entitled matter and that at « I I I mi Monday, the 8th day of the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of tbe N O T IC E July, 1*31, and thereafter until I Kb day of July, 1831, at the Court OF FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T «old. upon the preml«ea and at my room of aald Court In the Ixine N O T IC E IH H E R E B Y G IV E N , j residence, 344 Grand 81. North In Count Court House In the City of That Uurtrude Potter, executrix of Cue. in- Oregon. offer for sale and Eugene, Oregon, baa been by the or- llie la«t will and teitainunl and aell Io Ihe party nfferlng Ihe moat der of aald Court, fixed aa the time «stale of llauover II. Pitta, ba* run-1 therefor In caah, &II of the North­ and place for hearing objections dered and filed lu the t'ouuly Court | west fourth of the Northeast quar to aald final account and to the aet- of the mat« of Oregon for the Conn ter of Section 14, In Township 16 lleuienl and allowance thereof. ly of latne her first and final at South. Itangi- 9 Weal of W iliam , Charles W. Johnson. Admlolatra- «tie meridian; forty acres, mure or; t( r. count and petition aud that the «aid Court ha» by an order duly inude |c»«. In Lane Count», Oregon; »ub-! Fred E Smith, Attorney for Joel to the approval of and con-! Adnlm atrator. and entered ha* fixed and uppolut , flrmatlon by «aid Court. ( J 11-1826; Ju 2-8;) ed. Saturday the l i t day of Augual EN ID K IlY A N , Guardian of i at the hour of ten o'clock A. Eatate of lx»ra Marie Ityan. a I N O T IC E ,M. of aald day, at the County Court Minor. O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T room In the County C-ourlbuuae lu I (J 4 11-18 26: Ju 21 the City of Eugene, Oregon. aa the Notice la hereby given that the day, time and place tor heurlug ol undersigned Mary C. Mahon Execu NO TIC E TO CREDITO RS objection* Io aald final account uud NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN that I trlx of the Estate of Jam«-« S. Ma the aetllement thereof. All objec­ tion* must be In wrltlug and filed the undersigned hua been appointed hon. dereeaed, has filed her final with the clerk of aald Court on or A <1 III I 11 IM t ra t r lx of the eatate of Ferd account In the m atter of aald eatate Parker, deceased, hy the County amt Munduy the 24th day of July before aald day and time. Court of Lane County, Oregon. All at the hour of 10 o'clock A M. has Haled tbla 2* day of June, 1**1. been aet for the hearing of object­ G ERTRUD E HOTTER, Executrix persona having elalmn ugalnat aald ions If any to aald account and for t-'HANK A H e l'l'E , attorney for tbe eatate are required to present them with the proper vo'-chera to the rinul settlement of aald eatate. eatate. MARY C. MAHON. Executrix uiideralgned at the law offices of IJ 2 *-16-23-201 of the Eatate of James 8. M a­ Potter A Bailey, 631-32 33 Miner hon. Deceased Building, Eugene, Oregon, within Parent tanxtoualy): Nurae. la It alx months from the date of thia (J 26; Ju. 8-8-14-23) a him or a her? notice. H A T E D nt Eugene, Oregon, tbla Nurae; I t * a them.— Exchange. NOTICE OF SALE 4t h day of June, 1*31. R U T H P A R K E R . A d m in istra­ NO TIC E la hereby given that the trix of the Eatate of Ferd Parker, State Land Board of the Slate of Dm-osxed. Oregon, wtll receive sealed bid* at PO TTER A H A ILEY Attorneys for Its office In the Capitol Building Estate. In Salem, Oregon, up to 10:00 (J 4-11-1826; Jly 3J o'clock, a. m.. August 11. 1031, for ali of the State's Interest In tbe N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SALE lake bed lands hereinafter des­ cribed. giving, however, to the JEWKLKR Notice la hereby given that by owner or owner* of any lands abut- Repairing a Specialty virtue of an execution and order Ing or fronting tbereoo, the prefer­ of aale Issued out of the Circuit ence right to purchase aald lands at Springfield, Oregon Court of the Htate of Oregon for the highest price offered, providing Lane County June 6th 1*31, upon such offer Is made In good faith, mid pursuant to a decree duly also with the understanding that Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN given and made by aald Court June the purchaser la to pay the expense t I9 . ll In u m ilt pending therein of advertising and survey of the N aturopathie Physician In which The Pacific Saving« A trace. In addition to the amount bid. Pirat National Hank Bldg. Loan Aaaoclatton, u Washington also reserving to the Board the Phone«: Office 73J ; Ile«; I43W corporation was plaintiff and Frank right to reject any and all bids: office Hour*: 1 to 6 P. M, Said land* are situated in Lane Pierce, as Executor of the Estate Healdence 3*3 1) atreet of Loretta Pierce. Deceased. Frank County. Oregon, and described aa Pierce, lxiura Pierce, and others follows: were defendants, which execution Beginning at a point 464.7 feet and order of aale was to me dire t- east of the aouthweat corner of FOR SALE ed and commanded me to aell tbe Ixit 7. Section 18. T. 16 8. R. 7 W. Oood 18-inch Bloek wood, also real properly described therein and of W. M . and running thence along 16-lnch and 4 foot old growth hereinafter described, to natlafy the Ihe meander line N. 31* W. 2.29 Judgment and decree given In aald chains; thence north 1.87 chains; alabwood. suit, I will, on Saturday, the 11th thence S 79 U * K 0-40 chain« to FRANK TUHY day of July, 1931, at the hour of the west shore of Triangle Lake; Phone Sp. 1S2J one o'clock P. M at the southwest thence 8. 7* 31' E along the Lake door of the County Court House In Shore. 3.70 chains; thence weat Eugene, Ixine County. Oregon, of 0 08 chains to the place of begin­ All Kind* of fer for aale and aell at public auc­ ning, containing 0.371 acres. tion for cash, subject to redemption Applications should be accom­ a* provided by law. all of the right, panied by draft or certified check title and Interest of tbe defendants for the amount bid, and should be R E P A IR IN G and S H A R P E N IN G In aald suit and of all parties claim- addressed to G. G. BROWN. lug by. through or under them or (I.E R K O F S T A T E LAND BOARD. 128 W. 8th Street any of them In or to the following SALEM OREGON, and marked. Eugene Phone *00 described real property, to-wlt: "Application and bid to purchase Lot ten (10) In Block three (3) ’ lands In Triangle Lake, Lane In Shelton's Addition to Eugene, County, Oregon.” DR. BERTHA DAVIDSON t.ano County. Oregon. Dated thte June 23. 1921. Q. O. BROWN. Clerk of State Hated thia 8th day of June, 1831. Osteopathic Physician Ijvnd Board. H, L BOW N, Sheriff. (J. 25; Ju. 2-918 23-30) W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys. 304 1. O O. F. Temple (J 11-18-26; Ju 28 ) SUM MONS Telephone 3248 Eugene, Ore. Business Directory Edw. G. Privat Lawn Mowers SUMMONS U niversal Mortgage Corp. i ¡BONDS W . P. Tyaon, Agant 124 E St. Phona M W WalKer-PooleCo. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Chapelx Eugene, 11 • Chamellon Springfield, 228 Main Phone 723 82-J THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ii IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E STA TE OF OREOON. FOR IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT O F T H E L A N E COUNTY. STA TE OF OREOON FOR L A N E L. H. Mulkey. Plaintiff, CO UNTY va. Frank La Jole, Anna La Jole. James l.a Jole and Rosa I-a Jole and Mary E. McGregor, Rachel W elti, Alma Bllaon and --------- Bllaon. Harvey La Jole. Plaintiffs, her husband. George McGregor va. and ---------- McGregor, hie wife, Ellen La Jole. Ed I-a Jole, Fred I-a James McGregor and ---------- Mc­ Jole. Nellie Redding, Guy Red­ Gregor. hla wife,- O. L. Carlton ding. Elale Chllllson, Ben Chllll- as the administrator of tbe Estate aon, Lars Jacobson, Theodore of Frank McGregor, deceased, Parmenter, Anna l*armenter. Clarence Parmenter, Lottie Oom- and 8. M Calkins as administrator of the Eatate of Frank McGregor, bar, Tony Oombar. L. D. l.a Jole deceased, unknown heirs of Fran­ and Susan La Jole, hts wife. De­ cis H. McGregor, deceased. De­ fendants. fendants. To Anna Parmenter, irefendant; To Mary E. McGregor, Rachel tN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE W elti, Alma Bilson and ---------- Bll- O F OREOON: You are hereby re-! son, her husband, George McGregor qulred to nppear and answer the and ---------- McGregor, hla wife, complaint filed against you In the James McGregor and ---------- Mc­ above entitled suit within four Gregor his wife. O. L. Carlton as weeks front the date of the first the administrator of the Eatate of publication which date 1s June 11, Frank McGregor, deceased, un­ 1931. and If you fall to appear or an­ known heirs of Francis H. McGre­ swer for want thereof the plaintiffs gor, deceased. Defendants. will take a decree against you for IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE the relief as prayed for In the com­ O F OREOON: You are hereby re­ plaint, that plaintiffs and defend­ quired to appear and answer the ants be decreed to be the owners of amended complaint filed against All of the Lot numbered one and you In the above entitled eult with­ nil of the northwest quarter of the in four weeks from the date of the southwest quarter of Section 4, first publication of this summons Township 20 9. R. 3 West of W. M. and If you fall to answer tor want containing 40.84 acres. thereof the plaintiff will take a de­ All of the Southeast quarter of cree against you In the sum of the Southeast quarter In Section 1, 3860.00 with Interest thereon at 8% township 20 8. R. 4 West of W. M. per annum from the 31st day of containing 40 acres. September. 1929, until paid and the All of the west half of the south­ further sum of 3126.00 reasonable west quarter of the Southwest quar­ attorney's fees and for costs and ter of Section 4, township 20 8. R. disbursements of suit; that the 3 West of W. M. Containing 20 plaintiff be decreed to have a mort­ acres. All of the southeast quarter gage lien upon the following des­ of the northeast quarter, Section 13. cribed premises: Lot 2 In Block 5 township 20 S. R. 4 West of W. M. In Cheshire’s Addition to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, as security containing 40 acres. All of the NE quarter of the SW for the payment of said Judgment; quarter nnd the SW quarter of the that snld mortgage lien be fore­ SE quarter of Sec. 18, Tp. 20 8. R. closed and that said defendants and 3 West of W. M. In Ixine County, each of them be foreclosed of all right, title and Interest In and to Oregon containing 80 acres. In tho proportions as specified In said premises; that said premises the complaint; that said premises be sold and the proceeds be ap­ be sold by a referee In partition plied, first to the costa of sale, then end that the attorneys fees and ex­ Io the sums of money above spe­ penses of suit be paid from the pro­ cified and the balance If any to ceeds of sale nnd the balance be S. M. Calkins as the administrator divided among the owners and for of the Estate of Frank McGregor, such other relief as Is specified In deceased unless otherwise ordered by the court. The date of the ordei said complaint. The order of the court directing directing the service of this sum­ service of this summons by the mons by the publication thereof Is 23rd, 1931, and orders publication thereof Is dated June June 11th, 1931, and requires publication publication once each week for once each week for four successive four successive weeks, and the date weeks and the date of the first of the first publication of this sum­ mons Is June 26th. 1931. I publication Is June llt h , 1*31. C. A WINTERMEIER, Attorney C. A W IN T E R M E IE R , Attorney for plaintiff. Residence; Eugene, for Plaintiffs. Resident Eu­ Oregon. gene, Oregon. (J 36; J a » 1 8 - 3 8 ) (J 11-18-36; Ju 3 -•) COUNTY COURT NAMES CORONER ON Clarence V. Simon, deputy coro­ ner for Ixine county for many years under the late W W. Branstetler, was appointed coroner Friday hy the County Court to serve until Hie next general election Mr. Branetetter died at the Pacific Chriatlan hospital after an Illness Thursday of last week. To V isit in C alifornia— Mr and Mrs. Franx and family left Mon­ day for California points for a va­ cation. Jssnsr Resident Calls — O. W, Janita uf Jasper was a business visitor In Springfield Monday even­ ing N O T IC E O F SA L E N O T IC E Is hereby given that the Htate Ixurd Board of tbe Stale of Oregon, will receive sealed bids at Its office In the Capitol Build­ ing In Salem, Oregon, up to 10:00 o’clock A. 64. August 11, 1931, fur all of the State's Interest In the laku bed lands hereinafter dea- ci bed, giving, however, to tbe own­ er or owners of any lands abutting or fronting thereon, the preference right to purchase said lands at the highest price offered, providing such oiler Is made in good faith, u la o with the understanding that the purchaser la to pay the ex pens« of advertising and survey of the tract. In addition to the amount bid. also reserving to the Board Ihe right to reject any and all bids: Said lands are situated In Lane County, Oregon, and described as follows: Begluulng at tbe meander corner between sections Ig and I t , T. 16 8 H. 7 W. of W. M , on tbe west shore of Triangle Ldike, and running thence: N. 17” W. 2.50 chains along U. 8 government meander line. Thence N. 12' W. 3.00 chains along U. » government meander Hue. Thence N. 47* W. 3.29 chains. Thence leav­ ing U. 8. Gov’t meander line East O. 66 chains to west shore of T ri angle Lake. Thence 8. 64* 20’ E. 3.44 chains along west shore of Triangle Lake. Thence 8. 7* 33' E 6.71 chains. Thence Wegt 0.40 chains to place of beginning, con­ taining 0.64 acres. Applications should be accom­ panied by draft or certified check for the amount bid. and should be addressed to G. G. BROWN, CLERK O F S T A T E LA N D BOARD. SALEM. OREGON, and marked. “Application and bid tor purchase of lands In Triangle Lake, Lose County. Oregon.” Dated this June 23. 1931. G. G. BROWN. Clerk of State lan d Board. (J 2-9-16-23-30) connection wtth the w gram In the proposed wrestling tournament which b be­ Baseball, Golf. Bawling and Wrest ing promoted hy Al Kseney Keen­ ey Is endeavoring to procure a ling Planned for Conven­ colorful card with Jach Reynolds tion Visiters Admitted to Hospital — Charles end Robin Reed as the headliners Brewer of Fall Creek was admitted American Legion member» and on the wrestling program. Should to the Pacific t'hrtsttan hospital In Eugene the end of the week for visitor* at tbs *(ate convention tc Keeney’s plans materialise the be held at Corvallis August 4. 7, bouts wilt be held on the football medical care. . and 8. are assured of a full program atadium at Oregon State college. Leaves for Seattlp— Mrs. E. E. of athletics according to athletic Morrison has gone to Seattle to entertainment officials of the con COLLEGE WOULD KNOW »pend the summer with her daugh­ vent ton commission, Ralph Cole­ OF FREAK BLACKBERRIES ter. Verwlta. Her daughter drove man, Al Keeney. Cecil Blakely and here last week and took her mother Kay DsMos*. These will include New Strain* of Small Fruit Being Vlslta from Vonata — Mrs. the final* in the state Junior base­ Developed By Expert at Ex­ league, golf tournament*, Thomas Patrick of Veneta spent ball periment Station Tueeday In Springfield visiting and possibly a wrestling match. TOWN AND VICINITY FRIDAY Dismissed from Hospital — Mrs. E. Ge bi sc h of Fall Creek was dta- mlsaod from tbe Pacific Christian hospital Tuesday A. LEGIONNAIRES TO HAVE BIO ATHLETIC PROORAM Minor Operation — Mrs. A. C. with her sisters, Mrs. R. P. Morten­ Ralph Coleman, who I* baseball Wooley of Cuttago Grove submit­ sen and Mrs. M A. Pohl. coach at tbe state college. Is In ted to a minor operation at tbe of­ charge of the final* of the Junior Klamath Falls People Stop— Mr fice of a local physician Sunday. baseball tournament to be played and Mrs. Ralph L ily of Klamath Loaves for Tacoma— Mrs. Emma Falls stopped In Springfield for a on tbe college diamond. Prellmlnar Glson leaves today for Tacoma to short visit Monday at tbe home of le* are being played In all section* of the state at present and more spend the Fourth of July with her hla sister. Mrs. F. B. Flanery. interest than ever I* being shown brother. John Halite. Leaves for Home— Mr. and Mrs. ■ in the state final*, according to Visitor from Oakridge — C. E. Lee Cox left Saturday evening for Coleman. Th - collige baseball dia­ Nolf of Oakridge spent the week­ their home in Portland. Mrs. Cox mond. one of the best in the state, end visiting In Springfield. He re­ has been visiting her father Fred I* being kept In first class condi­ turned to bis home Tuesday. tion for the big tournament. Clover, for tbe past month. Visits from Oakridge Ed Clark of Oakridge was in Springfield on Monday to transact business In con­ nection with the liquidation of the Commercial State bank. Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs Baxter Fisher of Camp Creek are tbe parents of a baby daughter born to them early Saturday morning at the home of her mother. Mrs. Lena Visitor from Noti— Miss Effie Pollock on route 1. Montgomery of Notl spent tbe Portland People Coming — M r week-end here visiting her brother and Mrs. Elery G. Faye and Dr. and slster-ln law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam end Mrs. C. G. Van Valxah, all of Montgomery. Portland will spend tbe Fourth and tho week-end with relatives In this Portland Resident Here — Miss Abbie Massee of Portland »pent the city. Plan* are under way for Legion members to participate In golf and bowling tournaments. Cecil Grant Blakely I* chairman of the golf committee, and Ray DeMoss la In - harge of tbe bowling contest. Tbe golf tournament, open to all Legion, will be played on the Corvallis country club coarse on Friday, the second day of the convention. A cap will be presented the winning four-man team and another cap to the Indi­ vidual medalist Posts wishing to week-end In Springfield visiting Go to Colorado— Mr and Mrs. | with her sister. Mrs. N. W. Emery. W alter Llpes and daughters, Thel­ enter teams are asked to communi­ She returned to Portland Tuesday, j ma and Teddy, left Sunday for cate with Blakely as soon aa pos- slble. Montrose, Colorado. They w ill visit Daughter Born — Mr. and Mrs. The Corvallis post won the last tbelr mother and father, and sis­ George Danielson of Wendllng are ters. They w ill be gone two weeks, golf tournament at Salem In 1929 the parents of a baby daughter but tbe daughters will spend two and will be out to defend the cham­ born to them at the Eugene hos­ pionship this year. The champion­ months in Colorado. pital on Saturday June 27, 1931. ship team was composed of Dr. Picnic on Fall Creek. A group of Erney Quesinberry, Carl Lodell, New Service Man— M. L. Smith Springfield people Including Dr. Biakely and Bill Moyer. Lodell won Is serving as service man at tbe and Mrs. R. P. Mortensen and fam­ the Individual honors. All these Mountain States Power company ily, Mr. and Mrs. W illis Bertsch and divot diggers are eligible for the plant this week and next during family, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sch team this year. tbe annual vacation of H. H. Sch- uetzky spent Sunday on an outing This is tbe first year a bowling affenberg. ou Fall Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Bertacb tournament has been on the list To Live In Springfield— Mrs. Ma- went out on Saturday and spent the of events. Considerable Interest Is llnda Crenshaw of Cottage Grove night there. shown In the contest, according to has come to Springfield to make Ray DeMoss, who is In charge of her home with Mrs. Luella Bris- DALLAS MURPHY TRIES the affair. Several posts have al­ tow at the home of the latter, 420 ' ready sent In word they will enter NEW BOAT ON SUNDAY teams. I) street. Something that probably is caus­ Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy Californian Visits— Miss Jean- ing more talk than anything else in et'e English of Oakland. California, tried out a new boat Sunday after­ is spending some time in Spring- noon on the river. The boat la on« field visiting at the home of Mr. which Mr. Murphy had Veltle and Mrs. P. J Bartholomew. Miss Pruitt, pastor of the Christian Engli-h Is a niece of Mrs. Bartho­ church, and an ardent fisherman, i lomew. build for him. NO TICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE NO TIC E le hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Lane County. June 18. 1931, upon and pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said Court June 6. 1931, In a suit pending therein In which f’ortland Mqrtgage Co., a corpora lion, was plaintiff and Ruth Cooper, et. a t, was defendant, which ex­ ecution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real property hereinafter des crlbed to satisfy certain liens and charges In said decree specified, I will on Friday the 24th day of July. 1931. at the hour of 10 o’clock, a. m. at the southwest door of the Former Classmate Visits — Dr. County Court House In Eugene, la n e County, Oregon, offer for sale J. O. Van W inkle of Salem, at one and aell at public auction for cash, time a classmate of Dr. W. H. Poll­ subject to redemption as provided ard at W illam ette university, was by law. all of tbe right, title and a Sunday dinner guest at the Interest of the defendants In said suit and of all parties claiming by. Pollard home. He spent the past through or under them or any of week In Eugene attending the them since the 6th day of June, 1931. Methodist conference. In or to the following described real Fishes on South Fork— Oswald property, to-wlt: Lots numbered 35 and 36 In Block Olson spent Sunday fishing on the number 6. In Westmoreland Addi­ South Fork of the McKenzie. He tion to Eugene. Ixine County. Ore­ gon. as the same appears platted drove as far as the eight mile post and of record In the office of the and met others who bad been ax County Clerk of Lane County. Ore­ far as Hardy's cabin. There were gon. many people on the South Fork, Dated this 22nd dav of June, 1931 but fishing was not very good that H L. BOWN. Sheriff. By A. E. Hulegaard. Deputy, i day. (J-26; Ju. 2-9-16 23) SUM M O N8 IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E S TA TE OF OREOON. FOR Notice la hereby given that, by L A N E CO UN TY virtue of an execution and order to sell, issued out of the Circuit Bert Fegles and Gladys Fegles. Plaintiffs, Court of the State of Ortqron In vs. and for Lane County, upon a decree of said Court rendered and entered James W. Nelson, Mary Nelson. Charles T. Nelson and the un­ on the 28th day of May. 1931. In known heirs of James W . Nelson, a suit wherein Charles S. Cochran deceased and all other persons and Horace U. Cochran, as execu­ or parties unknown claiming any tors of the eatate of 8arah K Cochran, deceased, were plaintiffs • right, title, estate. Her. or Interest lrt8 the real estate described In and Harry W. Neet, as administra­ tor of the Estate of W. B. Cooper, the complaint herein. Defendants. deceased. Mery E. Denton. Lasells To James W. Nelson. Marv Nelson. Stewart et al. were defendants; , Charles T. Nelson and the unknown which execution was directed to heirs of James W. Nelson, deceased me and commands me to sell In and all other persons or parties un­ the manner provided by law the known claiming anv right, title lands herein described, to satisfy estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described In the comnlaint the Judgments therein specified: Now therefore, pursuant to said herein. Defendants. IN T H E N A M E OF T H E STATE command, 1 will on Monday, the 6lh dav of July, 1931. at one o'clock OF O R EG O N : You are hereby re­ In the afternoon, at the Southwest quired to anpear and answer the or main entrance to tbe County comnlaint filed aralnst von In the Courthouse In Eugene. Oregon, of­ above entitled suit within four fer for sale at public auction and weeks from the date of the first sell to the highest bidder for cash, publication of this summons and If subject to redemption as provided vnu fall to anpenr or answer for by law, all of the interests of all want thereof the plaintiff will take the defendants In said suit In and ' a decree against you and each of to the following described lands, vou for the relief as praved for In situated In Lane County. Oregon, the complaint, to-wlt; That the plaintiffs against von and each of towlt: Beginning at the Northwest cor­ you be decreed to be the absolute ner of the James H. McFarland A owners In fee simple of. and yon W’lfe don. land cl. No. 68 In Town­ and each of von he enjoined and ship 20 South. Range 3 West of forover barred from claiming any W illam ette meridian; and running right title, e«tale. Hen or interest West on claim line 39.45 chains to In and to the following described section line between sections 30 premises: nnd 21, thence North on section Beglnn’nc at a point In "the West line 26.25 chains to the quarter line nf the James G. Mitchell and section corner, thence East 19.98, wife Donation Land Claim No. 68 chains to the Northeast xorner of i Notf. 7031 Township 18 South Ixit 2 in section 21, South 6.37 range 2 West. W illam ette M eri­ chains to the North line of the John dian. 16.88 chains North of the Cochran A W ife don. land cl. No. Southwest corner thereof run­ 65 In said township, thence East ning thence East 43.766 chains; on elalm line 44.84 chains, thence thence North 400 feet; thence South 9 chains to the railroad right { East 146.1 feet to the east line of way of the Southern Pacific Com­ of said elalm; thence North 6.22 pany. thence South 88*47' West chains; thence West 46 chains to along said right of way 38.38 chains the west line of sRld claim and to the center of the Coast Fork thence South 12.38 chains to the River, thence along the meanders of place of beginning, containing 66 said rlwer to Its Intersection with the acres, .more or less all In Lane East line of said claim No. 68 and Countv, Oregon. thence North on said line to the And n further decree clearing the place of beginning; 321.05 acres of title of said premises and for such land: other relief as to the court may ap­ Excepting 2.93 acres conveyed to pear equitable. The order of the the City of Cottage Grove; also court directing service of this sum­ excepting 3.37 acres conveyed to mons hy the publication thereof Is Lane County; also excepting a dated June 29th, 1931. and required tract of land conveyed by deed re­ publication each week for four suc­ corded on page 603 of Vol. 106 of cessive weeks and that you appear the Deed records of Lane County, and answer within four weeks from Oregon; and also excepting the the date of first publication. First tract of land described In the deed publication of this summons Is July recorded on page 639 of Vol. 100 2. 1931. of said Deed Records. C. A. W IN T E R M E IE R , Attor­ H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lana ney for Plaintiffs. Residence; County, Oregon.. Eugene. Oregon. 1 (J 3-9-14 23-38) (J 4-11-18-18: J a I ) | members of tbe W ith the ripening of Ihe wild blackberries or dewberries In Ore­ gon. Dr. Oenrge W. Darrow, head of the federal small fruit research work, once more «ends out an up- peai to the people of the state, ask­ ing that the finding of any “freak” berries or berries of unusual qual­ ity be reported to him. Dr. Darrow Is now stationed at the Oregon Ex- pelment station, CovalHs. A large number of unusual types of blackberries, reported to Dr Darrow as the result of a similar request last year, have been col­ lected and are now being used in special breeding work at tbe sta tlon. Dr. Darrow and other hottcultural specialists of Oregon State college are also turning their attention to the development of an Improved loganberry—one that will be firm ­ er, larger, sweeter, earlier, later, thornless or resistant to disease. T h a t's D iffe ren t Lieutenant (roaring at steward): Who told you to put those flowers on the table? Steward: The commander, sir. Lieutenant: Pretty, aren't they? —Gas News. MAN THIN AS R A IL - IRON ADDS 10 POUNDS "I was tired, run-down and thin as a rail. Since taking Vlnol, I sleep well, feel better and have gained 10 pounds.”— R. A. Crom­ berg. Thin, run-down, nervous men or women need the help of Iron, lime and cod liver peptone as contained in Vinol. Even the first bottle brings new pep. a good appetite and sound sleep. Aids digestion, and makes red blood. Tastes delicious. Get a bottle of Vlnol today. The re­ sults w ill amaze you! Ketels Drug Store. Fulop’s Dept. Store B etter Service Inm ate of Asylum (to farmer on tru ck): Hey! W hat are you going to do with that fertilizer? Farmer: Why. I'm going to put it on my strawberries. Inmate: I'm glad I ’m here. Farmer: Why? Inmate: Because we get sugai and cream on our strawberries.— Ohio Bell. SPRINGFIELD OREGON W e e k -E n d S p e c ia ls Here is Your Opportunity to Get Fashion Right Mer­ chandise, Fresh and New, at Prices You Never Dream­ ed Could Be Possible. $1.25 Girls fast color Dresses, latest style and fabrics ................................................ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF LAND Why is an Acme Quality H ouse P a in t job like a f good suit o f clothes? 69c $1.50 Ladies’ Wash Dress, good assortment 98c $2.25 Nashua Double Sheet Blankets ...... . 51.48 $5.00 Nashua Double Wood Mixed Blankets 52.98 $2.75 Gray W’ool Mixed Camp Blankets ...... 51.98 $1.50 Men’s Khaki Pants ........... 98c $5.00 Men’s Dress Wool Pants .......... ......... 52.98 $1.25 Boy’s Dress Cap ..._............................... ......... 69c $1.25 Men’s Light Weight Union Suits ............... 89C 50c Extra Large Turkish Towels .................... 39c 40c Extra Large Turkish Towels ......... ..... ........... 25c $1.50 Full Size Sheets, Heavy free of starch 98c $4 .00 - $5.00 Corsets and Corselets . 98c $5.00 All Wool Bathing Suits .............. - 52.98 Children Bathing Suits, sunback 89c FINELY-TAILORED suit o f clo th es often cost* only a few dollars more than a "shoddy,** "hand-me-down" suit. But for these few extra dol­ lars you get extra xiy/e and extra quality. And your good clothes 9-4 Heavy Bleached Sheeting, guaranteed outwear the cheap suit, twice for 2 years. Yd..................... ........................ 34c over. In the end they actually ou/ Itts than the shoddy kind. 9-4 Heavy Unbleached Sheeting, guaranteed An Acme Quality NEW ERA for 2 years, Yd.................. ..................... 29c House ^sint job is like a good Heavy Bleached or Unbleached Muslin Yd. 10c suit of clothes, because it offers the same sound economy. You All 25c Fast Color Prints 18c may pay 50c to 75c per gallon $1.50 to $2.00 Boys’ and Girls’ Sweaters 98c less for ordinary house paint. But you don't got us much! Every $3.50 to $5.00 Ladles* Sport Shoes 52.98 gallon of NEW ERA goes 30% farther. So you buy fewer gallons Heavy Men’s Work Shoes, Standard Brand 52.48 —get a finer appearing job— $1.60 Men’s Genuine Broadcloth Shirts In all and 60% longor lift. Actually colors ..._..... .................. ,........................... 98c you save money. Would you like to know how mucb.f We can $1.50 Humming Bird Full Fashion Silk Hose, tell you aa applied to your house. Special .................. ............... ...... 51 OO Come in and soo us before you $5.00 - $6.00 Ladies’ Silk Umbrellas 52-98 buy any house paint. N o obli­ gation. Heavy Bleached Muslin, yard 10c A Heavy Yard Wide Outing, white or figured, yd, $1.25 Table Damask, yard $1.25 Curtain S e t .... ........................... All 25c High Grade Fast Color P r in ts...... 15c 69c 89c 18c Not in years have prices reached so low a level. Seldom have been able to offer such an assortment of extra-value merchandise. Wright & Sons HARDWAR HARDWARE— FURNITUR! FAINT Fulop’s Dept. Store THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD